WsreadingHuman Population

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Human Population

Too many people?

In October 2011, the human population passed 7 billion people. What problems
could result if the human population continues its rapid rise? One issue is that
overpopulation makes many environmental issues more serious. More people on
the planet means more food and water is needed and more pollution is generated.
Is there a carrying capacity for the human population?

Human Population

How quickly is the human population growing? If we look at worldwide human

population growth from 10,000 BCE through today, our growth looks like
exponential growth. It increased very slowly at first, but later grew faster and
faster as the population increased in size (Figure below). And recently, the human
population has increased at a faster pace than ever before. It has taken only 12
years for the world's population to increase from six billion to seven billion.
Considering that in the year 1804, there were just one billion people, and in 1927,
there were just two billion people (that's 123 years to increase from 1 to 2 billion),
the recent increase in the human population growth rate is characteristic of
exponential growth. Does this mean there are unlimited resources?

Five Stages

On the other hand, if you look at human population growth in specific countries,
you may see a different pattern. On the level of a country, the history of human
population growth can be divided into five stages, as described in Table below.
Some countries have very high birth rates, in some countries the growth rate has
stabilized, and in some countries the growth rate is in decline.
Stage Description
Birth and death rates are high and population growth is stable. This occurred
in early human history.
Significant drop in death rate, resulting in exponential growth. This occurred
in 18th- and 19th-century Europe.
3 Population size continues to grow.
4 Birth rates equal death rates and populations become stable.
5 Total population size may level off.

The United Nations and the U.S. Census Bureau predict that by 2050, the Earth will
be populated by 9.4 billion people. Other estimates predict 10 to 11 billion.

Future Growth

There are two different beliefs about what type of growth the human population will
undergo in the future:

1. Neo-Malthusians believe that human population growth cannot continue

without destroying the environment, and maybe humans themselves.
2. Cornucopians believe that the Earth can give humans a limitless amount of
resources. They also believe that technology can solve problems caused by
limited resources, such as lack of food.

The Cornucopians believe that a larger population is good for technology and
innovation. The 5-stage model above predicts that when all countries are
industrialized, the human population will eventually level out. But many scientists
and other Neo-Malthusians believe that humans have already gone over the Earth’s
carrying capacity. That means, we may have already reached the maximum
population size that can be supported, without destroying our resources and
habitat. If this is true, then human overpopulation will lead to a lack of food and
other resources. Overpopulation may also lead to increased disease, and/or war.
These problems may cause the population of humans to crash. If these issues are
not controlled, could the human population go extinct?

Please discuss in your group

 Describe the rate of human population growth.

 How long did it take for the world's population to grow from 6 billion to 7
 What is the predicted human population by 2050?
 How do the Cornucopians and Neo-Malthusians differ in their viewpoints?
 Which of the above theories makes sense to you? Why?
Summary of Reading and Discussion





Individual Work

Make an illustration of the predicted human population in 2050 according to the

viewpoint you support!

Add narration of what is happening in the illustration and what has happened to
cause the conditions.

Add narrations on the strategy so the Earth’s population will level off.

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