A Study of Creative Thinking in Relation To Intelligence and Self-Concept of 10+2 Students

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International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration.

ISSN 2249-3093 Volume 5, Number 1 (2015), pp. 7-10

© Research India Publications

A Study of Creative Thinking In Relation To Intelligence

and Self- Concept of 10+2 Students

Reena Yadav*
Assistant Professor,
University College of Education,
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-136119,
E-mail:[email protected]

Creativity is the process of developing original novel and yet appropriate
response to a problem. As the creativity can be expressed in a variety of ways,
the individual differences can also be expressed in other areas such as
planning, forecasting, decision making and communication. The present study
was caried out to find out relation of intelligence and self-concept with
diffeferent dimensions of creative thinking of 10+2 students in Rewari district
of Haryana.

Keywords: Creative, Intelligence, Self-concept, Rewari, Students

The cultural, scientific and social progress of any country depends on the extent of the
development of creativity among its citizens. Creative men and women are born in
different social, economic and political circumstances. The creator of the universe, is
the supreme mind who possesses the finest creative abilities. He has created all of us
and all that is revealed in nature. We are elevated to be called His creation. According
to Indian philosophy, we are constituents of the supreme power as the rays of the Sun
are the constituents parts of their creator, the Sun. Therefore, every one of us ought to
process creative abilities. Every one of us is a unique creation.
Progress is possible to the researches in the scientific field. Very small portions of
the world‟s population have been able to find new methods, new organise and offer
approved solutions to the familiar problems. The persons who think originally and are
known to be creative and their virtues are known as creativity. In the days gone by the
field of creativity, studies well consider to be centred around to be science, art and
literature only and that was the reason that these subjects well called the creative
A Study of Creative Thinking In Relation To Intelligence and Self- Concept et.al. 8

It is important to recognize the persons who can say to be creative for gearing up
the chariot of civilization. The education and relative person can do this job in vary
significant way starting from the schooling of the child to the end. It teaches the
words not weep for those who die unsung and the relationship of this treat with others
like intelligence, personality and anxiety and with the environmental factors like
socio-economics status of the same time. Here we must tries to understand the
meaning of creativity.

Objectives of The Study

1. To find the relationship between intelligence and different dimensions of the
creative thinking.
2. To find the relationship between self- concept and different dimensions of the
creative thinking.

Hypotheses of The Study

1. There will be no significant relationship between creative thinking and
intelligence of the students.
2. There will be no significant relationship between flexibility, fluency and
originality factors of creative thinking and intelligence of the students.
3. There will be no significant relationship between creative thinking and self –
concept of the students.
4. There will be no significant relationship between originality, flexibility and
fluency factors of creative thinking and self – concept of the students.

In the present investigation random sampling technique was used for the selection of
the sample. The sample comprised of 200 male students of 10+2 class from Govt.
schools of Rewari district. The sample was selected randomly from each school and
students of two sections were taken randomly.

Method Used
The present investigation depends on the pattern of normative survey.

Tools Used
To collect data on independent and dependent variables of the present investigation
the following tools were used.
a. Creative Thinking (Verbal Test by Dr. Baquer Mehdi)
b. Intelligence Test was measured (By Jalota‟s Group Intelligence Test)
c. Self – Concept was measured (By Dr. R.K.Saraswat)

Statistical Techniques Used

Mean, standard deviation and „t‟ test were employed for statical analysis of data.
9 Reena Yadav

Main findings of The Study:

1. The intelligence and Self-concept of the students affect in a positive way the
creative thinking of the students.
2. The intelligence of the students affects in a positive way the originality,
flexibility and fluency factors of creative thinking.
3. Highly intelligent students show more originality, more flexibility and more
fluency on creative thinking as compared to low intelligence students.
4. Self-concept of the students affects the originality, flexibility and fluency
factors of creative thinking.
5. High Self -Concept students show more originality, more flexibility and more
fluency on creative thinking as compared to low Self -concept.

Educational Implication
Though the study had its limitations of time and space, yet it gives us some very
interesting and useful findings. We as teachers by keeping these findings in view can
recognize the creative children and give them special education. Once the creative
students and their potential fields are located by parents, teachers, psychologists and
all those who have concerned for the student and the nation have to think of ways and
means to encourage and foster their creative potentials.
Therefore, it is essential that the aims of the education, curriculum, and methods of
teaching, promotions and rewards should be reframed according to the needs of the
As the needs of creative and non- creative students are quite different, the
educational policy should be reframed with the provision of special classes and
special schools, diversified curriculum and individualized instructions. The colleges
of education and university education department, which bear the responsibility for
preparing teachers, must respond to the need for pupil teacher‟s incline to creative
ways of thinking and interacting with their students creatively.

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A Study of Creative Thinking In Relation To Intelligence and Self- Concept et.al. 10

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