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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 101 (2013) 12–20

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A simplified surge and swab pressure model for yield power law fluids
Freddy Crespo 1, Ramadan Ahmed n
Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma, OK, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Surge and swab pressures can be generated in different stages of well construction including tripping
Received 15 January 2012 operations and reciprocation of drillstring in the wellbore. Significant surge and swab pressures can
Accepted 28 October 2012 lead to a number of costly drilling problems such as lost circulation, formation fracture, fluid influx,
Available online 10 November 2012
kicks, and blowouts. This phenomenon is of economic importance for the oil industry.
Keywords: Theoretical and field studies indicate that pressure surges strongly depend on drillpipe tripping
Surge and swab pressures speeds, wellbore geometry, flow regime, fluid rheology, and whether the pipe is open or closed.
Drilling Although a large number of studies were conducted in the past to investigate surge and swab pressures,
Tripping experiments under controlled laboratory conditions have never been reported. This paper presents
Fluid displacement
results of an experimental study aimed at investigating the effects of pipe speed (i.e., tripping speed),
Well-bore hydraulics
fluid properties and borehole geometry on surge and swab pressures under laboratory conditions.
Other phenomena such as fluid gelling and pipe eccentricity effects were also examined. Experiments
were performed in a test setup that has the capability of varying the tripping speed and accurately
measure the surge or swab pressures. The setup consists of fully transparent polycarbonate tubing and
inner steel pipe, which moves axially using a speed-controlled hoisting system. Experiments were
conducted using mineral oil and polymeric fluids.
A new regression model has been developed to calculate surge and swab pressures under steady-
state flow conditions. The model is based on the results of approximate numerical solutions obtained
by considering the annulus as a narrow slot. Model predictions were compared with experimental
measurements and predictions of existing models. A satisfactory agreement has been obtained.
Experimental results and model predictions confirm that the trip speed, fluid rheology, annular
clearance and pipe eccentricity significantly affect the surge and swab pressures.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction A number of field studies (Clark, 1956; Moore, 1965; Clark and
Fontenot, 1974; Lal, 1983; Wagner et al., 1993) were undertaken to
Recently, surge and swab pressure modeling has received investigate the effects of fluid properties and wellbore geometry on
increased attention as deepwater drilling and new technologies surge and swab pressures. These studies demonstrated that surge
such as slim-hole and casing drilling techniques have emerged in and swab pressures increase with tripping speed and wellbore depth.
the industry. As thousands of wells are drilled every year applying In addition, it was reported that surge and swab pressures with
these new techniques, challenges associated with downhole pres- closed-ended pipe are higher than those with open-ended pipe. More
sure management have become more important. Surge and swab recent studies (Bing et al., 1995; White et al., 1997; Ward and
pressures are usually generated during many phases of well Andreassen, 1998; Rudolf and Suryanarayana, 1998; Isambourg et al.,
construction such as tripping, running casing and cementing opera- 1999; Samuel et al., 2003; Rommetveit et al., 2005) using highly
tions. Surge pressure becomes more problematic when excessive accurate downhole tools re-affirmed the strong impact of tripping
tripping speeds and narrow and constricted annular clearance speeds, wellbore geometry, flow regime, fluid rheology on the surge
situations are involved in wells. This condition is more exacerbated and swab pressures.
by the fact that most of deepwater wells have very narrow margin Downhole pressure-recording tools are limited by temperature
between pore and fracture pressure gradients. and capacity to transmit data while making connections. The drilling
industry greatly relies on surge/swab models and simulators. Com-
monly used steady-state models have been developed by Burkhardt
(1961), Schuh (1964), and Fontenot and Clark (1974).
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 405 325 0745; fax: þ1 405 325 7477.
Hydraulic analysis of concentric annular flow with axial motion
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Ahmed). of the inner pipe is used to model surge and swab pressures (Lin and
Now with Halliburton Energy Services Hsu, 1980; Chukwu and Blick, 1989; Malik and Shenoy, 1991;

0920-4105/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Crespo, R. Ahmed / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 101 (2013) 12–20 13

Nomenclature e
x Dimensionless x-coordinate
y y-coordinate
A Geometric parameter e
y Dimensionless y-coordinate
b Constant y1 Lower limit of Region II
B Geometric parameter y2 Upper limit of Region II
dh Hole/casing diameter e1
y Dimensionless lower boundary limit of Region II
dpo Pipe outer diameter e2
y Dimensionless upper boundary limit of Region II
dR Diameter of the guiding rod
f Friction factor Greek Letters
H Slot thickness
k Consistency index p1 Dimensionless pressure
K Diameter ratio p2 Dimensionless plug thickness
L Pipe length in the wellbore r Fluid density
n Fluid behavior index t1 Shear stress profile in Region I
qa Flow rate in the annulus t3 Shear stress profile in Region III
q Dimensionless annular flow rate tw Shear stress acting on the borehole wall
Re Generalized Reynolds number t0 Yield stress
Ren Modified Reynolds number DPS Surge or swab pressure
v Local fluid velocity dv/dy Shear rate
v1 Local fluid velocity in Region I
v3 Local fluid velocity in Region III Acronyms
V Dimensionless velocity profile in Region I
V Dimensionless velocity profile in Region II
e3 PAC Polyanionic cellulose
V Dimensionless velocity profile in Region III
XG Xanthan gum
Vp Pipe velocity (tripping speed)
YPL Yield power law
W Slot width
YS Yield stress
x x-coordinate

Haige and Xisheng, 1996; Filip and David, 2003). In order to obtain a applying the narrow-slot approximation technique. As reported by a
simple analytical solution, a number of previous studies (Schlichting, number of studies (Guillot and Dennis, 1988; Chukwu and Blick,
1955; Wadhwa, 1966; Flumerfelt et al., 1969; Chukwu and Blick, 1989; Guillot, 1990; Kelessidis et al., 2007; Bourgoyne et al., 1986),
1989) applied the narrow slot method. This method approximates this approach is valid for diameter ratios greater than 0.3.
the annular flow as a slot flow between two parallel plates, one Based on the narrow-slot approach, a theoretical surge pressure
stationary and the other moving at a constant speed. model presented in Appendix A has been formulated for yield power
Although a large number of field and modeling studies were law fluids. The model is developed assuming: (i) incompressible
conducted in the past to investigate surge and swab pressures, fluid; (ii) laminar, steady state and isothermal flow conditions; (iii)
experiments under controlled laboratory conditions have never been constant pipe velocity; (iv) close-ended drill pipe; (v) no-slip
reported. In addition, surge and swab pressure models have been conditions at the walls; and (vi) concentric annulus. The theoretical
limited to Newtonian, power law and Bingham plastic fluids. Often model requires cumbersome numerical procedure to obtain the
the yield-power-law (Herschel–Bulkley) model best fits the rheolo- solution. To develop a simple correlation, extensive parametric
gical properties of most of drilling fluids and aqueous clay slurries study was carried out using the model. Numerical solutions were
(Fordham et al., 1991; Hemphil et al., 1993; Merlo et al., 1995; obtained varying different fluid and geometric parameters. Subse-
Maglione and Ferrario, 1996; Kelessidis et al., 2005, 2007). This paper quently, a simple regression model (correlation) has been developed
presents a new model, which is applicable for yield-power-law fluid. by analysis the numerical results. The correlation predicts surge or
The performance of model has been rigorously tested by direct swab pressure conveniently for yield-power-law fluids without
comparison with experimental data and other existing models. requiring an iterative procedure. Predictions can be made for New-
tonian (t0 ¼0; n¼1), Power-law (t0 ¼ 0) and Bingham plastic (n¼1)
fluids as well. Accordingly, the surge or swab pressure (DPS) is
2. Modeling determined using friction factor as:

The annular fluid flow induced by axial motion of the inner pipe DPS 2rV 2p f
¼ ð1Þ
can be mathematically modeled to predict surge and swab pressures L H

Fig. 1. Representation of a concentric annulus as a slot.

14 F. Crespo, R. Ahmed / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 101 (2013) 12–20

where r and L are fluid density and pipe length in the wellbore. As
shown in Fig. 1, Vp and H are trip speed and annular clearance, Polymer Water
respectively. The relationship between the friction factor and
generalized Reynolds number is established methodically to resem-
ble the pipe flow equation. Hence, the friction factor is expressed Cable Guide
as: f¼16/Re. The expression for generalized Reynolds number is Motor
given as:
Mixing Tank
Re ¼   ð2Þ
2:83 þ 3:88 1e2:62F
where Ren is the modified Reynolds number. The yield stress factor,
F is a dimensionless parameter, which is greater than one for any
fluid that exhibits yield stress. This parameter is defined as:
  n  Pressure
H H t0 Transducer
F¼ þ1 ð3Þ Transparent
dh Vp k
Polycarbonate ΔP
The modified Reynolds is expressed as: 30 cm
rV 2p
Re ¼  n  n ð4Þ
t0 þk A þB=n Vp Guiding Rod

where A and B are geometric parameters that depend on the

diameter ratio ðK ¼ dpo =dh Þ. The yield stress, consistency index
and fluid behavior index are denoted by t0, k and n, respectively.
The geometric parameters are determined as:

A ¼ 0:42  e2:82K þ 0:0024  e9:29K ð5Þ

B ¼ 2:12  e1:7K þ 1:85  105  e14:5K ð6Þ

Collector Tank Computer

Fig. 2. Schematic of the experimental setup.

3. Experimental study
to measure the surge pressure developed between the pressure
The laboratory investigation is aimed at studying experimen- tapings separated by a vertical distance of 30 cm as shown in
tally the effects of fluid properties and drilling parameters on Fig. 2. A data acquisition (DAQ) system consists of a personal
surge and swab pressures under controlled conditions. Extensive computer and DAQ card records test parameters while controlling
laboratory investigation was conducted using Newtonian and the pipe speed. Measurements are displayed and recorded as a
non-Newtonian fluids. All experiments were carried out under function of time using DAQ software. During the test, first the
ambient pressure and temperature conditions. tripping speed is set in the program, then, the controller switch is
used to start the motor. As the motor turns, the pipe moves
3.1. Experimental setup downward while the pressure transducer readings (i.e., pressure
drop across the annulus) are being recorded by the program at the
A new experimental setup has been developed and used during rate of 5 samples per second.
the investigation. It has the capability to vary the tripping speed and
accurately measure the surge or swab pressures. A schematic of the 3.2. Test procedure
setup is shown in Fig. 2. The setup consists of: (i) vertical test section;
(ii) guiding rod; (iii) variable speed motor; (iv) pressure transducer; During the investigation, first preliminary tests were conducted
(v) data acquisition system; and (vi) fluid mixing and collection tanks. to develop an experientially procedure for accurately measuring
A 3-m vertical test section is formed by a fully transparent poly- surge pressure. After establishing reliable and accurate method, the
carbonate tubing (50.8 mm ID) acting as the casing or borehole, and main experiments were carried out. All tests were performed using
inner steel pipe (33.5 mm OD) representing the drillstring. The test the same method that consists of the following steps:
section is clamped to a supporting structure. The polycarbonate
tubing is vertically aligned to keep the inner pipe in concentric Step 1 fluid preparation: Each experiment begins by preparing the
configuration using a guiding rod (6.4 mm OD) at the bottom and a test fluid with the desirable polymer concentrations. First,
cable guide at the top. A blind flange and drain valve are installed at powder polymer and water were mixed in a tank. Adequate
the bottom of the test section. The guiding rod is bolted at the center time was allowed for the mixture to fully hydrate.
of the flange. The bottom of the pipe was plugged and a 6.8-mm hole Step 2 fluid transfer: Fully hydrated homogenous test fluid was
was made for the guide rod. The guiding rod is rigid enough to protect transferred to the test section. The fluid was carefully
the lateral movement of the pipe during the test. A variable speed poured into the test section to minimize the formation of
motor with a speed controller lifts the inner pipe at the desired speed air bubbles. The fluid was left for 15 min in the cylinder
(0.0 to 0.3 m/s), with accuracy of 70.006 m/s. The motor has a pulley while moving the inner pipe very slowly to allow any air
with a 1.6-mm steel hosting cable to move the pipe upward or bubbles to escape.
downward by switching the direction of the motor rotation. The test Step 3 rheology measurement: The rheology of fluid sample taken
setup allows a maximum stroke of 1.2 m. from the test section was measured using a rotational
The setup is furnished with the necessary instrumentation. viscometer (Fann model 35).
A pressure differential transducer, with maximum reading of Step 4 surge pressure test: The inner pipe was positioned to the
70 kPa and accuracy of 735 Pa is connected to the test section maximum stroke level by moving the pipe bottom 1.2 m
F. Crespo, R. Ahmed / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 101 (2013) 12–20 15

PAC 1.00% PAC 0.75% PAC 0.56% Mix PAC 0.28% + Xantan Gum 0.44% b Xantan Gum 1.00%
Xantan Gum 0.67%

a 120 Xantan Gum 0.44%


Shear Stress (Pa)

Shear Stress (Pa)





0 1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 10 100 1000
Shear Rate (1/s) Shear Rate (1/s)

Fig. 3. Rheology of polymeric fluids: (a) PAC and (b) XG.

away from the blind flange. The movement creates Table 1

pressure fluctuations. As a result, the pipe was held under Rheology of test fluids.
static condition until the pressure reading stabilizes.
Test fluids Fluid Temperature Rheology parameters
Subsequently, the pipe was moved downward at different model (1C)
speed while recording the surge pressure. s0 K n
(Pa sn/ (Pa sn)

3.3. Test materials Heavy mineral oil Newtonian 19 0.000 0.204 1.00
Light mineral oil Newtonian 20 0.000 0.024 1.00
Experiments were performed using Newtonian fluids (high and 1.00% PAC Power law 20 0.000 2.260 0.57
low viscosity mineral oils) and non-Newtonian polymeric fluids, 0.75% PAC Power-law 20 0.000 0.670 0.67
0.56% PAC Power-law 20 0.000 0.170 0.80
which are aqueous suspensions of polyanionic cellulose (PAC) and 0.28% PACþ 0.22% Power-law 20 0.000 0.774 0.50
xanthan gum (XG). Fig. 3 presents flow behavior of the polymeric xanthan gum
fluids. Rheological parameters of all the test fluids are presented in 1.0% xanthan gum YPL 20 18.6 0.767 0.50
Table 1. Polymer based fluids show considerable shear thinning. 0.67% xanthan gum YPL 20 7.80 0.553 0.50
0.44% xanthan gum YPL 20 3.44 0.359 0.52
Three different concentrations of PAC (1.00%, 0.75% and 0.56% by
weight) and xanthan gum fluids (1.00%, 0.67% and 0.44% by weight)
were tested. In addition, a polymer mix of 0.28% PAC and 0.22% XG
by weight was considered in the study. The solid lines in Fig. 3a which is represented by the straight line (f¼16/Re). The strong
represent power-law model rheology curves obtained using the agreement between the regression model line and experimental
fluid rheological parameters ‘‘n’’ and ‘‘K’’ calculated from viscometric data points verify the accuracy of the model. In addition, the
measurements. agreement indicates that the prevalence of laminar flow condi-
tions during the experiments. Because turbulent flow data points
3.4. Data processing are expected to deviate from the regression model (i.e., laminar
flow) line as regularly observed during the onset of turbulent in
Fig. 4 shows measured surge pressure as a function of time when pipe flow or annular flows.
the pipe moved downward. As the pipe begins to move downward, For horizontal and inclined wells, eccentricity of the drillpipe
first the fluid particles accelerate and the pressure loss abruptly and thickness of the cuttings bed need to be considered in the
increases with time for a short period. Then, the pressure stabilizes analysis to optimize the trip speed. Eccentricity has been recog-
becoming approximately constant. Average pressure reading under nized to have significant effect on annular pressure losses (Singh
steady state condition was determined for each tripping speed. High and Samuel, 2009; Sorgun and Ozbayoglu, 2010). During the
speed experiments require a longer stroke length to reach steady experimental investigation, it was observed that when the inner
state flow conditions. As a result, the maximum trip speed during pipe was eccentric, surge pressures measurements were reduced
the investigation was limited to 0.21 m/s. For tripping speed ranging as much as 42% percent compared with a fully concentric test
from 0.03 m/s to 0.21 m/s, stabilized steady-state pressure reading (Fig. 6). Adequate modeling of eccentricity effects on the surge
were obtained (Fig. 4a). Stead state condition needs enough time to and swab pressures enable higher trip speed, which can reduce
establish. When the trip speed increases a constant stroke length, non-productive time and drilling cost.
the trip time reduces. As a result, at high tripping speeds (i.e., greater The effect of gelling (static time) on surge pressure were also
than 0.21 m/s), it was not possible to reach the state flow conditions examined. The 1.0% XG based fluid exhibited very high yield
(Fig. 4b). stress. This fluid was chosen for the gelling investigation. Two
identical tests were conducted at 0.015 m/s trip speed after
3.5. Experimental results allowing the fluid to stay under quiescent condition for different
time durations (15 s and 6 min). Approximately same surge
Experimentally measurements obtained from all the tests are pressure values were measured in both cases (Fig. 7) indicating
presented in Fig. 5 as the friction versus generalized Reynolds minimal gelling effect on surge pressure with XG based fluids. In
number. Results are highly correlated with the regression model, general, a highly gelled drilling fluid can create significant swab
16 F. Crespo, R. Ahmed / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 101 (2013) 12–20

2.0 2.5
Readings Readings
Average Average
1.5 Unsteady-State
Surge Pressure (kPa)

Surge Pressure (kPa)

Steady- State




0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 4. Measured surge pressure vs. time: (a) 1% PAC (k¼2.26 Pa sn and n¼ 0.57) and VP ¼ 0.061 m/s and (b) Mineral Oil (m ¼204 cp) and VP ¼ 0.21 m/s.

100.00 7.0
Test After 15 s

Surge Pressure (kPa)

10.00 5.0 Test After 6 min
Friction Factor (f )

1.00 Light Mineral Oil
Mineral Oil 3.0
1.0% PAC
0.75% PAC
0.56% PAC
0.10 Mix 0.56% PAC + 0.44% XG
1.0% Xantan Gum 1.0
0.64% Xantan Gum Yield Stress Effect
0.22 Xantan Gum
f = 16 / Re 0.0
0.01 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 1 10 100 1000
Time (min)
Generalized Reynolds Number (Re)
Fig. 7. Effect of static time on surge pressure measurements (1.0% Xanthan Gum,
Fig. 5. Friction factor vs. generalized Reynolds number. t0 ¼ 18.6 Pa, k¼0.767 Pa sn, n¼ 0.5, VP ¼ 0.015 m/s).

the testing of fluids without yield stress. Due to the yield stress,
Concentric Annulus after the pipe movement, the XG based fluids showed pressure
1.5 difference even under static condition.
Surge Pressure (kPa)

1.0 4. Model validation

Eccentric Annulus

The new model presented in Section 2 is valid for close-ended

0.5 pipe case. This means that fluid displacement rate is estimated as:
q ¼ 0:25pdp V p . The presence of the guiding rod reduces this rate
0.0 by 0:25p dR V p ,
which is approximately 3.6%. Hence, model pre-
0 20 40 60 80 100 dictions were slightly adjusted using the theoretical model to
Time (s) account for the presence of the guide rod. For highly shear
thinning fluids, the rod effect is negligible (less than 1% difference
Fig. 6. Measured surge pressures at different annular eccentricities (1.0% PAC,
in the predicted surge pressure).
k¼ 2.26 Pa sn, n¼ 0.57, VP ¼0.06 m/s).
In order to validate the model for Newtonian fluids, test
measurements obtained from mineral oil experiments are compared
and surge pressures even if pipe movement is maintained low (Fig. 8) with predictions. Measurements show a satisfactory agree-
(Ward and Beique, 2000). This situation is commonly observed ment with model predictions. Discrepancies slightly increase as the
during operations were pressure peaks are observed due to the trip speed increases. Beside this, predictions of the new model are in
energy required to break the gel structure once it has been formed agreement with those of the theoretical and existing models.
(Bjørkevoll et al., 2003; Zoellner et al., 2011). Therefore, rheolo- Flow behavior of PAC containing test fluids best fit the power
gical properties of the fluid must be monitored during drilling law rheology model. The performance of the regression with
operation to avoid excessive surge and swab pressures. It was also power-law fluids is validated (Figs. 9 and 10) using experimental
observed that when the pipe was brought to rest the surge obtained from PAC based fluids. Model predictions are in agree-
pressure reading did not come down to zero as shown during ment with measurements. Also, model performance is compared
F. Crespo, R. Ahmed / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 101 (2013) 12–20 17

8 1.00

Surge Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)

Surge Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)

Regression Model
Theoretical Model Regression Model
Bourgoyne et al, 1986 Theoretical Model
6 0.75 Bourgoyne et al, 1986

4 0.50

2 0.25

0 0.00
0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Pipe Velocity (m/s) Pipe Velocity (m/s)

Fig. 8. Surge pressure gradient vs. trip speed: (a) high-viscosity mineral oil (m ¼204 cp); and (b) low-viscosity mineral oil (m ¼24 cp).

12 8.0

Surge Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)

Surge Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)



Measurements 2.0 Measurements

Regression Model Regression Model
Theoretical Model Theoretical Model
Schuh, 1964 Schuh, 1964
0 0.00
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24
Pipe Velocity (m/s) Pipe Velocity (m/s)

Fig. 9. Surge pressure gradient vs. trip speed: (a) 1.0% PAC (k¼ 2.26 Pa s , n¼ 0.57) and (b) 0.75% PAC (k¼0.670 Pa sn, n ¼0.67). n

3 lowest yield stress (0.44% xanthan gum suspension), a satisfactory

agreement between measurements and predictions has been
Surge Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)

Regression Model
Theoretical Model observed (Fig. 11a). However, for fluids with higher yield stresses
Schuh, 1964
(1.00% and 0.67% xanthan gum suspensions) predictions are slightly
2 higher (10% to 13%) than measurements (Fig. 11b). One possible
explanation for the discrepancies could be overestimation of the
yield stress resulting from the regression technique that uses very
limited data points at very low shear rates. More accurate visco-
1 metric data is necessary to reduce these discrepancies.

5. Parametric study
0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
The relationship between surge pressure and pipe velocities
Pipe Velocity (m/s)
depends on a number of drilling parameters including fluid rheology
Fig. 10. Surge pressure gradient vs. trip speed for polymer mix (0.28% PAC and and borehole geometry. Using the new correlation, the sensitivity of
0.22% XG, k¼0.774 Pa sn, n¼ 0.5). the surge pressure to the variations of fluid yield stress and diameter
ratio has been investigated. Base case input parameters for this
with the theoretical model and existing surge calculation techni- analysis were: n¼0.5, k¼0.6 Pa sn, t0 ¼9 Pa, r ¼1000 kg/m3, dP ¼
que developed for power law fluids (Schuh, 1964). Discrepancies 0.127 m, and dh ¼0.272 m. Fig. 12 presents predictions of the new
between model predictions are minimal. model showing the effect of yield stress on the surge pressure at
To evaluate the performance the new model with YPL fluids, different pipe speeds. As anticipated, at high yield stress values, the
experimental measurements obtained using XG based fluids are surge pressure becomes less sensitive to the increase in pipe velocity
compared with model predictions (Fig. 11). For test fluid with the as the fluid becomes more shear thinning.
18 F. Crespo, R. Ahmed / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 101 (2013) 12–20

3 5

Surge Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)

Surge Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)




Measurements Measurements
Regression Model Regression Model
Theoretical Model Theoretical Model
0 0
0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
Pipe Velocity (m/s) Pipe Velocity (m/s)

Fig. 11. Surge pressure gradient vs. trip speed: (a) 0.44% XG (t0 ¼3.44 Pa, k¼ 0.359 Pa sn, n¼ 0.52) and (b) 0.67% XG (t0 ¼ 7.8 Pa, k¼ 0.553 Pa sn, n ¼0.5).

1.00 (i.e., varying pipe diameter while maintaining a constant hole

diameter) at different pipe speeds. The results show the severity
of reciprocation of a fully closed drillstring in wellbores with small
Surge Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)

annular clearance such as in the case of casing drilling. The surge

pressure becomes more severe when the annular clearance gets
smaller. The substantial increase in surge pressure occurs because
for a close-ended pipe, the increase in the pipe diameter has dual
0.10 effects on the flow. First, it increases the volume of mud displaced
by the pipe per unit time (displacement flow rate); hence, the surge
pressure increases due to the increase in flow rate. Simultaneously,
it reduces the annular clearance resulting in increased hydraulic
YS = 9 Pa
resistance that causes higher surge pressure.
YS = 6 Pa
YS = 3 Pa
YS = 0.3 Pa
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 6. Conclusions
Pipe Velocity (m/s)
A new regression models have been developed to predict surge
Fig. 12. Surge pressure gradient vs. trip speed for fluid with different yield stress and swab pressure for yield-power law fluids. The model is
(n¼ 0.5, k¼ 0.6 Pa sn, K ¼ 0:5). developed by analyzing numerical results obtained from a theo-
retical model, which is based on the narrow-slot approximation
technique. To validate the model, experimental investigation was
conducted using different test fluids. Based on the investigation,
the following conclusions can be made:
Surge Pressure Gradient (kPa)

 The new correlation provides better prediction of surge and

swab pressures in comparison with the existing models;
 The diameter ratio, tripping speed and fluid yield stress can
increases surge pressure as high as one order of magnitude;
1.0  Increasing yield stress tends to diminish the impact of trip
velocity on the surge pressure;
 In horizontal, inclined and even vertical wells, pipe eccentri-
city can reduce significantly (up to 45%) the surge and swab
Vp = 0.1 m/s pressures; and
Vp = 0.5 m/s  The effect of gelling on surge pressure is negligible with
Vp = 0.9 m/s xanthan gum based fluids.
0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Diameter Ratio

Fig. 13. Surge pressure gradient as a function of diameter ratio (n ¼0.5,

k¼ 0.6 Pa sn, t0 ¼9 Pa).
The authors wish to express their appreciation to the
In addition to the yield stress and trip speed, the diameter ratio is University of Oklahoma for support this project. Also, authors
expected to have a strong influence on downhole pressure surge. would like to thank Mr. Joe Flenniken for providing the necessary
Fig. 13 shows how the surge pressure varies with the diameter ratio technical support during the experimental investigation.
F. Crespo, R. Ahmed / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 101 (2013) 12–20 19

Appendix A. Narrow slot model formulation in dimensionless form as:

e2 y
V e ¼ 1p1 1y e2 b for y
e1 r yr y
e2 ðA  9Þ
The annular velocity profile (Fig. 1) in the wellbore during tripping
operations has three distinct regions: (i) outer sheared region (Region The velocity gradient is negative in Region I and it becomes
I) within the boundary limits 0ryry1 (ii); plug zone (Region II) e¼y
positive in Region III. At the edges of the plug zone (y e1 and
within the boundary limits y1 ryry2; and (iii) inner sheared region e ¼ y2 ), the local velocity Eqs. (A-5) and (A-6) should give the
(Region III) within the boundary limits y2 ryrH. For the sheared same value. Thus:
regions (Regions I and III), the momentum balance is expressed as    b 1
(Crespo et al., 2010; Crespo, 2011): e1 p2 b  y
1y e1  ¼0 ðA  10Þ
Region I. The total annular dimensionless flow rate is the sum of the
t1 ðyÞ ¼  s y þ tw ðA  1Þ flow rate in each region. Hence:
Z 1 Z e Z e Z 1 !
y1 y2
ea ¼
q e 1 dy
V eþ e 2 dy
V eþ e 3 dy
V e dex ðA  11Þ
0 0 e
y1 e
Region III.
DP DP By substituting Eqs. (A-5, A-6, A-9) into Eq. (A-11), the
t3 ðyÞ ¼ s y s y2 þ to ðA  2Þ
L L dimensionless fluid flow rate is expressed as:
   h i
e a ¼ p1
q e1 b þ 1  p1 1y
y e1 p2 b 1 1y
e1 p2
where t1 and t3 are shear stress profiles in Regions I and III,  
1    b
respectively. tw is wall shear stress at the borehole wall. For þ p1 1p2 y e1 b þ 1 p1 ye1 p2 ðA  12Þ
laminar flow of YPL (Herschel–Bulkley) fluids, the local shear
stress profiles in Regions I and III are related to the local shear where the dimensionless annular flow rate is defined as:
rates using the constitutive equations as: qa
 n ea ¼
q ðA  13Þ
dv WHV p
t1 ðyÞ ¼ to þk  1 ðA  3Þ
dy The annular geometry is represented by the slot geometry to
and analyze the flow problem. Slot geometric parameters W and H are
 n obtained from annular dimensions dh and dpo as follows:
t3 ðyÞ ¼ to þk ðA  4Þ p dh dpo
dy H¼ ðA  14Þ
respectively. The stress distribution is function of fluid consis-  
tency index k, behavior index n and yield stress to. p dh þdpo
W¼ ðA  15Þ
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