The Abundance of Seafl Oor Massive Sulfi de Deposits

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The abundance of seafloor massive sulfide deposits

Mark Hannington1, John Jamieson1, Thomas Monecke2, Sven Petersen3, and Stace Beaulieu4
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa K1N 6N5, Canada
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401, USA
Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-Geomar, 24148 Kiel, Germany
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA

ABSTRACT a subset of the best-studied deposits to estimate undiscovered mineral

The possibility of mining seafloor massive sulfide deposits has potential in the neovolcanic zones of the global oceans. The analysis fol-
stirred debate about the sustainable use of this new resource and lows a routine that is now in widespread use in mineral resource assess-
whether commercial development is worth the risk. Among the ments on land (Singer and Menzie, 2010).
outstanding questions is how many deposits might be accessible to
deep-sea mining. More than 300 sites of high-temperature hydro- GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION OF SEAFLOOR MASSIVE SULFIDE
thermal venting have been identified since the discovery of black DEPOSITS
smokers, but significant massive sulfide accumulation has been Almost all seafloor massive sulfide deposits have been found at the
found at only 165 of these sites. Estimates of the total number of plate boundaries, where there is a strong spatial and temporal correlation
vent fields and associated mineral deposits, based on plume studies between magmatism, seismicity, and high-temperature hydrothermal
and deposit occurrence models, range from 500 to 5000. We have venting (Fig. 1). The plate boundaries have a total strike length in the
used new deposit occurrence data from 10,000 km of ridge, arc, and oceans of 89,000 km, including oceanic spreading centers (64,000 km)
backarc spreading centers to estimate the amount of massive sulfide and submarine volcanic arcs and backarc basins (25,000 km; Bird, 2003;
in the easily accessible neovolcanic zones of the global oceans. The de Ronde et al., 2003). Although most of the deposits have been found
total accumulation in these areas is estimated to be on the order of on the mid-ocean ridges (65%), many also occur along the volcanic arcs
6 × 108 tonnes, containing ~3 × 107 tonnes of copper and zinc. This is (12%) and at backarc spreading centers (22%).
similar to the total discovered copper and zinc in Cenozoic massive The global incidence of seafloor hydrothermal activity is closely
sulfide deposits mined on land but is insufficient to satisfy a growing linked to the magmatic budgets of each of these different settings.
global demand for these metals. This accounts for the general correlation between spreading rates and
the incidence of hydrothermal vents on the mid-ocean ridges (Baker
INTRODUCTION et al., 1996). On fast-spreading ridges, such as the East Pacific Rise
The discovery of submarine hydrothermal vents at the Galápa- (full spreading rates of >8 cm/yr), the eruptive fissures occupy narrow
gos Rift in 1977 began a period of intensive seafloor exploration that axial grabens (~1 km wide), which are the most common locations for
continues today. Within five years of finding the first black smokers at hydrothermal vents. However, because the eruption rates are so high,
21°N East Pacific Rise, more than 50 sites of hydrothermal venting and lavas commonly disrupt the flow of hydrothermal fluids and bury sulfide
seafloor massive sulfide deposits were known on the mid-ocean ridges; deposits that are localized along the fissures. As a result, the deposits at
by the early 1990s more than 150 sites had been discovered (Rona and fast-spreading ridges tend to be abundant but small. The largest sulfide
Scott, 1993). Because the ocean floor covers more than 70% of Earth’s accumulations are found on slow-spreading ridges, where volcanism
surface, many expect the oceans to contain a proportionate amount of is episodic and alternates with long periods of intense tectonic activity
the world’s mineral resources, comparing the resource potential of sea- with few eruptions (Fouquet, 1997; Hannington et al., 2005). Slow- and
floor massive sulfide deposits to that of deposits that are now mined on intermediate-rate spreading centers, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and
land for Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, and Au (Rona, 2003; Cathles, 2010). Signifi- Central Indian Ridge (1–4 cm/yr and 4–6 cm/yr, respectively), are char-
cant accumulations of metals from hydrothermal vents are found in the acterized by lower rates of magma supply but greater structural control
oceans, such as the metalliferous sediments in the Atlantis II Deep of the on hydrothermal upflow. They have wide (up to 15 km) and deep (up
Red Sea (91.7 × 106 tonnes of 2.06% Zn and 0.46% Cu; Guney et al., to 2 km), fault-bounded axial valleys where eruptions occur only very
1988). Even more metal is contained in manganese nodules. The global rarely, or at intervals of thousands of years or more, and hydrothermal
resource of copper in nodules has been estimated at ~7 × 108 tonnes activity may be long-lived (e.g., Hannington et al., 2005).
(U.S. Geological Survey, 2010), and a number of countries, including Submarine hydrothermal systems in subduction-related environ-
China, Japan, Korea, Russia, France, and Germany, are actively explor- ments are generally similar to those at the mid-ocean ridges in terms
ing for nodules in the Pacific. However, recent developments suggest of the processes of seafloor mineralization. However, volcanic arcs
that the first deep-sea mining of base metals will likely be from the much and backarc spreading centers are characterized by a range of differ-
smaller, higher-grade massive sulfide deposits in the neovolcanic zones ent crustal thicknesses, heat flow regimes, water depths, and magma
of ridges, volcanic arcs, and backarc basins. One commercial company compositions that lead to important differences in the compositions
has already been granted a license to exploit massive sulfide deposits in of the hydrothermal fluids and the mineralogy of the massive sulfide
the Bismarck Sea of Papua New Guinea, adding urgency to the debate deposits (Hannington et al., 2005). The numbers of vents at the volca-
about deep-sea mining (Hoagland et al., 2010; Van Dover, 2011). nic fronts of the arcs remain poorly known, as the volcanoes are still
A growing global database of seafloor hydrothermal systems being discovered. On the Mariana and Kermadec Arcs, which are the
(Beaulieu, 2010) is beginning to provide the first clues to the size of this most completely surveyed, hydrothermal plumes have been found in
potential new resource. In previous studies (Hannington and Monecke, the summit calderas of approximately one-third of the arc volcanoes
2009; Hannington et al., 2010), we examined the factors controlling the (de Ronde et al., 2003, 2007). However, the majority of the high-tem-
occurrence, distribution, and sizes of seafloor massive sulfide deposits perature vents and the largest sulfide deposits, so far, have been found
and used these general characteristics to identify areas of the oceans at spreading centers in the adjoining backarc basins (e.g., Lau Basin,
that are permissive for massive sulfide accumulation. Here, we analyze North Fiji Basin).

© 2011 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected].
Geology, December
December 2011
2011; v. 39; no. 12; p. 1155–1158; doi:10.1130/G32468.1; 3 figures; Data Repository item 2011342. 1155
Figure 1. Global distribution of seafloor hydrothermal systems and related mineral deposits. Version 2.0 of the InterRidge Global Database
(Beaulieu, 2010) used in this study contains information on 554 sites of seafloor hydrothermal activity (confirmed and unconfirmed) and
inactive deposits. About 300 are sites of high-temperature hydrothermal venting; 165 are confirmed sites of massive sulfide accumulation
(Table DR1 [see footnote 1]). Credits: S. Beaulieu, K. Joyce, and S.A. Soule (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution).

ESTIMATING THE GLOBAL ABUNDANCE from heat fluxes (Baker, 2007) and plume data (Baker and German,
To estimate the abundance of seafloor massive sulfide in the neovol- 2004), the deposits are farther apart on the slow-spreading ridges (aver-
canic zones of the global oceans, we examined deposit densities in 32 age of 174 km) and closer together on the fast-spreading ridges (average
control areas of roughly equal size (5° of latitude by 5° of longitude) con- of 54 km). Deposit densities on backarc spreading centers are similar to
taining 129 occurrences (Table DR2 in the GSA Data Repository1). The those on mid-ocean ridges with similar spreading rates; along volcanic
areas were chosen to represent permissive geology throughout the oceans arcs the spacing is more closely linked to the spacing of individual vol-
and include ~7200 km of ridge and 2800 km of arc and backarc spreading canoes (de Ronde et al., 2003). The combined average spacing for all 32
centers. The map scale used for the analysis (1:2,500,000) was chosen so control areas is 107 km (Fig. 2B). Based on the cumulative strike length
that the quality of the map data was the same in all cases. The measure- of the oceanic plate boundaries (89,000 km) and an average density of one
ment of deposit densities in the control areas requires an unambiguous deposit every ~100 km, the total number of deposits expected in the global
definition of what constitutes a “deposit”; unfortunately, descriptions of neovolcanic zones is ~900. Taking into account the range of deposit densi-
deposits in the literature have included everything from a single vent or ties, the expected number of deposits is at least 500 (90th percentile) and
chimney to a large mound or cluster of vent complexes. In this study, we not more than 5000 (10th percentile).
selected a subset of 106 deposits with reported dimensions of more than This result obviously has a large uncertainty, but independent esti-
100 m2 on the seafloor as the minimum unit and clusters of mounds or vent mates of the spacing of hydrothermal vents, at least on the mid-ocean
complexes spatially separated from the next nearest cluster by more than ridges, all arrive at similar numbers. Global heat flux associated with
10 km as the maximum unit. Details of the methodology and assumptions high-temperature convection at mid-ocean ridges ranges from 1.1 to 2.5
are provided in the Data Repository. × 1012 W, with the most commonly cited values close to 1.8 ± 0.3 × 1012
An average of four deposits was included in each of the 5° × 5° W (Elderfield and Schultz, 1996; Mottl, 2003; Sinha and Evans, 2004).
control areas; 90% of the control areas have densities of two or more A large number of studies have shown that at least 90% of this axial flow
deposits per 100,000 km2, 50% have densities of six or more deposits, is diffuse flow (i.e., 350 °C fluid that has been cooled by mixing with
and 10% have densities of ten or more deposits. In this study, we consider seawater before reaching the seafloor). In order to account for the high-
only those deposits that are located within the neovolcanic zone. Thus, temperature flux (10% of 1.8 ± 0.3 × 1012 W), as many as 50,000–100,000
deposit densities can also be expressed in terms of the linear dimensions black smokers would be required, assuming heat output of 2–5 MW for
of ridge or arc segments between the occurrences (Fig. 2A). As expected a single vent, or a density of at least one black smoker for every 1 km
of ridge axis. Large vent fields, with up to 100 black smokers and heat
GSA Data Repository item 2011342, supplemental information on the abun-
dance of seafloor massive sulfide deposits, is available online at www.geosociety
outputs equivalent to 200–500 MW, are expected to account for most of
.org/pubs/ft2011.htm, or on request from [email protected] or Documents the high-temperature flux. A vent complex of this size would be required
Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA. only every 50–100 km, amounting to ~1000 large fields on the global

1156 GEOLOGY, December 2011

A mid-ocean ridge system. Estimates of the length of ridge needed to con-
Fast–intermediate Slow Arc-backarc tinuously power a single hydrothermal system (<10 km to 333 km; Baker,
Distance between deposits (km) 350
2007) confirm that the spacing of the vent fields is likely quite regular.
This is supported by the spatial density of hydrothermal plumes detected
250 in the water column, which range from one plume every 200 km on slow-
200 spreading ridges to a high of one every 25 km on fast-spreading ridges
150 (Baker and German, 2004). The plume studies suggest that only 16% of
100 the ridge length is hydrothermally active at any given time at a global
average spreading rate of 4 cm/yr (Baker et al., 1996). Thus, inactive por-
tions of the ridge may host deposits that are thousands of years old and not
4 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 70 76 82 88 94 100106 captured in the plume data. Including both active and inactive deposits in
Deposit number (n = 106) Figure 2 is considered to provide a more reliable record of metal accumu-
B lation at the seafloor than the plume surveys, even though a better inven-
350 tory of inactive deposits is still required.
From an estimate of the number of deposits in the global neovolca-
Average spacing (km)

250 nic zones, we can place some constraints on the total sulfide accumula-
tion by assuming a mass distribution similar to that of the known depos-
its (Hannington et al., 2010). Unfortunately, the sizes of most deposits
are incompletely known; many reported dimensions include large areas
100 of discontinuous sulfide outcrop or barren substrate between chimneys
50 and mounds, thereby overestimating the sizes of the deposits. Significant
0 deposits with explored dimensions on the order of 5000 m2 or more have
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 now been found in most of the settings considered in this study, and in sev-
Control area (n = 32) eral cases drilling information is available to judge the continuity and thick-
Figure 2. Seafloor massive sulfide deposit densities. A: Distances
ness of sulfide outcrops. Four deep drill holes that penetrated the Bent Hill
between adjacent deposits along 10,000 km of ridge, arc, and back- deposit and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) mound at Middle Valley (ODP
arc spreading centers. Data are included only for those deposits or Legs 139 and 169) indicate a combined tonnage of 1–1.5 × 107 tonnes (Zie-
clusters of deposits more than 10 km apart (n = 106). B: Mean de- renberg et al., 1998). At the large TAG mound on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge,
posit densities (average spacing) in each of the 5° by 5° control ar- 17 holes drilled to a maximum depth of 125 m indicate 2.7 × 106 tonnes
eas listed in Table DR2 (see footnote 1); ranges are the minimum and
maximum distances between adjacent deposits in each control area. of massive sulfide in this deposit (ODP Leg 158; Hannington et al., 1998).
Closed symbols—mid-ocean ridges; open symbols—arcs and back- Data from extensive drilling of the Solwara 1 deposit in the Eastern Manus
arc spreading centers. The horizontal line indicates the combined Basin (146 holes to a maximum depth of 20 m) have been used to estimate
average value for all 32 control areas (107 km). Details are provided a resource of 2.1 × 106 tonnes in a chimney zone covering 90,000 m2 (Lip-
in the GSA Data Repository (see footnote 1).
ton, 2008). Using the drilling data as a guide, we estimated the tonnages
of the best-mapped deposits from the outcrop areas in the global database
(see Table DR1). These data are the basis for a first-order tonnage model
for seafloor massive sulfide deposits presented in Hannington et al. (2010).
Of 62 deposits used in the tonnage model, only eight have dimensions
Cumulative massive sulfides (106 tonnes)

indicating sizes larger than 2 × 106 tonnes. Three of these have been con-
firmed by drilling (TAG, Middle Valley, Solwara 1); the others have sulfide
70 outcrop dimensions that are consistent with similarly large tonnages (e.g.,
<2% 12% 86%
60 Sunrise, Krasnov, Semyenov, Puy des Folles, Zenith-Victory; see the Data
Repository). However, the median deposit size is only 70,000 tonnes, and
more than a third of the deposits are considered to be smaller than 3000
40 tonnes. The total amount of massive sulfide in the deposits used in the
tonnage model is ~5 × 107 tonnes, ~70% contained in the largest 10% of
deposits. Using these data, an estimate of the cumulative tonnage of seafloor
20 massive sulfide in the global neovolcanic zones can be made by populating
10 the tonnage model with the estimated numbers of deposits discussed above.
If we assume that there are ~1000 deposits with a minimum size of
0 100 tonnes, a maximum size of 1 × 107 tonnes, and the size distribution
14 12 10 8 6 4 2
Full spreading rate (cm/yr) given by Hannington et al. (2010), the total amount of massive sulfide in
the neovolcanic zones of the global oceans is on the order of 6 × 108 tonnes.
Figure 3. Expected distribution of seafloor massive sulfide deposits The largest 10% of deposits would contain ~4 × 108 tonnes. Because the
on the mid-ocean ridges as a function of spreading rate. The propor- slow-spreading centers account for ~60% of the total ridge length and host
tion of massive sulfide at different spreading rates is estimated from
the length of the ridge segments (Carbotte and Scheirer, 2004), the the largest deposits, they are expected to account for more than 85% of the
deposit density as a function of spreading rate, and the expected total tonnage of seafloor massive sulfides at ridges (Fig. 3). The contained
sizes of the deposits (see the Data Repository [see footnote 1]). The metal is more difficult to estimate, owing to the highly variable metal
total length of ridges represented in this plot is 53,000 km; the ex- grades of surface samples (Hannington et al., 2010). For a median grade
pected number of deposits (n = 537) have a total estimated tonnage
of ~3.6 × 108 tonnes. The large proportion of massive sulfide ex-
of 5 wt% Cu + Zn, which closely matches that of massive sulfide deposits
pected on the slow-spreading ridges reflects the cumulative length on land (Franklin et al., 2005), the total amount of metal (Cu + Zn) along
of the slow ridges plus the large sizes of the known deposits. the global neovolcanic zones is expected to be ~3 × 107 tonnes.

GEOLOGY, December 2011 1157

DISCUSSION de Ronde, C.E.J., Massoth, G.J., Baker, E.T., and Lupton, J.E., 2003, Submarine
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