Usage of Zinc-Silicate Coatings in Friction Connections

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if *
Original Scientific Paper

7jaes14-10450 Paper number: 14(2016)1,363,128- 134

9 O5 o


Nenad Fric*
University ofBelgrade, Faculty ofCivil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia Dragan Budevac
University ofBelgrade, Faculty ofCivil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia Zoran Miskovic
University ofBelgrade, Faculty ofCivil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia Zlatko Markovic
University ofBelgrade, Faculty ofCivil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia Jelena Dobric
University ofBelgrade, Faculty ofCivil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Usage of zinc-silicate coatings as anti-corrosive protection of friction connections results in reduction of

construction time and provides protection from corrosion. Such protection system has a number of
advantages in respect to the widely implemented metallization procedure, prevalently in terms of speed of
implementation, required training of the workforce and cost. In this paper were presented friction coefficients
for different systems of anti-corrosive protection of friction connections, with emphasis on the zinc-silicate
coatings and their technical characteristics and implementation methods.
Key words : Zinc-silicate coating, Friction coefficient, Frictionjoint connections, SRPS, Eurocode

INTRODUCTION For these reasons, the friction surfaces must be

protected from the corrosive actions, and con-
In the procedure of selection of anti-corrosivesequently, the fiction coefficient created in them by the
protection of friction surfaces, apart from the requiredimplemented protection system must be determined.
corrosion resistance, another very important factor,This procedure is standardized, considering the fact
and often a conclusive one, is the required frictionthat it is often conducted. In the Republic of Serbia, the
coefficient between the elements (steel plates)friction coefficient of the friction surfaces is determined
connected with pre-stressed bolts. The slipping force using SRPS U.E7.140:1985 standard [02]. Since 2012,
does not prevalently depend on the friction between the standard SRPS EN 1090-2:2012 [03] is simul-
the surfaces in contact, but on the shearing of bulges taneously valid, so this procedure, with slight
on those surfaces [1], From this point of view, it would modifications, is harmonized with the procedure
be the best to leave the structure without anti- implemented in the European Union. By implementing
corrosive protection, that is, to connect the structural these standards, a large number of experiments was
elements immediately after sandblasting. It is conducted which accomplished categorization of the
generally known that high friction coefficients areanti-corrosive protection systems according to the
attained in cases of steel surfaces treated by attained friction coefficients.
sandblasting. However, in most of the cases this is not Usage of zinc-silicate coatings as anti-corrosive
feasible, either because of the time required for fittingprotection of friction surfaces results in reduction of
of the steel structure (long enough for the corrosion construction time and provides adequate protection
process to start developing on the sandblastedfrom corrosion. Such protection system has a number
elements) or because of inability to seal the of advantages in respect to the widely implemented
constructed friction joint connection in such a way to metallization procedure, prevalently in terms of speed
prevent exposure to oxygen and thus preventof implementation,
corrosion development.

*Faculty of Civil Engineering, University ofBelgrade, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, Belgrade, Serbia; 128 [email protected]
k PP
Nenad Fric - Usage ofzinc-silicate coatings -U •

required training of the workforce and cost. Even using putty) for preventing exposure Theto oxygen.
though implementation of protection systems of friction emergence of coatings, which ouslysimultane-
surfaces based on coatings has a very long tradition in provide a satisfactory friction caused the coefficient,
the world, it was practically implemented in Serbia fordecrease in use of meta cess. Bylization pro-
the first time in 2011, during reconstruction of thestandardization of testing, nation ofhe determi-
,,Gazela" bridge in Belgrade. The reason for this are friction in friction joints is facilitated and
difficulties in procurement of the adequate coating and standardized. Regarding the continuous devel-
traditional recommendations for implementation ofopment of the anti-corrosion systerms industry,
metallization procedure on the friction surfaces. This which places a large number of coa tings on the
procedure comprises application of a certain alloy onmarket, the determination of their ch for aracteristics
the friction surface. The most frequently used alloy isuse in friction joints is considerabl The y simplified. 3
one of aluminum and magnesium AlMg5. Metallizationvalues of friction coefficient wen SRPS defined by
certainly results in high friction coefficients, but on the standard [02] (Table 1) for va ofrious levels
other hand requires adequate equipment (metallizing treatment and systems for protecti jointson of friction
gun), consumption of gas and metal wire, skilled work-from corrosion. In case of EN s the tandards [3]
force, adequate protective equipment and sealing ofclasses of friction surfaces are c the efined, and
the joints after fitting of bolts (most often by friction coefficients which must for eachbe attained
of them. (Table 2).

Table 1. Friction coefficients forvarious methods oftreatment offrictionjoints surfaces, according to SRPS
standard [02]

The method oftreatment of contact (friction) surfaces M

Without a special treatment S235 S355
Unprotected Cleansing by fire 0,30 0,30
Sandblasted 0,40 0,40
Sandblasted surfaces subsequently protected by 0,50 0,55
Protected coating ofaluminum alloy 0,50 0,50
Table 2: Friction coefficients forvarious methods of treatment of frictionjoints surfaces, according to EN
standard [03]

Surface treatment Class M

Surfaces blasted with shot or grit with loose rust removed, not pitted A 0,5

Surfaces blasted with shot or grit: B 0,4

1. spray-metallized with a aluminium or zinc based product;

2. with alkali-zinc silicate paint with a thickness of 50 Mm to 80 Mm
Surfaces cleaned bywire-brushing orflame cleaning, rust removed C 0,3
Surfaces as rolled D 0,2

From the enclosed tables, it can be clearly seen thatFRICTION COEFFICIENTS FOR VARIOUS
the contemporary regulations have a moreSYSTEMS OF PROTECTION OFFRICTION
conservative approach to these issues and that they JOINTS FROM CORROSION
prescribe lower friction coefficients. Also, the
The friction coefficients for unprotected friction
contemporary regulations recognize zinc-silicate
surfaces, friction surfaces protected by classic anti-
coatings as a form of anti-corrosive protection of
corrosive protection, and the surfaces protected by
friction surfaces as opposed to the national regulations
zinc rich ethyl-silicate coating will be presented
adopted thirty years ago (1985) which were, until
recently, the only binding regulations in the Republic ofthrough two referential researches. These values are
Serbia. significant for analysis of adequacy ofzinc-silicate
coatings implementation.

Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1, 363 129

if *
NenadFric - Usage ofzinc-silicate coatings

In his doctc>ral dissertation, Vlajic [01] experi- production cost. For this reason, it became wide- ng
mentally, usstandardized procedures, deter- ly used in industry, especially for production of n coefficients on the
mined frictiofriction surfaces sandpapers, abrasive materials and similar. : The author conducted an extensive
protected by experimen- ition using aluminum and magne- tal research (a total of 260 specimens) and de- >y
- metallize AlMg5, termined friction coefficients (table 3) with small iti on using pure aluminum standard deviations,
sium allc which confirms quality and
- metal anti-corrosion protection' (chlorine reliability of this experimen'al research lanufactured by .Zorka" Sabac), The
obtained values for the surfaces treated
- classic primer coating with addition of sili- by ant! meta"iZati°nuare consi?-
erab hi her than those dafinedby
primer m ide (or carborundum) SiC. ly g , , E"roc°de
which makes experimental determination of fric-
- chlorine or the purpose of in the
tion coefficients for the purposes of construction
con carb rch was determined friction coeffi-
of structures increasingly important. By adding
In addition, 1surfaces without anti-corrosive pro-
carborundum to the classical coatings, friction
same resea different levels of treatment: b
w° y coefficient was increased for more than 30%,
cient on theand by polishing
. which justified this procedure. It was concluded
tection, forea was to improve the characteristics
that better results could be achieved by applying
sandblasting ti-corrosive protection and increase
i carborundum on only one friction surface. In this
The initial id< oefficient by adding silicon carbide,
: way, crushing of the grains in mutual contact at
of classic armake it applicable in friction oints
j . the moment when the bolts are being tightened
the friction cde belongs to inorganic compounds would be prevented.
which woulcjly high toughness and relatively low
Silicon carb
with extreme

Table 3: Friction coefficients forvarious methods of treatment of friction areas - Vlajic [01]

Steel grade Surface treatment Friction coeff. ^ Standard Number of

deviation [%]
sandblasting 0,616 4,30 24
sandblasting + metallization (AlMg5) 0,548 5,20 188
S235 sandblasting + metallization (Al) 0,363 7,80 24
sandblasting + „hlorvenmijum" + SiC 0,308 2,44 24
sandblasting + „hlorvenmijum" 0,235 8,82 24
polishing 0,156 6,80 12

Wylliam Husson in the research which is the in- The coating, used during research, has already tegral part of his
thesis [4], among other things, been widely used in construction of wind tur- determined friction coefficients on
the surfaces bines and it can be used as a single coating, or treated in two ways: as a primer in a complex
system of anti-corro-
steel plates of S355 class, sand blasted to sion protection. In both cases it is applied in a Sa2,5 level, in all
according to the standard layer of 50 |jm to 80 |jm with the zinc content ISO-8501-1 [5], subsequently coated with
two-component zinc rich ethyl - silicate coat- Weathering steel contains elements allowing ing „TEMASIL 90",
manufactured by ,,Tikku- formation of patina in the event of exposure rila Coatings", to weather effects. A number
of samples was
weathering steel plates with commercial formed from the plates which did not exhibit name „COR-TEN B" [6]
manufactured by rust, and the remaining number from the plates „Ruukki", in the first batch sand blasted and
exposed to weather effects which were fitted immediately tightened with bolts, and in the among the samples
after formation of patina. second batch sandblasted and exposed to The product „COR-TEN B", according to its
me- weathereffects priortotightening. chanical properties corresponds to the steel of
the S355J0W(P) class.

Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1, 363

NenadFric - Usage ofzinc-silicate coatings -y • Hi-

The friction coefficients presented in Table 4 were prescribed for the class B of frictic were >n surfaces
determined for formed specimens. It is important tonot attained on the samples p zinc rich rotected by
point out that the friction coefficients coating.

Table 4: Friction coeff.forvarious methods oftreatment offriction surfaces - Husson [04]

Steel grade Surface treatment Friction coeff. |J Number ofsamples

Cor-Ten B sandblasting 0,591 3
Cor-Ten B sandblasting + atmospherics 0,629 3
Cor-Ten B sandblasting + atmospherics 0,611 5
S355 sandblasting + Temasil 90 0,310 17
86" shortens the expiry time and causes conversion of
MANUFACTURED BY„JOTUN" liquid into a jelly. Because of these facts, im-
plementation ofzinc-silicate coating, "Resist 86",
Zinc-silicate coating ,,Resist 86" (manufactured by
especially in summer season, calls for a careful
,,Jotun", Norway) as anti-corrosive protection of friction
planning both in practical application and in con-
surfaces of the ,,Gazela" bridge was selected
ducting of experimental research.
assuming that the friction coefficient higher than 0,4
can be achieved between two steel plates protected by The manufacturer prescribes minimal, maximal and
this system. This is simultaneously the firstoptimal coating thickness (Table 5). It is particularly
implementation of zinc- silicate coatings on the friction stressed that if the film thickness exceeds 120 |jm
surfaces in the Republic of Serbia. It was the first time there is a high probability that the film would "crack".
(2010) that the value of friction coefficients which can Table 5. Prescribed coating film thickness in wet and dry
states [08]
be used on friction surfaces with this system of

anti-corrosion protection applied was determined Film Film thickness [^ir

condition Minimum Maximum Typical
for the bridge reconstruction purposes [07]. The Dry 50 90 75
procedure of determination of friction coefficient was
conducted in all according to the provisions of the Wet 75 135 115
SRPS U.E7.140:1985 standard [02].
After the completed cleaning using sandblasting, dust
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND METHOD is removed from the cleaned surfaces using
OF APPLICATION OFZINC-SILICATE COATING compressed air of manually using brushes, which
"RESIST 86" completes the preparations for application of anti-
corrosive protection.
This system of anti-corrosive protection was designed
In the course of application of zinc-silicate coating, it
by the manufacturer [8] for "heavy duty" corrosion
is necessary that the substrate temperature is no less
protection system, both:
than 5°C, but also no less than 3 °C above the dew
point. In principle, curing of the zinc-silicate coatings
as the primer (first layer) in multi-layered systems, or
requires moisture. At low relative humidity of air,
curing is increased by sprinkling of coating film with
as a single-layer coating for protection of steel surfaces
fresh water or by artificial increasing of the
in medium-to-severe corrosive environments.
environment humidity (Figure 1a).
It is a two component, fast curing, zinc rich ethyl- In order to create a desired thickness in dry state, the
silicate coating. It consists of component A and coating thickness in wet state (immediately after
powdery component B (dry zinc dust) which are mixed application) was measured, using wet paint comb
in the ratio A : B = 8 : 2,6. Component A must be well gauge (Figure 1b and 1c).
shaken before use, since sediment is bound to settleEach of the coating application techniques, either
while it is still. It is very important to pay heed to theusing compressor or manual, requires continuous
fact that the liquid component A has a limited shelf life, stirring in order to avoid settling of the heavy zinc
which is 6 months stored in dry and dark place at a particles, which is a fast developing
temperature of 23 °C. Exposure to higher temperatures

Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1, 363 131

NenadFric - Usage conditions must
ofzinc-silicate be in
coatings in friction accordance
connectionsproces with the
s. At the conditions
moment of prescribe by the
application of manufacturers,
any of two which is
layers of anti- measured on
corrosion the site and
protection, the registered in the
weather log book.



Figure 1: a) Spraying offilm with fresh
waterin low humidity conditions; b) and
c) Measuring ofthe coating
thickness in wet state [09]

FRICTION at determining
COEFFICI of friction
ENTS IN coefficient.
CASE OF Friction co-
IMPLEME efficient was
NTATION determined by
OFZINC- testing of a total
COATING specimens, and
"RESIST a particular
86" emphasis was
placed on
The fact the analysis of the
zinc-silicate impact of time
coating ,,Resist interval
86" never between the
before was application of
used for friction coating and
joints, called for tightening of the
an extensive bolts, for the
132 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1, 363
experimental attained friction
research aimed coefficients.
The test [07] attained friction
was divided in coefficients
two parts. The were between
first, where the 0,46 and 0,50
tightening of the but there was
bolts and also a standard
testing of the deviation of less
specimens took than 8 % which
place at the is within the
same moment - permissible
one after boundaries
another, and according to the
the second part standard.
where the The obtained
samples were results certainly
tested after a justified imple-
mentation of
certain time
,,Resist 86"
passed since coating in the
the bolts had friction surfaces
been tightened. of the ,,Gazela"
The initial tests bridge, but they
demonstrated raised the
that in a short question of
technology and
time period duration of con-
after application struction
of the coating regarding the
(up to 3 days) it anti-corrosive
is not possible protection of
to attain the friction surfaces.
Since it was a
required friction
coefficient. The ofthe existing
obtained friction bridge structure,
coefficients of it was
0,29 to 0,38, conducted in
but also a phases, and it
prominent was very
important to
dissipation of
results, restoration of
indicated the the
need to perform prefabricated
tests after a elements of the
longer time bridge (plates
period since the and bolts) into
the original state
moment of
in as short time
application of as possible after
the coating. their disman-
Accordingly, the tling. For that
tests were reason, a third
performed 6, 8 part of this
and 10 days research was
since the mo- where the
ment of friction
application of coefficients
the coating, on were
4 specimens for determined 10
132 each
Journal of Applied days 363
time 14(2016)1,
Engineering Science after
application of
period. The
the coating, and results, i.e. the
tightening of the best friction
bolts to the full coefficients
torque was between 0,49
accomplished and 0,50.
72 h after Following the
application of made
the coating. The conclusions, the
obtained results contractor
allowed im- developed of a
provement of system of
technology of supporting the
reconstruction of platess using a
the bridge long grub
construction and screws (Figure
considerable 2). In this way, it
shortening of was made
time required for possible to
works on the tighten the bolts
anti-corrosive 72 h after
protection. The application of
bolt tightening the coating.
72h after After tightening
application of of all the joints,
the coating and more than ten
loading of the days passed
structure 10 until they were
days after that exposed to
yielded the best service loads

132 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1, 363

NenadFric - Usage ofzinc-silicate coatings in
friction connections

Figure 2: Reconstruction ofthe „Gazela"bridge in Belgrade - implementation ofzinc-silicate coating„Resist

86"as anti-corrosive protection offriction surfaces[09]


Implementation of zinc-silicate coatings represents an efficient way of anti-corrosive protection of friction

surfaces. The main precondition for them to substitute the metallization procedure is attainment of required
friction coefficients in friction joints. However, the required friction coefficients for the surface treatment catego -
ry A and B, according to Eurocode, ^-0,4 and |j>0,50 respectively, cannot be attained with any zinc-silicate
coating. Because of that, it is important, prior to implementation of coating in the friction joints, to determine
friction coefficient which can be attained. In the case of zinc-silicate coating ,,Resist 86" manufactured by Jo-
tun" the best results are achieved by tightening the bolts 72 h after applying the coating and by loading the
structure 10 days after that, which was confirmed by the experimental research for the purposes of
reconstruction of the ,,Gazela" bridge in Belgrade. Such system of protection of friction surfaces, applied in the
described way, provided good results and facilitated shortening of time needed for application of anti-corrosive
protection. Certainly, technology of bridge construction differs from their reconstruction, in terms of dynamics.
Therefore, it will be useful to determine friction coefficients for longer period between application of the coating
on the steel structure elements, bolt tightening and exposing those elements to service loads. By following the
analogy of the presented results of experimental researches, it can be expected that the attained friction
coefficients will be even higher, i.e. more favorable from the aspect of slipping resistance of thejoints.

1) Lj. Vlajic: „Ponasanje spojeva sa visokovred- nim zavrtnjevima pri eksploatacionom i granicnom
opterecenju", Doktorska disert- acija, Univerzitet u Nisu, 1993, 122 str.
2) SRPS U.E7.140:1985: ,,Spojevi sa vijcima visoke klase cvrstoce kod nosecih celicnih konstrukcija-Tehnicki
uslovi", 1985.

3) SRPS EN 1090-2:2012: "Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 2: Technical requ for
the execution of steel structures", Institute for standardization of Serbia, 2012.

4) W. Husson: ..Friction Connections with Slotted Holes for Wind Towers", Licentiate Theses, Lulea University
of Technology, 2008, 192p.

5) ISO 8501-1:2007: .Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products —
Visual assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel
substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings", International organiza-
tionforstandardization, 1998.

6) Hot-rolled weather resistant COR-TEN, Hot-rolled-steels/Hot-

rolled-weather-resis- tant-COR-TEN, dostupno 30. septembra 2014., 17:30
if * NenadFric - Usage ofzinc-silicate coatings in friction connections
8) ima, prif jremljenog po sistemu ,,RESIST 86" 9) N. Fric: „Teorijsko i eksperimentalno april
(Jotun), jun2010.Godine",Beograd. istrazivanje gubitaka sile prednaprezanja u Jorway: „Technical data
Jotun N sheet for visokovrednim zavrtnjevima", Doktorska dis- 86", ertacija
Resist Gradevinski fakultet Univerziteta u 0020020.nsf/wvwProductDatabase/ B eogradu, 2015, 305 str
paints/2 E225EEC6CEC12568F500261088/
Papersentto revision: 01.02.2016.
F89C5F DS 2 -
% 0 %%20R e si st %« 08 6% 2 0- Paper ready for publication: 07.03.2016.
$f ile / T
n g l i s h % 2 0 ( u k ) % 2 0 - % 2 0 I s - 06.2012.pdf, dostupno 11. Oktobra 8:30
2013., 1

134 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1, 363

132 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1, 363





Nenad Fric, Univerzitet

u Beogradu,
Gradevinski fakultet,
Beograd Dragan
Budevac, Univerzitet u
Beogradu, Gradevinski
fakultet, Beograd Zoran
Miskovic, Univerzitet u
Beogradu, Gradevinski
fakultet, Beograd
Zlatko Markovic,
Univerzitet u Beogradu,
Gradevinski fakultet,
Beograd Jelena Dobric,
Univerzitet u Beogradu,
Gradevinski fakultet,
Beograd Milan
Spremic, Univerzitet u
Beogradu, Gradevinski
fakultet, Beograd

Primenom cink-silikatnih premaza kao

antikorozione zastite tarnih povrsina
skracuje se vreme izgrad- nje konstrukci ja i
obezbeduje zastita od korozije. Ovakav
sistem zastite ima niz prednosti u odnosu na
siroko primenjivan postupak metalizacije,
pre svega u smislu brzine sprovodenja,
zahtevane kvali- fikovanosti radne snage i
cene. U ovom radu prikazani su koeficijenti
trenja za razlicite sisteme antikorozione
zastite tarnih spojeva, sa akcentom na cink-
silikatne premaze i njihove tehnicke
karakter- istike i nacin primene.
Kljucne reci: Cink-silikatni premaz,
Koeficijent trenja, Tarne povrsine, SRPS,

Broj rada: 14(2016)1,363

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