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Change Management: The Prosci


Systems and Tools for Collection

Prosci Change

Managing Change
Methodology Collection
Tutorial 2 of 4

In Brief: This tutorial provides a definition and summary of each of the main areas for change
management based on Prosci's benchmarking research with more than 3400 organizations over the
last 16 years. For more tools and resources:

Scope of change management

The purpose of defining the change management areas is to ensure that there is a common
understanding among readers. Tools or components of change management include:

 Change management process

 Defining change management
 Readiness assessments
 Communications and communication planning
 Coaching and manager training for change management
 Training and employee training development
 Sponsor activities and sponsor roadmaps
 Resistance management
 Data collection, feedback analysis and corrective action
 Celebrating and recognizing success

Change management process

The change management process is the sequence of steps or activities that a change management team
or project leader would follow to apply change management to a project or change. Based on Prosci's
research of the most effective and commonly applied change, we have created a change management
process that contains the following three phases:

Phase 1 - Preparing for change (Preparation, assessment and strategy development)

Phase 2 - Managing change (Detailed planning and change management implementation)

Phase 3 - Reinforcing change™ (Data gathering, corrective action and recognition)

The adjacent illustration depicts a high level snapshot of Prosci’s 3-Phase Change Management Process.*
As a proven platform, it structures a repeatable process combining strategic planning and actionable
tasks that manage the people side of change. Phase 1 planning and strategies occur pre-change. Before
the change initiatives. The change happens in Phase 2, once the plans are developed and executed.
Phase 3 occurs post-change. Analysis and evaluation of results reinforces the desired outcome.

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Change Management: The Systems and Tools for Managing Change

Defining change management

It is important to note what change management is and what change management is not, as defined by
the majority of research participants.

Change management is NOT Change management IS

 A stand-alone process for designing a  The processes, tools and techniques for managing the
business solution people-side of change
 A process improvement method  A method for reducing and managing resistance to
 A stand-alone technique for improving change when implementing process, technology or
organizational performance organizational change
 Documentation version control  A necessary component for any organizational
 Just a communications plan performance improvement process to succeed,
 Just managing resistance including programs like Six Sigma, Business Process
Reengineering, Total Quality Management,
Organizational Development, restructuring and
continuous process improvement
 How we drive the adoption and usage we need to
realize business results

Prosci's definition of change management: Change management is the application of a structured

process and set of tools for leading the people side of change to achieve a desired outcome.

Readiness assessments
These assessments are tools used by a change management team or project leader to assess the
organization's readiness to change. Readiness assessments can include organizational assessments,
culture and history assessments, employee assessments, sponsor assessments and change assessments.
Each tool provides the project team with insights into the challenges and opportunities they may face
during the change process.

 Assess the scope of the change, including: How big is this change? How many people are
affected? Is it a gradual or radical change?
 Assess the readiness of the organization impacted by the change, including: What are the value-
systems and backgrounds of the impacted groups? How much change is already going on?
What type of resistance can be expected?
 Assess the strengths of your change management team.
 Assess the change sponsors and take the first steps to enable them to effectively lead the
change process.

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Change Management: The Systems and Tools for Managing Change

Communications and communication planning

Many managers assume that if they communicate clearly
with their employees, their job is done. However, there are To communicate effectively, consider:
many reasons why employees may not hear or understand  Who you are communicating with
what their managers are saying the first time around. In
 What you say
fact, you may have heard that messages need to be
repeated 5 to 7 times before they are cemented into the  When you say it

minds of employees. That is because each employee’s

readiness to hear depends on many factors.

For example, the first step in managing change is building awareness around the need for change and
creating a desire among employees. Therefore, initial communications are typically designed to create
awareness around the business reasons for change and the risk of not changing. Likewise, at each step in
the process, communications should be designed to share the right messages at the right time.

Communication planning, therefore, begins with a careful analysis of the audiences, key messages and
the timing for those messages. The change management team or project leaders must design a
communications plan that addresses the needs of front-line employees, supervisors and executives. Each
audience has particular needs for information based on their role in the implementation of the change.

Sponsor activities and sponsor roadmaps

Business leaders and executives play a critical sponsor role in change management. The change
management team must develop a plan for sponsor activities and help key business leaders carry out
these plans. Sponsorship should be viewed as the most important success factor. Avoid confusing the
notion of sponsorship with support. The CEO of the company may support your project, but that is not
the same as sponsoring your initiative.

Sponsorship involves active and visible participation by senior business leaders throughout the process.
Unfortunately many executives do not know what this sponsorship looks like. A change agent's or project
leader's role includes helping senior executives do the right things to sponsor the project.

Coaching and manager training for change management

Supervisors will play a key role in managing change. Ultimately, the direct supervisor has more influence
over an employee’s motivation to change than any other person at work. Unfortunately, supervisors as a
group can be the most difficult to convince of the need for change and can be a source of resistance. It is
vital for the change management team and executive sponsors to gain the support of supervisors and to
build change leadership. Individual change management activities should be used to help these
supervisors through the change process.

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Change Management: The Systems and Tools for Managing Change

Once managers and supervisors are on board, the change management team must prepare a coaching
strategy. They will need to provide training for supervisors including how to use individual change
management tools with their employees.

Training and training development

Training is the cornerstone for building knowledge about the change and the required skills. Project team
members will develop training requirements based on the skills, knowledge and behaviors necessary to
implement the change. These training requirements will be the starting point for the training group or
the project team to develop training programs.

Resistance management
Resistance from employees and managers is normal. Persistent resistance, however, can threaten the
success of a project. The change management team needs to identify, understand and manage resistance
throughout the organization. Resistance management is the processes and tools used by managers and
executives with the support of the project team to manage employee resistance.

Data collection, feedback analysis and corrective action

Employee involvement is a necessary and integral part of managing change. Managing change is not a
one way street. Feedback from employees is a key element of the change management process. Analysis
and corrective action based on this feedback provides a robust cycle for implementing change.

Celebrating and recognizing success

Early successes and long-term wins must be recognized and celebrated. Individual and group recognition
is also a necessary component of change management in order to cement and reinforce the change in
the organization. The final step in the change management process is the after-action review. It is at this
point that you can stand back from the entire program, evaluate successes and failures, and identify
process changes for the next project. This is part of the ongoing, continuous improvement of change
management for your organization and ultimately leads to change competency.

*Available as a “Do-It-Yourself” option for immediate access to the methodology and tools:

Prosci’s Change Management Pilot Professional available on:

Also learn more about Prosci's acclaimed 3-day Certification Program:

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Change Management: The Systems and Tools for Managing Change

Ten components and tools to help you manage change
These ten elements comprise the areas or components of a change management program. Along with the change
management process, they create a system for managing change. Good project managers apply these components
effectively to ensure project success, avoid the loss of valued employees, and minimize the negative impact of the
change on productivity and a company's customers. The Prosci Change Management Certification Program is a great
option for hands-on learning about these eight elements and other tools for managing change. Visit to learn more.

Learn more about Prosci – Manage Change, Maximize Performance

Prosci’s uniquely integrated system of models, Portfolio of Solutions:
tools and processes enables your organization to strategically Select from Prosci’s suite of
offerings to customize a
execute change at three levels: 1) With individuals through the solution for your organization
popular Prosci ADKAR Model; 2) On projects through the robust Research

Prosci 3-Phase Process; 3) As a competency across the organization  Methodology
 Tools
through the cutting-edge Prosci Enterprise Change Management
 Training +1-970-203-9332
Suite. Prosci’s sole focus is helping individuals and organizations  Books 1367 S. Garfield Ave,
build their own change management capability.  Licensing Loveland, CO USA

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