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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 (2014) 1177– 1185

CY-ICER 2014

Assessment of Creative Thinking Studies In Terms of Content

Çiğdem Hürsena, Aylin Kaplanb, Hasan Özdalc
Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Anabilim Dalı
Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Anabilim Dalı
Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı


The aim of this study is to assess the studies that have been completed in the last ten years in creative thinking approach in
accordance with different criteria. In the scope of this general aim, 143 scientific studies scanned from different data banks have
been assessed in accordance with the criteria such as year of publication, number of writers, methodology, model, data gathering
method, country, sample group, number of samples and sources. The findings have been discussed in accordance with the
assessment results.
© 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of CY-ICER 2014.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of CY-ICER 2014.
Keywords: Creative, creative thinking, content analysis

One of the general aims of the present day education systems is to educate the students as creative individuals and
make them acquire talents to produce creative ideas in order to be able to solve problems which may arise during
their life cycle. Similarly, Chan (2012) and Eyadat & Eyadat (2012) have indicated that creativity is important in
connection to problem solving and creating new ideas. The notion of “creativity” has been studied and considered at
length until today and hundreds of expressions and descriptions can be found in the literature. Öztürk (2004) and
Rahimi (2013) has expressed that besides descriptions of imagination and foresight, creativity can be described as
the ability to innovate a fact and being able to create a difference at a continuing process. Erdener (2003) has
mentioned that in addition to being able to solve the problems, creativity is a concept of showing a creative
performance, diagnosing the problem and producing a solution.
Roberts (2003) and Rahimi & Hematiyan (2012), while expressing that creativity is a feature which exists
in every individual have indicated that talent of producing new ideas during an activity by using imagination and
talent of creating new things is an element of creativity. Mayesky (2006) and Ghorbani, Kazemi, Shafaghi &
Corresponding Author: Aylin Kaplan
E-mail: [email protected]

1877-0428 © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of CY-ICER 2014.
1178 Çiğdem Hürsen et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 (2014) 1177– 1185

Massah (2012) have indicated that creativity is a thought, behavior pattern or a special talent of the individual which
can be realized by other people. Özen (2012) expressed that creativity should be approached as a process where in
the process, the development of creativity emanates as a result of inter-connected reactions. Creativity, as a process,
is formed of the phases given below. (Özen 2012).s
1. Preparation Phase: In this phase, the existing problem is explained and described. Needed data is gathered
and existing materials are checked. Again in this phase, the individual or individuals assess the existing
problem starting from different points for the solution of the problem.
2. Incubation Phase: This phase is expressed as the phase where the product becomes mature beyond the
3. Discovery Phase: This is the phase where the thoughts in preparation phase are materialized.
4. Elimination: At this phase, the ideas are implemented which came out at preparation and new thoughts.
The notion of creative thinking has also a great importance in regard to the learning ambiances. According to
Aksoy (2005), the following steps should be taken in order to improve the creative thinking talent of the learners.
• The education ambiances should be arranged in a way to contribute to the development of creative
thinking talents of the learners and activities should be made available to help the learners recognize
the problem, to think and suggest solutions.
• A democratic ambiance should be formed where the learners can express their feelings, opinions and
ideas easily. Each factor limiting their freedom in this sense will negatively affect their development of
creative thinking talents.
• It is very important to reward every creative behavior of the learners. In this way, the motivation of the
learners will be increased.
• The content and subjects of the lectures should be designed in a way to increase the interests and
curiosity of the learners. They should also be arranged in a way that the learners can see connections
with the real life.
• The education ambiances must be equipped with technological tools and devices which can be used for
general purposes such as television, computer, projection.
• Educators must answer the questions of the learners with respect and encourage them to think different
and set up different connections.
• The learners must be tolerated against the mistakes they may do and instead of putting the learners into
competition with others, priority should be working in cooperation.
• The creative thinking phases in learning ambiances and at the end of this process, the products coming
out shall be assessed correctly.

The general objective of this study is to assess the studies conducted in the field of “Creative Thinking”
approach between 2003 and 2013 in accordance with different criteria. In order to reach to the indicated objective,
143 scientific study which have been published in “Thinking Skills and Creativity”, “Computers & Education”,
“Indian Streams Research Journal”, “Nurse Education Today”, “Procedia”, “Personality and Individual
Differences”, “Computers in Human Behavior”, “e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy”, “International
Journal of Environmental & Science Education” magazines reachable from the databases of “EBSCO”,
“ScienceDirect”, “ISI Web Science” have been analyzed in accordance with different criteria. In addition, it has
been aimed in a way that this study can serve as a guide for the researchers in the field of “Creative Thinking”. In
order to achieve these objectives, answers to the following questions have been sought:
1. How is the distribution of creative thinking approach studies according to years scanned in EBSCO,
ScienceDirect, ISI Web Science databases?
2. How is the distribution of creative thinking approach studies according to the number of writers taken in
the scope the study?
3. How is the distribution of creative thinking approach according to the applied subjects taken in scope of the
4. How is the distribution of creative thinking approach according to the countries the studies have been done
in the scope of this study?
5. What methodologies have been used for the creative thinking approach studies in the scope of this study?
Çiğdem Hürsen et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 (2014) 1177– 1185 1179

6. Which research models have been used in creative thinking studies in the scope of this study?
7. Which data gathering tools have been used during the creative thinking studies in the scope of this study?
8. What kinds of the sources are used in the creative thinking studies in the scope of this study?

This study is a documentary type of study for the assessment of the content analysis of the scientific studies
in the field of creative thinking approach. Characteristics of 143 scientific studies, reached through “EBSCO”,
“ScienceDirect”, “ISI Web Science” databases, have been analyzed in accordance with different criteria. It has been
carefully checked that all scientific studies which were scanned during this study at the indicated databases, are done
in the last ten years between 2003 & 2013 and the working topics and key words are limited with “Creative
Thinking” words. The content analysis criteria of the conducted research which was in accordance with the
objective and sub-objectives are given below:
• Publication Year
• Country of Research Conducted
• Number of Researchers
• Subjects of the Research
• Sampling Group
• Methodology of Research (Qualitative - Quantitative)
• Research Model
• Data Gathering Tools
• Types of Sources used in the Research
During the analysis of the data gathered in this study has been analyzed with the SPSS 16 program. Firstly,
the variables for the content analysis according to criteria which was set out have been defined in the SPSS16
program and a database has been formed. Then, the data entered into this database has been analyzed and interpreted
by the use of “frequency (f) & percentage (%)” technique.


In this section, the findings are given after the analysis of the 143 scientific studies which was scanned
through “EBSCO”, “ScienceDirect” and “ISI Web Science” in accordance with different criteria.

Year of Publication
The creative thinking studies which have been taken into the scope of this study according to years have
been given in Chart 1.
1180 Çiğdem Hürsen et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 (2014) 1177– 1185

Chart 1: Creative Thinking Studies According to Years

According to the data given in Chart 1, 2011 and 2012 are the years that creative thinking studies are seen
most intensively. The lowest year for creative thinking studies is 2008. According to the data in Chart 1, creative
thinking studies have been done between 2003 and 2013 in the databases of “EBSCO”, “ScienceDirect” and “ISI
Web Science”.

The Country of Conducted Study

The distribution of studies according to the countries the studies have been done is given in Table 1 in the
framework of this study.

Table 1: Distribution of Studies According to the Countries Conducted

Country Number of Studies
England 44
USA 39
Taiwan 22
Turkey 19
Greece 9
Spain 8
China 7
India 1
Çiğdem Hürsen et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 (2014) 1177– 1185 1181

Hong Kong 1
Israel 1
Germany 1
Rumania 1

When the data is checked out in Table 1, it can be seen that the studies regarding the creative thinking
approach are intensively done in England, USA, Taiwan and Turkey. According to the same data, the creative
thinking studies have been conducted less in India, Hong Kong, Israel, Germany and Romania.

Number of Researchers
The number of researchers regarding the creative thinking approach studies has been given in Table 2.
Table 2: Data Regarding Number of Researchers

No of Researchers No of Studies
2 73
1 41
3 15
4 9
5 4
7 1

According to the data given in Table 2, it can be seen that the researches in the field of creative thinking are
done maximum with 2 writers or individually. According to the same data, fewer researches are conducted by 4, 5, 6
and 7 writers.

Research Topics

The topics and fields of creative thinking studies which have been checked in this study are given in Table
3 below.
Table 3: Studies According to Topics
Topics of Study No
Science Education 20
History Education 13
Pre-school Education 12
Education Programs 9
Arts Education 9
Psychology 8
Business 7
Information Technologies 7
Administration and Economy 6
Chemistry Education 6
Social Studies Education 6
Turkish Education 6
Pre-service Education 5
1182 Çiğdem Hürsen et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 (2014) 1177– 1185

Material Development 4
Teaching Designing 4
English Education 4
Nursing 3
Music Education 3
Mathematics Education 2
Geography Education 2
Creative Drama 2
Social Information Education 2
Knowledge of Life Education 1
Graphics Design 1
Adult Education 1

When the data given in Table 3 is checked out, it can be seen that most of the creative thinking studies have
been conducted in the fields of “Science Education”, “History Education” and “Pre-school Education”.

Sampling Group
The data regarding who constitutes the sampling group in the scope of this study during the studies of
creative thinking is given in Table 4.

Table 4: Data Regarding the Sampling Group

Sample/Study Group No
University Students 60
Primary School Students 30
Teachers 17
Secondary School Students 15
Adults 14
Teachers and Guardians 4
Pre-school Students 2
Doctorate Students 1

According to the data given in Table 4, it can be seen that the university students are mostly preferred as
the sample/working groups for the scientific studies regarding the creative thinking approach. Besides, the number
of researches that the primary school students are chosen as the sample/work group is high. According to the same
data given above, the number of studies that the doctorate students and pre-school students are preferred less.

Research Method
Research methods data regarding the studies conducted in the field of creative thinking approach has been
given in Table 5.
Table 5: Methods Used in the Researches
Research Method No
Quantitative 93
Qualitative 38
Quantitative - Qualitative 12
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According to the data given in Table 5, it can be seen that quantitative methods are mostly used in the creative
thinking studies. Besides this data, the number of studies that both quantitative and qualitative methods used in the
studies is quite few.

Research Model
The research models used in the creative thinking studies in the scope of this study have been given in
Table 6.

Table 6: Data Regarding Research Models

Study Model No
Scanning 74
Empirical 59
Scanning - Empirical 5
Content Analysis 5

According to the data given in Table 6 in the scope of this study, it can be seen that scanning model is used
most in creative thinking approach studies. Besides, the number of empirical studies is really high in the same field.
According to the same data, the number of content analysis model in creative thinking approach studies is quite low.

Data Gathering Tools

Data gathering tools used in the studies conducted in the field of creative thinking approach has been given
in Table 7.

Table 7: Data Regarding Data Gathering Tools

Data Gathering Tool No

Scale-Questionnaire 51
Questionnaire 34
Scale 28
Interview 16
Literature 14

According to the data given in Table 7, in the scope of this study it can be seen that in the creative thinking
studies, scale and questionnaire is used most as data gathering tool. Besides this information, it has been determined
that the number of data gathering methods in these studies which are based on literature is the lowest.

Number of Sources
The number of sources used in the studies conducted in the field of creative thinking approach has been
given in Table 8.

Table 8: Data regarding the number of sources used

Number of Sources No
21 - 25 30
10 - 15 26
1184 Çiğdem Hürsen et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 (2014) 1177– 1185

26 - 30 24
36 - 40 18
16 - 20 17
31 - 35 14
41 - 45 9
61 - 65 2
71 - 75 2
46 - 50 1
51 - 55 1
56 - 60 0
66 - 70 0

According to the data given in Table 8, it can be seen that in the scope of this study in the creative thinking
studies, highest number of sources used is between 10 and 40 sources. Furthermore, the average number of sources
used for the researches is 11.


It has been found out that there were studies published on magazines on creative thinking between 2003
and 2013 as a result of content analysis on creative thinking approach. It can be seen that highest number of
studies in this field has been done in 2011 and 2012. It is expected to have more scientific studies in the
following years in the field of creative thinking which would contribute to the development of this field.
It has been found out as a result of content analysis on creative thinking approach that studies in creative
thinking have been conducted more in the countries: England, USA, Taiwan and Turkey. According to the same
data, it is concluded that in the countries of India, Israel, Hong Kong, Germany and Romania, the creative
thinking studies have been conducted lowest. It is recommended to have creative thinking studies in the Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus in respect that these studies would contribute to the educators, students and
education ambiances.
As a result of the content analysis of creative thinking approach, mostly studies of two writers are coming
forward among the scientific studies. Furthermore, it has been determined that the conducted researches are
generally a product of group work. In connection to this conclusion, it is believed that it would be more
beneficial if the studies conducted in the field of creative thinking are conducted in cooperative group work.
As a result of the content analysis of creative thinking approach, it has been determined that the scientific
studies can be seen most intensively in the fields of science education, pre-school education and history
education. Creative thinking approach is adopted in all fields since it would contribute to the development of
As a conclusion of the content analysis of creative thinking approach, it has been found out that the
university students are mostly preferred for the sampling in the scientific studies. According to the same data,
there are quite a good number of studies that the sample group is chosen as the primary school students. The
creative thinking approach carries a great importance for the individuals in pre-school, primary school,
secondary school or for the individuals studying in higher education. In this respect, it is suggested that the
creative thinking approach must be installed in the education of different year classes.
As a result of the content analysis of creative thinking approach, it has been found out that mostly
quantitative methods are used in the conducted studies. According to the same data, the number of studies that
both quantitative and qualitative methods are used is very low.
As a result of the content analysis of creative thinking approach, it has been determined that scanning
model is used highest in the studies. According to the same data, there are quite good number of studies
conducted in the framework of empirical design. It is desired to have more studies in creative thinking approach
with the use of different methods and models.
Çiğdem Hürsen et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 (2014) 1177– 1185 1185

It has been found out as a result of the content analysis of creative thinking approach that questionnaire and
scale is used the most as data gathering tool in the studies conducted.


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