Shelanu: Direct Representation For Israel
Shelanu: Direct Representation For Israel
Shelanu: Direct Representation For Israel
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− because they are stupid?
− because they don’t care?
− because they are unsuited for democracy?
Results of Proportionalism:
● MKs not directly accountable to public constituencies.
● Little incentive to find commonalities in the electorate.
Prevention of a national mainstream majority
● Small, narrow-interest parties benefit from niche voting
● A lack of organized public debate.
● Citizens lack access to MKs
● Patronage trumps public service
● Conflict of interests: ministerial MKs serve the public in the
legislature and serve the PM as executive ministers.
● Executive forms without explicit majority endorsement of the
● Coalition parties can extort the executive.
● Waste: ministries created to buy off coalition members.
Currently 28 separate government ministries.
● Instability: 29 of 31 administrations toppled in no-confidence
● NO CHECKS AND BALANCES as the executive and legislative
branches are NOT separated
− New judges selected to fit the political profile of
sitting judges
− Ongoing judicial “dynasties” marked by a lack of
diverse political perspective
− Greater probability of political bias in judgements.
Citizen alienation from the political process
Incompetence Instability
Waste Corruption
Abuses of Power National Disintegration