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Coating of

faying surfaces
for slip-resistant
bolted connections

Summary Slip-resistant bolted

In many steel structures, some bolted connections are
designed to stop steel parts from slipping, for example,
to avoid misalignment during service. In order to work A number of methods are used to combine steel sections,
effectively, these slip-critical or slip-resistant connections including welding, riveting and bolting. Whereas welding and
rely on defined friction between the faying surfaces. riveting are fixed coupling, bolted connections are used for
High friction – characterised by a high slip factor – allows large structures that are built in sections for easier transport
for heavier loads. When the faying surfaces are protected or handling, or when connections need to be dismantled
against corrosion by a coating system, the slip factor of during maintenance and service.
the coating system needs to be taken into account. This slip
factor is not only dependent on the coating itself, but also When these connections are exposed to reversed loading or
on surface preparation, maximum dry film thickness and when misalignment over time is unacceptable, then a
curing conditions. slip-resistant joint – slip-critical joint – must be usediii.

Zinc silicate coatings are typically specified for faying

surfaces, but other paint types – such as zinc epoxies – What is a slip-critical joint?
are also considered, as they are easier to apply. The RCSC specificationii defines a slip-critical joint
However, zinc epoxy coatings typically have lower slip is a joint that transmits shear loads, or shear loads
resistance than zinc silicates, especially at temperatures in combination with tensile loads, in which the bolts
above the glass transition temperature (TG) of the coating. have been installed in accordance with Section 8.2ii to
Despite this, the effect of temperature on the slip resistance provide pre-tension in the installed bolt (clamping force
of zinc epoxy coatings is rarely discussed in literature. on the faying surfaces), and with faying surfaces that
have been prepared to provide a calculable resistance
This technical article explains some of the engineering against slip (RCSC, page 16.2-xi).
terms, calculations and other relevant details when
determining the slip factor of a zinc silicate coating system, According to the definition, a slip-critical joint owes its
according to Annex G of the European standard EN 1090-2i. strength to:
(Another test procedure can be used – as defined in • the clamping force pressing together the faying surfaces.
the Research Council on Structural Connections (RCSC) This force is obtained by pre-tensioning the bolts, which
Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength are typically high-strength
Bolts, August 2014ii – but the literature indicates that the • the preparation of the faying surfaces to obtain a slip
European codes are more conservative in how they measure factor (EN 1090-2) or slip-coefficient (RCSC Specification)
the strength of a bolted connection). that allows calculation of slip resistance
Coating of fraying surfaces for slip-resistant bolted connections

Measuring slip for coated

Two standards are referred to when methods for measuring They conclude that the European code is the most
the slip factor are specified: conservative for the typical cases studied in terms of shear,
• Annex G of EN 1090-2: Test to determine slip factor bearing and combined shear and tension resistance.
• Appendix A of RCSC Specification: Testing method to In the following, we will go through a test with Hempel’s
determine the slip coefficient for coatings used in Galvosil according to the European standard, thereby
bolted joints determining a conservative slip factor of a coating system.

Although the two test standards are similar, it is not The validity of the test results according to other codes or
possible to make a one-to-one comparison between them. standards must be decided by the specifier. Kulak et al.iii
Even if the slip factor has been determined using one test may be a useful reference for comparing results obtained
standard, one cannot immediately transfer the result to by other standards.
another standard.
The terminology of the two standardised methods reflects
However, E. Maiorana and Carlo Pellegrino present a iv civil engineering terminology more than the terminology of
numerical example to compare various code provisions – coating engineering.
from Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and
Japan – to show their performance for a practical case.

Purpose of testing
Testing is carried out to ascertain whether a coating system The equivalent figures in the RCSC specification are:
can be considered a Class B type of surface treatment of
Table 2
faying surfaces (as per Table 18 of EN 1090-2v).
Surface treatment Class
Table 1 factor (μ)

Slip a) Unpainted clean mill-scale steel surfaces

Surface treatment Class
factor (μ) b) Surfaces with Class A coatings on blast-cleaned steel A 0.30
c) Hot-dipped
Surfaces blasted with shot or grit with loose rust removed,
A 0.50
not pitted
a) Unpainted blast-cleaned steel surfaces
B 0.50
Surfaces blasted with shot or grit: b) Surfaces with Class B coatings on blast-cleaned steel
a) Spray-metallised with a aluminium or zinc-based product B 0.40
b) Alkali-zinc silicate paint with a thickness of 50 μm to 80 μm Table 2. Classifications of surface treatments according to RSCS
Specification, clause 5.4
Surfaces cleaned by wire-brushing or flame cutting, with loose
C 0.30
rust removed

Surfaces as rolled D 0.20

Table 1. Classifications that may be assumed for friction surfaces

(EN 1090-2:2008 – Table 18)

Coating of fraying surfaces for slip-resistant bolted connections

Properties influencing slip factor

Annex G of EN 1090-1vi and Appendix A of the RCSC
Specification describe the test used to determine the slip
factor for a surface treatment, such as a surface coating.

Because the properties of the coating surface depend on a

number of factors, test methods (e.g. clause G.2 of Annex G)
list a number of significant variables that must be taken
into account:
• the composition of the coating
• the surface treatment
• the treatment of primary layers in multi-layer systems
• the maximum thickness of the coating
• the curing procedure
• the minimum time interval between application of the
coating and application of load to the connection

Essential variables are those that, if changed, will require

retesting of the coating to determine its mean slip coefficient.

Testing of coating systems

for slip resistance
The detailed test report Slip factor test of Hempel’s Galvolsil Test specimens
15700 as an example on how slip resistance testing is The dimension and materials of the test specimen in this
carried out. test are defined in Figure G1a of Annex G.
The test is carried out as a tensile test of a bolted connection
with faying surfaces coated according to the specification for
the tested product, including surface preparation, dry film
thickness and curing.

The tension loading machine and details of the mounted

test specimen are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Clip

S355 J2+N

Figure 2. Details of the test specimen

Figure 1. Amsler W Tester mounted with the test specimen

Coating of fraying surfaces for slip-resistant bolted connections

Bolt preload tightening Gauge

Before assembling the four test plates of a test lead

specimen, the preload force is calibrated against the Bolt

torque to be applied – the ‘torque’ being the ‘turning
force’ used to preload bolts.
The calibration of torques versus preload is carried adhesive
out using a bolt strain gauge (see Figure 3). BTM

Figure 3. Example of bolt strain gauge glued inside the bolt before stressingvii

Slip test procedure

Figure 4 shows the outcome of the test on one specimen. All slip factor test results are included in the test report
Two results are obtained from each specimen, one from each and below.
clip gauge. This gives 10 individual slip measurements from Table 3
the 5 specimens. The individual slip load (FSi) is defined as
Test to determine slip factor EN 1090-2:2008 Annex G File 115-22734
the load at which a slip of 0.15 mm occurs.
Client Hempel Test bolt perload Fp (kN) 171.9
Test no. Test slip load Test slip factor
Slip test no. 1
Fs1 (kN) Fs2 (kN) μ1 μ2
1 364.2 342.8 0.530 0.499
350 2 340.5 381.1 0.495 0.554
300 3 354.1 343.7 0.515 0.500
4 339.7 365.9 0.494 0.532
Slip load (kW)

Slip loads at 5 333.6 355.5 0.485 0.517

200 0.15 mm slip Mean slip factor value 0.512
150 Standard deviation 0.022
Coefficient of variation 4.2%
Required number of tests 1
Number of tests 5
5% fractal constant 2.05
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Characteristic 5% fractal value 0.468
Slip (mm)
Table 3. Slip factor test results (Test report – Table 1)
Fs1 = 364.2 kN Fs2 = 342.8 kN

Figure. 4. Record from Test 1. The slip load at 0.15 mm slip is shown for The characteristic value is taken as the mean value minus
each clip gauge 2.05 times the standard deviation according to Clause G.4.vi
In this test, the characteristic value is:

μ = 0.512-2.05∙0.022 = 0.46

However, because an extended creep test was required,

the nominal slip factor is 0.40.

Coating of fraying surfaces for slip-resistant bolted connections

Extended creep test

The creep test is intended to ensure that the coated Table 4
connection will not undergo significant creep deformation Specimen Test Gauge Measured slip, Regression Regression Calculated
no. time no. mm after slope intercept after 120
under sustained service loading. The purpose of the creep hours ‘test time’ years slip
test is to assess that the creep of a connection will not 1 0.11 0.0095 0.1713 0.22
exceed 0.3 mm over a period of 50 years when exposed to 6 16.5
2 0.13 0.0090 0.1855 0.23
a load similar to that used for the delayed slip test, in this
1 0.09 0.0062 0.1222 0.15
case 275 kN. 8 67
2 0.11 0.0078 0.1518 0.19
The test uses the same type of specimen as in 1 0.05 0.0047 0.0692 0.09
9 170
the previous test. At least three test specimens, 2 0.03 0.0013 0.0375 0.04
corresponding to six connections, are tested.
Table 4. Extended creep test results, including extrapolated values for a
design life of 120 years
The test is carried out at three different times
(16.5 hours, 67 hours and 70 hours).

The test results are extrapolated to demonstrate that the

applied load will not cause displacement of the connection
greater than 0.3 mm during the design life of the structure.
EN 1090-2, G.5, suggests a 50-year design lifeix; the test
extrapolates to a design life of 120 years, still using the
displacement criterion of 0.3 mm. The test results are
shown in Table 4.

An example of the ‘displacement log time’ curve is shown

below, using the results from test specimen 6.

Extended creep text no. 6

0.300 Figure 6. The ‘displacement log time’ curve for
specimen no. 6, tested for 16.5 hours.
The regression line is based on measurements
0.250 taken every 60 seconds, approximately 1,000
measurements in all in this test

0.200 The six extrapolated slip values are

all below the pass/fail criterion of
Slip (mm)

0.150 0.3 mm, even when extrapolated to

120 years.

y = 0.009In(x) + 0.1855
R2 = 0.999
y = 0.0095In(x) + 0.1713
R2 = 0.9989
1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 16.5 hours ˜ 1.88 . 10-3 year
Time (years)

Clip gauge 1 Clip gauge 2

Coating of fraying surfaces for slip-resistant bolted connections

This particular test report concludes: Other coating types than zinc silicate for slip-resistant
• the mean slip factor value (μm) is 0.51 connections
• the characteristic value of the slip factor (μ) is 0.46 Inorganic coatings, such as zinc silicates, are often
• the slip factor is tested with a small coefficient considered more difficult to apply than organic coatings,
variation of 4.2. This indicates a uniform friction such as zinc epoxies.
surface characteristic
• one slip surface failed the delayed slip limit of A number of papers discuss the properties of zinc epoxy
0.002 mm, while the other surface showed a slip value coatings in comparison with zinc silicates.
ten times lower than the required limit of 0.002 mm,
namely 0.0002 mm Kulak xi writes: “Use of inorganic zinc-rich paints for coating
• all of the extended creep slips are significantly lower provides better slip resistance than when organic zinc-rich
than the creep limit of 0.30 over the 120-year design life paints are used. When zinc silicate paint has been used with
a clear lacquer (water-glass) as a binding agent and zinc dust
The characteristic slip factor of 0.46 is 15 percent higher powder as the pigment, high slip resistance has resulted.
than the required slip factor of 0.40 for friction Class B. The increased hardness of the zinc silicate coating provides
a more slip-resistant surface than surfaces treated with
The nominal slip factor of the system is 0.40, corresponding organic zinc-rich paints. For optimum results, these paints are
to the load used for the extended creep test. This means generally applied to blast-cleaned surfaces by either spraying
that the tested system can be classified as a surface friction or brushing”.
Class B system according to Table 18 of EN 1090-2:2008
(see Table 1 above). Kulak concludes that when slip-resistant joints are subjected
to sustained loading conditions, only surface treatments that
The test was carried out using property Class 10.9 bolts. provide adequate slip resistance under long-term loading
This means that the slip factor according to EN 1090-2 may should be used. Metallising with either zinc or aluminium,
also be used for property Class 8.8 boltsx. or a  zinc silicate coating or a vinyl coating should be used.
Hot-dip galvanising and organic zinc-rich coating systems are
Notes on specification of coating systems for slip-resistant not satisfactory for slip-resistant joints. (Kulak’s inclusion
bolted connections of vinyl coatings seems incorrect, unless it covers the very
When specifying coating systems for slip-resistant bolted thin zinc chromate polyvinyl butyrate used for temporary
joints, it is important to adhere to the requirements of the protection).
test standard.
A. Cruz et alxii is a more recent source than Kulak.
Accordingly, the fulfilment of the Essential Variables in Their experimental work includes spray metallised zinc,
RSCS Specification, A1.2 and EN-1090-2, Clause G.2vi hot-dip galvanising, zinc ethyl silicate and zinc epoxy.
must be met:
Their conclusions are:
• the coating composition corresponds to the tested
• slip factors with values of 0.50 are only obtained
with blasted surfaces, without any additional
• the surface preparation must be the same as used for
surface treatment
the test
• in blasted surfaces, spray metallised with zinc or
• a nominal dry film thickness should be specified for
hot-dip galvanised, the slip factor easily reaches values
the test. It must meet the requirement of Clause G.3,
above 0.40
which states that the dry film thickness tested must be
• blasted surfaces with a painted coating of zinc
at least 25 percent thicker than the nominal thickness
ethyl-silicate obtained a characteristic value of 0.40,
specified for use in structures. According to RCSC
but with only a small margin
Appendix A2.2, the specimens should be coated to
• for blasted surfaces with a painted coating of zinc epoxy,
an average thickness that is 2 mils greater than the
the lowest slip factor values (not higher than 0.30) were
maximum thickness to be used in the structure on both
obtained. The higher value was obtained for a zinc epoxy
of the plate surfaces (the faying and outer surfaces)
coating with a dry film thickness of 70 µm, while the lower
• the curing procedure must follow the application
slip factor of 0.20 was obtained at the higher dry film
instructions for the given coating system
thickness of 135 µm
• the minimum time interval between application of
the coating and application of the load to the bolted
connection should be the minimum curing time as
outlined by the application instructions. (Applications
instructions describes appropriate methods for
accelerating curing and controlling curing conditions)

Coating of faying surfaces for slip-resistant bolted connections

In 1984, Technical Committee 10 of the European One additional factor that is not considered when
Convention for Constructional Steelwork issued the report testing epoxy-based coatings is the change connected to
Slip factors of connection with H. S. F. G. bolts, (ECCS temperature-dependent coating properties. One important
Publication No. 37xiii). The report’s conclusion on zinc epoxy temperature dependent is the glass transition temperature
coatings is that a slip factor for sustained loading is around (TG) of the coating. At temperatures above TG, the organic
0.20-0.22 for dry film thicknesses between 10-25 µm and binder changes from brittle to thermoplastic. This must mean
increases with dry film thicknesses up to 40 µm. (Higher dry the slip factor lowers compared to the slip factor at ambient
film thicknesses were not investigated). temperatures. Many epoxy coatings have a TG around
50-60°C. Such temperatures are easily reached on
Looking at the above references, it is clear that zinc silicate sun-exposed structures. If zinc epoxy coatings are seriously
coatings applied in dry film thicknesses of approximately considered for protecting slip joints, testing must also be
50 µm have a higher slip factor than zinc epoxy coatings. carried out at higher temperatures.

EN 1090-2:2008i Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures – Part 2: Technical requirements for

steel structures.
ii Specification for Structural Joints using High-Strength Bolts. Research Council on Structural Connection (RCSC),
Chicago 2014 (Includes 2015 Errata).
iii Kulak, G L, Fisher, J W, Struik, J H A: Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted Joints. 2nd Ed. AISC, Chicago. 2001.
Page 20
iv Maiorana, E and Pellegrino, C: Comparison between Eurocodes and North American and Main International Codes
for Design of Bolted Connection in Steel Bridges. J. Bridge Eng., 2013, 18(12): 1298-1308
v EN 1090-2:2008, clause 8.4: Preparation of contact surfaces in slip resistant connections
vi EN 1090-2:2008, Annex G: Test to determine slip factor
vii http://www.tml.jp/e/product/strain_gauge/catalog_pdf/BTMseries.pdf
viii FORCE Technology, private communication
ix EN 1090-2:2008, Annex G, clause G.5: Extended creep test procedure and evaluation
x EN 1090-2:2008, Annex G, clause G.6: Test results
xi Kulak, G L, Fisher, J W, Struik, J H A: Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted Joints. 2nd Ed. AISC, Chicago.
2001, Chapter 12, pages 197-216
xii Cruz, A, Simoes, R and Alves, R: Slip factor in slip resistant joints with high strength steel. Journal of Constructional
Steel Research. Elsevier 2011
xiii ECCS, Slip factors of connection with H. S. F. G. bolts, ECCS Publication No. 37, 1984

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