1 Sps Tabino Vs Tabino

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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 196219 July 30, 2014


LAZARO M. TABINO, Respondent.



This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 seeks to set aside the August 25, 2010 Decision2 of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 107957, entitled "Lazaro M Tabina, Petitioner, versus
Spouses Mauricio Tabina and Leonila dela Cruz-Tabina, Respondents," as well as its March 18,
2011 Resolution3 denying reconsideration of the assailed judgment.

Factual Antecedents

Proclamation No. 5184 (Proc. 518) e)(cluded from the operation of Proc. 4235 – which
established the military reservation known as Fort Bonifacio situated in the then
municipalities of Pasig, Taguig, Pateros and Parañaque, Province of Rizal and Pasay City – certain
portions in said reservation known and identified as BarangaysCembo, South Cembo, West
Rembo, East Rembo, Comembo, Pembo, and Pitogo, situated in Makati, and declared the
sameopen for disposition in accordance with Republic Act (RA) No. 274,6 and RA 7307 in
relation to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 141.8

Among others, Proc. 518 allowed a maximum area of 300 square meters for disposition to
any bona fideoccupants/residents of said BarangaysCembo, South Cembo, West Rembo,
East Rembo, Comembo, Pembo, and Pitogo who have resided in or occupied such areas on or
before January 7, 1986.

In 1985, petitioner Mauricio M. Tabino (Mauricio) – a technical sergeant in the military – and his
brother, respondent Lazaro M. Tabino – a colonel in the military – occupied a 353-square meter
lot in Pembo, Makati City. Mauricio established residence within the lot, while respondent
continued to reside in Novaliches, Quezon City.9 The lot was later subdivided into two
portions, denominated as Lots 2 and 3, Block 255, Zone 12, Group 10, Sampaguita Extension,
Pembo, Makati City.
Lot 2 – containing an area of 184 squaremeters – was applied for coverage under Proc.
518 by Mauricio, while Lot 3 – containing an area of 169 square meters – was applied for
by respondent. Respondent was later on issued by the Fort Bonifacio Post Commander a
Revocable Permit10 to occupy his lot, but the permit authorized him to occupy an area of only
150 square meters.

In 1988, Lot 3 was awarded to respondent, and a Certificate 11 to such effect was issued by
the Bureau of Lands (now Land Management Bureau).

On May 11, 2004, respondent filed an ejectment case against Mauricio and the latter’s
wife, Leonila dela Cruz (petitioners) with the Metropolitan Trial Court of Makati (MeTC).
Docketedas Civil Case No. 85043 and assigned to Branch 64, the ejectment case is based on the

1) that respondent is the true and sole owner of the 353-square meter lot;
2) that he used Mauricio only for the purpose of circumventing the 300-square meter limit
set by Proc. 518 by asking the latter to apply for the purchase of a portion of the lot after
subdividing the same into two smaller lots;
3) that Mauricio’s stay in the premises is merelyby tolerance of respondent;
4) that petitioners introduced permanent structures on the land;
5) and that petitioners refused to vacate the premises upon respondent’s formal demand.

Respondent thus prayed that petitioners be ordered to vacate Lots2 and 3 and to pay the
former rentals, attorney’s fees, and costs of suit.12

Petitioners countered in their Answer13 :

1) that respondent had no right to eject them;

2) that the parties’ true agreement was that petitioners would act as caretakers of
respondent’s Lot 3, and for this, respondent would pay petitioners a monthly salary of
3) that respondent failed to honor the agreement; and
4) that relative to Lot 2, there was a pending Protest filed with the Regional Executive
Director of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)National
Capital Region.

Protests in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

It appears that petitioners and respondent both filed Protests with the DENR relative to
Lots 2 and 3. In a June 13, 2006 Decision, respondent’s Protest – docketed as Case No. 2004-
821 and entitled "Lazaro M. Tabino, Protestant, versus Mauricio Tabino and Leonila C. Tabino,
Protestees" – was resolved as follows:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Protest should be as it is hereby "DENIED" for
lack ofmerit. The MiscellaneousSales Application filed by Mauricio Tabino over Lot 2, Block 255,
Zone 12, Group 190, Sampaguita St., Pembo, Makati should now be given due course by this
Office. x x x14

The DENR held in Case No. 2004-821 that respondent is not qualified to acquire Lot 2 under
Proc. 518 since he was already awarded a home lot in Fort Bonifacio, specifically Lot 19, Block
22, Fort Bonifacio (AFPOVAI), Taguig. Moreover, he failed to provethat Mauricio was not a bona
fideresident/occupant of Lot 2; on the contrary, it has been shown that Mauricio, and not
respondent, has been in actual possession and occupation of the lot.

In an August 28, 2007 Order,15 the above disposition was reiterated after respondent’s
motion for reconsideration was denied.

On the other hand, petitioners’ Protest,docketed as Case No. 2005-939 and entitled "Leonila
Tabino and Adrian Tabino, Protestants, versus Lazaro Tabino and Rafael Tabino, Respondents",
was resolved in an August 28, 2007 Order,16 which decreed thus –

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Protest lodged before this Office on 21 January 2005 by
Leonila Tabino and Adrian Tabino as against the Application of Lazaro/Rafael Tabino over Lot 3,
Blk. 255, Zone 12, Pembo, Makati City is, as it is hereby "GRANTED". As a consequence, the MSA
(Unnumbered) of Rafael H. Tabino is hereby CANCELLED and DROPPED from the records of the
Office. Thus, the Order dated July 16, 2004 re: Cancellation Order No. 04-032 should be, as it is
hereby SET ASIDE. After the finality of this Decision, Claimant-Protestant Adrian Tabino may now
file his land application over the subject lot.


The ruling in Case No. 2005-939 is similar to the pronouncement in Case No. 2004-821: that
respondent was disqualified from acquiring any more lots within Fort Bonifacio pursuant
to Proc. 518, since he was previously awarded a home lot therein, specifically Lot 19, Block
22, PEMBO,Fort Bonifacio (AFPOVAI), Taguig; that respondent is not a bona
fideresident/occupant of Lot 3, as he and his family actually resided in Novaliches, Quezon City;
and that Mauricio has been in actual possession and occupation of Lot 3 since 1985.

Ruling of the Metropolitan Trial Court

On April 4, 2008, a Decision18 was rendered in Civil Case No. 85043, as follows:

The only issue to be resolved in this action to recover possession of the subject property is the
question on who is entitled to the physical or material possession of the premises. In ejectment
cases, the word "possession" means nothing more than physical possession, not legal
possession, in the sense contemplated in civil law.
It is undisputed that the revocable permit extended to the plaintiff was to occupy a parcel of
land withan area of 150 square meters. Suffice it to say that beyond the 150 square meterswould
be contrary to the permit extended to the plaintiff to occupy the lot. Plaintiff therefore, would
violate the provisions of the revocable permit if he goes beyond whatwas specified therein or up
to 150 square meters. When the land was declared open pursuant to the provisions of Republic
Act No. 274 and Republic Act No. 730 both parties applied in their respective name pursuant to
the size of the land which they are permitted. Since then defendants have been in possession of
the subject property up to the present pursuant to the permit to occupy the subject land.
Furthermore, defendants had acquired the property in their own name, a valid claim to establish

Plaintiff’s contention thatdefendants’ stay on the premises is by mere tolerance is devoid of

merit. Well-established is the rule that findings of administrative agencies are accorded not only
respect but also finality when the decision or order is not tainted with unfairness or arbitrariness
that would amount to grave abuse of discretion. The order dated August 28, 2007 by the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources affirming its previous decision in Case No.
2004-821 dated June13, 2006 clearly stating therein that defendants are awardees of Lot 2,
Block 255, Zone 12, Sampaguita Street, Pembo, Makati City, are accorded with respect and
finality. Truly, defendants are rightful possessors of the subject property.


WHEREFORE, above premises considered, the complaint as well as defendants’ counterclaim are
herebyordered Dismissed. No costs.


Ruling of the Regional Trial Court

Respondent appealed before the Makati Regional Trial Court (RTC),20 but in a February 19,
2009 Decision21 the RTC affirmed the MeTC in toto, thus:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision of the Metropolitan Trial Court Branch 64,
Makati City dated April 4, 2008 in Civil Case No. 85043 is hereby AFFIRMED in TOTO.


The RTC agreed with the MeTC in ruling that respondent is not entitled to possession of the
disputed premises on account of the DENR findings in Case Nos. 2005-939 and 2004-821 that
petitioners are registeredclaimants and bona fideresidents thereof, and have been in open,
continuous, exclusive and notorious possession thereof under a bona fideclaim of
ownership,while respondent was permitted to occupy an area of only 150 square meters and not
more; petitioner would be in direct violation of his permit ifhe were to occupy more than the
allowed area stated in said permit.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals

Respondent filed his Petition for Review23 with the CA, assailing the RTC Decision and
insisting that he had a better right of possession since he was the bona fideoccupant of the
disputed lot and Mauricio was merely his caretaker. He added that in 1994, Mauricio executed
an Affidavit24 (1994 affidavit) acknowledging that respondent was the true owner of Lot 2 and
that he was merely allowed by the latter to occupy the same and introduce improvements
thereon; this operated as an admission against interest which may be used against petitioners.
Finally, respondent argued that the decision in the DENR Protest is not yet final and
executory on account of his pending appeal; thus, the courts may not rely on the findings
contained therein. On August 25, 2010, the CA issued the assailed Decision, which held thus:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition for review is GRANTED. The
assailed decisions ofthe RTC and the MeTC are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The
ejectment suit filed by the petitioner against the respondents over Lot Nos. 2 and 3 is GRANTED.
Accordingly, the respondents are ordered to vacate the subject premises.


In reversing the trial court, the CA held that the 1994 affidavit – which petitioners do not dispute
– should be taken as an admission by Mauricio that he was merely appointed by respondent as
the caretaker of Lot 2, and that respondent is the true possessor and owner thereof. This being
the case, petitioners occupy the premises by mere tolerance of respondent, and are boundto the
implied promise that they shall vacate the sameupon demand. The CAadded that while
respondent was authorized to occupy only 150 square meters, this was irrelevant since the only
issue that must be resolvedin an unlawful detainer case is actual physical or material possession,
independent of any claim of ownership; since respondent has satisfactorily shown by
preponderant evidence that he was in actual possession of Lots 2 and 3, he is entitled to recover
the same from petitioners.

The CA also held that while respondent’s application for Lot 2 was denied by the DENR in its
June 13, 2006 Decision– since he was already an awardee of another lot within Fort Bonifacio,
the issue of possession was not touched upon. For this reason, the DENR Decision has no
bearing on the unlawful detainer case. Additionally, the DENR rulings are still the subject
of appeals, and thus could not have conclusive effect.

Petitioners moved for reconsideration, but in a March 18, 2011 Resolution, the CA stood
its ground. Hence, the instant Petition.


Petitioners raise the following issues:






Petitioners’ Arguments

In their Petition and Reply,27 petitioners seek a reversal of the assailed CA dispositions and the
reinstatement of the MeTC’s April 4, 2008 Decision, arguing that the ejectment case constituted
an attack on the DENR rulings in Case Nos. 2004-821 and 2005-939 – which disqualified
respondent from acquiring Lots 2 and 3 on the ground that he was already an awardee of a lot
within Fort Bonifacio; that Mauricio has been in actual possession and occupation of Lots 2 and
3 since 1985; and that respondent is not a bona fideresident/occupant of Lot 2 or 3 – which is
not allowed, as it encroached on the administrative authority of the DENR. They argue that
respondent should not have resorted to the ejectment case; instead, he should have exhausted
all administrativeremedies made available to him through the DENR. Petitioners add that
respondent is guilty of forum-shopping in filing the ejectment case without awaiting resolution
of the pending DENR Protests, which necessarily touched upon the issue of possession.

Respondent’s Arguments

Respondent argues in his Comment28 that petitioners are estopped from claiming that the
ejectment case indirectly attacked the DENR rulings and that it constituted forum-shopping,
since these issues were not raised by petitioners in their pleadings below; thatthe courts are not
divested of jurisdiction over the ejectment case, since the only issue involved therein is
possession and not who is entitled to a miscellaneous sales application covering the disputed lot
– which the DENR is tasked to determine; and thatas a consequence of Mauricio’s 1994 affidavit,
petitioners are estopped from questioning respondent’s possession.

Our Ruling

The Court partially grants the Petition.

Respondent is correct in arguing that petitioners may not raise the issues of exhaustion of
administrative remedies and forum-shopping, after having voluntarily submitted themselves to
the jurisdiction of the MeTC and the RTC trying the ejectment case. Besides, these issues are
being raised for the first time at this stage of the proceedings. Moreover, petitioners in the
instant Petition pray for the reinstatement of the MeTC Decision;as such, they cannot be allowed
to simultaneously attack and adopt the proceedings or actions taken by the lower courts.

Nonetheless, the Court finds that the appellate court erred in ordering petitioners to
vacate the premises. With the pendency of the DENR Protests – Case Nos. 2004-821 and 2005-
939 – respondent’s claim of possession and his right to recover the premises is seriously
placed in issue. If the ejectment case – Civil Case No. 85043 – is allowed to proceed without
awaiting the result of the DENR Protests, then a situation might arise where the existing
structures thereon would have to be demolished. If petitioners’ position, as affirmed by the
DENR, is further upheld with finality by the courts, then it would mean that respondent had no
right to occupy or take possession of the subject lots, which thus negates his right to institute
and maintain the ejectment case; and an injustice would have occurred as a consequence of
the demolition of petitioners’ residence and other permanent improvements on the
disputed lots.

Indeed, DENR Case Nos. 2004-821 and 2005-939 have found their way to the CA, and the
pronouncementsof the latter do not exactly favor respondent. Thus, in CA-G.R. SP No. 125056,
entitled "Lazaro M. Tabino, Petitioner, versus Mauricio M. Tabino and Leonila C. Tabino,
Respondents," the CA dismissed respondent’s Petition for Review of the DENR Secretary’s
affirmance of the DENR NCR Regional Executive Director’s June 13, 2006 Decision in Case No.
2004-821. In its January 13, 2014 Decision,29 the CA’s 6th Division held as follows:

The DENR Secretary, acting through the OIC, Assistant Secretary for Legal Services, denied the
appeal on the basis that upon findings of the Regional Executive Director, Mauricio has all the
qualifications and none of the disqualifications based on the disposition of Public Lands. The
DENR further ruled that upon ocular inspection made, it was ascertained that 1) per records,
Mauricio is a survey claimant of Lot 2, Block 255, Psd-a3-0054204 with an area of 184 sq.m.
situated in Pembo, Makati City; 2) that the land is residential in nature, a house stands erected in
said area where Mauricio and his family reside; 3) that a portion of the said area is being utilized
as a carinderiaand a sari-sari store as their family’s business; 4) thatMauricio is occupying the
area since 1985 up to the present; 5) that Lazaro Tabino (petitioner) is actually residing in
Quezon City; and, 6) the Yvonne Josephine Tabino, petitioner Lazaro Tabino and Rafael Tabino
are bonafideresidents of Quezon City for noless than twenty years, per Certification of Barangay
Chairman Almario Francisco on 2 September 2004 of Barangay San Agustin, Novaliches, Quezon
City. Further, the DENR held that the above findings were never refuted by the petitioner.

On this point, it is worth stressing that the courts generally accord great respect, if not
finality, to factual findings of administrative agencies because of their special knowledge
and expertise over matters falling under their jurisdiction. Echoing the explanation of the
private respondent DENR, citing the case of Ortua vs. Encarnacion, the findings of facts of the
Director of Land (now the Regional Director) is conclusive in the absence of any showing that
such decision was rendered in consequence of fraud, imposition or mistake, other than error of
judgment in estimating the value or effect ofevidence, regardless of whether or not it is
consistent with the preponderance of evidence, so long as there is some evidence upon which
the findings in question could be made.

Moreover, notwithstanding the issue of physical possession having been ruled upon by the
Court in CA-G.R. SP No. 107957, it is well to note that in the case of Estrella vs. Robles, it was
explained that the Bureau of Lands determines the respective rights of rival claimants to public
lands, but it does not have the wherewithal to police public lands. Neither does it have the
means to prevent disorders or breaches of the peace among the occupants. Its power is clearly
limited to disposition and alienation and any power to decide disputes over possession is
but in aid of making the proper awards.


In disposing of the case of Estrella, the Supreme Court held that, "Under the Public Land Act, the
Director of Lands primarily and the DENR Secretary ultimately have the authority to dispose of
and manage public lands. And while the DENR’s jurisdiction over public lands does not negate
the authority of courts of justice to resolve questions of possession, the DENR’s decision would
prevail with regard to the respective rights of public land claimants. Regular courts would
have no jurisdiction to inquire intothe validity of the award of the public land."

Under the circumstances, the Court finds no reason to disturb the ruling of public
respondent DENR in its disposition of the subject property.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.


In the second case decided by the CA – CA-G.R. SP No. 126100 entitled "Lazaro M. Tabino and
Rafael H. Tabino, Petitioners, versus Leonila C. Tabino and Adrian C. Tabino, Respondents"
relative to the disposition in DENR Case No. 2005-939, the appellate court’s 9th Division held in
a June 28, 2013 Decision30 that –

We agree with the respondents and dismiss the petition for petitioners’ failure to exhaust
administrative remedies.

The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies is a cornerstone of Our judicial

system. The thrust of the rule is that courts must allow administrative agencies to carry out their
functions and discharge their responsibilities within the specialized areas of their respective
competence. The rationale for this doctrine is obvious. It entails lesser expenses and provides
for the speedier resolution of controversies. Comity and convenience also impel courts of
justice to shy away from a dispute until the system of administrative redress has been

Another important reason for the doctrine of exhaustion is the separation of powers, which
enjoins the Judiciary a becoming policy of non-interference with matters coming
primarily (albeit not exclusively) within the competence of the other departments. The
theory is that the administrative authorities are in a better position to resolve questions
addressed to their particular expertise and that errors committed by subordinates in their
resolution may be rectified by their superiors if given a chance to do so. Strict enforcement of
the rule could also relieve the courts of a considerable number of avoidable cases which
otherwise would burden their heavily loaded dockets.

Thus, the party with an administrative remedy must not only commence with the prescribed
administrative procedure to obtain relief but also pursue it to its appropriate conclusion before
seeking judicial intervention to give the administrative agency an opportunity to decide the
matter itself correctly and prevent unnecessary and premature resort to the court. The non-
observance of the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies results in lack of
cause of action, which is one of the grounds in the Rules of Court justifying the dismissal
of the complaint.

Indeed, the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies admits of exceptions, but none of
these apply in this case.1âwphi1 Consequently, Lazaro and Rafael should have first appealed to
the Office ofthe President, which has the power to review the orders or acts of the DENR
Secretary, being his subordinate, before coming to Us through a petition for review. x x x




In Samonte v. Century Savings Bank,31 this Court made the following pronouncement:

Only in rare instances is suspension allowed to await the outcome of a pending civil action. In
Vda. de Legaspi v. Avendaño, and Amagan v. Marayag, we ordered the suspension of the
ejectment proceedings on considerations of equity. We explained that the ejectment of
petitioners therein would mean a demolition of their house and would create confusion,
disturbance, inconvenience, and expense. Needlessly, the court would be wasting much time
and effort by proceeding to a stage wherein the outcome would at best be temporary but the
result of enforcement would be permanent, unjust and probably irreparable.32

On the other hand, Vda. de Legaspi v. Hon. Avendaño,33 which Samonte refers to, states:
x x x Where the action, therefore, [is] one of illegal detainer, as distinguished from one of
forcible entry, and the right ofthe plaintiff to recover the premises is seriously placed in issue in
a proper judicial proceeding, it is more equitable and just and less productive of confusion and
disturbance of physical possession, with all its concomitant inconvenience and expenses. For the
Court in which the issue of legal possession, whether involving ownership or not, is brought to
restrain, should a petition for preliminary injunction be filed with it, the effects of any order or
decision in the unlawful detainer case in order to await the final judgment in the more
substantive case involving legal possession or ownership. It is only where there has been forcible
entry that as a matter of public policy the right to physical possession should be immediately set
at rest in favor of the prior possession regardless of the fact that the other party might
ultimately be found to have superior claim to the premises involved, thereby to discourage any
attempt to recover possession thru force, strategy or stealth and without resorting to the

More significantly, Amagan v. Marayag35 dictates, thus –

As a general rule, an ejectment suit cannot be abated or suspended by the mere filing before
the regional trial court (R TC) of another action raising ownership of the property as an issue. As
an exception, however, unlawful detainer actions may be suspended even on appeal, on
considerations of equity, such as when the demolition of petitioners' house would result
from the enforcement of the municipal circuit trial court (MCTC) judgrnent.36

In light of the developments in the DENR Protests, the Court cannot in good conscience
order the petitioners to vacate the premises at this point. The better alternative would be to
await the outcome of these Protests, before any action is taken in the ejectment case.

WHEREFORE, the Petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The assailed August 25, 2010 Decision of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 107957 is MODIFIED, in that the directive for petitioners to
vacate the suqject premises is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.

Accordingly, the proceedings in the ejectment case, Civil Case No. 85043, are ordered
SUSPENDED until the proceedings in DENR Case Nos. 2004-821 and 2005-939 are concluded.
No costs.



Associate Justice

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