Total Systemic Failure? (Garnett, 2018) Science of The Total Environment

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Science of the Total Environment 626 (2018) 684–688

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Total systemic failure?

Philip Garnett
York Cross-disciplinary Centre for Systems Analysis & School of Management, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5GD, United Kingdom


• Is the potential for total systemic failure something that we should be actively concerned about?
• Complexity theory and complex networks should be part of the methodological tool kit that we use to model and understand the Anthropocene.
• Artificial intelligence could be used to help us measure and intervene in complex systems.


Article history: While the world argues about whether climate change is real, what if all systems are failing? This paper
Received 8 November 2017 seeks to ignite further discussion concerning human impact on all aspects of our environment as we move
Received in revised form 8 January 2018 further into the Anthropocene, not only in terms of the pressure we produce, but also how our activity
Accepted 8 January 2018 changes the nature of the relationships between Earth’s systems. The paper suggests that we currently lack
Available online xxxx
the tools and analytical capacity to understand the significance of these changes and therefore we cannot
Editor: D. Barcelo
answer the question, “are all systems failing?”. We discuss how complexity theory, complex networks, and
Artificial Intelligence, could contribute part of a solution.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Artificial Intelligence

1. Introduction lack sufficient knowledge in a number of key areas, including the

extent to which global systems are threatened, the degree to which
Helbing (2013) proposed the establishment of a Global Systems systems are inter-dependent and connected, and significantly how
Science as a response to the problems of instability in our highly this complex network of systems will respond to change or failure
connected world. This proposal was partly in recognition that there in connecting systems. We lack detailed understanding of the nature
needs to be greater focus on the consequences of increasing connec- or character of the connections between and within systems, and
tivity between (and perhaps within) systems for the stability of the therefore the significance of their loss is also unknown. Put simply
global system-of-systems that is our environment. These real-world our systemic understanding of the world needs improvement if we
complex adaptive systems often display resilience to, and the ability are to understand the consequences of the changes that mark the
to adapt to, internal change and external drivers (Gunderson, 2000; Anthropocene.
Walker et al., 2004). However, what we do not know is how far these If we accept that we live in a global system-of-systems, where it is
systems can be pushed before they either radically shift (into a per- not unreasonable to suggest that feedbacks exist within and between
haps unrecognisable state), or fail altogether, although some work all systems that have a significant role in the security of human civil-
has started to try to address, or at least draw attention to this issue isation, abandoning any possibility that the global environment is a
(Carpenter et al., 2011; Dai et al., 2012; Brook et al., 2013; Hughes set of discrete systems. We have to accept that changes or failures
et al., 2013; Lenton and Williams, 2013; Bentley et al., 2014). We in one system feedback into the other systems; that all systems are
intimately connected in ways that we currently do not fully under-
stand (Buldyrev et al., 2010; Helbing, 2013). For global systems that
E-mail address: [email protected]. are increasingly under pressure from human activity, what are the
0048-9697/© 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.
P. Garnett / Science of the Total Environment 626 (2018) 684–688 685

potential consequences of this connectivity and feedback for system that has an opinion on the value of the current state. However we
stability, and what are the consequences of our lack of knowledge as elements in a system would like to have that ability, and with
of how systems respond to internal dynamics and external drivers it the knowledge to steer a system into a state that is more advan-
to our understanding of how systems might fail in the real world? tageous to our survival. (In some ways this was the holy grail of
This paper seeks to promote discussion of these problems, and will systems research, the ability to make precise changes that affected
explore the possibility that human civilisation could undergo total system state.) Large global complex systems are at best quasi-stable,
systemic failure. Failure that could in part be due to the connec- systems come under exogenous and endogenous influences all the
tivity in global systems. Lack of knowledge means that we do not time and as a consequence are never truly static. The current state
know if this failure is inevitable and already happening (perhaps might be enough of an attractor that the quasi-stability is relatively
on a temporal scale what we are not sensitive to), or if the global stable, or the system might be slowly moving through phase-space
system-of-systems will prove resilient. Perhaps most likely, and on a trajectory of changing state. Alternatively, as would be the case
therefore most importantly, our future security as a species will for something like a Lorenz attractor, the system might be orbiting
require significant changes in our behaviour, and interventions in an attractor, but have the capacity to jump and orbit a new attractor
global systems. Knowing how and where to make those interven- (Lorenz, 1963). Each representing different states for that system.
tions is essential. The problem however, if we take the climate system as an example,
there is nothing to guarantee that both states will support human
2. Complex adaptive systems, networks, and chaos Climate change is potentially a good example of this. Our planet
will likely have some sort of climate for a very long time, it might
One definition of a system is a set of elements or objects that act just not be one which can support life. The ever-increasing quanti-
together as part of a process or mechanism (Turcotte and Rundle, ties of CO2 in the atmosphere may result in a state change in the
2002), or form part of an network (Boccaletti et al., 2006). For climate system. That could be a slow trajectory of ever-increasing
example the financial system is the result of the interactions of a set temperatures (potentially reversible), or perhaps a rapid jump to
of financial organisations, such as banks, hedge funds, and regulators. a new state of significantly increased temperatures (potentially
The complexity comes in the form of the difficulty (or potential irreversible, or significantly harder to reverse), a process known as
impossibility) of predicting how that system will behave by looking hysteresis (Barnosky et al., 2012).
at the interactions (or relationships) of the parts alone. We may think System behaviour gets even more complex when we consider
that we understand the types of interactions occurring between the that systems do not stand in isolation, free from interference from
banks, hedge funds, and regulators for example. However, complex- their environment or other systems (their environment of other
ity theory shows us that this is not enough to predict the behaviour systems). They are highly connected, to the point where with many
of the financial system. Simple interactions between the parts of a systems it is difficult to determine the start of one and the end of
complex system can result in emergent behaviours (Funtowicz and another, or the end of the system and the start of its environment
Ravetz, 1994), a property elegantly demonstrated by Conway’s Game (Vespignani, 2010). For global systems there is no outside; all global
of Life (for description see Schulman and Seiden (1978)). The global systems are connected, and we are in them. (It is often necessary, and
behaviour of the system is often referred to as its state, and we advantageous, for researchers to draw arbitrary boundaries around
talk about systems changing state and therefore changing behaviour. systems to have any hope of understanding their system of study
Complex systems are able to adapt to changing external inputs (Allen, 2001). These simplifications are a requirement of tractability,
from their environment, the parts can change the way they interact but could introduce flawed assumptions, possibly rendering the
with each other, and the parts themselves can also change, without model of the system invalid).
there necessarily being a significant change in the emergent global
behaviour or system state (Holland, 1992).
Unfortunately we cannot yet predict or measure how much 3. Systemic failure
change would equate to a perceptibly different system. A system
could go through a slow and smooth transition over a period of Here it is useful to consider two possible ways that a system can
time long enough that the systems around it adapt in the same way, fail. One is from the point of view of the system, and the other is the
and to us (with our short memories) they might fail to register as point of view of some or all of the parts in the system. In the first
different. Alternatively a system could shift rapidly, causing a major instance a systemic failure would describe a situation where a failure
disruption; a tipping point (Brook et al., 2013; Bentley et al., 2014). in one part of the system, or parts of the system, propagates through
Whether or not a tipping point is more significant than slow evolu- the whole system resulting in the disappearance of the global system
tion of a system is debatable. A slow and gradual change into a hostile behaviour. The interacting parts can no longer produce that emer-
state still brings you to that hostile sate, and slowness is merely a gent global behaviour (or any other emergent behaviour), the parts
question of relative scale. Our obsession with rapid changes is more are not interacting any more. This could be due to loss of nodes from
down to our relatively short-term outlook as a species, or a conse- the system, or the breakdown of the relationships between nodes.
quence of the shortness of our individual lifespans when compared We have to be a little cautious in how we describe this disruption
with changes in the environment. If the result is a hostile environ- to the emergent system behaviour. It is not the same as a system
ment we should be as concerned about slow systemic shifts as we are changing state, it is the total loss of the systemic behaviour.
tipping points. Given time all state changes are significant to humans The second possibility for failure could be from the point of view
as a population, be they tipping point failures, collapse, or slow and of some parts of the system. Here the system becomes hostile to
relentless shift. The main differences being that if the change is slow some of its parts, that might have severe consequences for those
and gradual it might be easier to reverse the change and steer the parts, but represents merely a process of adaptation or change at the
system back towards a more advantageous state. system level. These events are undoubtedly happening all the time,
This notion of changing of state is perhaps in itself problematic. particularly in natural systems. It is from our point of view (as a part)
To talk of maintaining a particular state, or one state being advanta- where these changes might appear as a systemic failure. Where a
geous to another, makes sense from the view of a particular element system that we rely on appears to fail catastrophically and can no
of that system (i.e. humans), but does not really mean very much longer perform the function on which we are dependent, but really
from position of the system as a whole. There is no central evaluator it is carrying on in some other state.
686 P. Garnett / Science of the Total Environment 626 (2018) 684–688

Propagation of failure, and therefore how systems fail, is difficult and understanding safe operating spaces for social-ecological sys-
to predict (Alexander et al., 2004). A system could lose nodes (parts tems is non-trivial (Rockstrom et al., 2009; Dearing et al., 2014).
of the system), or numerous edges (relationships between the parts) How close these systems are to failure is a difficult question to
could be broken, and very little visible change may occur. However, address, as “we do not know exactly where to locate thresholds of
at some point the loss or breakage might get to a point where the sys- irreversibility” (Falk and Stein, 1970).
tem’s failure stops being solely caused by external forces and starts One system that did at least appear to be close to systemic fail-
being driven by the internal dynamics of the system itself. The failure ure was global finance during the crash of 2008, where according
could then propagate rapidly throughout the entire system (Watts, to media reports banks in the UK were perhaps only hours away
2002; Wu et al., 2006). The 2007–8 banking crisis could potentially from switching off the cash machines. The experience of the finan-
have been a systemic failure of this type, parts started to fail in iso- cial and banking sector during the financial crisis allows us to make a
lation at first but it quickly started to look like the whole banking number of important points and draw a number of comparisons. The
system was under threat (Haldane and May, 2011). crash of 2008 was an unexpected systemic crisis, that was at least in
Failure can become even more unpredictable when we think part due to the connectivity of the system and a lack of understand-
in the context of systems-of-systems. The interaction between two ing of how the parts were interacting. There was a global response
semi-discrete systems may make it even more difficult to determine to the crisis, and the world mobilised very quickly in response to
that a system is under threat and how significant that threat is. It the existential risk of financial catastrophe, with large bail-outs and
could be the breakage and losses in a different but connected sys- other forms of liquidity being provided to the sector. An exact total
tem that cause the sudden and unforeseen failure of a system that cost of the financial crisis would be difficult to calculate, however
was thought to be robust (Vespignani, 2010; Motter, 2004). We also the reported total EU bailouts of member states is approximately
have to consider that relationships between systems might be the €544 billion (from successive rounds of financial support (EU, 2016)).
product of relationships between emergent processes, rather than The UK National Audit Office reports that peak support for UK banks
the interactions of simple elements. An intuitive example of this was around UK£1.162 trillion (NAO), the US treasury’s Emergency
would be human society, where each individual is a complex system, Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 provided US$700 billion to banks
and the society is an emergent property of the interactions of the (Economic, 2008), and the Chinese economic stimulus program was
individuals. This complexity at multiple scales (both physical and reported to be US$586 billion (Barboza, 2008). In addition there
temporal) makes the system level behaviours even more difficult to has been successive rounds of quantitative easing in the US, UK,
predict, as they are emergent properties of emergent relationships. Japan, and Sweden. Was this the best response to the crisis? Per-
There is one further feature of complex systems that we should haps not, and it could be argued that the financial system has not
consider, inertia. System inertia is where it would appear that sub- fully recovered, and we do not know what might be coming in the
sequent to a shock a system does not appear to change. This could future. Had we had a better understanding of global finance as a com-
either be because the system is resilient to the shock, or because plex system, then (assuming that the crisis was not simply avoided)
there is sufficient inertia in the system that the change does not reg- perhaps a more targeted response could have been made.
ister immediately, but it could come at some point in the future. What is also interesting about the response to an existential risk
We should entertain the possibility that the inertia in global sys- to the financial system is that there was in fact a global response,
tems is the reason why we are not witnessing significant changes with similar tools being deployed by multiple nations together. It
in response to the forces and shocks imposed by human activity. It has also been noted that bailouts dwarf spending on other global
is not because they are resilient, but because system inertia simply crises (Anderson et al., 2008). This again highlights the significance
means that the reaction to our action has just not arrived yet, fail- of the interactions and feedbacks between global systems. Different
ure could be coming. Here it is the multiple temporal scales that is social and political systems (which are tightly linked to the financial
significant, failure could be occurring on a different temporal scale system), allowed for the intervention in the financial system. There
to human life. For decades the composition of the atmosphere has was resistance (from the ‘people’) however it was not enough to
been changing, and for decades very little seemed to be happening. stop the response (or change its nature) and for better or worse the
Only now are we starting to see the system react as average surface financial system was bailed out. Social and political systems are also
temperatures have started to change (Mann et al., 2008), potentially tightly linked to the climate system, however in this case we seem
therefore it is happening at a different temporal scale. We could eas- to be struggling to respond in a coordinated way, or on a sufficient
ily be seeing the very beginning of the reaction to our action, and that scale, and the resistance this time seems to be more political.
reaction could massively accelerate in future decades. The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, produced
for the United Kingdom Government late in 2006, made a central
recommendation that 1% per annum of the then global GDP should
3.1. Total systemic failure? be spent to stabilise global atmospheric CO2 e at around 500 to
550 ppm, which was then later revised to 2% of global GDP per
If we accept that we exist within a complex systems-of-systems, annum in 2008 (Stern, 2007; Jowit and Wintour, 2008). In 2006
built by the interactions between parts that produce emergent sys- global GDP was reported by the World Bank to be approximately
tem behaviours, and that the emergent behaviour of the supra- US$51.3 trillion, rising to US$63.4 trillion in 2008, and it currently
system is therefore an emergent property of the interactions stands at about US$75.8 trillion (World Bank, 2017). 2% of $70 trillion
between subsystems. Then what can we say about whether, at least dollars would be roughly US$1.4 trillion per year for 8 years, or about
from the point of view of human civilisation, we are likely to be US$11.4 trillion. Not an insignificant sum of money, however not
confronted with total systemic failure? Or indeed whether we are beyond what countries could afford should ‘they’ want to, and is not
already experiencing total systemic failure? that different in magnitude to the funds provided to the financial
Real world examples of systemic failure in social, ecological, and sector. The exact comparative cost is not the important issue, both
physical systems are thankfully historically rare, although unfortu- cost calculations are fraught with difficulties because it is not sim-
nately not historically absent (Kappenman, 2003; La Forgia et al., ply the case that money is spent but assets are also acquired and
2004; Karabanov et al., 2004; Freed and Samson, 2004). However, economies stimulated in complex ways (its a complex system). What
this is small comfort as we do not have to look very hard to see is an important issue is that in the case of the financial system we
that numerous systems are under significant pressure (Fahrig, 2003; were unable to see the crisis coming, and therefore were not able to
Guerra et al., 2006; Bradshaw et al., 2007; Tscharntke et al., 2012), respond appropriately, and now must hope that in the long term our
P. Garnett / Science of the Total Environment 626 (2018) 684–688 687

intervention proves to be successful and not actually have done more grail of complexity theory, an ability to determine which parts of a
harm than good. In the case of the climate system it would seem system should be altered to produce the desired systemic change,
that in all likelihood we can see the crisis coming but are unable to might not be impossible. However, complex networks might allow
collectively respond. Our thinking is not systemic. us to assess global systems as a systemic whole, rather than discrete
At present we do not have the tools (computational or otherwise), parts, and AI could be used to assist with the design of the models
language, or understanding to address this problem of knowing how to test hypotheses, and the analysis and collection of sensory data.
and when a system is going to react. Our ability to even map complex The possibility of the human civilisation undergoing systemic
systems, particularly in the real world, is limited, and the holy grail failure is not new, ideas such as the limits of growth and sus-
of complexity science of being able to then make precise interven- tainable development have been discussed at least since the 1970s
tions that produce predictable changes remains elusive (Brehmer, (Ekins, 1993). The central problem with this debate seems to be
1992; Allen, 2001). It might even be the case that the level of preci- around whether or not human activity is having a significant impact
sion dreamt of is impossible; there are no levers to pull. We should on global systems. The idea that our environment is composed of
also be mindful that intervention might also have its own unintended isolated, discrete systems, that do not influence each other should
consequences, knowing when not to act because a system is in the be abandoned. From a complex systems perspective it simply makes
process of adapting is as important. What therefore can we do? no sense that our presence and activity are not impacting all global
systems. The question should be to what degree are these systems
connected, what feedbacks exist, and where is human activity cre-
4. Complex networks and Artificial Intelligence
ating the most pressure. Ultimately, we should seek to understand
how global systems might fail, what systemic failure might look like
Complex networks are an intuitive method by which complex
in the real world, and how close systems are to failure.
systems can be characterised and perhaps understood. Networks are
Unfortunately that does not seem to be happening. The nature
made up of nodes that often represent objects, such as a bank, or
of our response to the possibility of a given systemic failure would
person. Edges (connections) between the nodes capture some rela-
appear to be more dependant on ideology than systemic thinking,
tionship between the two objects; Bank A owes money to Bank B,
and in the case of climate change this could prove catastrophic. The
Alice is friends with Bob, Bob owes money to Bank B. For this rea-
possibility of severe changes in our climate should not be dismissed
son complexity theory maps well onto complex networks (Mitchell,
as ‘fake news’, a hoax, or conspiracies against economic development,
and the fact that it is could prove to be a contributing factor in the
Network structure, as defined by connections between the
failure of the climate system. From the point of view of a systemic
nodes, tells us something about that system, e.g. friendship groups
response to the possibility of climate change, the paralysis in the
(communities) or information flow. These regions (along with other
political system could constitute a systems failure in its own right.
warning signals (Scheffer et al., 2009, 2012)) might provide a way
A failure in the political system would feedback into the climate
of characterising the state of a system. Different network structures
system. Could that result in a cascade failure of both systems?
could be associated with stability, or with instability. Others still
To mitigate the possibility of total systemic failure regional inter-
might map to regions of structural dependency, and/or the propen-
ests would need to give way to global interest, and we would need
sity for failure. This is not a precise lever of change, but more a way
to mobilise a response greater and even more coordinated than our
of assessing the health of a system, and providing some indication of
response to the possible failure of the financial sector in 2008. The
where we might intervene. Thus perhaps complex networks present
question is how? Such a response looks increasingly less likely, par-
an approach to modelling the Anthropocene (Lövbrand et al., 2009;
ticularly in a world of increasing isolationism, self-interest, and social
Verburg et al., 2016). Networks of global systems could be built, and
and media echo chambers. Global complex systems do not respect
models developed to highlight areas of potential concern, computer
borders, making it hard to see how any state or group could act
modelling could then be used to simulate what could happen to these
alone. Perhaps then we need to think more in terms of distributed
systems in the future.
interventions in systems, rather than top-down global regulation.
Mapping and then analysing systems, particularly those on a
Natural systems do not have centralised control systems, the con-
global scale, is a significant challenge. The analysis of dynamic
trol is decentralised and is in fact an emergent property of the
networks, where nodes and edges come and go, is particularly chal-
interaction of the parts of the system. With gridlock and division
lenging as it is difficult to robustly attach significance to any one
in global politics (Hale et al., 2013), perhaps numerous adaptive,
node or edge, or predict if any given node or edge might disap-
decentralised, smaller interventions (supported by data collection,
pear or new one form (Newman et al., 2011). Not only the network
modelling, and AI) offer a solution where no global consensus is
structure (topology) is of significance, but also the character of the
forthcoming. If we can make creative use of technologies, such as
components and how the network changes. The increasing capac-
sensory networks supported or designed by AI, locally deployed but
ity in artificial intelligence (AI) and computing power presents itself
globally linked, perhaps this could support a decentralised response
as an opportunity. Perhaps AI could be used to design the sensory
to global systemic issues.
networks, and build the appropriately abstracted models required
to monitor and analyse global systems. We ourselves might struggle
to determine the significant of connectivity in systems, however we Acknowledgements
might be successful in designing AIs that can.
This work draws from research conducted on the Tipping Points
project supported by the Leverhulme Trust at Durham University,
5. Conclusions UK.

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