1 - Santos-Concio V Doj
1 - Santos-Concio V Doj
1 - Santos-Concio V Doj
The measures taken by the Evaluating Panel do not partake of a criminal The complaint is not entirely the affidavit of the complaint because the
investigation, they having been done in aid of evaluation to relate the affidavit is treated as a component of the complaint. The phraseology of the
incidents to their proper context. Petitioners’ own video footage of the ocular above-quoted rule recognizes that all necessary allegations need not be
inspection discloses this purpose. Evaluation for determining whether there is contained in a single document. This is unlike a criminal
sufficient basis to proceed with a preliminary investigation entails not only complaint/information, where the averments must be contained in one
reading the report or documents in isolation, but also includes resorting to document charging only one offense, non-compliance with which renders it
reasonably necessary means, such as ocular inspection and physical evidence vulnerable to a motion to quash.
examination. Any conclusion on such in/sufficiency needs to rest on some
basis or justification. The Court is aware of the practice of incorporating all alegations in one
document as a “complaint-affidavit.” It does not pronounce strict adherence
Had the Evaluating Panel carried out measures partaking of a criminal to only one approach, but there are cases where the extent of one’s personal
investigation, it would have gathered the documents that it enumerated as knowledge may not cover the entire gamut of details material to the alleged
lacking. The Evaluating Panel dissolved functus oficio upon rendering its offense. The private offended/relative may not even have witnessed the
report. The NBI, a constituent unit of the DoJ, is the one who conducted the fatality, in which case the peace officer/law enforcer has to rely chiefly of
criminal investigation. It is foolhardy to inhibit the entire DOJ from witnesses’ affidavits.
conducting a preliminary investigation merely becasuse the DoJ’s constituent
unit conducted the criminal investigation. The Rules do not preclude the attachment of a referral/transmittal letter,
similar to that of the NBI-NCR. In Soriano v Casanova, it was held that
The Evaluating Panel found no sufficient basis to proceed with a preliminary leters transmitted by the BSP and PDIC to the DoJ were not intended to be
investigation, since their report was not adverse to petitioners, prejudgment the complaint envisioned by the Rules, but merely intended to transmit the
may not be attributed vicariously. affidavits of the bank employees to the DoJ. Nowhere in the transmittal
letters is there any averment of personal knowledge of the events/transactions
A complaint for conducting a preliminary investigation is different from a constitutive of the criminal violations alleged. The letters stated that what the
complaint for instituting a criminal prosecution. There is confusion because OSI of the BSP and the LIS of the PDIC did was to respectfully tansmit to
two complementary procedures adopt “the same word” to refer essentially to the DoJ, for preliminary investigation, the affidavits and personal knowledge
a written charge. There hosuld be no confusion about the objectives since, as of the acts ofh te petitioner. These affidavits were subscribed under oath by
intimated during the hearing before the appellate court, preliminary the witnesses who executed them before a notary public. Since the affidavits
investigation is conducted precisely to elecit further facts/evidence. and not the letters transmitting them were intended to initiate the preliminary
Generally inquisitorial, it is often the only means of discovering the persons investigation, Section 3a, Rule 112 was substantially complied with.
who may be reasonably charged with a crime to enable the preparation of a
complaint/information. A complaint for preliminary investigation by the fiscal need not be filed by
the offended. Unless the offense subject thereof is one that cannot be
Rule 112 of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure states that the prosecuted de oficio, the same may be filed for preliminary investigation by
complaint should have the respondent’s address and be accompanied by the any competent person.
other affidavits of the complainant and witnesses, as well as other
supporting documents to establish probable cause. It shall be subscribed Thus, a preliminary investigation can validly proceed on the basis of an
and sworn to before any prosecutor/government official (authorized to affidavit of any competent person, without the referral document, like the
administer oath) or, in their absence/unavailability, a notary public (each of NBI-NCR Report, which was sworn to by the law enforcer as the nominal
complainant. To require otherwise is a needless exercise. Oporto v
Monserate does not dent this proposition. What is required is to reduce the
evidence into affidavits, for while reports and even raw information may
justify the initiation of an investigation, the preliminary investigation stage
can be held only after sufficient evidence has been gathered and
evaluated, which may warrant the eventual prosecution of the case.
In the present case, there is no doubt about the existence of affidavits. The
appellate court held that certain complaint-affidavits were already filed by
some of the victims. A complaint for preliminary investigation is not required
to exhibit the attending structure of a complaint/information in Rule 110 (the
“People” as a party and an “accused” rather than a respondent, and a court”
that shall pronounce judgment).