Automotive Mechanics

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The document discusses the syllabus and content details of the subject AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS. It covers topics like performance of IC engines, gearbox, steering, brakes, springs, vehicle performance, propeller shaft, and tests. Objectives related to calculating various parameters are also mentioned.

The major topics covered are performance of IC engines, gear box, steering system, brake system, springs, performance of vehicle, propeller shaft, and tests & revisions. The time allotted and weightage of marks for each topic is also provided.

The specific objectives of studying performance of IC engines include defining various parameters like IP, BP, FP, etc. and knowing their mathematical expressions. It also includes explaining different types of efficiencies and dynamometers like prony brake, rope brake, hydraulic and eddy current dynamometers.



Sem : VI
Subject Code : A
Hours Per Week : 04
Hours Per Semester : 64

Hours Weightage of
SL.No Major Topics
Allotted Marks
1 Performance of IC engines 10 25
2 Gear box 06 15
3 Steering system 04 10
4 Brake system 14 35
5 Springs 06 15
6 Performance of vehicle 15 35
7 Propeller shaft 05 10
8 Tests & Revisions 04 -
Total 64 145


1.0 Understand the performance parameters of IC engine along with their efficiencies.
2.0 Know the procedure for calculating the different speed and gear ratio’s.
3.0 Know the different types of steering gear mechanism and to calculate different
Parameters of steering.
4.0 Understand the different parameters of the braking phenomena like braking distance,
Breaking torque, mean lining pressure etc.
5.0 Learn calculating different parameters of the braking phenomenon.
6.0 Know the nomenclature of coil spring and leaf spring.
7.0 Learn calculating different parameters of the coil spring and leaf spring.
8.0 Know different types of forces acting on the vehicle.
9.0 Learn to find different performance parameters of vehicle.
10.0 Know the need of hallow propeller shaft.
11.0 Learn to calculate the torque and power transmitted by the propeller shaft.

1.0 Performance of IC engines

Definition of IP, BP, FP, MEP, IMEP, BMEP, engine torque, piston speed along with
mathematical expression – mechanical, thermal, indicated thermal, brake thermal, volumetric,
air standard, relative efficiencies – SFC, BSFC, ISFC, A/F, heat balance sheet along with
mathematical expression and problems – Morse test with problems – William line method –
performance curves.

2.0 Gear box

Procedure for calculating speed ratio & gear ratio for 3 speed & 4 speed gear box – problems.

3.0 Steering system

Definition of wheel base, wheel track, overall length, front over hung, rear over hung, turning
circle radius – difference between Ackerman & Davis steering gear mechanism – equation for
correct steering – expression for turning circle radii – Ackerman steering gear mechanism
expression – problems.

4.0 Brakes
Definition of stopping distance, braking efficiency. Braking torque, leading shoe, trailing shoe –
expression for stopping distance – equation for braking torque on leading and trailing shoe –
expression for deceleration and load distribution during braking of vehicle – mean lining
pressure and heat generated – weight transfer – problems.

5.0 Springs
Nomenclature of coil springs – stresses in helical coil spring – problems – stresses in semi
elliptical leaf spring – definition of over length, effective length, ineffective length, and camber
– problems.

6.0 Performance of vehicle

Mention different types of resistances – state the equations of wind resistance, rolling resistance
& gradient resistance – power required for propulsion with mathematical expression –
mathematical expression of traction & tractive effort – concept of surplus power –acceleration,
gradiability and drawbar pull with mathematical expression – definition of equivalent weight
with mathematical expression – expression of maximum acceleration & reactions when vehicle
is driven on front wheel, rear wheel and four wheel – problems.
7.0 Propeller shaft
Advantages of hollow propeller shaft – equation for calculating torque transmitted by hollow
propeller shaft - equation for calculating power transmitted by hollow propeller shaft –


1.0 Performance of IC engines

1.1 Define IP, BP, FP, MEP, IMEP, BMEP, engine torque, piston speed.
1.2 Know the mathematical expressions for above.
1.3 Define dynamometer.
1.4 Mention different types of dynamometer.
1.5 Explain prony brake dynamometer, rope brake dynamometer, hydraulic
Dynamometer and eddy current dynamometer with sketches.
1.6 Define mechanical efficiency, thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, brake
Thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, air standard efficiency, relative
Efficiency, Specific fuel consumption, brake specific fuel consumption, indicated
Specific fuel, Consumption, air fuel ratio, heat balance sheet.
1.7 Know the mathematical expressions for the above.
1.8 Explain heat balance sheet.
1.9 Solve problems to calculate the parameters mentioned above.
1.10 Explain Morse test procedure
1.11 Solve problems on Morse test.
1.12 Explain William line method to find friction power.
1.13 Study engine performance curves.

2.0 Gear box

2.1 Explain the procedure of calculating speed ratio and Gear ratio for three speed &
Four speed gear box with sketches.
2.2 Solve the problems on gear box to find gear ratio, no of teeth, distance between
Shafts and exact gear ratios.

3.0 Steering system

3.1 Define the terms, wheel base, track width, overall length, front over hung,
rear over hung, turning circle radius,
3.2 State differences between Ackerman and Davis steering gear mechanism.
3.3 Derive an equation for correct steering.
3.4 Derive an expression to find turning circle radius of all the four wheels.
3.5 Derive an equation to find angle of inside lock and out side lock by Ackerman
Steering gear mechanism by analytical method.
3.6 Solve problems on Ackerman steering gear mechanism.

4.0 Brakes
4.1 Define the terms
4.1.1 Stopping distance and braking efficiency.
4.1.2 Braking torque, leading shoe, trailing shoe.
4.2 Derive an equation for stopping distance.
4.3 Derive the equations for braking torque on leading shoe and trailing shoe of
Internal expanding shoe brake.
4.4 Derive the expressions for deceleration and load distribution on front and rear axle
in case of braking of vehicle, for the following cases.
4.4.1 Rear wheel braking.
4.4.2 Front wheel braking.
4.4.3 All wheel braking.
4.5 Derive an expression to calculate mean lining pressure and heat generated during
braking operation.
4.6 Explain the phenomena of weight transfer during braking.
4.7 Solve simple problems on above.

5.0 Springs
5.1 Nomenclature of coil spring with equations - solid length, free length, spring index,
5.2 State the equations of stresses & deflection in helical coil spring (circular cross
5.3 Solve simple problems on coil spring.
5.4 Introduction to design of leaf springs.
5.5 State the equation for bending stress and maximum deflection of semi elliptical leaf
5.6 Define overall length & effective length, ineffective length, camber.
5.7 Simple problems on leaf springs.
6.0 Performance of vehicle
6.1 Mention different types of resistances.
6.2 State the equation for, wind resistance, rolling resistance and grade resistance.
6.3 Explain power required for propulsion with mathematical expression.
6.4 Explain with mathematical expression of traction and tractive effort.
6.5 Know the concept of surplus power.
6.6 Explain acceleration, gradiability and drawbar pull with mathematical expressions.
6.7 Define equivalent weight with mathematical expression.
6.8 State the expression for maximum acceleration & reactions when vehicle is driven
On front wheel, rear wheel and four wheels.
6.9 Solve simple problems.

7.0 Propeller shaft

7.1 List the advantages of hollow propeller shaft.
7.2 State an equation for calculating torque transmitted by hollow propeller shaft.
7.3 State an equation for calculating the power transmitted by hollow propeller shaft.
7.4 Solve simple problems.

1. Automotive Mechanics - N.K. Giri (Khanna Publishers)
2. Automobile design Problem - R.S. Agarwal
3. Machine design - R.S. Khurmi & J.K. Gupta (S.Chand Publications)
4. Machine Design - Sharma & Agarwal

Note; 1. Question no 1 is compulsory.

2. Answer any two full questions from remaining sections A, B & C.

Qno: 1. a. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. 1x5=5

1. The inlet valve is made bigger to increase--------------efficiency of the

2. To find the FP by Morse test the speed of the engine is kept---------.
3. The formula to find the distance between two shafts in gearbox is-----.
4. The distance between two front wheels is called as------.
5. The length of the spring, when there is no load on the spring is called as -----.

b. Derive an expression to find the front right wheel turning circle radius. 05


Qno: 2. a. Define the following terms 05

1. Mechanical efficiency.
2. Volumetric efficiency.

b. A petrol engine working on Otto cycle has a clearance volume of 20% of the stroke
volume. This engine consumes 8.1 liters of petrol/ hour, when developing 23.5KW
IP. The sp.grvity of petrol is 0.76 and its heating value is 43900KJ/Kg. determine the
indicated thermal efficiency of the engine. 10

Qno: 3. a. Define the term gear ratio. 02

b. In a gearbox the clutch shaft pinion has 14 teeth and low gear main shaft pinion has
32 teeth. The corresponding lay shaft pinions have 36 and 18 teeth. The rear axle
ratio is 3.7:1 and the effective radius of the rear tyre is 0.355 m. Calculate the
vehicle speed in the above arrangement at an engine speed of 2500 rpm.
Qn: 4. a. State the difference between the Ackerman steering and Davis steering
Mechanisms. 05

b. A truck has pivot pins 1.37 m apart, the length of each track arm is 0.18m and the
Track rod is behind front axle and is 1.27m long. Determine the wheel base which
will give true rolling for all wheels, when the car is turning so that inner wheel stub
axle is 60 degrees to the center line of the car. 10

Qno: 5. a. Derive an expression for stopping distance. 05
b. Prove that when a passenger car with wheel base equal to five time the height of
Center of gravity above the ground is braked to utilize all the road friction available
(µ=0.6), the weight transferred from rear to front wheels is approximately 12% of
the weight of the car. 10
Qno: 6 a. Derive an expression for deceleration when brakes are applied to rear wheels, when
Vehicle is moving on a gradient. 10
b. Define the fallowing terms. 05
1. Pitch of the coil.
2. Free length.
Qno: 7 a. A motor car weighs 13341.5N and has wheel base of 2.65m. The cg is 1.27 m
Behind the front axle and 0.76m above the ground. Maximum braking on all four
wheels on level ground will bring the vehicle uniformly to rest from a speed of 64
km/hour in a distance of 25.9 m. Calculate the value of the adhesion between the
tyre and the road.
b. Under the same road conditions the vehicle descends a hill of gradient 1 in 20 and is
braked on front wheels only. Determine the load distribution between front and rear
wheels and the distance required to bring the car to rest. 15

Qno: 8 a. What are the advantages of hallow shaft? 05
b. A car with wheel base 2.75m with a cg of 0.85m above the ground and 1.15m
behind the front axle has a coefficient of adhesion 0.6 between the tyre and the
ground. Calculate the maximum possible acceleration when vehicle is
1. Driven on front wheels.
2. Driven on rear wheels.
3. Driven on all wheels. 10

Qno: 9.a. Explain traction and tractive effort 05

b. An automobile engine develops 28 KW at 1500rpm and its bottom gear ratio is
3.06. If a propeller shaft of 40mm out side diameter is to be used, determine the
Inside diameter of mild steel tube to be used, assuming a safe shear stress of
55X103 KPascal. 10

Qno: 10. A motor car weighs 17795 N including the four road wheels each of which has an
Effective dia of 0.66m, a radius of gyration of 0.28m and a weight of 294N has an
engine developing 66 kW at 2400 rpm. The parts which rotate at engine speed weigh
1069N, with a radius of gyration of 0.115m. The transmission efficiency is 90% and
the total road and air resistance at this engine in top gear of 3.84:1 is 873N on level.
Calculate the acceleration in m/s2, under those conditions and assuming the
Acceleration to be uniform the time required to increase the speed by 32km/hr. 15

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