ns130 Nsa

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The key takeaways are that the document provides requirements for trenching, reinstatement and laying underground cables up to 22kV. It outlines responsibilities of different parties and refers to other relevant standards.

The purpose of the document is to provide requirements for trenching, reinstatement and laying underground cables up to 22kV in Ausgrid's supply area.

The document outlines responsibilities of clients, accredited service providers and Ausgrid representatives in section 4.


Specification for Laying of Underground Cables up to 22 kV

Amendments included from: NSAs 1533 July 2009, 1535 Aug 2009 & 1536 Sep 2009;

SUMMARY Network Standard NS130 provides the requirements for trenching, reinstatement, and laying underground conduits and cables, up to and including nominal 22,000 Volts in Ausgrids supply area.

ISSUE Ausgrid staff: This document is for issue to all staff involved with the design and installation of underground cables and conduits. Where this standard is issued as a controlled document replacing an earlier edition; remove and destroy the superseded document. Accredited Service Providers: This document is issued on an uncontrolled basis. Users are responsible for ensuring that the document they are using is current and includes any amendments issued since the date on the document. Ausgrid will not accept any liability for work carried out to a superseded standard. Ausgrid may not accept work carried out which is not in accordance with current standard requirements. Ausgrid maintains a copy of this and other Network Standards together with updates and amendments on www.ausgrid.com.au. Ausgrid also offers a subscription service which provides for updates and amendments to standards on payment of an annual fee.

DISCLAIMER As Ausgrids standards are subject to ongoing review, the information contained in this document may be amended by Ausgrid at any time. It is possible that conflict may exist between standard documents. In this event, the most recent standard is to prevail. This document has been developed using information available from field and other sources and is suitable for most situations encountered in Ausgrid. Particular conditions, projects or localities may require special or different practices. It is the responsibility of the local manager, supervisor, assured quality contractor and the individuals involved to ensure that a safe system of work is employed and that statutory requirements are met. Ausgrid disclaims any and all liability to any person or persons for any procedure, process or any other thing done or not done, as a result of this Network Standard.

INTERPRETATION In the event that any user of this Standard considers that any of its provisions is uncertain, ambiguous or otherwise in need of interpretation, the user should request Ausgrid to clarify the provision. Ausgrids interpretation shall then apply as though it was included in the Standard, and is final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into with any person disputing the meaning of the provision published in the Standard or the accuracy of Ausgrids interpretation.

Network Standard NS130 Specification for Laying of Underground Cables up to 22 kV November 2008 CONTENTS
1 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1 OTHER RELEVANT STANDARDS ............................................................................. 1 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. 2 RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................... 5
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Clients .............................................................................................................. 5 Accredited Service Providers ........................................................................... 5 Ausgrid Representatives .................................................................................. 5 Electrical Safety Rules ..................................................................................... 5 Confined Spaces.............................................................................................. 5 Asbestos........................................................................................................... 5 Admittance to Ausgrid Premises ...................................................................... 6

5 6

AUS-SPEC 1152.......................................................................................................... 6 PROJECT PLANNING AND DESIGN.......................................................................... 7

6.1 New Residential Subdivisions .......................................................................... 7 6.2 CBD Projects.................................................................................................... 7 6.3 Traffic Management and Notification of Proposed Works ............................... 7 6.4 Works in Progress Signs.................................................................................. 8 6.5 Environmental Requirements........................................................................... 8 6.6 Roadway Crossings ......................................................................................... 8 6.7 Driveway Crossings ......................................................................................... 8 6.8 Railway Track Crossings.................................................................................. 8 6.9 Trenchless Technology .................................................................................... 9 6.10 Conduits for the installation of fibre optic pilot cables.................................... 10 6.11 Ausgrids Cables on Private Property ............................................................ 10 6.12 Provision of Detailed Design by the Client..................................................... 10 6.13 Inspection by Ausgrid..................................................................................... 10 6.14 Hold Points ..................................................................................................... 11 6.15 Provision of As Built Drawings and Survey Plans by the Client ................... 11 6.15.1 As Built Drawings.................................................................................. 11 6.15.2 Survey Plan ............................................................................................ 11

SETTING OUT OF EXCAVATIONS .......................................................................... 13

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 General........................................................................................................... 13 Additional Work .............................................................................................. 13 Shared Trenching Agreements ...................................................................... 13 Dimensions of Trenches ................................................................................ 14 Set out for Excavations in New Subdivisions................................................. 14 Set out for Excavations in Established Areas ................................................ 14 Removal of Pavement Layers in Established Areas ...................................... 16 Locating Existing Services ............................................................................. 16 Excavation of Trenches.................................................................................. 16 Excavation of Joint Holes............................................................................... 17 Excavation of Substation Sites....................................................................... 17

EXCAVATION OF TRENCHES AND OTHER SITES................................................ 16

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5


Protection of Trees......................................................................................... 17

9 10

BREAKING INTO AND REMOVAL OF CONCRETE ENCASED CONDUITS ............................................................................................................. 18 JOINTING PITS AND VAULTS.................................................................................. 19
10.1 Removal and/or reconstruction of existing jointing pits containing cables .......................................................................................................... 19 10.2 Construction of Jointing Pits and Vaults ........................................................ 19 10.2.1 Additional Penetrations in Cable Pits or Vaults...................................... 19


CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION WORK..................................................................... 20

11.1 11.2 11.3 Site Mixed Concrete....................................................................................... 20 Ready Mixed Concrete................................................................................... 21 Concrete Construction ................................................................................... 21


INSTALLATION OF CONDUITS................................................................................ 23
12.1 General Conduit Requirements ..................................................................... 23 12.2 Approved Conduits......................................................................................... 23 12.3 Coupling of Conduits...................................................................................... 24 12.4 Conduit Bends................................................................................................ 25 12.5 Coupling of Telecommunication Conduits ..................................................... 25 12.6 Sealing of Conduits ........................................................................................ 25 12.7 Laying of Conduits ......................................................................................... 25 12.8 Banks of Conduits .......................................................................................... 25 12.8.1 Standard conduit and cable spacings .................................................... 26 12.9 Standard Depth of Cover ............................................................................... 26 12.10 Reduced Depth of Cover................................................................................ 26 12.11 Bedding types ................................................................................................ 30 12.12 Concrete Encased Conduits .......................................................................... 30 12.13 Sand/Cement Bedding of Banks of Conduits................................................. 33 12.14 Standard Bedding of Banks of Conduits ........................................................ 33 12.14.1 Standard Bedding Material..................................................................... 33 12.14.2 Construction procedure .......................................................................... 33 12.15 Dry Bedded Banks of Conduits ...................................................................... 33 12.16 Protection of Conduits.................................................................................... 34 12.17 Use of Warning Tape ..................................................................................... 35 12.18 Hold Point....................................................................................................... 35 12.19 Kerb Marking .................................................................................................. 35


THERMALLY STABLE BEDDING MATERIAL (TSB) ................................................ 36

13.1 Approved Material .......................................................................................... 36 13.1.1 Dry Mix ................................................................................................... 36 Joint bays.................................................................................................... 38 Direct buried cables .................................................................................... 38

13.1.2 Regular Mix (slurry) ................................................................................ 38 13.1.3 Bentonite Slurry ...................................................................................... 39 13.1.4 Pumpable Slurry ..................................................................................... 39 13.1.5 Alternative TSB Materials....................................................................... 39 13.2 Minimum Cover of Thermally Stable Bedding................................................ 40 13.3 Installation of Thermally Stable Bedding Mixes ............................................. 40 13.3.1 Hold Points ............................................................................................. 40 13.3.2 Trench Preparation................................................................................. 40 13.3.3 Flotation.................................................................................................. 41 13.3.4 Placing of TSB........................................................................................ 41 13.3.5 Air Voids ................................................................................................. 41 13.3.6 Bleed Water and Hardening ................................................................... 41 13.3.7 Typical Installation Methodologies ......................................................... 41

Forming....................................................................................................... 41


INSTALLATION OF PILLARS AND RAG-BOLT ASSEMBLIES FOR STEEL LIGHTING POLES...................................................................................... 42

14.1 14.2 Installation of Pillar Bases .............................................................................. 42 Installation of Rag-Bolt Assemblies for Steel Lighting Poles ......................... 43


INSTALLATION OF POWER AND CONTROL CABLES ........................................... 44

15.1 General Requirements ................................................................................... 44 15.2 Testing of Conduits Prior to Use .................................................................... 44 15.3 Sealing of Cables ........................................................................................... 44 15.3.1 Method of sealing ................................................................................... 45 15.3.2 Safety Precautions and First Aid Procedures for Graphite Coated Cables........................................................................................ 45 15.4 Shorting of Cable Cores................................................................................. 46 15.4.1 Multicore Cables..................................................................................... 46 15.4.2 Single core neutral screened low voltage cables ................................... 46 15.4.3 Single core copper wire screened high voltage cables .......................... 46 15.4.4 Single core metallic sheathed PILC cables............................................ 46 15.5 Cable Length and Joints ................................................................................ 46 15.6 Cable Length and Joints ................................................................................ 47 15.7 Damage To Cables During Construction ....................................................... 47 15.8 Bending Radii of Cables................................................................................. 47 15.8.1 Bending Radius of Optical Fibre Cables ................................................ 50 15.9 Cable Pulling Equipment................................................................................ 50 15.10 Use of Existing Spare Conduits ..................................................................... 51 15.11 Excavations and Cable Chases ..................................................................... 51 15.12 Cable Installations Involving Jointing Pits ...................................................... 51 15.13 Installing Cables in Substations and Switching Stations ............................... 52 15.13.1 Installing Cables in Kiosk Type Substations .......................................... 52 15.14 Installing Cables in Cable Risers ................................................................... 52 15.15 Clamping of 11kV Paper Insulated Cables .................................................... 52 15.16 Clamping of 11kV Polymeric Insulated Cables .............................................. 53 15.17 Underground to Overhead Transition Points ................................................. 56 15.18 Standard Depth of Cover ............................................................................... 56 15.19 Reduced Depth of Cover................................................................................ 56


BACKFILLING OF EXCAVATIONS ........................................................................... 57

16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 Backfill Material .............................................................................................. 57 Backfill in Landscape Areas ........................................................................... 57 Backfill to Subgrade Level under Footpaths and Carriageways (including heavy duty driveways) ................................................................ 57 Compaction of Trench Backfill ....................................................................... 57 Disposal of Surplus Materials......................................................................... 57 Record Keeping Requirements ...................................................................... 58 Testing of Conduits ........................................................................................ 58


REINSTATEMENT OF PAVEMENTS AND PATHWAYS .......................................... 59

17.1 Temporary Reinstatement.............................................................................. 59 17.1.1 Hold Point ............................................................................................... 59 17.1.2 Reinstatement Requirements................................................................. 59 17.1.3 Temporary Steel Road Plates ................................................................ 59 17.2 Final Reinstatement ....................................................................................... 59

18 19

FREQUENCY OF TESTING OF BACKFILL AND TEMPORARY RESTORATIONS.................................................................................................... 60 CABLE JOINTING ..................................................................................................... 62

20 21 22

CABLE TESTING REQUIREMENTS......................................................................... 62 PROTECTION OF EXPOSED UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION ........................ 63 COMMUNICATION CONDUITS AND PITS............................................................... 63
22.1 Licensed Telecommunications Carriers Conduits and Pits ........................... 63 22.2 Ausgrid Fibre Pilot Conduits and Pits ............................................................ 63 22.2.1 Conduit Requirements............................................................................ 64 22.2.2 Pit Requirements .................................................................................... 64


QUALITY ASSURANCE ............................................................................................ 64

23.1 23.2 Contestable Project........................................................................................ 64 Ausgrid Internal Project.................................................................................. 64

24 25

STORES AND MATERIALS ...................................................................................... 65 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 66

25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 Australian Standards...................................................................................... 66 NSW Acts and Regulations............................................................................ 66 NSW Codes of Practice ................................................................................. 66 RTA Specifications......................................................................................... 66


TYPICAL TRENCH DIMENSIONS ......................................................... 67

APPENDIX B - TYPICAL CABLE ARRANGEMENTS IN FOOTWAYS................................ 68 APPENDIX C - FOOTWAY ALLOCATIONS ........................................................................ 71 APPENDIX D - GUIDE TO MAXIMUM PULLING TENSIONS ............................................. 78 APPENDIX E - GUIDE TO CALCULATING CABLE PULLING TENSION ........................... 81 APPENDIX F - STOCKCODES OF APPROVED ITEMS..................................................... 86 APPENDIX G- CABLE DESCRIPTION CODES .................................................................. 90 APPENDIX H 125MM AND 150MM SPACERS FOR CONDUITS.................................... 91 APPENDIX I - TYPICAL FINAL RESTORATIONS............................................................... 93 APPENDIX J INSTALLATION OF NETWORK DUCTLINES THROUGH BUILDINGS............................................................................................................. 95 APPENDIX K TESTING OF BACKFILLS: THERMAL RESISTIVITY ..................................................................................................... 95

November 2008

The requirements for Trenching, Laying Conduits and Reinstatement have been established over a number of years to meet the particular needs of Ausgrid, Developers, Customers, Local Councils and other service utilities. These requirements are specified in this Network Standard. The requirements of this standard must always be adhered to. Any departures from this standard must be submitted to Ausgrid for approval prior to their implementation. Work on Ausgrids supply system can only be performed by authorised personnel, as detailed in Ausgrid's publication ES4 Service Provider Authorisation.


This Network Standard should be read in conjunction with the following Ausgrid's documents: Ausgrids Electrical Safety Rules NUS100 NS104 NS117 NS118 NS119 NS127 NS129 NS141 NS149 NS156 NS161 NS165 NS171 NS172 NUS174 Field Recording of Network Assets Network Project Design Plans Design Standards for Kiosk Type Substations Specification for Street Lighting Design Standards (Sydney) Specification for Street Lighting Design Standards (Newcastle) Specification for Low Voltage Cable Joints and Terminations 11kV Joints and Terminations - Paper Insulated Lead Covered Cables Site Selection and Site Preparation Standards for Kiosk Type Substations Drawing Content for Chamber Type Substations, Control Points, Cable Risers and Conduits Working Near or Around Underground Cables Specification for Testing of Underground Cables Construction Work in Substations Fire Stopping in Substations Design Requirements for Cable Jointing Pits and Vaults Environmental Procedures

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NS177 NRS 203 NRS 204 NUS 211 ES1 ES4 ES5 ES8 ES9 ES10

11kV Joints (including Transition Joints) and Terminations Polymeric Insulated Cables Planning and Design Standards for Electrical Network Communications Assets Communications Pits Specifications and Installation Guidelines Working with Asbestos Products Customer Connection Information Service Provider Authorisation Charges for Network Miscellaneous and Monopoly Services Capital Contributions Guidelines Agreement for Connection of Developments Requirements for Electricity Connections to Developments

This Network Standard should be read in conjunction with the following industry standard documents: New South Wales Specification (AUS-SPEC#2, 306U) Road Openings and Restorations Aus-Spec 1152 Road Openings and Restorations (Utilities) Streets Opening Conference Guide to Codes and Practices for Streets Opening

Accredited Service Provider
An individual or a company with current accreditation under the NSW Accredited Service Provider Scheme administered by the NSW Office of Fair Trading. The Accredited Service Provider, as a sole trader or the Accredited Service Provider's employee, who has personally been granted permission in writing by Ausgrid after demonstrating to the authorising officer that they have the necessary safety training, qualifications and competence to perform Authorised Work. Work requiring specific permission in writing from Ausgrid to work on or near its network. Refer to ES 4 for further information. The layer of the pavement immediately below the wearing surface.

Authorised Person

Authorised Work

Base course (Base)

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Business Day Carriageway

A day which is Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. That portion of a road or bridge devoted particularly to the use of vehicles, inclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes and heavy duty vehicular crossings. The removal of vegetation or other obstacles at or above ground.



A Client is an individual or an entity who has responsibility for the design and construction of the network addition, and who enters into an agreement/contractual arrangement with accredited parties, who may be internal or external to Ausgrid, for developing the installation. A Client could be a developer, an accredited service provider or a customer. Accredited parties include designers and service providers. Works (including design), funded by the Client, required to enable a new or altered connection where the Client may choose the Accredited Service Provider to carry out the works. A Customer is an individual or an entity that is an end-user of electricity. Cables installed underground whose outer surface is in direct contact with the general mass of the earth. Electricity Distributor means an electricity distributor constituted as a body corporate under the Electricity Act 1945 (as amended). It is the party setting conditions under which assets shall be constructed, and will eventually take over title and maintenance responsibility for these assets. The paved section of a pathway. A defined position in the construction stages of the Contract beyond which work shall not proceed without mandatory verification and acceptance by Ausgrid. The Local Government Authority responsible for the area where the work is being performed. Those roads controlled by Local Council. The dividing boundary line between adjoining lots. The network addition (the installation) shall mean the electricity cables, wires, substations and associated equipment involved in a project. The project could be Client driven (eg. to extend or augment the existing electricity network to supply the Client's premises or development) or Ausgrid driven (eg. to augment or refurbish the existing

Contestable Work

Customer Direct Buried Cables Electricity Distributor

Footpath Hold Point

Local Council Local Roads Lot Boundary Network Addition

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electricity network).


That portion of a road or bridge reserved for the movement of pedestrians and manually propelled vehicles.


That portion of a carriageway placed above the subgrade for the support of, and to form a running surface for, vehicular traffic including the sub-base and basecourse.


A steel street lighting column with an enlarged lower section providing for the connection of low voltage services. Pillar-Standards are mounted on ragbolt assemblies. (See definition for 'Street Alignment') Those roads controlled by Local Council. The portion of the carriageway beyond the traffic lanes and contiguous and flush with the surface of the pavement. Those roads controlled by the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA). The Street Alignment (also referred to as the Property Alignment) is the boundary line between the dedicated roadway and the adjoining subdivision lots. The lowest layer of the pavement immediately above the sub-grade (often a different quality material to the base course). Sub-grade level is the level immediately below the pavement. A measure of the resistance of a material to the flow of heat through it. Unit of measure used in this standard is K.m/W The electricity cable laid in public roadways and easements which originates at the low voltage switchboard of a distribution substation, and serves to supply electricity to end users at low voltage. That part of the road reserve between the carriageway and the road reserve boundary. Bitumen, Asphaltic Concrete or Concrete Surface of the carriageway (with concrete pavements the concrete often forms the base and wearing surface).

Property Alignment Regional Roads Shoulder

State Roads Street Alignment

Sub-base (Sub-base Course) Sub-grade Thermal Resistivity

Underground Low Voltage Distributor

Verge Wearing Surface

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It is the responsibility of Clients to ensure that only authorised personnel are engaged on projects involving Ausgrid's transmission and distribution network as detailed in Ausgrid's publication ES4 Service Provider Authorisation.


Accredited Service Providers

Accredited Service Providers are responsible for ensuring the safety of their employees and the public in general whilst carrying out contestable work. The Accredited Service Provider must adhere to the requirements and conditions set out in ES 4 Service Provider Authorisation.


Ausgrid Representatives
For each contestable project, a representative will be appointed by Ausgrid to be the single point of contact for all aspects of the project. This Representative will also be responsible for organising the necessary audits to ensure compliance with approved construction standards. For each Ausgrid internal project, the Project Manager will have overall responsibility for the project. Where the project involves contract cable laying, Ausgrid will appoint a representative who will be responsible for all aspects of the contractors work. Audits will be carried out either progressively or at the completion of the work, depending on the specific requirements of each project.


Electrical Safety Rules

All authorised personnel will be required to be appropriately trained for the work concerned, and will need to have a thorough knowledge of the applicable parts of Ausgrids Electrical Safety Rules. Level 1 Accredited Service Providers shall have a full understanding of the procedures and documentation associated with Equipping Permits and high and low voltage access permits before they commence work on any part of Ausgrids reticulation system. Ausgrids Electrical Safety Rules are designed to ensure compliance with statutory requirements which apply to all works on high voltage and low voltage electrical apparatus or near exposed high voltage conductors. They apply to persons who enter electrical stations or generating stations. They also apply to people employed by electricity supply authorities, customers taking supply at high voltage, electrical contractors and accredited service providers working on electrical apparatus, and to any other employee or person, including visitors.


Confined Spaces
Entry to and work in a confined space must comply with the NSW Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 and Regulation 2001, the requirements of the Australian Standard AS 2865 Safe Working in a Confined Space.


All materials and equipment used for construction of Ausgrids assets are to be free from Asbestos and or Asbestos related products. Suppliers are expected to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW) together with the NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536

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Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 (NSW) and confirm in writing that all products supplied to Ausgrid contain no Asbestos related materials. Some of the existing conduits and troughings are made of asbestos cement. The Accredited Service Provider shall comply with NUS 211 Working with Asbestos Products to safeguard against the health risks associated with asbestos products. All materials recovered from such conduits, including stripped concrete encasement, shall be regarded as asbestos waste, and shall be disposed of accordingly.


Admittance to Ausgrid Premises

In general, electrical contractors are not permitted to enter any substations, and Level 1 Accredited Service Providers are not permitted to enter live substations. Refer to ES 10 Requirements for Electricity Connection to Developments, Clauses 9.6 and 9.7 for details on restrictions.

This Network Standard frequently refers to the Aus-Spec 1152, document which is a national Specification template dealing with road openings and restoration. It is managed by NatSpec, and supercedes AUS-SPEC#2, 306U, which was previously used in this regard. The method used in this Network Standard to call up a specified Clause in the AusSpec 1152 document is as follows, 1152.1.10 Subheading where 1.10 is the section number and Subheading is the title of the relevant paragraph (generally a bold heading in 1152) if necessary. A copy of the Aus-Spec 1152 - Road Openings and Restorations (Utilities) document is available from Natspec via their website, at http://www.natspec.com.au/Documents/AUS-SPEC%20FAQs.pdf. Note that this provides a one off copy of the document, and that a subscription would be necessary to routinely receive updates.

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The Client must comply with the requirements of Ausgrids Network Standard NS104 Network Project Design Plans. Attention is drawn in particular to Section 5 of that Network Standard, regarding responsibility for obtaining consent from other parties. The Client must comply with any special requirements of other authorities.


New Residential Subdivisions

In new residential subdivisions, the electricity network shall generally be installed underground in accordance with Ausgrids current Network Standards (refer to ES10 for Overhead and Underground Policy for details). The Client is responsible for the reticulation of the subdivision in accordance with Ausgrids ES 8 Capital Contributions Guidelines, which provides for contestability of customer connections, recoverable works and some system augmentation.


CBD Projects
HV and LV cable installations in Sydney's Central Business District are generally pit and duct configurations. Specific details relating to conduit configuration, number, size etc depend on the purpose of the project and shall be provided on a project by project basis.


Traffic Management and Notification of Proposed Works

All excavation and cable laying operations shall be carried out safely with the least possible obstruction to traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian. Vehicular and pedestrian access to properties shall be maintained wherever possible. The Client shall prepare and implement a Traffic Management Plan for each project in accordance with statutory requirements. The following notifications are required: Property owners shall be notified in accordance with the requirements of 1152.1.10, Access to properties adjacent to the works. Local authorities must be notified in writing prior to commencing work in areas under the control of such authorities and, prior to such commencement, all necessary permits required by law to execute the works must be obtained. The road authority (Roads and Traffic Authority/ Local Council) and the Police must be notified as per 1152.1.10, State and regional roads / Local road closures. Copies of such notices shall also be supplied to Ausgrid.

Useful traffic related guides are: AS 1742 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Roads and Traffic Authority Traffic Control at Worksites manual

Traffic management and any associated costs are the responsibility of the Client for contestable work.

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Works in Progress Signs

a) For the duration of works under NS130, ASP / Contractor must display a sign no smaller than 900mm x 900mm, but within the size requirements allowed by local council without requiring a development application, which contain the following details: i. the ASP / Contractors name; address and business phone number; ii. a 24 hour emergency contact name and number for the ASP / Contractor; iii. a request that all enquiries be directed to the ASP / Contractor; and iv. a statement stating This project is being carried out to improve electricity supply in this area. b) The signs must be prominently displayed at the outer boundaries of all work being performed. c) The signs must be kept in good condition and should be replaced if damaged or vandalised with graffiti.


Environmental Requirements
The Client shall conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment prior to commencement of work. All work must be carried out in accordance with environmental requirements in a manner that will prevent pollution and environmental damage. Accredited Service Providers shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and contract provisions regarding environmental protection measures, including NUS174 Environmental Procedures.


Roadway Crossings
All distribution cables shall be laid in approved conduits across roadways to allow for future system alterations/augmentations with minimal civil works. Refer to Section 11 for construction requirements. Additional spare conduits in roadway crossings may also be required by Ausgrid. This will be specified on the Design Information Package. Due to the requirements of certain Roads Authorities (eg RTA and Local Councils), open trenching across certain roadways and other public thoroughfares may not be permitted without specific approval. Refer to Clause 6.9 Trenchless Technology. Once an installation is completed, all conduits shall be tested in accordance with Clause 16.7 Testing of Conduits.


Driveway Crossings
Where a cable route crosses concrete formed or paved driveways, special precautions shall be taken to ensure minimal damage to such driveways. Trenchless methods of crossing these driveways shall be considered to minimise the impact of cable laying on the local community, and to reduce the overall cost of cable laying. Once an installation is completed, all conduits shall be tested in accordance with Clause 16.7 Testing of Conduits.


Railway Track Crossings

All cable installations across railway tracks shall be be arranged and approved in accordance with the Master Access Deed between Ausgrid and Rail. Ausgrids NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536

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Representative will co-ordinate approval. Approval to proceed with the work shall be obtained before the commencement of any work. All new rail crossings (overhead or underground) should allow for all poles or the ends of conduit banks to be located OFF rail property. Poles should be located in the road either side of a rail crossing, provided Rail's technical requirements on maximum span lengths etc permit this. Conduits should be run the full width of the rail corridor, finishing just outside the rail property boundary, so that the need to enter rail land for works is minimised. The cable installation across the railway tracks shall be made by trenchless methods in accordance with the requirements of the Rail Authority concerned. Note that a bore across the entire width of rail land may not be necessary.

Where new works on existing crossings permit, the opportunity to extend conduit banks or relocate poles should be considered. Any such projects should be referred to the Asset and Investment Management Branch for a decision on what work should be included.


Trenchless Technology
Ausgrid encourages the use of trenchless technology for general cable laying where it can be demonstrated to be more cost effective than open trenching methods, or where local conditions preclude the use of open trenching. Various trenchless methods exist, such as directional boring, thrust boring, tunnelling. The trenchless method chosen for a particular installation shall be the most cost effective and practical. If a trenchless method is used, and more than one conduit is installed in the bored hole, or the hole exceeds the outer diameter of the conduit by more than 25mm,

the resulting voids shall be suitably filled with an approved slurry. Where banks of conduits are to be installed in a bore and grouted in place, they shall be built and installed using spacers and feet with banding so that their cross section is circular. The exit points at each end of the conduit bank shall correspond exactly without any cross-overs. The design and construction of a bore means polyethylene pressure pipe is usually required instead of PVC conduits. The Australian Standard for PE Pressure pipes differs from the PVC standards in that it nominates pipe sizes by the external diameter rather than the internal diameter. Thus, if a project calls for 125mm conduit to AS2053, any section of the job to be bored using PE pipe must use pipe selected so that the internal diameter is no less than the ID of the specified PVC conduit. For example, a job calling for 125mm PVC conduit (ID 131.4-133.0 mm) would require the use of 140-160mm PE pipe (depending on the required pressure rating). The relevant Australian Standard for PE pipe is AS4130. Where the conduits are intended to be used for HV cables, the slurry shall be pumpable slurry installed in accordance with Clause 13.1.4. LV cables shall not be installed in bores unless they are unlikely to be connected to services eg LV cables may be installed in underbored road crossings. As it is near impossible to bore adjacent to an existing bore, therefore Design Information shall specify the bore to accommodate all future network requirements along that route. Depth of cover must also be specified, taking consideration of

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potential de-rating of deeper burial. As it is not possible to install cable covers, a minimum of one metre cover is required on all bores.


Conduits for the installation of fibre optic pilot cables

For all new installations a minimum of one orange 50mm conduit for the purpose of optic fibre cable must be installed with every trenched underground cable installation of 11 kV or higher voltages. This must include all new short runs that typically join a distribution centre to 11 kV on a nearby pole. Refer to Clause 22.2 for further information. In exceptional circumstances a 32mm orange conduit can be used with the approval of the Manager Engineering Standards and Research. The conduit is usually placed on the property side of the trench bottom. Refer to Appendix B.


Ausgrids Cables on Private Property

Where Ausgrid's cables are to be installed on private property with the substation lease/easement site set back from the street alignment, The cables shall be direct laid for its full length unless the cable route dictates otherwise e.g. along a heavy duty road or similar land which would make excavation difficult. One spare conduit for each cable shall be installed at depth of cover appropriate for the cable voltage. Where 11kV or higher voltage cables are installed, a 50mm orange conduit for the purpose of optic fibre communication cables shall also be installed.


Provision of Detailed Design by the Client

In accordance with the requirements of publication ES 10 Requirements for Electricity Connection to Developments, Clause 8.4 - Design Certification by Ausgrid, the Client must submit completed designs to Ausgrid for certification prior to commencing construction. This is particularly critical if the scale and complexity of a proposed contestable conduit installation is high, eg greater than 50 m, using bends, using thermally stable bedding, or if jointing pits are required. The designs must be professional, detailed and site specific and must include details of the calculated cable pulling tensions. Appendix E is a guide to calculating cable pulling tension. The designer shall ensure that the cable route is fully located within EAs allocation at standard cover.


Inspection by Ausgrid
Ausgrid will carry out an appropriate level of site inspection during the construction phase to ensure that the network assets, including cables and conduits, are being constructed in accordance with the approved design specification and this Network Standard. Unforeseen site conditions requiring a design change must be documented and approved by Ausgrid prior to construction. Site inspections may require oversight by Ausgrid's Clerk of Works. Note: Inspection is at the Client's cost (refer to publication ES 5 Charges for Network Miscellaneous and Monopoly Services for details).

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Hold Points
Where Hold Points are specified in this Standard, the Accredited Service Provider shall give Ausgrids Representative at least one full Business Days notice of the intention to move from one hold point to the next to allow inspection to be carried out.


Provision of As Built Drawings and Survey Plans by the Client

As Built Drawings
Detailed records of electrical works carried out on Ausgrids network in the form of as built drawings shall be provided to Ausgrid in accordance with the requirements of Network Universal Standard NUS100 Field Recording of Network Assets. The as built drawings must include sufficient detail to permit the assets to be accurately recorded in Ausgrids Geographical Information System. In particular, the drawings must clearly show the depth of cover of any conduit or cable installation, details of conduit bedding or encasement, conduit sizes and their location relative to property boundaries and other clearly distinguishable permanent features on site such as buildings, kerb lines and retaining walls. Obstructions to the cable route shall be recorded in detail in accordance with NUS100 Clause 7.11. Final approval of completed electrical works will not be granted unless all underground installations affected by the works have been recorded to the satisfaction of Ausgrid.


Survey Plan
Red Lined Plan Where cables or substations are to be located on private property, a survey (lease/easement) plan is required in order to establish easements or a lease to cover the electrical works. A copy of this plan is to be provided to Ausgrid showing the following additions in red ink: i. The centreline of electricity cables (or cable conduits if used) with offsets to the easement boundaries. ii. The location of the substation and associated access and ventilation facilities if not already shown on the original plan. iii. Signature by the Registered Surveyor with an accompanying statement to certify that the information shown in red ink has been accurately located to their satisfaction. The as built drawings shall include appropriate information required to permit the Surveyor to provide this certification. Refer to ES10 for further information. Pegging of Easement The location of the easement shall be pegged by a Registered Surveyor prior to commencement of excavation work. If the pegs or marks made by the Surveyor have been disturbed or removed, excavation shall not commence until the pegs or marks have been re-established. The only time re-establishment of the pegs may not be required is if the easement boundaries have been thoroughly marked subsequent to the Surveyor pegging them, and those boundary markings are sufficient to permit the trench to be excavated and recorded relative to the easement boundaries. If it is necessary to locate any part of the trench outside the planned easement boundaries due to other obstructions, then the extent of the

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diversion must be clearly marked and the markings preserved until the Surveyor can return to adjust the plan. Registration of Easement Refer to ES 10 Clause 10.2.

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The limits of the proposed excavation for trenches, pits and kiosk sites must be set out in accordance with an Ausgrid approved Certified Design, this Network Standard, and Aus-Spec 1152. Trenches in footways which have been or will be dedicated to public use are to be excavated in the space allocation dedicated for Electric Cables as defined in Appendix C except where agreements are entered into for the sharing of trenches. It should be noted that streets in the Sydney Metropolitan area that were dedicated prior to 1 January 1991 have different footway allocations to those dedicated after 1 January 1991. New underground electricity work in streets dedicated before 1 January 1991 shall comply with the original footway allocations (ie those applying before 1 January 1991). The Client shall give appropriate notice to Ausgrid to allow inspection and approval of the set out prior to commencing work. This constitutes a Hold Point.


Additional Work
Local Council may request additional removal and restoration works beyond the scope of works approved by Ausgrid (see 1152.1.7). If the additional work is deemed non-contestable, such work will be identified and defined by Ausgrid in negotiation with the Local Council's Restoration Officer. If the additional work is contestable work, the Client shall consult with the Local Council's Restoration Officer concerning Council's requirements, and shall make these details available to Ausgrid's Representative at the Set Out Inspection and Approval Hold Point of the project.


Shared Trenching Agreements

Ausgrid has 2 separate trench sharing agreements for new installations. The first agreement is with Telstra, and it is the default arrangement adopted unless specific arrangements have been agreed to on a case-bycase basis. Trenching details of this agreement are detailed in Appendix B. The second agreement, Underground Services in a Shared Trench, was established in 1998 involving Ausgrid, Telstra, Optus and AGL. This agreement is an initiative aimed at reducing the overall cost of infrastructure developments to the community. The 1998 agreement will only apply if it has been specifically negotiated and agreed to on a site-by-site basis. Copies of this agreement can be obtained from any of the four service utilities involved.

Where the 1998 agreement is invoked, the positioning of the trench and the associated services shall be as detailed in the shared trenching agreement. Further, the recording details of the project shall clearly define the start and finish points of the shared trench, its dimensions, and the service utilities involved (sectionalised if necessary to indicate the presence or absence of certain utilities). Where trenches are shared with other Utilities, the Client is responsible for coordinating the laying of other Utilities' services.

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Dimensions of Trenches
The trench size depends on the following factors: Number and type of cables. Number of conduits. Location of trench (ie. footpath or roadway). Any shared trenching arrangements agreed to with other utilities.

Unless otherwise specified, or changes have been approved by Ausgrid, the guidelines for trench dimensions given in Appendix A, and the cable layouts shown in Appendix B must be used.


Set out for Excavations in New Subdivisions

These requirements apply to all installations in dedicated public roadways/footways and subdivisions intended to be dedicated as such. In new subdivisions, the Client (or developer) must indicate the subdivision lot boundaries and street alignment by installing pegs either at the street alignment or at a nominated distance from that alignment (offset recovery pegs) before any excavation work takes place. Pegs showing final footpath level must also be provided by the Client. In cases where footways are elevated above the kerb and gutter level, the roadway surface near the footway will be accepted as the future final level. Pegs must be clearly visible, easily identified and undisturbed after trench excavation to facilitate accurate positioning and recording of assets. The Client is responsible for the correct positioning of all cable trenches. Trenches in footways that have been or will be dedicated to public use are to be excavated in the Ausgrid space allocations as specified in Appendix C. If it is necessary to occupy part of the footway usually allocated to another Authority, or part of the roadway for laying cables, the Client must first obtain the approval of Ausgrid followed by the written approval of the other Authority before construction work commences. Road crossings and crossings of other Authorities allocations must be at 90 to the property alignment, unless written approval is obtained from Ausgrid.


Set out for Excavations in Established Areas

The Client shall set out the limits of the proposed excavation for trenches, pits and chambers using chalk or crayon so as to be readily understandable but without permanently defacing any surface. The set out shall minimise damage to existing surfaces. In order to minimise or eliminate residual small portions of paving slabs, the set out shall be adjusted as necessary. Any adjustments will be with respect to the existing paved surfaces and joint patterns. Adjustments shall generally be in accordance with the following guidelines, and must be approved by Ausgrid before construction commences: (a) i Pathways The set out line shall be varied in accordance with the reinstatement requirements of the Streets Opening Conferences publication Guide to Codes and Practices for Streets Opening. Bitumen and Concrete Paving - In accordance with the reinstatement provisions and sketches of the Streets Opening Conferences publication Guide to Codes and Practices for Streets Opening.

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Segmental Paving Units - The set out line shall be at least one whole unit clear of both sides of the minimal alignment of the trench. Textured or Patterned Concrete - The set out line shall enable an aesthetically acceptable restoration of the pavement as approved by Ausgrid. Where Ausgrid directs that certain driveways are not to be disturbed, services under these driveways shall be installed by trenchless technology. Carriageways In asphalt pavements, the trench set out shall be at minimum width, and wherever possible, shall be at right angles to the street alignment. In concrete pavements, the advice of the appropriate road authority and/or professional engineering advice shall be sought and approved by Ausgrid regarding the location of trench set-out lines.

ii (b) i


Any trench or surface work proposed in the vicinity of Permanent or State Survey Marks shall be referred to the Land Information Centre of the Department of Lands, prior to commencement of Work, to obtain protection or relocation requirements.

Refer to 1152.2.1 for further information.

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Excavation work shall be carried out with minimal disturbance to the surrounding environment and in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Local, State, and Federal authorities. Accredited Service Providers shall comply with the guidelines in the WorkCover Code of Practice: Excavation (2000) and the requirements of 1152 Section 3 unless otherwise specifically approved by Ausgrid. All excavations must be carried out in accordance with the Certified Design and any other engineering/design drawings approved by Ausgrid. Before conduit or cable laying commences, the excavated trench must be inspected by a Representative of Ausgrid. This constitutes a Hold Point.


Removal of Pavement Layers in Established Areas

In removing surface and sub-surface materials, maximum care shall be exercised to safeguard existing underground services and other structures within and around the work site against damage. The guidelines in 1152.2.2 shall be adhered to unless otherwise specifically approved by Ausgrid.


Locating Existing Services

The Accredited Service Provider is responsible for locating all existing services that may be affected by the proposed works before any excavations take place. This includes contacting DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG on the national telephone number 1100. Aus-Spec 1152.3.2 Requirements of other public utility authorities should be referred to for information on working in the vicinity of other utilities, along with the WorkCover Guide to Work Near Underground Assets. The Accredited Service Provider shall also observe the requirements of Network Standard NS 0156 Working Near or Around Underground Cables, with regards to the safety aspects of working in close proximity to underground cables. Where existing cables have been exposed and found to be non-compliant with the standard depth of cover in Table 3 and the reduced cover and backfill requirements in Table 4, Ausgrids Representative shall be notified. The protection requirements of Table 4 should be retrospectively implemented. Where the protection requirements are impractical to implement, as a minimum steel plates shall be installed across the full width and length of the exposed trench, above the existing cables bedding. Details of reduced cover and backfill on the existing cables shall be provided to Ausgrid as part of as built drawings to enable updating of asset records in Ausgrids Geographical Information System, see Clause 6.15. Where it is found in URD areas where driveways have been lowered so that the initial standard cover (Clause 12.9) has been reduced, the owner of the property serviced by the driveway shall be asked to meet reduced cover requirements or to restore the cover to the original level.


Excavation of Trenches
Trenches shall be excavated according to Ausgrids standard widths and depths as specified in the Certified Design and this Network Standard unless variations have been approved at the set out stage. Trenches shall be kept as straight as possible, and the bottom of an open trench shall be firm and smooth, free of rocks, pebbles,

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foreign matter and sharp projections. Where trenches pass from footway to roadway and a change of level is necessary the rise and fall shall be gradual. If the excavated material is considered by Ausgrid to be unsuitable for re-use as backfill, the material shall be removed and disposed of as specified in 1152.3.2 Disposal of unsuitable material / Contaminated, hazardous material and Section 6.5. If the excavated material meets the requirements of Section 16 and additionally is considered suitable by Ausgrid, the excavated material shall be reused in backfilling operations. Stockpiling of suitable excavated material shall be in accordance with 1152.3.2 Stockpiles.


Excavation of Joint Holes

All cables detailed in underground plans in the vicinity of the proposed jointing must be exposed. Joint holes must be cleared of spoil to a depth of 200mm below any joints or cables to be worked on. Exposed joints and cables in joint holes must be supported at one-metre intervals. Open joint holes must be fenced off in accordance with the approved traffic management plan, and must not be left open if unattended unless: all exposed cables have been de-energised, or special precautions (such as road plates or similar that cannot be moved without the use of machinery) have been taken to prevent unauthorised access to these holes. Any road plates used shall comply with Clause 17.1.3.


Excavation of Substation Sites

The excavation and foundation requirements for substation sites are detailed in the following Network Standards: NS117 NS141 NS165 Design Standards for Kiosk Type Substations Site Selection and Site Preparation Standards for Kiosk Type Substations Construction Work in Substations


Protection of Trees
The Accredited Service Provider shall comply with the guidelines relevant to the protection of trees found in 1152.3.3.

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The specified strength for concrete which encases conduits in roadways, including those in the Sydney Central Business District (the City) is 7MPa. However, some conduits have been encased in concrete with strength well above 7MPa. Tests have identified 35MPa concrete in some conduit installations. Concrete above 7MPa is difficult to break into without using power tools. Conduits normally contain cables, some or all of which could be energised. When breaking into such conduits, extreme care must be taken to avoid creating hazardous conditions to personnel, and damage to equipment and loss of supply. The Accredited Service Provider shall consult with Ausgrid as to the options available for minimising the risks involved, such as de-energising live cables and/or removing cables from the conduits concerned. In many circumstances it will not be reasonably practicable to de-energise or remove cables from a conduit. So some cables may have to remain energised while concrete is being stripped. Under these circumstances a procedure designed to minimise any risk of electric shock or flash burns to the staff involved and the general public shall be prepared by the Accredited Service Provider and submitted to Ausgrid for approval prior to any such work taking place. Refer to Distribution Guideline DG 154 for guidance. The procedure shall also safeguard Ausgrids assets against any mechanical damage. The Client/Accredited Service Provider shall be responsible for the costs associated with working to an approved procedure and for any damage caused. Some of the existing conduits and troughings are made of asbestos cement. Refer to Clause 4.6 for precautions.

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Removal and/or reconstruction of existing jointing pits containing cables
Prior to commencing any demolition or reconstruction of existing jointing pits which contain cables, special precautions must be taken to protect the cables and any joints involved against mechanical damage. It is critical that existing cables and associated joints are not disturbed unless specific written approval has been obtained from Ausgrid to the contrary. All cables and associated joints in a pit that is undergoing demolition and/or reconstruction work shall be supported and protected using timber (or other approved non-metallic) structures. Metallic supports shall not be used unless specifically approved by Ausgrid. Timber supporting structures shall comprise of a horizontal member having a 75mm x 50mm cross-section, and supported with vertical members of the same size, spaced at one metre intervals. Cables and joints shall be secured to the horizontal member of the supporting structures with non-metallic fixings at 500mm. The supported cables and joints are to be enclosed in fibre reinforced non-conductive troughings. Black heat-retardant blankets shall then be draped over the enclosed cables and supports and secured to prevent dislodgment. Prior to removing the roof of a jointing pit the Accredited Service Provider shall place timber sheeting to fully cover all cables and joints to prevent damage by falling materials.


Construction of Jointing Pits and Vaults

Construction of jointing pits and joint bays shall be carried out in accordance with detailed drawings and information prepared in accordance with NS172 Design Requirements for Cable Jointing Pits and Vaults.


Additional Penetrations in Cable Pits or Vaults

Prior to core drilling, sawing or penetrating the structure of a cable pit or vault a structural assessment shall be conducted. The structural assessment shall include but not be limited to the following: the impact the proposed works have on structural integrity strengthening required (if applicable) corrosion protection method of waterproofing the penetration

Structural assessment shall be coordinated through Ausgrids Development Services Section.

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All concrete shall be in accordance with the requirements of AS3600. (a) Cement Cement shall be Type GP general purpose Portland cement or equivalent complying with AS3972. If requested by Ausgrid, a Certificate of Compliance with the requirements of the Australian Standard shall be provided. (b) Fine Aggregate Fine aggregate shall be approved washed river sand or Sydney Hill Sand having clean, sharp, hard, durable grains, uniform in quality and free from harmful amounts of soft or flaky particles, dust, lumps, loam, clay, slag, organic or other deleterious substances. The material shall comply with AS2758.1. (c) Coarse Aggregate Coarse aggregate shall comply with AS2758.1 and shall be approved crushed blue metal or washed river gravel, of 20mm gauge, graded to 6mm, uniform in quality having clean, hard, durable, uncoated particles, and free from flat, thin or elongated pieces of dust, organic or other soluble or deleterious substances. Brecciated aggregates shall not be used. (d) Testing of Aggregates Testing of aggregates to AS 1141 shall be at the discretion of Ausgrid. (e) Water Water shall comply with the provisions of AS3600. (f) Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be either steel bars complying with AS4671 or hard-drawn steel wire fabric complying with AS4671. Reinforcement shall be accurately cut to size and bent to shape and shall be free from scale, oil and loose rust. Reinforcement shall be stored so as to prevent deterioration due to rust or any other cause.


Site Mixed Concrete

Concrete mixing carried out on site shall be by rotating batch mixers only, unless specifically approved on a site by site basis. The aggregates shall be gauged with approved gauge boxes only. Gauging by shovels is not permitted. Water shall also be measured using approved containers or other approved means. Measured batches shall be thoroughly mixed together in a rotating batch mixer for at least two minutes after all materials (including water) have been added and before any part of the batch is discharged. A suitable timer shall be used to ensure sufficient mixing time. The batch mixing drum of the rotating mixer shall be thoroughly emptied, and cleaned immediately before and after each batch.

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(a) Trial Mixes If required by Ausgrid, the correct proportions of water, cement and fine and coarse aggregates shall be determined by trial mixes, and the proportions shall be adjusted to suit the available aggregates and placing conditions. Preliminary test results of the trial mixes shall be submitted to Ausgrid for approval before any concrete is poured.


Ready Mixed Concrete

Ready-mixed concrete from an approved central mixing plant will be acceptable provided that both its use and properties comply with AS1379. The testing requirements of AS1379 shall be additional to those of AS3600. The method of ordering ready-mixed concrete shall be as described in AS1379.


Concrete Construction
(a) Formwork Formwork shall comply with AS3610. Forms shall conform to the shapes, lines and dimensions shown on the drawings. All forms and supports shall be of sound timber or steel, masonite, plywood or similar material of sufficient strength and be adequately tight to prevent leakage of mortar. Formwork ties shall be used to maintain correct separation of vertical surfaces. Timber formwork for exposed surfaces shall be dressed. All forming surfaces shall be coated with an approved form release agent before pouring commences. Coating shall be done before any reinforcement is fixed in position. (b) Fixing of Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be accurately placed and tied at alternate intersections with 1.2mm soft iron wire so as to form a rigid cage or mat which will maintain its shape and position both before and during placing of concrete. Sufficient supporting devices shall be used to ensure the correct concrete cover as shown on the drawings or as required by the provisions of AS3600, if not shown on the drawings. (c) Cast-in Fixtures All holding-down bolts and other fixtures to be incorporated in the concrete shall be accurately fixed in position before pouring. (d) Inspection Before any concrete pour, the reinforcement and fixtures for that pour may be inspected by a Representative of Ausgrid. This constitutes a Hold Point. At the time of inspection, the work shall be in every respect, ready for concrete placing. This requirement includes fixing and tying of all reinforcement and cleaning-out of formwork. (e) Transporting of Concrete Concrete shall be transported to its final location as rapidly as practicable by methods which will prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. Under no circumstances shall concrete which has partially hardened, be used. The containers used for transporting concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned before use. Pumping of concrete will be acceptable provided the methods and equipment used are approved by Ausgrid. Pumped concrete shall comply with this Specification in all other respects. NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


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(f) Testing of Concrete Testing of concrete shall comply with the provisions of AS3600 and the constituent parts with AS1012. Test results must be supplied to Ausgrid on request. Test cylinders and slump tests may be taken on site as required by Ausgrid. The minimum sampling frequency shall be that specified in AS3600. Plant-control testing will be accepted at the discretion of Ausgrids Representative, provided that the testing is by characteristic strength and that all relevant provisions of AS3600 are met. (g) Placing and Compaction All water and debris shall be removed from foundations and forms and any flow of water shall be diverted before any concrete is placed. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted using mechanical vibration. Manual compaction shall be permitted only when approved by Ausgrid. Over-compaction shall be avoided. Concrete shall be thoroughly worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into the corners of the formwork. To minimise flotation or buoyancy forces on the conduits, the concrete shall have a low slump value (typically 80 100mm) and be placed from a minimum height, not exceeding 1.8 metres. (h) Construction Joints Before fresh concrete is placed against hardened concrete at construction joints, the joint surface of the hardened concrete shall be cleaned by removing all loose and soft material and laitance. The surface shall be well roughened, thoroughly wetted and covered with a coating of 1:2 sand/cement mortar, against which the fresh concrete is to be placed before the mortar has attained its initial set. (i) Curing All concrete work shall be fully protected and kept moist for at least seven (7) days after pouring. After initial set has occurred, all exposed surfaces shall be continuously protected against drying by covering with reinforced building paper or an approved alternative. (j) Construction Loading and Stripping Time Formwork and propping shall not be removed earlier than seven (7) days after pouring. During such period, no construction loading of any type or duration shall be permitted without the specific approval of Ausgrid. This requirement prohibits the transportation of loads across concrete surfaces and stacking of materials thereon, prior to stripping of formwork and propping. Formwork shall be removed in such a way as not to shock or jar the concrete. (k) Concrete Finishing Unrendered off-form surfaces shall comply with the tolerances and surface finish requirements described in Class 3 Formwork of AS3610. Surfaces to be rendered shall comply with Class 4 Formwork of AS3610. Unformed surfaces shall be finished by steel trowel or equivalent. The top surface of concrete encased conduit banks need not be trowelled.

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General Conduit Requirements
Where required, the number of conduits and spare conduits shall be specified on the Certified Design. Conduits shall be of the approved type, and shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Certified Design, and this Network Standard. Obstructions and other site constraints may make alterations to the approved design necessary during installation. Any proposed departures from the approved plans shall first be submitted to Ausgrid for approval.


Approved Conduits
Ausgrid has approved a rationalised range of Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) orange conduits for underground cabling as a minimum standard. The stockcode numbers for these conduits are listed in Appendix F. The application of the various sizes is as follows: Table 1 Conduit Size General Application Low voltage services in accordance with NSW Service and Installation Rules and optic fibre cables to support the electricity network. Low voltage services supplied from low voltage pits. Distribution cables (high voltage, low voltage, some street lighting and services). 11kV 500mm2 three core cables where 125mm conduits are not considered adequate, eg complex cable routes which have excessive bends. Sub-transmission cables.


100mm 125mm


The requirements for the various installation conditions are provided in Table 2. These requirements constitute a minimum standard. The use of heavier class conduits of the same nominal diameter as specified below will be at the discretion and cost of the Accredited Service Provider. Heavier duty polyethylene ducts is normally required for trenchless installation. Details are to be agreed with the bore contractor.

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Table 2 - Conduit Specification Installation Type Complex cable routes when 500mm2 three core cables are used. Concrete encased and sand/cement encased conduits, regardless of location (eg city conduits, major roadway crossings). All sand/cement grouted bore holes Conduit Requirements 150mm Light Duty (LD) UPVC (orange) conduit to AS/NZS 2053.2 125mm Light Duty (LD) UPVC (orange) conduit to AS/NZS 2053.2

125mm Light Duty (LD) UPVC (orange) conduit to AS/NZS 2053.2 125mm Light Duty (LD) UPVC (orange) conduit to AS/NZS 2053.2

All State Roadway crossings. All city roadway and laneway crossings. All commercial/industrial driveway crossings. All local and regional roadway crossings, (eg URD subdivisions), for high voltage, low voltage and service cables. All light traffic driveway crossings Conduits in footways and non-roadway easements for high voltage and low voltage network cables. Conduits for low voltage services supplied from low voltage pits. Conduits for low voltage domestic services and street lighting cables in footpaths or non-roadway easements. Conduits in substation chambers and for high voltage and low voltage cables to and from substation chambers. Conduits for the installation of fibre optic pilot cables (new installations).

125mm Light Duty (LD) UPVC (orange) conduit to AS/NZS 2053.2

125mm Light Duty (LD) UPVC (orange) conduit to AS/NZS 2053.2

100mm Light Duty (LD) UPVC (orange) conduit to AS/NZS 2053.2 50mm (min) Heavy Duty (HD) UPVC (orange) conduit to AS/NZS 2053.2

Sizes, types and quantities are as specified in Network Standard NS113, as amended. 50mm (min) Heavy Duty (HD) UPVC (orange) conduit to AS/NZS 2053.2

Note: CORFLO type conduits shall not be used. EA does not presently have a standard range of approved polyethylene pipes for use in trenchless technology (bores). The PE pipes to be used in bores shall generally comply with the requirements of AS4130, with the internal diameter determined in accordance with clause 6.9 and wall thickness determined in accordance with the requirements of the bore design (grouting pressure and temperatures).


Coupling of Conduits
Conduits are to be coupled using spigot and socket arrangements. PVC solvent cement must be used first as a primer for both mating surfaces. Glue shall then be applied to bond the primed surfaces.

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All joints must be properly made to eliminate the entry of water and foreign matter into the installed conduits.


Conduit Bends
Conduit bends shall be selected giving consideration to the during installation minimum internal cable bending radius as detailed in Tables 7 and 8 of Section 15. Excessive bending of conduits to avoid using conduit bends is not acceptable. Where obstructions require conduits to be diverted, only gradual large radius bends (minimum 2.3 metres) shall be used so as not to limit the size of cables that can be pulled through. Approved bends are listed in the Appendix F.


Coupling of Telecommunication Conduits

Telecommunication conduits are to be coupled using an approved slip coupling arrangement. Solvent cement must be used at all joints to eliminate the entry of water and foreign matter into the telecommunication conduits. Note: Telecommunications conduits must ultimately form a continuous network.


Sealing of Conduits
Refer to NS171 - Fire Stopping in Substations for details on Ausgrids specification and requirements for the installation of fire stopping materials in openings in substation walls, floors and ceilings. All conduits must be sealed against the ingress of water and any foreign material which may hinder the removal and/or pulling through of cables. Apart from being susceptible to blockage, unsealed conduits may cause flooding of cable pits and basement type substations and switchrooms. Unused conduits 100mm or larger must be sealed using moulded plastic plugs. Used conduits (ie conduits with cables in them) and conduits smaller than 100mm in diameter (used and unused) must be sealed using approved conduit sealing foam/putty.


Laying of Conduits
The roadway conduits at street intersections and other locations should be laid as nearly perpendicular to the street as practicable, terminating at the road-side edge of Ausgrid cable allocation. Refer to Appendix C for the cable allocation that applies in the relevant area. Minor deviations to align with offset lot boundaries on opposite sides of the road are permitted. All conduits shall be installed so that they are true to line. The ends of conduits shall be smooth and cleanly cut, with sharp edges removed. Where conduits enter pits, the ends are to be cut off flush with the inside wall, and bell-mouths installed. Once installed, the marking on the conduits must be visible for inspection.


Banks of Conduits
In busy shopping centres, pedestrian malls and the Central Business District of Sydney (the City), conduits are generally installed in multiple rows linking vaults and pits. These are usually referred to as banks of conduits. Conduit requirements and layouts are usually specified on the Certified Design.

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Banks of conduits shall be built so that their cross section is rectangular. The exit points at each end of the conduits bank shall correspond exactly without any crossovers.


Standard conduit and cable spacings

The horizontal and vertical separation between conduits, and between the outer conduits and the sides of the trench, shall be 50mm for 125mm conduit, and 70mm for 150mm conduit. The top layer of conduits shall be covered with 100mm bedding. Direct buried cables shall have minimum 50mm horizontal and vertical separation between cables and between the outer cables and the sides of the trench. The top layer of cables shall be covered with 100mm bedding. The only exception is the 50mm pilot cable conduit which may be placed touching the power conduit or direct buried cable.


Standard Depth of Cover

The depth of a trench for a conduit will depend on obstructions, the number of conduits to be installed and their orientation with respect to one another. Banks of conduits shall be installed to have a final cover in accordance with the requirements detailed in Table 3.

Table 3 Standard Cover and Bedding Requirements for Conduits Standard Cover* (mm) 1000 750 750 750 600 500

Location Roadway crossings - State Roads City of Sydney Roadway or Laneway pit and duct system Roadway crossings - Regional Roads Roadway crossings - Local Roads Footway and driveway High Voltage Conduits Footway and driveway Low Voltage Conduits

Bedding Material 7MPa Concrete encased* 20:1 sand/cement dry mix Standard bedding material as per Clause 12.14.1 Standard bedding material as per Clause 12.14.1 Standard bedding material as per Clause 12.14.1 Standard bedding material as per Clause 12.14.1

* In accordance with RTA Specification M209 for State Roadways and Streets Opening Conference for all other roads. If the standard depth of cover requirements cannot be met, reduced cover in accordance with the requirements of Clause 12.10 may be allowed by Ausgrid if prior approval is sought.

12.10 Reduced Depth of Cover

Where it is absolutely necessary to reduce cover over conduits or cables in order to overcome unavoidable site obstructions, the following requirements shall be followed, but only after consultation with and agreement by Ausgrids Representative. It should be noted that this concession DOES NOT provide a blanket approval for reducing the depth of cover. Note that the cover/protection

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requirements below generally preclude directional drilling being utilised at reduced cover. a) Cables must be laid in conduits. b) The reduced depth shall be limited to a maximum of 5 metres of continuous trench length. The total length of trenching subject to reduced depth shall not exceed 5% of the total length of trenching involved in any one project or part thereof unless specifically approved by Ausgrids Representative. Where a roadway crossing involves obstructions which necessitate invoking this clause and it can be demonstrated that it would be more practical to do the full roadway crossing at the same reduced depth, Ausgrid will consider exempting the roadway crossing from the 5% rule. c) The transition between standard depth and reduced depth shall be gradual, and shall not exceed the minimum bending radius of the cables expected to be accommodated within the conduits. For the purpose of determining the minimum bending radius of spare conduits, and in the absence of any other information, it shall be assumed that 125mm and 150mm conduits will respectively accommodate three core polymeric cables up to 400mm2 and 500mm2 in cross sectional areas. Refer to Clause 12.4 for further information. d) Trench dimensions, bedding, backfill and protection requirements shall be as specified in Table 4 below. e) The 50mm pilot cable conduit will be at the same depth or deeper than the electrical cables. f) Where it is impractical to comply with reduced cover requirements in special concrete encased cable installations eg bridge culverts, underneath suspended slabs, paved areas outside of Ausgrid s cable allocation, within buildings (including cable risers, walls and beams), a clearly visible permanent surface marking at 3 metre intervals along the cable route shall be centrally affixed to all surfaces (where attachments may be made or holes drilled) of the concrete encasement to warn of the presence of these cables. An example of a suitable marking is a 250mm x 180mm rectangular stainless steel warning plate with the words DANGER, ELECTRIC CABLES BELOW; secured to surface by stainless steel screws. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

Surface marking

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Table 4 Reduced Cover and Backfill Requirements for Conduits (refer notes 1 and 6 below) Location Reduced Cover (mm) 500* Bedding / Backfill / Protection Requirements 20MPa (min) Concrete encased (refer to Figure 2 and notes 2 and 5 below) Standard bedding material (see Clause 12.14.1) and one extra layer of polymeric cable covers (refer to Figure 3 and note 4) Standard bedding material (see Clause 12.14.1) and a 20MPa (minimum) concrete slab 100mm above the top row of conduits (refer to Figure 4 and note 5) 7MPa (min) Concrete encased (refer to Figure 2 and notes 3, 5 and 6 below)

LV and/or HV conduits in any type of roadway

HV conduits in footway


LV conduits in footway


LV and/or HV conduits in other public access areas, eg car parks, recreation areas, etc.


* In accordance with RTA Specification M209. Notes: 1. Subject to the requirements of Clause 12.10. 2. The actual strength of the concrete mix shall be to the requirements of the roads authority if it has to be higher than 20MPa. 3. The actual strength of the concrete mix shall be to the requirements of the land owner if it has to be higher than 7MPa. 4. Polymeric cable covers shall be laid across the full width of the trench. Refer to Clause 12.16 for installation parameters. 5. Cable warning tapes shall be laid across the full width of the trench. Refer to Clause 12.17 for installation parameters. 6. Where a thermally stable bedding material is required in lieu of concrete, it shall have a compressive strength matching the concrete it is replacing.

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Figure 2 LV and/or HV Conduits in any Roadway

Figure 3 HV Conduits in Footway

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Figure 4 LV Conduits in Footway

12.11 Bedding types

Conduit bedding material shall be specified on the Certified Design. The type of bedding material used for banks of conduits (including single conduit installations) shall be in accordance with Table 3. Additionally, When conduits are installed either below or beside or above other cables, conduits shall be encased in the same cable bedding material as adjacent cables unless otherwise directed in the Design Information. For grouted bore hole installations, conduits shall be encased in a pumpable slurry in accordance with 13.1.4.

Any variations to bedding materials will require Ausgrid's approval before implementation. The above bedding materials have traditionally been used with paper insulated lead covered cables. Where a Certified Design calls for polymeric cables to be used, it may also call for special bedding materials to ensure thermal stability of the installation. Thermally stable bedding material shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Section 13 of this Network Standard. Special installation requirements may be necessary in some circumstances in which case appropriate instructions will be noted on the relevant plans.

12.12 Concrete Encased Conduits

Refer to Section 11 for information on concrete construction work in general. All concrete used for conduit encasement shall have a characteristic strength as stated in Table 3 or 4, at twenty-eight (28) days The standard thickness of the concrete encasement on the top, bottom and each side of the conduits in a conduit bank shall be as specified in Table 5. Where the depth of cover over the conduits has to be reduced, the requirements for encasement shall be as specified in Clause 12.10.

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Table 5

Concrete encasement dimensions Minimum Encasement Thickness (mm)

Conduit Size 125mm 150mm

Top 100 100

Bottom 50 70

Sides 50 70

Encased conduits shall be installed with suitable spacers between the conduits prior to placing the encasement material. Refer to Appendix H for further information on suitable spacers. Where construction joints in the encasing material occur, each joint shall be provided with at least four 16mm diameter steel dowels, extending into the encasement material for 450mm on either side. Two additional dowels shall be provided for every additional row of four conduits above four installed. Conduits should be secured to avoid flotation during the pouring of concrete. This may be achieved by tying the conduits with rope at three metre intervals and anchoring the conduits using timber stakes driven into the cable trench, or by other approved methods. Concrete encasement should be designed to ensure the heat of hydration does not result in overheating and deformation of the conduits. Ausgrid specifies that conduits shall not be damaged by operation at 80oC. The conduits shall be fixed in place so that the top concrete cover remains at no less than 100mm. Special attention shall be paid to recording the depth of cover (refer to Network Standard NUS100 - Field Recording of Network Assets). The Project Manager for the work shall be responsible for ensuring that the concrete cover over the top conduits is uniform, or if this is not possible, that the actual cover is accurately recorded, in accordance with NUS100. Depth gauges may be used if required to measure the actual cover at critical locations. Figure 5 shows the typical layout of a nine-way bank of conduits where 125mm conduits are installed as three layers of three. The conduit spacer shown in the illustration has stockcode which appears in Appendix F. Figure 6 shows a nine-way bank of 150mm conduits.

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Figure 5

Nine-way bank of 125mm Conduits

Figure 6

Nine-way bank of 150mm Conduits

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12.13 Sand/Cement Bedding of Banks of Conduits

Sand/cement mix used for bedding conduits shall be portioned 20 parts sand to 1 part cement and thoroughly mixed before placement to ensure that concentrations of cement do not occur. Sand/cement bedded cables and conduit banks shall be constructed using the procedure for dry bedding of conduits in Clause 12.15.

12.14 Standard Bedding of Banks of Conduits

12.14.1 Standard Bedding Material
It is of paramount importance that appropriate bedding material is used for bedding cables and conduits in an open trench. Standard bedding materials shall meet the following requirements unless specifically approved otherwise by Ausgrid: Bedding materials shall be finely divided and stone free where no less than 95% by mass shall pass through a 2.36mm mesh sieve, with 100% by mass passing through a 4.75mm mesh sieve. The material shall be free of glass, metal, sharp objects, slag, organic or other harmful substances. Recycled GlassSandTM and other recycled crushed glass products are not approved bedding materials.


Construction procedure
The conduit banks shall be constructed using the procedure in Clause 12.15.

12.15 Dry Bedded Banks of Conduits

The bedding compaction ratio shall be minimum 3:2. Dry bedded banks of conduits shall be constructed using the following procedure: For 125mm conduits: 1. Place a 75mm deep layer of approved bedding material at the bottom of the trench and compact the bedding down to 50mm. 2. Lay the first row of conduits. Maintain a minimum separation of 50mm between conduits, and 50mm between the outer conduits and the sides of the trench. 3. Place bedding material over the first row of conduits to a depth of 285mm and compact the bedding material down to 190mm. 4. Lay any additional rows, then place more bedding material and compact between the rows in the same manner. 5. Place a 150mm layer of bedding material over the top layer of conduits and compact down to 100mm.

For 150mm conduit: 1. Place a 105mm deep layer of bedding material at the bottom of the trench and compact the bedding down to 70mm. 2. Lay the first row of conduits. Maintain a minimum separation of 70mm between conduits, and 70mm between the outer conduits and the sides of the trench.

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3. Place bedding material over the first row of conduits to a depth of 345mm and compact the bedding material down to 230mm. 4. Lay any additional rows, then place more bedding material and compact between the rows in the same manner. 5. Place a 150mm layer of bedding material over the top layer of conduits and compact down to 100mm.

Note: When adding and compacting the bedding material, care shall be taken to avoid dislodging the laid cables and/or conduits from their required position. Conduit spacers should be used to progressively construct the conduit bank. Particular care shall also be taken when bedding cables to ensure that excavated material is not mixed with the bedding material. The layer of bedding material over the cables and/or conduits shall be carefully consolidated using hand rammers only. Under no circumstances shall mechanical rammers be used to consolidate the cable bedding material. On steep inclines and other locations where scouring of the bedding material is likely to occur, bulkheads consisting of bags packed with 20:1 sand/cement mix must be installed at regular intervals.

12.16 Protection of Conduits

Conduits that are; concrete encased, TSB encased, protected for reduced cover by concrete, protected for reduced cover by steel plates, or installed using Trenchless Technology,

are considered inherently protected from mechanical damage. These installations do not require additional cable protection covers. Dry bedded conduit and cable installations shall be protected against mechanical damage using Ausgrid approved cable protection covers laid directly above the bedding material. Currently approved cable protection covers are of the polymeric type complying with Ausgrid's performance requirements. The standard sizes used and the corresponding stockcode numbers are listed in Appendix F. Where there is a single cable and/or conduit in the trench, a single 150mm or 300mm wide strip of polymeric cable cover shall used. The single cable cover shall completely cover and be centred over that cable or conduit. Where 2 or more cables and/or conduits are laid side-by-side, the wider 300mm size of polymeric cable cover shall be used. If more than one strip of 150mm wide polymeric cable cover are required side by side, 300mm wide strips shall be used. Polymeric cable cover strips laid side-by-side shall butt up against each other. Polymeric cable cover strips laid end-to-end shall overlap by approximately 20mm. NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


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Cable covers must be immediately secured in position by covering with a 150mm thick (minimum) layer of backfill material.

12.17 Use of Warning Tape

Warning tape, as listed in Appendix F, shall be used in the following circumstances: Over concrete encased conduits Over TSB encased conduits Over concrete protected reduced cover installations Immediately above steel plates where these are used to protect cables which have reduced cover Where specifically required by Ausgrid.

Where used, the tape shall cover the full width of the trench, or portion thereof containing cables. Where two or more strips of warning tape are laid side-by-side, they shall butt up with minimal overlap.

12.18 Hold Point

After conduit /cable bedding and protection have been installed but before trench backfilling commences, the installation must be inspected by a Representative of Ausgrid. This constitutes a Hold Point. If a Hold Point is missed, a video camera or similar inspection of conduit installations may be required, at the Accredited Service Providers expense.

12.19 Kerb Marking

Permanent kerb marking must be provided at all roadway conduit crossings and under road borings, using the letter E (for Electricity). The markings shall be done by engraving or other approved means, and shall be positioned on the face of the kerb directly above the installed conduits at both sides of the roadway crossing. For example, permanent kerb marking may consist of an approved stainless steel E plate anchored onto the kerb as shown in Figure 7. The supplier is Hi-Tech Horizontal Drilling. http://www.kerbmarkers.com

Figure 7

Approved kerb marking

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Ausgrid uses the generic term Thermally Stable Bedding (TSB) in referring to any thermally stable bedding or backfill material which has been designed to achieve specific thermal characteristics. Note: Fluidised Thermal Backfill or FTB is a registered trademark of Geotherm, and is often referred to as a form of thermally stable bedding material. Where Ausgrid specifies the use of TSB material the installation shall meet the following requirements unless specifically approved otherwise by Ausgrid.


Approved Material
Four types of TSB mixes have been developed for use in various applications, as discussed in Clauses 13.1.1 to 13.1.4. For effective TSB performance, periodic tests are required to ensure that: the specified mix ingredients continue to be used, and similar ingredients are not substituted without approval, and the TSB mixes achieve their designated function, including thermal and mechanical characteristics.

Consequently, TSB mixes should be tested according to the following guidelines: prior to delivery of the first batch of a new mix (i.e. from a new batch plant or source of supply) and at least every 5th batch or whenever one or more ingredients are to be sourced from a different location or supplier

Each test shall consist of assessment against the criteria specified in 13.1.5 below. In addition, slump shall be tested prior to every installation of slurries, while compaction testing of dry mixes shall be as specified in Section 18.

13.1.1 Dry Mix

Application: Trench floors or where a compacted dry mix is required around conduits in trenches. This mix gives a nominal thermal resistivity value of 0.9K.m/W when compacted to 98% Standard Proctor. Special care must be observed with thorough mixing of the ingredients, installed moisture content, and proper compaction measures.

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Dry Mix Recipe Component Coarse Aggregate - 10mm aggregate Fine Aggregate - see Sand table below Fly Ash (Eraring) Cement Wt.(kg/m3) SSD* 725 1095 140 25

Water 105 * SSD = Saturated Surface Dry - the condition of the aggregate in which the pores in each particle of the aggregate are filled with water but no excess water is on the particle surface.

Coarse aggregate must be smooth, rounded with no sharp edges. Fine aggregate (sand) may be from one of the following suppliers or from other sources, if proven to have a thermal resistivity (TR) less than 1.75 when fully dried out and compacted to 98%. Crushed or recycled glass or alternative sands from these or other suppliers must not be used without approval through the NS181 process.



Sand type (common name)

Dry Density TR values (kg/m3) 95%1 0.1 (oK.m/W) 1707 1682 1623 1895 1685 1665 1895 1708 1768 1.27 1.46 1.75 1.69 1.44 1.80 1.69 1.51 1.75


Hanson Boral Readymix

Brandy Hill2 (coarse sand) CMS (Black sand) 5mm dust (Black sand) 5mm minus Manufactured (black sand) Teralba coarse (Coarse sand) Rosebrook Coarse (Coarse sand) 5mm minus Manufactured (black sand) 27BA3 (Black sand) Coarse dust (Black Sand)


Hanson Readymix Readymix


Hanson Boral Readymix

Notes: 1. TR values are quoted for 95% compaction, as this is a more realistic value for typical installations. 2. 5mm minus Manufactured Sand 3. Manufactured coarse, washed 27BA 4. Double or triple washed sands are not acceptable

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Alternative dry mix Where a fully dried TR of approximately 1.5K.m/W (95% compaction) is acceptable to the designer, 20:1 sand/cement mix may be used in accordance with Clause 12.13.

Joint bays
Note that joint bays are the most likely section of a project to be re-excavated, and so these will normally be filled with compacted, well graded sands or finely crushed rock (same fineness as sand). Coarse aggregates must not be used in joint bays due to risk of damage to the cable during compaction.

Direct buried cables

Direct buried cables may be buried in sand or sand-cement mixes, depending on the rating requirements. Generally sand would only be used for small trenches with no more than two power cables. For larger direct buried installations, bedding should consist of 14:1 or 20:1 compacted sand cement mix, using sands from the preferred lists above, or as approved by Ausgrid. Coarse aggregates must not be used in trenches with direct buried cables, due to risk of damage to the cable during compaction.

13.1.2 Regular Mix (slurry)

Application: Most trenches and banks of conduits. This mix gives a nominal fully dry thermal resistivity value of 0.9K.m/W. The mix must comply with both the thermal and mechanical performance specification for each project. A slump of 110mm shall be adopted as the standard for most projects and vibration is not normally permitted due to the risk of aggregates segregating out and reducing thermal performance. If a lower slump is required for sloping sites and it is found that the mixture is not fully encapsulating the conduits, properly specified vibration shall be used to ensure the mix is properly blended. Vibrating must be monitored to ensure it does not damage the cables or conduits and to ensure components do not segregate out. Water may only be added on site to restore the correct slump never to speed installation. Regular Mix Recipe Component Coarse Aggregate - Round River Gravel Fine Aggregate - Nepean Sand Fly Ash Cement Water * SSD = Saturated Surface Dry Wt.(kg/m3) SSD* 925 985 160 20 200

Alternative Slurry Mix As an alternative to the above Regular Mix slurry, normal ready mix concrete may be installed around conduit banks without additional testing of thermal NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


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characteristics. Note that this will normally be more expensive than using the slurry. For cables installed in conduit banks, the compressive strength shall normally be 7MPa. Refer also to Section 16.3. Concrete must not be used as bedding for direct buried cables.

13.1.3 Bentonite Slurry

Application: Inside conduits. The use of bentonite/sand slurry (non-cement stabilised) is generally not recommended, but may be used where thermal performance would otherwise be inadequate, even with a Dry or Regular Mix surrounding the conduits, In such cases, bentonite may be pumped into the conduits (which must be effectively sealed to retain moisture) to eliminate voids. This slurry shall only be used with the approval of Ausgrids Representative. The slurry may be removed later by pumping water under pressure into the conduits. The ratio of bentonite to sand should be first tested to ensure its thermal and mechanical properties meet the requirements of the project.

13.1.4 Pumpable Slurry

Application: For filling the void between conduits installed in a bore and the lining of the bore, where specified by the designer. Pumpable slurry is superior to bentonite slurry for use in this application as it has better flow characteristics, minimises the risk of voids and shrinkage, and stabilises the conduits. One approved pumpable slurry is Stratabinder HS Slow Set, which has high strength and low viscosity. This slurry has a nominal thermal resistivity value of 1.1oK.m/W fully dried. Alternative slurries must be approved by Ausgrid and demonstrate the ability to provide an equivalent thermal resistivity prior to use. Installation of the slurry grout is critical to the long term performance of the cables and should only be undertaken by companies with demonstrated experience in installation of slurry grout in bores comparable in length to the proposed installation, or under the supervision of a technical representative of the slurry grout supplier. Conduits for use in filled pipes must be able to withstand, without deformation, the heat build up as the slurry grout cures. Therefore, conduits should be rated PN9 as a minimum to ensure adequate performance, or as recommended by the slurry grout manufacturer or drilling contractor.

13.1.5 Alternative TSB Materials

On any project, alternative mixes may be used, provided test results demonstrating thermal and mechanical performance are submitted to the Ausgrid representative for approval prior to use. Details of changes to the recipe which achieve the same or better performance, together with test results, shall also be submitted to Network for review. Once approved, the alternative mixes may be used on other projects, provided there are no unapproved changes to the recipe, and the characteristics are compatible with the requirements of the other projects. For example, a mix with a thermal resistivity of 0.9oK.m/W at 0% moisture content and a 28 day compressive strength of 3MPa would be acceptable for use on a project requiring a TR of 1.2oK.m/W at 0% moisture content and compressive strength not greater than 5MPa without further approval.

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Alternative mixes shall be tested in accordance with an approved testing facility in accordance with the requirements of external appendix K, and shall comply with the following thermal and mechanical performance parameters: Thermal parameters: Thermal parameters are specified in the Certified Design. If not specified, refer to the Ausgrid representative for direction. Mechanical parameters: For direct laid cables, the compressive strength must not exceed 3MPa after 28 days, where this is consistent with roads authority requirements. Where the trench is in roads or footpaths that require a stronger surface, a capping mix or subgrade and grade with compaction strength to the requirements of the roads authority may be used above the TSB mix. Refer to Section 16.3. For cables installed in conduit banks, the compressive strength of the bedding shall be 7MPa. Refer to Section 16.3.


Minimum Cover of Thermally Stable Bedding

The minimum cover of TSB (whether around cables or conduits) shall be 50mm in all directions. This cover may need to be increased depending on the detailed cable design, for example installations involving a large number of conduits at zone substation outlets. To minimise obstructions to other utility services in footpath locations, the TSB must not be used as backfill material (above the cable warning tapes) on installations in footpaths or on road crossings. Generally, cable design should not require use of thermal backfill above the cable warning tapes on distribution projects. Where the installation conditions do require this, use of non slurry type backfills is preferred. This could include, for example, backfill with the dry mix alternatives, or roadbase. The expected TR values should be obtained in such situations prior to purchase and installation of materials. As a last resort, the trench could be relocated to a location that does not inhibit the ready connection of other utility services to properties (e.g. into the carriageway, or closer to the kerb), the location to be agreed with affected utilities.


Installation of Thermally Stable Bedding Mixes

The following constitute Hold Points: Testing and approval of TSB mixes Immediately before the installation of TSB. After TSB has been installed but before trench backfilling commences.

13.3.1 Hold Points

13.3.2 Trench Preparation

The trench should be free of all debris and standing water before the bedding mix is poured. A small amount of water in the trench is acceptable.

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13.3.3 Flotation
Since thermally stable bedding mixes are a hydraulic fill, conduits may tend to float, and therefore they must be anchored to the bottom of the trench. The TSB shall be placed from a minimum height, not exceeding 1.8 metres.

13.3.4 Placing of TSB

TSB shall be supplied and transported to site in agitator trucks. The mix should be installed by controlled pouring around the conduits or cables in accessible trench locations. The nominal slump of the regular mix shall be such that there is no need for mechanical compaction/ vibration. The TSB mix can also be pumped into pipes, tunnels, or other inaccessible locations using conventional concrete pumps, although the flow requirements may have to be adjusted for these applications. In order to ensure a specific thickness of bedding mix below cables or conduits, these may be set on wet sand bags. Alternatively, the bedding mix may be poured in two lifts, with the cables or conduits being set on the first lift after it has hardened.

13.3.5 Air Voids

TSB flowable mixes are designed to eliminate entrapped air voids, and the need for mechanical compaction/ vibration. Work methods must ensure that any gaps and air voids (such as those caused by cracking of the mix or removal of shoring materials) are completely filled with a sand /cement mix or TSB respectively.

13.3.6 Bleed Water and Hardening

As the bedding mix starts to solidify, it will bleed excess water to the surface. In poorly draining native soils, provision must be made to allow this bleed water to either drain away or be pumped away. The bedding mix will set within 6-8 hours of it being placed. The mix shall be left overnight to cure without any disturbance and before backfilling of the trench commences. For special applications where quick hardening is required, vacuum de-watering may be used. The surface of the freshly poured bedding mix is covered with a filter mat and a suction pad that is in turn connected to a vacuum hose. This will allow a 24-hour normal curing strength to be attained in just a few hours. Note: TSB should not require vibrating as this may cause segregation or uneven dispersion of mix aggregates.

13.3.7 Typical Installation Methodologies

Refer to Clause 12.12 for installation methodology and required dimensions. Forming
If the trenches are shored or bulkheads are used on sloping ground, the shoring should be removed during the mix pour or within one hour after the mix is poured that is, while the mix is still in a semi-fluid state. However, the mix should not to be allowed to develop cracks as it flows into the space created by removal of the shoring. If cracks or voids are found, these shall be filled in by pouring additional TSB material into them. Limited vibration may be used to ensure the TSB effectively fills the void left by the timbers, if it appears not to be doing so.

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Installation of Pillar Bases
The pillar base is installed in the footpath, square to the kerb, with the centre of the top opening 400mm in front of the street alignment, and normally in a direct line with the extension of the Lot Boundary line. For link pillars (i.e. single and double) the short edge of the pillar base shall be installed parallel to the building line and for all other pillars (i.e. solid pillars, service pillars etc.) the long side of the pillar base shall be installed parallel to the building line. Use sand-filled bags, or other means, to build a stable column in the trench to support the pillar base, enclose the distributor, service cables and service conduit stubs, and cover any high voltage cables.


Figure 8 Pillar Base Alignment Details

Position the base so that the top is level and 50mm above the footpath level at street alignment as shown in the above figure. Allow for grass when determining the final footpath level. Cable terminations shall be installed in accordance with NS 0127 Specification for Low Voltage Joints and Terminations. Once the distributor and service cables have been installed and terminated, the trench around the base and supporting structure must be backfilled with well compacted granular soil.

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Installation of Rag-Bolt Assemblies for Steel Lighting Poles

Rag-bolt assemblies are used as mounting bases for some steel lighting poles. Rag-bolt assemblies must not be erected before the final footpath level has been ascertained from the local authority. Unless otherwise specified, the centre line of the rag-bolt assemblies shall be positioned 400mm from the street alignment, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 Rag-bolt Alignment Details

Installation of the rag-bolt assembly and plinth shall be in accordance with Ausgrid drawing 514087, using plinth steel mould to Ausgrid drawing 514020. The rag-bolt assembly must be installed in a 600mm diameter hole. Where unstable ground exists or shared trenching is used, a 600mm diameter former tube must be fitted to the hole. The hole or former tube must be filled with 32MPa concrete. The approximate concrete mix proportions for 32MPa are: 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, and 3 parts coarse aggregate with a water to cement ratio of 0.5 by weight. Any gaps around the concrete core must be filled with well compacted granular soil, and any sharp edges must be removed after the concrete has set.

Once in its final position, the rag-bolt assembly must: be vertically aligned in both planes be square to the kerb have its centre line 400mm from the street alignment (unless specified otherwise) have the top of the threaded rods 75mm above the final footpath level at the centre line of the assembly

Once the street lighting cables have been installed and terminated in accordance with NS118 Specification for Street Lighting Design Standards (Sydney) or NS119 Specification for Street Lighting Design Standards (Newcastle), the trench around the rag-bolt assembly must be backfilled with well compacted granular soil.

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General Requirements
Cables must be installed in the correct allocation, and with the specified separation from other cables and the sides of the trench. Refer to Clause 12.8.1 and Appendices A, B and C for further information.


Figure 10

Cable Installation Details (Direct Buried)


Testing of Conduits Prior to Use

Prior to the commencement of the cable installation, all conduits intended to be used, whether newly laid or pre-existing, shall be thoroughly cleaned and mandrelled in accordance with Clause 16.7.


Sealing of Cables
All power and control cables shall be protected against moisture ingress at all times, including while being laid, regardless of site and/or weather conditions. Cable ends which are not intended to be worked on immediately after laying must be electrically shorted and sealed against moisture ingress as soon as they are cut. This requirement applies to all cable ends, including cables in pillars and pillarstandards, cables intended to be abandoned or temporarily decommissioned, and cables still on cable drums. The seals and electrical shorts must not be removed until the cables are ready to be connected. Stripping of the outer sheathing of LV service cables, and connection of any of the cores must not be carried out until connection of supply is required. Where a laid cable is found to have high moisture content due to inadequate sealing, the Accredited Service Provider must remedy at its own cost. A polymeric cable drying procedure may be required to be carried out by Ausgrid at the Accredited Service Providers expense.

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Method of sealing
Protection against moisture ingress shall be effected by the use of suitable heatshrink end caps or any other products specifically approved by Ausgrid for that purpose. A permanent triple seal arrangement is required. A list of approved triple end seal kits is given in Appendix F. The triple end seals shall be constructed in accordance with the installation instruction (ESD-3410-AU-5/03 for high voltage single core cables and ESD-3408-AU-5/03 for multicore cables) supplied in the triple end seal kit. Completed permanent sealed ends must be laid in either suitable toughing or 1000mm lengths of UPVC conduit, and filled with sand. The sealed ends must then be buried and protected with approved polymeric cable covers. Sealed cable ends which are awaiting jointing shall be elevated clear of any free standing water in the excavation. For polymeric insulated/polymeric sheathed service cables of cross sectional area 50mm2 or less, which are intended to be buried, a single heatshrink cap over the mastic tape may be used instead of the triple seal arrangement. The end caps used shall be selected from the approved range specified in Appendix F. Note that cable surfaces which will come into contact with adhesive lined heatshrink components must be thoroughly cleaned, then degreased and abraded before applying the heatshrink components. Some older cables may have graphite coatings on the outer sheaths, which must be removed before the cable surfaces are cleaned. Refer to NS177 Clause 5.2 for the graphite removal procedure.

15.3.2 Safety Precautions and First Aid Procedures for Graphite Coated Cables
Graphite has been classified as having low toxicity, and is a non-carcinogenic substance. However, normal industrial safety precautions such as wearing leather gloves, safety glasses and safety boots should be observed. First aid procedures are: Swallowed: Eye: Skin: Inhaled: Keep individual calm, do not induce vomiting, seek medical attention. Flush eyes with water for 15 minutes, seek medical attention if irritation persists. Wash with soap and water, remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. If affected, remove individual to fresh air, seek medical attention if breathing difficulties occur.

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Shorting of Cable Cores

Multicore Cables
The conductors of multicore cables shall be shorted out using clouts and 10 turns of 1.63mm tinned copper wire (Stockcode 68312). For stranded cables, the clouts shall be hammered into the strands. For solid-core cables, the clouts shall be inserted between the insulation and the solid cores.

Figure 11

Shorting the cable


Single core neutral screened low voltage cables

Remove 35mm of the cable sheathing material and 35mm of the insulation to expose the neutral screen wires and the core conductor. Bind the concentric neutral wires to the core conductor using 10 turns of 1.63mm tinned copper wire (Stockcode 68312).


Single core copper wire screened high voltage cables

Remove 50mm of cable sheathing material and 50mm of the core insulation to expose the copper wire screens and the core conductor. Bind the screen wires to the core conductor using 10 turns of 1.63mm tinned copper wire (Stockcode 68312).


Single core metallic sheathed PILC cables

Expose 15mm of metal sheath and clean it. Short the core conductor to the metal sheath using a clout and tinned copper wire (Stockcode 68312). Apply 10 turns of the 1.63mm copper wire to the clout and metal sheath, then tie off the copper wire around the metal sheath.


Cable Length and Joints

Cables shall be laid in the longest lengths possible (subject to the maximum drum length and the pulling tension requirements) to ensure minimum number of joints. Having an excessive number of joints in a single cable section is not acceptable. Where a cable section cannot be laid in one continuous length and joints are necessary, the joints shall be positioned in accessible locations clear of any obstructions that have the potential to make jointing difficult or impossible. Cable joints shall be installed in a straight section of trench with at least 2 metres of straight cable at either side of the joint, and shall not be positioned under carriageways, driveways, or other areas of costly reinstatement, unless installed within a pit to the requirements of NS172 or specifically approved by Ausgrid. Cable installation plans, and installation of cables, must avoid the positioning of cable joints within 6 metres: from the ends of roadway and driveway crossing conduits, from concrete encased conduits, NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


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from street corners and similar sharp bends, and from other locations limiting access for future joint repair/replacement. Cables are to be installed with a 1 metre overlap at all joint positions. Where two or more cables are installed and the joints occur in the same vicinity, joints are to be staggered by a minimum of 1 metre if space is available.


Cable Length and Joints

Cable laying operations shall employ sufficient controls to ensure that no damage is caused to newly laid cables, or to existing cables and infrastructure. Particular attention shall be paid during cable pulling to sections of the new cable route where there is a significant change in direction, and where the cable enters a conduit.


Damage To Cables During Construction

Cables must not be stood on, and any sharp tools or objects are to be removed from the vicinity of cables being laid in order to avoid damaging them. Any cable or general infrastructure damages that are discovered or caused as a result of laying a new cable shall be reported immediately to Ausgrid. Once inspected, Ausgrid will determine the method of repair. Ausgrid may decide, at its discretion, to carry out electrical tests on newly installed cables to check for sheath integrity if it is suspected that such cables have been damaged during cable pulling. Testing will be carried out in accordance with NS161 at the Accredited Service Providers expense.


Bending Radii of Cables

The internal bending radius of the cable being laid shall not be less than the cable manufacturers specification. The cable manufacturers specification is based on Table 6. Nominal minimum internal bending radii are provided in Tables 7 and 8 as a guide. The Accredited Service Provider must determine the exact minimum internal bending radius for cables before they are laid if it is envisaged that the actual bending radius will be close to the nominal minimum specified in the table. When selecting an approved conduit bend the during installation minimum internal bending radius in Table 6 shall be used to calculate the minimum conduit bend radius.

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Table 6 - Minimum Internal Bending Radii for LV and 11kV Cables Minimum Internal Bending Radius Cable type Polymeric insulated cables: All Low Voltage cables with circular stranded conductors Less than or equal to 25mm dia. Greater than 25mm dia. All Low Voltage cables incorporating sector shaped conductors 11kV PVC sheathed cables 11kV HDPE sheathed cables 11kV Composite HDPE and PVC sheathed cables 11kV nylon sheathed cables Paper insulated cables: 11kV multicore, lead sheathed, PVC oversheathed 11kV multicore, lead sheathed, HDPE oversheathed 11kV single core, lead sheathed, PVC oversheathed Note: 18D 12D 6D 4D During Installation After Installation

9D 12D

6D 8D

18D 25D 25D

12D 15D 15D







D is the overall diameter of the cable in mm

The minimum internal bending radius of each core of a three core polymeric cable after it has been trifurcated is 15D, where D is the diameter of the rejacketed individual core. Refer to Table 8 for more details.

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Table 7 Nominal Minimum Internal Bending Radii for Specified Cables (Guide only) Minimum Internal Bending Radius Cable type LV XLPE insulated cables: 240 AL4 XQ Z 240 AL4 XQ Z/SAC 11kV XLPE and TRXLPE insulated cables: 35 AL 1 G TRXQ G 16 CU(WS) YQ 70 CU 1 G TRXQ G 16 CU(WS) YQ 300 AL 3 XQ MB CU(WS)Z YQ/ISC 300 AL 3 G TRXQ G 35 CU(WS)Z YQ/ISC 400 AL 3 XQ MB CU(WS)Z YQ/ISC 400 AL 3 G TRXQ G 35 CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 500 AL 3 XQ MB CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 500 AL 3 G TRXQ G 35 CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 11kV EPR insulated cables: 35 AL 1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 70 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 95 AL 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 150 CU 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 185 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 185 AL 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 300 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 300 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ / Triplex 605 675 1530 1745 855 1840 970 1335 365 405 920 1050 515 1105 580 890 (Bundled) 620 (Phase) 300 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ / 3 Cables * 500 CU 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 630 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ 980 2380 1275 590 1430 765 550 650 2060 1900 2230 2100 2430 2300 340 380 1240 1200 1340 1300 1460 1400 650 600 430 390 During Installation (mm) After Installation (mm)

* This cable is designated for use in the CBD and will normally be supplied on segregated drums.

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Table 8 Nominal Minimum Internal Bending Radii for the Individual Cores of the Three Core Polymeric Cable (After Trifurcation) (Guide only) Minimum Internal Bending Radius Cable type 11kV XLPE and TRXLPE insulated cables: 300 AL 3 XQ MB CU(WS)Z YQ/ISC 300 AL 3 G TRXQ G 35 CU(WS)Z YQ/ISC 400 AL 3 XQ MB CU(WS)Z YQ/ISC 400 AL 3 G TRXQ G 35 CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 500 AL 3 XQ MB CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 500 AL 3 G TRXQ G 35 CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 11kV EPR insulated cables: 95 AL 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 150 CU 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 185 AL 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 500 CU 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 410 440 490 660 560 535 605 580 660 630 After Installation (mm)


Bending Radius of Optical Fibre Cables

Optic fibre pilot conduits require a minimum bend radius of 1200mm, with 2000mm preferred. Optic fibre installation is such that on any one bend a smaller radius can be tolerated, however the cumulative effect on a fibre network requires the above bending radius for installation purposes.


Cable Pulling Equipment

The pulling tension on power cables shall not exceed the cable manufacturers specification. Refer to Appendix D for guidelines on maximum pulling tensions and use of pulling eyes. Appropriate rope tension fuses shall be used between the pulling rope and the stocking/pulling eye for each cable pull where a power driven winch is used. The cable pulling rope must be equipped with a swivel and attached to the cable by a stocking unless pulling eyes have been fitted to the cable. The pulling rope shall be made of synthetic material. The rope shall have high strength and high abrasion resistance, eg Donaghys Aquatec rope. The selected rope must be rated to withstand the calculated pulling tension of the project. The rope must not be tensioned beyond its design limit to avoid the risk that it may snap or damage the conduit during a cable pull (eg by slicing the conduit wall). Cables other than power cables (control and protection cables) shall be laid/pulledin by hand. The plant used to pull cables shall be firmly anchored before a pull commences to prevent uneven tension on the cable due to winch movement. The cable shall be drawn smoothly into position with a minimum of stops and at a maximum speed of NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


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12-15 metres per minute. The cable drum shall be placed so that the cable is pulled from the top of the drum. On completion of a cable pulling operation, all cable ends shall be inspected for damage. The length of cable laid shall be extended to compensate for damaged cable ends.

15.10 Use of Existing Spare Conduits

Ausgrid has existing spare conduits in certain footways as part of its underground infrastructure. The depth of cover of these conduits generally varies between 450mm and 600mm. Spare conduits are intended to be used to obviate the need to re-excavate. The depth of cover of the conduits should be consistent with the requirements of the cables being laid. That is, conduits with 450mm / 500mm minimum cover should be used for pulling in low voltage cables, whereas those with 600mm minimum cover can be used for pulling in either high voltage or low voltage cables. Where high voltage conduits are not available, pulling of high voltage cables into low voltage conduits may be allowed at the discretion of Ausgrids Representative. Permission to use the conduits must be obtained in advance of their use. Spare conduits shall not be used in any location where excavation is required to lay adjacent parallel cables. Ausgrid may also reject an application to use existing spare conduits if a need is foreseen to use the conduits for other purposes.

15.11 Excavations and Cable Chases

Where cables are to be installed in excavations and cable chases, cable rollers are to be used to support and guide the cables. Rollers must not be located more than 3 metres apart and positioned to prevent excessive side wall pressure on the cable. Where the cable is to be pulled around corners or angles, special corner rollers are to be used. The cable must not enter or leave any cable roller at an excessive angle, or exceed the cable manufacturers recommendations for minimum internal bending radius.

15.12 Cable Installations Involving Jointing Pits

The maximum point load (working load) of a conventional pulling eye fitted to the wall of a jointing pit is 50kN. For cable pulls that are expected to exceed 50kN, two or more pulling eyes may be utilised (if available) with the use of slings between them. The strength of the pit wall should be checked before two eyes are installed. Note: Cables and cable joints in jointing pits must not be walked on for safety and operational reasons. When installing cables into or through jointing pits that have existing cables, precautions must be taken prior to commencing work to avoid damaging these cables. All existing cables are to be covered with black heat-retardant blankets, and these mats must be secured in position to prevent dislodgment. Cables for which the existing supporting structure is to be removed in order to allow the new cables to be installed, shall be temporarily supported so that no movement occurs to the cable and associated cable joints while the existing support is removed. All temporary supports are to be of non-metallic materials. Refer to Clause 10.1 for further information regarding cable supporting requirements. On completion of the cable installation, the existing supporting system is to be restored.

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15.13 Installing Cables in Substations and Switching Stations

Refer to Clause 4.7 for restrictions on entering Ausgrid premises. Where cables are to be installed in substations and switching stations, Ausgrids Representative must be requested to arrange access. Notice for access is required at least 7 days prior to commencing work in order to allow the necessary screens and protective devices to be installed. Weatherproof labels shall be attached to all cable ends installed in substations or future substation sites detailing the location of the remote cable ends. Labels shall be marked with a permanent waterproof marker.


Installing Cables in Kiosk Type Substations

To minimise bending of terminating cables: All cables shall be laid so that they enter perpendicular to the High Voltage and Low Voltage access doors of the kiosk. The internal bending radius of the cable being laid shall not be less than the cable manufacturers specification. The cable manufacturers specifications are based on Table 6.

Ausgrid will not accept excessive bending of cables, so failure to observe these requirements could necessitate costly relocation of conduits that may have been embedded in concrete.

15.14 Installing Cables in Cable Risers

Cables installed in cable risers shall be clamped at a maximum of 1 metre intervals using approved cable clamps. Clamps shall be free from sharp edges and burrs. To prevent local heating of cables caused by eddy currents, clamps shall be either made of non-ferrous materials or where they are made from ferrous material the two halves shall not touch at both sides, and shall be fixed together using non-ferrous bolts, nuts, and washers. Cable clamps can be directly bolted to cable riser walls, or to Unistrut-type supporting channels.

15.15 Clamping of 11kV Paper Insulated Cables

Paper cables may be clamped using either hardwood or metal clamps. The internal diameter of hardwood clamps shall be chosen such that the overall diameter of the cable is marginally larger than the internal diameter of the clamp so that when the clamp is tightened the pressure is distributed evenly without deforming the cable. Clamps approved by Ausgrid are listed in Table 9. Other clamps may be acceptable subject to Ausgrids approval. Table 9 Cable Clamps for Paper Insulated Cables Clamp Size 500mm single core 185mm single core 185mm single core 95mm single core Single Core Type 1-way hardwood 3-way hardwood 1-way hardwood 1-way hardwood Stockcode 78980 78865 79004 79020

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15.16 Clamping of 11kV Polymeric Insulated Cables

Cables shall be appropriately clamped to ensure that: They are firmly held in position The clamps carry the weight of the cable(s) if the latter are not supported on trays The cables are sufficiently restrained to stop them from whipping around under fault conditions The clamps are not over-tightened to the extent that they damage the cable, particularly under cyclic loading.

Polymeric cables have a relatively high thermal coefficient of expansion and will soften when operating at high temperatures. If a polymeric cable is clamped too tightly when it is installed, the polymeric insulation may permanently deform when the cable heats up resulting in a reduction in the insulation thickness. Another possible cable damage that could occur as a result of over-clamping is that the screen wires could be forced through the insulation screen and into the polymeric insulation. Therefore, clamps shall be tightened only to the extent necessary to ensure that the cables are held firmly in place. Where single core cables are used, the cables shall be laid and clamped in a trefoil configuration unless specified otherwise. The following also applies: Where single core cables are clamped in a trefoil configuration, the clamps used must be sufficiently robust to withstand the potential repulsive forces acting on individual phase cables under fault conditions. Clamps utilising magnetic material can be used for clamping single core cables in a trefoil configuration, as magnetic fields generated by the three currents cancel each other out. Where single core cables are required to be clamped individually in a flat formation, the clamps shall be of a non-magnetic material to prevent localised heating of the cores due to the closed magnetic circuit of the clamp.

Clamps approved by Ausgrid are listed in Table 10. All cable clamps shall be used with a nitrile or neoprene rubber-cushioning strip of minimum thickness 3mm, wrapped around the cable assembly. Other clamps may be acceptable subject to Ausgrids approval. Examples of the approved clamps are shown in Figure 12.

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Table 10 Cable Clamps for Polymeric Cables


Installation Environment Flat on trays Trefoil on trays Flat, perpendicular to Unistruts (in substations, High-rise buildings etc) Trefoil, perpendicular to Unistruts (in substations, High-rise buildings etc) Flat, at an angle to Unitstruts Trefoil, at an angle to Unitstruts Trefoil, freestanding Individual or trefoil on UGOHs

70 Cu 1

185 Cu 1

300 Cu 1

630 Cu 1

300 Al 3

400 Al 3

500 Al 3




IdTechnik KP39/53








* Note: EA-UKRB200 is supplied with one bracket. Use an additional bracket (ABB part number EA-B200) on trefoils of large cables such as 630mm2 polymeric cable.

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ABB: EAUKRB200 (See *Note above)

UNISTRUT: P Series (Stainless Steel)


IdTechnik: KP Series Figure 12

Nitrile rubber liner to be used with all clamps Approved Cable Clamps

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15.17 Underground to Overhead Transition Points

Low voltage underground to overhead transition points are to be installed in accordance with NS 0127 - Specification for Low Voltage Cable Joints and Terminations. High voltage underground to overhead transition points are to be installed in accordance with NS129 11kV Joints and Terminations - Paper Insulated Lead Covered Cables and NS177 - 11kV Joints (including Transition Joints) and Terminations - Polymeric Insulated Cables.

15.18 Standard Depth of Cover

Standard depth of cover over direct buried cables shall be in accordance with Clause 12.9.

15.19 Reduced Depth of Cover

The portions of cables in a cable run subject to reduced cover shall be laid in conduits, and shall comply with the requirements of Clause 12.10.

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Backfill Material
Ideally, the backfill material should restore the sub-grade to its original condition, which may be achieved by replacing the excavated materials in the same position from which they were excavated, and in the same state with regard to moisture content and compaction. This is usually difficult with "moisture unstable" clay soils. Where these exist under heavy traffic pavements, it will generally be required to import granular material that is capable of spreading the traffic load over a larger area of sub-soil. In general, backfilling materials shall be to the satisfaction of the Roads Authority (Local Council or RTA). Where Ausgrid or the relevant Roads Authority considers the backfilling material unsuitable for a particular project, this material shall be removed and replaced by material which is considered suitable by that Authority. Unsuitable backfill materials include building materials (eg concrete, bricks, pavers, rocks, roofing tiles, rubble) and contaminated substances (including Hazardous Materials). Trenching can alter or even divert existing sub-surface drainage so as to concentrate sub-surface water with disruptive scouring effects where flow occurs. In the selection of backfill material this aspect shall be taken into account in relation to the nature and topography of the particular location. Where sub-surface water flow exists or is likely to occur (eg. steep inclines) or where sand is used as backfill material, suitable water barriers shall be provided in the trench, spaced at regular intervals appropriate to site conditions. Approved water barriers are bulkheads consisting of bags packed with 20:1 sand/cement mix. Accredited Service Providers must comply with the guidelines relating to the seepage of water found in 1152.4.2 General.


Backfill in Landscape Areas

The Accredited Service Provider must carry out backfilling in landscape areas as specified in 1152.4.2 Backfill in verge and landscape areas.


Backfill to Subgrade Level under Footpaths and Carriageways (including heavy duty driveways)
The Accredited Service Provider must comply with the guidelines in 1152.4.2 Backfill to subgrade level under footpaths and carriageways (including heavy duty driveways).


Compaction of Trench Backfill

Compaction of trench backfill shall be carried out by the Accredited Service Provider in accordance with 1152.4.3 and Appendix I. Frequency of compaction testing shall be in accordance with Section 18. Ausgrid reserves the right to witness any or all of the compaction tests. Compaction testing constitutes a Hold Point.


Disposal of Surplus Materials

Surplus materials and rubbish must be disposed of to the satisfaction of Ausgrid, the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) and any other local authority. NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


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Record Keeping Requirements

The Accredited Service Provider shall maintain accurate records of the type and source of materials used for backfilling at every site, and shall produce such records to Ausgrid on demand. The records shall be kept for a minimum period of three years after completion of the works.


Testing of Conduits
After installation and backfilling of a bank of conduits, Ausgrids representative is to be notified to witness conduit testing. This constitutes a Hold Point. All new conduits shall be thoroughly cleaned and an approved solid mandrel of diameter 12mm less than the internal diameter of the conduit and 230mm in length, shall be pulled by hand through every conduit in both directions to ensure their integrity.

After passage through each conduit, the mandrel shall be thoroughly inspected for cuts or damage. If in the opinion of Ausgrids Representative, there is any doubt as to the freedom from foreign material or any object or defect that may cause damage to the cable in the conduit, the Accredited Service Provider shall repeat pass the mandrel through the conduit(s) until Ausgrid Representative is satisfied. Ausgrid reserves the right to request that a waste length of the cable to be installed be passed through the conduits, or video cameras be used to inspect the conduits where reasonable concern exists as to the condition of the conduits or if they have been backfilled without Ausgrid's Representative being present. Conduits found to have defects which, in the opinion of Ausgrids Representative, may cause damage to cables shall be repaired by the Client/ Accredited Service Provider at no cost to Ausgrid and at a time nominated by Ausgrids Representative. Several commercial conduit repair systems are available.

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Temporary Reinstatement
Hold Point
Ausgrid reserves the right to witness any or all of the compaction tests. Compaction testing constitutes a Hold Point.



Reinstatement Requirements
Unless final reinstatement is intended to be carried out immediately after completion of backfilling, temporary reinstatement of pavements and pathways shall be carried out as follows: Surfaced driveways and footpaths - Temporary reinstatement must be carried out by the Accredited Service Provider in accordance with 1152.5.2 Footpaths, including driveways. Surfaced roadways controlled by Local Councils (except those carrying heavy traffic) - Temporary reinstatement must be carried out by the Accredited Service Provider in accordance 1152.5.2 Carriageways. Surfaced roadways controlled by the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) of NSW - a layer of roadbase compacted to a thickness of 250mm shall be placed on the compacted backfill. The roadbase shall then be topped up with bituminous hot mix of 50mm compacted thickness. A camber not exceeding 50mm in height shall be formed on top of the trench. The roadbase used shall be DGB20 dense graded granular material complying with the requirements of the Roads and Traffic Authority's (RTA) Specification No. 3051. All temporary restorations in carriageways and pathways must be of sufficient quality, and must be maintained as such to ensure the safety of the site for pedestrians and vehicular traffic.


Temporary Steel Road Plates

All steel road plates specification and use shall comply with RTA Specification M209. The steel road plates shall have anti-skid coating. This can be achieved by coating the road plates with a suitable epoxy coating such as Epirez Supatuff HD and then applying 0.5mm (200 600 micron) quartzite aggregate (QA 2) to give it the anti-skid properties. If colour additives are required, then the colour selected shall be black.


Final Reinstatement
Other than for State Roads, the Client shall arrange for permanent reinstatement which complies with 1152.5.3-5.5. For State Roads, the Client shall arrange for permanent reinstatement which complies with RTA Specification M209.

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The frequency of testing of backfilling and temporary restorations shall be as specified in Table 11, unless directed otherwise by Ausgrid. Refer to Appendix I and Section 3 for definitions of the various layers. Test reports shall be supplied to Ausgrid's Representative for approval as part of the project sign-off process. In addition to Hold Points, Ausgrid may also conduct random audits on the quality of backfill and compaction. Should these audits indicate improper backfilling and compaction, Ausgrid may impose a higher level of testing at the Accredited Service Providers'/ Contractors cost. Where final compaction tests indicate that the required percentage of maximum density has not been met, the Accredited Service Provider /Contractor must perform further compaction tests at one metre intervals either side of the failed test until two consecutive compaction tests pass on either side of the failed test. The Accredited Service Provider /Contractor must re-compact the area of the failed tests and perform the compaction tests again. This process must be repeated until the required compaction level is achieved over the entire length of failed tests. Where there have been more than one test that has not met the required percentage of maximum density at the same Site, then the Accredited Service Provider /Contractor is to carry out such other number of tests that Ausgrid s Representative deems necessary, at no cost to Ausgrid. Any defects in the quality of backfill or compaction shall be rectified by the Accredited Service Provider /Contractor at no cost to Ausgrid.

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Table 11

Activity to be Tested

Key Quality Verification Requirements Material properties as specified

Maximum Lot Size 1 contract

Minimum Test Frequency (see note 5) 1 per contract or source of supply for each type of material used or suppliers test certificates 1 per contract or source of supply for each type of material used or suppliers test certificates 1 per layer, per 30 metre length per trench (see note 6)

Test Method

Materials supplied for trench backfill under carriageways, footpaths, and all joint holes Materials supplied for sub-base and base layers

As specified

Material properties as specified

1 contract

As specified

Trench and joint bay backfill and sub-base and base under carriageways, heavy duty vehicular crossings and car parks Trench backfill and sub-base and base under footpaths, light/medium duty driveways and turfed areas Backfilling of individual joint bays in footways (see note 3) Backfill of trial holes (Including location of duct ends) (see note 3) Materials supplied for temporary road surface (or sealing material) Temporary road surface placement Notes:


1 continuous trench or 1 joint bay

AS 1289.5.1.1 AS 1289.5.2.1 AS 1289.5.6.1


1 project (see note 1)

1 per layer, per 100 metre length of trench or part thereof (see notes 2 and 3) 1 per layer

AS 1289.5.1.1 AS 1289.5.2.1 AS 1289.5.6.1


1joint bay (see note 4) 1 trial hole

AS 1289.5.1.1 AS 1289.5.2.1 AS 1289.5.6.1 AS 1289.5.1.1 AS 1289.5.2.1 AS 1289.5.6.1 As specified


1 per layer

Material properties as specified Compaction

1 contract

Supplier test certificates Check evenness and camber of all restored surfaces

1 project (see note 1)

As specified in Section 17

1. Project refers to the works executed within a reasonable timeframe by the same contractor as part of a single Notification Plan (NP). Where a Notification Plan involves two or more well-defined stages, and each stage is executed separately, each stage shall be regarded as a separate project for the purpose of testing frequency. 2. The length of trench backfilled shall be taken to be the total of all discrete excavations backfilled together by the same contractor. 3. Joint bays and trial holes backfilled and compacted concurrently with cable trenches shall be regarded as cable trenches for the purpose of testing frequency.

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4. Individual joint bays shall be taken as those which were part of a cable trench but were backfilled separately from this trench, or any discrete joint bays which were not associated with any other cable trenches. 5. A layer is defined as: (a) Any different type of backfill material. (b) Every 500mm depth or part thereof of each type of backfill material 6. Every separate trench in a roadway or carriageway must have at least one compaction test. For example if there is a requirement for two road crossings of 10m each, a compaction test is required for each road crossing.


Jointing work on the electrical distribution system and details of the joints and terminations required, are referenced in NS127 - Specification for LV Cable Joints and Terminations, NS129 11kV Joints and Terminations - Paper Insulated Lead Covered Cables and NS177 11kV Joints (including Transition Joints) and Terminations - Polymeric Insulated Cables.



On completion of the works and immediately before the transfer of works to Ausgrid, all cabling involved in the project must be tested in accordance with Ausgrids publication NS161 Specification for Testing of Cables After Installation. Any defects identified by the tests must be rectified at the Clients cost, and the cables must be re-tested. The Client must coordinate the works and tests so as to allow transfer and/or commissioning immediately after passing final testing. The provisions of Section 21 of this Network Standard concerning protection of exposed underground construction shall be observed at all times.

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Access permits* for work on 5kV or 11kV underground cables shall not be signed off and withdrawn, whether for testing, commissioning or re-energisation of the cables, unless: All new or repaired cable joints are backfilled or sand-bagged, and Excavations in the immediate proximity of substations are backfilled, and All other excavations are safely barricaded and protected, and arrangements are put in place for regular checking to ensure that they remain safely barricaded and protected.

(*Ausgrid's Electrical Safety Rules cover access permit procedures and requirements).



Licensed Telecommunications Carriers Conduits and Pits
All utilities are to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Appendix C, unless a shared trench agreement applies. Conduits and pits for use by a licensed telecommunications carrier in a shared trench must be confined to the shared space between 0 and 300mm from the street alignment. Location of telecommunication carrier assets outside of this space must be approved by the Manager Engineering Standards and Research. Trenches must be excavated to a depth to allow the electricity cables to be installed, bedded, covered and partially backfilled to a minimum depth above the cable protection covers of 150mm for low voltage cables and 300mm for high voltage cables before communication construction is installed (See Appendices A and B). Partial backfilling must be carried out immediately after the electricity cables have been installed. For shared trenching arrangements, refer to Clause 7.3.


Ausgrid Fibre Pilot Conduits and Pits

The 50mm conduit is installed in association with HV cables for the purpose of installing optic fibre pilot cables. Other uses will place the pilot cable at risk and require approval from the Manager Engineering Standards and Research. The default position is generally that no additional trenching costs are required above and beyond that required for the electrical cabling. However, having the option to easily install a fibre pilot will in the future facilitate monitoring functions. Ausgrid will be rolling out an optic fibre pilot network which will in turn facilitate the future connectivity to sites that are isolated at the time of this document publication.

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For the purpose of the shared trench agreement, the pilot cable is to be treated as an electrical, NOT a communications cable. Its main purpose is to monitor, protect and control the electrical network. The conduits will form a conduit network and include communication pits. Trenches carrying LV cables only do not require a 50mm optic fibre pilot conduit unless explicitly designed. If it is required, the 50mm conduit must be below the LV electrical cables and a deeper trench is required.


Conduit Requirements
Refer to NRS 203 Planning and Design Standards for Electrical Network Communications Assets.


Pit Requirements
Refer to NS 204 Communications Pits Specifications and Installation Guidelines.


Contestable Project
The Client and/or Accredited Service provider shall comply with the provisions of the Streets Opening Conference's Model Agreement for Quality Assurance reporting. Acceptance of completed works and/or supply of electricity will not be made available until all specified works are satisfactorily completed and the necessary Quality Assurance documentation provided. Refer to ES 9 Agreement for Connection of Developments. Warranty and liability requirements are detailed in ES 9, and ES10 Requirements for Electricity Connections to Developments. The responsibility for correcting any defects will be that of the Client or Accredited Service Provider.


Ausgrid Internal Project

Quality Assurance requirements are detailed in the Project Contract documentation.

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Unless prior written approval is received from Ausgrid Network Engineering Branch, all materials used must be new and approved in accordance with Ausgrids Network Universal Standard NUS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations. Materials may be purchased directly from Ausgrid. To purchase materials from Ausgrid, the purchaser must contact the Manager Customer Service - Logistics on telephone number (02) 9394 6001. All materials will be made available to be picked up from: Central Warehouse 2 Mayvic Street Chullora NSW 2190 Refer also to Section 3.2 Supply Materials in document ES 9 Agreement for Connection of Developments.

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Australian Standards
AS 1012 AS 1141 Methods of Testing Concrete Methods for sampling and testing aggregates

AS 1289.5.1.1 Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the dry density/moisture content relation of a soil using standard compactive effort. AS 1289.5.2.1 Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the dry density/moisture content relation of a soil using modified compactive effort. AS 1289.5.6.1 Soil compaction and density tests - Compaction control test Density Index method for cohesionless material. AS 1302 AS 1304 AS 1379 AS 1742 AS 2053.2 AS 2758.1 Aggregates AS 3600 AS 3610 AS 3972 AS 4130 AS 4671 Steel Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Welded Wire Reinforcing Fabric for Concrete The Specification and Supply of Concrete Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Rigid Plain Conduits and Fittings of Insulating Material Aggregates and Rock for Engineering Purposes Concrete Concrete Structures Formwork for Concrete Portland and Blended Cement Polyethylene (PE) Pipes for Pressure Applications Steel reinforcing materials


NSW Acts and Regulations

This is not a full listing but should be used as a guide only. Electricity Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2002 Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 Roads Act 1993

25.3 25.4

NSW Codes of Practice

WorkCover Code of Practice: Excavation (2000)

RTA Specifications
M209 Road Openings and Restoration

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Refer to Clause 12.9 for standard depth of cover. Conduit Trench Dimensions
Number of Conduits (125mm PVC) 1 or 2 3 4 (2 on 2) 6 (3 on 3) State Roadway Trench width (mm) 430 620 430 620 depth (mm) 1290 1290 1480 1480 Regional and Local Roadway Trench width (mm) 430 620 430 620 depth (mm) 1040 1040 1230 1230

Number of Conduits (150mm PVC) 1 or 2 3 4 (2 on 2) 6 (3 on 3)

State Roadway Trench width (mm) 530 760 530 760 depth (mm) 1330 1330 1560 1560

Regional and Local Roadway Trench width (mm) 530 760 530 760 depth (mm) 1080 1080 1310 1310

HV/LV and Optical Fibre Pilot Cable Allocation

LV cables and conduits must be installed on the property side of the trench. HV cables and conduits must be installed on the roadway side of the trench. Communications conduit carrying optic fibre pilot cables should be installed on the property side of the trench. Refer to Clause 15.8 for minimum bending radii.

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008


HV and LV Cables Laid Direct


500 mm (minimum) over LV cables 600mm (minimum) over HV cables

** Note:

Width of Ausgrid allocation depends on the date of roadway dedication. Refer to Appendix C for further details.

Refer to Clause 12.8.1 for standard spacings.

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

HV and LV cables laid direct (with spare conduits)

Note: Refer to Clause 12.8.1 for standard spacings.

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Trenches shared with Telstra (default shared trench agreement)

* Width of Ausgrid allocation depends on the date of roadway dedication. Refer to Appendix C for further details. All trenches shall be 750mm deep. Refer to Clause 12.8.1 for standard spacings. 50mm orange conduit for Ausgrid pilot cable is still required on the property side of Ausgrid s allocation. Minimum vertical separation between communications conduits and cable protection covers: 150mm above cable protection covers over low voltage cables or conduits 300mm above cable protection covers over high voltage cables or conduits

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008


New Footway Areas From 1.1.91 - Sydney Region

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Existing Footway Areas before 1.1.91 - Sydney Region

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Footway Allocations - Central Coast Region

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Footway Allocations - Lake Macquarie and Newcastle City Councils and Port Stephens Shire Council

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Footway Allocations Cessnock and Maitland City Councils

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Footway Allocations - Muswellbrook, Merriwa & Scone Shire Councils

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Footway Allocations - Singleton Shire Council

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008


Using Stocking Grips
For the conventional methods of installation using a stocking grip and pulling on the nose of the cable only, the maximum allowable pulling tension is mainly a function of cable diameter. The limiting factors are related to compressibility of the sheath, bedding and insulation, and to the friction between these, rather than to the tensile strength of conductors or the cable as a whole. The table below provides a guide only to maximum pulling tensions. The contractor shall obtain the manufacturers recommended maximum pulling tension before applying any mechanical load to the cables. Appendix E is guide to calculating the winching tension required to pull a cable through a trench or ductline route of predetermined geometry.

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Type of Cable** 11kV Unarmoured Power Cables 500 CU3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 500 AL 3 G TRXQ G 35 CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 500 AL3 XQ MB CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 500 AL 3 P H L YQ 400 AL 3 G TRXQ G 35 CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 400 AL 3 XQ MB CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 300 AL 3 G TRXQ G 35 CU(WS)Z YQ/ISC 300 AL 3 XQ MB CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 300 CU 3 P H L YQ 300 AL 3 P H L YQ 240 AL 3 P H L YQ 185 AL 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 150 CU 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 95 AL 3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ /ISC 630 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ 300 CU 1 P H L Z 300 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ / Triplex 300 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 185 CU 1 P H L Z 185 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 70 CU 1 G TRXQ G 16 CU(WS) YQ 70 CU 1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 35 AL 1 G TRXQ G 16 CU(WS) YQ 35 AL 1 EPR CU(WS) YQ LV Unarmoured Power Cables 240 AL 4 XQ Z 240 AL 4 XQ Z / SAC 120 AL 4 XQ Z/SAC 300 CU 1 XQ Z 185 CU 1 XQ Z LV Service and Street Lighting Cables 16 CU 4 XQ Z 25 CU 4 XQ Z 50 CU 4 XQ Z * Using stocking grips. ** 1 tonne = 10kN (approx.) N/A = Not applicable, cable to be installed by hand.

*Max. Pull Tension (kN**) 22 25 25 20.1 25 25 21.2 23.8 14.4 14.4 12.2 18.9 17.1 13.1 9.1 4.6 22 5.5 3.4 4.1 5 2.6 1.8 1.7 10.0 9.0 4.8 3.1 1.8 N/A N/A N/A

Approximate Cable Mass (kg/m) 18.3 8.6 8.8 13.2 7.09 7.3 6.02 6.2 15.0 9.3 8.1 4.9 7.0 3.2 8.0 5.2 12.87 3.8 3.6 2.6 1.1 1.2 0.54 0.6 3.9 3.7 1.8 3.1 1.9 0.9 1.3 2.2

*** When pulling multiple single core cables together, the maximum pulling tension is the maximum pulling tension of one single core cable multiplied by the number of cables.

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Using Pulling Eyes

Pulling eyes allow for much larger pulling tensions than stocking grips. A guide to the maximum pulling tension that can be applied to a cable while using pulling eyes is provided in the table below. Conductor Material Copper Stranded aluminium Solid aluminium Maximum Tension kN/mm2 0.07 0.05 0.03

Where a pulling eye is considered necessary, the cable supplier shall be contacted for either fitting the pulling eye to the cable or providing details of approved pulling eyes. Before pulling a cable with a pulling eye, the installer shall ascertain from the cable supplier what maximum sidewall pressure can be applied to the cable, and shall ensure that this sidewall pressure is not exceeded during cable installation. Cable ends fitted with pulling eyes shall be waterproofed to ensure water does not enter the cables during installation, regardless of the type of pulling eyes fitted. Waterproofing can be effected by shrinking a length of mastic lined heatshrink sleeve, covering the full length of the pulling eye and overlapping the cable sheath by at least 150mm. Before installing heatshrink sleeves, the pulling eyes and associated cable ends shall be thoroughly degreased and cleaned. The heatshrink sleeves used shall be abrasion resistant, and shall have a minimum wall thickness of 3mm after recovery over the pulling eye. Particular care must be exercised when pulling at the relatively high tensions allowed by the use of pulling eyes. Large bending radii and adequate support using rollers must be provided to avoid causing flattening, distortion or other damage to the cables.

Pulling Cables into Conduits

Prior to pulling cables through Asbestos Cement conduits refer to the appropriate Safe Work Method Statement. The pulling tension on cables being pulled into conduits shall not exceed 20kN, including cables fitted with pulling eyes. In addition, the maximum sidewall pressure exerted onto a cable must not exceed: 3kN/m for a rough bore conduit, eg. fibre reinforced cement 5kN/m for a smooth bore conduit, eg. plastic conduits.

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008


The following guide is extracted from Appendix A of publication C(b)2 1989 ESAA Guide to the Installation of Cables Underground.

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

The following coefficients of friction are extracted from EPRI Report EL3333. Duct Material Cable Outer Covering XLPE PE (Polythene) PVC HDPE Neoprene Lead XLPE PE PVC Neoprene Lead XLPE PE PVC Neoprene XLPE PE PVC Neoprene Lead XLPE PE PVC Neoprene XLPE PE PVC Neoprene Coefficient of Friction 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.90 0.25 0.45 0.25 0.30 0.65 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.35 0.55 0.50 0.55 0.70 0.70 0.70 1.00 0.60 0.50 0.65 1.05



Fibre (German Duct)


Fibre Cement


NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008


Item Stockcode Cables: 11kV 500 AL3 XQ MB CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 178947 11kV 500 CU3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 178813 11kV 300 CU1 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ/3 Cables* 177995 11kV 300 CU1 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ/Triplex 179122 11kV 400 AL3 XQ MB CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 177562 11kV 300 AL3 XQ MB CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 177561 11kV 185 AL3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 177566 11kV 150 CU3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 177565 11kV 95 AL3 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ/ISC 177564 11kV 630 CU1 EPR CU(WS) Z YQ 90050 11kV 300 CU1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 177563 11kV 185 CU1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 177567 11kV 70 CU1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 177568 11kV 35 AL1 EPR CU(WS) YQ 67140 415V 240 AL4 XQ Z/SAC 141739 415V 185 CU1 XQ Z / COM /# Colour 151183 415V 185 CU1 XQ Z 61432 415V 16 CU4 XQ Z 148668 415V 50 CU4 XQ Z 149112 *This cable is designated for use in the CBD and will normally be supplied on segregated drums. UPVC Conduits to AS/NZS 2053.2: 50mm nominal diameter, 4m long, heavy duty rigid UPVC orange conduit 100mm nominal diameter, 3m long, light duty rigid UPVC orange conduit 125mm nominal diameter, 3m long, light duty rigid UPVC orange conduit 125mm nominal diameter, 6m long, light duty rigid UPVC orange conduit 150mm nominal diameter, 6m long, light duty rigid UPVC orange conduit 200mm nominal diameter, 6m long, light duty rigid UPVC orange conduit

78022 78154 78188 78162 78147 178771

Heavy Duty Rigid UPVC Orange Bends to AS/NZS 2053.2 and AS/NZS 1477: Conduit Dia Radius R Angle Nominal Bend Length (mm) (degrees) (m) from coupling to coupling L (mm) 50 1.2 45 50 1.2 90 -


179832 179941

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Light Duty Rigid UPVC Orange Bends to AS/NZS 2053.2 and AS/NZS 1477: Conduit Dia Radius R Angle Nominal Bend Length (mm) (degrees) from coupling to coupling L (m) (mm) 100 0.6 90 1300 100 1 11.25 450 100 1 22.5 700 100 1 90 1950 125 1 11.25 550 125 1 22.5 800 125 1 90 2000 125 1.8 6 550 125 1.8 11.25 750 125 1.8 22.5 1100 125 1.8 45 1850 125 1.8 90 3400 125 2.3 6 600 125 2.3 11.25 900 125 2.3 22.5 1300 125 2.3 45 2200 125 2.3 90 4050 150 2.5 6 650 150 2.5 22.5 1400 150 2.5 45 2420 150 6 15 2100 150 10 11.25 2100 200 6 15 2100

EA Stockcode 77602 77461 77487 H8503 77503 77529 77610 77578 77586 77545 77552 177101 177856 177857 177858 177859 177860 179064 179065 179066 178791 77560 178772

UPVC Couplings to AS/NZS 2053.2: 50mm, light duty rigid UPVC orange coupling 125mm, light duty rigid UPVC orange coupling 150mm, light duty rigid UPVC orange coupling 200mm, light duty rigid UPVC orange coupling 150mm to 125mm conduit reducer, medium duty PVC white Heavy Duty Bellmouths: 50mm 100mm 125mm 150mm

179831 179192 179191 179194 176823

180004 180003 180002 180001

Item Miscellaneous: Plug for 50mm heavy duty rigid conduit

Stockcode 179754

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Plug for 125mm plug for light duty rigid conduit (Kelvindale) Plug for 150mm light duty rigid conduit (Universal /flower-pot style) Plug for 150mm light duty rigid conduit Spacer for 125mm conduit in accordance with Appendix H of this document Spacer for 150mm conduit in accordance with Appendix H of this document PVC solvent cement Conduit sealing putty Black heat-retardant blanket Lubricant: Petroleum jelly Polymeric Cable Protection Covers, Steel Plates and Warning Tape: 150mm x 1.2m slabs polymeric cable cover 300mm x 1.2m slabs polymeric cable cover 150mm x 20 m rolls polymeric cable cover 300mm x 10 m rolls polymeric cable cover 200mm x 25 m rolls polymeric cable cover 750 x 200 x 6mm Galv. mild steel plate 150mm x 100 m roll orange polythene warning tape to drawing no. 49070 Ragbolt assembly Heatshrink End Caps: Heatshrink end caps (lined) for cable diameters in the range 3mm to 8mm Heatshrink end caps (lined) for cable diameters in the range 4mm to 8mm Heatshrink end caps (lined) for cable diameters in the range 8mm to 17mm Heatshrink end caps (lined) for cable diameters in the range 13mm to 22mm Heatshrink end caps (lined) for cable diameters in the range 17mm to 30mm Heatshrink end caps (lined) for cable diameters in the range 28mm to 50mm Heatshrink end caps (lined) for cable diameters in the range 38mm to 70mm Heatshrink end caps (lined) for cable diameters in the range 65mm to 95mm Heatshrink end caps (lined) for cable diameters in the range 95mm to 115mm Heatshrink end caps (unlined) for cable diameters in the range 95mm to 115mm Heatshrink Tubing: Heatshrink tubing `for cable diameters in the range 14mm to 31mm Heatshrink tubing for cable diameters in the range 20mm to 45mm Heatshrink tubing for cable diameters in the range 27mm to 55mm Heatshrink tubing for cable diameters in the range 50mm to 100mm Triple End Seals: Triple End Seal Kit for 95mm2 to 240mm2 Multicore Cables Triple End Seal Kit for 300mm2 to 500mm2 Multicore Cables Triple End Seal Kit for 185mm2 to 300mm2 High Voltage Single Core Polymeric Cables

77735 77750 H85126 65706 TBA 38463 75481 14555


151100 151076 151084 151092 H74930 71464 71233 H5880

62232 62166 176801 62117 180005 62067 62042 62026 178062 62208

60186 143776 141721 169565

178442 178441 178443

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

Cable Clamps for Polymeric Cables: Nitrile Rubber Liner to be used with all Cable Clamps for Polymeric Cables Single Core Cable for attachment to Unistrut 70mm2 Single Core Cable for attachment to Unistrut 300mm2 Single Core Cable Held in Quad Arrangement 185mm2 LV Parrot Cable Single Core Cable Held in Trefoil Arrangement 70mm2 to 185mm2 Single Core Cable Held in Trefoil Arrangement 185mm2 to 300mm2 Single Core Cable Held in Trefoil Arrangement 630mm2 Stainless Steel Band Type Part No ABB:EA-UKR100

179201 179212 179211 179213 179491 178988 178987 177651

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008


Refer to NUS100 - Field Recording of Network Assets for the Cable Nomenclature and Cable Codes.

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008


125mm spacer

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536


November 2008

150mm conduit spacer

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536

Reinstatement width in accordance with specification

Backfill Zone Compaction Requirement Finished Surface Levelw Final wear surface Match existing Match existing

Backfill Zone Thickness

Backfill Material

Base course Match existing Sub-base Level Sub-base course Match existing Sub-grade Level Below sub-grade Varies As specified in Clause 16 Sub-base as specified

Base as specified

98% MMD D or


Carriageway or Heavy Duty Vehicular Crossing

98% SMDD or 95% MMDD Density Index 80%


NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536

Bedding zone As per Notification Plan and this Network Standard As per Notification Plan and this Network Standard

As per this Network Standard

November 2008

Reinstatement width in accordance with specification


Zone Thickness


Compaction Requirement

Finished Surface Levelw Final wear surface 25MPa concrete 75mm MIN or match existing AC5 Asphalt match existing Segmental paving units match existing Match existing thickness (minimum 50mm) Fine crushed rock 92% MMDD or 95% SMDD

Typical Restorations in Footpaths

Footpath pavement sub-base Sub-grade Level Below sub-grade Varies


NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536

Bedding zone As per Notification Plan and this Network Standard

As specified in clause 16

90% MMDD or Density Index 70%

As per Notification Plan and this Network Standard

As per this Network Standard

November 2008


November 2008


Installation of Network Ductlines Through Buildings

Appendix J Installation of Network Ductlines Through Buildings is external to NS130. It can be obtained via internal or external Ausgrid websites.



Appendix K Testing Of Backfills: Thermal Resistivity is external to NS130. It can be obtained via internal or external Ausgrid websites.

NS130 + NSAs 1533, 1535 & 1536

Revision History Initial issue: Last issue: Current issue: 10/1995 26/09/2002 21/11/2008

Document Control Authorised By: Keith Newland Document Number: NS130 Date:21/11/2008

Ausgrid. This document must not be reproduced in whole or in part or converted to machine readable form or stored in a computer or imaging system without the written permission of Ausgrid.

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