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Effective industrial engagement

in engineering education
– A good practice guide
ISBN: 978-1-909327-14-6
© Royal Academy of Engineering 2016

Cover image courtesy of IFM, Cambridge University.

Oliver Broadbent, Think Up
Ed McCann, Think Up

While this report was commissioned by the Royal Academy of Engineering

Education and Skills Committee, the views expressed within are those of the
authors and not necessarily the views of the Academy.

This report was funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering Education
and Skills Committee.

The authors would like to record their gratitude to the many people who have
contributed to this project and are grateful to the staff at the University of
Bath, University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London, University of Limerick,
University of Liverpool, University of Strathclyde, University College London,
and the Useful Simple Trust.

Executive summary.......................................................................................................................................5
Current practice in industrial engagement .................................................................................... 8
> The challenges........................................................................................................................................ 10
Principles.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Professional engineering institutions
> Principle one – Foster relationships between industry and academia................... 13
> Principle two – Coordinate industrial engagement activities...................................... 16
> Principle three – Open the archives............................................................................................. 18
> Principle four – Develop motivation for industrial engagement activities.......... 20
> Principle five – Make real materials and resources freely available......................... 24
> Principle six – Invest............................................................................................................................. 26
> Principle seven – Develop motivation and skills for engagement............................. 28
> Principle eight – Make strategic use of academics’ and industrialists’ time........ 30
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................... 33
Table of resources ...................................................................................................................................... 35
A Good Practice Guide

4 Royal Academy of Engineering

Executive summary

The Royal Academy of Engineering’s report Engineering

Graduates for Industry highlights the need for a radical
increase in the involvement of industry at national and local
levels in engineering education to ensure that undergraduate
degrees are fit for the future, meeting the needs of
industry and the expectations of students. The purpose of
this guide is to supplement the strategic guidance and case
studies provided in previous studies with practical, workable
suggestions for universities, industry and professional
engineering institutions to help them deliver and benefit from
effective industrial engagement.
The guide begins with a brief description of current state of practice in industrial
engagement in engineering education, and observes that quality and quantity of
industrial engagement initiatives in engineering education is highly variable.

The authors attribute this variability to a wide range of challenges encountered by

frontline staff: challenges to do with motivation and skill; the challenges of insufficient
capacity or funds; and challenges of cultural and organisational difference.

To help frontline staff at universities, in industry and in professional institutions

overcome these challenges the authors propose a series of principles to be applied in
the development of industrial engagement initiatives.

The first three principles are written for professional engineering institutions, and say
that they should foster relationships between industry and academia; they should
coordinate industrial engagement activities; and that they should use their archives to
support industrial engagement.

The next three principles say that industry, in turn, should develop staff motivation and
skill for engagement in engineering education; should make real materials and resources
freely available; and should invest in engagement activities.

The last two principles say that universities in turn should develop motivation and skill for
industrial engagement in engineering education among their staff; and they should make
strategic use of academics’ and industrialists’ time.

In the body of this guide, these principles are each explained in more depth and
accompanied by practical suggestions for implementation.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 5

A Good Practice Guide

6 Royal Academy of Engineering


Four recent reports published by the Royal Academy of Engineering highlight the
need to improve the quality and scope of engineering education if we are to meet
the demands of students and employers for industry-relevant skills1–4. In its report
Engineering Graduates for Industry, the Academy emphasised how important it is that
engineering degrees should be “fit for the future” and highlighted the need for a radical
increase in the involvement of industry at national and local levels in engineering
education2. That report recognises that it is unrealistic to expect graduate engineers
to have all the knowledge and skills that industry requires “but it is fundamental that
graduates understand what other people do and how it all fits together”.

The purpose of this guide is to supplement the strategic guidance and case studies
provided in the previous studies with practical, workable suggestions for universities,
industry and professional engineering institutions to help them deliver and benefit
from effective industrial engagement.

The first part of this report gives a brief overview of the current state of industrial
engagement in undergraduate engineering education and identifies the key challenges
to the development of more effective relationships and engagement. The report then
sets out key principles, broadly applicable to most industrial engagement initiatives,
that can be adopted to overcome these challenges, and also provides specific
suggestions for enhancing particular types of intervention.

Throughout the report key examples of common industrial engagement techniques

are presented in boxes.

The arguments in this guide build on two previous Royal Academy of Engineering
guides by the same authors, Experience-led learning for engineers – a best practice
guide5 and The development of e-learning resources – a best practice guide 6. Together,
these reports show how the use of experience-led learning and the use of e-learning
technologies have a role to play in helping students develop industry-related skills,
and underpinning both of these approaches is effective industrial engagement.
To avoid repetition, this report makes references to many of the points made in these
previous reports, and so the three should ideally be read in conjunction.

Professor John Perkins, in his Review of Engineering Skills, also highlighted the
importance of effective employer engagement in higher education. We welcome
the work of the National Council for Universities and Business (NCUB) to make
employer engagement stronger across all subjects. NCUB will be hosting the advice
and guidance specific to engineering, which has been developed as part of the
Perkins Review 7.

References to online materials are provided in this guide. If the document is being
read onscreen then the hyperlinks in the text can be clicked on directly; for readers
with a printed version, web addresses are provided in the table of resources at the end.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 7

A Good Practice Guide

Current practice in
industrial engagement

8 Royal Academy of Engineering

Current practice in industrial engagement

Image courtesy of BAE Systems

Accreditation of undergraduate engineering programmes is only possible where they
provide progression to professional standards. The Accreditation of Higher Education
Programmes (AHEP) guidelines focus on learning outcomes, yet little is said about how
particular outcomes should be achieved or demonstrated 8. There are, however, several
places in the guidelines where it is suggested that industrial engagement is desirable,
particularly in relation to project work and MEng programmes.

Professional engineering institutions (PEIs) responsible for the accreditation of

programmes on behalf of the Engineering Council provide further guidance to
universities with more detail to cover the discipline for which they are responsible9–10.
Generally, the PEIs focus on specifying outcomes, although in some cases guidance
is given about how the outcomes might be achieved.

On the whole it is left to the universities to decide on curriculum content and the
educational techniques needed to achieve the required learning outcomes. Most
universities involve industry in one way or another in the delivery of their engineering
programmes. The common ways that industry is involved in undergraduate engineering
education are listed in Box 1 and key examples are described in more detail in
Boxes 2 to 13 found throughout the report.

At their best these initiatives are done well and highly effective; however, in the
experience of the authors, the quality and quantity of industrial engagement
initiatives remain highly variable. It is the opinion of the authors that this variability
can be attributed to a series of challenges that staff in universities, industry and
at PEIs encounter when developing such activities.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 9

A Good Practice Guide

The challenges
01 – Appropriate motivation
›› While academic staff may work closely with industry on research, there is less
motivation to engage with industry in relation to education.
›› P
roject-work-focused industrialists may have little motivation to engage with
academia in relation to education.
›› A
ccreditation requirements offer an extrinsic motivator for industrial engagement,
but intrinsic motivators are less obvious.
›› T
he desire to graduate from university and start paying off debts soon may
discourage students from undertaking industrial placements as part of their

02 – Appropriate skills
›› Industrialists in practice don’t necessarily have the appropriate skills to make them
good educators.
›› A
cademics don’t necessarily have the right networking and entrepreneurial skills
necessary to develop high-impact industrial engagement initiatives.
›› A
cademics, industrialists and PEI staff don’t necessarily have the right skills to
disseminate the teaching materials produced.

03 – Necessary capacity and

›› Academic staff, who are often primarily judged on their performance as researchers,
don’t have the time to develop the relationships and resources beyond their existing
teaching materials. Similarly they don’t necessarily have the time to do the high levels
of coordination that many industrial engagement initiatives require.
›› I ndustrialists also have restrictions on their availability, especially during the working
day — for example, for many it is difficult to dedicate half a day to an activity such as a
design workshop.
›› There is often insufficient money available to develop the sorts of initiatives that are
likely to achieve the highest impact. Even when funding is available to establish a new
initiative, long-term financial sustainability remains an issue.

04 – Cultural differences
›› Academics and industrialists account for their time differently: industrialists
typically account for their time on an hourly basis, whereas academics are usually
more able to organise their time as they see fit as long as they meet their research
and teaching objectives.
›› I ndustrialists don’t understand what university environments are like and are
often surprised that teaching is not necessarily the primary focus of activity.

05 – Organisation
›› Academic timetables are fixed, usually a long time in advance. This is a problem
especially for senior industrialists as they don’t know what they are going to be
working on so far in advance.
›› Industrialists often aren’t aware of the learning programme and how it is organised.
›› There are many industrial engagement initiatives, but not necessarily much
coordination, either at a university level or at a national level.

10 Royal Academy of Engineering

The challenges

Box 1 – Common ways that industry is involved in the delivery of

engineering education in universities

›› Visiting professorships/visiting teaching fellowships — these range

from formal funded appointments, such as those through the Royal
Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor Programme, to unfunded
honorary appointments organised by some university departments.
›› Sponsored competitions — such as the Telegraph UK STEM awards
or the Airbus Fly Your Idea competition. See Box 2 on page 14 for
more information.
›› Deep-immersion role-plays delivered by academic–industry
partnerships — for example Nuclear Island Big Rig and Formula Student.
See Box 3 on page 14 for more information.
›› Ad-hoc lectures or participation in projects by industrialists — these
arrangements often arise from requests from academics through their
personal networks. See Box 4 on page 19 for more information.
›› Engineering societies in universities — such as Imperial College
London CivSoc. See Box 5 on page 22 for more information.
›› Young Members’ groups within professional engineering
institution. See Box 6 on page 22 for more information.
›› Work placements — both as a structured part of the programme
or arranged on a more ad-hoc basis. See Box 7 on page 23 for more
›› Industrial mentors — these can be either long-term relationships that
operate over several years, or short-term relationships set up in support
of a particular module or design project. See Box 8 on page 23 for more
›› Provision of free or discounted educational materials — for example
Siemens Education, or the educational resources made available through
Expedition Workshed.
›› Provision of free or discounted engineering software or equipment
— for example, discounted access to the Solidworks software suite.
See Box 9 on page 25 for more information.
›› Sponsorship and bursaries. See Box 10 on page 27 for more
›› Provision of free or discounted memberships of professional
›› Site visits — for example to construction sites or factories. See Box 11
on page 29 for more information.
›› Participation in department or faculty industrial advisory boards.
See Box 12 on page 31 for more information.
›› Student prizes — for example, in support of academic merit.
›› Careers fair and recruitment talks.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 11

A Good Practice Guide

In this section we identify a series of principles that stakeholders in the
industrial engagement process can adopt when seeking to overcome
the challenges identified above. The principles are grouped according
to the stakeholder group to which they apply in the order: professional
engineering institutions, industry and academia.

Professional engineering institutions

Principle one – Foster relationships between academia and industry
Principle two – Coordinate industrial engagement activities
Principle three – Open the archives

Principle four – Develop motivation for industrial engagement activities
Principle five – Make materials and resources freely available
Principle six – Invest

Principle seven – Develop motivation and skills for engagement
Principle eight – Make strategic use of academics’ and industrialists’ time

12 Royal Academy of Engineering


Professional engineering institutions – Principle one

Foster relationships
between industry
and academia
Professional engineering institutions In practice
(PEIs) are a natural meeting ›› Promote networking — Hold events designed to provide opportunities for academics
place between the academic and and industrialists to meet. These events could be specifically focused on opportunities
the industrial spheres, so these for educational collaboration, or they could have a more free-form agenda. Consider
institutions have an important facilitating events that aim to link up staff at similar stages in their careers.
role to play in fostering positive ›› Build a campaign — To help build momentum, staff motivation and funding, build a
relationships between the two. PEI campaign to illustrate to industry the benefits of industrial engagement in education.
staff are well-placed to identify and Make celebrating the success stories part of that campaign. Use newsletters and
introduce potential collaborators. social media channels to help raise awareness of new and existing initiatives. Offer
Their events and regional offices regular prizes that recognise the contributions of individuals and organisations.
provide good opportunities for ›› Make the most of student membership — Student membership of PEIs in itself
academics and industrialists to meet, can play an important part in preparing students for industry because it can make
and their extensive networks are students feel part of a community of practice and expose them to role models who
ideal for promoting and celebrating may demonstrate the professional behaviour that industry wants them to aspire to.
liaison initiatives and the individuals In addition, once students are involved with PEIs, they can play an important role in
who make them happen. seeding new ideas and relationships that will grow over time.
Most, if not all, PEIs already offer free or discounted student membership, but it is
important to make sure that students sign up and make the most of the benefits.
Make signing up the first thing students do when they arrive at university. Providing
strong support for graduate and student groups and networks of academic liaison
staff will also help to build and maintain active student membership. Also make the
most of the archive material to support learning (see Principle three).
›› Enhance the network — PEIs are often the hub of industrial engagement
networks. These networks often consist of dozens of direct relationships between
industrialists, academics and students brought together through the institution. In
the experience of the authors, the coverage of these networks is patchy, with some
parts of industry and academia being well-represented, and others absent.
PEIs should take steps to learn about and tap into the vast potential that their
networks offer. The first priority should be growing, training and motivating their
networks of liaison officers, both in industry and academia. An important area of
training should be in social media, where many of the new connections and networks
are being formed and awareness of these networks is patchy, often relying on bilateral
relationships. PEIs should take steps to learn about and harness the vast potential
social capital that they have through their members. Pay attention to managing
and keeping motivated networks of liaison officers in all universities and important
employers, and harness more informal links through active use of social media.
›› Link industrial liaison to accreditation and qualification — one way to encourage
engagement between industry and universities that some PEIs already use is to
recognise this sort of activity in qualifications for individuals (such as professional
qualification or fellowship) and in accreditation for teaching institutions.
›› Link experience to chartership — encourage student motivation to seek out work
experience and work placements by highlighting to them the contribution it can
make towards achieving professional registration.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 13

A Good Practice Guide

Box 2 — Sponsored competitions

A popular and well-established approach to industrial engagement in
engineering education is for companies to get involved in engineering-themed
student competitions. Competitions can range in scale from high-profile
initiatives run by third parties, such as the Telegraph UK STEM Awards or the
Airbus Fly Your Idea competition, down to competitions run in the classroom
by lecturers for which companies offer a prize. Whereas these high-profile
initiatives offer impact, it is the view of the authors that smaller-scale
initiatives developed in partnership with universities offer the opportunity for
industry and academia to work together to shape the learning process.
Image courtesy of Royal Academy of Engineering
Sponsored competitions have the potential to be very motivating, not just for
the students but also for teaching staff and the sponsoring organisations. Packaging the Pi competition
In this competition the challenge is to design a
The following are some suggestions for activities that could be run as system for packaging a Raspberry. The students’
sponsored competitions and the role that industrial partners can take in response was to use suction and an electronic
shaping and facilitating the activities: control system to pick up a bag, move it to the end
of the production line and open it, ready to receive
›› Design competition – help set the brief and judge the winners; provide
a Raspberry Pi. Once the computer is in the bag,
materials and tools for modeling. the package is released and the process repeated.
›› S
cenario-based role-play – take on the roles of key stakeholders in Although the students’ solution appears both elegant
and simple, it was the culmination of several months’
a role-play scenario. work that involved physical, virtual and mathematical
›› P
aper-based competitions – setting the topics; coaching the writers modelling. The major challenge, which the students
solved using mathematics, was to design a valve that
and judging the winners. would give their system the suction it needed. The
›› D
ebating competition – hosting the event; providing source material design is now being used in the production process.

for debate.
›› R
esearch competition based on an industrial problem – providing a
context for the competition; offering site visits or interviews with staff
to support research.

Some sponsored competitions are also deep-immersion role-plays – see

Box 3 for more info. See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common
ways that industry is involved in the delivering of engineering education
in universities.

Box 3 — Deep-immersion role-plays delivered by academic-industry

Constructionarium and Nuclear Big Rig are two examples of deep-immersion
role-play initiatives delivered by academic–industry partnerships. By deep-
immersion we mean an experience in which students are expected to take
on a particular role for an extended period of time (usually the role of a
practising engineer), where they are set a realistic brief that they must
carry out using realistic processes in a realistic working environment.

Role-play scenarios such as these offer a rich set of opportunities for

experience-led learning as they:
›› Give students the opportunity to put theory into practice.
›› equire students to use and develop a wide range of skills for industry,
such as problem-solving, taking initiative, working in teams and
understanding business and customer needs.
›› llow students to experience for themselves the role they will get
to take on as engineers.
›› Provide a chance for students to meet people from industry.
›› Create workplace values in the classroom.
›› Help students feel part of a community of practice.

14 Royal Academy of Engineering


The success of these initiatives relies on the establishment of effective

academic–industry partnerships to design, deliver and promote them. For
example, the Nuclear Island Big Rig initiative was made possible by funding
from Cogent, the sector skills council, which enabled a project board composed
of representatives from industry and academia to come together to develop
and pilot the concept, to attract users and to secure the funding to grow it.

There are then a number of key ingredients in the design of the events
›› Realistic learning environment — Part of the reality of deep-immersion
role-play events is the physical environment in which they take part. The
Constructionarium takes place in a specially created landscape complete
with river, gorge, lake and hills. The Big Rig:Nuclear new-build event takes Image courtesy of Think Up
place in a space designed to simulate a nuclear-licensed site, and in which
all participants, including staff, are expected to demonstrate ‘nuclear Nuclear Island Big Rig
The Nuclear Island Big Rig initiative brings industry
behaviours’. In the experience of the authors, the more real it looks, the and academia together to deliver transformative
more authentic the learning experience will be for the students. learning scenarios for engineering students.
At a Nuclear Island Big Rig event students are set the
›› Carefully tuned tasks — The briefs that the students are set need to be
challenge of building a mock-up of a mechanical
carefully thought through: on the one hand they should be challenging system under the simulated working constraints
in order to add a sense of excitement and jeopardy; on the other they of a nuclear licenced site.
should be achievable. One way to add an additional sense of jeopardy
is by introducing a competition element as, for example, is the case in
Formula Student.
An alternative to setting a brief is to use a project-based learning approach
(see Principle seven of the report Experience-led learning for engineers
for more information on taking this approach).
›› Blended support resources — Deep-immersion role-plays usually require
a blend of different support resources. The trick is to provide students with
the information they need using highly realistic means, for instance, using
real technical drawings or online project reporting systems – here the
ability of industry to supply real or realistic materials is very valuable.
›› killed facilitation — All staff facilitating deep-immersion role-plays need
to be carefully briefed by the coordinating team on the role they are taking
on, otherwise the experience can be compromised. The facilitation team
also needs to understand how to manage the mood of the participating
students: how to increase the pressure or ease off as appropriate;
how to hold back information or release it in order to help teams get
the task finished.
The final crucial step in running any large-scale deep-immersion role-play,
given the efforts and considerable expense of doing so, is to celebrate the
initiative and recognise the participation of all who made it happen.

See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common ways that industry is
Image courtesy of Expedition
involved in the delivering of engineering education in universities.
Constructionarium example
For over ten years, industry and academia have
been collaborating to deliver the Constructionarium,
a unique learning environment in which
undergraduate civil engineers are set the challenge
of building large-scale mock-ups of real engineering
structures using real plant, materials and processes.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 15

A Good Practice Guide

Professional engineering institutions – Principle two

Coordinate industrial
engagement activities

Industrial engagement in Were PEIs to set greater direction, it would help to make more effective use of academics’
engineering education tends to be and industrialists’ time and resources, it would help to raise the educational value of
based on linkages at a personal level initiatives across the board, and it would help to overcome the organisational challenges
rather than at an organisational or previously identified. If, as part of their coordination activity, PEIs helped individuals to
institutional level. Increasing the develop the necessary skills to support industrial engagement, the educational value of
number of industrial engagement these engagement activities would be further raised.
initiatives in engineering education
will inevitably increase the number of In practice
direct linkages. In the authors’ view ›› Coordinate the activities of visiting professors (VPs) — There are hundreds of
we should not want or expect to be visiting professors appointed from industry to academic institutions, either directly
able to coordinate all this activity at under bilateral arrangements or through schemes such as the Royal Academy of
the scale of individual initiatives but Engineering’s VPs programme. Since VPs are usually senior personnel from industry,
professional engineering institutions and they tend to liaise with senior members of teaching staff, VPs are perhaps the
(PEIs) should provide more high-level most obvious vector for influencing industrial engagement. To this end, PEIs should:
coordination. »» Identify VPs in their sector and what their activities are.
»» Identify appropriate themes for programmes of activity linked to availability
of funding.
»» Establish new VPs programmes as necessary to address themes not
currently covered.
»» Establish communities of practice in which best practice can be shared, perhaps
involving an annual conference (see below). Consider running a VPs blog that
syndicates activities of all the VPs in a given programme (blogging allows updates
to be much more frequent than a printed publication allows).
›› Run an annual conference — This conference would be exclusively dedicated to
industrial engagement in education, helping to set the agenda, identifying key issues,
promoting best practice, signposting resources and celebrating participation.
›› Offer training for engagement — PEIs are ideally placed to design and deliver
training to address key areas in which stakeholders in industrial engagement would
»» Appropriate pedagogy — making sure that industrial engagement initiatives are
designed in such a way to support effective learning (for more information see
Principle one of the report Experience-led learning for engineers)
»» Networking — industrial liaison depends on individuals making new connections
outside of their usual networks. Networking like this is doesn’t come naturally to
all, so training in this area would support improved industrial engagement, helping
in particular to overcome the challenge of cultural differences described above.
»» Design of e-learning resources — while e-learning is key to growing the impact of
industrial engagement, according to the report The Development of e-learning
resources, many of those involved in designing engagement initiatives are ‘digital
immigrants’ rather than ‘digital natives’ and so need to raise their awareness and
skills in this capacity.

16 Royal Academy of Engineering


Image courtesy of Birmingham University

›› Audit – As part of their coordination role, PEIs could conduct an audit of industrial
engagement initiatives to help identify best practice, opportunities for wider
collaboration, and places where further support or funding is needed.
›› Signpost resources and activities – One of the challenges to effective industrial
engagement previously identified is not having the necessary capacity or funding.
It is therefore essential that when an initiative has resulted in the development of
resources that others can use, such as presentations, podcasts, and lesson plans,
these are widely disseminated. Wider dissemination also raises the profile of these
resources and so is likely to attract greater funding for such ventures in future.
Possible channels for dissemination include websites, conferences, a blog dedicated
to industrial engagement, industrial liaison networks and social media.
›› Coordinate development of e-learning resources — In the view of the authors,
e-learning resources are one of the most effective ways to achieve high impact
in industrial engagement because of the experience-led learning outcomes that
can be addressed and the high dissemination levels that can be achieved. The RAE
report The Development of e-learning resources – a best practice guide contains a
section on effective commissioning of resources, a section on design and a section on
dissemination, all of which are critical to the process. The key points for PEIs seeking
to coordinate the development of e-learning resources are below:
»» Encourage the development of appropriate resources by: focusing on what
students are looking for and using; funding pilots, especially high-impact
initiatives that individual organisations are unlikely to be able to afford
themselves; supporting comparison portals that syndicate resources and
rate the best ones; actively discouraging duplication; and focusing on practice-
orientated content.
»» Encourage high-quality and appropriate design by: sharing best practice on
accessibility; sharing research on how people use the internet; disseminating
information on appropriate e-learning pedagogy.
»» Encourage dissemination by: making resources free and freely available through
Creative Commons licencing; actively encouraging search engine optimisation and
meta-tagging of resources; promoting ‘authorship’ of resources; recommending
publication to portals such as Core Materials.
»» Encouraging continual improvement by using data to evaluate effectiveness and
to inform future design.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 17

A Good Practice Guide

Professional engineering institutions – Principle three

Open the

To support their function as learned Archive material has an important role to play in industrial engagement. Getting
bodies, most PEIs maintain a access to the material itself is potentially very motivating for students, particularly
substantial archive of material going as university teaching staff often find it very difficult to give students access to real
back decades, if not more than a documents from engineering projects. Real material helps to put theory into context;
century, and employ a team of expert it helps students understand what they might be producing and what role they might
staff dedicated to cataloguing and play. Archive material also has the potential to reinforce the sense of belonging to a
disseminating it. Indeed, by including community of practitioners, which is an important part of the experience-led learning
the suggestions below in this guide, that supports developing skills for industry5.
the authors are not trying to tell
these experts how to do their jobs, It is therefore important that students have access to these materials, and equally that
rather to highlight to others involved students develop the habit of using them. Beyond the value of the archive material
in industrial engagement how to in its own right, archive material could form the basis of new academic–industry
make the most of the opportunities relationships, as the following suggestions demonstrate.
that these archives offer.
In practice
›› Invite the students in – Most PEIs already allow students to come and use their
library and archive resources. But the difference between ‘being able to’ and ‘actually
doing’ can often be large. Students often need plenty of encouragement so PEIs
should consider running initiatives to actively encourage students to make use of
their resources.
›› Attend IABs – One way to make more use of archive materials in teaching is for
archivists from PEIs to attend university industrial advisory boards to see how their
materials can fit into the curriculum.
›› Talk to the accreditors – Building on the previous point, archivists could also work
with the staff from their organisations to identify ways in which the archives could
support teaching of the engineering curriculum at universities.
›› Match-make – There may be an opportunity for archivists to forge a link between a
university and a company by identifying archive material that relates both to a specific
company and to a topic in the engineering curriculum. The material could form
the basis of a group project that representatives from that company could help to
facilitate for example; or alternatively the material could form the basis of a student
investigation into an aspect of that company’s work.
›› People like people – In the experience of the authors, one of the most appealing
aspects of archives is the stories of the individuals who made things – who did things.
Building on the previous point, the stories of engineers’ activities may also provide
the basis for a link between a university and a company, and provide a context for
helping undergraduates understand what engineers do in practice.
›› Encourage student research – PEI archive material could form part of the research
for a student project or dissertation.
›› Digitise – It is the author’s opinion that the single most effective way to maximise
the benefits that archives offer is to digitise the content and to make it freely available.
Approaches for commissioning, designing and operating digitised archives are covered
in detail in the report The Development of e-learning resources – a best practice guide6.

18 Royal Academy of Engineering


Box 4 — Ad-hoc speakers from industry

Inviting people from industry to give a presentation to students is one of the
commonest and most straightforward ways for industry to get involved with
education. These speakers are in a great position to:
›› Help students structure their knowledge by showing them what learning
is relevant.
›› Provide real examples from industry to inform students’ studies.
›› Relate the skills students are developing to real processes.
›› Give students an insight into what they might be doing when they Institution of Civil Engineers - One Great
graduate. George Street - Library. Image licence under
Whether speakers become involved in an ad-hoc or a more formalised basis, CC BY-SA 3.0
the following are some suggestions for making the most of their involvement. ICE Library
The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) library
Visting lecturers:
collection is designated as being of outstanding
›› Share content - Create content/presentations that can be left behind. national importance by the Museums, Libraries
Tell universities what content can be shared so that it can be given the and Archives Council. With over 130,000 titles,
appropriate permissions. the ICE Library is the largest resource in civil
›› Liaise with university - Find out what students are learning about, engineering in the world.

so presentation content can provide a context for current topics in

the curriculum.
›› Say what you will say - The earlier universities are provided with content/
context, the better staff will be able to promote lectures to students, or
make connections within their own lectures.
›› Provide pre-reading - Often the most valuable part of a one-off lecture
from an industrialist is the Q&A. Try to send some content in advance, so
that students come prepared with questions.
›› Provide real documents - This is something that universities really
struggle with.
›› Promote – In the experience of the authors there are few things more
demotivating than talking to an empty auditorium. Use social media to raise
awareness, and also to credit the industrial partner for mutual benefit.
Take photos and share these after the event.
›› Go on the record – Record presentations and integrate into pre-briefing
materials for future lectures and workshops.
›› Learning outcomes - Work with speakers to establish learning outcomes,
and identify all the different courses to which the speaker’s material is
relevant. Linking content to other learning will help reinforce both.
›› Give staff contact - Give staff the opportunity to talk to the speaker
after the session to explore other areas of practice that can
be integrated into the course.
›› Grow the relationship - Use an ad-hoc lecture as the starting point for
more involvement with the university. Regular involvement could lead to
an honorary position at the university
›› Student crits - Invite industrial representatives to critique student
work. This is especially effective for helping undergraduates understand
expectations in industry.
›› Share content - Use technology to share content, such as video streaming
or uploading content to knowledge-sharing portals such as Core Materials
or Jorun with appropriate Creative Commons permissions.
Professional institutions:
›› Create a database of visiting lectures content - This can help to grow
a community of practice, grow coverage and avoid duplication.
›› Offer prizes
›› Include speaking - At universities and colleges as part of evidence
required for professional registration.
›› Celebrate the involvement of your staff.
›› Allow staff to share content.
See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common ways that industry is involved
in the delivering of engineering education in universities.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 19

A Good Practice Guide

Principles for industry – Principle four

Develop motivation for

industrial engagement
In the experience of the authors, In practice
many industrialists are motivated ›› Be clear about the purpose — Many staff will have a tacit understanding of some
to get involved with some sort of of the benefits to academic staff and students of industrialists getting involved
industrial liaison activity, be that in with education but being clear about the full range of benefits might be a further
a university setting or in a company motivator. For instance:
setting. However, it is likely that »» Professionals from industry have a potentially important role to play in motivating
the challenges outlined at the start students to study, because they help to provide a sense of purpose for their
of this report may go some way to studies, providing a real context for the sometimes theoretical activities that
eroding that motivation. Here are students work on. They also help students understand the community of practice
some practical suggestions that to which they will belong.
companies can adopt to help their »» There’s an important part for industrialists to play in deep-immersion role-play
staff overcome those challenges. activities, such as the Big Rig:Nuclear Decommissioning project where ‘client’
and ‘safety inspector’ roles are taken on by representatives from industry. Having
industrialists take on these roles adds to the reality of the learning scenario, and
potentially helps to increase its transformative impact.
»» Students worried about whether they are going to succeed at university or
industry may find it motivational to hear real stories of success and overcoming
failure from people already in industry.
›› Celebrate employees’ involvement – Celebrate your staff when they are invited
to get involved with teaching at universities, both through internal and external news
channels. Such activities are likely to require a considerable amount of a member of
staff’s own personal time, and so this should be recognised. Publically celebrating
this sort of activity can contribute to building a culture of industrial engagement
across industry.
›› Make it work for you – University and industrial timetables don’t always line up,
but there are ways that this difference can be overcome, for example using Skype
or e-conferencing software to form a remote link with students at a university.
If synchronous working is not possible, staff should consider an asynchronous
approach, for example by producing a podcast of the material to be delivered. See
The Development of e-learning resources for recommendations on tools for video
conferencing and producing podcasts.
Similarly, there are tools available for helping staff overcome the challenges of looking
after students who come into the workplace. For example, if a member of staff is
being asked to manage a work experience student, but doesn’t have time to do
so, consider using a tool like Student Studio, a platform supported by the Academy
designed to help take the burden out of supervising work experience.

20 Royal Academy of Engineering


›› Get the training – In the authors’ view there is a need for a short training package
to prepare industrialists who are going to be involved in industrial engagement.
Whoever offers this training (Principle two of this report suggests it should be the
PEIs who do this), the authors believe it should cover the following points:
»» Awareness of different learning models — this topic is covered in much more depth
in Experience-led learning – a best practice guide. An alternative very helpful
resource is Felder’s paper Engineering Education: A tale of two paradigms12, which
describes the difference between constructivist and positivist learning models as
applied to engineering.
»» Motivating students — helping industrialists understand the role they can play
in motivating students (see point above on being clear about the benefits).
»» Feedback techniques — staff will often be invited to critique students’ work. There
are appropriate techniques for doing so of which industrialists should be aware.
»» Understanding the curricula — industrialists need to be able to get a quick
understanding of the overall curriculum to see how their contribution fits in.
Greater awareness of the curriculum may help industrialists identify additional
resources, case studies or experiences that they can bring to the classroom that
they might not otherwise have done.
»» Understanding systems — most universities now use some sort of virtual learning
environment for disseminating information and managing course work. These
tools could help overcome challenges of availability by supporting asynchronous
working, but many industrialists are likely to be unaware that these systems exist.
»» Find out student learner habits — study habits have changed radically, even in
the last five years. Industrialists returning to the classroom after many years are
likely to be quite surprised to see how different student learning habits now are
compared to when they were in education. For instance, many students now
work directly on a laptop, and in the experience of the authors, students’ first
port of call when faced with any sort of question is the internet, not a book.
What is important is that people coming into universities are prepared for
these different approaches.
»» How to disseminate — creating resources that can be widely disseminated is
important for building long-term effective industrial engagement (see Principle
six of this guide). This requires the use of various techniques, such as using
Creative Commons attribution, in which staff would most likely benefit
from training.
»» Support students in the workplace — as important as preparing industrialists
going into universities is the need for training to support students who are on
workplace-based learning schemes, such as work-experience placements or a
sandwich course. The workplace is a very rich learning environment but students
need guidance to help them make the most of these learning opportunities.
›› Create long-term relationships — Forming the relationships that enable industrial
engagement can take a lot of time and effort, which all needs to be repeated when
the relationship comes to an end. Industrialists should consider ways to make
their intervention last, recognising that they may not always be able to participate
themselves. One way to do this is to train up other staff members to deliver in future
what they are doing now. Another is to consider turning the intervention into an
e-learning resource.
›› Don’t duplicate — This guide recommends that PEIs play a role in coordinating and
signposting industrial engagement interventions to save effort for all involved.
For their part, industrialists should consult with PEIs to see who else is doing what,
and to see if there are materials or approaches that they can borrow and bulid on.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 21

A Good Practice Guide

Box 5 – Student societies

Student-led engineering societies in universities offer a great opportunity
for students to shape their own learning about engineering. They are also
an important informal hub for the connections between universities and
industry because through the annual flurry of activity, new connections
are continually being formed. However, one of the challenges that face
student societies is the turnover of volunteers that run them, which leads
to organisational amnesia, and many of these connections being lost.

One way that departments can effectively support their student Image courtesy of Oliver Broadbent
engineering societies is ensure that their activities are properly archived.
This needs to be done in such a way as to not take away the initiative from CivSoc at Imperial College London
the students, but rather to provide them with a resource that will avoid An example of a student-led engineering society is
them making the same mistakes as predecessors. Part of that archiving CivSoc, Imperial College London’s civil engineering
society. CivSoc’s activities include arranging
process needs to include keeping track of lists of contacts, so that these can
site visits, organising talks from industrialists,
be maintained as part of the department’s broader industrial engagement liaison with professional engineering institutions,
strategy. Another way to help overcome organisational amnesia and to grow publication of Livic (see below) and the organisation
participation is to set up a society newspaper. Not only are newspapers a of an annual international trip, such as its visit to
good way to encourage widespread involvement, they also provide a lasting Paris, pictured.
record of what has been done in the past.

Professional engineering institutions can support and encourage the

creation of student engineering societies by providing them with model
organisational structures and processes to help them get started, offering
to host their meetings, and by providing a link to the young members’ group
in their area (see Box 6 for more information on young members’ groups).
Industry can support engineering societies by putting up speakers for their
events, by running site visits and offering sponsorship. Employers could
consider establishing a longer-term relationship with student societies as
part of a broader recruitment strategy.

Finally, one of the most effective ways that student societies can get
support for themselves is to tap into recent graduate alumni networks
– even better if those alumni were themselves members of the society.
Graduates are often happy to return to their old universities to help support
Image courtesy of Oliver Broadbent
the sorts of initatives they were involved with themselves as students.
Livic at Imperial College
See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common ways that industry is
Livic is the civil engineering newspaper of
involved in the delivering of engineering education in universities. CivSoc (see above). It was set up to give students
the opportunity to write about developments
in industry.

Box 6 — Young members’ groups

Like student engineering societies, as described in Box 5, the young members’
groups of professional engineering institutions provide students and
graduates with an opportunity to shape their own learning and development,
and to take a role in helping others do the same. Their activities typically
include running lectures and seminars, networking events, competitions and
training to help graduates prepare for their professional review.

These groups are often run by teams of enthusiasts who commit large amounts
of time to making these activities happen. One of the ways that institutions
can support their groups is to ensure that the administrative burden that these
volunteers are subject to is kept to a minimum. Another is to provide these
groups with access to meeting room space in their buildings free of charge.

One of the ways to achieve high levels of participation in their activities is

for young members’ panels to grow effective networks into universities
and employers. In doing so, they are part of the glue that joins industry
to academia. For their part, institutions should keep track of these
connections as part of their broader work to coordinate industrial
engagement activities, as described under Principle two of this report.

See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common ways that industry is
involved in the delivering of engineering education in universities.

22 Royal Academy of Engineering


Box 7 — Work placements

For many students, work placements are the first chance they get to experience
an engineering workplace. While a work placement might appear to be a good
opportunity for students to put theory into practice, in reality, sometimes
placements don’t because the level at which university undergraduates can
operate in the workplace is below what is required on projects. Nevertheless,
what work placements can offer is the opportunity to observe how engineering
projects work and to see what knowledge and skills engineers use in their every
day practice. Students returning from work placements are likely to have a better
sense of how the material they are covering in class can (or can’t) be related to
how an engineer does his or her job.

Despite the importance of work placements, this is one area of industrial

engagement in engineering education around which there appears to be little
coordination. In general students are left to find their own placements, and
little is made of the learning opportunities that they present. Here are a few
practical suggestions for how universities and companies could help students
get the most out of these placements:

›› Before they go – Ask students to think about what they want to get out
of the placement. Are there particular professional skills students want to
develop, or is there any particular topic that they could use the opportunity
to investigate?
›› K
eep a journal – Encourage students to keep some sort of record of their
experiences. Even a photo journal showing their workplace and the people
they worked with can provide a memory aid for reflective learning later on.
›› B
ring something back – Invite students to make a presentation on their
return to university about what they did on their placement. Better still, ask
students if they can get permission to bring in real documents or examples
that can be used to illustrate upcoming course material.

See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common ways that industry is
involved in the delivering of engineering education in universities.

Box 8 — Industrial mentors

There are various roles that industrial mentors can play in engineering
education. One common way is when industrialists are recruited by
teaching staff to mentor individual groups in group design projects. A
much less common approach, although one that has much higher potential
impact, is for industrialists to act as a more general mentor for students
in support of their broader development. In both scenarios, the mentor is
broadening the student’s horizons by providing the perspective of someone
working in industry and helping them to understand what an industrialist
would expect in a piece of work.

In the view of the authors, one of the most important roles that an
industrial mentor can play is to help motivate students towards learning
what is useful and what might make them a better engineer rather than
just focusing on grades, which unfortunately in the university setting,
is the preoccupation of many students.

See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common ways that industry is
involved in the delivering of engineering education in universities.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 23

A Good Practice Guide

Principles for industry – Principle five

Make real materials

and resources freely
A recurring theme in this guide In practice
has been the benefit to the ›› What to make available — Material of all sizes, from expensive specialist equipment
learning process that access to to a single photo, brought from industry into the classroom can be of benefit to the
real materials offers — be those learning process. Here are some suggestions for materials that industrialists might
materials documents, drawings, consider bringing with them.
physical artefacts or images — »» Photos and videos — images of machinery and processes help to provide context
and the difficulty that universities for theory. Images of people doing their jobs can bring engineering to life. Images
have in giving students access to of workplaces are potentially motivating for students.
these materials. »» Technical drawings and computer models — academics tell us that getting access
to real drawings, and models is a big challenge. Where they can get access to
real drawings they are not necessarily from a project that would best support
teaching. Industrialists are likely to receive a warm welcome therefore if they ask
academics what drawings or models would best support their teaching.
»» Process documents and software — project management tools are a part of
daily engineering practice. Giving students access to these tools can be part
of preparing students for the workplace, helping them to understand project
management processes and the behaviours that are expected in industry.
A component of the Nuclear Island Big Rig event described (see page 15) is
requiring students to use real project management tools and processes from the
industry as part of their activities as they help to reinforce the development of
‘nuclear behaviours’, which is one of the learning outcomes of the course.
»» Operational data — to set realistic problems in engineering education, academics
benefit from access to real data from engineering projects – mechanical
performance information, project budgets, quality testing data, etc.
»» Reports – technical report writing is an important skill for many industrialists.
Giving students access to reports will help them learn about report writing and
provide rich information about real engineering projects.
»» Templates — Even something as ubiquitous in an engineering office as a
calculation pad can have the impact in the classroom of making students feel like
they are part of a community of practice, thus supporting experience-led learning
and preparing them for industry.
›› Disseminate resources freely online — insofar as is possible within commercial and
confidentiality constraints, industrialists should be prepared to make their materials
freely available online. If all the case study information that industrialists had brought
into the classroom in a single year were to be collated it would form an astounding
and rich learning resource. Sharing also helps to avoid duplication and therefore
wasted effort.

24 Royal Academy of Engineering


Image courtesy of Think Up

Box 9 - Free or discounted software

Some organisations offer students free or discounted versions to access
professional software. For example Solidworks offers students discounted
cut-down versions of its mechanical CAD package. The advantage to industry
is that students familiar with a particular type of software are arguably
more likely to stick with it given the choice; the advantage to universities is
that software packages like these can help students develop their skills for
industry at the same time as producing coursework submissions.

Despite these advantages, universities might not necessarily want to be

seen to be endorsing one particular product over another, and some have
pointed out to the authors that what they should be teaching students is the
underlying principles of how the software packages work, and not the details
of any one proprietary system. That said, if a particular software package can
enable a student to more quickly illustrate and develop an idea, then that is a
very valuable tool for supporting his or her learning.

›› U
se Creative Commons licensing — A cademics and students are rightly cautious
about what right they have to use other people’s material, especially given the tight
plagiarism rules that most universities have put in place. It is not enough therefore
for an industrialist to intend for material to be widely disseminated – she or he needs
to declare to others that they have permission to do this. The easiest way to do this
is using Creative Commons licensing, which uses a set of simple icons to show what
permissions originators of a document give to users and how they want their original
work to be attributed. The Creative Commons website has a handy tool that helps
authors choose a licence for their work, and then generates the relevant Creative
Commons licence mark for download and use in their document.
›› Help users search for materials – It is important that students get to find the
materials that industrialists have gone to the effort of making available. Adding the
appropriate meta-data to online resources will help make materials more findable.
Techniques such as ‘authorship’, a protocol that Google uses to link content with
authors to enable author legitimacy to be a factor that influences search results,
can also help to make content more findable. For more information on search engine
optimisation, use of meta-tags and authorship, see The Development of e-learning
resources – a best practice guide.
›› Disseminate high-quality resources – Students are much more likely to choose
high-quality resources, so if industrialists want their resources to go far, they need to
take the time to make them high quality.
›› Bring materials back from work placements — students who go into industry on
work experience or longer-term placement, as well as part-time students, will all have
access to real materials that could support learning in the classroom. Industrialists
should help students to identify what materials they can take back into the classroom
with them, and academic staff could ask students what materials they have seen
during their placements that could support teaching.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 25

A Good Practice Guide

Principles for industry – Principle six


As has previously been expressed The prime beneficiaries of enhanced industrial engagement in engineering education
in this guide, many industrial are the engineering employers who stand to gain a cohort of graduates who are more
engagement initiatives are suited to their working environments. It stands to reason that it is industry that should
based on direct, often ad-hoc, invest. Of course, industry already does invest in industrial engagement in education,
relationships that exist between but to achieve higher quality and quantity of these initiatives, more investment
individuals. For engagement to is needed.
be sustained these initiatives,
far-reaching investment is needed In practice
to support training of the individuals ›› Invest in staff development — Principle one of this guide recommends that
involved, the creation of resources professional engineering institutions coordinate staff training for industrial
for wider dissemination, and the engagement; Principle five describes what that training should include. Investing
organisation and maintenance of in staff training for industrial engagement would not only benefit engineering
more sophisticated programmes education, it would benefit the companies as well as many of the skills needed for
of activity. effective engagement in education are valuable in the workplace as well.
›› Invest in staff time — Many staff give their own time for university engagement
activities, but giving staff an allowance of time to work on these interventions
would be fairer, given the benefits of engagement to the company concerned,
including staff development, networking and opportunities to recruit.
›› Invest in the development of e-learning resources — In today’s online world
internet users expect content to be free. The cost of developing e-learning
resources, therefore, can’t be met by usage revenue — industry needs to invest in
content development. Though content development costs can be considerable
given the high quality that users expect, the payoff can be greater impact in
terms of both reach and educational value. One model for investing in e-learning
resources that the authors have shown to be successful is annual sponsorship,
which is being used to support the development and operational costs of the
Engineering Mastermind, an online game designed to help engineers develop their
general engineering knowledge.
›› U
se industrial project boards – An effective way for attracting and managing
funding for large-scale industrial engagement initiatives is to set up a pan-industry
project board made up of representatives from leading companies, professional
engineering institutions, universities and sector skills councils. The role of such
a board is typically to help shape content, apply industry’s stamp of approval, and
critically, to encourage participants to invest in in the initiative. In the experience of
the authors, individual organisations are much more likely to invest in a particular
programme if they can see that others are doing the same.
›› Sponsor visiting teaching posts – Sponsoring visiting teaching roles in
universities is a high-profile way for companies to demonstrate their commitment
to engineering education. These positions also offer a significant way to influence
teaching outcomes. Sponsored posts enable long-term relationships to form
and for the quality of engagement initiatives to improve as participants learn
from experience.

26 Royal Academy of Engineering


Image courtesy of Daniel Graves Photography 2014

University of Birmingham
‘Boris’ robotics exhibit from the University
Box 10 – Sponsorship and bursaries of Birmingham
Many companies, professional engineering institutions and charitable
trusts offer industrial sponsorship or bursaries to support students through
their undergraduate studies. Sponsorship and bursaries are often linked to
work placements at the organisation providing the funds. For example, the
National Instruments Scholarship programme is available to students
studying engineering, computer science or physics and awards them funds to
support students in their second year of study, an industrial mentor, access to
National Instruments software and hardware, and a year-long paid internship.

The following are some suggestions to organisations offering sponsorship

and bursaries to help all involved get the most of out of the initiative:
›› Make sure students are assigned an industrial mentor who will keep in
regular contact with the student. It is likely that during their studies,
the student’s perspectives will change, and so it is the mentor’s role to
make sure that the relationship with the sponsoring organisation evolves
during this period of change.
›› Help students understand how what they have learned in the classroom
can be applied in the context of the sponsoring organisation. Similarly
encourage students to look for opportunities to apply in the classroom
what they have learnt during their placements.
›› Allow sponsored students to organise site visits for their fellow
›› Look for materials and examples that students can take back into the
classroom to help enrich the learning experience for other students.
›› Encourage students to keep a reflective log of their learning both in
the classroom and during their work placements.

See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common ways that industry
is involved in the delivering of engineering education in universities.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 27

A Good Practice Guide

Principles for academia – Principle seven

Develop motivation and

skills for engagement

Like for their counterparts in In practice

industry, it is the authors’ experience ›› Be clear about the benefits — Many academics will have a tacit understanding
that while many academics are in of some of the benefits of engaging industry in delivering course content, but
principle motivated to use industrial being clear about the full range of benefits might be a further motivator for greater
engagement in their teaching, for engagement. Benefits to highlight include:
others, the challenges outlined at »» Industrialists may be able to help academics create the initiatives that they have
the start of this report often go some been wanting to develop themselves but have lacked the resources or networks
way to eroding their motivation. Here to do so on their own.
are some practical suggestions that »» Industrialists are likely to be in a good position to help academic staff create
universities can adopt to help their activities that will develop students’ industry-related skills. These skills (such as
staff overcome those challenges. thinking critically, working across contexts, being innovative, self-management,
team-working, and understanding business and customer needs) universities
are under pressure from industry to develop in students, but according to the
report Experience-led learning for engineers, many academic staff find them
challenging to teach.
»» Industrialists can help students structure their knowledge by providing real
contexts for application of theory, potentially increasing levels of understanding.
»» An industrialist in the classroom offers the opportunity for students to hear
alternative perspectives, potentially increasing their engagement.
›› Celebrate activity — Given the often considerable effort needed to set up effective
industrial engagement activities, academic staff should be celebrated when they
create a successful initiative. Celebrating success can encourage others to participate,
raises awareness of activity (helping to avoid duplication) and helps to promote a
culture of industrial engagement.
›› Get the training — In the authors’ view, there is a need for a short training package
to prepare acadmics who are going to be involved in industrial engagement.
Whoever offers this training (Principle two of this report suggests it should be the
PEIs who do this), the authors believe it should cover the following points (note
that some of these points are common to the training that should be offered
to industrialists):
»» Awareness of different learning models — since industrialists are likely to be
involved in helping students develop skills for industry, the academic staff they
work with should make sure they are aware of the learning models that support
experience-led learning. This topic is covered in much more depth in Experience-
led learning – a best practice guide.
»» Techniques for deep-immersion role-play – while role-play is commonly used in
engineering teaching, there are techniques, of which academics and industrialists
should be aware, that can be used to help students get the most out from
this approach.
»» Successful models — the training should include raising awareness of successful
models for industrial engagement that have been employed elsewhere to avoid
duplication of efforts and to raise the standard of activity across the board.

28 Royal Academy of Engineering


Box 11 — Site visits

Site visits, be they to a production line, an operational facility or a
construction site, offer students the opportunity to see engineering in action.
While site visits are a feature of many engineers’ undergraduate experience,
it is the feeling of the authors that more could be done to get the most out of
the learning opportunities that site visits present.
›› Before the visit, staff and students should think about what opportunities
there might be to see theory being put into practice.
›› Rather than a one-off visit, particularly in the case of construction sites,
students would benefit from several visits over a sustained period in
order to help them to see how the projects evolve.
›› Where possible, students should go on local site visits. Visiting a local site,
students are more likely to have a greater awareness of the surrounding
area and the impact of the activity on the site.
›› Students should be encouraged to record video of their site visit for the
benefit of wider dissemination

See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common ways that industry is
involved in the delivering of engineering education in universities.

»» How to disseminate — creating resources that can be widely disseminated online

is important for extending the reach of industrial engagement initiatives (see
Principle five of this guide). Widespread dissemination is also likely to raise the
profile of the activity, potentially leading to the initiators getting more credit for
their work.
»» How to manage their industrial partners — some industrial engagement initiatives
(such as design projects in which engineers from industry act as mentors to
student teams) require the involvement of a large number of industrialists,
and so some academics may benefit from training in how to manage such large
»» How to train their industrial partners — while this guide recommends under
Principle two that professional engineering institutions offer training to
industrialists in appropriate teaching techniques, this job may be left to the
academic staff they are working with. In which case academics would themselves
benefit from training in how to train up their industrial partners.
›› Train students for work placements — Students who go into industry as part
of their degree, for instance on a work placement or as part of a sandwich course,
would benefit from training in how to make the most of that learning opportunity.
»» Explain what industry-related skills are and what sort of workplace-based
activities will help them develop these skills. See Principle four of Experience-
led learning for engineers — a best practice guide for suggestions on activities
for helping students develop tacit industry-related skills, which students could
do as a precursor to going on their placement.
»» Help students develop their self-directed learning skills. There is no curriculum
for learning in the workplace, so unless they are primed to do so, they are less
likely to go looking for the learning opportunities that exist in industry.
»» Build student confidence in reflective learning by, for example, sending them
on a one-day work-shadowing placement and getting them to reflect on the
learning opportunities before then sending them off on a longer placement.
»» Encourage students to use their experiences from their work placements to
help them shape their learning when they return to the university sphere, for
example in their choice of elective subjects or in their choice of a research topic.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 29

A Good Practice Guide

Principles for academia – Principle eight

Make strategic use

of academics’ and
industrialists’ time
Making strategic use of academics’ In practice
and industrialists’ time is important ›› Appoint an administrator — Universities should consider appointing an
for overcoming several of the administrator whose role it is to manage and coordinate the activities of industrialists
challenges identified at the start of coming into the engineering department. Doing so takes the burden of coordination
this guide: staff availability; different off academic staff and helps to ensure that all participants have the information
approaches to accounting for time; that they need in a timely fashion. An administrator would be in a good position to
limited funding; and the difficulty for promote activity, share good practice and keep lookout for opportunities for new
industrialists to commit a long way in collaborations.
advance to timetabling requirements. ›› Involve industrialists in curriculum design — If senior academics’ and senior
industrialists’ time is limited, then perhaps the most effective forum for their
engagement is in curriculum setting, as this is where their input is likely to have the
greatest impact.
›› Avoid detailed assessment — Getting industrialists involved in detailed assessment
of student work is not an effective use of their time, nor do they necessarily have
the appropriate skills or experience of teaching to make them good assessors.
Alternatives are to use automated tools for formative assesment, such as multiple-
choice quizzes, and to use a simple traffic light system where summative assessment
of project work is needed.
›› Support design projects and project-based learning — Another place where
industrialists can have a high level of impact is in the setting of briefs for design
projects or setting the parameters in project-based learning. Even if industrialists are
not able to be fully involved in the subsequent facilitation of these activities, their
involvement at the start can help to make sure the activity is relevant and well-tuned
to real practice.
›› Bridge the gap with technology — When face-to-face contact is not possible,
either because the industrialists are based too far away, or because timetables and
calendars can’t be aligned, use technologies such as Skype or webinars to bridge the
gap. See Principle four for more information on this point.

30 Royal Academy of Engineering


Box 12 —Industrial advisory boards

An industrial advisory board (IAB) is a forum set up by a university department
to give representatives from industry the opportunity to help shape and
contribute to the delivery of their curriculum.

For many engineering departments, IABs are a major channel for industrial
engagement. Here are some practical suggestions for getting the most out
of an IAB.

›› The chairperson should be from industry.

›› The composition should be wide-ranging in age and discipline and
reflect the balance of the engineering industry (contractors, consultants,
agencies, institution representatives, etc), and the majority of the panel
should be from industry.
›› Some recent graduates should be on the panel.
›› The IAB should be degree-course specific – ie the mechanical engineering
IAB should be separate to the electrical engineering degree course.
›› Length of service should be limited.
›› The IAB meeting should take place quarterly if looking at arranging site
visits, reviewers for student project work and guest lecturers but if they
are covering strategic issues then twice a year would be sufficient.
›› G
uidance on the terms of reference should come from the professional
engineering institutions and items to be considered at meetings should
come from the industrial partners.
›› T
he IAB should have a strategic role and sign off any revisions to the
curriculum content. It can also provide advice to the senior management
team at the university.

See Box 1 on page 11 for a list of other common ways that industry is
involved in the delivering of engineering education in universities.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 31

A Good Practice Guide

32 Royal Academy of Engineering

1. Royal Academy of Engineering. Educating Engineers for the 21st Century.
(The Royal Academy of Engineering, 2007)

2. Royal Academy of Engineering. Engineering graduates for industry. (The Royal Academy of Engineering, 2010)

3. Graham, R. Achieving excellence in engineering education : the ingredients of successful change.

(Royal Academy of Engineering and MIT, 2012)

4. Grant, D. Educating engineers to drive the innovation economy. (2012)

5. Broadbent, O., McCann, E. & McCann, D. Experience-led learning for engineers – a best practice guide. (2014)

6. Broadbent, O., McCann, D. & McCann, E. The Development of E-learning Resources for Engineers - a best
practice guide. (2014)

7. Perkins, J. Review of Engineering Skills. EPC Congr. (2013)

8. Engineering Council. The accreditation of higher education programmes. (2014)

9. Joint Board of Moderators. Guidelines for accredited MEng degree programmes leading to chartered engineer.

10. CIBSE. Guidance notes on the submission of documentation for accrediation of academic programmes.

11. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Academic Accreditation
Guidelines. (2010)

12. Felder, R. Engineering Education: A tale of two paradigms in Shaking Found. Geo-Engineering Educ.
(eds. McCabe, B., Pantazidou, M. & Phillips, D.) 9–14 (CRC Press/Balkema, 2012)

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 33

A Good Practice Guide

34 Royal Academy of Engineering

Table of resources
Airbus Fly Your www.airbus-fyi.com A competition in which students propose ideas that
Ideas competition correspond to six key challenges for aviation in the
21st century.

Constructionarium www.constructionarium.co.uk Constructionarium is an example of a deep-immersion

role-play delivered by universities and industry working
in partnership.

Expedition expeditionworkshed.org Expedition Workshed is a collection of free-to-use

Workshed engineering teaching resources collated in collaboration
between industry and academia.

Formula Student http://events.imeche.org/formulastudent Formula Student is a competition run by the Institution of

Mechanical Engineers in which teams of students design,
build and race single-seat racing cars.

National uk.ni.com/careers/elp-scholarship Available to undergraduate engineers, computer scientists

Instruments and physicists, these scholars receive funding, an industrial
Scholarship mentor, access to software and hardware and a paid
Programme one-year internship.

Nuclear Island thinkup.org/innovation/the-big-rig An example of a deep-immersion role-play, in this initiative,

Big Rig teams of students are set the challenge of assembling a piece
of mechanical plant from the nuclear sector working under
the simulated conditions of a nuclear-licenced site.

Royal Academy www.raeng.org.uk/grants-and-prizes/schemes- An example of a visiting professorship programme.

of Engineering for-people-in-industry/visiting-professors-in-
Visiting Professor innovation

Solid Works www.solidworks.co.uk An example of a software company that offers students

discounted licences for their products.

Siemens Education www.siemens.co.uk/education/en/teachers/ An example of an organisation that makes extensive

teachers-home.htm free-to-use teaching resources available online.

Telegraph UK www.telegraph.co.uk/sponsored/education/uk- A competition in which teams of students are invited to

STEM Awards stem-awards/10675497/stem-awards-overview. propose ideas for tackling major challenges from five sectors
html of industry.

Effective industrial engagement in engineering education 35

Royal Academy of Engineering Address the engineering skills crisis
As the UK’s national academy for engineering, we bring together Meeting the UK’s needs by inspiring a generation of young people
the most successful and talented engineers for a shared purpose: from all backgrounds and equipping them with the high quality
to advance and promote excellence in engineering. skills they need for a rewarding career in engineering.

We have four strategic challenges: Position engineering at the heart of society

Improving public awareness and recognition of the crucial role of
Make the UK the leading nation for engineering innovation engineers everywhere.
Supporting the development of successful engineering innovation
and businesses in the UK in order to create wealth, employment Lead the profession
and benefit for the nation. Harnessing the expertise, energy and capacity of the profession
to provide strategic direction for engineering and collaborate on
solutions to engineering grand challenges.


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