SKF - Guide Lineari Di Precisione

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Linear Motion

SKF Precision rail guides

The SKF Group SKF Linear Motion CD-ROM “Designer”
The SKF Group is an international One of these industrial precision All linear Motion products are avai-
industrial corporation of AB SKF products assortment is manufac- lable in this CD, in DWG and DXF
Sweden, founded in 1907, operat- tured and sold by the SKF Linear files.
ing in 130 countries. The company Motion Division. Thanks to “Designer”, you can
has some 45000 employees and This unit has some 700 employees, easily copy the drawing of the
more than 80 manufacturing facili- 6 manufacturing facilities, 3 prod- product you need into your own
ties throughout the world. uct lines. One of the division’s design drawing. If you are inte-
Its international network is support- strengths is its ability to serve the rested, please do not hesitate to
ed up by nearly 20 000 distributors market through its organization contact your local SKF sales orga-
and retailers. SKF is the world based on 11 specialized Sales nization. It is free of charge.
leader in the rolling bearing busi- Companies located in Europe and
ness. North America; however product
Bearings, seals and special steels availability and product application
are SKF’s main product areas. In support is provided word-wide by
addition, they also manufacture the SKF international network.
and sell, other industrial precision
components and products. The Linear Motion product range
• High Efficiency Screws
• Linear Guiding Systems
• Electromechanical Actuators

Linear Motion
specialized companies

SKF Bearing companies

with Linear Motion
specialized salesforce

Manufacturing facilities

Catalogue n° 4183 E © Copyright SKF 1992 Earlier catalogues the data in which
47173 · 3000 · 2000-01 The contents of this catalogue are deviate from those given here, are
the copyright of the publishers and rendered invalid.
Printed in Germany may not be reproduced (even The right is reserved to make
by Weppert GmbH & Co. KG extracts) unless permission is gran- changes necessitated by technolo-
ted. Every care has been taken to gical developments.
ensure the accuracy of the infor-
mation contained in this catalogue
but no liability can be accepted for
any errors or omissions.
Product review 4

Product range 6

Technical information 11

LWR rail guides 14

LWRE rail guides 20

LWRM/LWRV rail guides 25

LWRPM/LWRPV rail guides 29

LWM/LWV rail guides 33

LWML/LWV rail guides 37

LWN/LWO rail guides 38

LWW/LWZ flat rail guides 39

LWJ/LWS flat rail guides 40

Special rail guides and slide units 41

SKF precision rail guides


As world leader in the manufacture of plain bearing guides is of greater im-

rolling bearings, SKF supplies practic- portance than the lower friction of the
ally every kind of bearing for rotational rolling element rail guides. For those
and linear motion. applications where rail guides, for in-
SKF is therefore in a position to stance because of their limited travel
meet almost any customer require- are unsuitable, SKF can supply alter-
ment both technically and economi- native forms of linear guidance
cally. systems. If you would like further de-
This catalogue covers the SKF tails, please contact SKF for technical
range of precision rail guides and advice. We will be pleased to provide
accessories. the required information without
SKF precision rail guides are preci- obligation and at no cost, or to pre-
sion products for linear motion and pare a technical proposal.
are therefore ideally suited for use This catalogue brings together all
with in wide variety of machine tools, the basic data which we consider to
work centres, handling systems, be of interest. For additional informat-
special machinery, measuring and ion we recommend the SKF Technical
test equipment. Handbook, No. 4185 on Linear guid-
The “Modular range” has intro- ance systems which contains sec-
duced a new concept to the market of tions on the selection, application,
interchangeability of all the well known operational life, mounting and main-
guidance systems including the high tenance of SKF precision rail guides.
capacity LWRE type guides. This For further specialised advice please
matrix range of rail guides is suitable contact your nearest SKF sales office.
for almost every area of application. All data in this catalogue is based
SKF precision rail guides are avail- on 1992 design and manufacturing
able in many different designs, sizes standards.
and standard lengths, incorporating Earlier publications, the data in
ball, roller or needle roller assemblies which deviates from that given here,
and plain bearings. Suitable accesso- are rendered invalid.
ries are also available for attachment We reserve the right to make any
and sealing. necessary technical changes to the
The use of SKF precision rail guides information contained herein.
facilitates the construction of econo- In this catalogue the units used are
mical, clearance-free linear guides of in accordance with the international SI
practically any type and length, system. Conditions of delivery and
according of the building block prin- payment are generally based on those
ciple. The characteristics of the guides ruling at the time of delivery.

– a constant, high degree of running

– low-friction stick-slip-free operation
– high speed of travel
– low heat generation
– low friction and high reliability
– high stiffness
– excellent load carrying capacity
For applications where high acce-
lerations occur or where strokes are
short and of high frequency, SKF rail
guides with dry sliding liners are re-
These guides are also suitable for
machine tool applications where the
good damping properties of these


Product review................................................................................................. 4

Product range
Modular Range .................................................................................................. 6
Other products .................................................................................................. 10

Technical data
Accuracy of rail guides ...................................................................................... 11
Grading of rail guides ........................................................................................ 12
Accuracy of adjacent parts................................................................................ 13
Selection of rail guides ...................................................................................... 13

Modular Range rail guides

LWR rail guides with crossed roller and ball assemblies................................... 14
LWRE rail guides with crossed roller assembly ................................................. 20
LWRM/LWRV rail guides with needle roller assembly ....................................... 25
LWRPM/LWRPV rail guides with dry sliding liner .............................................. 29

Other rail guides

LWM/LWV rail guides with needle roller assembly ............................................ 33

without tables
LWML/LWV rail guides with needle roller unit and adjustment wedges ............ 37
LWN/LWO rail guides with needle roller units.................................................... 38
LWW/LWZ flat rail guides with roller unit ........................................................... 39
LWJ/LWS flat rail guides with needle roller assembly ....................................... 40

Special rail guides and slide units.................................................................. 41

SKF precision rail guides

Product review

SKF Modular Range rail guides





Product review

Other products






SKF precision rail guides

Product range

SKF Modular Range rail guides – ball cage assemblies of the

The SKF Modular Range consists of a LWR series
matrix range of rail guide modules – crossed roller cage assemblies of
which enable an individual choice of the optimised LWRE series
combinations of rails and rolling ele- – needle roller cage assemblies of
ment assemblies. Different require- the LWRM/LWRV series
ments for the guides do not call for – slideway liners of the
changes in the design or mechanical LWRPM/LWRPV series
environment. The choice of appropri-
ate rail guides is determined solely by
the mechanical conditions under
which the guide system is to operate.
The operating requirements are
covered by five different models (fig 1)
which may be defined as rail guides
– crossed roller cage assemblies of
the standard LWR series

Increased performance achievable carried out simply and with the mini-
Standard crossed
without design modification mum of delay. roller configuration
The Modular System is based on the Above all, where the user needs to
well-proven LWR design which covers increase machine performance, a unit
a wide range of applications. The new with a higher load rating can be fitted.
optimised LWRE series offers either In-situ replacement is made easier by
doubled stiffness and a load carrying the fact that no new attachment holes
capacity increased by a factor of five or fixing devices are required when
or, alternatively, for a given load carry- using rail guides of the Modular
ing capacity, a 50 % reduction in Range. An additional advantage is the
bearing size compared with the world-wide availability through distri-
standard LWR design (fig 2). butors, simply by quoting the appro-
priate catalogue number. The internal
design of the LWRE Series assures in-
creased operational life through the
even distribution of load. This results Optional
from the optimisation of the cross-
section, enabled through the use of
LWR 12 3
larger rolling elements. The new de-
sign allows a significant improvement
in the roller/raceway contact perfor-
mance. An important additional bene-
fit from the updating programme is
the introduction of the practically
maintenance-free cage made of POM
which matches are stringent demands
for long operational life of the rolling
elements and maintains is dimensio-
nal stability up to +80 °C. The indivi-
LWRE 6 dual rollers are well covered and the
space between the rails is almost
filled, thus providing good protection
2 against contamination. A special cha-
racteristic of these cages is that they
consist of ‘snap-on’ elements and can
Complete range
be adapted to suit individual needs
In order to simplify the application of
(fig 3). Conventional crossed roller
Modular Range of rail guides even
cages have their rollers arranged
easier, all guides within a given size
alternately evenly spaced, so that only
range have the same external dimen-
half the rollers in a preloaded guide
sions and thus fit the space require-
are load-bearing while the remainder
ments of most commercially available
act as idlers. In the new LWRE cage
rail guides. This results in a very
these essentially unused rollers cab
wide choice in terms of load carrying
be partially turned in the direction of
capacity, stiffness and operating cha-
the load. For this purpose each indivi-
dual cage segment is designed to be
From the economical point of view,
turned through 90° about the longitu-
the use of the optimised LWRE Series
dinal axis. These are manual adjust-
offers a double advantage. Firstly
ments and no special instructions are
(although the initial cost is higher) the
required when ordering from the cata-
range of application is extended signi-
ficantly as regards stiffness and load
carrying capacity; this results in a bet-
ter price/performance ratio. Secondly,
the replacement of other rail guides,
even those supplied by other manu-
facturers and already installed, can be

SKF precision rail guides

The Modular Range of guide rails

The blue shaded areas in the chart
indicate the sizes included in the
Modular Range. Some 80 % of appli-
cations can be covered by these
(fig 4).
These standard, interchangeable
rails of the Modular Range comprise
most of the currently available types
on the market (fig 5). The choice of a
specific rolling element or, for extreme
conditions, of a slideway liner, is de-
termined only by the actual operating
conditions (fig 6). Generally, any rail Commercially available products
guide can be operated in the ‘clamped’
or ‘floating’ mode. The design of the
rail guides does not impose any
special space requirements.

SKF Modular Range


8.5 x 4 12 x 6 18 x 8 31 x 15 44 x 22 58 x 28 71 x 36 83 x 14 110 x 55

1 2 3 6 9 12 15 18 24


– – X X X – – – –

– – – X X O O – –

– – X X X O O – –


X = available ex-stock in standard lenghts

O = available to order
4 = Modular range – = not available

These wear-resistant guides are
characterised by their stick-slip-free,
vibration-damping running properties,
at the same time offering excellent
stiffness and emergency running pro-
perties. These guide rails are largely
unaffected by dirt, coolants and lubri-
LWRPV cants.

Materials and precision

The rails of the Modular Range guides
are manufactured from tool steel
90 MnCrV 8 with a hardness of be-
tween 58 and 64 HRC. If required by
the application, the rails can also be
supplied in special stainless steel, e.
g. X 90 CrMoV 18 in all standard di-
mensions. The rolling elements are
Crossed roller LWRM/ made from carbon chromium steel
100 Cr 6 with a hardness of between
58 and 64 HRC. The parallelism of the
raceways is divided into three clas-
LWR ses. Class P10, with a maximum de-
Ball viation of 10 µm per 1000 mm length,
meets most of the demands for nor-
mal machinery. Where greater preci-
sion is required, tolerance classes P5
and P2 are also available.
6 The range is complemented by
various accessories specially de-
signed for the Modular Range of
LWR series LWRM/LWRV series guide rails. These include end pieces
This basic series of the Modular These guides are used principally with or without wipers, also special
Range covers a wide range of appli- where high load carrying capacity is mounting screws.
cations for linear bearings with limited called for in combination with high
travel. Where low friction is essential, stiffness, for instance on grinding Computerised Modular Range data
ball cage assemblies are recommend- machines. This series is fitted with Data relating to the Modular Range of
ed. If, on the other hand, high load needle roller and cage assemblies rail guides is also included in the
carrying capacity is the chief require- consisting of two rows of needle LinCAD software program.
ment, crossed roller assemblies are to rollers at right angles to each other. LinCAD consists of a selection and
be preferred. The LWR series is manu- a graphics program, enabling the
factured in nine sizes based on rolling LWRPM/LWRPV series choice of rail guide and of its incorpo-
element dimensions. Where short strokes of high frequency ration into a drawing.
occur, this version with sliding liners is
LWRE series an essential alternative to those with
For a given load carrying capacity, the rolling bearing assemblies. In the case
dimension of the LWRE series are sig- of balls or rollers subjected to high
nificantly less than those of the corre- transverse acceleration, pitting of the
sponding member of the LWR series. tracks may occur as a result of the
Thus, for instance, an LWRE 6 guide unfavourable tribological conditions.
with a cage length of 100 mm has a Sliding rail guides are preferred in
greater load carrying capacity than such circumstances. The liner material
a standard LWR 12. The LWR 12 is based on PTFE and is bonded on to
measures 58 x 28 mm whereas the the unhardened LWRPM rail guide
LWRE 6 measures only 31 x 15 mm and then ground to the correct dimen-
(fig 2). sion.

SKF precision rail guides

Other products 2 end pieces LWEML 4020

In addition to the Modular Range, 2 end pieces LWEM 4020
the selection of SKF products also It should also be stated whether
includes a wide variety of rail guides the holes are required for right-hand
and rolling elements. or left-hand mounting.

LWM/LWV rail guides LWN/LWO rail guides

(see table on pages 34 – 36) (no table)
LWM/LWV rail guides differ from the LWN/LWO rail guides differ from the
LWRM/LWRV guides of the Modular LWM/LWV rail guides only in their
Range only in their external dimen- height, width and attachment holes.
sions. The internal geometry is identi- The internal geometry is identical to
cal and the same needle roller assem- that of the LWM/LWV types, i. e. they
blies are therefore used. have the same load rating.
In contrast to the LWRM/LWRV LWN/LWO rail guides are available
(two series) the LWM/LWV guides in tolerance classes P10, P5 and P2
comprise 6 series up to size of to order.
A x B = 80 mm x 50 mm. LWM/LWV
rail guides are supplied as standard LWW/LWZ flat rail guides
with holes of type 15, namely through (no table)
holes with counterbore. If for design LWW/LWZ flat rail guides are used in
reasons, it is necessary to screw both conjunction with LWR rail guides for
rails from the same side, then one of the construction of slides. LWW/LWZ
the rails should have holes of type 13, flat rail guides and the appropriate
i. e. with thread insert. rolling bearing assemblies and end
pieces are made to order.
LWML rail guides
(no table) LWJ/LWS flat rail guides
The LWML rail guide consists of a (no table)
modified LWM rail guide with the addi- LWJ/LWS flat rail guides are used in
tion of an adjustment wedge. Used in conjunction with LWRM/LWRV,
conjunction with an LWV unit and a LWM/LWV or LWN/LWO rails as non-
needle roller assembly this provides locating rail guide assemblies. They
an adjustable rail guide. The inclina- are used in the construction of slides.
tion of the wedge surface is 1,5 % so LWJ/LWS flat rail guides, as well as
that a displacement of the wedge by the appropriate rolling bearing as-
1 mm brings about a 15 µm alteration semblies and end pieces are available
in the height. to order.
LWM/LWV rails are supplied as
standard with holes type 15 or, if re- Special rail guides and recirculating
quired, with holes of type 13, i. e. with roller guides
thread insert. In addition to the standard rail guides
LWML rails can be supplied to included in this catalogue, SKF also
tolerance classes P10 and P5. manufactures flat rail guides with
The LWML rail guides, as well as recirculating roller assemblies as well
the appropriate needle roller assemb- as special rail guides to customers’
lies and end pieces, are made to own drawings for such applications
order. as machine tools, handling systems
Because of the many permutations and robotics.
available, each par of an LWML/LWV Further information on these special
rail guide system must be ordered versions and their availability will be
separately, e. g.: supplied on request.

1 rail LWML 55200400

1 rail LWM 40200400
2 rails LWV 40200400

Technical data

Precision of rail guides Dimensional accuracy SKF precision rail guides for recir-
SKF precision rail guides, regardless SKF rail guides with limited travel are culating roller assemblies are pro-
of type, are available in the same produced to the following tolerances duced to the following tolerances:
tolerance grades as indicated below. (figs. 8 and 9):
Width A: 0/+0,1 mm
Raceway accuracy Width A: 0/-0,3mm Height A: 0/+0,1 mm
To meet the different requirements in Abutment height Length L: 0/+0,002 · L mm
terms of precision of linear bearing T = B1 + B2 ± 0,02 mm
arrangements, the rails are produced Rail height B: 0/-0,2 mm
in three different tolerance classes. Rail length L: ± 0,001 · L mm
These are classified according to the
parallelism between the raceways and For rails composed of two or more
the support surfaces A and B (fig 7). sections the tolerance for the total
length is ± 2 mm.
Tolerance class normal. This meets
the requirements of general engineer-
ing applications. The deviation from
parallelism for a 1000 mm long rail is
approximately 10 µm. See also adjac-
ent table 1.

This corresponds to the normal pre-
cision requirements for machine tool
applications. The deviation from
parallelism for 1000 mm long rail is
approximately 5 µm. See also adjac-
ent table 1.

Higher accuracy than P5 for the most 7
exacting demands in terms of accu-
racy of a linear guidance system.
Rails made to this tolerance class Permissible deviation in parallelism between surfaces A and B
should only be used when the asso-
Rail length Tolerance class
ciated components can be made to a from to P10 P5 P2
correspondingly high degree of preci-
sion. Rails to tolerance class P2 will mm µm
be manufactured by SKF to special
order, the maximum available length 100 2 1 1
being 1000 mm. The deviation from 100 200 3 1 1
parallelism for a 1000 mm long rail is 200 300 4 2 1
approximately 2 µm.
300 400 5 2 1
If no mention is made of the requi-
400 500 6 3 1
site accuracy on the order, rails made
to normal P10 tolerances will be sup- 500 600 7 3 2
plied. 600 700 8 4 2
700 800 8 4 2
800 900 9 5 2
900 1000 9 5 2
1000 1200 10 6
1200 1400 11 6

Table 1

SKF precision rail guides

Precision rail guides are generally
mounted in pairs. In order to obtain
the same assembly width A and
height T (fig 8) the rails are graded
and supplied in pairs.
This ensures that any two similar
rail guides in a system will have the
same height. The grading accuracy is
always within the appropriate toler-
ance class for the parallelism.
If two or more rolling element
assemblies are to be mounted imme-
diately behind each other in a rail gui-
de, the rolling elements must have the
same tolerance grade. On request,
graded rolling element assemblies 8
can be supplied.
Rails of the same profile for recir-
culating roller assemblies, which are
to be mounted immediately adjacent
to each other or immediately behind
eych other should be ordered spe-
cially. These will be graded in height
or in height and width depending on
the design and then delivered as a
single package.
Built-up rail guides are always
matched so that it is not necessary
to request this when ordering. 9

Tolerance of interval between holes

The maximum deviation in the interval
between holes measured from centre
to centre is ± 0,8 0/00 of the rail length
L for one-piece rails (fig 9). The toler-
ance for built-up rails is also ± 0,8 0/00
but related to the length of the longest
section. Rails having tighter toleran-
ces for the interval between holes can
be supplied on request. 9a

Marking of matched sets

Matched components are marked with
consecutive numbers as indicated in
fig 9a.

Accuracy of adjacent components
An important criterion for the correct
performance of a rail guide system is
the accuracy of the associated com-
ponents. The higher the demands for
accuracy of guidance and for smooth,
easy operation, the greater the atten-
tion which must be paid to the accu-
racy of form and position of the asso-
ciated components. Generally the
same accuracy requirements should
be applied to these components as to
the rail guides themselves. The adjac-
ent table shows the values, for each
tolerance class, of the surface rough-
ness, rectangularity and parallelism of
the adjacent components. 10
To assure an even load distribution
over the roller length, the maximum
difference in height of the supports for
a rail guide should not exceed
Accuracy of form of support surfaces
∆h = 0,1 · B1 Characteristic Symbol for Permissible
where deviation of form
∆h = Maximum height deviation, µm Charac- Tolerance Dimensions Tolerance class
B1 = mean distance between two teristic zone
P10 P5 P2
rail guides, mm
Roughness Ra a µm 1,6 0,8 0,2
To obtain good support for the rails
on the associated components the Perpendicularity ⊥ t1/t2 µm/mm 0,3 0,3 0,3
attachment holes should be carefully
deburred (figs 10 and 11). Parallelism ⁄⁄ t3/T4 µm depending on the
guide length L.
Selection of a rail guide for limited 3 2 1 200
6 4 2 500
10 6 3 1000
When selecting a rail guide for limited
travel, the length of travel, load carry-
ing capacity, requisite life and stiffness
are governing factors. Other factors
are also important, including the
requisite speed of travel, lubrication, 11
operating temperature, ease of move-
ment, environmental influences and
certain design constraints, for in-
stance whether “clamped” or “floa- of the most appropriate model for a Cage length = stroke, at least
ting” guidance is required. given application.
The most important considerations In selecting the length of a rail For a given cage length:
when selecting the size and length of guide and of the individual rails, the
the rolling element assembly are load travel as well as the load carrying Rail length = cage length
carrying capacity, life and stiffness. capacity and the main factors, the + 0,5 x stroke
For light, centrally acting loads and length of the cage assembly being
moderate demands for speed of tra- chosen to give the requisite life. For a given rail length and stroke, the
vel, it is possible to use practically all The following relationships serve cage length is given by:
the types of guides listed in this cata- as guidelines in making such calcula-
logue. However, technical and eco- tions: Cage length = Rail length
nomic reasons often dictate the choice For a given length to travel: – 0,5 x stroke

SKF precision rail guides

LWR Precision rail guides

LWR rail guides are well-proven, LWR rail guides will ball assembly
limited-travel, linear guides used in can be used to advantage where
numerous applications. They consist loads are light and easy running is
of two identical rails between which required.
crossed roller assemblies or ball as- Rails with a length greater than
semblies are inserted, depending on 1200 mm are supplied in sections.
the application. Because of the many permutations
available, each part of an LWR rail
LWR rail guides with crossed roller guide system must be ordered sepa-
assembly are robust linear bearings rately, e. g:
with high load carrying capacity. Their
special characteristics make them 4 rails LWR 90600
suitable for a large proportion of linear 2 crossed roller cage assemblies
bearing arrangements with limited LWAL 9 x 25
travel. 8 end pieces LWERB 9

Ball and crossed roller assemblies LWERA end pieces
for LWR rail guides fulfil these requirements in low-load
conditions combined with horizontal
Ball assemblies
Where moderate loads are to be sup- LWERB end pieces should be used
ported by a rail guide and greater for high loads and vertical mounting.
priority is given to smooth operation
and low friction, the use of ball LWERC end pieces have the additi-
assemblies is recommended. onal feature of a felt wiper with sealing
lip to keep the track free from dirt.
LWJK ball assemblies are provided
with a plastic ball-retaining cage. All end pieces are supplied with
These are available for sizes 1 to 12, attachment screws.
the cages for sizes 6 and upwards
being reinforced with steel wire. LWGD special attachment screws
can be used for all rails within the
LWJJ ball assemblies with brass Modular Range.
cage are available in sizes 1 to 24.
For sizes 6 to 12, the balls are
retained through staggering or the SKF Modular Range
apertures. The LWR rail guides form the basis for
the whole Modular Range system. In
Crossed roller assemblies this catalogue all guides with designa-
Where greater stiffness is required, tions commencing LWR... are inter-
crossed roller assemblies are recom- changeable with each other within a
mended. Various cage types are avail- given dimension series. All external
able, depending on the size of the and attachment dimensions corre-
rollers. spond with those of the LWR series.
LWR rail guides are available in an
LWAK crossed roller assemblies total of nine sizes. Within the “Modular
are fitted as standard with a plastic Range” sizes 3, 6 and 9 are included
cage to retain the cylindrical rollers. which, according to experience, cover
80 % of the normal market require-
From size 3 upwards, metal cages ments. To enable prompt delivery from
are also available: stock, certain standard rail lengths
LWAA crossed roller assemblies have been defined.
with retained rollers in pressed steel Please refer to the tables for further
cage for sizes 3 and 15. data on the Modular Range of rail
guides. Further information can also
LWDD crossed roller units with non- be found on pages 6 to 9.
retained cylindrical rollers and brass
cage are available from size 3 to 24.

LWAL crossed roller assemblies

are available in sizes 6 to 12 with alu-
minium cages. In this case the rollers
are retained. An overview of the vari-
ous rolling element assemblies will be
found on page 18.

End pieces for LWR rail guides

End pieces prevent the drift of the
cage away from the loaded zone.

SKF precision rail guides

LWR rail guides

LWR 1 – LWR 24

Designation Dimensions:
System Monting holes End face holes Available lenghts

A B A1 Dw J J1 J2 G G1 N N1 J3 G2 G3 L1)

mm 020 030 040 045 050 060 070 075 080

LWR 1 8,5 4 3,9 1,5 10 5 1,8 M2 1,65 3 1,4 1,9 M1,6 2 • • • • • º º
LWR 2 12 6 5,5 2 15 7,5 2,5 M3 2,55 4,4 2 2,7 M2,5 3 • • • •

Designation Dimensions:
System Mounting holes End face holes Available lengths

A B A1 Dw J J1 J2 G G1 N N1 J3 G2 G3 L1)

mm 050 075 100 125 150 175 200 225 250

LWR 3 18 8 8,3 3 25 12,5 3,5 M4 3,3 6 3,2 4 M3 6 • • • • • • • º •
LWR 6 31 15 13,9 6 50 25 6 M6 5,2 9,5 5,2 7 M5 9 • º • • •
LWR 9 44 22 19,7 9 100 50 9 M8 6,8 10,5 6,2 10 M6 9 •
LWR 12 58 28 25,9 12 100 50 12 M10 8,5 13,5 8,2 13 M8 12 º
LWR 15 71 36 31,9 15 100 50 14 M12 10,5 16,5 10,2 16 M8 12
LWR 18 83 40 37,4 18 100 50 18 M14 12,5 18,5 12,2 18,7 M10 12
LWR 24 110 55 49,9 24 100 50 24 M16 14,5 22,5 14,2 25 M10 12

1) Other lengths available to special order

Ball and crossed roller assemblies End pieces Special attachment screws



LWERB 3–24




LWERC 3–24
with wiper

Ball and crossed roller assemblies End pieces1) Special



º º • º • • • •
• • • º º • º • • • •

Ball and crossed roller assemblies End pieces Special


275 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 800 900 1000 LWJK LWJJ LWAK LWAA LWAL LWDD LWERA LWERB LWERC LWGD

º • • º • • º • • • •
• • • • • º º º º • º º • º • • • •
• • • • • º º º • º º • º • • • •
• º • º • º • º º º º º • º º • º • • • •
º º º º º º º º º º º • • • •
º º º º º º º º º º • • • •
º º º º º º º º º º • • • •

• SKF Modular Range. Example: 4 LWR 3100 or 4LWR90200

Preferred range, prompt delivery 2 LWJK 3 x 17 2LWLA9x10
• Prompt delivery 8 LWERB 3 4LWERC9
º Available to order

SKF precision rail guides

Accessories for LWR rail guides

Ball and crossed roller assemblies




For description and data relating

to rolling element assemblies, see page 15
For calculation of the cage length, see page 13

Designation1) Dimensions Load ratings Appropriate

for 10 rolling elements rail guide
dynamic static
Dw U U1 t t1 C C0

mm N
LWJK 1 1,5 3,5 0,5 2,2 1,4 305 170 LWR 1
LWJJ 1 3,5 0,4 3 2,2 305 170
LWAK 1 3,75 0,5 3 2,2 365 585
LWJK 2 2 5 0,7 3,9 2,9 570 300 LWR 2
LWJJ 2 5 0,7 4 3 570 300
LWAK 2 5,5 0,7 4 3 540 680
LWJJ 3 3 7 1 5 3.5 1 340 690 LWR 3
LWJK 3 7 1 4,2 2,7 1 340 680
LWDD3 7 1 5 3,5 1 320 1 600
LWAK 3 7,5 1 5 3,5 1 320 1 600
LWAA 3 7 0,5 5 3,5 1 320 1 600
LWJJ 6 6 15 2,7 9 6 5 850 2 700 LWR 6
LWJK 6 14 2,5 9 6 5 850 2 700
LWAL 6 14,8 2,7 9 6 5 850 6 800
LWDD 6 15 2,7 9 6 5 850 6 800
LWJJ 9 9 20 4 14 9,5 14 000 6 100 LWR 9
LWJK 9 20 3,5 14 9,5 14 000 6 100
LWAL 9 20 4 14 9,4 17 000 18 300
LWDD 9 20 4 14 9,5 17 000 18 300
LWJJ 12 12 25 5 18 12 25 500 10 800 LWR 12
LWJK 12 20 4 15,5 9,5 25 000 10 800
LWAL 12 25 5 18 12 30 000 30 500
LWDD 12 25 5 18 12 30 000 30 500
LWJJ 15 15 35 5 20 12,5 41 500 17 000 LWR 15
LWAA 15 31 1,2 20 12,5 50 000 56 000
LWDD 15 35 5 20 12,5 50 000 56 000
LWJJ 18 18 40 6 25 16 62 000 24 500 LWR 18
LWDD 18 40 6 25 16 75 000 91 500
LWJJ 24 24 50 8 35 23 114 000 43 000 LWR 24
LWDD 24 50 8 35 23 150 000 186 000
1) Cage to types printed in bold type are readily available from stock

End pieces Special attachment screws

width across flats

LWERA 3–24

LWERB 3–24



LWERC 3–24
with wiper

Designation Dimensions Appropriate Designation Dimensions

attachment Special
End pieces End pieces screw attachment
with wiper L L1 screws G1 G2 L4 L5 D d SW2)

mm DIN 963 mm

LWERA 1 – 1 – M 1,6 – – – – – – – –
LWERB 1 – 0,5 – M 1,6

LWERA 2 – 1,5 – M 2,5 – – – – – – –

LWERB 2 – 0,5 – M 2,5

LWERA 3 – 2,5 – M3 LWGD 3 M3 5 12 3 5 2,3 2,5

LWERB 3 – 2 – M3 DIN 7991
– LWERC 3 2 5 M3

LWERA 6 – 3 – M5 LWGD 6 M5 8 20 5 8 3,9 4

LWERB 6 – 3 – M5 DIN 7991
– LWERC 6 3 6 M5 DIN 7991

LWERA 9 – 4 – M6 LWGD 9 M6 12 30 6 8,5 4,6 5

LWERB 9 – 4 – M6 DIN 7991
– LWERC 9 4 7 M6 DIN 7991

LWERA 12 – 5 – M8 LWGD 12 M8 17 40 8 11,3 6,2 6

LWERB 12 – 5 – M8 DIN 7991
– LWERC 12 5 8 M8 DIN 7991

LWERA 15 – 5 – M8 LWGD 15 M 10 16 45 10 13,9 7,9 8

LWERB 15 – 5 – M8 DIN 7991
– LWERC 15 5 9 M8 DIN 7991

LWERA 18 – 6 – M 10 LWGD 18 M 12 19 50 12 15,8 9,6 10

LWERB 18 – 6 – M 10 DIN 7991
– LWERC 18 6 9 M 10 DIN 7991

LWERA 24 – 6 – M 10 LWGD 24 M 14 26 70 14 19,5 11,2 12

LWERB 24 – 6 – M 10 DIN 7991
– LWERC 24 6 9 M 10 DIN 7991
2) Width across flats of internal hexagon

SKF precision rail guides

LWRE rail guides

LWRE rail guides are a logical deve- maintaining the same load carrying
lopment of the proven LWR rail gui- capacity as the LWR.
Within the Modular Range system The mounting and attachment
the LWRE rail guides offer an out- dimensions of the LWRE rail guides
standing price/performance ratio. conform to those of all the SKF
Alongside the familiar characteristics Modular Range rail guides included
of the LWR series, the new LWRE rail in this catalogue.
guides offer the advantages of a five- Rail guides of more than 1200 mm
fold increase in the load carrying in length should be built up of sections.
capacity and a doubling of the stiff- Because of the large number of
ness, achieved through optimised possible combinations, each of the
internal geometry in conjunction with components parts of LWRE rail guides
larger roller diameters. must be ordered separately, e. g:
LWRE rail guides offer a greatly 4 rail guides LWRE 6200
increased safety margin, thus a very 2 crossed roller assemblies
much smaller LWRE rail guide can be LWAKE 6 x 13
used in a given design space while 4 end pieces LWERE 6

Crossed roller assemblies for the rails, thus providing good protec- All end pieces are supplied with
LWRE rail guides tion against the ingress of dirt. appropriate fixing screws.

LWAKE crossed roller assemblies End pieces for LWRE rail guides Special attachment screws for
are fitted with a plastic cage with End pieces serve to restrict the drift of LWRE rail guides
retained rollers. the crossed roller assemblies away For designations and dimensions
The elements of the cage are as- from the loaded zone. please refer to page 19. The LWGD
sembled using a ‘snap in’ technique special attachment screws listed in
whereby each element can be rotated LWERE end pieces are generally the tables may be selected to suit
manually through an angle of 90°. The used for horizontal and vertical appli- each size of LWRE rail guide.
load rating and stiffness can be en- cations.
hanced by this technique. Dimensional Internal geometry of LWR and
stability of the LWAKE crossed roller LWEREC end pieces should be used LWRE rail guides
assembly is maintained up to a tem- where it is necessary to reduce the Normal LWR rail guides utilise only
perature of +80°C. The cage retains risk of contamination of the raceways. about 40 % of the roller length: Due to
the rollers and at the same time These end pieces are fitted with a parallel displaced load direction
almost fills the free space between plastic wiper with a sealing lip. forces on to the LWR rail guides
exerts an internal tilting moment on
the rollers. This can lead to high edge
stresses and hence to a reduction of
load carrying capacity. LWRE rail
guides, on the other hand, utilise the
whole roller length. The internal geo-
metry is such that no tilting moment
can occur and there are no edge
stresses. At the same time the diame-
ter of the rollers has been considerably
increased (+33%).
These features provide the following
– fivefold increase in load carrying
– 100 % increase in stiffness

SKF precision rail guides

LWRE rail guides


Designation: Dimensions:
System Attachment holes End face holes Available lengths

A B A1 Dw J J1 J2 G G1 N N1 J3 G2 G3 L1)

mm 050 075 100 125 150 175 200

LWRE 3 18 8 8,7 4 25 12,5 3,5 M4 3,3 6 3,2 4 M3 6 • • • • • • •
LWRE 6 31 15 15,2 8 50 25 6 M6 5.2 9,5 5,2 6,75 M 5 9 • • •
LWRE 9 44 22 21,7 12 100 50 9 M8 6,8 10,5 6,2 9,75 M 6 9 •

1) other lengths available to order

Crossed roller assemblies End pieces Special attachment screws




with wiper

Crossed End pieces Special

roller attachment
assemblies screws

225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 800 900 1000 LWAKE LWERE LWEREC LWGD

º º º º • • • •
• • º • º º º º º º • • • •
• • • • • º º º • • • •

• SKF Modular Range Ordering example: 4 LWRE 90400

Preferred range, prompt delivery 2 LWAKE 9 x 22
• Prompt delivery 4 LWERE 9
º special order 16 LWGD 9

SKF precision rail guides

Accessories for LWRE rail guides

Crossed roller assemblies


For description and data on crossed roller assemblies, please see page 21

Designation Dimensions Load ratings Rail guide

for 10 rollers designations
per row
dynamic static
Dw t t1 t2 C C0

mm N

LWAKE 3 4 6,25 2,65 3,6 6 300 8 500 LWRE 3

LWAKE 6 8 11 5 3,6 39 000 39 000 LWRE 6
LWAKE 9 12 16 8,65 3,6 78 000 78 000 LWRE 9

End pieces Special attachment screws

for designation and dimensions

see page 19


Designation Dimensions Appropriate Rail

attachment guide
without with screw designation
wiper wiper L L1

mm DIN 7991


LWRM/LWRV rail guides

LWRM/LWRV rail guides offer rail When ordering, the appropriate All end pieces are supplied with the
guide systems with high load carrying cage length in mm should be stated appropriate attachment screws.
capacity and maximum stiffness. after the cage designation, e. g: The mounting and attachment
LWHV 10 x 225. dimensions of the LWRM/LWRV rail
Needle roller assemblies for guides conform to those of all the
LWRM/LWRV rail guides End pieces for LWRM/LWRV rail SKF Modular Range rail guides
guides included in this catalogue.
LWHV needle roller assemblies con- End pieces serve to restrict the drift of
sisting of a plastic cage with retained the needle roller assemblies away Because of the large number of
needle rollers, are available for rail from the loaded zone. possible combinations, all the com-
guides of sizes 6 and 9. The elastic ponent parts of LWRM/LWRV rail
connection between the two cage LWERM and LWERV end pieces guides must be ordered separately,
sections for the two roller rows en- are suitable for both horizontal and e.g:
ables the cage to bend to any angle. vertical applications.
2 rail guides LWRM 90400
LWHW needle roller assemblies LWEARM and LWEARV end pieces 2 rail guides LWRV 90400
have aluminium cages with provide are fitted with a plastic wiper with a 2 needle roller assemblies
retention of the needle rollers. They sealing lip which serves to reduce the LWHW 15 x 358
are available for size 9 units. risk of contamination of the raceways. 2 end pieces LWERM 9

SKF precision rail guides

LWRM/LWRV rail guides




Designation1) Dimensions:
System Attachment holes End face holes

A B A1 A2 A3 Dw J J1 J2 G G1 N N1 J3 J4 J5 J6 G2 G3

LWRM 6 31 15 16,5 – – 2 50 25 6 M6 5,2 9,5 5,2 8,6 7 – – M3 6
LWRV 6 31 15 – 17,8 10,8 2 50 25 6 M6 5,2 9,5 5,2 – – 7 6 M3 6
LWRM 9 44 22 23,1 – – 2 100 50 9 M8 6,2 10,5 6,2 10 11 – – M5 8
LWRV 9 44 22 – 26,9 16,6 2 100 50 9 M8 6,2 10,5 6,2 – – 10 6 M5 8

1) rails of designations LWRM/LWRV 12 and 15, and other lengths available to order
2) needle roller assemblies with steel cages also available to order

Rolling element assemblies End pieces Sepcial assembly screw



LWHW Aluminium
with wiper

LWHV Plastics


with wiper

Available lengths Rolling End pieces Sepcial

element assembly
assemblies screws

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 LWHV LWHW LWERM LWEARM LWERV LWEARV LWGD
• • • • • º • º º º • – • • – – •
• • • • • º • º º º • –2) – – • • •
• • • • º º º º º • • • • – – •
• • • • º º º º º • • – – • • •

• SKF Modular Range Ordering example: 2 LWRM 90600

Preferred range, prompt delivery 2 LWRV 90600
• Prompt delivery 2 LWHV x 450
º To special order 4 LWERM 9

SKF precision rail guides

Accessories for LWRM/LWRV rail guides

Needle roller assemblies

LWHV plastique LWHW aluminium

For description and data on needle roller assemblies, please see page 25

Designation Dimensions Load ratings Rail guide

for 10 needle rollers designation
per row
dynamic static
Dw Lw t t1 t2 C C0

mm N

LWHV 10 2 4,8 10 3,75 2,7 10 400 25 500 LWRM 6/LWRV 6*

LWHV 15 2 7,8 15 3,75 2,7 16 300 45 000 LWRM 9/LWRV 9

LWHW 15 2 7,8 15 4,5 3,4 16 300 45 000 LWRM 9/LWRV 9
* needle roller assemblies with steel cages also available to order

End pieces Special attachment screw


for designation and dimnesions
LWGD see page 19


Designation Dimensions Appropriate Rail

attachment guide
without with screws designation
wiper wiper L L1


LWERM 6 4 M3 DIN 84 LWRM 6

LWERV 6 4 M3 DIN 84 LWRV 6
LWERM 9 6,3 M5 DIN 84 LWRM 9
LWERV 9 6,3 M5 DIN 84 LWRV 9
LWEARM 9 8,3 M5 DIN 84 LWRM 9
LWEARV 9 8,3 M5 DIN 84 LWRV 9

LWRPM/LWRPV rail guides

LWRPM/LWRPV rail guides are linear Such applications include those – stick-slip-free operation
bearings for limited travel, with slide- where high shock loads occur which – smooth running
way liners made in Turcite-B®1). could cause indentation of the rolling – good emergency running
This material, based on PTFE, is elements in the raceways, or where properties
self-lubricating and possesses excel- extremely short strokes are required. – low wear and high reliability
lent sliding properties. The unfavourable tribological condi- – insensitivity to contamination
The dry sliding liner is attached to tions produced by such operation – very good vibration damping
the unhardened LWRPM rail with would give rise to raceway pitting in a properties
adhesive and the surface is then gro- rolling element rail guide. When ordering, the individual com-
und. In order to avoid damage to the ponents of the rail guides should be
sliding surface, the leading edges of The mounting and attachment specified, e. g:
the LWRPV rails are slightly rounded. dimensions of the LWRPM/LWRPV
Dimensions of these rails are the sa- rail guides conform to those of all 2 rails LWRPM 6300
me as those of the LWRV series. the SKF Modular Range rail guides 2 rails LWRPV 6300
LWRPM/LWRPV rail guides should be included in this catalogue.
used where, because of external influ-
ences, rail guides incorporating rolling LWRPM/LWRPV rail guides are 1)
Turcite-B® is a registered trademark of
element assemblies are unsuitable. characterised by: Busak & Shamban GmbH

SKF precision rail guides

LWRPM/LWRPV rail guides




Designation1) Dimensions:
System Attachment holes

A B A1 A2 A3 J J1 J2 G G1 N N1

LWRPM 3 18 8 9,5 – – 25 12,5 3,5 M4 3,3 6 3,2
LWRPV 3 18 8 – 9,6 6,45 25 12,5 3,5 M4 3,3 6 3,2
LWRPM 6 31 15 16,6 – – 50 25 6 M6 5,2 9,5 5,2
LWRPV 6 31 15 – 17,8 10,8 50 25 6 M6 5,2 9,5 5,2
LWRPM 9 44 22 23,1 – – 100 50 9 M8 6,8 10,5 6,2
LWRPV 9 44 22 – 26,9 16,6 100 50 9 M8 6,8 10,5 6,2

1) sizes LWRPM/LWRPV 12 and LWRPM/LWRPV 15, also other rail lengths are available to order.

Slide liners End pieces Special attachment screws

The raceways of LWRPM rail guides Because of their design, rail guides of For designations and dimensions,
are provided with liners which are these series do not normally require see page 19.
attached using adhesive and sub- the use of end pieces.
sequently ground to size.

No special instructions are required

for ordering the liner material.

For more information, see page 32.

Available lengths attach-
L1) screws

050 075 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 800 900 1000 LWGD

• • • • • • • º º º º •
• • • • • • • º º º º •
• • • • • º • º • º º º º •
• • • • • º • º • º º º º •
• • • • º º º º º •
• • • • º º º º º •

• SKF Modular Range Ordering example: 2 LWRPM 6400

Preferred range, prompt delivery 2 LWRPV 6300
• Prompt delivery
º Tospecial order

SKF precision rail guides

for LWRPM/LWRPV rail guides

Designation1) Dimensions Load carrying Rail

capacity2) guide

mm N

LWRPM 3 0,7 300/100 mm LWRPV 3

LWRPM 6 1,7 700/100 mm LWRPV 6
LWRPM 9 1,7 1200/100 mm LWRPV 9

The sliding liners are parts of the LWRPM and do not require a special order.
for a surface loading of approx. 1 N/mm2
(momentary loads of up to 6 N/mm2 are permissible).

End pieces
LWRPM/LWRPV rail guides, by virtue of their design,
do not normally require end pieces.
For this reason, tapped holes on the end faces are also unnecessary.
However, for production reasons,
LWRPV rail guides will in certain cases be supplied with end face tapped holes.

Special attachment screws

See page 19 for designations and dimensions.


LWW/LWV rail guides

LWW/LWV rail guides enable the dered, corresponding threaded ins- to each other. The needle rollers are
design of linear guidance systems for erts are supplied along with the guide. retained by the cage.
heavy loads with maximum stiffness. For new designs the choice of End pieces for LWM/LWV rail guides
The internal geometry is identical with LWRM/LWRV rail guides is recom- End pieces serve to prevent drift of
that of the Modular Range rails of the mended. These offer the advantage the cage away from the loaded zone.
LWRM/LWRV series. As the same of being interchangeable with other LWEM- and LWEV end pieces are
needle roller assembly is used, the rail guides of the Modular Range. suitable for horizontally and vertically
load bearing characteristics are also mounted rail guides.
the same. The external dimensions of Needle roller assemblies for LWEAM and LWEAV end pieces
the LWM/LWV rail guides, however, LWM/LWV rail guides have the addition of a plastic wiper
differ slightly from those of the LWHV needle roller assemblies have with a sealing lip which serves to keep
LWRM/LWRV Modular Range dimen- a plastic cage with retained needle the track tree from dirt.
sions. rollers. The elastic connection be- All end pieces are supplied to-
LWM/LWV rail guides find wide tween the two cage sections for the gether with attachment screws.
application in machine tools. two roller rows enables the cage to Rail guides with a length of more
LWM/LWV rail guides have as bend to any angle. than 1200 mm should be made up of
standard attachment hole type 15, i.e. LWHW needle roller assemblies sections. If, for design reasons,
through hole with countersinking. comprise an aluminium cage with single-pieces rails are required, these
If attachment hole type 13 is or- needle rollers arranged at right angles can be supplied to special order.

SKF precision rail guides

LWM/LWV rail guides

LWM/LWV 3015 – LWM/LWV 8050

Hole type 13 Hole type 13

Hole type 15

LMW rail

Hole type 15 LWV rail

Designation Dimensions:
System Attachment holes End face holes

A B A1 A2 A3 Dw J1) J1 min2) J2 G N N1 N2 J3 J4 J5 J6 G1 G2

LWM 3015 30 15 16 – – 2 40 15 5,5 M4 8,5 4,5 5,25 8 7 – – M3 6
LWV 3015 30 15 – 17,2 10,5 2 40 15 5,5 M4 8,5 4,5 5,25 – – 7 5,5 M3 6
LWM 4020 40 20 22,5 – – 2 80 15 7,5 M6 11,5 6,8 7,5 10 11 – – M5 7
LWV 4020 40 20 – 22 13,5 2 80 15 7,5 M6 11,5 6,8 7,5 – – 10,5 5,5 M5 7
LWM 5025 50 25 28 – – 2 80 20 10 M6 11,5 6,8 7,5 12 13 – – M6 8
LWV 5025 50 25 – 28 17 2 80 20 10 M6 11,5 6,8 7,5 – – 13 7 M6 8
LWM 6035 60 35 36 – – 2,5 100 20 11 M8 15 9 10 14 20 – – M6 8
LWV 6035 60 35 – 36 120 2,5 100 20 11 M8 15 9 10 – – 18 8 M6 8
LWM 7040 70 40 40 – – 3 100 20 13 M 10 18,5 11 12,5 16 20 – – M6 8
LWV 7040 70 40 – 42 24 3 100 20 13 M 10 18,5 11 12,5 – – 20 10 M6 8
LWM 8050 80 50 45 – – 3,5 100 20 14 M 12 20 13 14 20 30 – – M6 8
LWV 8050 80 50 – 48,5 26 3,5 100 20 14 M 12 20 13 14 – – 25 10 M6 8

1) for lengths L < J + 2 · J1 min/J = 50 mm (except for LWM/LWV 3015)

J1 depends upon the rail length and is of the same size at each end of the rail
J1 = L – ∑ J
3) J = 35 mm

Rolling element assemblies End pieces


wiper wiper


with wiper with wiper

Needle roller End pieces

Available lengths4) assemblies

100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 LWHV LWHW LWEM LWEAM LWEV LWEAV
3) 5)
• • • • • º º • º • •
3) 5)
• • • • • º º • º • •
• • • • • º º º º º º • • • •
• • • • • º º º º º º • • • •
• • • • • º º º º º • • • •
• • • • • º º º º º • • • •
º º º º º º º º º • • º º
º º º º º º º º º • • º º
º º º º º º º º º º • º º
º º º º º º º º º º • º º
º º º º º º º º º º • º º
º º º º º º º º º º • º º

4) other lengths available to order Ordering example: 2 LWM 402000

5) also available with steel cage to order 2 LWV 4020200
2LWHW 15 x 130
• available from stock 4 LWEAM 4020
º available to order

SKF precision rail guides

for LWM/LWV rail guides
Needle roller assemblies

LWHV Plastics LWHW Aluminium

For description and data on crossed roller assemblies, please see page 33.

Designation Dimensions Load ratings Rail

for 10 needle rollers guide designation
per row
Dw Lw U t t1 dynamic static
C C0

mm N

LWHV 10 2 4,8 10 3,75 2,7 10 400 25 500 LWM/LWV 3015*

LWHV 15 2 7,8 15 3,75 2,7 16 300 45 000 LWM/LWV 4020 + 5025
LWHW 15 2 7,8 15 4,5 3,4 16 300 45 000 LWM/LWV 4020 + 5025
LWHV 20 2,5 11,8 20 5 3,7 32 000 88 000 LWM/LWV 6035
LWHW 20 2,5 11,8 20 5,5 4,2 32 000 88 000 LWM/LWV 6035
LWHW 25 3 15,8 25 6 4,4 52 000 143 000 LWM/LWV 7040
LWHW 30 3,5 20 30 7 5,2 76 500 212 000 LWM/LWV 8050
* needle roller assemblies with steel cages also available for this size

End pieces

wiper wiper


Designation Dimensions Appropriate

without with screws
wiper wiper L L1


LWEM 3015 4 M3 DIN 84

LWEV 3015 4 M3 DIN 84
LWEAM 3015 6 M3 DIN 84
LWEAV 3015 6 M3 DIN 84
LWEM 4020 6,3 M5 DIN 84
LWEV 4020 6,3 M5 DIN 84
LWEAM 4020 8,3 M5 DIN 84
LWEAV 4020 8,3 M5 DIN 84
LWEM/LWEV 5025 à 8050 6,9 M6 DIN 84
LWEAM/LWEAV 5025 to 8050 8,9 M6 DIN 84

LWML rail guides

LWML rail guides consists of a modi- LWML rails with the appropriate
fied LWM rail guide with the addition needle roller assemblies and end
of an adjustment wedge. In conjunc- pieces are available to order.
tion with an LWV rail guide and a I should also be stated at the time
needle roller assembly this results in of ordering whether the mounting
an adjustable linear guidance system. holes are required for right-hand or
The wedge has a slope of 1,5 % so left-hand mounting.
that a displacement of the wedge by
1 mm brings about a 15 µm alteration
in height.
LWML rails are supplied as stan-
dard with hole type 15, i.e. through
bored and countersink or hole type
13, i.e. with threaded insert. They are
available to tolerance classes P10
and P5. Multi-section rails cannot be

SKF precision rail guides

LWN/LWO rail guides

LWN/LWO rail guides differ from the

LWM/LWV rail guides only in height,
width and attachment holes. The
internal geometry of the two series is
the same and their load ratings are
LWN/LWO rail guides are supplied
to tolerance P10, P5 and P2 to order.

LWW/LWZ flat rail guides

LWW/LWZ flat rail guides are used in

conjunction with LWR rail guides in
the construction of roller tables.
These guides, with appropriate rolling
element assemblies and end pieces
are available to order.

SKF precision rail guides

LWJ/LWS flat rail guides

LWJ/LWS flat rail guides are used in

combination with LWRM/LWRV,
LWM/LWV or LWN/LWO as non-
locating rail guide assemblies in the
construction of linear slides.
LWJ/LWS flat rail guides with
appropriate rolling element assem-
blies and end pieces are available to

Special rail guides and recirculating roller assemblies

In addition to the standard rail guides

included in this catalogue, SKF also
supplies flat rail guides for recircula-
ting roller assemblies, also rail guides
to customers’ own drawings, for ins-
tance for machine tool applications,
handling systems and robotics.
Further information on special rail
guides and recirculating roller
assemblies and their availability will
be supplied on request.






SKF sales companies

Australia France Poland

P. O. Box 301 30/32 Ave. Des Trois Peuples TECHNICZNA SP. ZO.O.
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Phone: + 61 (3) 5 67 28 00 F-78185 SAINT QUENTIN 02-785 WARSZAWA
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Phone: + 43 (22 36) 6 70 90 P-2700 AMADORA
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Fax: (B) + 32 2 5027336 Fax: + 44 (15 82) 49 6574 S-25024 HELSINGBORG
Phone: + 46 (42) 25 35 00
Hong Kong Fax: + 46 (42) 25 35 45, 25 35 46
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40 Executive Court SKF SOUTH EAST ASIA &
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Phone: + 852 - 25 10 81 11
Phone: + 1 (4 16) 2 99 12 20 Singapore 629610
Fax: + 852 - 25 10 73 68
Fax: + 1 (4 16) 2 92 03 99 Postal Address:
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U Mû‰tanského pivovaru 7 HU-2040 BUDAÖRS Spain
17004 PRAHA 7 Phone: + 36 (23) 41 59 96 SKF PRODUCTOS INDUSTRIALES S.A.
Phone: + 420 (0)2 66 19 71 11 Fax: + 36 (23) 41 59 28 Apartado 769
Fax: + 420 (0)2 66 71 04 15 E-08080 BARCELONA
Phone: + 34 (93) 3 77 99 77
Denmark Fax: + 34 (93) 4 74 20 39/31 56
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 94
I-10121 TORINO Switzerland
Bramdrupskovvej 17
Phone: + 39 (011) 57 17 61 SKF (SCHWEIZ)
Fax: + 39 (011) 5 71 76 33 Eschenstraße 5
Phone: + 45 - 75 52 95 77
Phone: + 46 - 42 25 35 00 CH-8603 SCHWERZENBACH
Norway Phone: + 41 (1) 8 25 81 81
Fax: + 45 - 75 52 95 66 SKF MULTITEC A/S Fax: + 41 (1) 8 25 82 82
Jerikoveien 14
Finland 1067 OSLO USA
PL 60 Lindeberg Gård 1530 Valley Center Parkway
FIN-02201 ESPOO N-1007 OSLO 10 USA-BETHLEHEM, PA 18017
Phone: + 3 58 94 52 97 54 Phone: + 47 (2) 2 30 71 70 Phone: + 1 (610) 861 - 4800
Fax: + 3 58 94 27 76 5 Fax: + 47 (2) 2 30 28 14 Fax: + 1 (610) 861 - 4811
Linear Motion

SKF Guiding Systems SKF Ball & Roller Screws SKF Actuators

SKF Linear Motion offers a wide range of precision engineered linear motion components, units and systems.
In addition to comprehensive product literature and software, SKF offers assistance from experienced linear motion
Linear Motion has 3 product lines and a sales organisation based on 11 specialized sales companies located in Europe
and in the USA.
However the product availability as well as the product application is world-wide granted by the SKF Bearing
international network. To get any other SKF address all over the world, please contact one of the companies below.

Austria Germany Sweden/Denmark/Finland

Linear Motion SKF Linearsysteme GmbH SKF Multitec
SKF Österreich AG Phone: +49 9721 657-0 Phone: +46 42 25 35 00
Phone: +43 22 36 6709-0 Fax: +49 9721 657-111 Fax: +46 42 25 35 45/46
Fax: +43 22 36 6709-220 Sales Office Denmark
SKF Multitec S.p. A. Phone: +45 75 51 95 77
Benelux Fax: +45 75 51 95 66
SKF Multitec Benelux B.V. Phone: +39 11 57 17 61
Phone: +31 30 6029029 Fax: +39 11 5 71 76 33 Sales Office Finland
Fax: +31 30 6029028 Phone: +358 94 52 97 52
Norway Fax: +358 942 77 65
Sales Office Belgium/Luxembourg: SKF Multitec A/S
Phone: +32 2 5024270 Phone: +47 22 30 71 70 United Kingdom
Fax: +32 2 5027336 Fax: +47 22 30 28 14 SKF Engineering Products Ltd.
France Phone: +44 1582 490049
Spain Fax: +44 1582 496574
SKF Equipments SKF Productos Industriales, S.A
Phone: +33 1 30 64 28 28 Phone: +34 93 377 99 77 USA
Fax: +33 1 30 64 41 31 +34 93 377 99 07 SKF Motion Technologies
Fax: +34 93 474 20 39/31 56 Phone: +1 610 861-4800
Fax: +1 610 861-4811

Linear Motion

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