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Radio communication for Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC): A tutorial and


Farooq, Jahanzeb; Soler, José

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IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

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Citation (APA):
Farooq, J., & Soler, J. (2017). Radio communication for Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC): A tutorial
and survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 19(3), 1377-1402. DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2017.2661384

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Radio communication for Communications-Based

Train Control (CBTC): A tutorial and survey
Jahanzeb Farooq, Member, IEEE, and José Soler, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Over the last decade, railway industry has seen tracks for the modern, communication-based signalling system
a huge transition from conventional railway signalling sys- CBTC will be installed in the period 2011-2021, compared to
tems to modern, communication-based signalling systems. only 188.9 km in 2001-2010 [4].
Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) is a modern
communication-based system that uses radio communication to Rail traffic is characterized by poor braking capabilities
transfer timely and accurate train control information. CBTC because of low friction on rails, fixed path, and the inability
is the choice of mass-transit railway operators today, with over to avoid obstacles. Therefore, at its most basic, the objective
a hundred systems currently installed worldwide. The safety- of a railway signalling system (or train control system) is to
related, time-critical applications such as train control impose prevent trains from colliding and derailing [5].
stringent reliability and availability requirements on the radio
communication technology used. IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi, despite Conventional railway signalling is based on color light sig-
being originally developed for stationary users within a limited nals and train detection with the help of track circuits and axle
area, has prevailed as the de-facto radio technology for CBTC. counters. However this technology is nearly half a century old.
Unfortunately, very limited literature is publicly available on this It is nearing its expiry in most of the installations worldwide
topic due to the highly competitive nature of the railway industry. and is responsible for most of the delays experienced every
We believe that this paper fills the much-needed gap. It aims to
present a comprehensive tutorial, as well as a survey of the state- day. This is one reason why the conventional signalling sys-
of-the-art, of CBTC and the role of radio communication in it. tems are rapidly being replaced by modern signalling systems
The operation and fundamental components of a CBTC system [2], [4], [6]–[8].
are discussed. A summary of the evolution of the communication In modern, communication-based railway signalling, dif-
technologies used for modern railway signalling is presented. ferent means of telecommunication are used to transfer train
The benefits and drawbacks of using a radio communication
technology, particularly Wi-Fi, and the challenges it introduces, control information between the train and the wayside. How-
are discussed. Best practices in the design of a CBTC radio ever, today the term is used almost exclusively for radio-
network and the measures to optimize its availability are dis- communication-based signalling. CBTC is a modern, radio-
cussed, while using the currently in-progress Copenhagen S- communication-based signalling system. Using radio commu-
train CBTC project as a reference. An overview of the CBTC nication, it enables high resolution and real-time train control
standardization efforts, as well as the IEEE CBTC standard—
frequently overlooked due to its limited scope—is included. The information, which increases the line capacity by safely re-
paper is concluded by providing a number of potential directions ducing the distance (headway) between trains travelling on the
for future work. same line, and minimizes the numbers of trackside equipment
Index Terms—Railway signalling, rail transport, [9]–[12]. CBTC is the first choice of railway operators for
communication-based train control, CBTC, radio mass-transit operations today, with currently over one hundred
communication, Radio Communication System (RCS), Wi- CBTC systems installed worldwide [9]. Note that although
Fi, Wireless LAN, IEEE 802.11. communication-based train control is a generic term, today
the term CBTC is used specifically to imply systems used for
I. I NTRODUCTION mass-transit, mostly employing IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN
(WLAN) [13] for radio communication. Thus, CBTC systems
Over the last decade, there has been a huge focus on rail are considered distinct from the European Rail Traffic Man-
transport due to the reasons including environmental aware- agement System (ERTMS)—another modern, communication-
ness, increased urbanization, population growth, and it being based signalling system, targeted towards mainline railway
a more energy-efficient, safer, higher capacity, and higher operations.
speed transport alternative. Recent studies [1]–[3] show that Unlike many other research and development areas, the
the European rail market grew from 122 billion euro per year state-of-the-art in CBTC is driven by the industry rather than
to approximately 150 billion euro in the period 2008-2013, and the academia. In addition, due to the highly competitive nature
is expected to grow to approximately 176 billion euro by 2017. of the industry, the amount of publicly available literature
Furthermore, it is estimated that a total of 1,077.8 km of rail on this topic that openly discusses implementation details is
highly insufficient. The main contribution of this paper is
J. Farooq is with Siemens A/S, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark. He is
also with DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering, Techni- to provide a comprehensive tutorial as well as a survey of
cal University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark (e-mail: ja- the state-of-the-art of radio communication in CBTC. The
[email protected]). available industrial and scientific literature on this topic was
J. Soler is with DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering,
Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark (e-mail: consulted for this purpose, besides the knowledge acquired
[email protected]). from the author’s own experience of working on the devel-

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at

opment of a CBTC system. Denmark is currently one of the track, as well as a train’s braking capability, the traffic control
front runners in Europe as it is carrying out a total renewal of center at the wayside calculates the maximum speed and
its entire railway signalling before 2021, with an investment distance the train is permitted to travel, collectively known
of 3.2 billion euro. This includes the Copenhagen mass-transit as "limit of movement authority" (LMA), and sends it to
network S-train, which will be equipped with a CBTC system the train. Based on this information, the train onboard ATC
[14]. The new signalling system is expected to enable greater equipment continuously adjusts the train speed and maintains
capacity and 80% reduction in signalling related train delays the safety distance to any preceding trains. Thanks to this real-
[7]. The paper aims for a pragmatic approach, occasionally time information exchange, the trackside equipment used in
using the Copenhagen S-train project as a reference. Nonethe- conventional systems, such as color light signals and track
less, the information provided is generic in nature and is not circuits, is not needed, and can be removed.
restricted to any specific project or supplier. The speed and location of a train is determined using a
CBTC systems have historically used IEEE 802.11 WLAN, combination of devices such as speedometers, tachometers,
popularly known as Wi-Fi, as the radio technology, mainly due transponders ("balises"), Doppler radar, odometers, and geolo-
to its cost-effectiveness. In contrast to radio communication for cation systems such as Global Positioning System (GPS) [17].
non-safety related rail applications such as CCTV and onboard Location accuracy, in particular, is highly critical. Transpon-
Internet, radio communication for safety-related application ders or balises are fixed reference points mounted between
such as train control imposes stringer reliability and availabil- rails. As a train passes over a balise, the location infor-
ity requirements. This paper discusses the historical reasons mation is transmitted from the balise to the train using
behind the success of Wi-Fi as the de-facto technology for an antenna mounted under the train. Between the balises,
CBTC, despite its lack of support for mobility and suscepti- location is continuously estimated using onboard odometry
bility to interference. It presents the best practices in the design measurements. Any inaccuracies accumulated over distance
and architecture of a CBTC radio communication network, and are corrected when train passes the next balise [17]. The IEEE
the measures to ensuring high system performance. CBTC standard discussed in subsequent sections recommends
There has been a general lack of standardization efforts a location accuracy of 5 to 10 meters [15]. There are a number
for CBTC, the result of which is that nearly all existing of problems associated with using a geolocation system such
CBTC installations are incompatible, proprietary systems [10]. as GPS as the primary means for localization. The location ac-
Although there exists an IEEE standard for CBTC [15], [16], curacy of geolocation systems might not be high enough, e.g.
it has not gained much attention from CBTC suppliers due to to differentiate trains traveling closely to each other. Satellite
its limited scope. This paper intends to bring more attention signals cannot be reliably received inside tunnels. Furthermore,
to it. CBTC suppliers are generally reluctant to depend on a system
The rest of this paper is laid out as follows. Section II that is controlled by an external authority. Therefore, the use
presents an overview of CBTC, its function and compo- of a geolocation system in CBTC is normally supplementary.
nents, and the role of radio communication in it. Section
III discusses the evolution of communication technologies for
communication-based railway signalling. Section IV presents
an overview of the benefits and drawbacks of using a radio A. Fixed block vs. moving block
technology, particularly Wi-Fi, for CBTC. Roaming, being
an inevitable reality in the CBTC systems, is discussed in In conventional railway signalling, tracks are divided into
Section V. Section VI discusses the design and architecture of blocks (or "track sections"), and track circuits are installed to
a CBTC radio network, both onboard and trackside network. determine if a train is inside a block. Each block is protected
Section VII discusses some relevant IEEE 802.11 parameters by a signal. Various factors dictate the length of the block,
to optimize the radio communication performance. Section including how busy the line is, the maximum allowed speed
VIII presents an overview of the CBTC standardization efforts, on that line, the maximum speed and braking capabilities
alongwith a summary of the IEEE CBTC standard. Section IX of different trains, sighting, etc. When a train is inside a
presents a brief overview of the leading CBTC solutions and block, since there is no real-time method to determine its
suppliers. Section X presents a summary of the future research exact location inside the block, the entire block is declared
directions. Finally, section XI concludes the paper. as occupied, and other trains are not permitted to enter it.
As the boundaries of these blocks are fixed, regardless of a
particular train’s speed and braking capability, and are further
II. CBTC OPERATION reinforced by track circuits, this type of operation is called
In CBTC, continuous, high capacity radio communication "fixed block operation" [17], [18].
is used to exchange train control information between the train In contrast, in the "moving block operation" employed
and the wayside, enabling automatic train control (ATC) func- in CBTC, thanks to the real-time communication between
tions, namely automatic train protection (ATP) and automatic the train and the wayside, the train location is continuously
train operation (ATO). updated. As a result, the occupancy zone—or block—"moves"
The train continuously sends its current speed, direction, with the train and reflects its actual location. There are no fixed
and location to the wayside over the radio connection. Based blocks boundaries. As shown in Fig. 1, this allows trains to
on this information received from all trains currently on the run closer to each other.

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at

Headway control approach to quantitatively describe the effects of

Braking curve
communication failures on train control performance resulting
Block boundary
Safe braking distance in an information gap—the difference between the received
Occupancy Occupancy and the actual state of the front train. The work in [26] opti-
Fixed block system mizes IEEE 802.11 MAC layer parameters—see Section VII—
Braking curve to minimize the energy consumption caused by unplanned
braking as a result of unacceptably large information gap.
Safe braking distance

Occupancy Occupancy
Moving block system C. Data traffic requirements
The typical size of a CBTC control message is 400-500
Fig. 1. Fixed vs. moving block bytes. A message transmission time of shorter than 100
milliseconds is normally supported. Given that the typical
B. The role of radio communication frequency of these messages is about 100-600 milliseconds,
data requirement for a CBTC system is typically in the range
Radio communication is generally unreliable. Designing a of 20-40 kbps, and not more than 100 kbps [19], [27]–[33].
reliable train control system over an unreliable radio link is
a challenging task. In conventional signalling systems, the
D. Components and networks
distance between trains following each other is large, as seen
in Fig. 1. Thus a certain number of communication errors— This section discusses the major components of a typical
see Section III-A for communication technologies used in CBTC system, as well as the two-way communication network
conventional systems—can be tolerated. However, in CBTC, that connects the train and the wayside. This network further
headways are very short, which means in the event of a consists of the following three integrated networks: [20], [34],
communication failure, a train may not receive the location [35]
of the train in front of it in time. In this situation, a typical 1) Train onboard network
approach in CBTC systems is to apply emergency brakes and 2) Train-to-trackside radio network
then drive it in manual mode. In the worst case, this could 3) Trackside backbone network
trigger a chain-reaction with the following trains, all stopping The train onboard network and the trackside backbone net-
[19], [20]. work use Ethernet, while the train-to-trackside radio network
The timeout interval before emergency brakes are applied generally uses Wi-Fi.
varies from project to project, depending on multiple factors, 1) Onboard components: This section discusses the major
including the frequency of CBTC control messages. A typical onboard components of a CBTC system, as shown in Fig. 2.
value is between 5 to 10 seconds. Together, these components comprise the train onboard net-
Compared to the conventional train control systems, in work.
CBTC, the responsibility of determining a train’s location has a) Vehicle On-Board Controller/Computer (VOBC):
been moved from the track circuit to the train itself [18]. This The onboard equipment includes Vehicle On-Board Con-
train-centric location determination results in lower certainty. troller/Computer (VOBC), sometimes also called Carborne
Previously, the train location was determined by the wayside Controller or Onboard Control Unit (OBCU). This system
(with the help of a track circuit), independent of the train. On is responsible for sending train control information to the
top of that, the fail-safe design of track circuits meant a failure wayside on periodic basis. It either includes, or works together
was interpreted as a train presence. However, in CBTC, the with, the onboard ATP and ATO subsystems [15].
wayside depends on the train to get the location information,
which in turn depends on the radio communication [21]. The VOBC – Vehicle Onboard Computer
failure of the radio communication link, therefore, is highly ATP – Automatic Train Protection
ATO – Automatic Train Operation
critical for a functional CBTC system. DCS – Data Communication System
TU – Train Unit
For these reasons, CBTC systems normally allocate a fixed
"protection margin" in the calculation of their safe braking
distance [15]. Additionally, CBTC systems normally employ a VOBC VOBC
conventional train detection method as a fallback, for location DCS ATP ATO ATP ATO DCS
determination in the event of a radio communication failure, TU TU
as well as for non-CBTC trains operating concurrently with
CBTC trains [18]. This is also a requirement of the IEEE
CBTC standard discussed later. An example is the Copenhagen Fig. 2. CBTC onboard components
S-train CBTC system, which uses axle counters as fallback.
Radio communication failures lead to transmission errors b) Onboard ATP and ATO: The ATP and ATO subsys-
and a large handover latency, resulting in packet delays and tems are part of the onboard ATC functionality. ATP controls
losses, as further discussed in subsequent sections. The works safety-related functions and ATO controls the actual train
in [20], [22]–[24] study these issues and discuss performance driving functions. Each of these has both onboard and wayside
improvement methods. The work in [25] takes a a cognitive components.

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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As probably the most critical subsystem, the ATP subsystem different radio frequencies as well. APs are either deployed
helps prevent collisions as a result of the driver’s failure to on one side of the track or both, in alternating fashion. Trains
observe a signal or speed restriction. It monitors and controls communicate to the APs through a radio connection. This
the train speed and applies brakes if necessary. The ATO constitutes a typical CBTC train-to-trackside radio network.
subsystem is responsible for automating the train operation, APs are in turn connected to the wayside components through
including basic operations normally performed by a driver, the trackside backbone network.
such as starting and stopping the train, energy-efficient braking A typical configuration of the trackside backbone network
and acceleration, and stopping accuracy. is star-topology, as shown in Fig. 4 (a), where each AP is
c) Radio Communication System (RCS): Another critical connected directly to the wayside infrastructure using fiber
onboard component is RCS, or Data Communication System optic cables [34], [36]–[41].
(DCS). RCS is typically a combination of software and hard-
ware, including radios and antennas, and is responsible for the Configuration (a)
radio communication between the train and the wayside. RCS
can either be a completely independent system or integrated
into VOBC. If independent, the computer system running RCS
is also frequently referred to as a Train Unit (TU).
Configuration (b)
2) Wayside components: Fig. 3 illustrates typical wayside
components of a CBTC system. The terms wayside and
trackside are often used interchangeably. However, trackside
generally contains the components located either on or close
to the tracks, and is considered a part of the wayside.
A Zone Controller (ZC), or Wayside Controller, is responsi- Fig. 4. Star vs. Ring based trackside network
ble for controlling a particular zone in the railway network. Di-
viding the wayside network into multiple, independent zones, An advanced alternative is ring-topology, shown in Fig. 4
such that each zone comprises its own wayside infrastructure, (b) [42], [43]. This configuration minimizes cabling, as the
improves availability even if one or more zones experience distance between an AP and the backbone network is usually
failures. The fundamental function of a ZC is to maintain safe much larger than the distance between two adjacent APs.
train separation in its zone. A ZC also typically includes the An inherent limitation of a ring-based network is that a
wayside ATP and ATO subsystems [9], [15]. single failed node can disrupt the whole network. However, a
number of Ethernet ring redundancy protocols, such as Media
ATS – Automatic Train Supervision Redundancy Protocol (MRP), exist to mitigate this problem
ATO – Automatic Train Operation
[44], [45]. Additionally, multiple rings can be employed to

ATP – Automatic Train Protection

ATP ATO Control Centre enable excessive redundancy, or to keep the number of nodes
in a ring network under the limit.

Wi-Fi Access Point




coverage area
Onboard antenna Radio connection

Train A. Conventional signalling systems

In a slightly evolved form of the conventional signalling,
Fig. 3. CBTC wayside components known as "track-based train control" (TBTC), rails are used
for communication between train and wayside infrastructure.
The ATP subsystem of a ZC manages all the communication These systems use coded alternating current (AC) track cir-
with the trains in its zone. It is also this subsystem that cuits, also called audio frequency (AF) track circuits because
calculates the movement authority for every train in its zone. A of the range of the frequencies used, to modulate data [17],
Computer-based Interlocking (CI) system is either included as [46]. The train control data sent via rails is then used for cab-
an independent system or as a part of the ATP subsystem. signalling—the feature of displaying signal aspect information
CI controls the trackside equipment such as point/switch to the driver inside the train—, and to enforce the permitted
machines and signals, and is responsible for setting routes for speed [18]. Since in these systems, track circuits are used
trains. The ATO subsystem provides all the trains in its zone to determine train location, this sort of signalling is also
with their destination as well as dwell times [9]. referred to as "track-circuit signalling". This technology can
Independent from the ZC is the automatic train supervi- be considered an early form of communication-based train
sion (ATS) system, which is responsible for monitoring and control. An immediate example is the driverless Copenhagen
scheduling the traffic. Metro.
Trackside is divided into multiple Wi-Fi cells, each served However, the low resolution of train location determined
by one Access Point (AP). Fig. 3 uses the green and red by track circuits and the low capacity of rail communication
colors to differentiate the APs’ radio coverage areas. In the leads to less accurate train location information. This results
later sections of this paper, they will be used to represent two in larger headways to ensure safety and thus low line capacity.

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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Typical headway in conventional train control systems is spread-spectrum based COTS solution developed by Safetran
several minutes [5], [20]. Systems Corporation (now Siemens) [53], which cost only
$1600, though still roughly 10 times the cost of a Wi-Fi based
solution [49].
B. Modern signalling systems
Similarly, to keep the radio system independent of a par-
1) Inductive loop-based CBTC: Early CBTC systems in the ticular supplier, New York City Transit (NYCT) opted for
1980s used inductive loop as the communication technology a COTS solution for its Culver and Canarsie Line projects.
[5], [47]. This type of signalling was also called "transmission- The chosen solution was called RailPath, and was developed
based train control" (TBTC) [9]. The first CBTC system by Springboard Wireless Networks Inc. It was based on the
was based on this technology, and was installed in Toronto, spread-spectrum technology and operated in 2.4 GHz band
Canada, in 1985, on the Toronto Transit Commission Scarbor- [53], [58], [59].
ough RT Line [5], [48]–[50]. Two other such early inductive The radio system used in the Copenhagen S-train CBTC
loop-based systems were called VAL, deployed on Lille light system, called Airlink [42], is based on Wi-Fi. However, pre-
metro in 1983, and Meteor, in service on Paris Line 14 since vious generations of Airlink still use proprietary custom-built
1998 [51]–[53]. radio technology, based on spread-spectrum and operating in
In these systems, inductive loop cables were mounted on the 2.4 and 5.9 GHz bands. The latest project using this spread-
tracks, and were coded with certain frequencies at regular spectrum based system is the recently contracted NYCT’s
intervals. The train verified its location by reading these signals Queens Boulevard Line [60].
via a detector mounted beneath it [17], [54]–[56]. As seen, b) Leaky waveguide: A leaky waveguide is a coaxial
this method could be considered an advanced alternative to cable with periodic openings in its shielding to allow radio
the track-circuit signalling discussed above. For this reason, signals leak out or in, thus acting as a continuous antenna.
track-circuit signalling is occasionally argued to be a form of Leaky waveguide is also known as leaky feeder, leaky cable,
communication-based train control. or radiating cable. For decades, it has been successfully used
In contrast to today’s CBTC systems that work in the GHz to provide voice radio service in metros [49], [61].
frequency range with Wi-Fi, inductive loop systems worked Leaky waveguide offers certain advantages. Radio commu-
in the kHz range. However, despite its demerits, inductive nication in open-air locations is unpredictable in general, as
loop is a proven technology that has been used for railways the propagation loss a signal experiences depends heavily on
for three decades. It is cost-effective, as it uses unshielded the obstructions it encounters in its way. Leaky waveguide
standard wire, which is easy to repair. However, the downside involves very limited open-air communication, which takes
is that it is not easy to install, and is vulnerable to vandalism place over a very short distance—normally in the range of
and theft [49]. 0.3 to 0.6 meters—between the leaky cable and the receiver
2) Radio-based CBTC: As discussed above, the modern antenna on the train. Thus, leaky waveguide guarantees a
CBTC systems use continuous and high capacity radio com- more predictable propagation loss and is less susceptible to
munication between the train and the wayside infrastructure interference [47], [62]–[64].
to transmit train control information. The high resolution and Given these advantages, certain railway operators have used
highly accurate train location enables the "moving block" a combination of radio communication and leaky waveg-
operation. The result is short headways and increased line uide. While radio communication is used in tunnels, leaky
capacity. A typical headway in CBTC systems is 90 seconds waveguide is used in open-air locations where interference
or less [5], [15], [20], [21]. Furthermore, it enables advanced is significantly higher, or in the critical locations where ra-
features such as driverless and unattended train operations dio communication is exceedingly problematic [62]–[64]. An
[18], [57]. example is stations in tunnels, where several standing trains
The first radio-based CBTC system was supplied by Bom- could obstruct the line-of-sight (LOS) path to the nearest AP.
bardier and was installed at San Francisco airport in 2003 [9]. However, one challenge in these solutions is the seamless
Radio-based CBTC systems can roughly be divided into two switching between the two technologies at the transit areas.
categories: those based on the modern, high capacity radio A separate set of antennas must be used for each technology
communication—which can be further divided into custom [63].
and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies—and those The downside with leaky waveguides is that they are not
based on the older leaky waveguide technology. cost-effective and installation and maintenance requires lots of
a) Custom and Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) radio: effort, especially in the congested tunnel environments [19],
Most of the earlier CBTC radio systems were custom so- [63]. Furthermore, when installed in open-air locations, they
lutions, built specifically to fit a project’s requirements, and are prone to signal degradation due to environmental effects
used a proprietary radio technology. An example is Andrew such as rain and snow. For these reasons, leaky waveguide has
Corporation’s Model 2400 radio solution, based on the leaky not been proven very popular for CBTC systems [61].
waveguide technology, used by Bombardier in its initial CBTC
installations. Its cost was $22,000 (per radio), roughly 100
times the cost of a Wi-Fi based solution [49]. The downside
of custom solutions is their lack of compatibility with systems This section presents the major reasons radio, particularly
developed by other suppliers. Later, Bombardier opted for a Wi-Fi, has been chosen as the communication technology for

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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CBTC, starting by summarizing its benefits and drawbacks enclosure, and cutting the cables to the enclosure or to the AP
first. antennas.

A. Benefits B. Drawbacks
The major benefits of radio-based CBTC systems include A few of the drawbacks of choosing Wi-Fi include:
[5], [50]: • Susceptibility to interference
• Requires stringent security measures
• High capacity — i.e. data throughput
• Lack of support for mobility
• Low costs and easy upgradability — cost-effective radio
• Short range
equipment, easy software upgrade
• Network congestion
• Less trackside equipment — e.g. as a result of removal
of track circuits and axle counters Susceptibility to interference from other Wi-Fi and non-Wi-
• Easy scalability — e.g. by adding more radio equipment Fi users is a known issue (see next section). However, again, it
• Easy installation and maintenance — as a result of fewer proves to be less of a problem due to the underground nature
cables of the mass-transit transport. In underground environments, the
• Fault-tolerance/redundancy — e.g. through multiple ra- probability of interference from other users is comparatively
dios, and overlapping radio coverage lower and can be controlled more effectively [10].
• Low susceptibility to vandalism — as a result of fewer Although the security concerns outlined here apply to
cables any broadcast-based radio technology, the use of ISM band
(see next section) makes them even more relevant to Wi-Fi.
In addition, the major reasons for choosing Wi-Fi as the
Appropriate security measures are required to be in place
radio technology include [39], [49], [50], [65]:
to prevent unauthorized users from connecting to a CBTC
• Freely available Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM)
AP with their Wi-Fi devices, sniffing the traffic, or stealing
frequency band bandwidth resources. Of relevant concern are the jamming
• A large vendor market and industry support
attacks that can disrupt the entire radio network, or the man-in-
• Low costs — cost-effective and readily available COTS
the-middle attacks where an intruder may pose as a legitimate
radio equipment CBTC AP, causing trains to connect to it. Authentication and
• Interoperability among multiple vendors, thanks to the
end-to-end data encryption methods thus are highly critical.
Wi-Fi Alliance Therefore, relevant standards specifying appropriate security
• Open standard protocols
measures, such as EN 50159 discussed in Section VIII, are
Contrary to mainline railway (i.e. long-distance, suburban normally implemented by CBTC systems.
trains), the number of trains in mass-transit is larger, also as a An intrusion detection system in the CBTC context is
result of shorter headways. Therefore, mass-transit requires a proposed in [66] that, by using an advanced authentication
higher capacity radio technology compared to GSM-R (Global protocol, prevents intrusion attacks by increasing the compu-
System for Mobile Communications - Railway), adopted by tational complexity required to perform such attacks.
the European mainline standard ERTMS [47]. The IEEE 802.11 standard was primarily developed to
While actual CBTC traffic itself does not demand high replace cables in local area networks such as office environ-
data rates, as discussed above in Section II-C, it is still the ments, and therefore inherently does not support mobility and
key to enabling modern CBTC applications such as remote large ranges [20]. Handover was therefore not considered. For
diagnostics and maintenance, remote software upgrade, CCTV, this reason, the CBTC radio communication systems generally
transmission redundancy, as well as passenger infotainment implement their own handover algorithms [28]. The generally
applications such as onboard Internet. Data rate for supporting low speeds of mass-transit trains further minimize this inherent
these applications can easily reach a few megabits per second lack of support for mobility in IEEE 802.11 [10].
per train. Wi-Fi, supporting data rates of up to 300 Mbps, not In cellular networks such as GSM (Global System for
only fulfills this requirement but also has the capability to do Mobile communication) or LTE (Long-Term Evolution), the
so in the near future. distance between a mobile node and a base station is normally
The underground nature of the mass-transit railway means large. Comparatively, in mass-transit, the distance between a
it is not feasible to install antennas on high masts like in open- train and a trackside AP is short, mostly due to the congested
air locations. It is therefore inevitable to install numerous APs tunnel environments. This makes the short range of Wi-Fi less
along the track to cover a large area. The availability of low an issue [10]. The problem is further minimized by having
cost COTS Wi-Fi equipment therefore has played a decisive large number of APs deployed on the trackside.
role in the success of Wi-Fi for CBTC [10]. Poor Quality of Service (QoS) due to congestion in
It is worth pointing out that although significantly less contention-based medium access networks such as IEEE
compared to a conventional technology such as inductive loop, 802.11 is a well-known issue, especially when the number
Wi-Fi equipment is still vulnerable to vandalism, nonetheless. of users is large. However, it is not as serious an issue in the
In particular, the trackside APs, while enclosed in protective CBTC scenario. It is unlikely that there is more than one train
metal enclosures and mounted on masts, are still visible and in a Wi-Fi cell at a time, because trains on rails cannot get too
in reach. Common examples are causing damage to the AP close to each other for safety reasons. This is due to the larger

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length of train compared to the size of a cell. Furthermore, in 2) Licensing: Acquiring a licensed band is the optimal
a typical configuration, only two radios are transmitting, one solution to prevent the risk of interference in CBTC systems.
at each end of the train. The probability of both ends being in However, it is a lengthy administrative process with limited
the same cell are therefore further decreased [28], [40], [41]. chances of success due to the scarcity of spectrum. The
spectrum that is available exists in bands for which there
C. Frequency band and interference is little or no radio equipment available. Allocation in these
Nearly all CBTC installation today work in one of the three, bands therefore would require a significant investment in
license-free ISM bands: 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5 GHz. Of research and development by radio vendors prior to deploying
these, 2.4 GHz is the most popular among CBTC suppliers, a fully functional CBTC system [61], [73].
followed by 5 GHz [61]. Table I lists the ISM band frequency There are a few exceptions though, notably the Copenhagen
ranges together with their user applications [67]–[72]. S-train CBTC system, for which the 5.925-5.975 GHz band
has been licensed.
TABLE I 3) Factors for choosing a frequency band: In CBTC,
ISM FREQUENCY BANDS AND USERS choosing between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands is
generally driven by the following factors:
Frequency range Users
• Availability of cost-effective radio equipment: Such
902 - 928 MHz Microwave ovens, cordless phones, industrial equipment is more likely to be available at 2.4 GHz
heaters, military radar, RFID, IEEE 802.11ah
2.4 - 2.4835 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g, microwave ovens, cordless
because of the large vendor market as discussed above.
phones, Bluetooth, garage doors openers, baby CBTC vendors will rather provide a communication sys-
monitors, car alarms, printers, keyboards/mice tem based on readily available COTS equipment than
5.725 - 5.825 GHz IEEE 802.11a/h developing their own proprietary solution [61] .
61 - 61.5 GHz IEEE 802.11ad • User density and interference: As discussed above, due
to a significantly large number of Wi-Fi and non-Wi-
1) Interference: Interference, both co-channel and adjacent- Fi users, the 2.4 GHz band is much more prone to
channel, is a well-known issue in Wi-Fi networks. interference compared to the 5 GHz band, as seen in
As discussed above, one major reason for choosing Wi-Fi Table I.
is its use of the ISM band. This means railway operators don’t • Signal range: In general, the higher the frequency of a
have to worry about acquiring a license from a regulatory body. radio wave, the shorter the distance it can travel. Thus, the
In the US, these band has been designated by the Federal 2.4 GHz radio waves cover a substantially larger distance
Communications Commission (FCC) as license-free, which than the 5 GHz waves, with the same transmission power.
means it can be used by anyone, without the need for acquiring This is due to the characteristics of high frequency radio
a license. Some restrictions on the transmission power do waves that not only attenuate faster but also do not
apply though [73]. In Europe, similar regulations are applied penetrate solid objects nearly as well as the low frequency
by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), waves. However, an advantage of high frequency signals
Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications is that since they do not travel as far, they also interfere
(BEREC), and European Commission (EC). less with the neighboring signals.
However, since the number of users using a license-free • Ease of installation: Operating frequency also drives the
band is significantly larger, there is a higher probability of number of APs installed. The shorter signal range of 5
interference from other users in the band. As an example, GHz radio waves means shorter distances between APs,
in a recent study [74] on Chongqing Rail Transit Line 1 resulting in a greater number of AP installations. Fur-
in China, up to 1,300 unique SSIDs were observed over thermore, frequency also drives the location and height
a period of one second—SSID (Service Set Identifier) is a of AP installation, due to the propagation characteristics
sequence of characters that uniquely identify a Wi-Fi network discussed in Section VI-A.
(or AP). The increasing use of the 2.4 GHz band for CBTC • Number of available channels: When configuring fre-
systems by railway operators has therefore raised concerns. quency channels for adjacent APs, as a rule of thumb,
As an example, CBTC failures at Shenzhen Metro have been non-overlapping channels are preferred to further limit
attributed to interference caused by the non-CBTC Wi-Fi users the interference. However, only 3 and 4 non-overlapping
in the surrounding locations [75], [76]. These incidents are channels are available in IEEE 802.11b (DSSS modu-
studied in [77] together with a few interference mitigation lation) and IEEE 802.11g (OFDM modulation), respec-
methods. Given these reasons, an RF (radio frequency) site tively [78], [79]. Comparatively, IEEE 802.11a, which
survey is normally first conducted to determine the amount operates in the 5 GHz band, enables 23 non-overlapping
of interference before planning AP placement. However, the channels [69].
rapid and widespread proliferation of smartphones and other
handheld devices means it is not trivial for such surveys to
accurately predict the interference even in the near future. V. ROAMING IN CBTC SYSTEMS
To minimize adjacent-channel interference, adjacent APs in In contrast to cellular communication, roaming in railway
CBTC systems are deployed on alternating frequency chan- environments is not a mere possibility but is an inevitable
nels. This is discussed in greater details in subsequent sections. reality. Even worse, unlike the cellular networks, Wi-Fi are

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short range networks, where larger networks are built by

deploying more APs closely together. This means APs are 1
placed at regular intervals on the trackside network, such that
their coverage areas overlap, and a train has to continuously
find a new suitable AP and re-connect as it moves along.
A critical aspect of roaming in CBTC thus is how a 2

radio communication system smoothly switches from one AP

to another (i.e. handover), without causing interruptions and
delays in the communication. As discussed above, a large
handover latency might result in a delayed reception of the 3
movement authority information, and the train might have to
apply emergency brakes [15], [20].
Furthermore, since in CBTC it is very common to deploy
Fig. 5. Roaming/handover in CBTC
adjacent APs on different frequencies, the radio communica-
tion system must switch between them when switching from
one AP to another. This, combined with the high speeds
to prevent both radios from roaming at the same time. Next,
of modern trains, results in rapidly changing channels, and
the first step is repeated and the front radio connects to a new
renders the handover algorithms successfully used in the
AP (connection 3). An analogy is that of climbing a rope—or
stationary Wi-Fi environments, inefficient for CBTC [28], [79].
more accurately—a Tarzan-style swing from rope to rope.
A similar multi-radio based roaming method for CBTC
A. Handover frequency and latency proposed in [82] aims for a transport layer solution rather than
The frequency of handover is determined by the distance the data link layer to further minimize the handover latency—
between the two APs (or the AP coverage areas, see Section to very close to zero. It uses Stream Control Transmission
VI-A) and train speed. The handover in IEEE 802.11 is the Protocol (SCTP), and benefits from its multi-homing feature
so-called "hard handover", in which the mobile node breaks to establish simultaneous connections to two APs.
the current connection before establishing the next connection, However, before the execution of a handover, it must be
resulting in delays and packet loss [20], [80]. High speed detected, i.e. when to execute the handover. How this is
and short inter-AP distance result in more frequent handovers, achieved is not specified by the IEEE 802.11 standard, and
further worsening the situation [41], [81]. As an example, a therefore, CBTC systems typically develop their own roaming
train travelling at 180 km/h with APs deployed at every 300 algorithm. Typical approaches are to monitor the quality of
meters will experience handover every 6 seconds. the link e.g. by monitoring the number of un-acknowledged
Studies show that the number of packets lost due to han- packets (i.e. packet loss), or by monitoring when signal quality
dover is much larger than that due to radio propagation [28]. falls below a certain threshold [83]. A couple of approaches
The authors in [20] propose a method for determining packet for the latter are to measure signal quality (e.g. by means of
loss rate based on the handover time, the AP coverage range, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)) from the beacon
and the overlapping coverage area between APs. They show frames received from an AP, and to measure how consist the
that with a train speed of 200 km/h, the maximum handover signal quality is, by monitoring the frame reception rate [29]. If
time of 180 milliseconds, and the overlap area of 20 meters, more than one potential APs are found for the new connection,
the calculated packet loss rate is approximated to be 10%. the same criteria is used to select the best AP among them.
Handover time in CBTC is typically in the range of 70-120 The highly dynamic environments of rail transport makes the
milliseconds, with 1 second as an upper limit [20]. As long as detection of handover further challenging.
this time is shorter than the CBTC control message interval 1) Roaming threshold: A typical approach in CBTC sys-
discussed above, it does not impose a serious threat, as it only tems is to perform the handover as soon as the train receives
means one lost message in the worst case. a signal from a new AP, with the power above a certain
threshold, even if the signal power of the current AP is greater
B. Roaming algorithm and still increasing—note that the threshold is only applicable
Normally a smooth transition is achieved by equipping a if there is more than one AP to choose from. This is illustrated
train with at least two radios, one at each end, such that at in Fig. 6, where, for example, a handover from AP-1 to AP-2
least one of these radios is always connected to an AP. is performed at a time when the current signal power of AP-1
In its simplest form, it works as follows. As the train (red) is greater than that of AP-2 (green).
moves, the front radio continues to search for a new AP. The objective mainly is to avoid the acute drop in the
When it finds a new AP, it breaks the current connection signal power as the train moves past the current AP. This
and establishes a new one with the new AP (connection 1 is in part due to the misconception that directional antennas
in Fig. 5), while the rear radio stays connected. Next, the rear don’t have coverage at their backside, as implied in Fig. 6
radio switches the connection to the new AP (connection 2), as well. However, this is far from reality. The "front-to-
while the front radio stays connected. Sophisticated roaming back ratio" antenna parameter specifies the ratio of radiations
algorithms might develop some sort of a distributed algorithm transmitted in the forward direction to that transmitted in the

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Current connection C. IEEE 802.11 handover

Received power

This section presents a brief discussion on the IEEE 802.11

Threshold handover mechanism, with the intention of highlighting po-
tential improvements.
Distance Handover in IEEE 802.11 has 3 phases: (1) scanning, (2)
authentication, and (3) re-association.
1) Scanning: Scanning is the process of finding a suitable
AP-1 AP-2 AP-3 AP-4 AP-5
AP to connect to. Of the three handover phases, scanning takes
Fig. 6. A typical roaming algorithm the longest time. As per studies, the latency of the scanning
phase accounts for approximately 90% of the total handover
latency [20], [85].
backward direction [84]. For example, the HUBER+SUHNER In passive scanning, a wireless node waits for the beacon
Sencity SPOT-S antenna used in Copenhagen S-train CBTC messages sent by the APs to announce their presence. Passive
has a front-to-back ratio of 20 dB [35]. This means, its scanning is slow as most hardware vendors set the beacon
coverage in backward direction is -20 dB worse than that in interval to 100 milliseconds, by default. In active scanning, the
forward direction, but there is still coverage, except in the node sends probe request messages, to which nearby APs reply
rare cases when it is entirely blocked by the mast on which with probe response messages. Generally, in CBTC systems,
the antenna is installed. This misconception leads to incorrect active scanning is adopted to minimize the latency [20], [28].
implementations of roaming algorithms, which connect to a However, since normally the node needs to probe all frequency
new AP prematurely, anticipating an acute signal drop as the channels (11 in 802.11b, for example), it still takes significant
train moves past the AP. time [28].
Yet another approach is to use two different thresholds: a The choice of frequency channels to use when deploy-
"leaving threshold" and a "joining threshold". The roaming is ing a trackside radio network is often independent of the
performed if the current AP’s signal power falls below the development of the CBTC radio communication system. As
leaving threshold and/or the new AP’s signal power is above a consequence, even if only two channels are used, it is
the joining threshold. not uncommon that a CBTC radio communication system is
Nonetheless, these thresholds must be set carefully. A too developed in a way to still scan all channels by default, to
low leaving threshold may result in a prolonged connection to be on the safe side. One reason is that often these CBTC
the current AP. The result is a delayed roaming, which may systems are either not customized for a particular customer’s
lead to the train losing the signal altogether as it moves past needs, or, are unaware of the actual channels used. In an
the AP. A too low joining threshold can result in the train adaptive approach, once having learned the channels, only
connecting to an AP with poor signal quality [50]. these channels are used afterwards, only to fall back to all
Note that if APs employ directional antennas—see Sec- channels in case of failure to find an AP.
tion VI for a detailed overview of different antenna
Different approaches are taken to reduce the time spent
configurations—the roaming performance also depends on the
on scanning. Often a sort of background passive scanning is
roaming direction. In Fig. 7 (a), the direction of the train
employed where the node learns about the next available APs
movement is the same as the antenna pointing direction on
while still connected to the current AP [86]. The authors in
the APs. Thus, it allows sufficient time for the train to see
[36] propose a similar solution, called "frequency combination
the gradual decrease in signal strength and connect to a
algorithm", which actively scans for as many as four neigh-
new AP based on the leaving threshold. In contrast, when
boring APs as the train moves to create a "neighbor graph".
roaming in the opposite—face-to-face—direction, as shown in
Such an algorithm is capable of providing redundancy in the
Fig. 7 (b), the train sees a gradual increase in signal strength.
event of more than one AP failure.
Nevertheless, it still needs to connect to the next AP based
Due to the linear nature of a trackside radio network, the
on the joining threshold, before it moves past the current AP.
next AP to connect to can be pre-determined, provided that
Otherwise, it might hold the connection to the current AP for
the train maintains an up-to-date database of AP information,
too long and then disconnect abruptly [27], [50].
and, all APs are in a healthy state.
In [87], authors propose a location-based solution, in which
a node knowing its own position and the direction of move-
ment, receives information about neighbor APs from a location
server. The server also performs proactive authentication and
association for the node, further reducing the handover latency.
Another solution, presented in [88] uses a GPS server to collect
the location of the node and determines which AP is best suited
for handover. A related location-based solution specifically
developed for CBTC is presented in [28].
Fig. 7. Roaming direction vs. antenna direction 2) Authentication: In the authentication phase, a node es-
tablishes its identity with the AP it found in the scanning

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phase, by exchanging special authentication messages. How- adjacent APs must be deployed on different frequencies to
ever, depending on the vendor implementation, this phase avoid interference in this case.
could take significant time, e.g. up to one second if an IEEE The following subsections discuss parameters affecting the
802.1X [89] based centralized security architecture is used that inter-AP distance.
involves communicating with an authentication server, such as 1) AP signal range: Table II lists the "rule-of-thumb"
RADIUS [90]. ranges for the indoor and outdoor environments for IEEE
A few Wi-Fi products support the IEEE 802.11f [91] 802.11b, which offers the largest ranges compared to the other
extension, also known as Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP). most commonly used IEEE 802.11 standards, 802.11a and
IAPP offers a pre-authentication method in which an AP, 802.11g [92].
upon successful authentication with a node, shares the node’s
authentication information with the nearby APs [28]. The TABLE II
authentication process can thus be skipped when connecting
to those APs subsequently. Mode Modulation Outdoor range (m) Indoor range (m)
In CBTC scenarios, where seamless handover is critical, 1 Mbps DSSS 550 50
one approach is to skip the authentication phase altogether. 2 Mbps DSSS 388 40
However, the drawback is that authentication then must be 5.5 Mbps CCK 235 30
performed at packet level using a higher layer security proto- 11 Mbps CCK 166 24
col, such as IP Security (IPSec). 5.5 Mbps PBCC 351 38
3) Association: In the association phase, the node registers 11 Mbps PBCC 248 31
itself to the AP by exchanging special messages, so that 6 Mbps OFDM 300 35
the AP could forward data to/from it. There is no room for 12 Mbps OFDM 211 28
improvement in this phase’s latency as it is dictated only by 18 Mbps OFDM 155 23
the message transfer delay [28]. 24 Mbps OFDM 103 18
36 Mbps OFDM 72 15
48 Mbps OFDM 45 11
54 Mbps OFDM 36 10
This section presents the best practices and some of the
key parameters considered while designing a CBTC train-to- However, the range of IEEE 802.11 radio signal depends
trackside radio network. on various factors and can be enhanced.
The parameters such as the antenna height, transmission
power, gain, and receiver sensitivity can be adjusted to enhance
A. Inter-AP distance
the signal range. Additionally, the signal range depends on
Redundancy is critical to providing reliable radio commu- the operating frequency, discussed in Section IV-C3, and the
nication in CBTC and is a deciding factor when planning the propagation loss. When planning a CBTC radio network, all
number and placement of the trackside APs, as well as the these parameters are used in the link budget calculations to
onboard radios. Redundancy is further discussed in Section determine the AP coverage. Note that, the aim with these cal-
VI-C1. As the train’s movement is fixed, the configuration of culations is often to provide a guaranteed, minimum number.
the train-to-trackside radio network is linear, which is helpful To be on the safe side, often the worst-case propagation loss,
in reducing installation efforts. The APs are placed as close as well as various "margins", e.g. "link margin" and "fade
to the track as possible to get the best possible signal quality margin", are used in these calculations. As a result, a mere
on the train and to avoid any obstructions in the line-of-sight +6 dBm difference in the actual received power doubles the
(LOS) path. To provide continuous connectivity, the inter-AP achievable distance. As an example, a study [93] found that
distance, which is the distance between two adjacent APs, the APs deployed for the Copenhagen S-train CBTC could be
is chosen in a way that APs’ coverage areas overlap. RF heard as long as 4 kilometers away, despite the link budget
(radio frequency) link budget calculations are typically made calculation of approximately 600 meters.
to determine the inter-AP distance, and AP signal range plays Note that in CBTC environments, due to the limitations of
a key role in these calculations [31]. As stated above, an RF track and tunnel structures, antennas are generally installed at
site survey is normally subsequently performed to determine lower heights, potentially limiting their range [27].
the number and placement of APs. Additionally, significantly longer distances of up to 100
A common approach is to use a short inter-AP distance, as kilometers in point-to-point links can be achieved by adjust-
well as a high transmission power, to overcome interference ing the IEEE 802.11 MAC (Medium Access Control) layer
from other devices/users. parameters such as ACK (acknowledgement packet) timeout,
To aid a smooth handover, the inter-AP distance is designed slot time, and Contention Window (CW) size [94], [95]. See
in a way that the train is always inside the coverage of at Section VII for further details.
least two APs. Another advantage of a short inter-AP distance The above stated methods have widely been used to enable
is that the front radio can hear not just the AP ahead of it, deployment of low-cost, long-distance Wi-Fi based wireless
but also the next one. It increases the availability as the front networks in rural areas. These kind of networks are formally
radio has twice as many APs as it needs [61]. Note that the known as "Wi-Fi over Long Distance" (WiLD) [94].

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2) Receiver sensitivity: Receiver sensitivity is the minimum loss is further dependent on the height and location of the
signal power required at the receiver antenna to demodulate antennas, and the distance between the transmitter and the
the signal. The more advance the modulation scheme used is, receiver [97].
the greater the signal power (or Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)) High train speed results in rapid Doppler shift, leading to
required to correctly demodulate the signal [84]. serious degradation of the signal [97], [98]. Furthermore, fad-
Table III lists the receiver sensitivity requirements specified ing characteristics of high-speed trains significantly differ from
by the IEEE 802.11a standard, which is based on OFDM and those of the cellular communication environments where the
operates at 5 GHz [13]. When making link budget calculations, classical Hata and COST-231 Walfish-Ikegami models have
it is recommended that the receiver sensitivity values specified successfully been used to predict propagation characteristics.
by the hardware manufacturer are followed. In contrast, the WINNER II model [99] defines propagation
calculations more relevant to high-speed suburban and urban
TABLE III scenarios [98].
R ECEIVER SENSITIVITY REQUIREMENTS BY THE IEEE 802.11 A In [100], authors adapt the well-known Okumura-Hata
model to railway operations. The adapted model takes into
Data rate Modulation Coding rate Minimum sensitivity account the presence of water in close proximity of railway
(dBm) tracks, such as banks and shores, resulting in additional
6 Mbps BPSK 1/2 -82 dBm reflections and diffractions over water. However, the model
9 Mbps BPSK 3/4 -81 dBm is more relevant to long-distance railway operations, where
12 Mbps QPSK 1/2 -79 dBm terrains with water presence are more common, than it is to
18 Mbps QPSK 3/4 -77 dBm CBTC.
24 Mbps 16-QAM 1/2 -74 dBm Additionally, in contrast to the cellular networks, the low
36 Mbps 16-QAM 3/4 -70 dBm AP antennas heights in CBTC result in Fresnel zone limiting
48 Mbps 64-QAM 2/3 -66 dBm the propagation of high frequency radio waves to short ranges
54 Mbps 64-QAM 3/4 -65 dBm [27], [82]. Studies such as [101] derive models to more closely
represent propagation loss in these scenarios.
Receiver sensitivity is directly related to a particular Bit An alternative method could be to extract propagation model
Error Rate (BER), Packet Error Rate (PER), or Frame Error from field data. For example, the RSSI information retrieved
Rate (FER) [84]. As an example, the IEEE 802.11a standard from packets received at the train and the trackside APs
states that the minimum required receiver performance at the could be used to determine propagation characteristics of the
54 Mbps data rate is -65 dBm with a PER of 10% or less, as environment. A challenge, however, is to identify packets lost
seen in Table III. due to interference rather than poor signal quality. Similar
As discussed above, AP signals can travel significantly methods have been applied to the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) en-
large distances in favorable propagation conditions. However, vironments with considerable success [102], [103]. However,
since radio signals attenuate greatly due to various propagation its application in the CBTC context has yet to be seen.
phenomena, to be on the safe side, an effective range of only The works in [104] and [105] propose propagation models
200-300 meters is assumed in CBTC. The studies in [20] and for CBTC systems based on leaky waveguide.
[27] show that in poor propagation conditions, the probability a) Radio propagation in tunnels: Radio communication
that the received power falls below the receiver sensitivity in tunnels is highly critical as most mass-transit trains run
increases when an inter-AP distance greater than 200 meters underground [106]. Even though interference from other users
is used. Furthermore, the probability of receiving a signal of is relatively limited in tunnels, they still present a chal-
acceptable power level is greater than 95% when an inter- lenging environment for radio propagation. Propagation loss
AP distance of smaller than 200 meters is used. Choosing a in tunnels depends on signal frequency, tunnel dimensions
distance shorter than 200 meters, on the other hand, means and shape, curves in the tunnel, construction material and
higher costs as well as more frequent handovers. surface roughness of the tunnel walls, as well as the struc-
For these reasons, typical inter-AP distances range from 100 tures the tunnel contains. Reflection is a major contributor
to 600 meters, depending on the track and terrain topology, of the signal attenuation, besides the other aforementioned
e.g. curves, elevations, slopes, obstructions, etc., and the propagation phenomena [32], [61], [106], [107]. Normally, the
transmission power used [39]. A study of CBTC installations more complex the structures contained in the tunnel, and the
show that an inter-AP distance of 200-300 meters is more greater their roughness, the greater the propagation loss [107].
common, however greater distances of more than 350 meters Tunnels with turns/curves cause additional reflections, where
have also been seen [20], [27]–[29], [34], [37], [63], [96]. One the propagation loss increases with the decreasing radius of the
example is the Copenhagen S-train CBTC where an inter-AP curve [106], [107]. The signal attenuation due to the above
distance of approximately 600 meters has been used. phenomena is further emphasized at higher frequencies. All
3) Radio propagation modeling: As a signal travels from this highlights the reasons why leaky waveguide, discussed
a transmitter to a receiver, it incurs loss in signal power above in Section III-B2b, is still occasionally preferred over
due to various propagation phenomena such as reflection, radio communication for tunnels.
refraction, diffraction, absorption, and multipath effect, due to Furthermore, curves block the line-of-sight (LOS) signal
the environment and the obstructions in the way. Propagation between transmitter and receiver, a problem that is normally

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solved by increasing AP density around curves. VI-C1. It reduces the number of APs and makes for a more
Modeling propagation loss in tunnels is therefore more predictable, linear pattern, which suits well to a trackside
complex compared to open-air locations, and advanced prop- network. It does offer some challenges, however. The width
agation models are continuously being developed [29], [106]– of the coverage area of a directional antenna depends on the
[108]. Part of the problem is that carrying propagation loss size of the antenna’s beamwidth. An AP antenna with a very
measurements in tunnels is problematic, as they cause inconve- narrow beamwidth means the train cannot see the AP before
nience for normal traffic [107]. Various methods are employed it is properly "aligned" to the AP’s coverage area [50].
to accurately model propagation loss in tunnels, including Both with directional and omni-directional antennas, the
numerical methods for solving Maxwell equations, waveguide train sees a gradual increase in the signal strength as it
models, ray-tracing models, and two-slop models [106]. approaches the AP, followed by a slight dip while it is
Nevertheless, there are a number of limitations with the use adjacent to the AP. However, where it differs is when the
of the above stated methods. Most of these methods are based train subsequently moves away from the AP. In the case of
on mathematical computations. Detailed modeling of every an omni-directional antenna, the train sees a gradual decrease
object in a tunnel, whose length can be several kilometers, in the signal strength. In contrast, in the case of a directional
might involve large computational complexity and significant antenna, it sees a rapid drop in the signal strength immediately
amount of time [107]. Furthermore, these methods do not after moving past the AP [50] .
always accurately predict loss in tunnels with highly dynamic Depending on the track and terrain topology, APs are
environments, i.e. with moving trains and people. Moving mounted on masts to provide optimal coverage as well as ease
trains cause further signal attenuation as a result of reflections of maintenance [39]. The height of these masts ranges from
from the train, and the "shadowing effect" when train passes 50 centimeters to the more typical 4 meters for underground
the AP [32], [107]. Additionally, the predicted loss is less installations, and 4-6 meters for open-air installation [19], [20],
accurate if the environment where the model is applied differs [27], [63], [109]. Often the antenna height is chosen to be
from that against which the model was developed. reasonably above the level of the train roof, e.g. between 0.5
Tunnels with limited curves and objects demonstrate fa- and 1 meter, to ensure that radio waves are not shielded by
vorable propagation environments, and act as giant waveg- the train. Ray-tracing models can be employed to determine
uides. A waveguide is a device, usually a hollow metal tube, the desired height.
which transports radio waves from one point to another with 2) Onboard antenna: Antennas are generally installed at
minimum propagation loss, a phenomenon known as "the a sufficient height on the train roof so that the line-of-sight
waveguide effect" [61], [62], [97], [106], [107]. (LOS) path to the AP does not get obstructed by other trains.
In CBTC, APs are mostly installed either on tunnel walls or Generally directional antennas are preferred onboard, for the
very close to them. However, studies show that this presents reason discussed above. However, using directional antennas
the worst propagation conditions, mainly due to the reflections on both AP and train might make roaming harder, as it means
from the walls, and that the optimal position of the APs is in that their coverage areas have to be aligned perfectly to be able
the middle of the tunnel instead [107]. to see each other. For this reason, some CBTC systems use a
combination of directional and omni-directional antennas, e.g.
B. Antenna configuration directional antennas on trains and omni-directional antennas
An omni-directional antenna provides equal coverage in on APs, or vice-versa [30], [96].
all directions, resulting in a wider coverage area, though the
covered distance is short. In contrast, a directional (or uni- C. System availability
directional) antenna provides coverage in a specific direction,
resulting in a larger distance but a narrow coverage area. Since it is about railway operations and the safety of
The type of antenna used varies across CBTC solutions. passengers, system availability is highly critical. It is no
1) Trackside antenna: In general, directional antennas pro- surprise that CBTC suppliers boast of 99.999% (6.05 seconds
vide better coverage in the line-of-sight (LOS) environments of downtime per week) or better system availability of their
and omni-directional antennas perform better in the non-line- solutions, particularly of the radio communication systems
of-sight (NLOS) environments, for example in tunnels with [64], [110], [111].
curves [107]. 1) Redundancy: In CBTC, redundancy is the key to high
The use of omni-directional antennas on linear environments availability. The general rule is that at any given location on
such as a trackside network provides a more "wide" coverage. the track, minimum two APs shall be available to connect
Due to their short range, the train should only "see" one AP to. A train is typically equipped with two TUs (Train Unit),
ahead of it, if the APs are appropriately spaced. This means one at each end, to provide sufficient redundancy. Each TU is
faster and less complex roaming as the "AP selection" part of typically equipped with one radio, though solutions with two
the algorithm can be avoided [50]. The obvious disadvantages radios are also seen. Each radio is then equipped with one or
are a large number of APs required to cover a given area, and two antennas.
higher susceptibility to interference from nearby users, e.g. As discussed in detail subsequently, redundancy is realized
Wi-Fi hotspots at train stations. by the following various means:
Often two directional antennas are used instead, facing • Two TUs per train
in opposite directions, as discussed subsequently in Section • Two radios per TU

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(a) AP 1 AP 2 AP 3 AP 4

Train 2 Train 1

AP 1 AP 2 AP 3 AP 4

Train 2 Train 1

AP 1 AP 2

Train 2 Train 1

AP 1 AP 2

Train 2 Train 1

AP 1 AP 2

Train 2 Train 1

Fig. 8. Configurations with no or only onboard redundancy

• Two antennas per radio (or backbone networks) completely independent of each other,
• Two or more frequencies they are deployed with independent power supplies.
• Redundant AP coverage areas The following discussion presents an overview of some of
• Redundant APs per location the typical configurations employed in CBTC. In Fig. 8 and
• Redundant AP/trackside backbone networks Fig. 9, presented for this purpose, the green and red colors
Redundancy is additionally ensured by diversity. Having of the AP coverage areas represent two different frequencies.
two antennas per radio, separated by a certain distance, Furthermore, the onboard antennas do not represent a spe-
provides spatial diversity, as two independent signals can be cific antenna type, i.e. directional or omni-directional, unless
received at a given time, of which the stronger signal can be specifically stated.
used. Antenna diversity helps overcome multipath fading [50], Fig. 8 (a) shows a configuration with no onboard redun-
[97]. Additional spatial diversity is automatically provided by dancy. In this configuration, there is only one TU on the
having two TUs per train, separated by the length of the train train, with one (directional or omni-directional) antenna. The
[47]. Employing two or more frequencies, as presented later trackside AP also has one radio with one directional antenna.
in this section, is itself a form of diversity—called frequency Radio frequencies have been used in an alternating fashion.
diversity—as it decreases the probability that all signals in For example, an inter-AP distance of 300 meters implies that
a particular area are corrupted in the same way. Likewise, the distance between the two consecutive APs operating on
a typical practice in CBTC of repeating the transmission of the same frequency is 600 meters, which helps in minimizing
the same information, e.g. over different radios/antennas, is the interference.
a form of temporal diversity [50], [97]. Yet another form of Note that on APs, the use of directional antennas only in one
redundancy is the power redundancy. When using the multi- direction as in Fig. 8 (a) might lead to the famous "hidden node
ring topology discussed in Section II-D2, to make the AP rings problem", where two nodes are in the range of a common node

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but not in each other’s range. This makes the "carrier sensing" redundancy in the form of overlapping coverage areas, addi-
protocol CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision tional redundancy is provided by deploying two separate AP
Avoidance) used to avoid collisions in IEEE 802.11 MAC backbone networks, and placing APs in the two networks in
ineffective, as the two nodes cannot hear each other. As alternating fashion [41], [80]. The failure of one network thus
discussed above in Section VI-A1, it is not uncommon that the does not affect the other. Note that this very much resembles
actual AP signal range is much larger than the "guaranteed" the multi-ring topology discussed in Section II-D2.
range. Let’s suppose that in Fig. 8 (a), AP 3’s signal can be The configuration in Fig. 9 (b) adds two additional levels of
heard by a train currently in AP 1’s coverage area. AP 1 and redundancy: (1) improved coverage redundancy, as there is a
AP 3 cannot hear each other, because (1) AP 1’s antenna greater overlap between the coverage areas of the neighboring
is pointed in the opposite direction, and (2) it has a very APs, and, (2) AP redundancy, as there are two APs at each
low front-to-back ratio. This may lead to a situation where location. Even a complete failure of one of the backbone net-
AP 1 starts transmitting, while AP 3 is already transmitting, works won’t affect the coverage. Nonetheless, this additional
resulting in a collision. This problem is solved in configuration level of redundancy comes at the expense of an increased—
Fig. 8 (c) where AP 1 has an additional antenna in the opposite twice as many—number of APs.
direction, allowing it to hear AP 3’s transmission, and thus If the two TUs are configured to connect to APs in different
suspend its transmission. backbone networks, as shown in Fig. 9 (b), the result is less
Fig. 8 (b-e) presents configurations with onboard redun- frequent handovers, as handover is required only when both
dancy. Onboard redundancy is provided by having two inde- TUs lose connections. Note that when two APs are placed
pendent TUs on the train, such that these TUs are connected next to each other in this fashion, their antennas can point to
to two different onboard networks, as seen earlier in Fig. 2. the same direction, as in Fig. 9 (b), or in opposite directions,
The specific configuration varies across solutions. In most outward or inward, as in Fig. 9 (c) and Fig. 9 (d) [41], [80].
configurations, both TUs are connected to APs all the time, As discussed before, normally directional antennas are
where the second TU is either used to transmit simultaneously, believed to be highly directional, with no coverage at their
as a fallback, or to connect to the next AP in advance. In backsides. The objective behind installing antennas pointing
certain solutions, TUs are purposely configured with different inward seen in some configurations [80], as in Fig. 9 (c), is to
SSIDs so that they do not connect to the same AP. avoid this blind spot. However, as discussed in Section V-B,
A typical configuration, presented in Fig. 8 (b), is to equip directional antennas are not that directional in real life. Thus,
each AP with one radio and one omni-directional antenna. instead, the coverage behind antenna looks more like as shown
In contrast, the configuration shown in Fig. 8 (c) uses two in Fig. 9 (d).
directional antennas pointing in each direction, which extends Fig. 9 (e) shows a configuration with a complete coverage
the radio coverage. Compared to Fig. 8 (b), there are half as redundancy. A close examination of the figure shows that
many APs in this configuration to provide the same coverage there is a near 100% overlap of the coverage areas of the
area. The antenna configuration in Fig. 8 (c) closely resembles neighboring APs—half of the coverage areas of AP 1-1 and
that of the Copenhagen S-train CBTC system, which, with a AP 1-2 (green) are completely hidden by the coverage area
radio coverage area of approximately 600 meters at each side, of AP 2-1 (red). Note that this is fundamentally the same
allows a distance of approximately 1200 meters between the configuration presented earlier in Fig. 8 (c), except that the
two consecutive APs operating on the same frequency. inter-AP distance has been reduced greatly to enable this near
Fig. 8 (d) shows a configuration in which each AP is complete overlap. The Copenhagen S-train CBTC system uses
equipped with two radios, enabling it to operate on two a similar coverage area overlap.
frequencies/SSIDs simultaneously. If TUs are configured with Finally, Fig. 9 (f) presents the same configuration as in
different SSIDs, this configuration is more suitable compared Fig. 9 (b), except that it enables additional onboard redundancy
to the one in Fig. 8 (c), in which the coverage area of a by using two radios/antennas per TU instead of one, allowing
single AP might be large enough to cover the whole train, thus four simultaneous connections at a time.
making it less likely for the two TUs to connect to different A study carried out in [80] compares the availability of the
APs. configuration with no onboard redundancy, presented in Fig. 8
The hidden node problem discussed above appears here (a), to that of two configurations with onboard redundancy. The
again. Since an AP’s radios/antennas are on two different first configuration with onboard redundancy is similar to the
frequencies, AP 1 is still not able to hear what AP 2 transmits configuration in Fig. 9 (b). There are two APs at each location
on the "green" frequency. Fig. 8 (e) shows an alternative and the train is in the coverage of one such pair of APs at any
configuration that solves this problem by employing frequen- time.
cies in the "ABBA" fashion, rather than the normal "ABAB" The second configuration with redundancy is similar to the
fashion. The placement of the same frequency antennas face- configuration in Fig. 8 (b). There is only one AP at each
to-face improves the effectiveness of the CSMA/CA protocol. location, but the inter-AP distance is halved to make sure that
Additionally, the increased distance between the new potential each TU is in the coverage of two APs. A TU connects to
hidden nodes, e.g. AP 1 and AP 3 (not visible in the figure), the AP offering the better signal quality, and switches to the
minimizes the probability of AP 3’s signals reaching AP 1. other AP in the event of failure. As a train is always in the
Fig. 9 presents configurations with additional wayside re- coverage of four APs, the communication will be interrupted
dundancy. As shown in Fig. 9 (a), besides the basic wayside only if all four connections fail.

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(a) AP backbone 2

AP 2-1 AP 1-1 AP 2-2 AP 1-2 AP backbone 1

Train 2 Train 1

(b) AP backbone 2

AP 2-1 AP 1-1 AP 2-2 AP 1-2 AP 2-3 AP 1-3 AP 2-4 AP 1-4 AP backbone 1

Train 2 Train 1

(c) AP backbone 2

AP 2-1 AP 1-1 AP 2-2 AP 1-2 AP backbone 1

Train 2 Train 1

(d) AP backbone 2

AP 2-1 AP 1-1 AP 2-2 AP 1-2 AP backbone 1

Train 2 Train 1

(e) AP backbone 2

AP 1-1 AP 2-1 AP 1-2 AP backbone 1

Train 2 Train 1

(f) AP backbone 2

AP 2-1 AP 1-1 AP 2-2 AP 1-2 AP 2-3 AP 1-3 AP 2-4 AP 1-4 AP backbone 1

Train 2 Train 1

Fig. 9. Configurations with both onboard and wayside redundancy

The study shows that the unavailability of the configuration handovers. Likewise, the work in [33] uses Coordinated Multi-
with no onboard redundancy is more than 2% with a train point (CoMP) transmission and reception, a recent technology
speed of 120 km/h. Compared to that, both configurations with targeted towards improving performance in modern cellular
onboard redundancy decrease the unavailability to below 10-4 . networks. With CoMP, a train can communicate to a cluster
Furthermore, since the second configuration with onboard of base stations (BS) simultaneously, rather than to only one
redundancy makes two additional AP connections available AP as in conventional CBTC systems. The coordination of
at any given time, it offers better availability than the first, multiple BSs improves handover latency and enables spatial
despite experiencing more frequent handovers. diversity by combining multiple received signals.

In [112], authors present a mechanism that improves 2) Diagnostics: A highly important feature most CBTC
availability by enabling train-to-train communication. Hereby, systems provide is diagnostics. In the event of a failure of
trains act as relays for other trains, by forwarding train a wayside or onboard equipment, identifying the failed equip-
control information to the neighboring trains. Not only does ment can be a cumbersome task. This is especially true for the
it mitigate communication failures, e.g. if an AP breaks hundreds of APs deployed on the trackside, or equipment on
down, it also minimizes the communication delays caused by a train en route. Remote diagnostic, data logging, and timely

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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PHY Standard aSIFSTime aSlotTime aPHY-RX-START-Delay

FHSS 802.11 28 µs 50 µs 128 µs
DSSS 802.11 10 µs 20 µs 192 µs
High Rate HR-DSSS 802.11b 10 µs 20 µs 192 µs (long), 96 µs (short)
OFDM (20 MHz) 802.11a 16 µs 9 µs 25 µs
OFDM (10 MHz) 802.11a 32 µs 13 µs 49 µs
OFDM (5 MHz) 802.11a 64 µs 21 µs 97 µs
Extended Rate ERP-OFDM 802.11g 10 µs 20 µs (long), 9 µs (short) 24 µs
Extended Rate ERP-DSSS/CCK 802.11g 10 µs 20 µs (long), 9 µs (short) 192 µs (long), 96 µs (short)

failure alerts are therefore inevitable features that are required time parameter must be adjusted accordingly [94]. This was
by the IEEE CBTC standard as well, and are provided by not supported until the introduction of the "Coverage Class"
nearly all CBTC systems [113]–[118]. parameter in the recent revisions of the standard [13], [94].
Given the number of radio hardware involved, the prob- Short Interframe Space (SIFS) is the shortest of the IEEE
ability of hardware and/or radio link failure is particularly 802.11 MAC waiting times. It is used to separate transmissions
high. For this reason, a radio communication system typically once a node has acquired the medium, e.g. an ACK packet in
provides periodic self-testing of radio hardware. This often response of a data packet. This prevents other nodes, who
includes testing of the radio propagation conditions as well, must wait the longer DIFS time, from acquiring the medium
e.g. for excessive radio interference [61], [115]. meanwhile.
Of the above parameters, ACK timeout is of particular im-
VII. R ELEVANT IEEE 802.11 PARAMETERS portance, especially when the value of air propagation time has
This section presents some of the IEEE 802.11 MAC not been adjusted according to the distance. SIFS is consumed
parameters that can be used to improve the IEEE 802.11 at the receiver before sending the ACK packet and aPHY-
performance in CBTC systems. RX-START-Delay is the time required for the PHY layer to
communicate the packet reception to the MAC layer [13].
Thus, it only leaves a slot time for the roundtrip, restricting
A. Slot time and ACK timeout
the maximum distance between the sender and the receiver to
In the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, the values of the 150 meters [94].
following three parameters depend on the distance between The IEEE 802.11 standard does not define a value for ACK
the sender and the receiver. timeout and its value varies between manufacturers. Therefore,
1. Distributed Interframe Space (DIFS): The minimum time in CBTC scenarios, where AP range of more than 300 meters
a node has to sense the channel idle before transmitting, to is anticipated, its value must be set appropriately. If the value
avoid collision with a transmission from another node. DIFS is set to too small, the sender starts retransmitting before an
is defined as following: ACK could possibly have been received, or may as well collide
with the ACK on its way. If it is set to too large, the sender
waits unnecessarily long before retransmitting. Both situations
DI F S = SI FS + 2 ∗ slot time
may result in low throughput as well as large delays. As a rule
2. ACK timeout: After transmitting a packet, the sender of thumb, for every 300 meter increase in distance above 300
waits for an acknowledgement packet (ACK). If not received meters, 2 µs must be added to the ACK timeout [27], [94],
within the ACK timeout interval, the packet is considered lost, [95].
and sender retransmits the packet. ACK timeout is defined as Modern Wi-Fi drivers, such as MadWiFi for Linux, provide
following [13], [94], [119]: a means to automatically calculate the slot time and ACK
timeout parameters according to the desired distance [94],
ACK timeout = SI FS + slot time
The values for SIFS, slot time and aPHY-RX-START-Delay
+ aPHY -RX-ST ART-Delay for different IEEE 802.11 standards are listed in Table IV [13].
As seen, the value of the above two parameters is based on
slot time, defined as following:
B. Retransmissions
3. Slot time: The value of slot time depends on air propa-
gation time, which the standard defines to be 1 µs—the time Given the highly dynamic environment of rail transport, the
it takes for radio waves to propagate 300 meters at the speed probability of transmission errors is high, leading to retrans-
of light. mission of packets. The IEEE 802.11 retry limit parameter (i.e.
Thus, if the distance between the sender and the receiver limit on the number of retransmissions) can play an important
is greater than 300 meters, the value of the air propagation role. Setting its value to too large results in large delays.

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Description IEC CENELEC

System principles and fundamental concepts 62290-1
Urban guided transport management and
command/control systems Functional requirements specification 62290-2
System requirements specifications 62290-3
Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety-related communication in transmission 50129, 50159
Specification and demonstration of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) 62278 50126
Communication, signalling and processing systems - Software for railway control and protection systems 62279 50128

Conversely, a value too small results in a high packet loss D. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as transport protocol
As with other real-time applications, when designing a radio
Packet loss has critical impact on system performance as it
communication system for CBTC, UDP is preferred over
essentially means train control information cannot be sent to
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as the transport layer
the train in time. Similarly, packet delay must be smaller than
protocol [29]. Since CBTC control messages are sent at short
the CBTC message interval to make sure that the train control
intervals, lost, delayed or erroneous packets are generally not
information received is real-time [27].
critical. The overhead caused by TCP’s handshake and error
Additionally, a too large retry limit negatively affects the checking and correction functions can thus be avoided.
handover latency, as the train may keep associating to the
original AP even if its signal quality has fallen below the
roaming threshold [20]. VIII. S TANDARDIZATION
The study in [27] shows that the packet loss rate drops
The IEEE 1474.1 standard [15], [16], originally published
dramatically with an increasing number of retransmissions, to
in 1999, defines performance and functional requirements for
as low as 10-8 with 6 retransmissions. Furthermore, packet
CBTC. An additional standard 1474.3 [122], published in
delay peaks up to 90 milliseconds, which, though, is still
2008, defines recommended practice for CBTC system design
within the limits of the normal CBTC message interval, as
and functional allocations. However, unlike European Union’s
discussed in Section II-C.
standard for mainline railway operations, ERTMS, the IEEE
On the other hand, since CBTC control messages are
CBTC standard serves as mere guidelines, and is not strictly
sent at regular, short intervals, and typically simultaneously
followed by the suppliers. As a result, nearly all existing
on multiple radios/antennas, retransmissions might not be
CBTC installations are incompatible, proprietary systems [10].
required. In fact, given the real-time nature of the rail transport,
As an example, of all the CBTC supplier advertisement
retransmissions may even result in larger end-to-end delay and
material consulted for this study [42], [43], [52], [110], [113]–
outdated information. One approach, therefore, is to disable
[116], [118], [123]–[132], only Ansaldo STS’s [116] claims to
retransmissions, and thus ACKs as well.
be compliant to the standard.
Additionally, International Electrotechnical Commission
C. Packet size (IEC), and its counterpart in Europe, European Committee for
The contention-based medium access of the IEEE 802.11 Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), are responsible
MAC protocol means small size packets are recommended. for the development of standards for the rail industry [133].
Large packets lead to more collisions, resulting in larger end- These standards address both general, safety related, and
to-end delays. It is recommended that the packet size not software related requirements [5], [134]–[141]. Table V lists
be larger than 1500 bytes in order to satisfy the latency the relevant standards, with equivalent standards listed next to
requirements of CBTC. The IEEE CBTC standard specifies a each other [142], [143].
nominal delay of 500 milliseconds to 2 seconds, as a guideline In the US, American Railway Engineering and
[15]. Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) is responsible
1) Coherence time: The frame error rate (FER) in IEEE for the development of a manual for recommended
802.11 increases with the increasing train speed, as a result of practices in railway. Sections 21-23 of this manual address
the Doppler shift. This leads to a decrease in the coherence communication-based signalling [144].
time of the channel, which is inversely proportional to the European Union’s research project MODURBAN [145] has
Doppler shift [20], [27], [97]. Coherence time is the duration similar objectives to develop core system architecture and key
over which the channel can be assumed constant. Thus, frame interfaces for urban guided rail systems.
duration shall ideally be shorter than the coherence time. The
results show that the coherence time decreases rapidly with
A. IEEE CBTC standard
the increasing train speed, and barely fits the frame duration
at the speed of 120 km/h. This results in a channel response This section outlines a few key and relevant requirements
that fluctuates widely in the duration of the frame [121]. from the IEEE CBTC standard 1474.1.

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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Category Parameter Typical value

Performance limitations Maximum number of trains that can be handled by a Zone Controller 10 to 40 trains
Resolution ± 0.25 m to ± 6.25 m
Location Onboard train location measurement
Accuracy ± 5 m to ± 10 m
Resolution of wayside calculated movement authority limits ± 0.25 m to ± 6.25 m
Resolution ± 0.5 km/h to ± 2 km/h
Speed Onboard speed measurement
Accuracy ± 3 km/h
Resolution of wayside calculated speed limits ± 0.5 km/h to ± 5 km/h
Communication delay Delay in train control messages, in both directions 0.5 s to 2 s
Wayside 0.07 s to 1 s
Equipment reaction time
Onboard 0.07 s to 0.75 s

1) Definition: The IEEE standard defines a CBTC system The following functional requirements are specified. The
as a continuous, automatic train control system with the communication link shall be able to:
following primary characteristics: • Support all required ATP, ATO, and ATS functions
• High-resolution train location determination, independent • Provide continuous coverage, including in tunnels, cuts,
of track circuits elevated structures, and slopes
• Continuous, high capacity, bi-directional train-to-wayside • Support bi-directional data transfer with sufficiently low
data communications latency
• Train-borne and wayside equipment capable of imple- • Support safe, timely, and secure delivery of train control
menting ATP functions, as well as optional ATO and ATS messages
2) Performance and functional requirements: The standard IX. CBTC PROJECTS AND SOLUTIONS
states that in the event of equipment or data communication Currently over 150 radio-based CBTC projects exist world-
failure, trains shall continue to move safely, in degraded mode, wide, including both operational and ongoing projects. Fig. 10
e.g. at reduced speeds, with the help of a supplementary shows a breakdown of these projects according to the regions
wayside system (i.e. for train detection). and suppliers [9], [42], [110], [146]–[150].
Additionally, the standard specifies a number of parameters Table VII lists the names of the major CBTC solutions
to achieve high level of performance, along with their typical as well as their individual components, including the radio
values. Table VI lists some of the most relevant parameters. communication systems and the frequency bands used [21],
Equipment reaction times include the time required to [42], [43], [52], [61], [110], [113]–[116], [118], [123]–[132],
calculate new movement authority limit at the wayside after [151].
receiving a location update from the train, and the time to GE Transportation and Hitachi are two comparatively young
determine a new ATP profile on the train after receiving a players in the CBTC market. GE Transportation has recently
new movement authority limit. become a part of Alstom [152]. On the other hand, Hitachi
The standard states that the CBTC equipment shall have a now partly owns Ansaldo STS [153].
design life of 30 years. Additionally, a CBTC system shall
enable, among others, the following to provide for ease of X. F UTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
maintenance. Following are some of the challenges/improvements antici-
• Maintenance and diagnostic capabilities, including remote pated in the future.
diagnostic capabilities
• Built-in test capabilities
A. Need for more stringent standardization
• Timely identification of failed components and functions
• Data logging, enabling recreation of the events leading to As discussed above, the existing CBTC standards are not
an error strictly followed by the suppliers—one reason why different
• Periodic verification of ATP hardware/software/data CBTC solutions are highly incompatible. There is a need to
put efforts to define a common standard, along the lines of
The standard specifies parameters for developing a safe
ERTMS, the European Union’s initiative to create a single train
braking model, and provides with an example of a typical
control system standard to enable cross-border interoperability.
model as well. The safe braking model must take into account
any location inaccuracies, e.g. due to interruptions in the radio
communication. B. A common standard for mass-transit and mainline
3) Radio communication requirements: The standard states CBTC and ERTMS are the two most well-known
that the quality of the radio communication link between the communication-based railway signalling systems that exist
train and the wayside shall be verified periodically. today. However, the two systems are widely incompatible

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CBTC projects worldwide

1% 6
11% 18
1 11% 50
Asia 1% Thales
27 31%
North America 78 26
17% Alstom
50% 16%
Europe Siemens
South America 32 28 31 Bombardier
Africa 20% 18% 20% Ansaldo STS
Australia Others

Fig. 10. CBTC projects worldwide


Supplier CBTC solution Interlocking ATS etc. RCS Frequency band

Siemens Trainguard MT Trackguard Sicas Controlguide/Vicos OC Airlink 2.4, 5.8 and 5.9 GHz
Bombardier CITYFLO 450, EBI Lock EBI Screen – 2.4 GHz
Alstom Urbalis 400, Urbalis SMARTLOCK ICONIS – 2.4 and 5.8 GHz
Thales SelTrac – NetTrac MT Central ComTrac 2.4 GHz
Invensys (now Siemens) Sirius – – – 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz
GE (now Alstom) Tempo Tempo IXL Tempo ATS – –
Hitachi – – – – 2.4 GHz
Ansaldo STS – – – – –

when it comes to their wayside infrastructure as well as radio GSM-R, LTE, satellite, etc.
communication technologies. Such a common standard is the focus of the recent initiatives
Mass-transit is characterized by short distances and line such as Next Generation Train Control (NGTC) [156] and
capacity, and thus CBTC makes a suitable choice [10]–[12]. shift2rail [157] by the European Commission and the Euro-
In contrast, mainline is characterized by long distances, high pean Rail Industry (UNIFE).
speeds and complex networks, and thus use ERTMS as the
signalling standard [10], [57], [154], [155]. C. Alternative radio communication technologies
As discussed before, the use of Wi-Fi as the radio tech- 1) LTE: LTE has recently been in focus as an alternative
nology incurs significant installation and maintenance costs technology for ERTMS as well as CBTC [24], [104], [158]–
as it requires a large number of APs to be installed. This, [162]. The high capacity and large coverage it offers, as well as
combined with its limited range, susceptibility to interference, its potentially long life span, makes it a worthwhile alternative
and handover issues at high speeds, makes it unsuitable for to Wi-Fi for CBTC as well. Alstom, Siemens and Ansaldo
mainline. Mainline railway operations thus make use of wide STS, in collaboration with Huawei and ZTE, respectively, have
area network technologies, e.g. GSM-R for ERTMS. already taken initiatives to adapt LTE for CBTC [163]–[166].
To ensure interoperability between the CBTC and ERTMS LTE’s high capacity ensures it can support additional features
networks, a new trend is to use hybrid train equipment, e.g. such as voice communication, passenger Internet, live CCTV
the London Crossrail project, which will have trains equipped video streaming, and Passenger Information Systems.
with both CBTC and ERTMS equipment [10], [11]. However, The vehicular communication (V2X) feature in LTE Release
given that the on-board and wayside infrastructure for the two 12 and the upcoming releases 13 and 14 has gained a lot
systems is widely different, such a convergence incurs costs. of attention from the railway industry. In addition to the
For railway operators, managing two incompatible sig- already available vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communica-
nalling systems is inefficient in terms of cost, scalability and tion, the introduction of the device-to-device (D2D) feature
interoperability [10]–[12]. This creates a need to identify the in the upcoming releases will enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
similarities and differences of the two systems and define communication. In a CBTC scenario, it can be used to enable
a common standard. A common system will enable trains direct communication between trains, without the overhead
with compatible on-board and wayside infrastructure to travel involved in the train-to-wayside communication. This might
seamlessly between the two networks, using heterogeneous play an important role in reducing the end-to-end delay,
radio technologies based on their availability, e.g. Wi-Fi, thereby resulting in even shorter headways [167], [168].

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at

2) 802.11p: The IEEE 802.11p [169] standard, also known GSM. Lower frequency implies longer ranges and lower power
as Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE), like consumption. Low frequency radio waves are less affected
LTE, is also targeted towards vehicular communication, both by the various propagation phenomena, and penetrate well
V2V and V2I. Typical IEEE 802.11p applications include through walls and other obstacles. IEEE 802.11ah supports
safety-related traffic updates, route guidance, parking assis- data rates ranging from 150 kbps to 347 Mbps, and introduces
tance etc. [170]. enhancements to enable an AP support a very large number
In USA, IEEE 802.11p has been allocated the 75 MHz of simultaneous nodes [174], [175]. For CBTC, it means a
Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) spectrum trackside network with a significantly fewer number of APs,
in the 5.9 GHz (5.850-5.925 GHz) Intelligent Transportation and compact and low power radio equipment. Furthermore, a
Systems (ITS) band. The band is divided into 1 control channel newly introduced coding scheme makes it more robust against
and 6 service channels. Similarly, in Europe, it has been Doppler shift, a well-known problem for moving nodes [174].
allocated a 20 MHz spectrum [170]. The limited number of 4) 60 GHz and IEEE 802.11ad: Radio technology op-
control channels reduces the time required to search for an erating in the extremely high, millimeter-wave (mm-Wave)
AP, thereby making the process of connection establishment frequency range of 60 GHz presents great potential. The 60
faster [83]. GHz frequency band is significantly less crowded compared
The DSRC band is a free but licensed band, in that it can to the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, and enables extremely high data
be used free of cost provided a license has been acquired. rates [176]. This technology gained further momentum with
It is more restrictive in terms of the usage and the radio the release of the IEEE 802.11ad standard that operates in
technologies, and thus automatically reduces most of the inter- the 60 GHz ISM band, and provides data rates of up to 7
ference problems inherent in the ISM band [171]. Table VIII Gbps [177]. However, the range offered at these frequencies
summarizes the data rates as well as communication ranges is short—a few tens of meters—as the high frequency waves
supported [170]. are greatly attenuated by the various propagation phenomena
discussed above. Nonetheless, larger ranges can be achieved by
TABLE VIII using high transmission power and high gain antennas [176],
IEEE 802.11 P DATA RATES AND RANGE [177]. Manufacturers, such as IgniteNet [178], are already
introducing equipment capable of providing ranges of up to
Features Europe USA
1.5 kilometers. Furthermore, due to the short wavelength of
Radio spectrum 20 MHz 75 MHz the radio waves at these frequencies, they are attenuated by
Data rate 250 Kbps 3-27 Mbps the oxygen molecules in the atmosphere, a phenomenon called
Communication range 15-20 m 1000 m "oxygen absorption". To compensate for it, these systems use
Radio frequency 5.8 GHz 5.9 GHz highly directional antennas with narrow beamwidths. This
presents an advantage as it makes the technology less vulnera-
IEEE 802.11p allows all nodes to be on the same channel ble to interference from neighboring users [176]. Whereas the
and configured with the same SSID by default. The "WAVE 2.4 and 5 GHz bands offer limited opportunities in future due
mode" feature allows nodes to communicate to each other to interference from non-CBTC users, 60 GHz might serve as
immediately by using the so-called "wildcard SSID", without a promising alternative.
having to first associate to an AP. Furthermore, an AP uses a
special type of beacon to advertise itself. A node can connect
to the AP simply by receiving this beacon advertisement. This D. Ad-hoc based trackside network
reduces the overhead associated to a normal IEEE 802.11 Ad-hoc IEEE 802.11-based networks are generally consid-
handover [171]. ered inefficient. Since nodes must forward packets for other
A study in [172] evaluates the performance of IEEE nodes, the capacity of such networks degrades severely as the
802.11p, using a linear, highway like scenario. The results size of the network grows. The movements of nodes further
show that the control channel traffic can successfully be re- degrades capacity as a result of an increased number of routing
ceived even at a distance of 2.5 km, and the delay experienced messages [179], [180].
by the control traffic is under 100 milliseconds as long as the An ad-hoc network, formed as a chain (or string) of nodes,
traffic load is under 1000 packets per second. where each node forwards packets to its neighboring node,
There has been very limited research about the use of IEEE might present a suitable candidate for a CBTC trackside
802.11p in the context of CBTC. The study in [173] concludes network. However, studies show that such a network only
that IEEE 802.11p is more suitable for CBTC than IEEE offers a fraction of the capacity achieved by a single-hop
802.11a, comparing the end-to-end delay and throughput. The network [179], [180]. This is due to contention in IEEE
study in [82], discussed above, focuses on handover. 802.11-based networks where nodes sending more often starve
3) IEEE 802.11ah: A promising new technology is the the rest of the nodes. Additionally, a node in such a chain
upcoming IEEE standard 802.11ah, also known by its mar- doesn’t only have to contend with its two immediate neighbors
keting name Wi-Fi HaLow. IEEE 802.11ah is supposed to but at least 3 or 4 neighbors [181].
operate in the license-free Sub-1-GHz, 900 MHz ISM band, Studies show that the capacity of such networks drops to
as shown in Table I. Note that it is the same frequency one-half with each hop, and to 1/7 as the number of nodes
range as used by the cellular networks today, particularly increases beyond 10 [180], [181].

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at

Most of these problems, however, are mainly relevant in installation and maintenance, and its cost-effectiveness as a
networks where nodes are transmitting on the same frequency. result of readily available COTS radio equipment and license-
In [182], it is demonstrated that an IEEE 802.11-based ad- free operation. On the other hand, the susceptibility to interfer-
hoc network of forwarding nodes could serve as a promising ence, lack of support for mobility, and short signal range are
alternative for CBTC scenarios. It proposes a three-frequency some of its disadvantages. An overview of the fundamental
design, where a node forwards packets not only to its imme- components of a CBTC system, both onboard and wayside,
diate neighbor but also to the next neighbor in the chain, to as well as the three types of networks involved, has been
improve capacity and resiliency. presented. A comparison of the Wi-Fi based radio equipment
An advanced version of the ad-hoc based network is a to the early COTS and custom-built equipment proved the
Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). WMNs employ a multi- former to be of orders of magnitude cheaper. An in-depth
radio, multi-frequency design, and, despite their merits, have overview of the CBTC radio network configuration showed
not been considered for CBTC, except in [30] and [96]. that although a typical inter-AP distance in CBTC is only
WMNs are dynamically self-organized, self-configured and 200-300 meters because of the short range of Wi-Fi signals,
self-healing networks, with the nodes in the network auto- significantly longer range of up to various kilometers could
matically forming an ad-hoc network, using multi-hop com- be achieved by adjusting various parameters. An evaluation
munication, to forward traffic to and from a wired network. of the alternative designs and topologies for the train-to-
A notable feature of these networks is their hierarchical trackside radio network showed that redundancy is the key to
architecture, where dedicated nodes, called "wireless routers", providing high availability in CBTC, and the availability can
provide wireless connection from a user node to either other be increased dramatically by ensuring redundancy at multiple
user nodes or APs [183], [184]. levels. Roaming in a CBTC environment is an inevitable
In conventional ad-hoc networks, mobility, particularly han- reality due to the short range of Wi-Fi networks and the high
dover, has been a challenge. As a result of the multi-hop route speeds of trains. Thus, a smooth handover from one Wi-Fi AP
discovery, the handover latency increases dramatically with to another is a critical requirement. The IEEE 802.11 standard
the increasing number of hops [185]. However, the challenge was primarily developed for stationary users within a limited
might not be as prominent in CBTC because of the fixed nature area, and therefore inherently does not support mobility. A
of the CBTC wayside networks, where normally the train is review of the roaming algorithm design for CBTC showed
the only mobile node. that a complex and intelligent roaming algorithm is thus a
IEEE 802.11s [186] is an extension to the IEEE 802.11 critical component of a CBTC radio communication system.
standard to support mesh networks. A wide range of vendors A summary of different standardization efforts for CBTC has
are currently offering competitive wireless mesh solutions. been included. With the intention to bring more attention to
One example, targeted towards CBTC, is Fluidmesh [187], the IEEE CBTC standard, a brief summary of the standard has
a Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) based product been presented, including the guideline parameter values for
that claims to support 100 Mbps in metro tunnels. Addition- optimal performance. The discussion on the future research
ally, a reference implementation of IEEE 802.11s is available directions has highlighted a number of promising alternatives
in the Linux kernel starting from version 2.6.26 [188]. for the CBTC radio technology as well as the architecture of
the CBTC radio network.
Radio communication plays a key role in the modern
communication-based signalling systems as it connects train to The authors would like to thank Lars Bro, Kasper Tipsmark
wayside to transfer high resolution and real-time train control Therkildsen, Kennet Reinhard Iversen, Hans-Henrik Munch,
information. With the help of this information, CBTC offers Claus Winskov Jørgensen, Jens Elmo Andersen, Rasmus Thys-
a number of major benefits over a conventional signalling trup Karstensen, and Aleksander Sniady for their valuable
system, namely, shorter headways resulting in greater capac- feedback on the previous versions of this paper. Special thanks
ity, fewer trackside equipment, greater punctuality, improved to Lars Bro for providing details on the antenna front-to-
safety, and support for automated train operations. In this back ratio, the radio coverage study of the Copenhagen S-
paper, we have aimed to present a comprehensive tutorial train CBTC system, and the hidden node problem in a CBTC
and a survey of the state-of-the-art of radio communication scenario. Further thanks to Mikael Voss and Briand Cancelier
in CBTC. An overview of the evolution of communication for providing information on the Siemens study at Chongqing
technologies for railway signalling compared the radio-based Rail Transit Line 1 in China, and on the previous versions of
communication to the early inductive loop-based and leaky Siemens’ Airlink radio communication system, respectively.
waveguide-based communication. While these early technolo- This work was mainly supported by Siemens and partly by
gies incur high installation and maintenance costs, the greatest Innovation Fund Denmark.
challenge with the radio-based communication is interference.
A thorough examination of the benefits and drawbacks of
using a radio communication technology, in particular IEEE R EFERENCES
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Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at

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This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
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Jahanzeb Farooq received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. de-

grees in computer science from Hamdard University,
Pakistan, and Umeå University, Sweden, in 2004 and
2006, respectively. Jahanzeb has previously worked
at the French Institute for Research in Computer
Science and Automation (INRIA), France, where
he was involved in the modeling and simulation
of WiMAX networks. Since 2010, Jahanzeb has
been working for Siemens A/S, Denmark, where he
has been involved in the research and development
of Siemens’ Communications-Based Train Control
(CBTC) system. Recently, he has been involved in the implementation of
the Copenhagen S-train CBTC project. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD—
sponsored by Siemens A/S and partly by Innovation Fund Denmark—in
collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Jahanzeb’s
current research interests are related to design and performance enhancements
for radio communication systems for train control.

José Soler received his M.Sc. degree in telecom-

munication engineering from the University of
Zaragoza, Spain, in 1999 and his Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering from the Technical University
of Denmark (DTU) in 2005. He has previously held
positions with the Technological Institute of Aragon
in Spain; the Electronics and Telecommunications
Research Institute in South Korea; the Department of
Communications, Optics, and Materials at DTU; and
GoIP Aps in Denmark. He is currently an associate
professor with the Networks Technology and Service
Platforms Group of DTU Fotonik. His research interests are related to the
integration of heterogeneous telecommunication networks and the application
of telecommunication services into different domains.

Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

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