Millimeter Wave and THZ Mobile Radio Channel For Smart Rail Mobility

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On Millimeter Wave and THz Mobile Radio

Channel for Smart Rail Mobility
Ke Guan Member, IEEE, Guangkai Li Student Member, IEEE, Thomas Kürner Senior Member, IEEE, Andreas F.
Molisch Fellow, IEEE, Bile Peng, Ruisi He Member, IEEE, Bing Hui, Junhyeong Kim, and Zhangdui Zhong
Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—As a widely acknowledged efficient and green trans- For smart rail mobility, railway communications are re-
portation model, rail traffic is expected to evolve into a new era of quired to evolve from handling only the critical signaling
“smart rail mobility” where infrastructure, trains, and travelers applications, to various high data rate applications: on-board
will be interconnected to achieve optimized mobility, higher
safety, and lower costs. Thus, a seamless high-data rate wireless and wayside high definition (HD) video surveillance, on-
connectivity with up to dozens of GHz bandwidth is required. board real-time high-data rate connectivity, train operation
Such a huge bandwidth requirement motivates the exploration information, real-time train dispatching HD video, and journey
of the underutilized millimeter (mm) wave and Terahertz (THz) information. These applications can be realized in various rail
bands. In this paper, the motivations of developing millimeter- scenarios. The huge bandwidth requirements – up to dozens of
wave and THz communications for railway are clarified by first
defining the applications and scenarios required for smart rail GHz – in these scenarios form a strong motivation for develop-
mobility. Ray-tracing simulations at 100 GHz imply that to ing millimeter (mm) wave and THz communications because
form high-gain directional antenna beams, dynamic beamforming they can offer orders of magnitude greater bandwidth than
strategies and advanced handover design are critical for the current wireless allocations and enable very high dimensional
feasibility of THz communications to enable smart rail mobility. antenna arrays for further gains via beamforming [4]. In order
Index Terms—millimeter wave, radio channel, railway com-
munications, THz communications to effectively support the design, simulation, and development
of the mm wave and THz communication systems, a full
understanding of the propagation channel characteristics is
I. I NTRODUCTION essential.
Nowadays, rail transportation has become an important effi- This paper reviews the state of the art on the mm wave
cient and green transportation model, because it provides very and THz channel research in terms of propagation aspects,
high volume, is more energy efficient, has substantially lower multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) antenna arrays,
environmental impact and is less expensive to build than other and beamforming approaches. Based on this, we identify the
transport modes [1]. In order to meet its goals with respect to technical challenges, and provide recommendations for further
efficiency, safety, and convenience, rail transport is expected studies particularly for smart rail mobility. Finally, preliminary
to evolve into a new era of “smart rail mobility” where ray-tracing simulations are done at 100 GHz for a “Train-to-
infrastructure, trains, travelers and goods will be increasingly infrastructure” scenario.
interconnected [2]. In order to realize this vision, it is required The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
to realize a seamless high-data-rate wireless connectivity in rail II introduces the applications and scenarios for smart rail
traffic, which is a key factor for new generations of Intelligent mobility, and clarifies the necessity of developing mm wave
Transportation Systems (ITS) [3]. and THz transmissions. In Section III, the limits of current
technologies working at frequencies lower than 6 GHz and
This work is supported by Institute for Information & communications the feasibility of using mm wave and THz enabling smart rail
Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) mobility are discussed. In Section IV, state of the art of mm
(No. R0101-15-244, Development of 5G Mobile Communication Technolo-
gies for Hyper-connected smart services) and D151100000115004 (Beijing wave and THz channel research is reviewed; corresponding
science and Technology Commission). major challenges and solutions are highlighted. mm wave and
Copyright (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. THz channels are compared with respect to the application of
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected]. smart rail mobility in Section V. Ray-tracing simulations and
Ke Guan, Guangkai Li, Ruisi He, and Zhangdui Zhong are with the State corresponding insights are described in Section VI. Finally,
Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, conclusions are drawn in Section VII.
100044 Beijing, China (e-mail: [email protected]). Corresponding author:
Bile Peng, e-mail: [email protected].
Thomas Kürner, Bile Peng, and Ke Guan are with Institut für Nachricht- II. BANDWIDTH R EQUIREMENTS OF S MART R AIL
entechnik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 38106 Braunschweig, Ger-
many, (e-mail: {kuerner, peng, guan} M OBILITY
Andreas F. Molisch is with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA (e-mail: A. High-data rate application requirements
[email protected]). For smart rail mobility, communications of railways are
Bing Hui and Junhyeong Kim are with Communications Internet Research
Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, required to evolve to various high-data rate applications (e.g.,
Korea (e-mail: huibing,[email protected]). [5], [6]):

• On-board and wayside HD video surveillance that is Gbps, which is expected to be supported by IMT-2020
critical for safety and security concerns (e.g., cars stuck for indoor user [8]), and the station will provide a
on railway crossings, terrorist attacks, emergencies, etc). fixed/wireless communication infrastructure to support
• On-board real-time high-data rate connectivity for general commercial as well as operational applications
web browsing, video conferencing, video broadcast, etc. [11].
Similarly, wireless HD video streaming systems for in- • Infrastructure-to-infrastructure describes HD video
flight-entertainment (IFE) [7] are being developed. and other information in real-time interaction among
• Train operation information that provides critical in- multiple cameras and APs, e.g., a high-data-rate wireless
formation regarding voice and control signaling, on-route backhaul, supported by bi-directional streams with very
train performance, and train equipment status. high data rates and low latencies [11].
• Real-time train dispatching HD video between train Summing up, for the scenarios “Inside station” and
and train control centers (TCCs) required for train dis- “Infrastructure-to-infrastructure”, by using the evaluation pro-
patching and driverless systems. cedure described in [12], the bandwidth requirements are from
• Journey information that dynamically updates journey several hundred MHz to several GHz, depending on con-
information for all passengers via multimedia, e.g. HD crete conditions. For the scenarios “Intra-wagon” and “Inter-
video transmission, virtual reality (VR) and even 3D wagon”, up to 3.6 GHz and up to dozens of GHz bandwidths
hologram in the future as supplement of the journey. will be required, respectively. As the main interface between
the network on-train and the fixed network, the scenario
B. Communication scenarios, challenges, and bandwidth re- “Train-to-infrastructure” transmits an aggregated stream of
quirements the Inter/Intra-wagon scenarios. Therefore, it requires the
bandwidth of dozens of GHz to accomodate over 100 Gbps
The applications discussed in Section II-A can be realized data rates. Obviously, such high data rate and huge bandwidth
in the five communication scenarios (see Fig. 1): requirements motivate the exploration of the underutilized mm
• Train-to-infrastructure describes links between the ac- wave and THz bands. Two approaches are possible to enable
cess points (APs)/transceivers of (the wireless local net- such high-data rate transmission. The first one is aiming at sys-
work of) the train and the infrastructure. Such links need tems operating in the 60 GHz band with a few GHz spectrum
to be robust with support for very high data rates, low but requires high spectral efficiencies. The second approach
latencies, as well as close to 100% availability while adopts moderate spectral efficiencies and requires ultra-high
traveling at speeds up to 500 km/h [8]. bandwidths beyond 20 GHz that can be identified only in
• Intra-wagon describes the links providing wireless ac- the THz frequency range [13]. Systems operated at those
cess between APs in the wagon and the transceivers frequencies are referred as mm wave and THz communication
of passengers’ user equipment (UE) or sensors inside a systems.
wagon. Such links should support real-time HD videos
with low latencies. Considering using several tens of III. MM WAVE AND TH Z C OMMUNICATION ENABLING
MHz bandwidth to support compressed HD video, and S MART R AIL M OBILITY
assuming about one hundred passengers of a double-
decker wagon want to use high-speed video, a total A. Limit of current wireless access technologies in rail traffic
bandwidth of several GHz will be required for one Over the last few years, various technologies have been pre-
wagon. Besides the huge bandwidth requirement, the sented to realize broadband wireless access in rail traffic. For
multiuser interference problem is another major difficulty. non-critical applications, Fourth Generation (4G) communi-
To deal with this problem, a highly directive antenna can cations technologies, such as Long-Term Evolution Advanced
significantly reduce interference on distant users while (LTE-A) are potentially good solutions for offering Internet ac-
a massive MIMO array with zero-forcing precoding can cess on trains [14]. WiMax is being used in the UK to provide
drastically decrease interference on users that are even Internet access on some railway lines [15]. In [16], the authors
close to the target user [9]. claimed that services aimed at travelers should be based on
• Inter-wagon describes a wireless network between wag- market connectivity standards on trains (e.g., WiFi 802.11g)
ons to avoid the high expense of wiring a train for and exist in stations or other relevant access points as well.
network access or the inconvenience of rewiring when Moreover, a two-hop architecture was proposed to overcome
a train is reconfigured. It requires a high-data rate and a the dramatic penetration loss of radio signals transmitted into
low latency because the APs are arranged in every wagon and out of the high speed train carriages, where all users in
such that each AP serves as a client station for the APs the train are considered as a big virtual user, their transmitted
in the other wagons, while also serving as an AP for signals are first aggregated at a mobile relay deployed on
all the stations within its wagon [10]. Consequently, this the carriage and then delivered over the train-ground link
scenario might require even higher data rates than the between the mobile relay and the ground base stations. For
“Intra-wagon” scenario. the application of railway signaling, authors of [17] suggested
• Inside station describes the links between APs and that systems such as IEEE 802.20 (Mobile Broadband Wireless
UEs in train/metro stations. In this scenario, users re- Access) and IEEE 802.11 can be used for railway signaling
quire access to mobile broadband applications (e.g., 1 instead of the cable-based systems currently in use. Moreover,

1 Train-to-infrastructure

2 Inter-wagon
Core Network (Internet)
3 Intra-wagon

1 4 Inside station

5 Infrastructure-to-infrastructure
1 1 1

4 1 2
3 3
2 Ă

Fig. 1. Five communication scenarios of smart rail mobility

LTE for Railway (LTE-R) [18] is considered to be the broad- high performance to the user groups inside of fast-moving
band network solution for rail operators. However, all these vehicles [29].
current technologies support data rates from several Mbps up
to 100 Mbps, which are still up to three orders of magnitude IV. S TATE OF THE A RT AND C HALLENGES ON MM WAVE
lower than the desired throughput. One important reason is AND TH Z C HANNEL R ESEARCH
because the current technologies work at frequencies lower
In this section, we review the related works on channel char-
than 6 GHz, where the very limited bandwidth constrains the
acterization, antenna arrays and beamforming, and highlight
potential capacity of wireless communication systems. Thus,
corresponding challenges and possible solutions particularly
in order to obtain sufficient bandwidth, we are encouraged to
for smart rail mobility.
jump in higher frequency bands.

B. MM wave and THz communication for railways A. Wave propagation aspects

MM wave communication for railway was never a “pie in 1) Propagation phenomena: In line-of-sight (LOS) situa-
the sky”, but a long and intermittent effort going back at least tions at microwave frequencies, the decrease of power with
32 years [19]. Some preliminary experiments were carried out distance is mainly determined by “thinning out” (spreading)
in Germany using ASK modulation at 35 and 58 GHz for of the energy. In contrast, at mm waves and especially at THz
communications at 64 kb/s with trains. It was identified that frequencies, molecular absorption [30] in the atmosphere plays
the very high free space path loss and oxygen/water absorption a major role. This difference results in the following effects:
of the mm wave band must be compensated by high transmit • Frequency-selective and distance-dependent behaviors:
power levels, receiver sensitivity or antenna gain. Due to the higher impact of molecular absorption on
In the last couple of years, progress has been made to- free-space propagation property as well as the frequency
ward the development of compact mm wave and THz band dependence of effects such as diffraction and reflection
transceivers providing high transmission power, high detection coefficients, the resulting path loss at mm wave and THz
sensitivity, and low noise figures [20], [21], [22]. Moreover, greatly depends on the operating frequency. As outlined
a comprehensive link budget analysis for the THz commu- in ITU-R M.2376 [28], some preliminary experiments in
nication link is carried out in [23]. Ultra-wideband (UWB) urban micro cell outdoor-to-outdoor and indoor scenar-
and MIMO antennas have been designed for the mm wave ios, with transmitter and receiver antenna heights below
and THz bands [24]. Beamforming and spatial multiplexing rooftop, measured path losses for 10 GHz, 18 GHz,
using these MIMO antenna systems [25], [21] can be used to 28 GHz, 38 GHz, 60 GHz and 72 GHz in both LOS
form very high gain, electrically steerable arrays located at the and non-LOS (NLOS) environments [31], [4], [32], [33],
base station, on the casing of a cell phone, or even within a [34]. Generally, the path loss exponent increases with
chip [26], [27]. The frequency bands above 6 GHz are main frequency (see Table I). Furthermore, the mm wave and
candidates under consideration for backhaul links (outside of THz bands are more susceptible to environmental effects
the vehicles) and access links (inside of the vehicles) [28]. In such as gaseous (oxygen and water vapour) absorption,
March 2015, the IEEE 802.15 Interest Group HRRC (Interest rain loss and foliage loss, which exhibit a high degree
Group High Rate Rail Communications) was chartered to of frequency dependent variation (see Recommendation
study wireless communications providing Gbps data rate with ITU-R P.676 and Recommendation ITU-R P.838 [35],

[36]). Atmospheric gas loss is approximately 0.50 dB/km control and safety.
at frequencies between 70 GHz and 100 GHz. Yet, even To sum up, the synergism of susceptibility of molecular
for the most susceptible frequencies, such as 60 GHz, absorption, the changed relationships between wavelengths
200 GHz, etc., the atmospheric gas loss is smaller than and dimensions of objects, and the ultra-broadband band-
11dB/km. The same conclusion can be drawn for rain widths, results in propagation in the mm wave and THz
effects: for instance, a carrier at 100 GHz will experience bands distinguished from microwave frequencies. More re-
of 4 dB loss per 200 m in heavy rain (25 mm/h). How- search efforts should be made on interpretation of the com-
ever, when looking at several THz bands, the molecular plex propagation phenomena, such as frequency-selective and
absorption by water vapor molecules plays a critical role,
distance-dependent behaviors, frequency dispersion, different
and therefore, it defines several transmission windows, shadowing effects, taking into account the main objects and
whose positions and widths depend on the distance and geometries in rail scenarios, such as terrain, track, cutting,
molecular composition of the medium [37], [38]. barriers, stations, pylons, and vegetation.
• Multi-path propagation and frequency dispersion: Tra-
2) Existing channel models: A large body of work by
ditionally, specular reflection attenuation from smooth
surfaces can be modeled with the well-known Fresnel industry and academia has already gone into channel mea-
equations [39] given that the considered surface is suf- surements and modeling in the mm wave and THz bands.
ficiently large in area and thickness with respect to the • Indoor environments: The intra-wagon propagation chan-
wavelength. Otherwise at mm wave THz bands, reflec- nel can be reasonably approximated by an indoor office,
tions within the material or multiple reflections at the or indoor hotspot environment. In the 60 GHz band,
interfaces of layered media have to be taken into account, one of the most representative MIMO indoor models is
causing highly frequency-dependent reflection behavior the IEEE 802.11ad channel model, which is based on a
[13]. Moreover, the wavelength in the mm wave and THz mixture of ray-tracing and measurement-based statistical
bands is on the order of magnitude of surface height modeling techniques. Several recent studies based on it
variations. For most building materials such as concrete include theoretical investigations regarding capacity [47],
or plaster, diffuse scattering from walls covered with [48] and spatial diversity techniques [49] as well as
rough materials becomes highly relevant [40], [41], [42]. extended models for human blockage [50] and double-
In the 300 GHz frequency range, early publications, such directional MIMO channel in a conference room envi-
as [43], have dealt with the characterization of typical ronment [51]. Moreover, measurements and models of the
building materials. Scattering has been subject to detailed channel response at 60 GHz are available in the literature
experimental and theoretical investigation [40], [41]. Con- for different environments, such as computer labs [52],
sidering the huge bandwidths (for instance, beyond 10 offices [53], [54], hospitals [55] and aircraft cabins [56].
GHz), the propagation phenomena themselves have to be Apart from the IEEE 802.11ad model, the IEEE 802.15
treated as frequency-dependent. This frequency disper- TG3c is well established for 60 GHz indoor communi-
sion of the channel necessitates the broadband channel cations [45]. The TG3c model covers residential, office,
simulation in the frequency domain and can cause a cer- library, desktop, and kiosk environments, whereas the
tain distortion of transmitted pulse shapes [44]. Another TGad model covers conference room, living room, and
important aspect of mm wave and THz propagation is cubicle. A thorough review of mm wave propagation both
polarization. As demonstrated by experimental studies indoor and outdoor can be found in [57]. In the 300 GHz
with mm wave prototypes [28], the power degradation frequency range, the first ultra broadband indoor channel
due to polarization mismatch between the antennas and measurements in an office environment at 300 GHz stem
depolarization caused by the channel can be as high as from 2011 [58]. Because of the very short wavelength at a
10-20 dB. Polarization properties must be characterized carrier frequency around 300 GHz, the waves propagate
in real railway scenarios in order to determine how much quasi-optically and can be modeled accurately using a
polarization diversity can be achieved for mm wave and ray optical approach [59], which can further be applied
THz channels. to derive stochastic channel models for simplicity and
• Diffraction and shadowing effect: Very high diffraction more generality [60]. An overview of research activities
attenuations (of 30 dB and more) in the mm wave and dealing with the THz wave propagation and radio channel
THz bands makes diffraction effects in the shadowing modeling is given by [61].
region behind objects negligible. However, like in the T- • Outdoor environments: There have been recent studies
G11ad channel model at 60 GHz [45], it is of importance regarding the outdoor channel propagation characteristics
to investigate how fast the signal drops and rises again that have shown the potential for utilizing the mm wave
in case of a dynamic shadowing effect. Thus, modeling bands for cellular communications, e.g., [32], [33]. A
diffraction is still useful to describe the dynamics of detailed literature review is provided in [57] and [62].
shadowing effects caused by various obstacles, such as However, even though the ITU-R recommends using the
human movement [46], buildings, or other trains, in the spectrum above 6 GHz for supporting moving hotspot
different defined smart rail mobility scenarios. The impact cell users such as high speed trains moving 500 km/h,
of different shadowing effects on the communication channel measurements in the mm wave and THz bands in
reliability is of great importance particularly for rail the smart rail mobility scenarios are not readily available.


Frequency 10 GHz 38 GHz 60 GHz

LOS path loss 2 2 2.25
NLOS path loss 3.5 3.71 3.76
Distance [m] 20 100 200 20 100 200 20 100 200
LOS loss [dB] 78.2 92.0 98.0 90.0 104.0 110.1 96.1 111.8 118.6
NLOS loss [dB] 90.0 114.6 125.0 104.1 130.1 141.2 108.5 134.8 146.1
Delta [dB] 11.8 22.6 27.0 14.1 26.1 31.1 12.4 23.0 27.5

Deterministic modeling approaches, such as ray-tracing dynamic ray shadowing causes a temporal variation of the
simulations [63], are still the main tool. At 30 GHz, path losses. Scattering at persons may introduce additional
the authors of [64] stochastically modeled the channel Doppler shifts and wider Doppler spectra may result. The
characteristics, e.g., path loss exponent, autocorrelation same holds if the transceiver units move relative to each other.
and decorrelation distance of shadow fading, etc., in a The lack of insight into such dynamics inhibits the realization
typical railway scenario with a verified ray-tracing tool of the mm wave and THz communications in any dynamic
[65]. The authors of [66], constructed a linear high speed environment. Relationship between the channel coherence time
railway environment, and analyzed the propagation char- (closely related to Doppler spread) and the beamwidth has
acteristics with a ray tracing method. With the simulation, been studied in [72], [73], [74]. The results in [74] show
it is shown that the K factor is large when the distance that there is an optimum operating beamwidth that results
between the transmitter and receiver is short, and that in a large coherence time. This should be theoretically and
when the distance between the transmitter and receiver is experimentally studied in the five rail traffic scenarios for the
large, the level of fading becomes large, which is much future work.
different from the indoor environment. Using simulations,
the authors of [67] evaluated a seamless fiber-mm-wave B. Antennas
system for backhaul transmission from a central station
to antennas on trains. The E-band (60-90 GHz) and W- MM wave and THz communications require the antennas
band (75-110 GHz) are deemed to be more promising due to support bandwidths of tens of GHz and therefore, need
to their large available bandwidth and low atmospheric ultra-broadband and multi-band antennas [20]. Furthermore,
attenuation. antenna arrays are necessary to provide gain to overcome the
very high path loss in the mm wave and THz bands.
Generally, current channel models are mainly for standard 1) Ultra-broadband and multi-band antennas: Classical
indoor and outdoor environments. Usually, railway appears as antennas, such as horn antennas, paraboloid antennas, etc.,
a small use case of “moving hotspot” in standard documents, have been widely used in experimental wireless data trans-
e.g., [28]. How to include the railway channel features in mission systems at 300 GHz. These antennas can provide
channel models is an open challenge, e.g., how to account a radiation bandwidth in the order of 10 percent of their
for the impact of vibration and wind pressure when trains center frequency as well as high gain. A Cassegrain antenna
move in and out of tunnels on the train-to-infrastructure links; with a maximum gain of 51 dBi is shown in [75]. However,
how to evaluate various shadowing effects caused by moving lack of directional adaptability makes them suitable only for
objects and their influence on the link reliability. In terms of infrastructure-to-infrastructure communications. For the sake
modeling approach, for high-speed environments, geometry- of integration, potential novel antennas based on nanomaterials
based models are generally better suited than tapped delay and metamaterials are good alternatives. For instance, it has
line models, because they the former can more easily model been shown that graphene can be used to build plasmonic
the inherent nonstationarities of such environments [68]. Such nano-antennas, which exploit the behavior of global oscilla-
geometry-based models can either take on the form of tradi- tions of surface charges to radiate in the THz band [20]. The
tional geometry-based stochastic channel models (GSCM), or frequency response of graphene-based nano-antennas can be
combine deterministic geometrical structures with stochastic easily dynamically tuned by means of material doping, that
components [69], [70]. is, dynamically changing the electrical properties by means of
Another challenge is channel dynamics. Most of the ex- electrostatic bias [24].
isting measurements in mm wave and THz bands were done 2) Antenna arrays: The small size of a mm wave and
for static channels. In 2014, Samsung presented the world’s THz antennas allows the integration of a large number of
first demonstration for 1.2 Gbps transmission at 28 GHz at antennas with a small footprint. However, having ADC/DAC
110 km/h cruising speed using dual-beamforming [71]. This per antenna element may be challenging in terms of overall
evidence shows the strong potential of the mm wave and cost and power consumption. Thus, a phased array architecture
THz bands for mobile applications. As pointed out in [46], in the radio frequency domain is recommended by the ITU-R

[28] because it can reduce the number of ADC/DACs while power. It can be found that when using 16 modules,
keeping the high beamforming gain. Following are discussions the array gain can achieve 27 dBi, which is sufficient
on different antenna array technologies: to keep the link length (longer than 500 m with 10
• Full adaptive antenna array: Classic copper-based printed dB SNR) in “Train-to-infrastructure” scenario. When a
designs are available at 60 GHz; the challenges in the mm baseband processor connects not only one, but multiple
wave band are mainly the complexity and performance of beamforming units, beams of individual phased array
the transmitter/receiver modules. Thus, a fully adaptive module (subarray) may be steered in various directions
antenna array is feasible strictly from the antenna element to achieve a number of goals, such as enhanced diversity
design aspect both in cost and performance. According of spatial multiplexing. This is very suitable for “Inside
to [28], Table II provides the achievable data rate versus station” and “Intra-wagon” scenarios where many users
system bandwidth using different numbers of antenna need to communicate simultaneously.
elements, assuming a transmitting power of 30 dBm, and
a noise figure of 10 dB, at 60 GHz frequency under A RRAY GAIN OF USING DIFFERENT SUB - ARRAY MODULE
outdoor LOS conditions. It can be found that the data NUMBERS FOR THE 60 GH Z BAND
rate increases not only along with the number of antenna
elements, but also with the bandwidth. Thus, how to Modular antenna array
develop broadband or even ultra-broadband approaches Sub-array module Tx power Array gain EIRP
for antenna arrays pattern synthesis becomes critical. number [dBm] [dBi] [dBm]
1 10 15 25
TABLE II 4 16 21 27
CONDITIONS 16 22 27 49
Number of antenna elements: 1
Bandwidth [MHz] 10 100 1000
Data rate [Mbps] 65 320 900
C. Beamforming approaches
Number of antenna elements: 10
Bandwidth [MHz] 10 100 1000 Compared with analog beamforming using phased arrays
Data rate [Mbps] 100 650 3200 with one radio frequency (RF) chain, digital beamforming
offers great flexibility, but is also the most demanding in terms
Number of antenna elements: 100
of power and cost – a particularly important concern for mm
Bandwidth [MHz] 10 100 1000 wave and THz frontends due to the large numbers of antenna
Data rate [Mbps] 140 1000 6500 elements, very wide bandwidths and very fast analog-to-digital
Number of antenna elements: 1000 converter (ADC) and digital-to-analog converter (DAC) [28],
Bandwidth [MHz] 10 100 1000 [76]. By combining analog beamforming in the RF domain and
Data rate [Mbps] 180 1300 10000 digital beamforming at baseband, hybrid beamforming [77],
[78], [79] can get the benefits of both beamforming and spatial
• Modular antenna array: Due to the loss on the feeding multiplexing, and therefore, is recommended by ITU as well
lines, traditional antenna array architectures – the antenna [28]. In terms of algorithm design, among various specific
elements are connected to the radio frequency integrated schemes, we mention:
circuits (RFIC) chip via feeding lines – allow imple- • Codebook-based beamforming: This approach controls
menting antenna arrays with relative small dimensions the resulting antenna beams through predefined code-
of up to 8 × 8 thus achieving gains of about 15-20 books. IEEE 802.15.3c standard defined a common pre-
dBi. However, if we treat one traditional antenna array defined set of beamforming codes for indoor applications
as a module, and construct it by using one beamforming and considered the numbers of antenna elements smaller
unit, the aperture of the modular antenna array and than 100 [76]. The main constraint for this approach
total transmitted power may exceed that of an individual comes from the overhead for larger number of antenna
sub-array module proportionally to the number of the elements.
sub-array modules used (e.g., ten times or even more) • Long-term beamforming: When the macro-level angu-
[28]. Hence, much narrower beams may be created, and lar directions of a channel change at a much slower
therefore, much greater antenna gains may be achieved timescale, the channel can be concentrated in subspaces
with the modular array. Correspondingly, the issue of how that remain constant over longer periods. Signals can be
to analyze the interaction and coupling effects among a identified and aligned on these subspaces by a standard
large number of nearby antenna elements becomes more procedure known as long-term beamforming [80]. There-
severe. Based on the information from ITU-R [28], Table fore, the feedback and tracking rate can be significantly
III shows the array gains for the 60 GHz band when using reduced.
different numbers of modules, where each module has 16 • Angle of departure (AoD) estimation-based beamforming:
elements. In Table III EIRP is effective isotropic radiated When using classical array processing algorithms, such

as space-alternating generalized expectation maximiza- Vtrain , and the beamwidth Wbeam . n is the index of the beam
tion (SAGE) [81], or using some new signal processing (direction).
techniques, such as compressive sensing (CS) [82], path As shown in Fig. 2, the farther the receiver is from the
tracking algorithm [83], and sparse Bayesian learning Tx, the longer the duration of a beam is. Thus, the worst
(SBL) [84], AoDs and powers of multi-path components case – the minimum duration of a beam (the minimum value
(MPCs) can be estimated. Given knowledge of the us- of Tbeam (n)) – happens when the train passes through the
er’s spatial channel, analog beamforming can be applied transmitter beside the track.
through the application of antenna phase weights [76].
• Polarization-multiplexing beamforming: In LOS channel- Tx
s, polarization can be exploited to combine the multiplex- Rx Vtrain
d BS - rail
ing and beamforming processes [85]. In this case, two I-Q
baseband multiplex streams are supported to match the
two orthogonal polarizations. In this way, multiplexing
is not implemented in the spatial domain but in the Tbeam ( n - 1) Tbeam ( n )
Tbeam (1) Tbeam ( 2 ) ...
polarization domain. In NLOS channels, there is still the
possibility of transmitting two data streams over the two
polarizations, but maybe with certain degradation due to Fig. 2. Sketch of geometry for providing seamless mobile
cross-polarization phenomenon. services between train-to-infrastructure using beamforming
A proper understanding of the mm wave and THz channel
behavior under specific propagation conditions in the railway As illustrated in Fig. 3, when the speed of the train is 500
scenarios is important for the design of viable beamforming km/h, the distance between the transmitter and the track is 3
schemes. Since among the five defined scenarios, links in the m, and the beamwidth is 1◦ , the minimum duration of a beam
“Train-to-infrastructure” scenario exhibit the highest mobility, is 0.38 ms. In this case, in order to keep seamless mobile
we will analyze this scenario in detail firstly, then discuss the services, the time of the link configuration must be shorter
beamforming approaches for the other four scenarios. than such minimum duration of a beam.
1) Beamforming approaches for “Train-to-infrastructure”
scenario: Usually the channel has LOS in this scenario, but
there are certain cases where the transceiver on the train Tx is 3 m away from the rail;
300 the speed of the train is 500 km/h;
can lose LOS, e.g., when the train passes through semi- the beamwidth is 1°.
Duration of a beam [ms]

closed obstacles, such as crossing bridges [86], train stations 250

[87], [88], and so on. For the LOS channels, since the train
trajectory can be easily predicted and there are very few users 200
in this scenario, codebook-based beamforming as well as AoD
estimation-based beamforming can be expected to work well. 150 Minimum duration of
For NLOS locations, referring to the works in [89] (showing a beam is 0.38 ms.
that the receiver in an NLOS urban core can receive two to 100
four distinct spatial beams with strong received powers), a
link length over 100 m can be kept by using coherent equal- 50
gain combining for two to three spatial beams launched at the
Tx. Also in this case, due to the preknowledge of the train 0 20 40 60 80 100
locations, codebook-based beamforming and AoD estimation- Distance between Tx and Rx [m]
based beamforming are quite promising.
Surely, the major challenge of this scenario is the high Fig. 3. Duration of a beam versus the distance between
mobility of the train, which requires very fast adaptive beam- transmitter and receiver
forming. Here, we define a metric named “duration of a beam”
as the time duration when the receiver on the train falls into Furthermore, Fig. 4 shows the minimum duration of a beam
the main lobe of the current beam from Tx. Correspondingly, when assuming the transmitter is 3 m far away from the
before the receiver goes out of the current duration, the next track, the beamwidth is from 1◦ to 10◦ , and the speed of the
(neighboring) beam has to be formed in time to keep seamless train is from 100 km/h to 500 km/h. Corresponding values
mobile services. Note that we define the “duration of the are summarized in Table IV. Obviously, a narrower beam
beam” relating to the second-order channel statistics; instan- and higher speed jointly reduce the minimum duration of a
taneous channel states that might be created through small- beam, and therefore, require very fast beam tracking. On this
scale fading, i.e., interference between multi-path components point, apart from the traditional exhaustive search, some novel
within one beamwidth, could change faster. adaptive beam training protocols are proposed to use interac-
Through very simple geometrical calculations in (1), it can tive beam training and multi-level beam training concepts for
be found that the duration of a beam Tbeam (n) is jointly fixed and adaptive modulation, respectively [90]. In practice,
determined by the distance between the transmitter or base it will be valuable to exploit the distinguishing feature of
station (BS) and the rail dBS−rail , the speed of the train railway to avoid beam training. In railway control systems,

· tan Wbeam
Vtrain ,n = 1
  2
Tbeam (n) =

dBS−rail Wbeam P Wbeam P (1)
 Vtrain · tan 2 + Wbeam − tan 2 + Wbeam , n ≥ 2
i=1 i=1

multiple communication systems, including GSM for railway M INIMUMDURATION OF A BEAM , ASSUMING THE
(GSM-R), LTE for railway (under standardization), satellite TRANSMITTER IS 3 M AWAY FROM THE TRACK
communications (GPS, Galileo, etc.), track circuit, and Balise,
Speed of train [km/h]
are able to localize the train in time and even in advance. The
Wbeam 100 200 300 400 500
advantage of trains is that their locations are predictable, so
1◦ 1.88 ms 0.94 ms 0.63 ms 0.47 ms 0.38 ms
the channel does not need to be continuously measured in par- 2◦ 3.77 ms 1.88 ms 1.26 ms 0.94 ms 0.75 ms
ticular when LOS exists. Rather, the beamforming directions 3◦ 5.65 ms 2.83 ms 1.88 ms 1.41 ms 1.13 ms
can be determined by an extrapolation from the stored train 4◦ 7.54 ms 3.77 ms 2.51 ms 1.88 ms 1.51 ms
location information [90]. In addition to the train location, 5◦ 9.42 ms 4.71 ms 3.14 ms 2.35 ms 1.88 ms
the information of the environment such as buildings can 6◦ 11.30 ms 5.65 ms 3.77 ms 2.82 ms 2.26 ms
also be exploited to determine the NLOS paths. Nevertheless, 7◦ 13.17 ms 6.58 ms 4.39 ms 3.29 ms 2.63 ms
8◦ 15.05 ms 7.52 ms 5.01 ms 3.76 ms 3.01 ms
even though we emphasize this technical possibility, the real
9◦ 16.92 ms 8.46 ms 5.64 ms 4.23 ms 3.38 ms
performance will depend on the reliability and efficiency of 10◦ 18.80 ms 9.40 ms 6.26 ms 4.70 ms 3.76 ms
the synergy of the aforementioned communication systems.
More efforts on evaluating and validating this idea are urgently
required for further studies. their impacts on channels and beamforming approaches are
A promising approach for reducing the impact of fast time- discussed as follows:
variations of the channel is OTFS (orthogonal time frequency
• “Inter-wagon” scenario: This is a LOS and quasi-static
space) [91], [92], which uses basis functions that are well con-
channel with very limited time variance. Thus, it is
centrated in the delay-Doppler domain. As the delay-Doppler
less sensitive to the necessity of beam tracking. Al-
spectrum changes only very slowly over time, the different
l the aforementioned beamforming approaches can be
symbols are thus experiencing the same stable channel.
exploited. AoD estimation-based beamforming would be
Another challenge of applying beamforming to the mm
very advantageous because of the fixed AoDs in this
wave and THz communication is that the extremely short
scenario and the “Inter-wagon” scenario. On the other
wavelength requires very precise phase shift of each antenna
hand, the main challenge is how to address antenna
element. This problem is addressed in [93] and [94].
pointing errors due to fluctuations and relative movements
of communicating wagons, particularly when the train
500 runs on curved or tilted tracks, or suffers strong cross-
Minimum duration of a beam [ms]

wind. In order to overcome this effect, some efficient

beam alignment techniques, for instance, using adaptive
Speed of train [km/h]

400 subspace sampling and hierarchical beam codebooks [95]

become necessary.
• “Intra-wagon” scenario: This is an indoor environment
300 10 with more than 100 users with low mobility. Since the
users are quasi-static (nomadic), the system overhead
of beamforming would not be much of an issue, and
therefore, all the four aforementioned beamforming ap-
200 5
proaches can be considered. For a given wagon, the
structure of the wagon and the facilities therein are fixed,
the angular regions that are preferred by users (passen-
100 gers on seats) or the directions from which radiation
2 4 6 8 10
Beam width [°] can physically occur can be known through site-specific
channel simulations or measurements in advance. This is
Fig. 4. Minimum duration of a beam when assuming the especially true for mm wave and THz bands, because in
transmitter is 3 m far away from the track, the beamwidth these bands physical obstacles can constitute very strong
is from 1◦ to 10◦ and the speed of the train is from 100 km/h attenuators, thus greatly restricting the angular range from
to 500 km/h which useful signals can come in a given wagon. Thus,
the whole angular regions can be divided into sectors
2) Beamforming approaches for the other four scenarios: and ordered by priority. This information can be used in
Unlike in the “Train-to-infrastructure” scenario, channels in interactive beam training, which consequently realizes a
the remaining four defined scenarios are not with high mo- fast link configuration. In the simulations of [34], the link
bility. However, each scenario has different features, and can be set up within the delay bounds of video and VoIP

services as summarized in [96]. Thus, even if the wireless Otherwise, if we can accurately predict the train location
link is disconnected while it serves video or VoIP streams, information, it is possible to avoid (or at least greatly mitigate)
we can re-establish the link before the disconnection of beam training and then the aforementioned disadvantage of
the session. longer link configuration time at THz can be neglected. For
• “Inside station” scenario: This scenario is similar to “Inter-wagon” and “Infrastructure-to-infrastructure” scenarios,
“Intra-wagon” scenario, but with more users and even to overcome the performance loss from wind-induced beam
shorter inter-user distances (shorter than 0.5 m). The low misalignment, it is still necessary to develop efficient beam
mobility of the users allows to use all the four approaches. alignment techniques, which are more challenging for THz
Codebook-based beamforming would provide higher gain with narrower beamwidth.
than AoD estimation-based beamforming because of the The third consideration is the motivation of developing new
rich scattering in this scenario. Moreover, degradation communication schemes. Although classical communication
of mutual-orthogonality and dynamic shadowing may schemes can be used at THz frequencies, they cannot fully
influence the performance of beamforming approaches in benefit from the very strong distance-frequency-dependent
this scenario and the “Intra-wagon” scenario. characteristics of the THz band [20]. These peculiarities of
• “Infrastructure-to-infrastructure” scenario: Similar to the the channel motivate the development of novel communication
“Inter-wagon” scenario, all the four approaches are fea- schemes, such as, distance-aware multi-carrier modulation
sible in this scenario. However, as a fixed backhand link, (DAMC) [97], hybrid beamforming scheme with DAMC trans-
the longer communication link distances, combined with mission [98], etc. In this regard, THz communications will
the severe path loss at mm wave and THz frequencies, have even broader prospects.
make aligning the transmit and receive beams a challeng- Thus, to sum up, mm wave communications are more
ing and important problem. Even though certain beam practical to enable the basic version of smart rail mobility
alignment techniques can be exploited, it is still not pos- in the next five years. In the subsequent five to ten years, we
sible to use larger arrays without risking a corresponding expect that full and enhanced versions of smart rail mobility
performance loss from wind-induced beam misalignment providing a seamless high-data-rate connectivity beyond 100
[95]. Gbps can be enabled by THz communications. Table VI
All the discussions on the five scenarios are summarized summarizes the comparisons between mm wave and THz
in Table V, which can guide the R&D efforts of proper communications for smart rail mobility.
beamforming approaches for smart rail mobility.
SMART RAIL MOBILITY In this section, various specific beamforming approaches
In the previous parts of this paper, we mainly discuss are abstracted as two dynamic beamforming strategies. They
the features of mm wave and THz as distinguished from are integrated into our ray-tracing simulations at 100 GHz
microwave. In this section, we compare mm wave and THz for a “Train-to-infrastructure” scenario in a typical urban
communications mainly from a channel viewpoint to find environment. This gives us the chance to quantitatively discuss
which one is more advantageous for smart rail mobility. how to steer the beams at transmitter and receiver for real
The first consideration is the available bandwidth for wire- railway scenarios.
less mobile communications. For the mm wave band, available
bandwidths are from 1 GHz (at 28 GHz) to 9 GHz (at 60 A. Simulation setup
GHz). Thus, it is practical to achieve 1 Gbps or even 10
Gbps data rate with moderate spectral efficiencies. On the TABLE VII
other hand, there are ultra-high bandwidths beyond 20 GHz S IMULATION SETUPS
available in the THz frequency range, and therefore, higher-
data-rate transmission (i.e., beyond 100 Gbps) is more easily Scenario Urban area in Beijing
possible. Thus, for every single link between a UE and AP Constituting materials Concrete (60%), glass (30%),
of building exteriors metal (10%)
(inside station or wagon), mm wave should be enough for Antenna type Directional antenna [99]
providing unsuppressed real-time HD video applications; but Antenna gain 25 dBi at 100 GHz
for the aggregate channels, e.g., in “Train-to-infrastructure” Antenna HPBW 10◦ - E plane, 12◦ - H plane
scenario, THz frequencies are more promising. Heights of Tx and Rx 10 m and 3 m
The second consideration is the beamwidth. In order to Interval between BSs 1 km
compensate the higher path loss at THz frequencies, much Speed of train 360 km/h
System Bandwidth for a Link 1 GHz
narrower beamwidth will be required (even 1◦ ). For the “Train- Carrier frequency 100 GHz
to-infrastructure” scenario, if using current beam training pro- Transmit Power of RF 20 dBm [100]
tocols involving exhaustive search or prioritized sector search Interval between channel samples 1.25 mm
ordering, mm wave may be more practical, because a relatively
wider beam makes it easier to keep the link configuration Main parameters of the simulation setup are given by Table
time within the latency bounds of HD video or VoIP services. VII, with the following detailed descriptions:


Scenarios Train-to- Inter- Intra- Inside Infrastructure-to-

(Smart rail mobility) infrastructure wagon wagon station Infrastructure
Indoor/outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Outdoor
Fixed/mobile link Mobile link Quasi-fixed link Mobile link Mobile link Quasi-fixed link
Velocity of user High, Light, fluctuation Low, pedestrian, Low, pedestrian, Light, antenna
up to 500 km/h of wagons ca. 1 m/s ca. 1 m/s mispointing
shadowing shadowing
√ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √ √
AoD estimation-based
√ √ √ √
Long-term beamforming
√ √ √ √ √ √
Technical challenges Fast beam tracking No need for beam Fast beam training is possible No need for beam
is needed, or tracking, but through prioritized sector search tracking, but
beam tracking by beam alignment ordering; degradation of mutual- beam alignment
an extrapolation techniques orthogonality and techniques
of train locations are required shadowing should be addressed are required


Frequency band MM wave THz Comments

Available bandwidth 1 GHz Beyond MM wave: achievable data rate: 1 Gbps - 10 Gbps
- 9 GHz 20 GHz THz: achievable data rate: beyond 100 Gbps, suitable for
aggregated channels, e.g., in “Train-to-infrastructure” scenario
Beamwidth Wider Narrower THz needs longer beam training time, and
is more sensitive to wind-induced beam misalignment
Motivation of developing Less More The very strong distance-frequency-dependent characteristics
new communication of the THz band motivate the development of novel communication
schemes schemes, e.g., DAMC modulation [97], hybrid beamforming scheme [98]
Implementation In the In the MM wave: enable the first version of smart rail mobility by 2020
for smart next subsequent THz: enable the full and enhanced versions of smart rail mobility
rail mobility five years 5-10 years with a seamless high-data-rate connectivity beyond 100 Gbps

• Environment and system setup: As shown in Fig. 5, a bandwidth for one communication link is 1 GHz. The
part of the CBD (Central Business District) in Beijing, roughness root mean square (RMS) height for concrete,
China, is chosen to represent the “Train-to-infrastructure” glass, metal and road are 0.2 mm, 0 mm, 0 mm, 0.34
scenario when the railway is in an urban area. The map mm, and the correlation lengths for them are 38.6 mm,
in the black frame in Fig. 5 shows one part of the CBD 0 mm, 0 mm, 4.2 mm, respectively [102], [103], [104].
in Beijing, in which a 1 km-long rectangular area (the red • Antenna parameters and beamforming strategies: In the
rectangle) is reconstructed in the ray-tracing simulator. In simulation, we adopt the directional antenna from [99]
the simulation scenario, the distance between successive with the maximum gain of 25 dBi at 100 GHz; the
base stations (BSs) is set as 1 km. Furthermore, heights of half-power beamwidths (HPBWs) for E plane and H
Txs at the BSs are 10 m; heights of Rxs on the train are 3 plane are 10◦ and 12◦ , respectively. Fig. 6 indicates
m; the speed of the train is set as 360 km/h. Concrete is that the BSs are deployed with two directional antennas
assumed as a main material for building exteriors with pointing in two directions along the rail. Meanwhile, the
a dielectric constant ε = 5.31 − j0.24 at 100 GHz train has two directional antennas at the head and the
[101]. Glass and metal are assumed as parts of building tail [105], [106]. dBS−rail =10 m indicates the distance
materials. Their dielectric constants are ε = 6.27 − j0.19 between BS and rail. In the following section, we focus
and ε = 1 − j107 at 100 GHz, respectively [101]. The on the channel of the link between the nth transmitter and
road surface is asphalt for which the dielectric constant the first receiver. Two dynamic beamforming strategies
is assumed as ε = 3.18 − j0.10 at 100 GHz [102]. are considered to be equivalent to the steering effect of
The carrier frequency is set as 100 GHz and the system the directional antennas. Fig. 6(a) depicts the dynamic-

Beijing the same urban scenario, we find that to trace the 4th-
order of reflection considerably increases the workload
but only adds less than 1% power. Thus, up to the 3rd-
order of reflections are traced in the simulations for the
Zoom In trade-off between simulation accuracy and computational
complexity. For the scattering, the Kirchhoff scattering
model is employed in this simulation, which is widely
Rail Kirchhoff scattering
used to provide suitable accurate prediction for wave s-
Rays cattering from random rough surfaces [110], [111], [112].
With the information of the RMS heights and surface
correlation lengths of all the materials, the Kirchhoff
scattering model [113] can be evaluated and implemented
Zoom In
in the ray tracing simulator.
Kirchhoff scattering • Broadband and dynamic channel ray tracing method:
RX1 As the system bandwidth for one communication link
Zoom In
TX(n) is 1 GHz, we use a subbanding ray-tracing method
which means that the channel impulse response (CIR)
for one snapshot is generated by a number of subbands
at multiple center frequency points [109], [114]. Based on
Fig. 5.Schematic diagram of the urban scenario in this study,
our prior simulations in the same scenario with 1 GHz
where the black frame indicates the map of a part of CBD
bandwidth, 30 subbands are determined as a proper setup
in Beijing, red frame shows the 1 km-long scenario, and the
in this study. In order to capture both large-scale and
green frame gives one snapshot in the ray-tracing simulation.
small-scale channel characteristics, the interval between
TX(n) Dynamic TX(n+1) TX(n+2)
BS (n+1)
two channel sampled snapshots is 1.25 mm, which is less
than half wavelength at 100 GHz.
RX 1 Vtrain RX 2
d BS-rail
B. Simulation results and discussions
NPLQWHUYDO In this subsection, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), delay spread,
(a) and Doppler spread of the channel between the nth transmitter
BS(n) BS(n+1)
and the first receiver at 100 GHz are characterized with two
TX(n-1) TX(n) Fixed Beamforming TX(n+1) TX(n+2)
Dynamic beamforming strategies, respectively.
1) Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR): Fig. 7 shows the SNRs
G %6-UDLO of the two beamforming strategies versus distance between
transmitter and Rx. The SNR is calculated by:

SN R (dB) = P − (−174 + 10 · log10 (W ) + NF ) (2)

Fig. 6. (a) Dynamic-to-dynamic beamforming strategy. (b) Fixed-to-dynamic where P is the received power of which the small-scale fading
beamforming strategy. is eliminated by averaging samples at interval 40 wavelengths
[115]. The system bandwidth W is 1 GHz. -174 is the spectral
noise power density for 1 Hz bandwidth (in dBm/Hz). The
to-dynamic beamforming strategy. It requires automatic noise figure NF is set as 10 dB.
tracking of signals of moving targets at both transmitter From Fig. 7, it can be found that with the aid of beam-
and receiver sides. Fig. 6(b) shows the fixed-to-dynamic forming, the high path loss at 100 GHz can be effectively
beamforming strategy. It requires automatic tracking for compensated, and therefore, the link length could be longer
the receiver, which means that the direction of the antenna than 500 m (10 dB SNR as a threshold). For distances between
at receiver is always pointing to the Tx. At the same time 100 m and 1000 m, more than 85% of SNRs between 10 dB
the direction of the antenna at the transmitter is statically and 30 dB can be achieved by both beamforming strategies.
pointing to the midpoint of the rail between the two base However, in the area where the distance is shorter than
stations. 100 m, the SNR of fixed-to-dynamic beamforming strategy
• Propagation mechanisms: For the simulation, we utilize deteriorates rapidly. This reflects a drawback of utilizing the
a self-developed broadband and dynamic channel ray- fixed-to-dynamic beamforming – the LOS component will be
tracing simulator that combines a vehicle-to-vehicle ray out of the main lobe of the fixed beam when the receiver is
tracing simulator [65] and a broadband THz ray tracing close to the Tx.
simulator [107]. The former is validated by extensive 2) Delay spread: For the channel characteristics in the
measurements in [65], [108]; the latter is calibrated and delay domain, an overview of simulation results can be ob-
verified by a large number of measurements in [107], tained by normalized moments of the power delay profile
[109]. For the reflection, in our prior simulations in (PDP) [116]. The cumulative distribution functions (CDFs)

'\QDPLFíWRí'\QDPLF%HDPIRUPLQJ at frequencies below 6 GHz. However, since a much wider

bandwidth will be used as well, shorter symbol duration may
be used, depending on the channel delay spread, pilot scheme,

 and the particular transmission scheme used. The effect of

a large Doppler spread as a limiting factor will thus need
 to be evaluated carefully in future studies. Thus, whether
Doppler spread will be a limiting factor for mm wave and

THz communications should be evaluated in future study.


Cumulative Distribution Function


Fig. 7. SNR of the channel with two different beamforming 0.7

strategies versus distance between transmitter and Rx 0.6

of RMS delay spreads are illustrated in Fig. 8. 50% of the
RMS delay spreads are less than 1 ns, and the mean values 0.4
are around 2.6 ns for both beamforming strategies. So short
time delay spreads come from the high path loss at 100
GHz and the spatial filtering effect of beamforming strategies. 0.2
However, they are still long enough to introduce inter-symbol
0.1 Dynamic−to−Dynamic BeamIRUPLQJ
interference (ISI) to the signal with 1 GHz bandwidth, i.e., 1
Fixed−to−Dynamic BeamIRUPLQJ
ns symbol duration.
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800
RMS Doppler Spread [Hz]

Fig. 9.CDFs of RMS Doppler spreads with two different

beamforming strategies.

4) Discussions: From the channel characteristics analyzed

above, we can obtain the following insights and suggestions
for the physical layer and system design:
• The usage of high-gain directional antennas or beam-
forming strategies is mandatory for keeping the “Train-
to-infrastructure” link with sufficient length (longer than
500 m) at THz band. As shown in Fig. 7, the link length
can achieve longer than 500 meters by using directional
antennas or beamforming both on transmitter and receiver
sides. Thus, in terms of the link length, it is feasible to
provide outdoor mobile communications in the THz band
to moving vehicles.
• Dynamic beamforming is critical to keep the channel with
high SNR, low delay spread and low Doppler spread.
Fig. 8.Cumulative distribution function of RMS delay spreads More specifically, dynamic beamforming at both trans-
with two different beamforming strategies mitter and receiver sides performs better than the dynamic
beamforming only at one side. The spatial filtering effect
3) Doppler spread: The Doppler effects demonstrate the of beamforming can effectively suppress the delay spread
physical interpretation of the frequency shift by the movement and Doppler spread, making Gbps data rate with high
of transceivers and objects [116]. In the ray-tracing simulation performance to the users inside fast-moving vehicles
results, the Doppler shift for each ray is given by multiplying achievable.
the velocity with the cosine of the angle between velocity and • The fixed-to-dynamic beamforming strategy can be a
ray. The two CDFs of RMS Doppler spreads are compared good choice if implementing the dynamic beamforming
in Fig. 9, where for both beamforming strategies 80% of at both sides (e.g., the one presented in [106]) is overly
the RMS Doppler spreads are between 1248 Hz and 1400 complex or not economic. However, advanced handover
Hz. Even though the directive antenna beam reduces the strategies shall be employed when the channel condition
number of effective multipaths, and thus usually decreases becomes worse. For instance, as shown in Fig. 7, when
Doppler spread, this metric is still much higher than the cases the receiver is close to the Tx, the channel suffers

very high loss. Then, a handover shall be made here, discussions emphasize that to form high-gain directional an-
a strategy that is very different from the current cases tenna beams both at transmitter and receiver sides, dynamic
of cellular communications at frequencies below 6 GHz, beamforming strategies and advanced handover design are of
where usually the handover happens in the middle place importance for the feasibility of THz communications enabling
of successive base stations. smart rail mobility.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous review-
The future smart rail mobility requires high performance
ers for their thorough reading and constructive comments,
communication system. In this paper, we introduced the appli-
which greatly helped improve this paper. Dr. Ke Guan thanks
cations and scenarios required for smart rail mobility, analyzed
the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for the support
the bandwidth requirements and clarified the motivations of
he received as a research fellow at Technische Universität
developing mm wave and THz communications for railway.
Corresponding technical feasibility is proved by the state of
the art of channel studies in terms of wave propagation, anten-
na arrays and beamforming approaches. However, numerous R EFERENCES
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[107] S. Priebe and T. Kurner, “Stochastic modeling of THz indoor radio deterministic modeling for mmWave and terahertz
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[109] S. Priebe, “Towards THz communications: Propagation studies, indoor
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[113] P. Beckmann and A. Spizzichino, The scattering of electromagnetic ceived the Dipl. Ing., Ph.D., and habilitation degrees
waves from rough surfaces. Artech House Radar Library, 1987. from the Technical University of Vienna, Vienna,
[114] Y. Zhao, Y. Hao, A. Alomainy, and C. Parini, “UWB on-body radio Austria, in 1990, 1994, and 1999, respectively. He
channel modeling using ray theory and subband FDTD method,” IEEE subsequently was with AT&T (Bell) Laboratories
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. Research (USA); Lund University, Lund, Sweden,
1827–1835, June 2006. and Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (USA). He
[115] W. C. Y. Lee, “Estimate of local average power of a mobile radio is now a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the
signal,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 34, no. 1, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. His
pp. 22–27, Feb. 1985. current research interests are the measurement and
[116] A. F. Molisch, Wireless Communications, 2nd edition. IEEE-Wiley, modeling of mobile radio channels, ultra-wideband
2011. communications and localization, cooperative communications, multiple-
input-multiple-output systems, wireless systems for healthcare, and novel
cellular architectures. He has authored, coauthored, or edited four books
(among them the textbook Wireless Communications, Wiley-IEEE Press), 16
book chapters, some 200 journal papers, 270 conference papers, as well as
more than 80 patents and 70 standards contributions.
Dr. Molisch has been an Editor of a number of journals and special
issues, General Chair, Technical Program Committee Chair, or Symposium
Chair of multiple international conferences, as well as Chairman of various
Ke Guan (S’10-M’13) received B.E. degree and international standardization groups. He is a Fellow of the National Academy
Ph.D. degree from Beijing Jiaotong University in of Inventors, Fellow of the AAAS, Fellow of the IET, an IEEE Distinguished
2006 and 2014, respectively. He is an Associate Lecturer, and a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He has received
Professor in State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic numerous awards, among them the Donald Fink Prize of the IEEE, and the
Control and Safety & School of Electronic and Eric Sumner Award of the IEEE.
Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong Univer-
sity. In 2015, he has been awarded a Humboldt
Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers.
He was the recipient of a 2014 International Union
of Radio Science (URSI) Young Scientist Award. His
paper received the honorable mention in the third
International URSI student prize paper competition in 2014 URSI GASS and
Finalist of Best Paper Award of 2015 APEMC. In 2009, he was a visiting
scholar in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. From 2011 to 2013,
he has been a research scholar at the Institut für Nachrichtentechnik (IfN)
at Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. From September 2013
to January 2014, he was invited to conduct joint research in Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. His current research interests are in the field
of measurement and modeling of wireless propagation channels, high-speed
railway communications, vehicle-to-x channel characterization, and indoor
channel characterization for high-speed short-range systems including future Bile Peng received his B.S. degree in traffic en-
terahertz communication systems. gineering from Tongji University, Shanghai, Chi-
He has authored one book, two book chapters, more than 110 journal na in 2009 and the M.S. degree in traffic and
and conference papers, and one patent. He received the Huawei Excellent mobility engineering from the Technische Univer-
Student Award of China in 2013 and the First National Scholarship for Ph. sität Braunschweig, Germany in 2012, where he
D Candidates in 2012. He serves as a Publicity Chair in PIMRC 2016, the is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree in
Session Convener of EuCAP 2015, 2016, and 2017, and a TPC Member for electrical engineering under the supervision of Prof.
many IEEE conferences, such as ICC and VTC. He has been a member of Thomas Krner and doing research at the Institut für
the IC1004 and CA15104 initiatives. Nachrichtentechnik (IfN) of Technische Universität
His research interests include THz wireless chan-
nel measurement, ray-tracing/-launching simulation, high gain antenna array
as well as static and dynamic channel estimations.

Ruisi He (S’11CM’13) received the B.E. and Ph.D. Junhyeong Kim received his B.S. degree in Dept.
degrees from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, of Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University,
China, in 2009 and 2015, respectively. He was a Beijing, China, in 2008, and M.S. degree in Dept.
Visiting Scholar with the Universidad Politécnica de of Electrical Engineering from Korea Advanced In-
Madrid, Madrid, Spain, the University of Southern stitute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea,
California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, and the Univer- in 2011. Since 2011, he has been with Electronics
sité catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Bel- and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI),
gium, from 2010 to 2014. He has been an Associate Korea, in 2011. He is also currently pursuing his
Professor with the State Key Laboratory of Rail Ph.D. degree in School of Electrical Engineer-
Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong Uni- ing at KAIST. His main research interests include
versity, since 2015. He has authored or co-authored millimeter-wave communications, MIMO, coopera-
over 80 research papers in international journals and conferences. His current tive communications, and handover.
research interests include measurement and modeling of wireless propagation
Thomas Kürner (S’91-M’94-SM’01) received his
channels, machine learning and clustering analysis in wireless communication-
Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1990,
s, vehicular and high-speed railway communications, 5G massive MIMO, and
and his Dr.-Ing. degree in 1993, both from Univer-
high frequency communication techniques. Dr. He is a member of the COST.
sity of Karlsruhe (Germany). From 1990 to 1994
He received the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Young Scientist
he was with the Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik
Award in 2015, the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award of Beijing Jiaotong University,
und Elektronik (IHE) at the University of Karl-
the IBM Excellent Student Award of China, the Siemens China Scholarship
sruhe working on wave propagation modelling, radio
Award, and two best paper awards in international conferences. He serves as
channel characterisation and radio network planning.
the Early Career Representative of the Commission CłRadiocommunication
From 1994 to 2003, he was with the radio network
Systems and Signal Processing, URSI, from 2014 to 2017. He serves as
planning department at the headquarters of the GSM
a Technical Program Committee Chair of APEMC 2015, the Workshop
1800 and UMTS operator E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH
Organization Chair of VTC HSRCom2016, the Session Convener of URSI
& Co KG, Düsseldorf, where he was team manager radio network planning
GASS 2017, and a TPC Member for many IEEE conferences, such as ICC
support responsible for radio network planning tools, algorithms, processes
and parameters form 1999 to 2003. Since 2003 he is Full University Professor
for Mobile Radio Systems at the Technische Universität Braunschweig. His
working areas are indoor channel characterisation and system simulations
for high-speed short-range systems including future terahertz communication
system, propagation, traffic and mobility models for automatic planning and
self-organization of mobile radio networks, car-to-car communications as well
as accuracy of satellite navigation systems. He has been engaged in several
international bodies such as ITU-R SG 3, UMTS Forum Spectrum Aspects
Group, COST 231/273/259 where he chaired the working group ‘Network
Aspects’, COST 2100 and COST IC 1004. He participated in the European
projects FP-5-IST-MOMENTUM on methods for ‘Automatic Planning of
large-scale Radio Networks’, ICT-FP7-SOCRATES on ‘Self-Organisation in
Wireless Networks’, FP7-SME-GreenNets on ‘Power consumption and CO2
footprint reduction in mobile networks by advanced automated network man-
agement approaches’, FP7-SEMAOUR (’Self-management for unified het-
erogeneous radio access networks’), Medea+-Qstream /‘Ultra-high Data Rate
Wireless Communication’) and H2020-iBroW (’Innovative ultra-BROadband
ubiquitous Wireless communications through terahertz transceivers’). Prof.
Krner represents Technische Universit?t Braunschweig at the NGMN (Next
Generation Mobile Networks) alliance as an advisory member. He has actively
contributed to the channel modelling document supporting the standardization
of IEEE 802.11ad. Currently he is a voting member of IEEE 802.15 and is
chairing the IEEE 802.15 IG THz and the IEEE 802.15.3d TG 100G. He is the
project coordinator of the TERAPAN project (“Terahertz communications for
future personal area networks”) funded by the German Ministry of Research
and Development. Prof. Kürner is a member of the Board of Directors of
the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) and chairs
the EurAAP WG Propagation. He served as Vice-Chair Propagation at the
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in 2007, 2009
and 2014. He is a founding member and co-organizer of all six editions of
the International Workshop on Self-Organizing Networks (IWSON). Since
2008 he is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
In 2012 he was a guest lecturer at Dublin City University within the
Telecommunications Graduate Initiative in Ireland.

Zhangdui Zhong (SM’16) is a professor and advi-

sor of Ph.D. candidates in Beijing Jiaotong Univer-
sity. He is now a director of School of Computer
and Information Technology and a Chief Scientist
of State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control
and Safety in Beijing Jiaotong University. He is
Bing Hui received his B.S. degree in commu- also a director of the Innovative Research Team
nication engineering from Northeastern University, of Ministry of Education, and a Chief Scientist of
Shenyang, China, in 2005. He received his M. Eng. Ministry of Railways in China. He is an executive
degree and Ph.D. degree at the Graduate School of council member of Radio Association of China, and
Information Technology and Telecommunications, a deputy director of Radio Association of Beijing.
Inha University, Incheon, Rep. of Korea, in 2009 and His interests are wireless communications for railways, control theory and
2013, respectively. He was with the Electronic Engi- techniques for railways, and GSM-R system. His research has been widely
neering Department, Inha University, Incheon, Korea used in the railway engineering, such as Qinghai-Xizang railway, Datong-
as a Postdoctoral research fellow from 2013 to 2014. Qinhuangdao Heavy Haul railway, and many high-speed railway lines of
Since 2014, he has been working as a Researcher China.
in the Electronics and Telecommunications Research He has authored/co-authored 7 books, 5 invention patents, and over 200
Institute (ETRI), Daejeon, Rep. of Korea. His research interests include the scientific research papers in his research area. He received MaoYiSheng

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