Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme Regarding Selected Yoga Techniques To Relieve Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome Among Adolescent Girls of Selected High School at Bangalore

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching

Programme Regarding Selected Yoga Techniques to
Relieve Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome
Among Adolescent Girls of Selected
High School at Bangalore
Nitu kumari singh (Gautam)1, Laxmi Paudyal2
Lecturer Advanced Child Health Nursing, Gandaki Medical College Teaching Hospital and Research Center (GMCTHRC)

Abstract:- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a Keywords:- Effectiveness, Structured teaching programme,

challenging problem as the psychological changes which Yoga technique, Premenstrual Syndrome, Adolescent girls,
occur in adolescent period are much more stressful and Selected Schools.
complex. Premenstrual syndrome also known as
premenstrual tension (PMT) is a collection of emotional I. INTRODUCTION
symptoms, with or without physical symptoms, related
to menstrual cycle of girls. Menstruation is a normal Adolescence is the phase between 10-20 years in that
physiological cycle or process in all females of the children undergo rapid changes in body size, physiology
reproductive age group. However some women, girls and psychological and social functioning. All body
feel or affected by menstrual problem. Among those, dimensions, development and maturation are completed
PMS is one of the disorder and it is mainly due to during adolescence period. Transition from childhood to
hormonal imbalance in the body. Yoga which helps to adulthood is the final or net result of hormones and social
harmonize the mind and breath with the body through structure. According to UNICEF adolescence start with the
various breathing techniques, yoga posture (asanas) and onset of puberty. Adolescence has three phases: early
meditation which also helps in relieving pain. Yoga, adolescence belongs to 10-30 years age, middle
tailored to chronic low back pain which helps to adolescence 14-16 year age and late adolescence 17-20 age
produce significant reduction in pain and depression. group.1
Several yoga poses helps to ease PMS and also help the
mind and body to adapt with stress, anxiety and Premenstrual syndrome is also known as premenstrual
depression making to feel relaxed and calm, as well as tension (PMT) is a combination of emotional symptoms,
enabling us to cope with psychological symptoms of with or without physical symptoms related to menstrual
PMS. The study was conducted with the aim to evaluate cycle.2 Menstruation is a normal physiological cycle or
the effectiveness of structured teaching programme process experienced by all reproductive age group females.
(STP) regarding selected yoga techniques to relieve the However, some women and girls affected by menstrual
symptoms of PMS among adolescent girls. Researcher problem. Premenstrual syndrome is mainly due to
adopted an evaluatory approach with pre-experimental hormonal imbalance and PMS is one of the disorder among
one group pre-test and post-test design in the study. those. 3
Self- structured knowledge questionnaire was used to
assess the knowledge among adolescent girls regarding Premenstrual syndrome is a combination of physical
selected yoga technique to relieve the symptoms of PMS. and psychological symptoms which start about 5 to 11 days
Split half method was used to check the Reliability of before monthly menstruation. Many girls and women
the Tool and the tool was found reliable ( r= 0.88). manifested breast tenderness and abdominal pain. They
probability simple random sampling techniques was may also experience bloating and sleeping problem.2
used to select 100 adolescent girls from 3 high school. Physical symptoms which is common are abdominal
Findings revealed that the post-test knowledge score fullness, bloating of abdomen, headache, less tolerance to
(26.49±2.48) was higher than pre-test knowledge score noise and lights and clumsiness. The most visible
(10.25±2.46). The calculated ‘t’value in knowledge symptoms are irritability tension and dysphoria, breast
(51.34 p<0.05). The study found significant association engorgement and tenderness, abdominal bloating,
between knowledge and demographical variables. Study constipation or diarrhea, headache and migraine, swelling
concludes that structured teaching programme was of the hands or feet, weight gain, clumsiness, Nausea and
effective in improving the knowledge of adolescent girls vomiting, muscle and joint ache. 4,5
regarding Yoga techniques to relieve the symptoms of
premenstrual syndrome.

IJISRT20AUG722 www.ijisrt.com 1688

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Severe form of PMS clearly affects mental health dysmenorrhea reported irritation of daily activities. The
leading to depression or anxiety and this refers as study concludes that Dysmenorrhea and PMS is highly
premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). About 15 out of prevalent among female medical students, it is related to
20 girls or women who menstruate have symptoms of PMS college/class absenteeism. 13
to some extent every now and again and About 1 out of 20
women have severe symptoms on regular basis that An extremely wide range of estimated prevalence rate
strongly affect their everyday lives.2 PMDD occurs about for premenstrual disorders in adolescence has been reported
5% of women with PMS. Anxiety, insomnia, irritability, as low as 14% to as high as 88%. Treatment of an
hostility, difficulty concentrating, mood swings although adolescent with premenstrual disorder should begin with
angry outburst towards self or others and some experience education and life style changes including counselling and
positive burst are common symptoms during PMDD(5 ). therapy.14 A pre-experimental one group pretest posttest
PMS symptoms might particularly affects their school study was conducted to access the prevalence and severity
activities and social interaction in a negative way especially of premenstrual symptoms and how effective an
in young adolescent.6 educational program is in decreasing the symptom severity
among 711 adolescent girls of two rural and two urban
Women or girls of reproductive age group secondary school of Pondicherry by using self-administered
experienced 90%- 95% premenstrual changes. One study semi-structured questionnaire. The study results shows that
reported that about 300 different premenstrual change have 40.9% of the urban girls and 51.6% of the rural girls were
been experienced by the reproductive age group women or suffering from premenstrual symptoms. Study concludes
girls, with the most common symptoms. These change can that health education programs regarding PMS and other
be manage by pharmacological or non-pharmacological menstrual problems must be included in the curriculum of
management, Yoga being one of the inseparable aspect.7 secondary schools to bring down the prevalence of such
Yoga is said to be a psychological spiritual discipline
helping in achieving union and harmony with our mind, The investigator, felt that adolescent is a prime time
body and soul and eventually union of our individual for health promotion and to encourage them to establish
consciousness with the universal consciousness, which healthy patterns of behavior that will influence their
helps to change in mental attitude, diet and practice of development and health in later years. Premenstrual
specific techniques such as yoga asana (posture), breathing syndrome symptoms rate is seen very high in adolescent
(pranayama), and meditation to accomplish the supreme girls and women at some point in their lifetime and this
level of consciousness.8 Yoga plays an important role in type of symptoms severely affect the adolescent girls.
reducing stress, decreasing anxiety levels improving sense Majority of studies show that, the yoga techniques or
of well-being.9 Yoga helps in alleviating the symptoms of therapy helps to relieve the premenstrual syndrome So,
PMS which are difficult to list out and countless. it also Regular yoga can help or reduce the risk of developing
helps in transform the body to bring harmony between the premenstrual syndrome symptoms. In addition, yoga can be
body and the soul and feel the mind with satisfaction and practiced easily in the adolescent age, which helps them to
joy.10 maintain the flexibility and balance of the body as well as
to cope with the health problems of adolescents.
Various yoga poses are evince in ease premenstrual Premenstrual syndrome symptoms in adolescents can also
symptoms which also helps the mind and body to adjust be severe enough not only to interfere with, but also to
with stress, anxiety and depression by relaxing and calming impair functioning in the domains of school
the mind and body, and permit us to cope with work/performance, social activities or interpersonal
psychological symptoms of PMS.11 relationship. So, this study aims to improve the knowledge
of adolescent girls regarding the yoga and its benefits
According to the epidemiology of premenstrual which helps to relieve symptoms of Premenstrual
syndrome globally, women with premenstrual syndrome syndrome.
usually present both physical and mood symptoms. These
are affecting approximately 20% to 30% of menstruating II. METHODOLOGY
women. The average age at which women with
premenstrual syndrome seek treatment is below 30 years. 12 This research aimed at assessing the effectiveness of
structured teaching program regarding selected yoga
In context of India the premenstrual syndrome is the technique to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual
second (60.50%) most prevalent syndrome among the syndrome among adolescent
women of the reproductive age group after social Girls of selected high school at Bangalore.
withdrawal (67.08%). According to a study conducted in
TamilNadu, to evaluate the prevalence of menstrual  Research approach and design
problems especially dysmenorrhea and its severity among An evaluative approach with pre-experimental, i.e.,
300 female medical students and its association with one group pretest posttest design was found to be
college absenteeism. The result shows that the prevalence appropriate to describe the effectiveness of structured
of premenstrual syndrome was 67%, only 9.7% of students teaching program regarding selected yoga technique to
consulted a physician and, 22.1% of students with

IJISRT20AUG722 www.ijisrt.com 1689

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
relive symptoms of premenstrual syndrome among accurate as possible. After completion of questionnaire STP
adolescent girls. was given and yoga poses have shown to adolescent girls
on the same pre testing day. Post test was conducted on the
 Setting 7th day of the pretest.
This study was conducted in 3 high school, sunshine
public school Chikabanavara, Pavitra school Each question had a score 1 for correct answer and
Chikkabanavara and BET English school Hessarghatta score 0 for the wrong answer.
main road Bangalore. This was feasible to conduct study. The total score was 30.

 Sampling procedure III. RESULTS

The sample of the study comprises 100 adolescent
girls in selected high schools at Bangalore, fulfilling  Organization and Interpretation of the Study Findings
inclusion criteria. Probability Simple random sampling The substantive summary of the analysis was
technique was used to select 100 adolescent girls from the under the following sections
selected high schools.
Section 1 – Description of demographic variables of
 Ethical Approval adolescent girls
Ethical clearance was obtained from institutional  Frequency and percentage distribution of demographic
ethical Research committee of RR College of Nursing. variables of adolescent girls

 Data collection technique Section 2 – Assessment of pre-and post-test knowledge

In this study researcher has prepared structured regarding selected yoga technique to relieve symptoms
knowledge questionnaire which consist 30 knowledge of premenstrual syndrome among adolescent girls of
items and 10 demographic information has been used to selected high school at Bangalore.
collect data from adolescent girls and same questionnaire  Range, mean, standard deviation and mean percentage
was used in pre and post test. of pre-test and post-test knowledge
 Frequency distribution of samples according to pre-test
The tool was further divided into two sections. and post-test level of knowledge
 Mean, standard deviation and mean percentage of pre-
Section-A: questionnaire to elicit the baseline variables. test and post-test aspect wise knowledge
Section-B: Consists of 30 knowledge items related to
meaning of premenstrual syndrome, Menarche, Section 3 – Effectiveness of structured teaching
menstruation, Yoga, Yoga technique. It has 3 parts. programme regarding selected yoga technique to relieve
Part-I: Consists of 2 knowledge items related to menarche symptoms of premenstrual syndrome among adolescent
and menstruation. (item 1-2) girls of selected high school at Bangalore by comparing
Part-II: Consists of 4 knowledge items related to pre-test and post-test scores.
premenstrual syndrome means, causes, symptoms and  Outcomes of paired t-test analysis on comparison of
general management. (item 3-6) pre-test and post-test knowledge
Part-III: Consists of 24 knowledge items related to yoga,  Outcomes of paired t-test analysis on comparison of
yoga techniques and its benefits. (item 7-30). pre-test and post-test aspect wise knowledge
The investigator has prepared semi-structured Section 4 - Association between levels of knowledge with
questionnaire after extensive literature review, experts their selected demographic variable
advice. The instrument is prepared in English and  Association between knowledge and demographic
distributed to the respondent are requested to respond the variables
questions by putting tick mark to the option given as

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Sl no Demographic variables frequency Percentage

13-14yrs 56 56.0
1 Age in years
15-16yrs 44 44.0
8th 39 39.0
2 Class studying 9th 27 27.0
10th 34 34.0
Hindu 74 74.0
Christian 10 10.0
3 Religion
Muslim 16 16.0
High 6 6.0
Socio-economic status of
4 Middle 86 86.0
Low 8 8.0
9-10yrs 6 6.0
Age of menarche 11-12yrs 47 47.0
13-14yrs 47 47.0
21-28 days
40 40.0
Menstrual cycle
6 28-35 days 25 25.0
Once in 35days 17 17.0
Irregular 18 18.0

Family history of Yes 61 61.0

Premenstrual syndrome
No 39 39.0

Personal history of premenstrual syndrome

Yes 86
No 14

Eating healthy food 35 35.0

Rest and sleep 38 38.0
Practice yoga 4 4.0
9 If yes, relieved premenstrual syndrome by Medication 9 9.0

No History 14 14.0

Mass media 52 52.0

Previous source of information Health personal 16 16.0

Family members 28 28.0

Peer group 4 4.0

Table 1:- Distribution of samples based on frequency and percentage of demographic characteristics (n=100)

IJISRT20AUG722 www.ijisrt.com 1691

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The table 1 presents the frequency and percentage Regarding monthly menstrual cycle, 40% had 21-28
distribution of menopausal women according to their days cycle, 25% had 28-35 days cycle, 17 had once in
demographic variables. 35days and 18 had irregular menstruation.

According to age, majority of the adolescent girls Regarding family history of premenstrual syndrome,
(56%) were within 13-14years 44% of them were within15- 61% had h/o premenstrual syndrome and 39% were not had
16 years group. any family history.

Regarding Class studying in,39% were from 8th Regarding personal history of premenstrual syndrome,
standard, 27% were from9th standard, and 34% were from 86% had h/o premenstrual syndrome and 14% were not had
10th standard. any personal history.

According to Religion, majority of them (74%) were Regarding relief of premenstrual syndrome symptoms,
Hindu,10% were Christian, and 16% were Muslim and 35% were relieved by Eating healthy food, 38% had relief
none of them was belong to others. from rest and sleep, 9% had relief from medication and 4%
had relief from yoga practice.
According to socioeconomic status, 86% were
belonging to middle class, 8% were belonging to lower Regarding previous source of information, 52% had
class and 6% belonged to higher socioeconomic class. mass media as previous source of information, 4% had peer
group as previous source of information, 16% had health
Regarding age of menarche, 47% each had menarche personnel as previous source of information and 28% had
at 11-12yrs and 13-14yrs and remaining 6% at 9-10yrs family member as previous source of information.
of age.


No. Knowledge Aspects Statements Range Mean SD Mean (%)

Pretest knowledge 30 6-18 10.25 2.46 34.16

Posttest knowledge 30 19-29 26.49 2.48 88.3

Table 2:- Range, mean, standard deviation and mean percentage of pre-test and post-test knowledge regarding selected yoga
technique to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome among adolescent girls (n=100)

The above table 2 shows the pre- test range was 6-18, mean 10.25, standard deviation was 2.46, mean percentage was
34.16% and the post test range was 19-29, Mean was 26.49, standard deviation was 2.48, and mean percentage was 88.3%.

Classification of Respondents
Knowledge Level Pre-test Post-test
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Inadequate Knowledge (<50%), (0- 87 87 00 00
14) or (<15)

Moderately adequate knowledge (50- 13 13 14 14

75%) or (15-22)
Adequate Knowledge (>75%) or (23- 00 00 86 86

Total 100 100 100 100

Table 3:- Frequency distribution of samples according to pre-test and post-test level of knowledge (n=100)

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Pretest and posttest knowledge levels

87% 86%


20 13% 14%
0 0
Inadequate (<15) Moderately adequate (15-22) Adequate (23-30)

Fig 1:- Diagram showing distribution of samples based on their pre-test and post-test knowledge

The above table 3 shows in the pre-test 87% had inadequate knowledge, 13% were found to be with Moderately adequate
knowledge. But, in post-test, majority i.e. 86 (86%) had adequate knowledge and 14 (14%) of them was found to be with
moderately adequate knowledge and none of them was found to be with inadequate knowledge. It evidenced that there is an
increase in the knowledge.

Max Pretest Posttest

S No. score
Aspects of knowledge
Mean SD Mean % Mean SD Mean %

1 Introduction and Definition

3 1.08 0.825 36 2.73 0.489 91

2 Causes of premenstrual syndrome 1 0.44 0.499 44 0.76 0.429 76

Symptoms of premenstrual
3 1 0.39 0.490 39 0.81 0.394 81

General management of
4 1 0.49 0.502 49 0.89 0.314 89
premenstrual syndrome

5 1 0.45 0.500 45 0.89 0.314 89

Definition of yoga

6 3 1.49 0.759 49.66 2.53 0.559 84.33

General instructions regarding yoga

7 20 5.91 2.345 29.55 17.91 1.975 89.55

Yoga techniques and its benefits

Overall 30 10.25 2.46 34.16 26.49 2.48 88.3

Table 4:- Mean, standard deviation and mean percentage of pre-test and post-test aspect wise knowledge regarding selected yoga
technique to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome among adolescent girls (n=100)

IJISRT20AUG722 www.ijisrt.com 1693

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Pretest and Posttest mean %

pretest posttest
91% 89% 89% 89.55% 88.3%
90 84.33%
80 76%

49% 49.7%
50 44% 45%
40 36% 34.16%



Introduction Causes of Symptoms of General Definition of General Yoga overall
and premenstrual premenstrual management yoga instructions techniques
Definition syndrome syndrome of regarding and its
premenstrual yoga benefits
Aspectwise knowledge
Fig 2:- Diagram showing aspect wise pre-test and post-test knowledge mean percentage

Mean score percent of knowledge in the aspect of knowledge regarding Introduction and definition was 36%, knowledge
regarding causes of premenstrual syndrome was 44%, knowledge regarding symptoms was 39%, and knowledge regarding
general management was 49%,rearding definition of yoga was 45, General instructions reading yoga was 49.66 and regarding
yoga techniques was 29.55 before structured teaching program and after the intervention it was found to be increased to the mean
score percent of in the aspect of knowledge regarding Introduction and definition was 91%, knowledge regarding causes of
premenstrual syndrome was 76%, knowledge regarding symptoms was 81%, and knowledge regarding general management was
89%,rearding definition of yoga was 89%, General instructions regarding yoga was 84.33 and regarding yoga techniques was



Respondents Knowledge
SE of
Max. Scores Mean Paired ‘t’ P
Aspects Mean Df Inference
Score SE of Mean difference Test value
Mean Diff
Mean %
26.49 2.48
Post-test 30 88.3
10.25 2.46 16.24 0.316 51.34 99 <0.05 HS
Pre-test 30 34.16

Table 5:- Outcomes of Paired t-Test Analysis on Comparison of Pre and Post Test Knowledge (n=100)

IJISRT20AUG722 www.ijisrt.com 1694

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The table 5 represents the mean pre-test and post-test knowledge regarding selected yoga technique to relieve symptoms of
premenstrual syndrome among adolescent girls. The paired t-test was carried out and it was found invariably significant at p<0.05
level, hence null hypothesis (H01) is rejected and the research hypothesis (H1) was accepted. It provides the evidence that the
structured teaching program was significantly effective in providing knowledge regarding selected yoga technique to relieve
symptoms of premenstrual syndrome among adolescent girls.

S. Max SE of Paired
Aspects Mean Pretest Posttest Enhancement p-value
No. score Mean t-test
difference Mean% Mean% in Mean%

1 Introduction and 3 1.650 0.100 36 91 55 16.52 p<0.05


Causes of
2 1 0.320 0.063 44 76 32 5.04 p<0.05

Symptoms of
3 1 0.420 0.061 39 81 42 6.930 p<0.05

4 management of 1 0.400 0.060 49 89 40 6.633 p<0.05
5 1 0.440 0.062 45 89 44 7.043 p<0.05
Definition of yoga

6 3 1.040 0.094 49.66 84.33 34.66 11.04 p<0.05
regarding yoga

7 Yoga techniques 20 12 0.284 29.55 89.55 60 42.214 p<0.05

and its benefits
Overall 30 16.24 0.316 34.16 88.3 54.14 51.34 <0.05
Table 6:- Outcomes of Paired t-Test Analysis on Comparison of Pre and Post Test aspect wise Knowledge (n=100)

Mean score percent of knowledge in the aspect of was 89%, General instructions reading yoga was 84.33 and
knowledge regarding Introduction and definition was 36%, regarding yoga techniques was 89.55.
knowledge regarding causes of premenstrual syndrome was
44%, knowledge regarding symptoms was 39%, and The table 6 represents the mean pre-test and post-test
knowledge regarding general management was knowledge regarding selected yoga technique to relieve
49%,regarding definition of yoga was 45, General symptoms of premenstrual syndrome among adolescent
instructions reading yoga was 49.66 and regarding yoga girls. The paired t-test was carried out and it was found
techniques was 29.55% before structured teaching program invariably significant at p<0.05 level, hence null hypothesis
and after the intervention it was found to be increased to the (H01) is rejected and the research hypothesis (H1) was
mean score percent of in the aspect of knowledge regarding accepted. It provides the evidence that the structured
Introduction and definition was 91%, knowledge regarding teaching program was significantly effective in providing
causes of premenstrual syndrome was 76%, knowledge knowledge regarding selected yoga technique to relieve
regarding symptoms was 81%, and knowledge regarding symptoms of premenstrual syndrome among adolescent
general management was 89%,rearding definition of yoga girls.

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Sl Below Above
Demographic variables Total square Df p value Inference
no median median
13-14yrs 38 18 56
1 Age in years 1.853 1 >0.05 NS
15-16yrs 24 20 44
8th 30 9 39
2 Class studying 9th 14 13 27 6.051 2 >0.05 S
10th 18 16 34
Hindu 41 33 74
3 Religion Christian 9 1 10 5.841 2 >0.05 NS
Muslim 12 4 16
High 4 2 6
Socio-economic Middle
4 51 35 86 2.529 2 >0.05 NS
status of family
Low 7 1 8
9-10yrs 4 2 6
5 Age of menarche 11-12yrs 29 18 47 0.059 2 >0.05 NS
13-14yrs 29 18 47
21-28 days 22 18 40
28-35 days 19 6 25
6 Menstrual cycle Once in 3.282 3 >0.05 NS
35days 11 6 17
Irregular 10 8 18
Family history of Yes 40 21 61
7 Premenstrual 0.848 1 >0.05 NS
syndrome No 22 17 39

Personal history of Yes 55 31 86

Premenstrual 0.995 1 >0.05 NS
syndrome No 7 7 14

20 15 35
healthy food
9 If yes, relieved Rest and
premenstrual sleep 24 14 38 3.354 3 >0.05 NS
syndrome by
Practice yoga 3 1 4
Medication 8 1 9
Media 30 22 52

Previous source of personal 10 6 16
10 information 1.106 3 <0.05 NS
members 19 9 28
Peer group
3 1 4
Table 7:- Association between knowledge and demographic variables (n=100)

Note: s-Significant at 95% (P<0.05); NS-Not significant at 95% level (p>0.05)

IJISRT20AUG722 www.ijisrt.com 1696

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The above table 7 showed the outcomes of association knowledge, 13% of them were found to be with moderately
between knowledge and demographic variables. Out of adequate knowledge and no respondent possessed adequate
demographic variables, Class studying (Chi-square knowledge.
value=6.051, df=2) was significantly associated with
knowledge. The other variables were not statistically The mean percentage and standard deviation of
significant at 95% level (p>0.05). knowledge variables of adolescent girls in the pre-test
showed that the overall knowledge of adolescent girls was
The table 7 presents the association between 34.16% with standard deviation 2.46. The highest mean
knowledge with their selected demographic variables The score of subjects is 49.66% with standard deviation 0.759%
Chi-square test was carried out and it was found in general instruction regarding yoga. The lowest mean
statistically significant at p<0.05 level, hence research score of the subject is 29.55% with standard deviation2.345
hypothesis (H1) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) in knowledge about Yoga techniques and its benefits. This
was rejected. It provides the evidence that there is decrease in overall knowledge indicated that adolescent
significant association between knowledge and girls need more information regarding general information
demographic variables. on yoga technique and its benefits.

 Inference: In the post test, majority 86% of the subjects had

The study revealed that STP is effective in improving adequate knowledge, 14% of subjects had moderately
knowledge regarding selected yoga technique to relieve the adequate knowledge and none of them had inadequate
symptoms of premenstrual syndrome among adolescent knowledge regarding Yoga technique.
girls. It also revealed that there is a significant association
between knowledge and demographic variables. The mean percentage and standard deviation of
knowledge variables of adolescent girls in the post-test
IV. DISCUSSION showed that the overall knowledge of adolescent girls was
88.3 % with standard deviation2.48. The highest mean
 Major findings score of subjects is 89.55% with Standard deviation 1.975
 Findings of demographic Performa in knowledge about yoga technique and its benefits. The
 Majority 56% of adolescent girls were in the age group lowest mean score of the subject is 76% with standard
between 13-14 years, whereas 44% belongs between deviation 0.429 in knowledge about causes of premenstrual
15-16years syndrome. This indicates that there is a significant increase
 Majority 34% of adolescent girls were studying in 8th in the knowledge regarding selected yoga technique among
class, where as 34% in 10th 27% and in 9th class. adolescent girls.
 Majority 74% were Hindu, where as 10% Christian and
16% Muslim. The findings of the present study were supported by a
 Majority 86% were from Middle class family, where as study conducted in selected nursing colleges at Madurai on
8% low class family and 6% High class family. to determine the effect of Yoga therapy on anxiety and
 Majority 47% of adolescent girls were attained Premenstrual syndrome. The findings revealed that, the
menarche at 11-12years and 13-14years, whereas 6% at mean post-test anxiety score was significantly less than the
9-10years. mean pre-test anxiety score of college girls who had yoga
 Majority 40% of adolescent girls had 21-28days therapy (t= 13, p< 0.001). the mean post-test score of
premenstrual syndrome was significantly less than the
menstrual cycle, where as 25% had 28-35 days cycle,
17% had once in 35days and 18% had irregular mean pre-severity score of premenstrual syndrome of the
menstruation. college girls who had yoga therapy (t= 15.8, p< 0.001). 60
 Majority 61% of adolescent girls were had family
 Objective 2: To evaluate the effectiveness of structured
history of PMS, whereas 39% had no family history of
teaching programme regarding selected yoga technique
to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome among
 Majority 86% of adolescent girls were had history of adolescent girls by comparing pre-test and post-test
PMS and 14% were had no history of PMS.
 Majority 38% of adolescent girls PMS relieved by rest Regarding over all knowledge the paired mean
and sleep, whereas 9% by medication and 4% by Yoga difference was 16.24 and SD of difference was 0.316. It
practice was found to be significant (t=51.34, df=99) at 5% level
 Majority 52% had previous source of information from (i.e. p<0.05). The paired t-test was also worked out for the
mass media , whereas 28% from family member 16% different aspects of knowledge regarding selected yoga
from health personal and 4% from peer group. technique to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual
syndrome among adolescent girls and it was found to be
 Objectives 1: To assess the existing knowledge invariably significant at 5% (i.e. p<0.05). It evidenced that
regarding selected yoga technique to relieve symptoms structured teaching programme was statistically significant
of premenstrual syndrome among adolescent girls. in improving knowledge among adolescent girls.
It shows that, the pre-test knowledge level result
shows 87% of the respondents possess inadequate

IJISRT20AUG722 www.ijisrt.com 1697

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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