4182 e Linear Ball Brgs PDF

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Linear Motion

SKF Linear ball bearings

The SKF Group SKF Linear Motion CD-ROM “Designer”
The SKF Group is an international One of these industrial precision All linear Motion products are avai-
industrial corporation of AB SKF products assortment is manufac- lable in this CD, in DWG and DXF
Sweden, founded in 1907, operat- tured and sold by the SKF Linear files.
ing in 130 countries. The company Motion Division. Thanks to “Designer”, you can
has some 45000 employees and This unit has some 700 employees, easily copy the drawing of the
more than 80 manufacturing facili- 6 manufacturing facilities, 3 prod- product you need into your own
ties throughout the world. uct lines. One of the division’s design drawing. If you are inte-
Its international network is support- strengths is its ability to serve the rested, please do not hesitate to
ed up by nearly 20 000 distributors market through its organization contact your local SKF sales orga-
and retailers. SKF is the world based on 10 specialized Sales nization. It is free of charge.
leader in the rolling bearing busi- Companies located in Europe and
ness. North America; however product
Bearings, seals and special steels availability and product application
are SKF’s main product areas. In support is provided word-wide by
addition, they also manufacture the SKF international network.
and sell, other industrial precision
components and products. The Linear Motion product range
• High Efficiency Screws
• Linear Guiding Systems
• Electromechanical Actuators

Linear Motion
specialized companies

SKF Bearing companies

with Linear Motion
specialized salesforce

Manufacturing facilities

Catalogue n° 4182 E © Copyright SKF 1998 Earlier catalogues the data in which
47173 · 3000 · 1999/12 The contents of this catalogue are deviate from those given here, are
the copyright of the publishers and rendered invalid.
Printed in Germany may not be reproduced (even The right is reserved to make
extracts) unless permission is gran- changes necessitated by technolo-
ted. Every care has been taken to gical developments.
ensure the accuracy of the infor-
mation contained in this catalogue
but no liability can be accepted for
any errors or omissions.
Introduction 2
Product Overview

Contents 3

LBB linear ball bearings 4

LPB linear plain bearings

LBB linear bearing units 8

LBC/LBA linear ball bearings 14

LPA linear plain bearings

LBC/LBA linear bearing units 24

Shaft carriers 38

Non-driven quadro linear tables 43

Precision shafts 461


This catalogue covers SKF linear a comprehensive range of linear current production. The right is
ball bearings, linear plain bearings bearing units. In addition to the reserved to make changes necessi-
and accessories, with which it is single bearing units, with special tated by technical developments of
possible to construct economic shaft seals, tandem, duo and quadro the products so that the benefits can
linear guides of particularly simple units are now included in the range. be passed on to the user without
design for a wide variety of applica- Series 3 comprises the advanced delay. Information from previous
tions. In cases where, for example, cylindrical design LBCR and LBCT catalogs is superseded by the
load conditions are such that these linear ball bearings as well as the information contained in this edition.
bearings and units cannot be used, self-aligning LBCD and LBCF varie- In this catalogue the units used are in
other SKF linear guidance systems ties. The range is complemented by accordance with the international Sl
are available. Should information the LBHT range of linear ball bear- system.
regarding these other systems be ings with extra high load carrying Conditions of delivery and pay-
required, please contact SKF. The capacity. Also forming part of this ment are generally based on those
necessary information will be sent size range are the LPAR and LPAT ruling at the time of delivery.
free of charge and without obligation, linear plain bearings which appear for
and a technical proposal will also be the first time in this catalogue. All
prepared if required. This new linear bearing units are fitted as Important notice SKF linear ball
"Linear Bearings" catalogue includes standard with self aligning linear ball bearings are coated with a corro-
linear ball bearings of Series 1 and 3 bearings to accommodate misalign- sion inhibiting preservative. Before
to ISO 10285, also linear plain ment. Other designs can be found in mounting the bearings, they
bearings of the same dimensions. the appropriate tables. The range of should be suitably lubricated. See
Series 1 comprises the compact shaft carriers has been extended to also Publication No. 4185E, SKF
linear ball bearings LBBR as well as include a shaft block conforming to Linear guide handbook.
linear plain bearings LPBR. The linear the ISO standard. Shafts, which
ball bearings LBBR represent the constitute the raceway of linear ball
latest development and are, in bearings and linear plain bearings are
addition to the standard version, also naturally included in the SKF range
available in a corrosion resistant of shaft guides.
version. Series 1 is complemented by This catalogue is based on

Product Overview
Standard Non-standard
available from stock (changes reserved) Price and delivery time on request

Linear ball bearing / Linear bearing units

Designation ISO Serie I ISO Serie III
Compact Standard
Ø 5 and 8
Flanged unit1) – – LVCD – – LVCR – – LVCR BA –
Duo unit LTDR
Shaft blocks LSHS LSHS LSCS – – LSCS – LSCS – LSCS –
LSNS – – LSNS – LSNS – –
Tandem- LEBS – LEAS – – LEAS – – – LEAS –
shaft block
Shaft supports – – – LRCB LRCB – LRCB – LRCB – LRAB
Linear bearing units without seals are available on request only.


Linear bearings ISO Dimension Series 1

LBP Linear plain bearing ISO-Dimension Series 1
LBBR linear ball bearings ........................................................................... 4
LPBR linear plain bearing ........................................................................... 6

Linear bearing units ISO Dimension Series 1

General ....................................................................................................... 8
LUHR/LUJR single linear bearing units with closed housing .................... 10
LTBR Tandem linear bearing units with closed housing ............................ 11
LTDR Duo linear bearing units with closed housing .................................. 12
LQBR Quadro linear bearing units with closed housing ............................ 13

Linear bearings ISO Dimension Series 3

LPA Linear plain bearing ISO-Dimension Series 3
General ....................................................................................................... 14
LBCR, LBAR/S linear ball bearings, closed design non self-aligning ....... 18
LBCD linear ball bearings, closed design self-aligning ............................. 19
LBCT, LBHT linear ball bearings, open design non self-aligning .............. 20
LBCF linear ball bearings, open design self-aligning ................................ 21
LPAR, LPAT linear plain bearings, closed and open design ...................... 22
LCAN combinations linear ball/radial needle roller bearing ...................... 23

Linear bearing units ISO Dimension Series 3

General ....................................................................................................... 24
LUCR/LUCD Linear bearing units with closed housing ............................. 26
LUCS/LUCE Linear bearing units with slotted housing ............................. 27
LUCT/LUCF Linear bearing units with open housing ................................ 28
LUCT...BH Linear bearing units with open housing
and increased load carrying capacity ........................................................ 29
LUND Linear bearing units with closed housing ........................................ 30
LUNE Linear bearing units with slotted housing ........................................ 31
LUNF Linear bearing units with .................................................................. 32
LVCR/LVCD Flanged linear bearing units ................................................... 33
LTCD Tandem linear bearing units with closed housing ............................ 34
LTCF Tandem linear bearing units with open housing ............................... 35
LQCR/LQCD Quadro linear bearing units with closed housing ................ 36
LQCF Quadro linear bearing units with open housing ............................... 37

Shaft carriers
General ....................................................................................................... 38
LSCS Shaft blocks ..................................................................................... 39
LSNS/LSHS Shaft blocks ........................................................................... 40
LEAS/LEBS Tandem shaft blocks .............................................................. 41
LRCB/LRCC Shaft supports ...................................................................... 42

Non-driven quadro linear tables

General ....................................................................................................... 43
LZBU Quadro linear tables with closed housing ....................................... 44/45
LZAU Quadro linear tables with open housing .......................................... 44/45

Precision shafts
General ....................................................................................................... 46
LJM/LJT Precision shafts ........................................................................... 50

LBB linear ball bearings/LPB linear plain bearings

LBBR linear ball bearings resulting cage loads. Ball diameter Stainless
can be maximised with this design of
The application of linear bearings has
The recently developed compact cage with implications not only for
been extended by this new type with
LBBR linear ball bearing is of a load capacity and life but also on
the introduction of a corrosion
patented design. The bearing com- running quality.
resistant variant Raceway segments
prises a plastic cage carrying hard- The seal design on this new
and balls can be specified in high
ened steel raceway segments and bearing type has also been improved.
alloy stainless steel by adding the
guiding the ball sets. The bearing The sealed variant is fitted with
suffix HV6 to the designation, e.g.
conforms to dimension series 1 of integral double lip seals. These seals
LBBR 16-2LS/HV6. In combination
ISO 10285 and will replace the have an inner lip that prevents escape
with our stainless steel shafts, the
former LBBS type. The LBBR of lubricant from within the bearing
linear ball bearing LBBR thus offers
raceway segments have been and an external lip to wipe the shaft
the possibility of realising a design
designed to maximise the length of surface as the bearing moves. The
completely of stainless steel.
the load carrying zone. A high load unsealed bearing is
bearing capacity is therefore possible fitted with non-contacting shields that
with a resulting long service life. The exclude coarser debris from the
design of the plastic cage is entirely bearing. The linear ball bearings The outside diameter tolerance of the
new and has been optimised. The LBBR, being of the same basic linear ball bearings and linear plain
key feature is that all the balls in the dimensions as the LBBS bearings, bearings is such that no additional
bearing run on the same pitch circle need not be secured axially in the axial location is required when the
diameter which allows ball recircu- housing provided the housing bore is bearings are fitted into a bore with
lation to take place smoothly with no correct. a tolerance of J7 or J6.

Abmessungen Anzahl Tra

Fw D C C

mm — N
12 19 28 5 680
16 24 30 5 900
20 28 30 6 1 120
25 35 40 6 2 000
30 40 50 7 3 250
40 52 60 8 5 300
50 62 70 9 6 800
LBBR linear ball bearings

LBBR linear ball bearings
with raceway plates
Fw 3-50 mm

Linear ball bearing LBBR

with double lip seal

Dimensiones No. Basic load Mass Designations

of ball ratings
rows Linear ball bearings stainless steel
dyn. stat. standard with 2 double standard with 2 double
Fw D C C C0 design lip seals design lip seals

mm — N kg
3 7 10 4 60 44 0,0007 LBBR 3 LBBR 3-2LS LBBR 3/HV6 LBBR 3-2LS/HV6
4 8 12 4 75 60 0,001 LBBR 4 LBBR 4-2LS LBBR 4/HV6 LBBR 4-2LS/HV6
5 10 15 4 170 129 0,002 LBBR 5 LBBR 5-2LS LBBR 5/HV6 LBBR 5-2LS/HV6
6 12 221) 4 335 270 0,006 LBBR 6A LBBR 6A-2LS LBBR 6A/HV6 LBBR 6A-2LS/HV6
8 15 24 4 490 355 0,007 LBBR 8 LBBR 8-2LS LBBR 8/HV6 LBBR 8-2LS/HV6
10 17 26 5 585 415 0,011 LBBR 10 LBBR 10-2LS LBBR 10/HV6 LBBR 10-2LS/HV6
12 19 28 5 695 510 0,012 LBBR 12 LBBR 12-2LS LBBR 12/HV6 LBBR 12-2LS/HV6
14 21 28 5 710 530 0,013 LBBR 14 LBBR 14-2LS LBBR 14/HV6 LBBR 14-2LS/HV6
16 24 30 5 930 630 0,018 LBBR 16 LBBR 16-2LS LBBR 16/HV6 LBBR 16-2LS/HV6
20 28 30 6 1 160 800 0,021 LBBR 20 LBBR 20-2LS LBBR 20/HV6 LBBR 20-2LS/HV6
25 35 40 7 2 120 1 560 0,047 LBBR 25 LBBR 25-2LS LBBR 25/HV6 LBBR 25-2LS/HV6
30 40 50 8 3 150 2 700 0,07 LBBR 30 LBBR 30-2LS LBBR 30/HV6 LBBR 30-2LS/HV6
40 52 60 8 5 500 4 500 0,130 LBBR 40 LBBR 40-2LS LBBR 40/HV6 LBBR 40-2LS/HV6
50 62 70 9 6 950 6 300 0,18 LBBR 50 LBBR 50-2LS LBBR 50/HV6 LBBR 50-2LS/HV6
The static load capacity has to be decreased by 8% and the dynamic load capacity by 18% when using the nonrusting
types (HV6) in conjunction with precision steel shafts made of stainless steel.

agzahlen 1) Gewicht
Width 22 doesKurzeichen
not correspond to Appropriate special seals Appropriate special seals
series 1 in ISO mit
standard 10285. Dimensions Designations Dimensions Designations
C0 ausführung 2 Dichtscheiben Fw D B1 Fw D B1

kg — mm — mm —
0 510 0,015 LBBS 12 LBBS 12-2LS 6 12 2 G 6x12x2 25 35 4 G 25x35x4
0 620 0,022 LBBS 16 LBBS 16-2LS 8 15 3 G 8x15x3 30 40 4 G 30x40x4
0 780 0,026 LBBS 20 LBBS 20-2LS 10 17 3 G 10x17x3 40 52 5 G 40x52x5
0 1 370 0,055 LBBS 25 LBBS 25-2LS 12 19 3 G 12x19x3 50 62 5 G 50x62x5
0 2 650 0,084 LBBS 30 LBBS 30-2LS 14 21 3 G 14x21x3
0 4 400 0,16 LBBS 40 LBBS 40-2LS 16 24 3 G 16x24x3
0 6 300 0,22 LBBS 50 LBBS 50-2LS 20 28 4 G 20x28x4

LPBR linear plain bearings Note
LPBR linear plain bearings have the These bearings are intended for use The outside diameter tolerance of the
same dimensions as the LBBS linear in those applications where linear linear ball bearings and linear plain
ball bearings described above. In ball bearings cannot be used due to bearings is such that no additional
selecting the most suitable slide extraordinary operating conditions. axial location is required when the
material (polyacetal with This is the case especially when the bearings are fitted into a bore with
polyethylene) special attention was bearing arrangement is subjected to a tolerance of J7 or J6.
given to the stick-slip-free character- heavy shock loads or vibrations or to
istics. Furthermore the SKF linear high accelerations and speeds in the
plain bearings require little mainte- unloaded state.
nance and show excellent perform- Under these operating conditions
ance under breakdown conditions. linear plain bearings are the better
They have high static load carrying choice compared with linear ball
capacity and are resistant to shock bearings, however, increased friction
loads. must be expected.
The use of lubricant is recom-
mended after installation to allow
improved running-in even when non-
lubricated operation is desired.

LPBR linear plain bearings,
closed design
Fw 12-50 mm

Linear plain bearing LPBR Special seal

Dimensions Basic road ratings Mass Designation Appropriate special seals

dyn. at stat. Linear plain

0,1 m/s 4 m/s bearing Dimensions Designation
Pw D C C4 C C C0 Fw D B1

mm N kg — mm
12 19,19 28 10 965 24 3 350 0,006 LPBR 12 12 19 3 G 12x19x3
16 24,23 30 12 1 530 38 5 400 0,009 LPBR 16 16 24 3 G 16x24x3
20 28,24 30 13 2 080 52 7 350 0,011 LPBR 20 20 28 4 G 20x28x4
25 35,25 40 17 3 400 85 12 000 0,024 LPBR 25 25 35 4 G 25x35x4
30 40,27 50 20 4 800 120 17 000 0,033 LPBR 30 30 40 4 G 30x40x4
40 52,32 60 24 7 650 193 27 000 0,063 LPBR 40 40 52 5 G 40x52x5
50 62,35 70 27 10 800 270 38 000 0,088 LPBR 50 50 62 5 G 50x62x5

Other sizes and dimensions are available on request.

Linear bearing units with LBB linear bearings or
LPB linear plain bearings

Linear bearing units incorporating under normal operating conditions. the influence on the load carrying
bearings of ISO series 1 are available On special request, it is possible to capacity, see diagram 9 on page 18
for unsupported applications in buy pre-greased bearings. This in the technical handbook.
closed design. guarantees that the right amount A corrosion resistant alternative
These cost-effective bearing units of grease is inserted and that the consists of aluminium housings with
are extremely space-saving thanks to grease is properly distributed in the stainless steel linear ball bearings
the compactness of the design, but bearing. such as LBBR 20-2LS/HV6 or alu-
they can nevertheless accommodate The systems are available in the minium housings fitted with plain
loads exceeding 25 000 N (e.g. length required by the customer. See bearings.
LQBR 50-2LS; see also page 13). also the chapter „Precision shafts“, For such applications the shafts
The new double lip seals fitted to page 46 ff. Please note that the are made of stainless steel, normally
the LBBR bearings enable these maximum permissible angular mis- X90 CrMoV18.
units to run without relubrication, alignment is 15 minutes of arc. For

Linear bearing units with LBB linear bearings or
LPB linear plain bearings

LUHR/LUJR linear bearing units previous linear bearing units LUBR between the bearings, and the duo
and LUER are no longer shown in the configuration permit easy fitting of a
These linear bearing units consist of catalogue, but are still available on linear drive.
a housing of extruded light alloy and request.
the compact LBBR linear ball bearings LQBR quadro linear bearing units
or the LPBR linear plain bearings of LTBR tandem linear bearing units
similar dimensions. Four LBBR linear ball bearings are
The LUHR design for shaft diam- These comprise a one-piece ex- located in an aluminium housing. The
eters from 12 to 50 mm are available truded aluminium housing and two unit is sealed and the bearings are
fitted as standard with LBBR linear ball LBBR linear ball bearings mounted spaced sufficiently to permit the
bearings with or without integrated one behind the other. These units are fitting of an appropriate linear drive.
seals or with LPBR (Designation fitted with seals as standard and can Duo and quadro linear bearing
LUHR..PB) linear plain bearings. not be relubricated. They are particu- units based on LBBR linear ball
For severe operating conditions, larly suitable to tables or sildes of bearings can be used to make
notably in the presence of high levels any width. compact, simple table configura-
of contamination, the extended LUJR tions. For suitable shaft blocks
linear bearing units have been LTDR duo linear bearing units (LEBS), see page 41.
included in the range. These incorpo-
rate LBBR linear ball bearings and The LTDR units are characterised by
two G type seals. the fitting of two LBBR-2LS linear
LUHR and LUJR linear bearing ball bearing units in parallel in an
units cannot be relubricated. The aluminium housing. The separation

LTBR tandem linear bearing unit

LUJR linear bearing unit

LUHR linear bearing unit

LUHR and LUJR linear ball bearing units
with closed housing and LBBR linear ball bearings
Fw 12-50 mm

A A1

Fw Da


LUHR linear bearing unit LUJR linear bearing unit

with integral double with shaft seals
lip seal

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Design Linear bearing unit1)
dyn. stat. LUHR LUJR without with with
Fw A A1 C1 Da H H1 H2 H3 L J N2) N12) C C0 seal double lip shaft seal
±0,01 seals
mm — N kg
12 28 35 34 19 17 33 16 11 40 29 4,3 M 5 695 510 0,08 0,10 LUHR 12 LUHR 12-2LS LUJR 12
16 30 37 36 24 19 38 18 11 45 34 4,3 M 5 930 630 0,10 0,12 LUHR 16 LUHR 16-2LS LUJR 16
20 30 39 38 28 23 45 22 13 53 40 5,3 M 6 1 160 800 0,14 0,18 LUHR 20 LUHR 20-2LS LUJR 20
25 40 49 48 35 27 54 26 18 62 48 6,6 M 8 2 120 1 560 0,25 0,30 LUHR 25 LUHR 25-2LS LUJR 25
30 50 59 58 40 30 60 29 18 67 53 6,6 M 8 3 150 2 700 0,37 0,44 LUHR 30 LUHR 30-2LS LUJR 30
40 60 71 70 52 39 76 38 22 87 69 8,4 M 10 5 500 4 500 0,74 0,86 LUHR 40 LUHR 40-2LS LUJR 40
50 70 81 80 62 47 92 46 26 103 82 10,5 M 12 6 950 6 300 1,19 1,37 LUHR 50 LUHR 50-2LS LUJR 50

The previous linear bearing units LUBR and LUER are no longer shown in the catalogue, but are still available on request.
For suitable shaft blocks for these bearing units, designation LSHS, see page 40 of this catalogue.

Linear bearing units of the LUHR design are also available fitted with LPBR linear plain bearings.
Designations: e. g. LUHR 20 PB.
For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912/ISO 4762.

LTBR tandem linear bearing units
with closed housing and LBBR linear ball bearings
Fw 12-50 mm


Da Fw

LTBR linear bearing unit

with integral double lip seals

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit
dyn. stat. with double lip seals
Fw A C Da H H1 H2 H3 J J1 L N1) N11) C C0

mm — N kg
12 60 28 19 17 33 16 11 29 35 40 4,3 M 5 1 140 1 020 0,17 LTBR 12-2LS
16 65 30 24 19 38 18 11 34 40 45 4,3 M 5 1 530 1 270 0,22 LTBR 16-2LS
20 65 30 28 23 45 22 13 40 45 53 5,3 M 6 1 900 1 600 0,31 LTBR 20-2LS
25 85 40 35 27 54 26 18 48 55 62 6,6 M 8 3 450 3 150 0,54 LTBR 25-2LS
30 105 50 40 30 60 29 18 53 70 67 6,6 M 8 5 200 5 400 0,80 LTBR 30-2LS
40 125 60 52 39 76 38 22 69 85 87 8,4 M 10 9 000 9 000 1,57 LTBR 40-2LS
50 145 70 62 47 92 46 26 82 100 103 10,5 M 12 11 400 12 700 2,51 LTBR 50-2LS

For suitable shaft blocks for these bearing units, designation LSHS, see page 40 of this catalogue.

) For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LTDR Duo linear bearing units
with closed housing and LBBR linear ball bearing
Fw 12-50 mm

Fw Da

LDTR linear bearing unit

with integral double lip seals

Dimensions Basic load ratings Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit

dyn stat. with double lip seals
Fw A Da H H1 H2 H3 J L L1 N1) N11) C C0

mm — N kg —
12 28 19 15 30 14 11 69 80 40 4,3 M 5 1 140 1 020 0,15 LTDR 12-2LS
16 30 24 17,5 35 16,5 11 86 96 52 4,3 M 5 1 530 1 270 0,22 LTDR 16-2LS
20 30 28 20 40 19 13 103 115 63 5,3 M 6 1 900 1 600 0,30 LTDR 20-2LS
25 40 35 25 50 24 18 123 136 75 6,6 M 8 3 450 3 150 0,58 LTDR 25-2LS
30 50 40 28 56 27 18 133 146 80 6,6 M 8 5 200 5 400 0,85 LTDR 30-2LS
40 60 52 35 70 34 22 166 184 97 8,4 M 10 9 000 9 000 1,56 LTDR 40-2LS
50 70 62 40 80 39 26 189 210 107 10,5 M 12 11 400 12 700 2,21 LTDR 50-2LS

For suitable shaft blocks for these bearing units, short designation LEBS..A, see page 41 of this catalogue.

For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762 at the centre (0,5 A) of the linear bearing unit.

LQBR Quadro linear bearing units
with closed housing and LBBR linear ball bearing
Fw 12-50 mm


Da Fw

Distance between
mounting holes

LQBR linear bearing unit

with integral double lip seals

Dimensions Basic load ratings Mass Designations

Linear ball
dyn. stat. baring unit
Fw A C Da H H1 H2 H3 J J1 L L1 N1) N11) C C0 with double
±0,01 lip seals
mm — N kg —
12 70 28 19 15 30 14 11 69 59 80 40 4,3 M 5 1 860 2 040 0,38 LQBR 12-2LS
16 80 30 24 17,5 35 16,5 11 86 70 96 52 4,3 M 5 2 500 2 550 0,57 LQBR 16-2LS
20 85 30 28 20 40 19 13 103 73 115 63 5,3 M 6 3 100 3 200 0,82 LQBR 20-2LS
25 100 40 35 25 50 24 18 123 87 136 75 6,6 M 8 5 600 6 300 1,43 LQBR 25-2LS
30 130 50 40 28 56 27 18 133 117 146 80 6,6 M 8 8 500 10 800 2,15 LQBR 30-2LS
40 150 60 52 35 70 34 22 166 132 184 97 8,4 M 10 14 600 18 000 3,83 LQBR 40-2LS
50 175 70 62 40 80 39 26 189 154 210 107 10,5 M 12 18 600 25 500 5,40 LQBR 50-2LS

For suitable shaft blocks for these bearing units, designation LEBS..A, see page 41 of this catalogue.

For 4 screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LBC/LBH/LBA linear ball bearings · LPA linear plain bearings
LCAN combined bearings

LBA linear ball bearings available for shaft diameters from 12 Information on the location of these
to 80 mm. They are characterised by attachment holes and grease nipples
LBA linear ball bearings belong to high load carrying capacity. As with is shown on pages 16 and 17 of this
dimension series 3 of ISO 10285. all SKF linear ball bearings, they are catalogue.
They are available for shafts having a available with a choice of shields or
diameter of 5 and 8 mm with shields seals. LBC linear ball bearings are, in
or seals. These bearings consist of a general, designed for grease lubrica-
cage with four ball tracks and tion. The cage is provided with a
integral shields or seals. The raceway through-bored radial hole which
plates are ground and have a cylin- permits the attachment of a grease
drical outside diameter surface. nipple to provide longitudinal and
The linear ball bearings LBA with axial location. Grease may be applied
solid outside diameter surface were direct onto the shaft through this
replaced by the LBC type and are no hole. For the relubrication of LBHT
longer available. linear ball bearings described on this
page, the housing must be provided
LBC linear ball bearings with a grease distribution channel in
the bore. The grease is then forced
LBC linear ball bearings also belong onto the raceway between the load
to ISO dimension Series 3 and are carrying plates.

linear plain bearing
LBCF linear ball bearing

LBHT linear ball bearing

LBCR linear ball bearing

LBCR linear ball bearings LBCT and LBHT linear ball bearings able in diameters from 5 to 80 mm
(LPAR) and from 12 to 80 mm (LPAT)
LBCR linear ball bearings comprise a The open LBCT and LBHT linear ball and do not have shields. All variants,
cage in which the balls are guided, bearings differ from the LBCR except for LPAR 5 and 8 can be
together with the raceway segments bearings in that a sector has been relubricated. Facilities for location
and the seals or shields. By virtue of cut away from the cage and the and securing are similar to those for
their exceptionally long track length shields or seals. This allows the shaft the LBC linear ball bearings but
and the machined raceway oscula- to be supported at several positions additional axial locating by retaining
tion they are able to accommodate or along its whole length, so that the rings necessary.
heavy loads. LBCR linear ball bear- accuracy of guidance cannot be
ings, with their optimised raceway affected by any shaft bending. LCAN combinations linear ball/
segments and position for maximum The open design of the LBCT linear needle roller bearing
load carrying capacity, can be ball bearings means that one
mounted in closed as well as adjust- raceway is absent. The carrying Linear ball bearings cannot accept
able housings. When these bearings capacity in the main loading direction rotary motion as the balls are laterally
are mounted in a closed housing, the is however not reduced to any constricted. For this reason, where
tolerance of the inscribed diameter of significant extent. In comparison with both longitudinal and rotational
the ball set and hence the operating the LBCT design, the LBHT linear movement are required, it is neces-
clearance is determined by the ball bearings have been optimised in sary to use a combination of a linear
tolerance of the housing bore. When terms of the number of raceway ball bearing and a needle roller
mounted in slotted housings the segments and hence the load bearing. The needle roller bearing is
linear guides can be adjusted to the carrying capacity. They are suitable mounted directly on the ground
particular application, to provide for shaft diameters from 20 to 50 bearing sleeve of the LBAR linear ball
either operating clearance or preload. mm. SKF LBCT and LBHT linear ball bearing which is sealed at both
LBCR linear ball bearings must be bearings have an important advan- sides. (-2LS). This combination
located in axial direction. tage compared with other open linear provides a very compact arrange-
ball bearings. They are protected ment. These bearings are suitable for
LBCD linear ball bearings against contaminants by an axial lip shaft diameters from 12 to 50 mm.
in the cage at each side of the
The LBCD linear ball bearing is a opening, which acts as a gap-type
variant of the LBCR design. The main seal against the shaft. Open LBCT/
characteristic is a self-aligning capa- LBHT linear ball bearings must
bility which allows tilting of the race always be located in the axial and
way segment through an angle of turning direction.
+/-30 minutes of arc, thus compen-
sating automatically for alignment LBCF linear ball bearings
errors which may be caused by in-
accuracies in fitting or manufacturing For the open linear ball bearings of
(housing bore diameter) or by signifi- the LBCT design, a self-aligning
cant bending of unsupported shafts. version similar to the LBCD design
The self-aligning qualities of these is available. Here, the design advan-
bearings cannot however compen- tages of the open LBCT bearings are
sate for two non-parallel shafts in an enhanced through the added self-
assembly. Tilting of the bearing is alignment capability. LBCF linear ball
achieved through a spherical eleva- bearings must always be securely
tion ground at the centre of the located in the axial and turning
raceway segment. The diameter of direction.
the cage is also reduced inside the
housing, so ensuring that the bear- LPAR and LPAT linear plain bearings
ing- and especially the shield or seals
- remains concentric with the shaft. These linear plain bearings have the
All other characteristics of the LBCR same external dimensions as those
linear ball bearings are also valid for of the LBA/LBC Iinear ball bearings.
the self-aligning LBCD design. LBCD Technical details are as shown on
linear ball bearings must always be page 6 under LPBR linear plain
firmly located in the axial direction. bearings. These bearings are avail-

Axial and turning stops
for LBC linear ball bearings and LPA linear plain bearings

Design 1 Design 2

Design 3 Design 4

Dimensions Design1) Appropriate Grub Pins4)

grease nipples2) screws3)

d K1 K2 s

mm — mm
12 3,0 3,0 - 1 VN-LHC 20 M4 3
16 3,0 - - 2 VN-LHC 20 M4 3
20 3,0 - - 2 VN-LHC 20 M4 3
25 3,5 3,0 1,5 3 VN-LHC 40 M5 3 / 3,5
30 3,5 3,0 2 4 VN-LHC 40 M5 3 / 3,5
40 3,5 3,0 1,5 4 VN-LHC 40 M5 3 / 3,5
50 4,5 5,0 2,5 4 VN-LHC 50 M6 5 / 4,5
60 6,0 2,5 5 4 VN-LHC 60 5) M8 6
80 8,0 2,5 5 4 VN-LHC 80 5) M8 8

) All linear plain bearings of Design 2
) Recommendations for holes to take grease nipples: see page 17.
) Grub screws to DIN 417 and ISO 7435 or DIN 915 and ISO 4028.
) Straight pins to DIN 7, slotted pins to DIN 1481 or grooved pins to DIN 1470 and DIN 1471.
) Grub screw to DIN 551 / ISO 4766 or DIN 913 / ISO 4026.

Axial and turning stops
for LBHT and LBAT linear ball bearings

LBHT Design

Dimensions Appropriate Dimensions Appropriate

grub screws grub screws

to DIN 417 to DIN 417

Fw K1 h α1 or DIN 915 Fw K h α1 or
DIN 915

mm degrees —
20 2,6 ± 0,05 1,3 ± 0,2 47° M4 50 4,1 ± 0,05 1,8 ± 0,3 39° M6
25 2,6 ± 0,05 1,3 ± 0,2 55° 12' M4
30 3,6 ± 0,05 1,4 ± 0,2 39° 15' M5
40 3,6 ± 0,05 1,4 ± 0,2 38° 51' M5

Grease nipples
for LBC linear ball bearings and LPA linear plain bearings

Dimensions Designations Attachment dimensions

Bearing Grease nipple Grease nipple Housing

Fw G L L1 L2 k1 e SW Da Ga Gb Na
±0,2 ±0,4 ±0,2

mm — mm — mm — mm
12 M4 7,7 1,5 3,5 3,0 5,5 5 VN-LHC 20 22 M4 3,8 13
16 M4 7,7 1,5 3,5 3,0 5,5 5 VN-LHC 20 26 M4 3,8 13
20 M4 7,7 1,5 3,5 3,0 5,5 5 VN-LHC 20 32 M4 3,8 13
25 M5 11,1 2,0 5,0 3,5 6,6 6 VN-LHC 40 40 M5 5,2 15
30 M5 11,1 2,0 5,0 3,5 6,6 6 VN-LHC 40 47 M5 5,2 15
40 M5 11,1 2,0 5,0 3,5 6,6 6 VN-LHC 40 62 M5 5,2 15
50 M6 14,8 2,5 7,0 4,5 7,8 7 VN-LHC 50 75 M6 7,2 15
60 M8 20,5 3,5 10,5 6 11,1 10 VN-LHC 80 90 M8 11,2 18
80 M8 20,5 3,5 10,5 6 11,1 10 VN-LHC 80 120 M8 5,2 18

LBAR/LBCR linear ball bearings
in closed design
Fw 5-80 mm

LBCR linear ball bearing LBCR design

with 2 shields

Dimensions No. Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of ball
rows Linear ball bearing with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw D C C3 C C0

mm — N kg
5 12 22 12 4 193 143 0,012 LBAR 5 LBAR 5-2LS1)
8 16 25 14 4 365 285 0,016 LBAR 8 LBAR 8-2LS1)
12 22 32 20 6 1 160 980 0,023 LBCR 12 LBCR 12-2LS
16 26 36 22 6 1 500 1 290 0,030 LBCR 16 LBCR 16-2LS
20 32 45 28 7 2 240 2 040 0,059 LBCR 20 LBCR 20-2LS
25 40 58 40 7 3 350 3 350 0,11 LBCR 25 LBCR 25-2LS
30 47 68 48 7 5 600 5 700 0,18 LBCR 30 LBCR 30-2LS
40 62 80 56 7 9 000 8 150 0,35 LBCR 40 LBCR 40-2LS
50 75 100 72 7 13 400 12 200 0,60 LBCR 50 LBCR 50-2LS
60 90 125 95 7 20 400 18 000 1,25 LBCR 60 LBCR 60-2LS
80 120 165 125 7 37 500 32 000 3,0 LBCR 80 LBCR 80-2LS

Linear ball bearings with one seal are available on request.

These bearings are presently supplied in a version with steel outside diameter.
Axial location with snap ring.
For axial location and protection against relative motion see pages 16/17.
Snap rings according to DIN 471.

LBCD linear ball bearings
self aligning in closed design
Fw 12-50 mm

Linear ball bearing Linear ball bearing LBCD design

with 2 shields with 2 seals

Dimensions No. Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of ball
rows . Linear ball bearings with
dyn. stat 2 shields 2 seals
Fw D C C3 C C0

mm — N kg
12 22 32 20 6 1 080 815 0,022 LBCD 12 LBCD 12-2LS
16 26 36 22 6 1 320 865 0,029 LBCD 16 LBCD 16-2LS
20 32 45 28 7 2 000 1 370 0,057 LBCD 20 LBCD 20-2LS
25 40 58 40 7 2 900 2 040 0,11 LBCD 25 LBCD 25-2LS
30 47 68 48 7 4 650 3 250 0,17 LBCD 30 LBCD 30-2LS
40 62 80 56 7 7 800 5 200 0,34 LBCD 40 LBCD 40-2LS
50 75 100 72 7 11 200 6 950 0,58 LBCD 50 LBCD 50-2LS

Linear ball bearings with one seal are available on request.

For axial location and protection against relative motion see pages 16/17.
Snap rings according to DIN 471.

LBCT/LBHT linear ball bearings
in open design
Fw 12-80 mm

LBCT linear ball bearing LBCT linear ball bearing LBCT design LBHT design
with 2 shields with 2 seals

Dimensions No. Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of ball
rows Linear ball bearing with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw D C C3 E1) α C C0

mm Deg. — N kg
12 22 32 20 7,6 78 5 1 160 980 0,019 LBCT 12 LBCT 12-2LS
16 26 36 22 10,4 78 5 1 500 1 290 0,025 LBCT 16 LBCT 16-2LS
20 32 45 28 10,8 60 6 2 240 2 040 0,052 LBCT 20 LBCT 20-2LS
32 45 28 10,8 60 8 2 650 2 650 0,063 LBHT 20 LBHT 20-2LS
25 40 58 40 13,2 60 6 3 350 3 350 0,10 LBCT 25 LBCT 25-2LS
40 58 40 13,2 60 9 4 900 5 100 0,14 LBHT 25 LBHT 25-2LS
30 47 68 48 14,2 50 6 5 600 5 700 0,15 LBCT 30 LBCT 30-2LS
47 68 48 14,2 50 10 7 200 8 000 0,23 LBHT 30 LBHT 30-2LS
40 62 80 56 18,7 50 6 9 000 8 150 0,31 LBCT 40 LBCT 40-2LS
62 80 56 18,7 50 10 11 600 11 400 0,45 LBHT 40 LBHT 40-2LS
50 75 100 72 23,6 50 6 13 400 12 220 0,52 LBCT 50 LBCT 50-2LS
75 100 72 23,6 50 10 17 300 17 000 0,78 LBHT 50 LBHT 50-2LS
60 90 125 95 29,6 54 6 20 400 18 000 1,1 LBCT 60 LBCT 60-2LS
80 120 165 125 38,4 54 6 37 500 32 000 2,7 LBCT 80 LBCT 80-2LS

Linear ball bearings with one seal are available on request.

Smallest sector width for diameter Fw. For axial location and protection against relative motion see pages 16/17.

LBCF linear ball bearings
self-aligning in open design
Fw 12-50 mm

LBCF linear ball bearing LBCF linear ball bearing LBCF design
with 2 shields with 2 seals

Dimensions No. Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of ball
rows Linear ball bearing with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw D C C3 E1) α C C0

mm Deg. — N kg
12 22 32 20 7,6 78 5 1 080 815 0,018 LBCF 12 LBCF 12-2LS
16 26 36 22 10,4 78 5 1 320 865 0,024 LBCF 16 LBCF 16-2LS
20 32 45 28 10,8 60 6 2 000 1 370 0,050 LBCF 20 LBCF 20-2LS
25 40 58 40 13,2 60 6 2 900 2 040 0,097 LBCF 25 LBCF 25-2LS
30 47 68 48 14,2 50 6 4 650 3 250 0,15 LBCF 30 LBCF 30-2LS
40 62 80 56 18,7 50 6 7 800 5 200 0,30 LBCF 40 LBCF 40-2LS
50 75 100 72 23,6 50 6 11 200 6 950 0,51 LBCF 50 LBCF 50-2LS

Linear ball bearings with one seal are available on request.

Smallest sector width for diameter Fw. For axial location and protection against relative motion see pages 16/17.

LPAR/LPAT linear plain bearings
closed and open design
Fw 5-50 mm

LPAR linear plain bearing LPAR design LPAT design

Dimensions Basic load ratings Mass Designations

dyn. at stat. Design Linear plain bearing

0,1 m/s 4 m/s closed open closed open
Fw D C C3 C4 E1) α C C C0

mm Deg. N kg —
5 12 22 12 7 - - 280 7 980 0,003 - LPAR 5 -
8 16 25 14 8 - - 510 13 1 800 0,005 - LPAR 8 -
12 22 32 20 10 7,6 78 965 24 3 350 0,012 0,008 LPAR 12 LPAT 12
16 26 36 22 12 10,4 78 1 530 38 5 400 0,016 0,012 LPAR 16 LPAT 16
20 32 45 28 15 10,8 60 2 400 60 8 300 0,03 0,023 LPAR 20 LPAT 20
25 40 58 40 20 13,2 60 4 000 100 14 000 0,06 0,045 LPAR 25 LPAT 25
30 47 68 48 23 14,2 50 5 500 137 19 300 0,09 0,07 LPAR 30 LPAT 30
40 62 80 56 25 18,7 50 8 000 200 28 000 0,20 0,15 LPAR 40 LPAT 40
50 75 100 72 30 23,6 50 12 000 300 41 500 0,34 0,26 LPAR 50 LPAT 50
60 90 125 95 35 29,6 54 16 600 415 60 000 0, 63 0,46 LPAR 60 LPAT 60
80 120 165 125 45 38,4 54 29 000 720 100 000 1, 50 1,10 LPAR 80 LPAT 80

Smallest sector width for diameter Fw.
For axial location and protection against relative motion see pages 16/17. Snap rings according to DIN 471.

LCAN combinations linear ball bearing/needle roller bearing
Fw 12-50 mm

Design 1 Design 2

Dimensions Basic load ratings Mass Design Designations

Linear ball bearings Linear ball bearing Attachment Needle roller
dyn. stat. with seals and Dimensions bearings1)
Fw B C D D2 D3 r1, 2 C C0 Needle roller D4 r4
max min bearing max max
mm N kg — mm
12 16 32 22 27,5 30 0,3 620 465 0,062 1 LCAN 12-2LS 28 0,3 NK 22/16
16 16 36 26 31,5 34 0,3 720 570 0,082 1 LCAN 16-2LS 32 0,3 NK 26/16
20 20 45 32 39,5 42 0,3 1 560 1 220 0,15 1 LCAN 20-2LS 40 0,3 NK 32/20
25 30 58 40 47,5 50 0,3 2 750 2 200 0,28 1 LCAN 25-2LS 48 0,3 NK 40/30
30 30 68 47 54,5 57 0,3 3 050 2 500 0,41 1 LCAN 30-2LS 55 0,3 NK 47/30
40 35 80 62 76,5 82 0,6 5 200 3 800 1,00 1 LCAN 40-2LS 78 0,6 *
50 50 100 75 86,5 92 1 8 300 6 400 1,40 2 LCAN 50-2LS 87 1 NK 75/25

For fuller details on radial needle roller bearings see SKF catalogue "Needle roller bearings".
* Special bearings

Linear Bearing units with LBC/LBA linear ball bearings
or LPA linear plain bearings

A comprehensive range of linear The various designs are described A grease nipple serves to retain the
bearing units is available, based on below in greater detail. bearing axially and prevent it from
linear ball bearings and linear plain turning. The bearings are thus readily
bearings. In addition to the basic LUCD/LUCR linear bearing units relubricated. On request, these units
design with one bearing, flanged are also available fitted with LPAR
units can also be supplied as well as SKF linear bearing units of the linear plain bearings (designation
tandem and quadro units. LUCD/LUCR series offer a simple LUCR..PA). Units fitted with LBAR
means of achieving economical shaft linear bearings (for shaft diameters
LUC linear bearing units guides. The units comprise a closed 8 mm) can not be relubricated . The
housing, a linear ball bearing of bearings are axially located in the
Units of the LUC series have cast series LBAR, LBCD or LBCR and are housing bores by means of two
aluminium housings. Optimised supplied as standard with shields. retaining rings. The designation of
design with a minimum of material LUCD linear bearing units (for shaft these units is: LUCR..BA.
results in low weight of the product diameters from 12 to 50 mm) are
while maintaining high strength and normally supplied with self-aligning
stiffness. Acceleration and inertial LBCD linear ball bearings. LUCR
forces are thus kept to a minimum. linear bearing units (for shaft diam-
LUC linear bearing units are available eters from 12 to 80 mm) are supplied
for shaft diameters from 8 to 80 mm. with rigid LBCR linear ball bearings.

LUND linear bearing units

LQCD quadro linear bearing units

LUCE linear bearing units

LTCF tandem linear bearing units

LUCF linear bearing units

LUCE/LUCS linear bearing units for shaft diameters from 12 to 50 LQC quadro linear bearing units
mm. In contrast to the LUC linear
LUCE/LUCS linear bearing units are bearing unit described above, the SKF quadro linear bearing units
similar in design to the LUCD/LUCR housings consist of an extruded consist of a one-piece aluminium
units but instead of a closed housing aluminium profile enveloping the housing with two bores arranged in
they have a slotted housing with linear ball bearing along its whole parallel, each with two self-aligning
adjustment screw. They can be used length. Two diagonally opposed linear ball bearings. The bearings are
for arrangements requiring zero attachment holes are provided. By sealed on the external ends only. The
clearance or preload. LUCE/LUCD using through bolts, direct fixing into bearings are retained in position
linear ball bearing units are supplied the threaded holes on the underside axially and also prevented from
with selfaligning LBCD linear ball can be employed. All units may be turning. Except for units of size 8,
bearings. LUCS/LUCR linear ball relubricated. relubrication is possible . SKF quadro
bearing units are supplied with rigid units are available in two designs:
LBCR linear ball bearing units. These LQCD with closed housing and
LVCD/LVCR LQCF with open housing. Using
units are not available with linear flanged linear bearing units
plain bearings. quadro units, used in combination
LVCD and LVCR flanged linear with LEAS tandem shaft blocks
bearing units consist of a closed (closed design) or LRCB shaft
LUCF/LUCT linear bearing units supports (open design) it is possible
flanged housing made of cast iron
LUCF/LUCT linear bearing units are and fitted with a self-aligning LBCD to produce simple linear slides and
designed for applications where, linear ball bearing (d = 12 to 50 mm) tables. Details of tables are given on
because of heavy loads and/or long respectively a rigid LBCR linear ball pages 43 to 45 of this catalogue. The
guidance lengths, the shaft must be bearing (d = 12 to 80 mm). The LQC design is available for shaft
supported either partially or along its bearings, sealed at both sides, are sizes from 8 to 50 mm. An exception
entire length. For this reason the located axially by means of pins. The is the size 8 unit which is fitted with
housings as well as the bearings flange is machined on both faces LBAR 8-LS non self-aligning linear
have one sector cut away. In all other thus allowing mounting on the front ball bearings (full designation LQCR
respects they are similar in design to or rear of the machine sides. Flanged 8 BA-2LS). LQCF units are suitable
the closed LUCD/LUCR units. These linear bearing units are not designed for shaft diameters from 12 to 50
open linear bearing units are avail- for relubrication and must therefore mm. All quadro units may be at-
able as standard with the self- be filled with the appropriate amount tached to their supporting surfaces
aligning linear ball bearing LBCF or of lubricant before mounting. either by head cap screws inserted
the rigid linear ball bearing LBCT. For from below or via the threaded holes
the above-mentioned sizes, axial in the housing.
LTC tandem linear bearing units
location is achieved by means of a
grease nipple, consequently they SKF tandem linear bearing units
may be relubricated. Where high load consist of a solid extruded aluminium
carrying capacity or long operating housing and two self-aligning linear
life is required, LUCT units can also ball bearings mounted one behind
be supplied fitted with LBHT linear the other. A grease nipple is used to
ball bearings in sizes 20 to 50 which secure each bearing in position and
have a particularly high load rating prevent it from turning. Tandem linear
(Designation: LUCT..BH). These units bearing units enable the construction
may also be relubricated. Bearing of linear guidance systems such as
units may also be supplied fitted with tables of any required width. The
linear plain bearings (Designation housing may be attached to its
LUCT..PA). supporting surface from below using
head cap screws or from above via
LUN linear bearing units the two threaded holes in the hous-
ing. These tandem units are available
LUN linear bearing units are supplied in two versions : closed (LTCD) or
as standard with shielded or sealed open (LTCF). These bearing units are Note
self-aligning linear ball bearings. supplied with seals as standard. The All linear ball bearing units
Three versions are available: closed linear ball bearings are supplied with Fw 12-50 mm can be fitted with non
(LUND), adjustable (LUNE) and open, one seal as standard. Shaft diameter self aligning linear ball bearings
adjustable (LUNF). They are suitable sizes range from 12 to 50 mm. on request.

LUCD linear bearing units
with LBCD linear ball bearing and closed housing, self-aligning, can be relubricated
LUCR linear bearing units
with LBCR linear ball bearing and closed housing, can be relubricated
Fw 8-80 mm

Linear bearing unit LUCD design

with 2 shields

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear ball bearing unit with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw A A1 C Da H H1 H2 J J1 J2 L N2) N22) C C0

mm N kg —
8 27 14 25 16 15 5,5 28 25 20 35 45 3,2 5,3 365 285 0,029 LUCR 8 BA1) LUCR 8 BA-2LS1)
12 31 20 32 22 18 6 34,5 32 23 42 52 4,3 5,3 1 080 815 0,060 LUCD 12 LUCD 12-2LS
16 34,5 22 36 26 22 7 40,5 40 26 46 56 4,3 5,3 1 320 865 0,078 LUCD 16 LUCD 16-2LS
20 41 28 45 32 25 8 48 45 32 58 70 4,3 6,4 2 000 1 370 0,16 LUCD 20 LUCD 20-2LS
25 52 40 58 40 30 10 58 60 40 68 80 5,3 6,4 2 900 2 040 0,31 LUCD 25 LUCD 25-2LS
30 59 48 68 47 35 10 67 68 45 76 88 6,4 6,4 4 650 3 250 0,45 LUCD 30 LUCD 30-2LS
40 74 56 80 62 45 12 85 86 58 94 108 8,4 8,4 7 800 5 200 0,81 LUCD 40 LUCD 40-2LS
50 66 72 100 75 50 14 99 108 50 116 135 8,4 10,5 11 200 6 950 1,33 LUCD 50 LUCD 50-2LS
60 84 95 125 90 60 18 118 132 65 138 160 10,5 13 20 400 18 000 2,60 LUCR 60 LUCR 60-2LS
80 113 125 165 120 80 22 158 170 90 180 205 13 13 37 500 32 000 6,25 LUCR 80 LUCR 80-2LS

LUCD linear ball bearing units can also be fitted with rigid linear ball bearings of type LBCR. Designation: e.g. LUCR 12-2LS.

LUCR/LUCD linear bearing units Fw 8-80 are also available fitted with linear plain bearings. Designation: e.g. LUCR 20 PA.

For suitable shaft blocks LSCS/LSNS for these bearing units, see pages 39 and 40 of this catalogue.

Linear ball bearings fitted to these units are secured with snap rings according to DIN 471, cannot be relubricated,
not self-aligning.
For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762

LUCE linear bearing units
with LBCD linear ball bearing and slotted housing, self-aligning, can be relubricated, adjustable in radial direction
LUCS linear bearing units
with LBCR linear ball bearing and slotted housing, can be relubricated, adjustable in radial direction
Fw 8-80 mm

Linear bearing unit LUCE design

with 2 shields

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw A A1 C Da H H1 H2 J J1 J2 L N2) N22) C C0

mm N kg —
8 27 14 25 16 15 5,5 28 25 20 35 45 3,2 5,3 365 285 0,029 LUCS 8 BA1) LUCS 8 BA-2LS1)
12 31 20 32 22 18 6 34,5 32 23 42 52 4,3 5,3 1 080 815 0,060 LUCE 12 LUCE 12-2LS
16 34,5 22 36 26 22 7 40,5 40 26 46 56 4,3 5,3 1 320 865 0,078 LUCE 16 LUCE 16-2LS
20 41 28 45 32 25 8 48 45 32 58 70 4,3 6,4 2000 1 370 0,16 LUCE 20 LUCE 20-2LS
25 52 40 58 40 30 10 58 60 40 68 80 5,3 6,4 2 900 2 040 0,31 LUCE 25 LUCE 25-2LS
30 59 48 68 47 35 10 67 68 45 76 88 6,4 6,4 4 650 3 250 0,45 LUCE 30 LUCE 30-2LS
40 74 56 80 62 45 12 85 86 58 94 108 8,4 8,4 7 800 5 200 0,81 LUCE 40 LUCE 40-2LS
50 66 72 100 75 50 14 99 108 50 116 135 8,4 10,5 11 200 6 950 1,33 LUCE 50 LUCE 50-2LS
60 84 95 125 90 60 18 118 132 65 138 160 10,5 13 20 400 18 000 2,60 LUCS 60 LUCS 60-2LS
80 113 125 165 120 80 22 158 170 90 180 205 13 13 37 500 32 000 6,25 LUCS 80 LUCS 80-2LS

LUCE linear bearing units can also be fitted with rigid linear ball bearings of type LBCR. Designation: e.g. LUCS 20-2LS.

For suitable shaft blocks LSCS/LSNS for these bearing units, see pages 39 and 40 of this catalogue.

Linear ball bearings fitted to these units are secured with snap rings according to DIN 471, cannot be relubricated,
not self-aligning.
For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LUCF linear bearing units
with LBCF linear ball bearing and open housing, self-aligning, clearance adjustable, can be relubricated
LUCT linear bearing units
with LBCT linear ball bearings and open housing, clearance adjustable, can be relubricated
Fw 12-80 mm

Linear bearing unit LUCF design

with 2 shields

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw A A1 C Da H H1 H2 J J1 J2 L N2) N22) E1) α C C0

mm Deg. N kg —
12 31 20 32 22 18 6 28 32 23 42 52 4,3 5,3 7,6 78 1 080 815 0,052 LUCF 12 LUCF 12-2LS
16 34,5 22 36 26 22 7 35 40 26 46 56 4,3 5,3 10,4 78 1 320 865 0,069 LUCF 16 LUCF 16-2LS
20 41 28 45 32 25 8 42 45 32 58 70 4,3 6,4 10,8 60 2 000 1 370 0,14 LUCF 20 LUCF 20-2LS
25 52 40 58 40 30 10 51 60 40 68 80 5,3 6,4 13,2 60 2 900 2 040 0,28 LUCF 25 LUCF 25-2LS
30 59 48 68 47 35 10 60 68 45 76 88 6,4 6,4 14,2 50 4 650 3 250 0,41 LUCF 30 LUCF 30-2LS
40 74 56 80 62 45 12 77 86 58 94 108 8,4 8,4 18,7 50 7 800 5 200 0,71 LUCF 40 LUCF 40-2LS
50 66 72 100 75 50 14 88 108 50 116 135 8,4 10,5 23,6 50 11 200 6 950 1,17 LUCF 50 LUCF 50-2LS
60 84 95 125 90 60 18 105 132 65 138 160 10,5 13,0 29,6 54 20 400 18 000 2,6 LUCT 60 LUCT 60-2LS
80 113 125 165 120 80 22 140 170 90 180 205 13,0 13,0 38,4 54 37 500 32 000 6,25 LUCT 80 LUCT 80-2LS

LUCF linear ball bearing units can also be fitted with rigid linear ball bearings of type LBCT.
Designation: e.g. LUCT 20-2LS.

LUCF/LUCT linear bearing units Fw 12-80 are also available fitted with linear plain bearings.
Designation: e.g. LUCT 20 PA.

For suitable shaft supports for these bearing units, designation LRCB.., see page 42 of this catalogue.

Minimum sector width at diameter Fw.
For cylindrical screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LUCT linear bearing units
with LBHT linear ball bearing and open housing, clearance adjustable, can be relubricated
Fw 20-50 mm

Linear bearing unit LUCT . . BH design

with 2 shields

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearings unit with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw A A1 C Da H H1 H2 J J1 J2 L N2) N22) E1) α C C0

mm Deg. N kg —
20 41 28 45 32 25 8 42 45 32 58 70 4,3 6,4 10,8 60 2 650 2 650 0,16 LUCT 20 BH LUCT 20 BH-2LS
25 52 40 58 40 30 l0 51 60 40 68 80 5,3 6,4 13,2 60 4 900 5 100 0,32 LUCT 25 BH LUCT 25 BH-2LS
30 59 48 68 47 35 10 60 68 45 76 88 6,4 6,4 14,2 50 7 200 8 000 0,48 LUCT 30 BH LUCT 30 BH-2LS
40 74 56 80 62 45 12 77 86 58 94 108 8,4 8,4 18,7 50 11 600 11 400 0,86 LUCT 40 BH LUCT 40 BH-2LS
50 66 72 100 75 50 14 88 108 50 116 135 8,4 10,5 23,6 50 17 300 17 000 1,44 LUCT 50 BH LUCT 50 BH-2LS

Suitable shaft supports, designation LRCB, are available for these units. See page 42 for details.

Smallest sector width at diameter Fw.
For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LUND linear bearing units
with LBCD linear ball bearings and closed housing, self-aligning, can be relubricated
Fw 12-50 mm

Linear bearing unit LUND design

with 2 shields

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw A Da H H1 H2 H3 H4 J J1 L N1) N11) C C0

mm — N kg —
12 32 22 18 35 16,5 11 6 32 23 43 4,3 M 5 1 080 815 0,10 LUND 12 LUND 12-2LS
16 37 26 22 42 21 13 7 40 26 53 5,3 M 6 1 320 865 0,17 LUND 16 LUND 16-2LS
20 45 32 25 50 24 18 7,5 45 32 60 6,6 M 8 2 000 1 370 0,27 LUND 20 LUND 20-2LS
25 58 40 30 61 29 22 8,5 60 40 78 8,4 M 10 2 900 2 040 0,56 LUND 25 LUND 25-2LS
30 68 47 35 70 34 22 9,5 68 45 87 8,4 M 10 4 650 3 250 0,83 LUND 30 LUND 30-2LS
40 80 62 45 90 44 26 11 86 58 108 10,5 M 12 7 800 5 200 1,52 LUND 40 LUND 40-2LS
50 100 75 50 105 49 35 11 108 50 132 13,5 M 16 11 200 6 950 2,61 LUND 50 LUND 50-2LS

For suitable shaft blocks LSCS/LSNS for these bearing units, see pages 39 and 40 of this catalogue.

For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LUNE linear bearing units
with LBCD linear ball bearings and slotted housing, self-aligning, clearance adjustable, can be relubricated
Fw 12-50 mm

Linear bearing unit LUNE design

with 2 shields

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw A Da H H1 H2 H3 H4 J J1 L N1) N11) C C0

mm — N kg —
12 32 22 18 35 16,5 11 6 32 23 43 4,3 M 5 1 080 815 0,10 LUNE 12 LUNE 12-2LS
16 37 26 22 42 21 13 7 40 26 53 5,3 M 6 1 320 865 0,17 LUNE 16 LUNE 16-2LS
20 45 32 25 50 24 18 7,5 45 32 60 6,6 M 8 2 000 1 370 0,27 LUNE 20 LUNE 20-2LS
25 58 40 30 61 29 22 8,5 60 40 78 8,4 M 10 2 900 2 040 0,56 LUNE 25 LUNE 25-2LS
30 68 47 35 70 34 22 9,5 68 45 87 8,4 M 10 4 650 3 250 0,83 LUNE 30 LUNE 30-2LS
40 80 62 45 90 44 26 11 86 58 108 10,5 M 12 7 800 5 200 1,52 LUNE 40 LUNE 40-2LS
50 100 75 50 105 49 35 11 108 50 132 13,5 M 16 11 200 6 950 2,61 LUNE 50 LUNE 50-2LS

For suitable shaft blocks LSCS/LSNS for these bearing units, see pages 39 and 40 of this catalogue.

For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LUNF linear bearing units
with LBCF linear ball bearing and open housing, self-aligning, clearance adjustable, can be relubricated
Fw 12-50 mm

Linear bearing unit LUNF design

with 2 shields

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit with
dyn. stat. 2 shields 2 seals
Fw A Da H H1 H2 H3 H4 J J1 L N2) N12) E1) α C C0

mm — mm Deg. N kg —
12 32 22 18 28 16,5 11 6 32 23 43 4,3 M 5 7,6 78 1 080 815 0,08 LUNF 12 LUNF 12-2LS
16 37 26 22 35 21 13 7 40 26 53 5,3 M 6 10,4 78 1 320 865 0,14 LUNF 16 LUNF 16-2LS
20 45 32 25 42 24 18 7,5 45 32 60 6,6 M 8 10,8 60 2 000 1 370 0,23 LUNF 20 LUNF 20-2LS
25 58 40 30 51 29 22 8,5 60 40 78 8,4 M 10 13,2 60 2 900 2 040 0,47 LUNF 25 LUNF 25-2LS
30 68 47 35 60 34 22 9,5 68 45 87 8,4 M 10 14,2 50 4 650 3 250 0,71 LUNF 30 LUNF 30-2LS
40 80 62 45 77 44 26 11 86 58 108 10,5 M 12 18,7 50 7 800 5 200 1,29 LUNF 40 LUNF 40-2LS
50 100 75 50 88 49 35 11 108 50 132 13,5 M 16 23,6 50 11 200 6 950 2,16 LUNF 50 LUNF 50-2LS

Suitable shaft supports, designation LRCB.. are available for these units. See page 42 for details.

Smallest sector width at diameter Fw.
For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LVCR flanged linear bearing units
with LBCR linear ball bearing
Fw 12-80 mm

Linear bearing unit LVCD design

with 2 seals

Dimensions Basic load ratings Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit 2)

dyn. stat. with 2 seals
Fw A A1 C D D2 J L N1) C C0

mm N kg —
12 20 8 32 22 32 30 42 5,5 1 080 815 0,12 LVCR 12-2LS
16 22 8 36 26 38 35 50 5,5 1 320 865 0,17 LVCR 16-2LS
20 28 10 45 32 46 42 60 6,6 2 000 1 370 0,33 LVCR 20-2LS
25 40 12 58 40 58 54 74 6,6 2 900 2 040 0,68 LVCR 25-2LS
30 48 14 68 47 66 60 84 9 4 650 3 250 1,03 LVCR 30-2LS
40 56 16 80 62 90 78 108 11 7 800 5 200 2,00 LVCR 40-2LS
50 72 18 100 75 110 98 130 11 11 200 6 950 3,41 LVCR 50-2LS
60 95 22 125 90 135 120 160 13,5 20 400 18 000 6,56 LVCR 60-2LS3)
80 125 25 165 120 180 155 200 13,5 37 500 32 000 14,85 LVCR 80-2LS3)

LVCR linear ball bearing units of sizes Fw 12-50 can also be fitted with linear bearings which are self-aligning
Designation: e.g. LVCD 12-2LS.

For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.
Linear ball bearings fitted to these units are secured using pins.. to DIN 1470 or, in the case of Types 60 and 80,
using retaining rings to DIN 471. They are not designed for relubrication.
Linear ball bearings fitted to these units are non self-aligning.

LTCD tandem linear bearing units
with LBCD self-aligning linear ball bearings and closed housing, can be relubricated
Fw 12-50 mm

Linear bearing unit LTCD . . 2LS design

with shields (Fig. 1)2)

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit
dyn. stat. with shields
Fw A C Da H H1 H2 H3 J J1 L N1) N11) C C0

mm — N kg —
12 76 32 22 18 35 27 13 30 40 42 5,3 M 6 1 760 1 630 0,25 LTCD 12-2LS
16 84 36 26 22 41,5 33 13 36 45 50 5,3 M 6 2 160 1 730 0,39 LTCD 16-2LS
20 104 45 32 25 49,5 39,5 18 45 55 60 6,4 M 8 3 200 2 750 0,70 LTCD 20-2LS
25 130 58 40 30 59,5 47 22 54 70 74 8,4 M 10 4 750 4 150 1,29 LTCD 25-2LS
30 152 68 47 35 69,5 55 26 62 85 84 10,5 M 12 7 500 6 550 1,95 LTCD 30-2LS
40 176 80 62 45 89,5 71 34 80 100 108 13 M 16 12 700 10 400 3,71 LTCD 40-2LS
50 224 100 75 50 99,5 81 34 100 125 130 13 M 16 18 300 14 000 6,20 LTCD 50-2LS

For suitable shaft blocks LSCS/LSNS for these bearing units, see pages 39 and 40 of this catalogue.

For 2 screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.
Bore position as in top view, fig. 1:

LTCF tandem linear bearing units
with LBCF self-aligning linear ball bearings and open housing, can be relubricated.
Fw 12-50 mm

Linear bearing unit LTCF..2LS design

with shields (Fig 1)3)

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit
dyn. stat. with shields
Fw A C Da H H1 H2 H3 J J1 L N2) N12) E1) α C C0

mm — mm Deg. N kg —
12 76 32 22 18 29 23,5 13 30 40 42 5,3 M 6 7,6 78 1 760 1 630 0,19 LTCF 12-2LS
16 84 36 26 22 35 28 13 36 45 50 5,3 M 6 10,4 78 2 160 1 730 0,30 LTCF 16-2LS
20 104 45 32 25 42 33,5 18 45 55 60 6,4 M 8 10,8 60 3 200 2 750 0,65 LTCF 20-2LS
25 130 58 40 30 51 40 22 54 70 74 8,4 M 10 13,2 60 4 750 4 150 1,02 LTCF 25-2LS
30 152 68 47 35 60 46,5 26 62 85 84 10,5 M 12 14,2 50 7 500 6 550 1,57 LTCF 30-2LS
40 176 80 62 45 77 61 34 80 100 108 13 M 16 18,7 50 12 700 10 400 2,97 LTCF 40-2LS
50 224 100 75 50 88 72 34 100 125 130 13 M 16 23,6 50 18 300 14 000 5,11 LTCF 50-2LS

For suitable shaft supports for these bearing units, designation LRCB.., see page 42 of this catalogue.

Smallest sector width at diameter Fw.
For 2 screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.
Bore position as in top view, fig. 1:

LQCR/LQCD quadro linear bearing units
with LBCD self-aligning linear ball bearings and closed housing, can be relubricated.
Fw 8-50 mm

Linear bearing unit LQCD..2LS design

with seals

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing unit
dyn. stat. with seals
Fw C Da H H1 H2 H3 J L L1 N2) N12) C C0

mm — N kg —
8 25 16 11,5 23 17,5 11 55 65 32 4,3 M 5 965 1 140 0,23 LQCR 8 BA-2LS1)
12 32 22 16 32 25 13 73 85 42 5,3 M 6 2 850 3 250 0,52 LQCD 12-2LS
16 36 26 18 36 29 13 88 100 54 5,3 M 6 3 450 3 450 0,78 LQCD 16-2LS
20 45 32 23 46 37,5 18 115 130 72 6,6 M 8 5 200 5 500 1,74 LQCD 20-2LS
25 58 40 28 56 45 22 140 160 88 8,4 M 10 7 650 8 150 3,13 LQCD 25-2LS
30 68 47 32 64 50,5 26 158 180 96 10,5 M 12 12 200 12 900 4,43 LQCD 30-2LS
40 80 62 40 80 64 34 202 230 122 13,5 M 16 20 800 20 800 8,70 LQCD 40-2LS
50 l00 75 48 96 80 34 250 280 152 13,5 M 16 30 000 28 000 15,55 LQCD 50-2LS

For suitable shaft blocks for these bearing units, designation LEAS..A and LEAS..B, see page 41 of this catalogue.

) Unit with LBAR8-LS linear ball bearing not designed for regreasing, non self-aligning.
For 4 cylindrical screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LQCF quadro linear bearing units
with LBCF self-aligning linear ball bearings and open housing, can be relubricated.
Fw 12-50 mm

Linear bearing unit LQCF..2LS design

with seals

Dimensions Basic load Mass Designations

Linear bearing
dyn. stat. unit with
Fw C Da H H1 H2 H3 J L L1 N2) N12) E1) α C C0 kg seals

mm — mm Deg. N kg —
12 32 22 18 30 23,4 13 73 85 42 5,3 M 6 7,6 78 2 850 3 250 0,45 LQCF 12-2LS
16 36 26 22 35 28,4 13 88 100 54 5,3 M 6 10,4 78 3 450 3 450 0,73 LQCF 16-2LS
20 45 32 25 42 33,5 18 115 130 72 6,6 M 8 10,8 60 5 200 5 500 1,48 LQCF 20-2LS
25 58 40 30 51 40 22 140 160 88 8,4 M 10 13,2 60 7 650 8 150 2,68 LQCF 25-2LS
30 68 47 35 60 46,5 26 158 180 96 10,5 M 12 14,2 50 12 200 12 900 3,95 LQCF 30-2LS
40 80 62 45 77 61 34 202 230 122 13,5 M 16 18,7 50 20 800 20 800 8,12 LQCF 40-2LS
50 100 75 55 93 77 34 250 280 152 13,5 M 16 23,6 50 30 000 28 000 14,52 LQCF 50-2LS

For suitable shaft supports for these bearing units, designation LRCB.., see page 42 of this catalogue.

Smallest sector width at diameter Fw.
For 4 cylindrical screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

Shaft carriers

Among shaft carriers, a distinction is or direct into the threaded holes on available for shafts of diameter 8 to
made between shaft blocks and the underside. LSNS and LSHS shaft 50 mm.
shaft supports. With shaft blocks the blocks are available for shaft of
shaft is supported only at its ends; diameter 12 to 50 mm. LRCB/LRCC shaft supports
shaft supports run for the whole
length or at least partially and LEBS/LEAS tandem shaft blocks For heavily loaded linear bearing
therefore require the use of open units and/or long track lengths,
linear bearing units. To match the duo and quadro linear allowance must often be made for a
bearing units with linear ball bearings high degree of bending of the shaft.
LSCS/LSNS/LSHS shaft blocks LBB of Series 1, LEBS tandem shaft In such cases continuous or at least
blocks are available in the A design partial support of the shaft is called
LSCS shaft blocks are made of cast (i.e. fixed shaft blocks, linear bearing for, with the use of open linear
aluminium. The individual elements unit axially moveable). LEBS shaft bearing units. SKF offers shaft
grip the shaft at the end. They are blocks are available for shafts of supports for shaft diameters from 12
supplied as standard with two screw diameter 12 to 50 mm. For units with to 80 mm of the LRCB (with holes
holes in the shaft block base for linear ball bearings LBA/LBC/LBH of already drilled) and LRCC types
attachment. LSCS shaft blocks are Series 3, LEAS tandem shaft blocks (without holes).
suitable for shaft diameters from 8 to are available in A and B design. The
80 mm. LSNS and LSHS shaft blocks B design allows axial movement of
are made of extruded aluminium. the shafts through a fixed linear
Attachment is made by through bolts bearing unit. LEAS shaft blocks are





LSCS shaft blocks
da 8-80 mm

Dimensions Mass Designations

Shaft block

da A H H1 H2 J J2 J3 L L1 N1) N2

mm kg —
8 10 15 5,5 25 25 35 5 45 19 4,3 2,7 0,012 LSCS 8
12 12 20 6 32,5 32 42 6 52 25 5,3 3,2 0,023 LSCS 12
16 15 20 7 35,5 40 46 7,5 56 31,8 5,3 4,3 0,034 LSCS 16
20 20 25 8 43,5 45 58 10 70 37 5,3 5,3 0,065 LSCS 20
25 28 30 10 53 60 68 16 80 48 6,4 6,4 0,14 LSCS 25
30 30 35 10 63 68 76 18 88 56 8,4 6,4 0,20 LSCS 30
40 36 45 12 81 86 94 22 108 71 10,5 8,4 0,47 LSCS 40
50 49 50 14 92,5 108 116 30 135 86 10,5 10,5 0,68 LSCS 50
60 62 60 18 112 132 138 40 160 105 13 13 1,29 LSCS 60
80 85 80 22 147,5 170 180 60 205 136 17 15 3,01 LSCS 80

For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LSNS/LSHS shaft blocks
da 12-50 mm

Dimensions Mass Designations

Shaft block

da A H H1 H2 H3 H4 J L N1) N11)

mm — kg —
12 20 20 6 35 13 16,5 30 43 5,3 M6 0,06 LSNS 12
16 24 25 7 42 18 21 38 53 6,6 M8 0,11 LSNS 16
20 30 30 7,5 50 22 25 42 60 8,4 M 10 0,17 LSNS 20
25 38 35 8,5 61 26 30 56 78 10,5 M 12 0,34 LSNS 25
30 40 40 9,5 70 26 34 64 87 10,5 M 12 0,46 LSNS 30
40 48 50 11 90 34 44 82 108 13,5 M 16 0,90 LSNS 40
50 58 60 11 105 43 49 100 132 17,5 M 20 1,45 LSNS 50

12 18 19 — 33 13 16,5 27 40 5,3 M6 0,05 LSHS 12

16 20 22 — 38 13 18 32 45 5,3 M6 0,07 LSHS 16
20 24 25 — 45 18 21 39 53 6,6 M8 0,11 LSHS 20
25 28 31 — 54 22 25 44 62 8,4 M 10 0,17 LSHS 25
30 30 34 — 60 22 29 49 67 8,4 M 10 0,22 LSHS 30
40 40 42 — 76 26 37 66 87 10,5 M 12 0,47 LSHS 40
50 50 50 — 92 34 44 80 103 13,5 M 16 0,82 LSHS 50

LSHS Shaft Blocks can be installed only in conjunction with the LBB Compact Series (page 4 to 13)!

For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LEBS tandem shaft blocks
da 12-50 mm
LEAS tandem shaft blocks
da 8-50 mm

A design B design

Dimensions Mass Designations

Tandem shaft block

Design Design
da A HA H1A HB H1B H2A H2B J L L1 N1) N11) A B A B
±0,015 ±0,015

mm — kg —
12 15 17 30 — — 21,5 — 64 80 40 6,6 — 0,08 — LEBS 12 A —
16 15 19,5 35 — — 26,5 — 80 96 52 6,6 — 0,11 — LEBS 16 A —
20 18 22 40 — — 29 — 97 115 63 9 — 0,17 — LEBS 20 A —
25 20 27 50 — — 36,5 — 115 136 75 11 — 0,28 — LEBS 25 A —
30 20 31 56 — — 42,5 — 125 146 80 11 — 0,32 — LEBS 30 A —
40 25 38 70 — — 54 — 160 184 97 13,5 — 0,63 — LEBS 40 A —
50 30 43 80 — — 59 — 180 210 107 17,5 — 0,90 — LEBS 50 A —

8 12 12,5 23 11 22 16 15 52 65 32 5,5 M 5 0,04 0,04 LEAS 8 A LEAS 8 B

12 14 18 32 14 28 23,5 19,5 70 85 42 6,6 M 6 0,09 0,07 LEAS 12 A LEAS 12 B
16 18 20 36 17 34 26,5 23,5 82 100 54 9 M 8 0,14 0,13 LEAS 16 A LEAS 16 B
20 20 25 46 21 42 32,5 28,5 108 130 72 11 M 10 0,25 0,22 LEAS 20 A LEAS 20 B
25 25 30 56 26 52 40 36 132 160 88 13,5 M 12 0,47 0,44 LEAS 25 A LEAS 25 B
30 25 35 64 29 58 48 42 150 180 96 13,5 M 12 0,62 0,56 LEAS 30 A LEAS 30 B
40 30 44 80 36 72 59 51 190 230 122 17,5 M 16 1,15 1,00 LEAS 40 A LEAS 40 B
50 30 52 96 44 88 75 67 240 280 152 17,5 M 16 1,70 1,52 LEAS 50 A LEAS 50 B

LBBS Tandem Shaft Blocks can be installed only in conjunction with the LBB Compact Series (page 4 to 13)!

For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.

LRCB/LRCC shaft supports
d 12-80 mm

Shaft support
with bore holes LRCB design

Shaft Shaft support Mass Designations

Dimensions LRCB Shaft support Shaft attachment2)

design with without Spring
d A H H1 J J1 M N1) N12) β bore holes bore holes Screw washer

mm mm Deg. kg — —
12 40 22 5 75 29 5,8 4,5 4,5 50 0,53 LRCB 12 LRCC 12 M 4x16 4
16 45 26 5 100 33 7 5,5 5,5 50 0,64 LRCB 16 LRCC 16 M 5x20 5
20 52 32 6 100 37 8,3 6,6 6,6 50 0,92 LRCB 20 LRCC 20 M 6x25 6
25 57 36 6 120 42 10,8 6,6 9 50 1,08 LRCB 25 LRCC 25 M 8x25 8
30 69 42 7 150 51 11 9 11 50 1,41 LRCB 30 LRCC 30 M 10x30 10
40 73 50 8 200 55 15 9 11 50 1,85 LRCB 40 LRCC 40 M 10x35 10
50 84 60 9 200 63 19 11 13,5 46 2,45 LRCB 50 LRCC 50 M 12x40 12
60 94 68 10 300 72 25 11 15,5 46 3,25 LRCB 60 LRCC 60 M 14x45 14
80 116 86 12 300 92 34 13,5 17,5 46 4,40 LRCB 80 LRCC 80 M 16x55 16

For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762 without spring washers.
For screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762 with spring washers to DIN 7980.

Quadro-Linear tables

LZBU quadro-linear tables tables are however not self-aligning lengths of these tables is dictated by
and they are not designed for the pitch of the attachment holes in
The closed LZBU quadro-linear table relubrication. the LRCB shaft supports. The total
consists of a closed quadro linear The description of the closed length should always be a multiple of
bearing unit, two tandem shaft blocks quadro-linear tables also applies to this distance.
and two shafts of the required length. the combination of LQBR..2LS LZAU quadro-linear tables are
The bearing unit is fitted with four quadro-linear bearing units of Series available in sizes 12 to 50 mm.
LBCD..-LS self-aligning linear ball 1 with twin LEBS tandem shaft
bearings each sealed on one side. The blocks and shafts with a diameter of
LZBU..A design permits axial move- 12 to 50 mm.
ment of the linear bearing unit, i.e. the
shafts are fixed, to the machine bed LZAU quadro-linear tables
via the LEAS..A shaft blocks. The
LZBU..B design is provided with The open LZAU quadro-linear
LEAS..B shaft blocks. This combina- comprises the open quadro-linear
tion allows the shafts to travel with the unit and two high precision shafts
shaft blocks in applications where the with shaft supports. The bearing unit
linear bearing unit is fixed. is fitted with four LBCF..-LS self
LZBU quadro-linear tables can be aligning linear ball bearings, each
supplied in sizes 8 to 50 mm. Size 8 sealed at one side. The standard

LZBU quadro-linear table

LZAU quadro-linear table

LZBU/LZAU quadro-linear tables non-driven
d 8-50 mm

Design LZBU..A with closed Design LZBU..B with closed

linear bearing unit linear bearing unit


Linear table Linear bearing unit with self-aligning Shaft block

linear ball bearings
d HRA HRB HT L13) L2 H H 1 H2 H3 H5 H6 H7 J 2 N4) N14) A HA HB H1A H1B

mm — mm
8 24 22,5 — 600 65 11,5 23 17,5 11 — — — 55 4,3 M 5 12 12,5 11 23 22
12 34 30 40 900 85 16 32 25 13 23,4 18 30 73 5,3 M 6 15 18 14 32 28
16 38 35 48 1 500 100 18 36 29 13 28,4 22 35 88 5,3 M 6 18 20 17 37 34
20 48 44 57 1 800 130 23 46 37,5 18 33,5 25 42 115 6,6 M 8 20 25 21 46 42
25 58 54 66 1 800 160 28 56 45 22 40 30 51 140 8,4 M 10 25 30 26 56 52
30 67 61 77 2 400 180 32 64 50,5 26 46,5 35 60 158 10,5 M 12 25 35 29 64 58
40 84 76 95 3 000 230 40 80 64 34 61 45 77 202 13,5 M 16 30 44 36 80 72
50 100 92 115 3 000 280 48 96 80 34 77 55 93 250 13,5 M 16 30 52 44 96 88

The designation for an LZBU quadro-linear table with shaft diameter 20 mm, total length 1200 mm, tandem shaft
blocks type A and quadro linear bearing unit, for instance, is LZBU 20 A-LS x 1200. Delivered as a kit of parts.
The designation for an LZAU quadro-linear table with shaft diameter 20 mm, total length 600 mm and quadro linear
bearing unit, for instance, is LZAU 20-2LS x 600. Delivered with shafts and shaft supports ready assembled.
Any fixed length up to L1 is available for LZBU quadro-linear slides. Longer lengths are available to order. Length
tolerance of shafts is to DIN 7168 coarse series.
Suitable screws with internal hexagon to DIN 912 / ISO 4762.
The separation is always arranged symmetrically to half the table length.
Valid only for even loading of all four LBC/A linear ball bearings.
Units fitted with LBAR8-LS linear ball bearings are not designed for relubrication and are non self-aligning.

LZBU/LZAU quadro-linear tables non-driven
12-50 mm

Design LZAU with open

linear bearing unit

Dimensions Load ratings6) Designations Designations

Shaft block Shaft Bearing unit Linear table1) Linear table2)

support dyn stat. closed bearing unit open
d H4A H4B J3 L3 N24) N34) J5) J1 N44) C C0 Shaft block A Shaft block B Bearing unit

mm — mm N —
8 16 15 52 32 5,5 M 5 — — — 965 1 140 LZBU 8 A-2LS7) LZBU 8 B-2LS7) —

12 23,5 19,5 70 42 6,6 M 6 75 29 4,5 2 850 3 250 LZBU 12 A-2LS LZBU 12 B-2LS LZAU 12-2LS
16 26,5 23,5 82 54 9 M 8 100 33 5,5 3 450 3 450 LZBU 16 A-2LS LZBU 16 B-2LS LZAU 16-2LS
20 32,5 28,5 108 72 11 M 10 100 37 6,6 5 200 5 500 LZBU 20 A-2LS LZBU 20 B-2LS LZAU 20-2LS
25 40 36 132 88 13,5 M 12 120 42 6,6 7 650 8 150 LZBU 25 A-2LS LZBU 25 B-2LS LZAU 25-2LS
30 48 42 150 96 13,5 M 12 150 51 9 12 200 12 900 LZBU 30 A-2LS LZBU 30 B-2LS LZAU 30-2LS
40 59 51 190 122 17,5 M 16 200 55 9 20 800 20 800 LZBU 40 A-2LS LZBU 40 B-2LS LZAU 40-2LS
50 75 67 240 152 17,5 M 16 200 63 11 30 000 28 000 LZBU 50 A-2LS LZBU 50 B-2LS LZAU 50-2LS


Standard length

d L

mm length increments in mm —
12 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 LZAU 12-2LS
16 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 LZAU 16-2LS
20 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 LZAU 20-2LS
25 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 LZAU 25-2LS
30 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 LZAU 30-2LS
40 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 LZAU 40-2LS
50 — 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 LZAU 50-2LS

Precision shafts

SKF precision shafts can be supplied high grade steel. The case depth (Material No.1.4112) or X46Cr13
either as solid or hollow shafts. The may also be greater than indicated in (Material No.1.4034). In this case
solid shafts are available in all the table and this may have an the surface hardness lies between
dimensions required to fit SKF linear influence on the machinability of the approximately 53 and 57 HRC.
ball bearings; the hollow shafts have shafts. Shafts made from other materials
a minimum outer diameter of 16 mm. Because of the benefits they can be supplied to special order.
They are induction hardened and offer, SKF precision shafts are not
ground (see table on next page). only used together with SKF linear Surface finish
SKF shafts have exceptionally ball bearings for linear guides, but
high dimensional stability and long are also use for other purposes, for All SKF precision steel shafts of
service life. The only exception to instance axles or column sleeves. hardenable steel have a surface
this is at the end of shafts of normal roughness of max. 0,3 µm Ra (DIN
production length deviations in Materials 4768, Part 1).
hardness and dimensional stability
can occur. SKF precision shafts are made from
For special applications, solid the non-alloyed high-grade steels Cf53
shafts of stainless steel or hard (Material No.1.1213), Ck53 (Material
chromium plated shafts having a No.1.1210), Ck60 (Material No.1.1221)
chromium layer of approximately 10 and 100Cr6 (Material No.12067).
µm thickness can be supplied. When The surface hardness is between
using stainless steel shafts, it should approximately 60 and 64 HRC. The
be remembered that the surface is solid shafts of stainless steel are
not as hard as that of shafts made of made from the steel X9OCrMoV18

Case depth of SKF shafts Composite shafts Length tolerances for shafts to
DIN 7168, medium series
Shaft Case Composite shafts can be supplied to Nominal
diameter depth customer drawings, either with length Deviation
over incl min screwed joints (see illustrations, over incl
page 48) or with ‘plug and socket’
mm mm joints, depending on the application. mm mm
Accurately centred trunnions and
— 10 0,5 — 120 ± 0,3
sockets guarantee smooth transi-
10 18 0,8 120 400 ± 0,5
tions at the butt joint. To ensure
18 30 1,2 400 1000 ± 0,8
correct assembly, the relative posi-
30 50 1,5 1000 2000 ± 1,2
tions of the shaft sections and of the
50 80 2,2 2000 4000 ± 2
shaft ends are marked. Composite
80 100 3,0 4000 8000 ± 3
shafts should be fastened to a
support at the butt joints, particularly
when these are of the ‘plug and
socket’ type. The radial holes should
Tolerances also be positioned as close as Corrosion protection, packing
possible to the joint and the length of
SKF precision steel shafts are avail the shaft be chosen so that any SKF precision steel shafts are treated
able as standard with a diameter bending of the shaft will not cause a with a rust inhibiting preservative
machined to tolerance h6 or h7. The gap to be formed at the joint. which must be removed before the
accuracy of dimensions and form of shafts are installed. All shafts are
these shafts will be found in the table individually packaged. Depending on
on page 51. There may be slight size and quantity they are supplied in
deviations from the values given in cardboard or wooden boxes which
the tables for sections of shaft which offer maximum protection during
are soft annealed. SKF precision transport.
steel shafts with diameters machined
to tolerance h9 can be supplied to
special order. Shafts cut to special
lengths have a length tolerance to Standard length of the shafts
DIN 7168 “medium”. The relevant SKF precision steel shafts are available in following length
values are given in the adjacent
table. Shaft Standard length

Shafts with radial holes mm mm

For linear guides requiring support, 5 2800 - 4100

shafts with threaded radial holes are 6 2800 - 4100
needed. These can be supplied by 8 3500 - 4100 3500 - 4100 3500 - 4100
SKF. The radial holes may be either 10 3500 - 4100 3500 - 4100 3500 - 4100
positioned to fit SKF shaft supports 12 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
or as specified on customer’s own 14 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
drawings. It is however recom- 16 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
mended that the guideline values 20 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
given in the adjacent table for thread 25 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
size and depth be followed. SKF 30 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
shafts with radial holes are not soft 40 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
annealed at the drilling position; the 50 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
thread is out in the hardened and 60 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
ground shaft. By this means changes 80 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200 5100 - 6200
in hardness and accuracy of the shaft
are avoided. * Different diameters and length on request.

ESSC Shafting standard

cut with no chamfer only
• length tolerance
according DIN 7168
middle range
(see page 47)

cut with chamfer
• length tolerance
as ESSC 1

cut with machined 25°
chamfer and 90° front
surfaces for limited lenght
tolerance or chamfer
according to customer
• length tolerance +/- 0,1 mm
up to 3.000 mm total length
Dimensions of frontside thread
ESSC 4 Ø (d) Thread (G) Depth (L5)
cut with machined 25° 5 - -
chamfer, 90° front surfaces 8 M4 10
and one axial hole 10 M4 10
12 M5 12,5
• length tolerance as 14 M5 12,5
ESSC 3 16 M6 15
20 M8 20
25 M10 25
30 M10 25
40 M12 30
50 M16 40
60 M20 50
80 M24 60
Dimensions of frontside thread
as ESSC 4 Ø (d) Thread (G) Depth (L5)
with two axial holes 5 - -
8 M4 10
10 M4 10
12 M5 12,5
14 M5 12,5
16 M6 15
20 M8 20
25 M10 25
30 M10 25
40 M12 30
50 M16 40
60 M20 50
80 M24 60

ESSC 6 Dimensions of radial thread
cut and chamfer as ESSC 2 Ø Thread G G1 J Jx
• with radial holes for LRCB 5 - - - - -
(see page 42) 8 - - - - -
• first radial hole with 12 M4 5 8 75 37,5
Jx = J/2 16 M5 6 9,5 100 50
20 M6 7 13 100 50
• H1 according to hardness 25 M8 9 14 120 60
depth 30 M10 11 18 150 75
40 M10 11 20 200 100
50 M12 13 23 200 100
60 M14 15 28 300 150
80 M16 16 33 300 150

ESSC 7 Ø Thread G G1 J Jx
as ESSC 6
5 - - - - -
• radial holes with J and Jx 8 - - - - -
according to customer 12 M4 5 8 -
specification 16 M5 6 9,5 - -
20 M6 7 13 - -
25 M8 9 14 - -
30 M10 11 18 - -
40 M10 11 20 - -
50 M12 13 23 - -
60 M14 15 28 - -
80 M16 16 33 - -

ESSC 8 Ø Thread G G1 J Jx
cut and chamfer as ESSC 2
5 - - - - -
• Shaft is mounted on LRCB 8 - - - - -
(see page 42) 12 M4 5 8 75 37,5
• first radial hol with Jx = J/2 16 M5 6 9,5 100 50
• H1 according to hardness 20 M6 7 13 100 50
25 M8 9 14 120 60
depth 30 M10 11 18 150 75
40 M10 11 20 200 100
50 M12 13 23 200 100
60 M14 15 28 300 150
80 M16 16 33 300 150

ESSC 9 Ø Thread G G1 J Jx
as ESSC 8
5 - - - - -
• Shaft is mounted on 8 - - - - -
LRCC (see page 42) 12 M4 5 8 - -
• radial holes with J and Jx 16 M5 6 9,5 - -
according to customer 20 M6 7 13 - -
25 M8 9 14 - -
specification 30 M10 11 18 - -
40 M10 11 20 - -
50 M12 13 23 - -
60 M14 15 28 - -
80 M16 16 33 - -

shaft according to customer specification
• drawing is obligatory of manufacturing

Precision shafts
d 5-80 mm

Standard designs
Designs for fixed lengths Designs for fixed length
without chamfer with chamfer

Dimension Mass Moment of Cross sectional Designations

inertia area Solid shafts of Solid shafts of stainless Solid shafts Hollow shaft
Solid Hollow Solid Hollow Solid Hollow precision steel with high grade high grade
shaft shaft shaft shaft shaft shaft steel X90CrMoV18 X46Cr13 steel hard steel
d d1 r chromium
min plated
mm kg/m cm4 mm2
5 — 0,8 0,15 — 0,0031 — 19,6 — LJM 5
6 0,8 0,22 — 0,0064 — 28,3 — LJM 6
8 — 0,8 0,39 — 0,020 — 50,3 — LJM 8 LJMR 8 LJMS 8 LJMH 8
10 — 0,8 0,62 — 0,049 — 78,5 — LJM 10 LJMR 10 LJMS 10 LJMH 10
12 — 1 0,89 — 0,102 — 113 — LJM 12 LJMR 12 LJMS 12 LJMH 12 LJT 12
14 — 1 1,21 — 0,189 — 154 — LJM 14 LJMH 14
16 7 1 1,57 1,28 0,322 0,310 201 163 LJM 16 LJMR 16 LJMS 16 LJMH 16 LJT 16
20 12 1,5 2,45 1,26 0,785 0,597 314 160 LJM 20 LJMR 20 LJMS 20 LJMH 20 LJT 20
25 14 1,5 3,83 2,40 1,92 1,64 491 305 LJM 25 LJMR 25 LJMS 25 LJMH 25 LJT 25
30 19 1,5 5,51 3,55 3,98 3,46 707 453 LJM 30 LJMR 30 LJMS 30 LJMH 30 LJT 30
40 26 2 9,80 5,40 12,6 9,96 1260 685 LJM 40 LJMR 40 LJMS 40 LJMH 40 LJT 40
50 35 2 15,3 10,6 30,7 27,7 1960 1350 LJM 50 LJMR 50 LJMS 50 LJMH 50 LJT 50
60 36 2,5 22,1 15,1 63,6 57,1 2830 1920 LJM 60 LJMR 60 LJMH 60 LJT 60
80 53 2,5 39,2 20,1 201 153 5030 2565 LJM 80 LJMH 80 LJT 80

d1 can deviate from the value quoted. Please enquire if necessary.
Different shaft diameters and types on request.

Shafts cut to special length with flat turned ends. The length tolerance of these shafts corresponds to DIN 7168,
medium. The designation for a shaft with 20 mm diameter cut to a length of 1,5 m is, for example, LJM 20x1500.

Precision shafts of high-grade steel
d 5-80 mm

Shaft Accuracy of dimension and form

Nominal Shafts to tolerance h6 Shafts to tolerance h7
diameter Diameter Circula- Cylindri- Straight- Diameter Circula- Cylindri- Straight
deviation rity city ness1) deviation rity city ness1)
d high low t1 t2 t3 high low t1 t2 t3

mm µm
5 0 - 8 4 5 300 0 -12 5 8 300
6 0 - 8 4 5 300 0 -12 5 8 300
8 0 - 9 4 6 300 0 -15 6 9 300
10 0 - 9 5 7 300 0 -15 7 10 300
12 0 -11 5 8 200 0 -18 8 11 200
14 0 -11 5 8 200 0 -18 8 11 200
16 0 -11 5 8 200 0 -18 8 11 200
20 0 -13 6 9 100 0 -21 9 13 100
25 0 -13 6 9 100 0 -21 9 13 100
30 0 -13 6 9 100 0 -21 9 13 100
40 0 -16 7 11 100 0 -25 11 16 100
50 0 -16 7 11 100 0 -25 11 16 100
60 0 -19 8 13 100 0 -30 13 19 100
80 0 -19 8 13 100 0 -30 13 19 100

Shafts with straightness 50 µm/1000 mm to order

SKF Sales companies

Australia France Poland

P. O. Box 301 30/32 Ave. Des Trois Peuples TECHNICZNA SP. ZO.O.
OAKLEIGH, Victoria 3166 B. P. 83 ul. Jaktorowska 3
Phone: + 61 (3) 5 67 28 00 F-78185 SAINT QUENTIN 01-202 WARSZAWA
Fax: + 61 (3) 5 67 28 88 Yvelines Cedex Phone/Fax: + 48 32 58 36 27
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Fax: + 33 (1) 30 64 41 31 Portugal
SKF PORTUGAL · Rolamentos Lda.
Germany Casal de Alfragide, Lote 1,
IKANO Bürogebäude
Postfach 87
Verkauf Deutschland Postal address: Apartado 60141,
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Phone: + 43 (22 36) 6 70 90
97424 SCHWEINFURT Phone: + 35 (1) 4 17 36 36
Fax: + 43 (22 36) 6 70 92 20
Phone: + 49 (97 21) 6 57 - 0 Fax: + 35 (1) 4 17 36 49 (general)
Fax: + 49 (97 21) 6 57 - 111 4 17 36 50 (sales)
SKF MULTITEC BENELUX B. V. Great Britain Sweden
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Phone: + 31 306 029 029 Luton HELSINGBORG
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Phone: (B) + 32 2 5024270 Phone: + 44 (15 82) 49 0049 S-25024 HELSINGBORG
Fax: (B) + 32 2 5027336 Fax: + 44 (15 82) 49 6574 Phone: + 46 (42) 25 35 00
Fax: + 46 (42) 25 35 45, 25 35 46
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40 Executive Court
169 Electric Road · North Point PACIFIC PTE. LTD.
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Phone: + 852 - 25 10 81 11 Singapore 629610
Phone: + 1 (4 16) 2 99 12 20
Fax: + 852 - 25 10 73 68 Postal Address:
Fax: + 1 (4 16) 2 92 03 99
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U Mû‰t’anského pivovaru 7 HU-2040 BUDAÖRS Spain
17004 PRAHA 7 Phone: + 36 (23) 41 59 96 SKF PRODUCTOS INDUSTRIALES S.A.
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SKF MULTITEC Fax: + 34 (3) 3 77 02 04
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Phone: + 46 - 42 25 35 00 Norway Phone: + 41 (1) 8 25 81 81
Fax: + 45 - 75 52 95 66 SKF MULTITEC A/S Fax: + 41 (1) 8 25 82 82
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FIN-02201 ESPOO N-1007 OSLO 10 USA-BETHLEHEM, PA 18017
Phone: + 3 58 94 52 97 54 Phone: + 47 (2) 2 30 71 70 Phone: + 1 (610) 861 - 4800
Fax: + 3 58 94 27 76 5 Fax: + 47 (2) 2 30 28 14 Fax: + 1 (610) 861 - 4811

Linear Motion

SKF Guiding Systems SKF Ball & Roller Screws SKF Actuators

SKF Linear Motion offers a wide range of precision engineered linear motion components, units and systems.
In addition to comprehensive product literature and software, SKF offers assistance from experienced linear motion
Linear Motion has 3 product lines and a sales organisation based on 10 specialized sales companies located in Europe
and in the USA.
However the product availability as well as the product application is world-wide granted by the SKF Bearing
international network. To get any other SKF address all over the world, please contact one of the companies below.

Austria Germany Sweden/Denmark/Finland

Linear Motion SKF Linearsysteme GmbH SKF Multitec
SKF Österreich AG Phone: +49 9721 657-0 Phone: +46 42 25 35 00
Phone: +43 22 36 6709-0 Fax: +49 9721 657-111 Fax: +46 42 25 35 45/46
Fax: +43 22 36 6709-220 Sales Office Denmark
SKF Multitec S.p. A. Phone: +45 75 51 95 77
Benelux Fax: +45 75 51 95 66
SKF Multitec Benelux B.V. Phone: +39 11 57 17 61
Phone: +31 297 274102 Fax: +39 11 5 71 76 33 Sales Office Finland
Fax: +31 297 241280 Phone: +358 94 52 97 52
Norway Fax: +358 942 77 65
Sales Office Belgium/Luxembourg: SKF Multitec A/S
Phone: +32 2 5024270 Phone: +47 22 30 71 70 United Kingdom
Fax: +32 2 5027336 Fax: +47 22 30 28 14 SKF Engineering Products Ltd.
France Phone: +44 1582 490049
Spain Fax: +44 1582 496574
SKF Equipments SKF Productos Industriales, S.A
Phone: +33 1 30 64 28 28 Phone: +34 93 377 99 77 USA
Fax: +33 1 30 64 41 31 +34 93 377 99 07 SKF Motion Technologies
Fax: +34 93 474 20 39/31 56 Phone: +1 610 861-4800
Fax: +1 610 861-4811


Linear Motion

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