Reading Street - Fifth Grade Unit 1 Week 3: Island of The Blue Dolphins

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Reading Street - Fifth Grade Unit 1 Week 3: Island of the Blue Dolphins

Question of the Week: How do people survive in the wilderness?

Comprehension: Amazing Words:

Literary Elements: Theme and 1. quartz- is a hard, glossy rock that is useful for
Phonics and Spelling:
Setting starting fires.
Inferring Long Vowel Digraphs
2. gutted- if something is gutted, the inside of it
has been removed or destroyed.
Spelling Words:
Writing Trait: Focus/Ideas 3. flint- is a very hard stone that makes a spark
1. coast
when struck against steel and is used to start
Conventions: Independent and 2. feast
Dependent Clauses 3. speech
4. blazing- is a verb that means to burn with a
4. wheat
Writing Mini-Lesson: Invitation bright flame.
5. Spain
5. prey- means an animal that is hunted and
6. paint
killed for food by other animals.
Selection Vocabulary: Unknown 7. arrow
6. pursuit- is the act of pursuing or chasing.
Words and Dictionary/Glossary 8. needle
7. shipwreck- happens when a ship is destroyed
9. charcoal
or sunk at sea.
1. gnawed- wore away by 10. praise
8. famished- means very hungry or starving.
persistent chewing. 11. faint
2. headland- a point of very high 9. resourceful- able to find clever ways of doing
12. mountain
land that juts out into water. things.
13. crease
3. kelp- a kind of large, brown 10. wilderness- is a wild, uncultivated region with
seaweed. 14. grain
few people living in it.
4. lair- the place where a wild 15. breeze
animal lives. 16. willow CCSS Assessed on
Challenge Spelling
5. ravine- a small, narrow valley 17. appeal Weekly Test:
with steep sides. 18. bowling
6. shellfish- an animal that has a L.5.5c
19. complain 1. dungarees
shell and lives in the water. RF.5.3a
20. sneeze 2. bungalow
7. sinew- a tough cord that RL.5.1
connects muscles to bones. 3. campaign
4. speedometer
5. referee

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