A Study of Menstrual Distress Questionnaire in First Year Medical Students

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Int J Biol Med Res.

2013; 4(2) : 3192- 3195

Int J Biol Med Res www.biomedscidirect.com
Volume 3, Issue 1, Jan 2012

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Original article
A study of menstrual distress questionnaire in first year medical students
*Kavitha.C, Jamuna.B.L .
*Assistant professor, Department of Physiology, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore-560045, Karnataka, India.
.Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Rajarajeshwari Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.


Keywords: AIMS: 1.To study the menstrual symptomatology in I year medical students aged 17-20 years.
Menstrual distress syndrome 2. To gather or obtain a a normative information on symptom prevalence and severity. 3. To
Dysmenorrohea identify the symptom severity and its impact or effect on their regular activities, if any, among
Menstrual cycle
the study sample by using a menstrual distress questionnaire. Materials and methods: To study
the menstrual symptomatology, a cross sectional descriptive study was conducted on 90 first
year medical and dental female students, aged between 17 to 20 years. All the participant
subjects were given a pre-menstrual distress questionnaire( of 47 symptoms relating to pre-
menstrual syndrome, based on a 6-point scale ) to fill up separately in the menstrual, pre-
menstrual and inter-menstrual phases of her most recent cycle. Results: In this study 90
subjects had participated and they were studied for the given symptoms separately in each of
the three phases of the menstrual cycle, the menstrual phase, the premenstrual phase and the
intermenstrual phase. The data was analysed by chi-square test and the statistical significance
of the differences between the phases was tested and P-value <0.05 was taken as statistically
significant. Conclusion: In the present study it was observed that majority of the subjects in
their young reproductive age experience one or other menstrual cycle problems in the form of
generalized pain, restlessness, fatigue, dysmenorrohea or in the form of simple unexplained
mood disturbances, most of which fall under the category of pre-menstrual syndrome. Pre-
menstrual syndrome is not identified by most of the girls and is not properly treated or taken
care off, rather is neglected quite often.

c Copyright 2010 BioMedSciDirect Publications IJBMR -ISSN: 0976:6685. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
The Pre menstrual syndrome has been described as the impaired motor coordination are reported during the
commonest psycho-neuro-endocrine-stress related disorder and is premenstrual phase, suggesting heterogenous diagnostic criteria
a major clinical entity affecting large fraction of female and ethnic variation(1,8,9). The importance of menstrual and
population(1,2,3,4,5,6,). It encompasses a wide variety of cyclic, premenstrual symptomatology is very essential as there are
recurrent, physical, emotional, behavioural symptoms occurring incidence of a large population of women who committ suicide or
during late luteal phase of menstrual cycle and subsiding with the engage in criminal acts of violence and as drivers have serious and
beginning of menses (7). More than 160 behavioural and fatal accidents, do so during the menstrual or premenstrual phases
neurological symptoms like headache, malaise, nervous irritability, of the cycle. Also there is a correlation between the premenstrual
emotional instability, decrease in the ability to concentrate, symptomatology and the neurotic personality(3,10).
Also the necessity to know the prevalence of these menstrual
* Corresponding Author : Dr. Kavitha.C,
symptomatology appears essential for a complete analysis of the
Assistant professor, Department of Physiology,
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore-560045, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and non premenstrual
Karnataka, India. dysphoric disorder (non-PMDD) and its underlying psychological,
Email:[email protected]
neurological and endocrinal factors and for the proper
c Copyright 2010 BioMedSciDirect Publications. All rights reserved.
understanding of few unexplained contrasting symptoms(11).
Kavitha.C & Jamuna.B.L Int J Biol Med Res. 2013; 4(2): 3192- 3195


2. Materials And Methods:

The study was conducted in the Department of delineate between PMDD and non-PMDD patients and to evaluate
P h y s i o l o g y, D r. B . R . A m b e d k a r M e d i c a l C o l l e g e a n d the menstrual symptomatology, which consisted of 47 symptoms
Hospital,K.G.Halli,Bangalore. The study included 90 medical and under 8 different headings. These factors under each heading, even
dental students of first year. All the girls were given a questionnaire, though represent separate were empirically inter related clusters
which assess the menstrual symptoms, to fill up in the three phases of symptoms.
of a single menstrual cycle i,e the same questionnaire was filled by The questionnaire method is selected because;1. It elicits a
the same student in the three phases of a single menstrual cycle. concrete data about own subjective assessment of the extent of her
The three phases are; disability, which is a most reliable and important essential source of
i. Menstrual phase – during the bleeding phase. information.2. A large population of women can be assessed to
ii. pre menstrual phase –the week before the beginning of estimate the prevalence and severity of different types of menstrual
menstrual flow. symptoms. 3. It has a built in complainer or control scale in order to
identify women who tend to complain of many different symptoms,
iii. the intermenstrual phase – the remainder of the cycle. regardless of whether they are usually cyclically associated with the
All the symptoms were analysed separately in the three phases menstrual cycle. 4. In addition it is possible to differentiate between
and the frequency and severity was contrasted between the PMDD and non- PMDD and between other types of menstrual
phases. symptomatology. 5. Also,it is possible that these type of specific
analyses may identify new subtypes or groups of symptoms which
A list of 47 symptoms for inclusion in the menstrual distress
may show specialized relationships either to psychological, neural
questionnaire was obtained from several
or endocrinal factors.
sources(12,13,14,15,16,17,18). Each subject was given this open
end questionnaire which elicited information about many possible Model of The Questionnaire:
menstrual cycle symptoms. The subjects were advised not to reveal
their name on the questionnaire , informed consent was taken from Name :
them and were told that their information would be kept Age:
confidential.To detect the prevalence and severity of the
premenstrual syndrome a separate set of questions were included.
A list of control symptoms were obtained from the BLATT
Menopausal Index(16). The control symptoms selected, like Religion:
feelings of suffocation, buzzing in ear, tingling in hands and feet – Address/home town/ region:
were symptoms, which usually the menopausal women will
Occupation of father and mother:
experience relatively more frequently than women in young
reproductive age, like our study subjects. Socio-economic status:
The questions related to menstruation were age of menarche, Number of total family members:
marital status, parity, regularity of the cycles, length of cycle, Dietary habits:
duration of menstrual flow, whether associated with or without
dysmenorrohea and a set of questions which specifically Habit of regular physical exercise:
differentiates the study subjects into PMDD and non-PMDD Family h/o of any kind of menstrual symptomatology:
A background additive and supportive information was
obtained about their education, religion, home town, height,
weight, socio-economic status, occupation of the parents, total
Menstrual history:
family members, dietary habits, habits of regular physical exercise
and family history of dysmenorrohea. 1. Age at menarche.
In the study a normal menstrual cycle was defined as a 2. Regular or irregular cycle.
menstrual cycle lasting for 21 to 35 days, with 2 to 6 days of flow and 3. Length of each cycle.
with an average blood loss of 20 to 60 ml and the irregular
menstruation was defined as subject with length of cycle <20 or >35 4. Duration of bleeding in each cycle.
days, duration of flow <2 or >7 days, blood loss/ cycle >100ml(19). 5. Blood loss per cycle ( no. of pads used).
The study included only unmarried, nulliparous, healthy female 6. h/o dysmenorrohea; yes / no. if present mild / moderate /
medical students of Indian origin ( to rule out bias related to severe / absenteeism / self medication / doctor.
ethnicity ) aged 17 to 20 years. A set of questions were used to
Kavitha.C & Jamuna.B.L Int J Biol Med Res. 2013; 4(2): 3192- 3195


Pre Menstrual Distress Questionnaire: VII. AROUSAL;

Questionnaire to evaluate and differentiate PMDD and non- i. Affectionate.
PMDD subjects. ii. Orderliness.
I. PAIN iii. Excitement.
i.Muscle stiffness. iv. Feelings of wellbeing.
ii.Headache. v. Bursts of energy / activity.
iii.Cramps. VIII. CONTROL;
i. Feeling of suffocation.
vi.General aches and pains. ii. Chest pains.

II.CONCENTRATION; iii. Ringing in the ears.

iv. Heart pounding.
i. Insomnia.
v. Numbness / tingling.
ii. Forgetfulness.
vi. Blind spots / fuzzy vision.
iii. Confusion.
iv. Lowered judgement. RESULTS:
v. Difficulty concentrating. In this study 90 subjects had participated and they were
studied for the given symptoms separately in each of the three
vi. Distractible. phases of the menstrual cycle, the menstrual phase, the
vii. Lowered motor coordination. premenstrual phase and the intermenstrual phase. The data was
analysed by chi-square test and the statistical significance of the
viii. Accidents during driving a vehicle.
differences between the phases was tested and P-value <0.05 was
III. BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE; taken as statistically significant.
i. Lowered school or work performance. DISCUSSION:
ii. Take naps or stay in bed.
In the present study of 90 female subjects aged between 17 to
iii. Stay at home (absenteeism ). 20 years, the mean age of menarche was 12.5 years which was
iv. Avoid social activities. almost same with other similar studies. (20,21). Most of the
v. Decreased efficiency. subjects were related to one or other menstrual symptoms.
vi. Change in eating habits / craving for sweets. Premenstrual symptomatology was observed by 63.2% subjects,
IV.AUTONOMIC REACTIONS; which was consistent with similar other studies of 60.7% (22),
and 63.1% (23). All these symptoms were more in the
i. Dizziness / faintness.
premenstrual phase and menstrual phase, compared to the
ii. Cold sweats. intermenstrual phase, which suggested the possibility of
iii. Nausea / vomiting. premenstrual syndrome in most of the subjects with menstrual
iv. Hot flashes. symptomatology.
According to the data obtained by the pre-menstrual distress
i. Weight gain. questionnaire, the relative percentage of each category of
ii. Skin disorders. symptoms under the broad 8 headings is as under;
iii. Painfull breasts.
iv. Swelling / bloating. The symptomatology of pain was experienced by 69.3%
subjects in the form of cramps or dysmenorrohea in the menstrual
phase and in the form of backache, and fatigue in the
i. Crying. premenstrual phase. Dysmenorrohea was the most common
ii. Loneliness. complaint among them with a prevalence of 63.2%, which was
iii. Anxiety almost consistent with other similar studies 73.8%(22),
iv. Restlessness. 67.7%(24), 59.7%(25). Most of the subjects used to self medicate
themselves with either analgesics like ibuprofen or anti
v. Irritability.
spasmodics like meftal-spas. Only 3.3% subjects were seeking
vi. Mood swings. doctor advice.
vii. Depression.
viii. Tension.
Kavitha.C & Jamuna.B.L Int J Biol Med Res. 2013; 4(2): 3192- 3195


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c Copyright 2010 BioMedSciDirect Publications IJBMR -ISSN: 0976:6685.
All rights reserved.

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