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Patran 2014

Reference Manual
Part 3: Finite Element Modeling
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Reference Manual - Part III (Finite Element Modeling)

1 Introduction to Finite Element Modeling

General Definitions 2

How to Access Finite Element Modeling 5

Building a Finite Element Model for Analysis 6

Helpful Hints 7

Features in Patran for Creating the Finite Element Model 8

2 Create Action (Mesh)

Introduction 12
Element Topology 12
Meshing Curves 13
Meshing Surfaces with IsoMesh or Paver 13
Meshing Solids 14
Mesh Seeding 16
Surface Mesh Control 17
Remeshing and Reseeding 17

Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms 25

Creating a Mesh Seed 25

Creating a Mesh 34
IsoMesh Curve 34
IsoMesh 2 Curves 35
IsoMesh Surface 36
Solid 40
Mesh On Mesh 47
Sheet Body 52
Regular 56
Advanced Surface Meshing 58

Mesh Control 89
Auto Hard Points Form 89
iv Reference Manual - Part III (Finite Element Modeling)

3 Create Action (FEM Entities)

Introduction 96

Creating Nodes 97
Create Node Edit 97
Create Node ArcCenter 99
Extracting Nodes 101
Interpolating Nodes 108
Intersecting Two Entities to Create Nodes 114
Creating Nodes by Offsetting a Specified Distance 117
Piercing Curves Through Surfaces to Create Nodes 119
Projecting Nodes Onto Surfaces or Faces 120

Creating Elements 124

Creating MPCs 125

Create MPC Form (for all MPC Types Except Cyclic Symmetry and Sliding
Surface) 129
Create MPC Cyclic Symmetry Form 130
Create MPC Sliding Surface Form 131

Creating Superelements 134

Select Boundary Nodes 135

Creating DOF List 136

Define Terms 137

Creating Connectors 138

4 Transform Action
Overview of Finite Element Modeling
Transform Actions 146

Transforming Nodes 147

Create Nodes by Translating Nodes 147
Create Nodes by Rotating Nodes 148
Create Nodes by Mirroring Nodes 150

Transforming Elements 152

Create Elements by Translating Elements 152
Create Elements by Rotating Elements 153
Create Elements by Mirroring Elements 154

5 Sweep Action
Introduction 156

Sweep Forms 157

The Arc Method 158
The Extrude Method 159
The Glide Method 160
The Glide-Guide Method 162
The Normal Method 165
The Radial Cylindrical Method 166
The Radial Spherical Method 167
The Spherical Theta Method 168
The Vector Field Method 170
The Loft Method 172

6 Renumber Action
Introduction 178

Renumber Forms 179

Renumber Nodes 180
Renumber Elements 181
Renumber MPCs 182
Renumber Connectors 183

7 Associate Action
Introduction 186

Associate Forms 187

The Point Method 187
The Curve Method 189
The Surface Method 190
The Solid Method 191
The Node Forms 192

8 Disassociate Action
Introduction 194

Disassociate Forms 195

Elements 196
Node 197
vi Reference Manual - Part III (Finite Element Modeling)

9 Equivalence Action
Introduction to Equivalencing 200

Equivalence Forms 202

Equivalence - All 202
Equivalence - Group 203
Equivalence - List 204

10 Optimize Action
Introduction to Optimization 208

Optimizing Nodes and Elements 210

Selecting an Optimization Method 211

11 Verify Action
Introduction to Verification 214
Preference Specific Check 215

Verify Forms 218

Verify - Element (Boundaries) 221
Verify - Element (Duplicates) 222
Verify - Element (Normals) 223
Verify - Element (Connectivity) 223
Verify - Element (Geometry Fit) 224
Verify - Element (Jacobian Ratio) 225
Verify - Element (Jacobian Zero) 226
Verify - Element (IDs) 228
Verify - Tria (All) 229
Verify - Tria (All) Spreadsheet 229
Verify - Tria (Aspect) 230
Verify - Tria (Skew) 231
Verify - Quad (All) 231
Verify - Quad (All) Spreadsheet 233
Verify - Quad (Aspect) 233
Verify - Quad (Warp) 234
Verify - Quad (Skew) 235
Verify - Quad (Taper) 236
Verify - Tet (All) 238
Verify - Tet (All) Spreadsheet 239
Verify - Tet (Aspect) 239

Verify - Tet (Edge Angle) 241

Verify - Tet (Face Skew) 241
Verify - Tet (Collapse) 242
Verify - Wedge (All) 244
Verify - Wedge (All) Spreadsheet 245
Verify - Wedge (Aspect) 245
Verify - Wedge (Edge Angle) 246
Verify - Wedge (Face Skew) 247
Verify - Wedge (Face Warp) 248
Verify - Wedge (Twist) 249
Verify - Wedge (Face Taper) 250
Verify - Hex (All) 252
Verify - Hex (All) Spreadsheet 253
Verify - Hex (Aspect) 253
Verify - Hex (Edge Angle) 254
Verify - Hex (Face Skew) 255
Verify - Hex (Face Warp) 256
Verify - Hex (Twist) 257
Verify - Hex (Face Taper) 258
Verify - Node (IDs) 260
Verify - Midnode (Normal Offset) 260
Verify - Midnode (Tangent Offset) 261
Superelement 263
Connector 263

Theory 265
Aspect Ratio 267
Warp 272
Taper 273
Edge Angle 274
Collapse 277
Twist 277

12 Show Action
Show Forms 280
Show - Node Location 280
Show - Node Distance 281
Show - Element Attributes 283
Show - Element Coordinate System 285
Show - Mesh Seed Attributes 285
Show - Mesh Control Attributes 286
Show - MPC 287
Show Connectors 289
viii Reference Manual - Part III (Finite Element Modeling)

13 Modify Action
Introduction to Modification 292

Modify Forms 293

Modifying Mesh 294
Mesh Improvement Form 297
Modifying Mesh Seed 302
Sew Form 302
Modifying Elements 305
Modifying Bars 313
Modifying Trias 314
Modifying Quads 318
Modifying Nodes 323
Modifying MPCs 327
Modifying Spot Weld Connectors 328

14 Delete Action
Delete Action 332

Delete Forms 333

Delete - Any 333
Delete - Mesh Seed 334
Delete - Mesh (Surface) 335
Delete - Mesh (Curve) 337
Delete - Mesh (Solid) 338
Delete - Mesh Control 339
Delete - Node 339
Delete - Element 340
Delete - MPC 342
Delete - Connector 343
Delete - Superelement 344
Delete - DOF List 345

15 Patran Element Library

Introduction 348

Beam Element Topology 350

Tria Element Topology 352

Quad Element Topology 360


Tetrahedral Element Topology 366

Wedge Element Topology 379

Hex Element Topology 396

Patran’s Element Library 408

x Reference Manual - Part III (Finite Element Modeling)
Chapter 1: Introduction to Finite Element Modeling
Reference Manual - Part III

1 Introduction to Finite Element


 General Definitions 2
 How to Access Finite Element Modeling 5

Building a Finite Element Model for Analysis 6
 Helpful Hints 7
 Features in Patran for Creating the Finite Element Model 8
2 Reference Manual - Part III
General Definitions

General Definitions
analysis coordinate A local coordinate system associated to a node and used for
frame defining constraints and calculating results at that node.
attributes ID, topology, parent geometry, number of nodes, applied loads and
bcs, material, results.
connectivity The order of nodes in which the element is connected. Improper
connectivity can cause improperly aligned normals and negative
volume solid elements.
constraint A constraint in the solution domain of the model.
cyclic symmetry A model that has identical features repeated about an axis. Some
analysis codes such as MSC Nastran explicitly allow the
identification of such features so that only one is modeled.
degree-of-freedom DOF, the variable being solved for in an analysis, usually a
displacement or rotation for structural and temperature for thermal
at a point.
dependent DOF In an MPC, the degree-of-freedom that is condensed out of the
analysis before solving the system of equations.
equivalencing Combining nodes which are coincident (within a distance of
tolerance) with one another.
explicit An MPC that is not interpreted by the analysis code but used
directly as an equation in the solution.
finite element 1. A general technique for constructing approximate solutions to
boundary value problems and which is particularly suited to the
digital computer.

2. The Patran database entities point element, bar, tria, quad, tet,
wedge and hex.
finite element model A geometry model that has been descritized into finite elements,
material properties, loads and boundary conditions, and
environment definitions which represent the problem to be solved.
free edges Element edges shared by only one element.
free faces Element faces shared by only one element.
implicit An MPC that is first interpreted into one or more explicit MPCs
prior to solution.
independent DOF In an MPC, the degree-of-freedom that remains during the
solution phase.
IsoMesh Mapped meshing capability on curves, three- and four-sided
biparametric surfaces and triparametric solids available from the
Create, Mesh panel form.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Finite Element Modeling 3
General Definitions

Jacobian Ratio The ratio of the maximum determinant of the Jacobian to the
minimum determinant of the Jacobian is calculated for each
element in the current group in the active viewport. This element
shape test can be used to identify elements with interior corner
angles far from 90 degrees or high order elements with misplaced
midside nodes. A ratio close or equal to 1.0 is desired.
Jacobian Zero The determinant of the Jacobian (J) is calculated at all integration
points for each element in the current group in the active viewport.
The minimum value for each element is determined. This element
shape test can be used to identify incorrectly shaped elements.
A well-formed element will have J positive at each Gauss point
and not greatly different from the value of J at other Gauss points.
J approaches zero as an element vertex angle approaches 180
library Definition of all element topologies.
MPC Multi-Point Constraint. Used to apply more sophisticated
constraints on the FEM model such as sliding boundary conditions.
non-uniform seed Uneven placement of node locations along a curve used to control
node creation during meshing.
normals Direction perpendicular to the surface of an element. Positive
direction determined by the cross-product of the local parametric
directions in the surface. The normal is used to determine proper
orientation of directional loads.
optimization Renumbering nodes or elements to reduce the time of the analysis.
Applies only to wavefront or bandwidth solvers.
parameters Controls for mesh smoothing algorithm. Determines how fast and
how smooth the resulting mesh is produced.
paths The path created by the interconnection of regular shaped
geometry by keeping one or two constant parametric values.
Paver General meshing of n-sided surfaces with any number of holes
accessed from the Create/Mesh/Surface panel form.
reference coordinate A local coordinate frame associated to a node and used to output
frame the location of the node in the Show, Node, Attribute panel. Also
used in node editing to define the location of a node.
renumber Change the IDs without changing attributes or associations.
seeding Controlling the mesh density by defining the number of element
edges along a geometry curve prior to meshing.
shape The basic shape of a finite element (i.e., tria or hex).
sliding surface Two surfaces which are in contact and are allowed to move
tangentially to one another.
4 Reference Manual - Part III
General Definitions

sub MPC A convenient way to group related implicit MPCs under one MPC
term A term in an MPC equation which references a node ID, a degree-
of-freedom and a coefficient (real value).
Tetmesh General meshing of n-faced solids accessed from the
Create/Mesh/Solid panel form.
topology The shape, node, edge, and face numbering which is invariant for
a finite element.
transitions The result of meshing geometry with two opposing edges which
have different mesh seeds. Produces an irregular mesh.
types For an implicit MPC, the method used to interpret for analysis.
uniform seed Even placement of nodes along a curve.
verification Check the model for validity and correctness.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Finite Element Modeling 5
How to Access Finite Element Modeling

How to Access Finite Element Modeling

The Finite Elements Application
All of Patran’s finite element modeling capabilities are available by selecting the Finite Element button
on the main form. Finite Element (FE) Meshing, Node and Element Editing, Nodal Equivalencing, ID
Optimization, Model Verification, FE Show, Modify and Delete, and ID Renumber, are all accessible
from the Finite Elements form.
At the top of the form are a set of pull-down menus named Action and Object, followed by either Type,
Method or Test. These menus are hierarchical. For example, to verify a particular finite element, the
Verify action must be selected first. Once the type of Action, Object and Method has been selected,
Patran will store the setting. When the user returns to the Finite Elements form, the previously defined
Action, Object and Method will be displayed. Therefore, Patran will minimize the number steps if the
same series of operations are performed.
The Action menu is organized so the following menu items are listed in the same order as a typical
modeling session.
1. Create
2. Transform
3. Sweep
4. Renumber
5. Associate
6. Equivalence
7. Optimize
8. Verify
9. Show
10. Modify
11. Delete
6 Reference Manual - Part III
Building a Finite Element Model for Analysis

Building a Finite Element Model for Analysis

Patran provides numerous ways to create a finite element model. Before proceeding, it is important to
determine the analysis requirements of the model. These requirements determine how to build the model
in Patran. Consider the following:

Table 1-1 Considerations in Preparing for Finite Element Analysis

Desired Response Displacements, Stresses, Buckling, Combinations, Dynamic, Temperature,
Parameters Magnetic Flux, Acoustical, Time Dependent, etc.
Scope of Model Component or system (Engine mount vs. Whole Aircraft).
Accuracy First “rough” pass or within a certain percent.
Simplifying Beam, shell, symmetry, linear, constant, etc.
Available Data Geometry, Loads, Material model, Constraints, Physical Properties, etc.
Available CPU performance, available memory, available disk space, etc.
Desired Analysis Type Linear static, nonlinear, transient deformations, etc.
Schedule How much time do you have to complete the analysis?
Expertise Have you performed this type of analysis before?
Integration CAD geometry, coupled analysis, test data, etc.

Table 1-1 lists a portion of what a Finite Element Analyst must consider before building a model.The
listed items above will affect how the FEM model will be created. The following two references will
provide additional information on designing a finite element model.
• NAFEMS. A Finite Element Primer. Dept. of Trade and Industry, National Engineering
Laboratory, Glasgow,UK,1986.
• Schaeffer, Harry G, MSC⁄NASTRAN Primer. Schaeffer Analysis Inc., 1979.

In addition, courses are offered at MSC Software Corporation’s MSC Institute, and at most major
universities which explore the fundamentals of the Finite Element Method.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Finite Element Modeling 7
Helpful Hints

Helpful Hints
If you are ready to proceed in Patran but are unsure how to begin, start by making a simple model. The
model should contain only a few finite elements, some unit loads and simple physical properties. Run a
linear static or modal analysis. By reducing the amount of model data, it makes it much easier to interpret
the results and determine if you are on the right track.
Apply as many simplifying assumptions as possible. For example, run a 1D problem before a 2 D, and a
2D before a 3D. For structural analysis, many times the problem can be reduced to a single beam which
can then be compared to a hand calculation.
Then apply what you learned from earlier models to more refined models. Determine if you are
converging on an answer. The results will be invaluable for providing insight into the problem, and
comparing and verifying the final results.
Determine if the results you produce make sense. For example, does the applied unit load equal to the
reaction load? Or if you scale the loads, do the results scale?
Try to bracket the result by applying extreme loads, properties, etc. Extreme loads may uncover flaws in
the model.
8 Reference Manual - Part III
Features in Patran for Creating the Finite Element Model

Features in Patran for Creating the Finite Element

Table 1-2 lists the four methods available in Patran to create finite elements.

Table 1-2 Methods for Creating Finite Elements in Patran

IsoMesh Traditional mapped mesh on regularly shaped geometry. Supports all

elements in Patran.
Paver Surface mesher. Can mesh 3D surfaces with an arbitrary number of edges
and with any number of holes. Generates only area, or 2D elements.
Editing Creates individual elements from previously defined nodes. Supports the
entire Patran element library. Automatically generates midedge, midface
and midbody nodes.
TetMesh Arbitrary solid mesher generates tetrahedral elements within Patran solids
defined by an arbitrary number of faces or volumes formed by collection of
triangular element shells. This method is based on MSC plastering

The IsoMesh method is the most versatile for creating a finite element mesh. It is accessed by selecting:
Action: Create

Object: Mesh

IsoMesh will mesh any untrimmed, three- or four-sided set of biparametric (green) surfaces with
quadrilateral or triangular elements; or any triparametric (blue) solids with hedahedral, wedge or
tetrahedral elements.
Mesh density is controlled by the “Global Edge Length” parameter on the mesh form. Greater control
can be applied by specifying a mesh seed which can be accessed by selecting:
Action: Create

Object: Mesh Seed

Mesh seeds are applied to curves or edges of surfaces or solids. There are options to specify a uniform or
nonuniform mesh seed along the curve or edge.

Paver is used for any trimmed (red) surface with any number of holes. Paver is accessed in the same way
as IsoMesh except the selected Object must be Surface. Mesh densities can be defined in the same way
as IsoMesh. The mesh seed methods are fully integrated and may be used interchangeably for IsoMesh
and Paver. The resulting mesh will always match at common geometric boundaries.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Finite Element Modeling 9
Features in Patran for Creating the Finite Element Model

TetMesh is used for any solid, and is especially useful for unparametrized or b-rep (white) solids.
TetMesh is accessed the same way as IsoMesh, except the selected Object must be Solid. Mesh densities
can be defined in the same way as IsoMesh. The mesh seed methods are fully integrated and may be used
interchangeably for IsoMesh and TetMesh. The resulting mesh will always match at common geometric

MPC Create
Multi-point constraints (MPCs) provide additional modeling capabilities and include a large library of
MPC types which are supported by various analysis codes. Perfectly rigid beams, slide lines, cyclic
symmetry and element transitioning are a few of the supported MPC types available in Patran.

Translate, rotate, or mirror nodes and elements.

Create a solid mesh by either extruding or arcing shell elements or the face of solid elements.

The Finite Element application’s Renumber option is provided to allow direct control of node and
element numbering. Grouping of nodes and elements by a number range is possible through Renumber.

Create database associations between finite elements (and their nodes) and the underlying coincident
geometry. This is useful when geometry and finite element models are imported from an outside source
and, therefore, no associations are present.

Meshing creates coincident nodes at boundaries of adjacent curves, surfaces, and ⁄ or solids.
Equivalencing is an automated means to eliminate duplicate nodes.

To use your computer effectively, it is important to number either the nodes or the elements in the proper
manner. This allows you to take advantage of the computer’s CPU and disk space for the analysis.
Consult your analysis code’s documentation to find out how the model should be optimized before
performing Patran’s Analysis Optimization.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine if the model is valid, such as, are the elements connected together
properly? are they inverted or reversed? etc. This is true--even for models which contain just a few finite
10 Reference Manual - Part III
Features in Patran for Creating the Finite Element Model

elements. A number of options are available in Patran for verifying a Finite Element model. Large models
can be checked quickly for invalid elements, poorly shaped elements and proper element and node
numbering. Quad element verification includes automatic replacement of poorly shaped quads with
improved elements.

The Finite Element application’s Show action can provide detailed information on your model’s nodes,
elements, and MPCs.

Modifying node, element, and MPC attributes, such as element connectivity, is possible by selecting the
Modify action. Element reversal is also available under the Modify action menu.

Deleting nodes, elements, mesh seeds, meshes and MPCs are available under the Finite Element
application’s Delete menu. You can also delete associated stored groups that are empty when deleting
entities that are contained in the group.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh)
Reference Manual - Part III

2 Create Action (Mesh)

Introduction 12

Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms 25

Creating a Mesh 34

Mesh Control 89
12 Reference Manual - Part III

Mesh creation is the process of creating finite elements from curves, surfaces, or solids. Patran provides
the following automated meshers: IsoMesh, Paver, and TetMesh.
IsoMesh operates on parametric curves, biparametric (green) surfaces, and triparametric (blue) solids. It
can produce any element topology in the Patran finite element library.
Paver can be used on any type of surface, including n-sided trimmed (red) surfaces. Paver produces either
quad or tria elements.
IsoMesh, Paver, and TetMesh provide flexible mesh transitioning through user-specified mesh seeds.
They also ensure that newly meshed regions will match any existing mesh on adjoining congruent
TetMesh generates a mesh of tetrahedral elements for any triparametric (blue) solid or
B-rep (white) solid.

Element Topology
Patran users can choose from an extensive library of finite element types and topologies. The finite
element names are denoted by a shape name and its number of associated nodes, such as Bar2, Quad4,
Hex20. See Patran Element Library for a complete list.
Patran supports seven different element shapes, as follows:
• point
• bar
• tria
• quad
• tet
• wedge
• hex

For defining a specific element, first choose analysis under the preference menu, and select the type of
analysis code. Then select Finite Elements on the main menu, and when the Finite Elements form
appears, define the element type and topology.
When building a Patran model for an external analysis code, it is highly recommended that you review
the Application Preference Guide to determine valid element topologies for the analysis code
before meshing.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 13

Meshing Curves
Meshes composed of one-dimensional bar elements are based on the IsoMesh method and may be
applied to curves, the edges of surfaces, or the edges of solids. For more information on IsoMesh, see
Meshing Surfaces with IsoMesh or Paver.

Bar or beam element orientations defined by the bar’s XY plane, are specified through the assignment of
an element property. For more information on defining bar orientations, see Element Properties
Application (Ch. 3) in the Patran Reference Manual.

IsoMesh 2 Curves
This method will create an IsoMesh between two curve lists. The mesh will be placed at the location
defined by ruling between the two input curves. The number of elements will be determined by global
edge length or a specified number across and along. For more information on IsoMesh, see Meshing
Surfaces with IsoMesh or Paver.

Meshing Surfaces with IsoMesh or Paver

Patran can mesh a group of congruent surfaces (i.e., adjoining surfaces having shared edges and corner
points). Both surfaces and faces of solids can be meshed. Patran provides a choice of using either the
IsoMesh method or the Paver method depending on the type of surface to be meshed.
IsoMesh is used for parametrized (green) surfaces with only three or four sides.

Important: Green surfaces may be constructed using chained curves with slope discontinuities and
thus may appear to have more than four sides. During meshing, a node will be placed
on any slope discontinuity whose angle exceeds the “Node/Edge Snap Angle.” See
Preferences>Finite Element (p. 483) in the Patran Reference Manual.

Paver can mesh trimmed or untrimmed (red) surfaces with more than four sides, as well as parametric
(green) surfaces.

IsoMesh will create equally-spaced nodes along each edge in real space--even for nonuniformly
parametrized surfaces. IsoMesh computes the number of elements and node spacing for every selected
geometric edge before any individual region is actually meshed. This is done to ensure that the new mesh
will match any existing meshes on neighboring regions.
IsoMesh requires the surfaces to be parametrized (green), and to have either three or four sides. Surfaces
which have more than four sides must first be decomposed into smaller three- or four-sided surfaces.
Trimmed (red) surfaces must also be decomposed into three- or four-sided surfaces before meshing with
IsoMesh. For complex n-sided surfaces, the Paver is recommended.
For more information on decomposing surfaces, see Building a Congruent Model (p. 31) in the Geometry
Modeling - Reference Manual Part 2.
14 Reference Manual - Part III

Mesh Paths
After selecting the surfaces to be meshed, IsoMesh divides the surfaces’ edges into groups of
topologically parallel edges called Mesh Paths. Mesh Paths are used by IsoMesh to calculate the number
of elements per edge based on either adjoining meshed regions, mesh seeded edges, or the global element
edge length.
If a mesh seed is defined for one of the edges in the path, or there is an adjoining meshed region on one
of the mesh path’s edges, IsoMesh will ignore the global element edge length for all edges in the path.
IsoMesh will apply the same number of elements, along with the node spacing, from the adjoining
meshed region or the mesh seeded edge to the remaining edges in the path.
IsoMesh will use the global element edge length for a mesh path if there are no neighboring meshed
regions or mesh seeded edges within the path. IsoMesh will calculate the number of elements per edge
by taking the longest edge in the mesh path and dividing by the global edge length, and rounding to the
nearest integer value.
Figure 2-1 shows two adjoining surfaces with mesh paths A, B, and C defined by IsoMesh. Edge “1” is
a member of mesh path A and has a mesh seed of five elements. Edge “2” is a member of mesh path B
and has a mesh seed of eight elements. As shown in Figure 2-2, IsoMesh created five elements for the
remaining edges in mesh path A, and eight elements for the remaining edge in mesh path B. Since there
are no mesh seeds or adjoining meshes for mesh path C, IsoMesh uses the global element edge length to
calculate the number of elements for each edge.

Paver is best suited for trimmed (red) surfaces, including complex surfaces with more than four sides,
such as surfaces with holes or cutouts. See Figure 2-7.
Paver is also good for surfaces requiring “steep” mesh transitions, such as going from four to 20 elements
across a surface. Similar to IsoMesh, the paver calculates the node locations in real space, but it does not
require the surfaces to be parametrized.

Important: For an all quadrilateral element mesh, the Paver requires the total number of elements
around the perimeter of each surface to be an even number. It will automatically
adjust the number of elements on a free edge to ensure this condition is met.

Meshing Solids
Patran meshes solids with the IsoMesh or TetMesh.
IsoMesh can mesh any group of congruent triparametric (blue) solids (i.e., adjoining solids having shared
edges and corner points). Triparametric solids with the topological shape of a brick or a wedge can be
meshed with either hex or wedge elements. Any other form of triparametric solid can only be meshed
with tet elements. Solids that have more than six faces must first be modified and decomposed before
TetMesh can be used to mesh all (blue or white) solids in Patran.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 15

Mesh Paths
Since IsoMesh is used to mesh solids, similar to meshing surfaces, Mesh Paths are used to determine the
number of elements per solid edge. For more detailed information on Mesh Paths, see Meshing Surfaces
with IsoMesh or Paver.

If there is a preexisting mesh adjoining one of the edges or a defined mesh seed on one of the edges in a
mesh path, Patran will apply the same number of elements to the remaining edges in the path. If there are
no adjoining meshes or mesh seeds defined within a path, the global element edge length will be used to
determine the number of elements.
Figure 2-3 shows two adjoining congruent solids with mesh Paths A, B, C, and D defined. Edge “1” of
path A has a mesh seed of five elements. Edge “2” of path B has a mesh seed of fourteen elements. And
Edge “3” of path C has a nonuniform mesh seed of six elements. See Mesh Seeding for more information.
Figure 2-4 shows the solid mesh. Since Mesh Path A has a seed of five elements, all edges in the path are
also meshed with five elements. The same applies for Mesh Paths B and C, where the seeded edge in each
path determines the number of elements and node spacing. Since Mesh Path D did not have a mesh seed,
or a preexisting adjoining mesh, the global element edge length was used to define the number of

TetMesh will attempt to mesh any solid with very little input from the user as to what size of elements
should be created. Generally, this is not what is needed for an actual engineering analysis. The following
tips will assist the user both in terms of getting a good quality mesh suitable for the analysis phase and
also tend to improve the success of TetMesh. If TetMesh fails to complete the mesh and the user has only
specified a Global Length on the form, success might still be obtained by following some of the
suggestions below.
Try to mesh the surfaces of a solid with the Paver using tria elements. If the Paver cannot mesh the solid
faces, it is unlikely that TetMesh will be able to mesh the solid. By paving the solid faces first, much
better control of the final mesh can be obtained. The mesh can be refined locally as needed. The surface
meshing may also expose any problems with the geometry that make it difficult or impossible to mesh.
Then these problems can be corrected before undertaking the time and expense to attempt to TetMesh
the solid.
If higher order elements are required from a surface mesh of triangular elements, the triangular elements
must also be of the corresponding order so that the mid edge nodes would be snapped properly.
Tria meshes on the solid faces can be left on the faces and stored in the database. This allows them to be
used in the future as controls for the tet mesh in the solid at a later time.
After the tria mesh is created on the solid faces, it should be inspected for poor quality tria elements.
These poor quality elements typically occur because Paver meshed a small feature in the geometry that
was left over from the construction of the geometry, but is not important to the analysis. If these features
are removed prior to meshing or if the tria mesh is cleaned up prior to tet meshing, better success rates
and better tet meshes will usually follow. Look for high aspect ratios in the tria elements and look for tria
elements with very small area.
16 Reference Manual - Part III

The following paragraph applies only to the State Machine Algorithm.

Once the solid faces have a tria mesh, TetMesh will match the tet element faces to the existing tria
elements. Just select the solid as input to TetMesh. This is not the same as selecting the tria shell as input.
By selecting the solid, the resulting tet mesh will be associated with the solid and the element mid-edge
nodes on the boundary will follow the curvature of the geometry. Note that the tria mesh on the solid
faces do not need to be higher order elements in order for a higher order tet mesh to snap its mid-edge
nodes to the geometry.

Mesh Seeding
Mesh Transitions
A mesh transition occurs when the number of elements differs across two opposing edges of a surface or
solid face. Mesh transitions are created either by mesh seeding the two opposing edges with a different
number of elements, or by existing meshes on opposite sides of the surface or solid face, whose number
of elements differ.
If IsoMesh is used for the transition mesh, Patran uses smoothing parameters to create the mesh. For most
transition meshes, it is unnecessary to redefine the parameter values. See IsoMesh Parameters
Subordinate Form.

Seeding Surface Transitions

Patran can mesh a set of surfaces for any combination of mesh seeds. A mesh transition can occur in both
directions of a surface.

Seeding Solid Transitions

Transition meshes for solids can only occur in two of three directions of the solids. That is, the transition
can be defined on one side of a set of solids, and carried through the solids’ third direction. If a transition
is required in all three directions, the user must break one of the solids into two, and perform the transition
in two steps, one in each sub-solid. If a set of solids are seeded so that a transition will take place in all
three directions, Patran will issue an error and not mesh the given set of solids.
If more than one mesh seed is defined within a single mesh path (a mesh path is a group of topologically
parallel edges for a given set of solids), it must belong to the same solid face. Otherwise, Patran will issue
an error and not mesh the specified set of solids (see Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6). If this occurs, additional
mesh seeds will be required in the mesh path to further define the transition. For more information on
mesh paths, see Mesh Solid.

Avoiding Triangular Elements

Patran will try to avoid inserting triangle elements in a quadrilateral surface mesh, or wedge elements in
a hexagonal solid mesh.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 17

However, if the total number of elements around the perimeter of a surface, or a solid face is an odd
number, the IsoMesh method will produce one triangular or one row of wedge element per surface or
solid. Remember IsoMesh is the default meshing method for solids, as well as for curves.
If the total number of elements around the surface’s or solid’s perimeter is even, IsoMesh will mesh the
surface or solid with Quad or Hex elements only. If the surface or solid is triangular or wedge shaped,
and the mesh pattern chosen on the IsoMesh Parameters Subordinate Form form is the triangular pattern,
triangle or wedge elements will be created regardless of the number of elements.
Figure 2-8 through Figure 2-13 show examples of avoiding triangular elements with IsoMesh.

When Quad elements are the desired element type, Patran’s Paver requires the number of elements
around the perimeter of the surface to be even. If the number is odd, an error will be issued and Paver will
ask the user if he wishes to use tri elements for this surface. If Quad elements are desired, the user must
readjust the mesh seeds to an even number before meshing the surface again.

Surface Mesh Control

Users can specify surface mesh control on selected surfaces to be used when meshing using any of the
auto meshers. This option allows users to create meshes with transition without having to do so one
surface at a time. This option is particularly useful when used with the solid tet mesher to create mesh
densities that are different on the edge and on the solid surface.

Remeshing and Reseeding

An existing mesh or mesh seed does not need to be deleted before remeshing or reseeding. Patran will
ask for permission to delete the existing mesh or mesh seed before creating a new one.
However, mesh seeds cannot be applied to edges with an existing mesh, unless the mesh seed will exactly
match the number of elements and node spacing of the existing mesh. Users must first delete the existing
mesh, before applying a new mesh seed to the edge.
18 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 2-1 IsoMesh Mesh Paths A, B, C

Figure 2-2 Meshed Surfaces Using IsoMesh

Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 19

Figure 2-3 Mesh Seeding for Two Solids

Figure 2-4 Mesh of Two Solids With Seeding Defined

20 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 2-5 Incomplete Mesh Seed Definition for Two Solids

Figure 2-6 Mesh of Two Solids with Additional Mesh Seed

Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 21

Figure 2-7 Surface Mesh Produced by Paver

Figure 2-8 Odd Number of Elements Around Surface Perimeter

22 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 2-9 Even Number of Elements Around Surface Perimeter

Figure 2-10 Odd Mesh Seed

Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 23

Figure 2-11 Even Mesh Seed

Figure 2-12 Mesh Seeding Triangular Surfaces (1 Tria Produced)

24 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 2-13 Mesh Seeding Triangular Surfaces to Produce only Quad Elements
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 25
Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms

Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms

Creating a Mesh Seed
• Uniform Mesh Seed
• One Way Bias Mesh Seed
• Two Way Bias Mesh Seed
• Curvature Based Mesh Seed
• Tabular Mesh Seed
• PCL Function Mesh Seed

Creating a Mesh
• IsoMesh Curve
• IsoMesh 2 Curves
• IsoMesh Surface
• Solid
• Mesh On Mesh
• Sheet Body
• Regular
• Advanced Surface Meshing
• Auto Hard Points Form

Creating a Mesh Seed

There are many types of mesh seeds: uniform, one way bias, two way bias, curvature based, and tabular.

Uniform Mesh Seed

Create mesh seed definition for a given curve, or an edge of a surface or solid, with a uniform element
edge length specified either by a total number of elements or by a general element edge length. The mesh
seed will be represented by small yellow circles and displayed only when the Finite Element form is set
to creating a Mesh, or creating or deleting a Mesh Seed.
26 Reference Manual - Part III
Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms

One Way Bias Mesh Seed

Create mesh seed definition for a given curve, or an edge of a surface or solid, with an increasing or
decreasing element edge length, specified either by a total number of elements with a length ratio, or by
actual edge lengths. The mesh seed will be represented by small yellow circles and is displayed only
when the Finite Element form is set to creating a Mesh, or creating or deleting a Mesh Seed.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 27
Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms

Two Way Bias Mesh Seed

Create mesh seed definition for a given curve, or an edge of a surface or solid, with a symmetric non-
uniform element edge length, specified either by a total number of elements with a length ratio, or by
actual edge lengths. The mesh seed will be represented by small yellow circles and is displayed only
when the Finite Element form is set to creating a Mesh, or creating or deleting a Mesh Seed.
28 Reference Manual - Part III
Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms

Curvature Based Mesh Seed

Create mesh seed definition for a given curve, or an edge of a surface or solid, with a uniform or
nonuniform element edge length controlled by curvature. The mesh seed will be represented by small
yellow circles and is displayed only when the Finite Element form is set to creating a Mesh, or creating
or deleting a Mesh Seed.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 29
Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms

Tabular Mesh Seed

Create mesh seed definition for a given curve, or an edge of a surface or solid, with an arbitrary
distribution of seed locations defined by tabular values. The mesh seed will be represented by small
yellow circles and is displayed only when the Finite Element form is set to creating a Mesh, or creating
or deleting a Mesh Seed.
30 Reference Manual - Part III
Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 31
Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms

PCL Function Mesh Seed

Create mesh seed definition for a given curve, or an edge of a surface or solid, with a distribution of seed
locations defined by a PCL function. The mesh seed will be represented by small yellow circles and is
displayed only when the Finite Element form is set to creating a Mesh, or creating or deleting a Mesh
32 Reference Manual - Part III
Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms

The following is the PCL code for the predefined functions beta, cluster and robert. They can be used as
models for writing your own PCL function.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 33
Mesh Seed and Mesh Forms

Note: An individual user function can be accessed at run time by entering the command:

!!INPUT <my_pcl_function_file_name>
A library of precompiled PCL functions can be accessed by:

!!LIBRARY <my_plb_library_name>
For convenience these commands can be entered into your p3epilog.pcl file so that the
functions are available whenever you run Patran.

Beta Sample
FUNCTION beta(j, N, b)
REAL b, w, t, rval

w = (N - j) / (N - 1)
t = ( ( b + 1.0 ) / ( b - 1.0 ) ) **w
rval = ( (b + 1.0) - (b - 1.0) *t ) / (t + 1.0)

Note: j and N MUST be the names for the first two arguments.

N is the number of nodes to be created, and j is the index of the node being created, where
( 1 <= j <= N ).

Cluster Sample
FUNCTION cluster( j, N, f, tau )
REAL f, tau, B, rval
B = (0.5/tau)*mth_ln((1.0+(mth_exp(tau)-1.0)*f)/(1.0+(mth_exp(-tau)-1.0)*f))
rval = f*(1.0+sinh(tau*((N-j)/(N-1.0)-B))/sinh(tau*B))

FUNCTION sinh( val )
REAL val
RETURN 0.5*(mth_exp(val)-mth_exp(-val))


Roberts Sample
FUNCTION roberts( j, N, a, b )
REAL a, b, k, t, rval

k = ( (N - j) / (N - 1.0) - a ) / (1.0 - a)
t = ( (b + 1.0) / (b - 1.0) )**k
rval = ( (b + 2.0*a)*t - b + 2.0*a ) / ( (2.0*a + 1.0) * (1.0 + t) )

34 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Creating a Mesh
There are several geometry types from which to create a mesh:

IsoMesh Curve

Note: Don’t forget to reset the Global Edge Length to the appropriate value before applying the
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 35
Creating a Mesh

IsoMesh 2 Curves
36 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

IsoMesh Surface

Note: Don’t forget to reset the Global Edge Length to the appropriate value before applying the
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 37
Creating a Mesh

Property Sets
Use this form to select existing Properties to associate with elements to be created.
38 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Create New Property

Use this form to create a property set and associate that property set to the elements being created. This
form behaves exactly like the Properties Application Form.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 39
Creating a Mesh

Paver Parameters
40 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh


Note: Don’t forget to reset the Global Edge Length to the appropriate value before applying the
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 41
Creating a Mesh

IsoMesh Parameters Subordinate Form

This form appears when the IsoMesh Parameters button is selected on the Finite Elements form.
42 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Using the Create/Mesh/Solid form with the TetMesh button pressed creates a set of four node, 10 node
or 16 node tetrahedron elements for a specified set of solids. The solids can be composed of any number
of sides or faces.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 43
Creating a Mesh
44 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 45
Creating a Mesh

TetMesh Parameters
The TetMesh Parameters sub-form allows you to change meshing parameters for P-Element meshing and
Curvature based refinement.
46 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Create P-Element Mesh When creating a mesh with mid-side nodes (such as with Tet10
elements) in a solid with curved faces, it is possible to create elements
that have a negative Jacobian ratio which is unacceptable to finite
element solvers. To prevent an error from occurring during
downstream solution pre-processing, the edges for these negative
Jacobian elements are automatically straightened resulting in a positive
Jacobian element. Although the solver will accept this element's
Jacobian, the element edge is a straight line and no longer conforms to
the original curved geometry. If this toggle is enabled before the
meshing process, the element edges causing a negative Jacobian will
conform to the geometry, but will be invalid elements for most solvers.
To preserve edge conformance to the geometry, the "Modify-Mesh-
Solid" functionality can then be utilized to locally remesh the elements
near the elements containing a negative Jacobian.
Internal Coarsening The tetrahedral mesh generator has an option to allow for transition of
the mesh from a very small size to the user given Global Edge Length.
This option can be invoked by turning the Internal Coarsening toggle
ON. This option is supported only when a solid is selected for meshing.
The internal grading is governed by a growth factor, which is same as
that used for grading the surface meshes in areas of high curvature
(1:1.5). The elements are gradually stretched using the grade factor
until it reaches the user given Global Edge Length. After reaching the
Global Edge Length the mesh size remains constant.
Curvature Check To create a finer mesh in regions of high curvature, the "Curvature
Check" toggle should be turned ON. There are two options to control
the refinement parameters. Reducing the "Maximum h/L" creates more
elements in regions of high curvature to lower the distance between the
geometry and the element edge. The "Minimum l/L" option controls
the lower limit of how small the element size can be reduced in curved
regions. The ratio l/L is the size of the minimum refined element edge
to the "Global Edge Length" specified on the "Create-Mesh-Solid"
Collapse Short Edges The short geometric edges of a solid may cause the failure of the mesh
process. Turning the “Collapse Short Edge” toggle ON will increase
the success rate of the mesh process for this kind of solid. If this toggle
is ON, the tetmesher will collapse element edges on the short geometric
edges of the solid. But some nodes on the output mesh may not be
associated with any geometric entity, and some geometric edges and
vertices on the meshed solids may not be associated with any nodes.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 47
Creating a Mesh

Node Coordinate Frames

Mesh On Mesh
Mesh On Mesh is a fem-based shell mesh generation program. It takes a shell mesh as input, and creates
a new tria/quad mesh according to given mesh parameters. It works well even on rough tria-meshes with
very bad triangles created from complex models and graphic tessellations (STL data). Mesh On Mesh is
also a re-meshing tool. You can use it to re-mesh a patch on an existing mesh with a different element
This mesher has two useful features: feature recognition and preservation, and iso-meshing. If the feature
recognition flag is on, the ridge features on the input mesh will be identified based on the feature edge
angle and vertex angle, and will be preserved in the output mesh. Also, Mesh On Mesh will recognize 4-
sided regions automatically and create good iso-meshes on these regions.
48 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Delete Elements If checked, the input elements will be deleted.

Iso Mesh If checked, an iso-mesh will be created on a 4-sided region. You need
to select 4 corner nodes in the data box Feature Selection/Vertex
Seed Preview If checked, the mesh seeds on the boundary and feature lines will be
displayed as bar elements. The vertices on the boundary and feature
lines will be displayed as point elements. This option is useful if users
turn on the Feature Recognition Flag and want to preview the feature
line setting before creating a mesh.
Element Shape Element Shape consists of:

• Quad
• Tria
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 49
Creating a Mesh

Seed Option • Uniform. The mesher will create new boundary nodes based on
input global edge length.
• Existing Boundary. All boundary edges on input mesh will be
• Defined Boundary. The mesher will use all the nodes selected in
the data box Boundary Seeds to define the boundary of the output
mesh. No other boundary nodes will be created.
Topology • Quad4
• Tria3
Mesh Parameters For users to specify mesh parameters, manage curvature checking, and
specify washer element layers around holes.
Feature Recognition If checked, the features on the input mesh will be defined automatically
based on feature edge angles and vertex angles, and be preserved on the
output mesh.
Vertex Angle If Feature Recognition is on, a node on a feature line will be defined as
a feature vertex and be preserved if the angle of two adjacent edges is
less than the feature vertex angle.
Edge Angle If Feature Recognition is on, an edge on the input mesh will be defined
as a feature edge and be preserved if the angle between the normals of
two adjacent triangles is greater than the feature edge angle.
Use Selection Values If checked, all the feature entities selected on the Feature Selection
form will be used as input, allowing users to pick the feature entities
they want to preserve.
Feature Selection For users to select feature entities: vertex nodes, boundary seeds, hard
nodes, hard bars and soft bars.
2D Element List Input tria or quad mesh.
Global Edge Length Specifies the mesh size that will be used to create the output mesh. If
not specified, Patran returns a warning and a Global Edge Length must
be specified.
50 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Mesh Parameters

Curvature Check When this toggle is selected, causes the mesher to adjust the mesh
density to control the deviation between the input mesh and the
straight element edges on the output mesh. Currently, curvature
checking is available for both the boundary and interior of input tria-
meshes , but only for boundaries for quad-meshes.
Allowable Curvature Error If Curvature Check is selected, use Allowable Curvature Error to
specify the desired maximum deviation between the element edge
and the input mesh as the ratio of the deviation to the element edge
length. Deviation is measured at the center of the element edge. You
may enter the value either using the slide bar or by typing the value
into the Max h/L data box.
Min Edge L / Edge L Sets the ratio of minimum and maximum edge length to the element
Max Edge L / Edge L size. If Curvature Check is selected, the edge length on the output
mesh will be between the minium edge length and the maximum
edge length.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 51
Creating a Mesh

Washers on Holes When this toggle is selected. the mesher will create washer element
layers around the holes.
• Thickness (W) If the number in the data box is greater than zero, it is used to define
the thickness of the first row on a washer. If the number in the data
box is equal to zero, the mesher will use the global edge length to
define the thickness of element rows on a washer.
• Mesh Bias (B) It is the thickness ratio of two adjacent rows on a washer. The
thickness of the row i (i>1) equals to the thickness of the previous
row times mesh bias.
N. of Washer Layers Use this field to specify the number of layers of washer elements
around the holes..

Feature Select
52 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Feature Allows you to pick the feature entities to preserve: vertex nodes,
boundary seeds, hard nodes, hard bars and soft bars.
Feature Selection Box The selected entities will be added to or removed from the
corresponding entity list.
Vertex Nodes The vertex nodes are used to define 4 corner nodes on a 4-sided region
when the Iso Mesh toggle is on.
Boundary Hard Nodes Select the boundary nodes you want to preserve. You have to select
boundary nodes if you choose the seed option Defined Boundary.
Hard Nodes Select the hard nodes you want to preserve. The nodes may not be on
the input mesh. The program will project the nodes onto the input
mesh before meshing.
Hard Bars Select bar elems as hard feature edges on the interior of the input
mesh. A hard edge, together with its end nodes, will be preserved on
the output mesh. The bar element may not be on the input mesh. The
program will project the nodes onto the input mesh before meshing.
Soft Bars Select bar elems as soft feature edges on the interior of input mesh. A
soft edge is a part of a feature line. The feature line will be preserved
on the output mesh, but its nodes may be deleted or moved along the
feature line. The bar element may not be on the input mesh. The
program will project the nodes onto the input mesh before meshing.
Boundary Hard Bars Select bar elements on boundary of the input mesh.

Sheet Body
Sheet Body Mesh operates on a sheet body, defined as a collection of congruent surfaces without branch
edges. It meshes a sheet body as a region. The elements on the output mesh may cross surface boundaries.
This feature is very useful in meshing a model that has many small sliver surfaces. With this mesher,
users can define ridge features by selecting them or using the automatic feature recognition option. The
feature curves and points on the sheet body will be preserved on the output mesh. Also, the mesher will
recognize 4-sided regions and create good iso-meshes on these regions.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 53
Creating a Mesh

Iso Mesh toggle If checked, an iso-mesh will be created on a 4-sided region. You need
to select 4 corner nodes in the data box Feature Selection/Vertex
Element Shape Element Shape consists of:

• Quad
• Tria
Seed Option • Uniform. The mesher will create new boundary nodes based on the
input global edge length.
• Existing Vertices. All vertices on the boundary of the model will
be preserved
Topology • Quad4
• Tria3
Feature Recognition If checked, the feature points and curves on the model will be defined
automatically based on feature edge angles and vertex angles, and be
preserved on the output mesh.
54 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Vertex Angle If Feature Recognition is on, a vertex on the model will be defined as
a feature vertex and be preserved if the angle at the vertex is less than
the feature vertex angle.
Edge Angle If Feature Recognition is on, an edge on the model will be defined as a
feature edge and be preserved if the angle between the normals of two
adjacent regions is greater than the feature edge angle.
Use Selected Values If checked, all the feature entities selected on the Feature Selection
form will be used as input, allowing users to pick the feature entities
they want to preserve.
Feature Selection For users to select feature entities to preserve: curves and vertex points.
Surface List The input surfaces will be grouped into regions based on free or non-
congruent surface boundary curves.
Global Edge Length Specifies the mesh size that will be used to create the output mesh.
Users can input this value or let the program calculate it for them.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 55
Creating a Mesh

Feature Select

Feature Allows users to pick the feature entities they want to preserve: curves
and vertex points.
Feature Selection Box The selected entities will be added to or removed from the
corresponding entity list.
Curves Select the feature curves on the interior of the model you want to
Vertex Points Select the feature points on the boundary or the interior of the model
you want to preserve.
56 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Because of lack of numerical grid, SPH processor requires some conditions in setting initial particle
masses and coordinates. The particle mesh needs to be regular, i.e., all particles of given neighborhood
need to have same mass. As a consequence, the particles of the same material which has same initial
density need to have same volume. To preserve this they need to be distributed on a uniform mesh. When
meshing a cylinder it is better to use regular mesh to guarantee stability and convergence of the method.
To get a regular mesh, this is done under the FEM application: Create/Mesh/Regular
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 57
Creating a Mesh

Output ID list Assigns an optional list of ID numbers for a new set of nodes and
elements. If not specified, ID values will be assigned
consecutively starting with the node and element ID shown.

ID lists containing duplicate IDs, or IDs of preexisting nodes or

elements will be rejected. Users must first delete the existing
node or element with the specified ID before reusing the same ID
in a later list.

The maximum ID limit for nodes or elements is approximately 2

billion (231-1). The only limit to the number of nodes and
elements which can be created per geometric entity is the amount
of available disk space.
Topology Select the type of tetrahedron element that you want to mesh
with. Point is the only selection available.
Node Coordinate Frames:
• Analysis Coordinate Specifies local coordinate frame ID for analysis results. The
Frame default coordinate frame ID is defined under the Global
Preferences menu, usually the global rectangular frame ID of
• Refer. Coordinate Frame Specifies an existing local coordinate frame ID to associate with
the set of meshed nodes. The nodes’ locations can later be shown
or modified within the specified reference frame. See The Show
Action (Ch. 12). The default coordinate frame ID is defined
under the Global Preferences menu, usually the global
rectangular frame ID of zero.
Solid List Specifies a list of solids to mesh by either cursor selecting
existing solids, or entering the IDs of the solids. (Example: Solid
Number of elements in max. dim. Specify the number of elements in maximum dimension of the
mesh. This is the equivalent of setting the Global edge length.
Select Existing Prop. Use this button to select an existing property to assign to newly
created elements. Once a property is selected it's name will
appear in the "Prop. Name:" label, and a small description of that
property type will appear in the "Prop. Type." label.
Create new Property... Use this button to create a property to assign to the newly created
elements. Once the property is created, it is automatically
selected as the property to associate to the new elements.
58 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Advanced Surface Meshing

Advanced Surface Meshing (ASM) is a facet geometry based process that allows you to automatically
create a mesh for a complex surface model. The geometry can be congruent or noncongruent, and can
contain sliver surfaces, tiny edges, gaps and overlaps. The geometry is first converted into tessellated
surfaces. Tools are provided for stitching gaps on the model and modifying the tessellated surfaces as
required. These modified tessellated surfaces can then be meshed to generate a quality quad/tria mesh.
There are two kinds of representations of facet geometry in ASM process: pseudo-surface and tessellated
surface. Pseudo-surface is a group-based representation and tessellated surface is a geometry-based
representation. ASM uses tessellated surface representation mainly, and also uses psuedo-surface
representation as an alternative tool to make model congruent. The pseudo-surface operations can be
accessed if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is on (default is off).
Tessellated Surface is piecewise planar and primarily generated for ASM process. The surface should not
be modified by using the operations in Geometry/Edit/Surface form. And it has limitations on using other
geometry operations on these surfaces.

Application Form
To access the ASM Application form, click the Elements Application button to bring up Finite Elements
Application form, then select Create>Mesh>Adv Surface as the Action>Object>Method combination.
There are 4 groups of tools in ASM process: Create Surfaces, Cleanup, Edit and Final Mesh.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 59
Creating a Mesh

Create Surfaces

Process Icon Specifies the step in the ASM process

Create Surfaces The Create Surfaces icon is selected as the default to begin the ASM
process. There is only one tool in Initial Creation: Auto Tessellated
60 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Create Surfaces/ Initial Creation/AutoTessellated Surface

AutoTessellated Converts original surfaces into tessellated surfaces. This process includes
Surface three operations: create triangular mesh on the input surfaces; stitch gaps
on the triangular mesh; convert the triangular mesh into tessellated
Select Surfaces Specifies the surface geometry to be converted into tessellated surfaces.
Automatic Calculation When Automatic Calculation is turned on, the “Initial Element Size” will
be set automatically. Turn the toggle off for manual entry.
Initial Element Size The element size used to generate the pseudo surface. This size will define
how well the pseudo surface will represent the real surface. A good “Initial
Element Size” will be 1/4 the size of the desired final mesh size.
Gap Tolerance The tolerance used to stitch the gaps on the model. Set it to 0.0 to skip the
stitch operation.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 61
Creating a Mesh

Create Surfaces/ Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Tools

The icons of pseudo-surface tools will be seen only if the toggle in Preferences>Finite Element>Enable
Pseudo Surface ASM is ON.

Pseudo-Surface Tools Conversion between tessellated surfaces and pseudo-surfaces, and some
stitch/edit tools on pseudo-surfaces. These alternative tools are used when
creation of some tessellated surface fails, or the stitch tools on tessellated
surface are unable to make the model congruent.

Create Surfaces/ Initial Creation/Create Pseudo-Surface

Creates the initial mesh by converting geometry into pseudo surfaces.
62 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Initial Mesh The Initial Mesh icon is selected as the default to begin the ASM process.
Converts geometry into pseudo surfaces.

Select Surface Specifies the surgace geometry to be converted into pseudo surfaces.
Automatic Calculation When Automatic Calulation is turned on, the “Initial Element Size” will be
set automatically. Turn the toggle off for manual entry.
Initial Element Size The element size used to generate the pseudo surface. This size will define
how well the pseudo surface will represent the real surface. A good “Initial
Element Size” will be 1/5 the size of the desired final mesh size.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 63
Creating a Mesh

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Tools/Tessellated to Pseudo

Tessellated to Pseudo Convert tessellated surfaces into pseudo-surfaces. After conversion, the
display mode will be changed to Group mode. This icon cannot be seen if
the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is
Select Surfaces Specifies the tessellated surfaces to be converted into pseudo-surfaces.

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Stitch All Gaps

64 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Stitch All Gaps Stitch all the gaps with sizes less than the specified tolerance on the selected
pseudo surfaces. This icon cannot be seen if the toggle in Preferences/Finite
Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is off.

Select Tria(s) On Specifies pseudo surfaces by selecting the guiding tria-elements on faces. If
Face(s) one or more tria-elements on a surface are selected, the surface is selected.
Tolerance Gaps with sizes less than this value will be stitched.
Verify Displays the free element edges on the model.
Clear Clears the free edge display.

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Stitch Selected Gaps

Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 65
Creating a Mesh

Stitch Selected Gaps Stitches gaps formed by the selected free edges without checking the
tolerance. This icon cannot be seen if the toggle in Preferences/Finite
Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is off.

Select Element Free Selects free edges. To cursor select the free edges, use the “Free edge of 2D
Edges element “ icon.

Verify Displays the free element edges on the model.

Clear Clears the free edge display.

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Split Face

Split Face Split a pseudo surface along the cutting line connecting two selected
boundary nodes. The cutting line should divide the surface into two
disconnected parts and should not intersect the face boundary at more than
two points. This tool won’t split surfaces that are “fixed”. This icon cannot
be seen if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface
ASM is off.
Select Tri(s) on Face(s) Specify pseudo surfaces by selecting the guiding tria-elements on the
surfaces. A surface is selected if at least one of its tri elements is picked
Select Nodes for break Select two boundary nodes on the pseudo surface.
Verify Displays the free element edges on the model.
Clear Clears the free edge display.
66 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Merge Face

Merge Face Merges selected pseudo surfaces into a new face. After merging, the
selected pseudo surfaces will be deleted. This tool won’t merge surfaces that
are “fixed”.

Select Tri(s) on Face(s) Specify pseudo surfaces by selecting the guiding tria-elements on the
surfaces. A surface is selected if at least one of its tri elements is picked

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Fill Hole

Fill Hole Fills holes identified by selecting both the pseudo-surfaces that enclose the
hole and one or more nodes on the hole boundary. This icon cannot be seen
if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is
Select Tri(s) on Face(s) Specify the hole on the surface by selecting the guiding tria-elements on the
surfaces. A surface is selected if at least one of its tri elements is picked
Select Nodes on Hole Select one or more nodes on the hole boundary.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 67
Creating a Mesh

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Pseudo to Tessellated

Pseudo to Tessellated Convert pseudo-surfaces into tessellated surfaces. This icon cannot be seen
if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM
is off.

Select Tria(s) On Specifies pseudo surfaces by selecting the guiding tria-elements on faces. If
Face(s) one or more tria-elements on a surface are selected, the surface is selected.
68 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Enable Pseudo Surface ASM:

If it is checked, The icons of pseudo-surface tools in Finite Elements/Create/Mesh/Adv Surface will be

displayed. It includes the tools to convert between tessellated surfaces and pseudo-surfaces, the tools to
stitch gaps in pseudo-surfaces and the editing tools for pseudo surfaces in Advanced Surface Meshing
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 69
Creating a Mesh

Process Icon Specifies the step in the ASM process.
Cleanup Provides tools to help in stitching gaps between the tessellated surfaces.
Both automated and interactive stitching tools are available to make the
model congruent.

Cleanup/Auto Stitch

Auto Stitch Stitch all the gaps with sizes less than the specified tolerance on the selected
tessellated surfaces.

Select Surface(s) Specifies the tessellated surfaces.

Automatic Calculation When Automatic Calculation is turned on, the “Tolerance” will be set
automatically. Turn the toggle off for manual entry.
Tolerance Gaps with sizes less than this value will be stitched.
Verify Displays the free surface boundary edges on the model.
Clear Clears the free edge display.
70 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Cleanup/Selected Gaps

Selected Gaps Stitches gaps formed by the selected free curves.

Select Curves Specifies the curves that are on the free boundaries of tessellated surfaces.
Verify Displays the free surface boundary edges in the current group.
Clear Clears the free edge display.

Cleanup/Merge Vertices
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 71
Creating a Mesh

Merge Vertices Merge the vertices on the free boundaries of tessellated surfaces.

Select Vertex/Points Specifies the vertices that are on the free boundaries of tessellated surfaces.
Verify Displays the free surface boundary edges in the current group.
Clear Clears the free edge display.

Cleanup/Pinch Vertex

Pinch Vertex Pinch a vertex on a curve.

Auto Execute If checked, the cursor will automatically be moved to the next data box
when the data in the current box is selected.
Select Curve Specifies one curve on the free boundary of a tessellated surface.
Select Vertex Specify one vertex on the free boundary of a tessellated surface.
Verify Displays the free surface boundary edges in the current group.
Clear Clears the free edge display.

Choosing the Edit Process Icon provides you with eight tools to edit the tessellated surfaces and prepare
them for final meshing.
72 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Process Icon Specifies the step in the ASM process.

Edit Edit the cleaned up model to create a desired mesh. Tools are available to
remove holes, split, delete and merge tessellated surfaces, collapse edges,
and insert or delete vertices. Surfaces can be tagged as fixed or free for the
editing process.

Edit/Auto Merge
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 73
Creating a Mesh

Auto Merge Uses several criteria (4 are exposed to you) to merge the tessellated surfaces.
Use the check boxes to activate and deactivate these criteria. During this
operation, surfaces with edges smaller than the Edge Size specified can be
merged and surfaces with Feature Angles and Fillet Angles less than that
specified can also be merged. In the merging process, additional criteria are
used to maximize the creation of 3 or 4-sided surfaces and reduce the
number of T-sections. Surfaces that are “Fixed” will be ignored during the
merging process. Vertex Angle is used to remove the redundant vertices
after merging surfaces.

If Feature Angle, Fillet Angle and Edge Size are all off, the operation will
merge all the connected tessellated surfaces into one surface without
checking criteria.
Select Surface(s) Specify the tessellated surfaces to be merged. You need to pick at least two
tessellated surfaces for this operation.
Feature Angle The Feature Angle of a surface edge is defined as the maximum angle
between the normals of its two adjacent surfaces along the edge.
Fillet Angle A bent angle of a cross section on a surface is the angle between the normals
of the two sides of the cross section. The fillet angle of a surface is the
maximal bent angle of all cross sections on the surface.
Edge Size The size of a surface is defined in different ways. The size of a circular
surface is its diameter; the size of a ring region is the length of its cross
section; and the size of a 3 or 4-sided and other general region is the length
of the shortest side.
Vertex Angle Use the vertex angle to determine if a vertex needs to be deleted when
merging surfaces. If a vertex is shared by two curves and the angle at the
vertex is greater than the Vertex Angle, the vertex will be deleted.
Display Small Entities Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges,
small surfaces and vertices on the model.
Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of
tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of
a surface.
74 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Edit/Fill Hole

Fill Hole Fills the holes on the model. There are two ways to specify the hole to be
filled. One is by picking all surrounding surfaces and inputting a radius
tolerance. And the other is by picking at least one of boundary curves on the
hole. A hole may be bounded by more than one surface.
Fill Hole(s) On Surface Specify tessellated surfaces. The holes on the surfaces whose radii are less
than the specified radius will be filled.
Hole Radius on The specified hole radius.
Curves on addtl holes Specify at least one curve on each hole to be filled.
Create New Surface If this toggle is checked, then the hole will be filled by a new tessellated
surface. If the toggle is not checked and if the hole is inside one tessellated
surface, the hole will be removed from the surface. However, if the hole is
bounded by multiple tessellated surfaces, then the hole is replaced by a new
tessellated surface.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 75
Creating a Mesh

Display Small Entities Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges,
small surfaces and vertices on the model.
Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of
tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of
a surface.

Edit/Insert Vertex

Insert Vertex Insert a vertex to an edge on a tessellated surface. As a result, the new vertex
will break the edge into two shorter edges.

Select Curve Specify an edge on a tessellated surface.

Select Point Specify a point to be inserted. If the point is not on the curve, the program
will project to point onto the curve before inserting.
Display Small Entities Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges,
small surfaces and vertices on the model.
Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of
tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of
a surface.
76 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Edit/Delete Vertex

Delete Vertex Delete vertices on tessellated surfaces. As a result, two or more edges will
be merged into a longer edge. There are two ways to specify the vertices to
be deleted. One is by picking the surfaces and inputting a vertex angle. And
the other is by picking the vertices. Only the vertex that is used by two edges
can be deleted.
Delete Vertices for Specify the tessellated surfaces.
Vertex Angle The angle of a vertex is defined as the angle formed by its two adjacent
edges. The vertex with angle greater than the input Vertex Angle will be
deleted if the vertex is used by two curves on tessellated surfaces. This
operation won’t delete the vertex that used by more than two curves.
Manually select Specify the vertices to be deleted.
Display Small Entities Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges,
small surfaces and vertices on the model.
Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of
tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of
a surface.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 77
Creating a Mesh

Edit/Delete Surface

Delete Surface Delete the selected tessellated surfaces.

Select Surface(s) Specify the tessellated surfaces to be deleted.

Display Small Entities Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges,
small surfaces and vertices on the model.
Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of
tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of
a surface.
78 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Edit/Split Surface

Split Surface Splits a tessellated surface along the cutting line connecting two selected
boundary points. The cutting line should divide the surface into two
disconnected parts and should not intersect the surface boundary at more
than two points. This tool won’t split surfaces that are “fixed.”.

Auto Execute If checked, the cursor will automatically be moved to the next data box
when the data in the current box is selected.
Select Surface Specify the tessellated surface to be split.
Select Initial Point Select the first boundary point on the surface.
Select End Point Select the second boundary point on the surface.
Display Small Entities Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges,
small surfaces and vertices on the model.
Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of
tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of
a surface.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 79
Creating a Mesh

Edit/Collapse Curve

Collapse Curve Collapse a short edge on a tessellated surface.

Select Curve for Specify edge to be collapsed.

Display Small Entities Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges,
small surfaces and vertices on the model.
Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of
tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of
a surface.
80 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Edit/Merge Surfaces

Merge Surface Merge a surface with other adjacent tessellated surface(s). After this
operation, there may be some short edges on the new tessellated surfaces.
Users may need to use Delete Vertex tool to delete unnecessary vertices.

Select Surface for Specify two or more surfaces to be merged.

Display Small Entities Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges,
small surfaces and vertices on the model.
Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of
tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of
a surface.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 81
Creating a Mesh

Final Mesh

Process Icon Specifies the step in the ASM process.

Final Mesh Meshes the edited model to generate a quad/tria mesh. Mesh sizes can be
defined in sub-form Feature Property to generate the desired mesh. Hard
nodes and soft/hard bars can be defined in the sub-form Feature Selection.
Mesh seeds and controls can be defined in Finite Element/Create/Mesh Seed
or Mesh Control forms. And hard curves and hard points can be defined in
Geometry/Associate form. These mesh entities will be picked up in the final
mesh process.
Select Surface(s) Specify the tessellated surface to be meshed
Element type Quad4 Create a mesh with quad4 and tria3 elements.
82 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Element type Tria3 Create a tria mesh with tria3 elements.

Mesh Parameters Brings up the Mesh Parameters subform. Please see Mesh
Parameters(Advanced Surface Mesh) for more information.
Feature Selection Brings up a sub-form to select hard nodes, soft bars and hard bars on the
models. These hard entities will be preserved on the final mesh.
Automatic Calculation If this toggle is checked, the program will calculate an approximate final
element size once the tessellated surfaces are selected
Final Element Size Specify the element size for the final quad mesh. The size will not override
any specified mesh sizes on tessellated surfaces.
Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of
tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of
a surface.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 83
Creating a Mesh

Mesh Parameters(Advanced Surface Mesh)

84 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Curvature Check When this toggle is selected, causes the mesher to adjust the mesh density
to control the deviation between the surface and the straight element edges
on the output mesh. Currently, curvature checking is available for both the
boundary and interior of tria-mesh , but only for boundaries for quad-mesh.
Allowable Curvature If Curvature Check is selected, use Allowable Curvature Error to specify the
Error desired maximum deviation between the element edge and the surface as the
ratio of the deviation to the element edge length. Deviation is measured at
the center of the element edge. You may enter the value either using the slide
bar or by typing the value into the Max h/L data box.
Min Edge L / Edge L Sets the ratio of minimum and maximum edge length to the element size. If
Max Edge L / Edge L Curvature Check is selected, the edge length on the output mesh will be
between the minium edge length and the maximum edge length.
Washers around Holes When this toggle is selected. the mesher will create washer element layers
around the holes.
• Thickness (W) If the number in the data box is greater than zero, it is used to define the
thickness of the first row on a washer. If the number in the data box is equal
to zero, the mesher will use the global edge length to define the thickness of
element rows on a washer.
• Mesh Bias (B) It is the thickness ratio of two adjacent rows on a washer. The thickness of
the row i (i>1) equals to the thickness of the previous row times mesh bias.
N. of Washer Layers Use this field to specify the number of layers of washer elements around the
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 85
Creating a Mesh

Final Mesh/Feature Selection

Defines hard nodes, soft bars and hard bars. The defined hard fem entities will be preserved on the final

Hard Nodes Select and deselected hard nodes on the model.

Hard Bars Select and deselected hard bars on the model. The hard bar, together with its
end nodes, will be preserved on the final mesh.
Soft Bars Select and deselected soft bars on the model. A soft bar is a segment of a
feature line on the model. The feature line will be preserved on the final
mesh, but its nodes may be deleted or moved along the feature line.
Reset Reset the data select box.
OK Confirm the selection and return to the Final Mesh Form.
Cancel Cancel the selection and return to the Final Mesh Form.
86 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Display Small Entities

The Small Entities dialog box can be used to display small edges, free edges, non-manifold, small faces
and vertices on the tessellated surfaces.

Select Surface(s) Specify tessellated.

Entity Type This toggle determines what kind of entities will be displayed.

Surfaces: display the tessellated surface whose area are less than min size;

Curves: display the surface edges whose length are less than min size;

Free Edges: display free or non-manifold edges on the model;

Vertices: display all vertices on the tessellated surfaces.

Minimum Size All edges smaller than this length or all surfaces smaller than this area will
be identified and displayed. This size will not be used for selecting Edges or
Vertices as Entity Type.
Display This will display the small surfaces or edges, free or non-manifold edges, or
vertices on the model.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 87
Creating a Mesh

Clear This will clear the display.

Smallest/Largest Size The smallest and the largest edge or face area will be calculated and
displayed here.

Feature Properties
The “mesh size” and the “feature state” properties of tessellated surfaces can be set, modified, and
displayed using this form.

Auto Show If checked, the Mesh Size and Feature State of the selected tessellated
surfaces will be displayed in the Command History window.
Select Surface(s) Specify tessellated surfaces.
Mesh Size Mesh size for the selected tessellated surfaces.
Feature State Toggle to change the Feature State of selected tessellated surfaces. If the
feature state of a tessellated surface is “fixed”, it is not allow to use any edit
tool to modify the tessellated surface.
Modify Modify the mesh sizes or feature states of tessellated surfaces selected.
88 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating a Mesh

Show Shows the mesh sizes and feature states of the selected tessellated surfaces
in the Command History window.
Default Sets the default values for the mesh sizes (Global value) and the feature
states (Free) for the selected tessellated surfaces.
Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 89
Mesh Control

Mesh Control

Auto Hard Points Form

Using the Create/Mesh Control/Auto Hard Points form creates hard points on a specified set of surfaces
automatically. This program creates hard points at two kinds of points on surface boundaries: T Points
- A T point is defined as an interior point of a surface edge which is close to a vertex or an existing hard
point on an edge in another surface within the t-point tolerance. The t-point tolerance is equal to one
twentieth of the target element edge length. Placing a hard point at a T-point will help meshers create a
congruent mesh on a noncongruent model. There is a noncongruent model in Figure 2-14. The auto hard
point creation program creates a T-point at the T-junction of three surfaces and marks it by a small
triangle. The new hard point forces the mesher to place a node at the T-junction when meshing surface 1
and the mesh created is a congruent mesh (Figure 2-15). Figure 2-16 shows the mesh without hard point
90 Reference Manual - Part III
Mesh Control

Figure 2-14 T-Point Creation

Figure 2-15 Mesh with Hard Point Creation

Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 91
Mesh Control

Figure 2-16 Mesh Without Hard Point Creation

Neck Points
A neck point is defined as an end point of a short cross section on a surface. A cross section on a surface
is short if its length is less than the neck-point tolerance.The neck-point tolerance is equal to 1.5 times
the target element edge length. Placing a hard point at a neck point will help meshers create better meshes
on narrow surfaces. Neck points can be created recursively by neck-point propagation. In Figure 2-17,
the two neck-points on the boundary of surface 1 were created first and the remain four neck points were
created by neck point propagation from one small surface to another until the path reached the outer
boundary of the model. The new hard points will help mesher line up the boundary nodes and create a
good mesh on the narrow surfaces (Figure 2-18). Figure 2-19 shows the mesh without hard point creation.

Figure 2-17 Neck Point Propagation

92 Reference Manual - Part III
Mesh Control

Figure 2-18 Mesh with Hard Point Creation

Figure 2-19 Mesh Without Hard Point Creation

Chapter 2: Create Action (Mesh) 93
Mesh Control
94 Reference Manual - Part III
Mesh Control
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities)
Reference Manual - Part III

3 Create Action (FEM Entities)

Introduction 96

Creating Nodes 97

Creating Elements 124

Creating MPCs 125

Creating Superelements 134

Creating DOF List 136

Creating Connectors 138
96 Reference Manual - Part III

The following sections describe how to create individual nodes, elements, and Multi-Point Constraints
(MPCs). To create a mesh of nodes and element, see Creating a Mesh.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 97
Creating Nodes

Creating Nodes

Create Node Edit

The XYZ method creates nodes from defined cartesian coordinates or at an existing node, vertex or other
point location as provided in the Point select menu.
98 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Application Form

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Analysis Coordinate Frame Specifies local coordinate frame ID for analysis results. The default
ID is the active coordinate frame.
Coordinate Frame Allows definition of nodal location in a local coordinate frame. Any
location(s) specified in the Node Location List Select databox (on
this form) are defined to be in this Reference Coordinate Frame. The
default is the active coordinate frame. The Show Action will
optionally report nodal locations in the Reference Coordinate Frame
See Show Action.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 99
Creating Nodes

Associate with Geometry Indicates whether nodes should be associated with the geometry on
which they are created. When the toggle is ON, nodes are associated
with the point, curve, surface or solid on which they are created.
Normally nodes should be associated, since loads and BCs applied
to the geometry are only applicable to nodes and elements associated
with that geometry. However, when selected OFF, additional
methods of entering nodal location are available.
Node Location List Specifies node locations by entering coordinates, or by using the
select menu. All locations are in the Reference Coordinate Frame.

Create Node ArcCenter

The ArcCenter method creates a node at the center of curvature of the specified curves which have a non-
zero center/radius of curvature.

Note that, to enhance visual clarity, the display size of the points in the examples has been increased with
the Display>Geometry command.

1. Node 9 was created at the center point of an arc (Curve 1).

2. Node 4 was created at the curvature center of edge 2 of surface 5 (Surface 5.2).
100 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Application Form

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Analysis Coordinate Frame Specifies local coordinate frame ID for analysis results. The default
ID is the active coordinate frame.
Coordinate Frame Allows definition of nodal location in a local coordinate frame. Any
location(s) specified in the Node Location List Select databox (on
this form) are defined to be in this Reference Coordinate Frame. The
default is the active coordinate frame. The Show Action will
optionally report nodal locations in the Reference Coordinate Frame.
Curve List Specify the existing curves or edges either by cursor selecting them
or by entering the IDs from the keyboard.
Example: Curve 1 Surface 5.1 Solid 5.1.1. The Curve Select menu
that appears can be used to define how you want to cursor select the
appropriate curves or edges.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 101
Creating Nodes

Extracting Nodes
With this command you can extract and display a node at any point of a curve or edge, and one or more
nodes at any point of a face, at specified parametric distances from the parametric origin.

1. Node 6 of Curve 1 was extracted at a parametric distance of u=0.67.
2. Node 5 of Surface 2 was extracted at the center of the surface (u = v = 0.5).
3. Several nodes of Surface 20 were extracted within specified parametric boundaries.
102 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 103
Creating Nodes

Application Form
1. Extract a node from a curve or edge

Curve Symbol Indicates that the geometry from which a node will be
extracted is a curve.

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Analysis Coordinate Frame Specifies local coordinate frame ID for analysis results. The
default ID is the active coordinate frame.
104 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Coordinate Frame Allows definition of nodal location in a local coordinate

frame. Any location(s) specified in the Node Location List
Select databox (on this form) are defined to be in this
Reference Coordinate Frame. The default is the active
coordinate frame. The Show Action will optionally report
nodal locations in the Reference Coordinate Frame.
Parameterization Method
• Equal Arc Length The parametric distance value specified for u is calculated in
terms of equal-length arc segments along the curve.
• Equal Parametric Values The parametric distance value specified for u is calculated in
terms of equal parametric values.
Parametric Position Specify the curve’s or edge’s ξ 1 ( u ) coordinate value, where
ξ 1 has a range of 0 ≤ ξ 1 ≤ 1 , either by using the slide bar or by
entering the value in the databox. The direction of ξ 1 is
defined by the connectivity of the curve or edge. You can plot
the ξ 1 direction by choosing the Parametric Direction toggle
on the Geometric Properties form under the menus
Display/Display Properties/Geometric.
• Slide Bar Move the slider to a desired parameter value ( 0 ≤ u ≤ 1 ). The
databox will show numerically the position of the slider along
the parametric length.
• Counter (databox) If greater accuracy is desired, type a specific value into the
databox. In turn, the position of the slider will change to
reflect the numerical value in the counter.
Curve List Specify the existing curves or edges either by cursor selecting
them or by entering the IDs from the keyboard.
Example: Curve 1 Surface 5.1 Solid 5.1.1. The Curve Select
menu that appears can be used to define how you want to
cursor select the appropriate curves or edges.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 105
Creating Nodes

2. Extract a node from a surface or face

Surface Symbol (One point) Indicates that:

a.) the geometry from which to extract is a surface, and
b.) only one node is being extracted.

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Node Coordinate Frame Select the Analysis Coordinate Frame and the Reference
Coordinate Frame.
Parametric Position
• u Parametric Value Move the slider or enter a value in the databox to specify the
parametric distance from the parametric origin of the point in
the u direction.
106 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

• v Parametric Value Move the slider or enter a value in the databox to specify the
parametric distance from the parametric origin of the point in
the v direction.
Surface List Specify the existing surfaces or faces to create nodes on,
either by cursor selecting the surfaces or faces or by entering
the IDs from the keyboard.
Example: Surface 1 or Solid 5.1 The Surface Select menu
that appears can be used to define how you want to cursor
select the appropriate surfaces or faces.

3. Extract multiple nodes from surfaces or faces

Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 107
Creating Nodes

Surface Symbol (More than Indicates that:

one point) a.) the geometry from which to extract is a surface, or face
b.) several nodes are being extracted.

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Node Coordinate Frame Select the Analysis Coordinate Frame and the Reference
Coordinate Frame.
Number of Nodes
• u direction Designates the number of nodes extracted in the u parametric
• v direction Designates the number of nodes extracted in the v parametric
Bounds Specify the Bounds as Diagonal Points when two point
locations are to be used to define the boundary for the nodes
to be extracted from the surface.
Parametric Bounds... Brings up a secondary form in which you can define the
upper and lower u and v limits of the area boundaries.

u-Min/u-Max Displays the u-directional parameter values that define where

the delimited area of the surface begins and ends.
v-Min/v-Max Displays the v-directional parameter values that define where
the delimited area of the surface begins and ends.
108 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Point List 1 Specify the two points to define the diagonal for the points,
either by cursor selecting the points or by entering the IDs
Point List 2 from the keyboard. Example: Point 1 or Curve 1.1, Surface
1.1.1. The Point Select menu that appears can be used to
define how you want to cursor select the appropriate points.
Surface List Specify the existing surface or face to create nodes on, either
by cursor selecting the surface or face by entering the IDs
from the keyboard.
Example: Surface 1 or Solid 5.1 The Surface Select menu
that appears can be used to define how you want to cursor
select the appropriate surface or face.

Interpolating Nodes
This command enables you to interpolate any number of nodes between two existing points, vertices, or
nodes, or two arbitrary locations cursor-selected on the screen. The interpolation between two vertices of
a curve or edge may be specified either along the actual distance between the two vertices or along the
curve or edge itself. Points may be either uniformly or non-uniformly distributed.

1. Interpolate eight nodes over the distance between vertices 1 and 2 of Curve 1.
Points are to be equidistant.
2. Interpolate eight nodes along the curve between vertices 1 and 2 of Curve 1. Points are not
uniformly spaced; the ratio of the longest to the shortest distance between two points is 3.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 109
Creating Nodes

Application Form
1. Interpolate along the distance between two points

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Node Coordinate Frame Select the Analysis Coordinate Frame and the Reference
Coordinate Frame.
Option Choose Point or Curve
Number of Interior Nodes Enter the number of interior nodes you want to create
between the specified point locations in the Point 1 and Point
2 Coordinates List.
110 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Point Spacing Method Select either button for Uniform or Nonuniform nodes
spacing for the new interior points. If Nonuniform is ON,
then enter the value for L2/L1, where L2/L1 is 0 ≤ L2/L1 ≤
1.0 or L2/L1 ≤ 1.0.
• Uniform Interpolated nodes will be equidistant from the original nodes
and from each other.
• Nonuniform Interpolated nodes will not be spaced uniformly. The
Application Form will include additional items:


L1 = shortest distance

L2 = longest distance between two nodes

When using the Curve option, L1 will be the distance

between the first selected node and the first interpolated
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 111
Creating Nodes

Manifold to Surface If this toggle is ON, the interpolated nodes will be projected
onto a selected surface.

Point 1 List Specify in the Point 1 Coordinates listbox, the starting point
location to begin the interpolation. Specify in the Point 2
Point 2 List Coordinates listbox, the ending point location to end the

You can express the point location either by entering the

location’s cartesian coordinates from the keyboard, or by
using the Point Select menu to cursor select the appropriate
points, vertices, nodes or other point locations.
Examples: [ 10 0 0], Surface 10.1.1, Node 20, Solid
112 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

2. Interpolate Between Two Vertices Along a Curve or Edge

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Node Coordinate Frame Select the Analysis Coordinate Frame and the Reference
Coordinate Frame.
Option Choose Point or Curve
Number of Interior Nodes Enter the number of interior nodes you want to create between
the specified point locations in the Point 1 and Point 2
Coordinates List.
Parameterization Method If Equal Arc Length is ON, Patran will create the node(s)
based on the arc length parameterization of the curve. If
Equal Parametric Values is ON, Patran will create the
point(s) based on the equal parametric values of the curve.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 113
Creating Nodes

• Equal Arc Length Parametric dimensions are calculated in terms of the length of
equal arc segments along the curve.

This method is especially useful when a number of nodes are

interpolated and uniform spacing is required, because it
ensures that nodes will be placed at equal arc lengths.
• Equal Parametric Values Parametric dimensions are calculated in terms of equal
parametric values.
Point Spacing Method Choose either button for Uniform or Nonuniform point
spacing for the new interior point
• Uniform
• Nonuniform Interpolated nodes will not be spaced uniformly. The
Application Form will include additional items:


L1 = shortest distance

L2 = longest distance between two nodes

When using the Curve option, L1 measures the distance

between the parametric origin and the first interpolated node.
For determining where the parametric origin is, turn on the
parametric axis (Display>Geometry>Show Parametric
Curve List Specify the existing curves or edges to create nodes on, either
by cursor selecting the curves or edges or by entering the IDs
from the keyboard.
Example: Curve 1 Surface 5.1 Solid 5.1.1. The Curve Select
menu that appears can be used to define how you want to
cursor select the appropriate curves or edges.
114 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Intersecting Two Entities to Create Nodes

With this command you can create nodes at the intersections of various entity pairs and at the intersection
of three planes. One intersection node will be created at each location where a point of one entity is within
the global model tolerance of a point of the other.

Intersecting Entities
The following diagrams show the possible entity pairs for which intersection nodes can be created:

With the exception of the curve/surface combination, “intersection” nodes may be generated even if two
entities do not actually intersect. Patran will calculate the shortest distance between non-intersecting
entities and place a node on each entity at the location where the shortest distance occurs.

1. Nodes 5 and 6 were created at the intersections of Curve 1 and Curve 2.
2. Nodes 3 and 4 were created at the intersections of Curve 8 and Surface 1.
3. Nodes 6 and 7 were created where vector 1 would intersect Surface 5 if it were extended.
4. Nodes 8 and 9 were created at the points where the distance between Curve 3 and Curve 4 is the
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 115
Creating Nodes
116 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Application Form

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Analysis Coordinate Frame Specifies local coordinate frame ID for analysis results. The
default ID is the active coordinate frame.
Coordinate Frame Allows definition of nodal location in a local coordinate frame.
Any location(s) specified in the Node Location List Select databox
(on this form) are defined to be in this Reference Coordinate
Frame. The default is the active coordinate frame. The Show
Action will optionally report nodal locations in the Reference
Coordinate Frame See Show Action.
Option (1) Specifies a curve or vector as the first intersecting entity.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 117
Creating Nodes

Also provides the 3 Plane option that will create a node at the
intersection of three existing plane entities.

Option (2) Specifies a curve (edge), surface (face), plane, or vector, that is
intersected by the first entity.
Listboxes The title and contents of the listboxes will depend on what you
selected for the two above options; e.g., Curve List (pick a curve
or edge), Vector List (pick a vector) and others.

Creating Nodes by Offsetting a Specified Distance

The offset method creates new nodes by offsetting existing points by a given distance along a curve or
an edge.Offset distance is specified in model dimensions (not parametric!).

Points 7 through 11 were offset by a distance of 8 units along Curve 1 to create nodes 12 through 14
(notice that point order is maintained).
118 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Application Form

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Analysis Coordinate Frame Specifies local coordinate frame ID for analysis results. The default
ID is the active coordinate frame.
Coordinate Frame Allows definition of nodal location in a local coordinate frame. Any
location(s) specified in the Node Location List Select databox (on
this form) are defined to be in this Reference Coordinate Frame. The
default is the active coordinate frame. The Show Action will
optionally report nodal locations in the Reference Coordinate Frame
See Show Action.
Offset Distance Defines the distance between an offset point and its reference point.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 119
Creating Nodes

Reference Point List Shows the IDs of the points selected for offset. You can enter point
IDs individually or in a series, or pick points on the screen. Use the
Select Menu icons to “filter” your selection, e.g., for picking a vertex
or intersection point.
Curve/Point List Curve: Identifies the curve on which the points are offset.

Point: Selects a point that sets the direction of the offset.

Pick the curve, then use the Select Menu icons to focus on a particular
point type. Alternately, you can double click the curve on the side to
which you want to offset the point(s). The first click identifies the
curve and, because the Select Menu defaults to “Any point”, with the
second click you pick any point as long as it determines the correct
offset direction.

Piercing Curves Through Surfaces to Create Nodes

With this command you can create one or more nodes at locations where a curve or edge pierces
(intersects) a surface or a face. The pierce point will be created only if there is actual intersection between
the curve and the surface (no projected points).

Created Nodes 1, 2, 3 where Curve 1 pierces Surfaces 4.
120 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Application Form

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Analysis Coordinate Frame Specifies local coordinate frame ID for analysis results. The default
ID is the active coordinate frame.
Coordinate Frame Allows definition of nodal location in a local coordinate frame. Any
location(s) specified in the Node Location List Select databox (on
this form) are defined to be in this Reference Coordinate Frame. The
default is the active coordinate frame. The Show Action will
optionally report nodal locations in the Reference Coordinate Frame.
Offset Distance Input the Model Space offset distance from an existing point on a
curve (curve to be input).
Curve List Displays the ID of the curve (or edge) that pierces the surface.
Surface List Displays the ID of the surface that is pierced.

Projecting Nodes Onto Surfaces or Faces

Using this command you can project one or more point locations onto a curve, edge, surface, or face. The
reference location that is projected may be a point entity, a specific location on other entities e.g., vertex
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 121
Creating Nodes

or intersection point, a node, or a location on the screen defined by explicit coordinates or picked with
the cursor. The direction of projection may be along the normal of the selected curve or surface, along
any defined vector, or along the direction of the view angle of the active viewport. The original reference
points may be retained or, optionally, deleted.

1. Nodes 1-8 are in the global XY plane. Surface 1, parallel to the XY plane, is located at Z= -3.
Points 9-16 were obtained by projecting the original reference points to Surface 1 along the
surface normal.
2. Nodes 17-24 are the projections of Points 1-8 along a vector V=<0.25 0.75 -3>.
122 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Nodes

Application Form

Node ID List Displays the ID of the next node that will be created.
Analysis Coordinate Frame Specifies local coordinate frame ID for analysis results. The default
ID is the active coordinate frame.
Coordinate Frame Allows definition of nodal location in a local coordinate frame. Any
location(s) specified in the Node Location List Select databox (on
this form) are defined to be in this Reference Coordinate Frame. The
default is the active coordinate frame. The Show Action will
optionally report nodal locations in the Reference Coordinate Frame
See Show Action.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 123
Creating Nodes

Project onto The target where projected nodes will be placed. Your options are:

• Curve
• Surface
• Plane
• Normal The nodes are projected along the normal of the curve (edge) or the
surface (face).
• Define Vector The nodes are projected along an arbitrary projection vector that you
The following portion of the form will become selectable:.

Here you specify the projection vector and name the reference
coordinate frame in which the vector is defined.
• View Vector The nodes are projected along a vector whose direction is determined
by the viewing angle of the current active viewport.
Reference Coordinate Frame Projection Vector and Refer. Coordinate Frame is used if the Define
Vector option is chosen.
Curve List/ Depending on what you selected as the “Project onto” entity, the
Surface List listbox will display the ID of the curve, surface, or plane you select
Plane List for receiving the projected points.
124 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Elements

Creating Elements
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 125
Creating MPCs

Creating MPCs
An MPC (multi-point constraint) is a constraint that defines the response of one or more nodal degrees-
of-freedom (called dependent degrees-of-freedom) to be a function of the response of one or more nodal
degrees-of-freedom (called independent degrees-of-freedom). The general form of the MPC, which most
of the major structural analysis codes support (referred to as the explicit MPC type in Patran) is as
U0 = C1U1 + C2U2 + C3U3 + ... + CnUn + C0 (3-1)
Where U0 is the dependent degree-of-freedom, Ui the independent degrees-of-freedom, and Ci the
constants. The term to the left of the equal sign is called the dependent term and the terms to the right of
the equal sign are called the independent terms. C0 is a special independent term called the constant term.

An example of an explicit MPC is:

UX(Node 4) = 0.5*UX(Node 5) - 0.5*UY(Node 10) + 1.0 (3-2)
which specifies that the x displacement of node 4 is equal to half the x displacement of node 5 minus half
they displacement of node 10 plus 1.0. There are four terms in this example, one dependent term, two
independent terms, and a constant term.

MPC Types
MPCs can be used to model certain physical phenomena that cannot be easily modeled using finite
elements, such as rigid links, joints (revolutes, universal, etc.), and sliders, to name a few. MPCs can also
be used to allow load transfer between incompatible meshes. However, it is not always easy to determine
the explicit MPC equation that correctly represents the phenomena you are trying to model.
To help with this problem, many analysis codes provide special types of MPCs (sometimes called
“implicit” MPCs) which simulate a specific phenomena with minimum user input. For example, most
analysis codes support an implicit MPC type which models a rigid link, in which an independent node is
rigidly tied to one or more dependent nodes. All the user is required to input are the node IDs. The
analysis code internally generates the “explicit” MPCs necessary to cause the nodes to act as if they are
rigidly attached.
In addition to the implicit MPC types supported by the analysis code, there are implicit MPC types
supported by the analysis code translator. These are converted into “explicit” form during the translation
process. This allows Patran to support more MPC types than the analysis code supports itself.
Patran supports the creation of all MPC types through the use of a single form, called Create MPC Form
(for all MPC Types Except Cyclic Symmetry and Sliding Surface), with two exceptions: the Cyclic
Symmetry and Sliding Surface MPC types. These two MPC types have special capabilities which require
special create forms. See Create MPC Cyclic Symmetry Form and Create MPC Sliding Surface Form.
Before creating an MPC, first select the type of MPC you wish to create. Once the type has been
identified, Patran displays the proper form(s) to create the MPC.
126 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating MPCs

A list of the MPC types which are supported by the MSC analysis codes can be found in the application
module User’s Guide or application Preference Guide for the respective analysis code. You will only be
able to create MPCs which are valid for the current settings of the Analysis Code and Analysis Type
preferences. If the Analysis Code or Analysis Type preference is changed, all existing MPCs, which are
no longer valid, are flagged as such and will not be translated. Invalid MPCs are still stored in the
database and are displayed, but they cannot be modified or shown. However, they can be deleted. An
invalid MPC can be made valid again by setting the Analysis Code and Analysis Type preferences back
to the settings under which the MPC was originally created.

MPC Terms
The principal difference between one MPC type and the next is the number and makeup of the dependent
and independent terms. A term is composed of up to four pieces of information:
1. A sequence number (used to order dependent and independent terms with respect to each other).
2. A nonzero coefficient.
3. One or more nodes.
4. One or more degrees-of-freedom.
For example, a dependent term of the explicit MPC type consists of a single node and a single degree-of-
freedom, while an independent term of the explicit MPC type consists of a coefficient, a single node, and
a single degree-of-freedom. As another example, the dependent and independent terms of the Rigid
(fixed) MPC type consist of a single node.
The number of dependent and independent terms required or allowed varies from one MPC type to the
next. For example, the Explicit MPC type allows only one dependent term while allowing an unlimited
number of independent terms. Conversely, the Rigid (fixed) MPC type allows one independent term
while allowing an unlimited number of dependent terms. Other MPC types allow only one dependent and
one independent term, or one dependent and two independent terms.

Whenever one or more degrees-of-freedom are expected for an MPC term, a listbox containing the valid
degrees-of-freedom is displayed on the form. A degree-of-freedom is valid if:
• It is valid for the current Analysis Code Preference.
• It is valid for the current Analysis Type Preference.
• It is valid for the selected MPC type.

In most cases, all degrees-of-freedom which are valid for the current Analysis Code and Analysis Type
preferences are valid for the MPC type. There are some cases, however, when only a subset of the valid
degrees-of-freedom are allowed for an MPC. For example, an MPC may allow the user to select only
translational degrees-of-freedom even though rotational degrees are valid for the Analysis Code and
Analysis Type preference.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 127
Creating MPCs

Important: Some MPC types are valid for more than one Analysis Code or Analysis Type
preference combination.

The degrees-of-freedom which are valid for each Analysis Code and Analysis Type Preference are listed
in the analysis code or analysis code translator User’s Guide.

Important: Care must be taken to make sure that a degree-of-freedom that is selected for an
MPC actually exists at the nodes. For example, a node that is attached only to solid
structural elements will not have any rotational degrees-of-freedom. However,
Patran will allow you to select rotational degrees-of-freedom at this node when
defining an MPC.

MPCs are displayed as a set of lines which connect each dependent node (node appearing as part of a
dependent term) to each independent node (node appearing as part of an independent term). The
dependent nodes are circled to distinguish them from the independent nodes (see Figure 3-1). MPCs are
treated like elements in Patran because they:

• Can be added to or removed from groups.

• Have integer IDs which can be displayed or suppressed.
• Have their own color attribute (default = red).

Figure 3-1 Graphical Display of an MPC with One Dependent

Node and Three Independent Nodes
128 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating MPCs

Creating Multiple MPCs

In certain cases, Patran allows you to create several multi-point constraints (called Sub-MPCs) at one
time which are stored as a single MPC entity with a single ID. The following rules apply:
• When an MPC requires only a single node to be specified for both dependent and independent
terms, you can specify more than one node per term, as long as the same number of nodes is
specified in each term. The number of Sub-MPCs that will be created is equal to the number of
nodes in each term. The first node in each term is extracted to define the first Sub-MPC, the
second node in each term is extracted to define the second Sub-MPC, and so on.
• When an MPC requires only a single degree-of-freedom to be specified for both dependent and
independent terms, you can specify more than one degree-of-freedom per term, as long as the
same number of degrees-of-freedom is specified in each term. The number of Sub-MPCs that
will be created is equal to the number of degrees-of-freedom in each term. The first degree-of-
freedom in each term is extracted to define the first Sub-MPC, the second degree-of-freedom in
each term is extracted to define the second Sub-MPC, and so on.
• When an MPC requires only a single degree-of-freedom to be specified for the dependent terms
and no degrees-of-freedom for the independent terms (or vice versa), you can specify more than
one degree-of-freedom per term, as long as the same number of degrees-of-freedom is specified
in each term that expects a single degree-of-freedom. The number of Sub-MPCs that will be
created is equal to the number of degrees-of-freedom in each term. The first degree-of-freedom
in each term is extracted to define the first Sub-MPC, the second degree-of-freedom in each term
is extracted to define the second Sub-MPC, and so on.
• When an MPC requires only a single node and a single degree-of-freedom to be specified for
both dependent and independent terms, you can specify more than one node and⁄or degree-of-
freedom per term, as long as the same number of nodes and degrees-of-freedom are specified in
each term. The number of Sub-MPCs that will be created is equal to the number of nodes times
the number of degrees-of-freedom in each term.
• For all other MPC types which do not match one of the above conditions a single Sub-MPC will
be created.
When multiple Sub-MPCs are created, they are displayed as shown in Figure 3-2, with the ID of the MPC
displayed at the centroid of each Sub-MPC. The translators will treat each Sub-MPC as a separate MPC,
but Patran treats the collection of Sub-MPCs as a single entity.

Figure 3-2 The Graphical Display of an MPC Which is Made up of Five Sub-MPCs
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 129
Creating MPCs

Create MPC Form (for all MPC Types Except Cyclic Symmetry
and Sliding Surface)
When Create is the selected Action and MPC is the selected Object, the Create MPC form is displayed.
Several MPC types are valid under the Type option menu.

Define Terms Form

The Define Terms form appears when the Define Terms button is selected on the Create MPC form. Use
this form to define the dependent and independent terms of an MPC.
130 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating MPCs

Create MPC Cyclic Symmetry Form

Use this form to Create an MPC which defines a set of cyclic symmetry boundary conditions between
the nodes in two regions.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 131
Creating MPCs

Create MPC Sliding Surface Form

Use this form to create an MPC which defines a sliding surface between the nodes in two coincident
regions. The translational degree-of-freedom (normal to the surface) of coincident nodes in the two
regions are tied while all others remain free.
132 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating MPCs
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 133
Creating MPCs
134 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Superelements

Creating Superelements
This form is used to create superelements. Note that this is currently available only for the MSC Nastran
analysis preference.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 135
Creating Superelements

Select Boundary Nodes

When the Create Action and the Superelement Object is chosen on the finite element form and the Select
Boundary Nodes is selected, the following subordinate form will appear.
136 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating DOF List

Creating DOF List

Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) lists may be created by using this form and the subordinate form presented
when Define Terms is selected. Note that this is currently available only for MD/MSC Nastran and
ANSYS or ANSYS 5 analysis preference.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 137
Creating DOF List

Define Terms
138 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Connectors

Creating Connectors
Creating connectors is used mainly for defining CWELD/PWELD and CFAST/PFAST (spot welds and
fasteneres, respectively) in MSC Nastran input decks. In general to define a connector, MSC Nastran
requires two points (GA and GB) to be specified that define the axis of the connector. These two points
lie in the plane of the two surfaces that are being connected. MSC Nastran also allows the user to specify
a single point (GS) which is projected onto the two surfaces from which GA and GB are then determined.
In Patran, if you use the "Axis" method, you must specifically give GA and GB to define the connector
axis. If you use the "Project" method, this projection of the single point GS is done for you and GA and
GB are determined from the projection. However, once the projection is done and GA/GB determined,
the defnition of the connector in the database reverts to the "Axis" method and when written to a MSC
Nastran input deck only GA and GB are defined. Thus if you try to modify a connetor created with the
"Projection" method, it will appear as if it were created by the "Axis" method. The "Projection" method
is simply a convenient way to determine GA and GB within Patran.
If the user desires MSC Nastran to use GS to determine GA and GB, the "Solver Project" method should
be used. In this case, GA and GB are not written to the Nastran input deck but only GS, thus allowing
MSC Nastran to do the actual projection and determination of GA and GB.
In all cases, the top and bottom surfaces being connected must be specified and the connector properties
must be given. The properties may be specified before creation using the Element Property application,
or may be specified at the time of creation and an element properly entry will automatically be created.
But in either case, the properties must be specified or creation will fail.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 139
Creating Connectors

Creating Spot Weld and Fastener Connectors

Method Select from three methods for defining the connector location:

Projection and Solver Project specify a node or point in space that is

to be projected onto the two surfaces of the connector to determine
the end points, GA and GB, which define the axis of the connector.

“Axis” specifies nodes directly for GA and GB.

Connector ID List Displays the ID of the next connector that will be created
140 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Connectors

Connector Location The point specified for the Projection method is projected onto each
surface. Nodes are generated at those locations, and the Pierce
Nodes, GA and GB, are assigned node IDs.

Nodes specified for the Axis method define the GA and GB piercing
nodes directly.

The Solver Project method specifies GS directly as a node or

location and does not determine Pierce Nodes, GA +GB, but leaves
this up to the solver to do.
Format Select from four formats: Elem to Elem (ELEMID and ALIGN
formats, Patch to Patch (ELPAT format), Prop to Prop (PARTPAT
format), and Node to Node (GRIDID format). The first three indicate
the surfaces on to which the point will be projected to determine the
pierce nodes GA+GB.
Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 141
Creating Connectors

• Elem to Elem Top and Bottom shell elements defining the surface for the weld. If
not specified, then both GA and GB are required (ALIGN format);
otherwise, one top/bottom element pair per connector is required.
Regardless of GA, GB, and the weld diameter, only a single element
is connected.

• Patch to Patch Shell element on each surface defining the connecting surface
patches (one pair per connector). Depending on the pierce locations
(GA and GB) and the weld diameter, the number of connected
elements may expand to up to a 3x3 element patch.
142 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Connectors

• Prop to Prop Properties associated with shell elements defining the connectivity
of the weld (one pair per connector). Depending on the pierce
locations (GA and GB) and the weld diameter, the number of
connected elements may range from one element up to a 3x3 element

Multiple connector locations may be specified for a single property

pair. The same pair will be used for each connector created.
• Node to Node Nodes (GAi and GBi) defining the connecting surface patches (one
list pair per connector). The surface patches are defined as 3/6 node
triangle or 4/8 node quad regions, the topology of which is indicated
by SPTYP. If Node List B (GBi) is blank, then a point-to-patch
connection is created.

Topology of each surface patch: Tri3, Tri6, Quad 4, Quad 8.

Chapter 3: Create Action (FEM Entities) 143
Creating Connectors

Connector Properties Brings up the Spot Weld or Fastener Properties form

(PWELD/PFAST attributes).
Preview Calculate/display/verify the connector (GS, GA, GB, and the
connecting patches).

Spot Weld Properties

The Connector Properties form for spot welds is used to define the PWELD entry for a Spot Weld
When a new spot weld connector is created, it references a connector property, specified in this form. If
that connector property does not exist in the database, one is created. If it already exists, and all the values
in the existing connector property are the same as those specified here, then the existing one is referenced.
If, on the other hand, it already exists, but the values are different, a warning is posted, allowing the user
to overwrite the existing property, if appropriate. The default response is not to overwrite, in which case
the operation is aborted.
Connector properties may be modified via the Elements/Modify/Connector form. They cannot be
deleted explicitly, but will be automatically deleted when the parent connector is deleted and no other
connectors reference the connector property.

Connector Property Name The connector property name (required). Select an existing name
from the above list, or type in a new one.
Weld Diameter The spot weld diameter (require, no default).
Eliminate M-Set DOFs M-Set DOF elimination flag (default OFF).
Material Property Sets The material property defining the weld material (required, no

See Spot Weld Connector (CWELD) (App. 2) in the Patran Interface to MD Nastran Preference Guide
for more information.

Fastener Connector Properties

The Connector Properties form for fasteners is used to define the PFAST entry for Fasteners and is
consistent with that described above for the Spot Weld Connector.
There are two primary differences:
• CFAST only has two formats, PROP and ELEM. These are analogous to PARTPAT and ELPAT
of CWELD, respectively.
• Other than the diameter specification, the PFAST properties are completely different than
PWELD. They are:
144 Reference Manual - Part III
Creating Connectors

Connector The fastener diameter (> 0.0, required)

Diameter (D)
Connector The element stiffness coordinate system (>= -1, default -1). By leaving
Coordinate this field blank, (no coordinate specification at all), the element
System coordinate system of the fastener is automatically determined by MSC
Nastran based on the method described in the MSC Nastran Quick
Reference Guide for MCID = -1. If a coordinate system is specified then
the method described in the MSC Nastran Quick Reference guide is used
for MCID >= 0 and differs based on the setting of MFLAG..
Coordinate = 0, MCID is relative (default)
System Flag = 1, MCID is absolute
Stiffness Values Stiffness values in directions 1-3 (real, required unless using a formula in
(KTi) which case this input is not allowed). Input must be three values with
brackets around them,
e.g. <10.0 10.0 10.0>
Rotational Rotational stiffness values in directions 1-3 (default 0.0).
Stiffness Values Input must be three values with brackets around them,
(KRi) e.g. <10.0 10.0 10.0>
Lumped Mass Lumped mass of the fastener (default 0.0)
Select Formula Select a formula to automatically calculate the fastener stiffness
properties based on the diameter, material, and sheet thicknesses and
properties. Note that you must select a material and that any properties
input for stiffness values will be ignored.

Note: Once a formula is used to create stiffness properties, the

formula and material used remain associated to the property
and any stiffnesses stored in the Stiffness Values are
ignored. Stiffness properties are then calculated per the
formula and written to the PFAST entry upon translation.
Select Material The material of the fastener to be used in automatic calculation of
stiffness properties.

See Fastener Connector (CFAST) (App. 2) in the Patran Interface to MD Nastran Preference Guide for
more information.
Chapter 4: Transform Action
Reference Manual - Part III

4 Transform Action

Overview of Finite Element Modeling Transform Actions 146

Transforming Nodes 147

Transforming Elements 152
146 Reference Manual - Part III
Overview of Finite Element Modeling Transform Actions

Overview of Finite Element Modeling

Transform Actions
The transformations described in the following sections are identical to their counterparts in ASM. The
table below lists the objects (nodes and elements) and methods that are available when Transform is the
selected Action.

Object Method
Node Translate


Element Translate


Chapter 4: Transform Action 147
Transforming Nodes

Transforming Nodes

Create Nodes by Translating Nodes

148 Reference Manual - Part III
Transforming Nodes

Create Nodes by Rotating Nodes

Chapter 4: Transform Action 149
Transforming Nodes
150 Reference Manual - Part III
Transforming Nodes

Create Nodes by Mirroring Nodes

Chapter 4: Transform Action 151
Transforming Nodes
152 Reference Manual - Part III
Transforming Elements

Transforming Elements

Create Elements by Translating Elements

Chapter 4: Transform Action 153
Transforming Elements

Create Elements by Rotating Elements

154 Reference Manual - Part III
Transforming Elements

Create Elements by Mirroring Elements

Chapter 5: Sweep Action
Reference Manual - Part III

5 Sweep Action

Introduction 156

Sweep Forms 157
156 Reference Manual - Part III

Sweeping elements is the process of creating higher order elements by sweeping a lower order element
through a prescribed path. Therefore, a hex element may be created by sweeping a quad element through
space, the edges of the hex being defined by the corners of the quad as its nodes move along the path.
Ten methods for defining the swept paths are provided: Arc, Extrude, Glide, Glide-Guide, Normal,
Radial Cylindrical, Radial Spherical, Spherical Theta, Vector Field and Loft.
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 157
Sweep Forms

Sweep Forms
The following options are available when Sweep is the selected Action and Element is the selected

Method Description
Arc The Arc method allows the creation of one or more elements by sweeping a
surface element about an axis of rotation.
Extrude The Extrude method allows creation of one or more elements by moving a
base element through space along a defined vector.
Glide The Glide method allows the creation of one or more elements by sweeping
the base element along the path of a glide curve.
Glide-Guide The Glide-Guide method allows the creation of one or more elements by
sweeping the base element along the path of a glide curve, while the
orientation with respect to the base is determined by means of a guide curve.
Normal The Normal method allows creation of one or more elements by sweeping a
base of element in a normal direction.
Radial Cylindrical The Radial Cylindrical method allows creation of one or more elements by
sweeping the base element through space radially outward from a center axis.
Radial Spherical The Radial Spherical method allows creation of one or more elements by
sweeping the base element through space radially outward from a center
Spherical Theta The Spherical Theta method allows creation of one or more elements by
sweeping the base element through space along a path on a sphere that is like
sweeping in the latitude direction in the earth’s latitude and longitude system.
Vector Field The Vector Field method allows creation of one or more elements by
sweeping a base element in a direction as determined by evaluating a vector
field at each of the base nodes.
Loft The Loft method allows creation of one or more elements by sweeping a 2D
base element to the location of a 2D top element. The two meshes have to be
topological congruent.
158 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms

The Arc Method

The Arc method allows the creation of one or more elements by sweeping base entities about an axis of
rotation, as shown below. The element edge length in the swept direction is defined explicitly, similar to
creating a mesh seed for the meshing function.
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 159
Sweep Forms

The Extrude Method

The Extrude method allows creation of one or more elements by moving a base entities through space
along a defined vector. The extrusion vector is applied to each listed entity.
160 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms

The Glide Method

The Glide method allows the creation of one or more elements by sweeping the base element along a
portion or all of a glide curve. The glide curve can exist anywhere in the model and can be traversed in
either direction.
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 161
Sweep Forms

Glide Control
The Glide Control allows curves in the model to be used without having to perform simple operations
such as break and translate. It also allows for sweeping to be done in arc length or parametric coordinates
along the curve.
162 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms

The Glide-Guide Method

The Glide-Guide method allows the creation of one or more elements by sweeping the base element
along the path of a glide curve, while the orientation with respect to the base is determined by means of
a guide curve. The sweep offset is determined by the glide curve. The orientation is determined by the
glide curve tangent direction and the direction to the guide curve.

The Glide-Guide method allows sweeps to be swept and rotated along a desired path. One good
application of this method is that of meshing a pipe as it goes around a bend.
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 163
Sweep Forms
164 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms

Glide-Guide Control
The Glide-Guide Control allows curves in the model to be used without having to perform simple
operations such as break and translate. It also allows for sweeping to be done in arc length or parametric
coordinates along the curve. Note that for Glide-Guide, the beginning or end of the curves should touch
the base elements for best results. Otherwise, undesirable results may occur due to the large effect of
orientation’s rotations on the base entities.
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 165
Sweep Forms

The Normal Method

The Normal method allows creation of one or more elements by sweeping base entities in a normal
direction. If the base elements are associated with geometry, the normal direction for each node will be
the surface normal at that location. If the elements are unassociated, the normal direction will be the
average of the element normals of all the elements in the base entity list referencing the node.
For unassociated base elements, the normals must be consistent. If not, an error is reported and execution
166 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms

The Radial Cy lindrical Method

The Radial Cylindrical method allows creation of one or more elements by sweeping the base element
through space radially outward from a center axis.
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 167
Sweep Forms

The Radial Spherical Method

The Radial Spherical method allows creation of one or more elements by sweeping the base element
through space radially outward from a center point.
168 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms

The Spherical Theta Method

The Spherical Theta method allows creation of one or more elements by sweeping the base element
through space along a path on a sphere that is like sweeping in the latitude direction in the earth’s latitude
and longitude system.

The following is an example of how the spherical theta method can be used to mesh a section of a hollow
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 169
Sweep Forms
170 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms

The Vector Field Method

The Vector Field method allows creation of one or more elements by sweeping a base element in a
direction determined by evaluating a vector field at each of its nodes.

The following is an example of how the vector field sweep could be used:
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 171
Sweep Forms
172 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms

The Loft Method

The Loft method allows creation of one or more elements by sweeping a 2D base element to the location
of a 2D top element. The two meshes have to be topological congruent.
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 173
Sweep Forms

FEM Data
This form appears when the FE Parameters button is selected on any of the Sweep forms.
174 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms

Mesh Control Data

Several Methods for defining either uniform or nonuniform discretization in the sweep direction are
available. For the nonuniform methods, Patran will calculate the node spacing through a geometric
progression based on the given L2 ⁄ L1 ratio.
Chapter 5: Sweep Action 175
Sweep Forms
176 Reference Manual - Part III
Sweep Forms
Chapter 6: Renumber Action
Reference Manual - Part III

6 Renumber Action

Introduction 178

Renumber Forms 179
178 Reference Manual - Part III

Most often, ID numbers (IDs) for finite element nodes, elements, MPCs, and connectors are chosen and
assigned automatically. The Renumber Action permits the IDs to be changed. This capability is useful to:
• Offset the IDs of a specific list of entities.
• Renumber the IDs of all existing entities within a specified range.
• Compact the IDs of an entity type sequentially from 1 to N.

IDs must be positive integers. Duplicate IDs are not permitted in the List of New IDs, or in the selected
Entity List (old IDs). A Starting ID or a List of New IDs may be entered in the input databox. If a finite
element entity outside the list of entities being renumbered is using the new ID, the renumber process
will abort since each entity must have a unique ID.
The default is to renumber all the existing entities beginning with the minimum ID through the maximum
ID consecutively starting with 1.
If only one ID is entered, it is assumed to be the starting ID. The entities will be renumbered
consecutively beginning with the starting ID.
If more than one ID is entered, then there must be at least as many new IDs as there are valid old IDs. If
there are fewer IDs in the List of New IDs than there are valid IDs in the selected Entity List, renumbering
will not take place and a message will appear in the command line indicating exactly how many IDs are
needed. The List of New IDs may not contain a #. However, the list may have more IDs than needed.

Important: Try to estimate the number of IDs needed. A large number of unnecessary IDs will
slow down the renumber process.

The IDs in the selected Entity List may contain a #. The value of the maximum existing ID is
automatically substituted for the #. There may be gaps of nonexisting entities in the list but there must be
at least one valid entity ID in order for renumbering to take place.
An offset ID may be specified which will cause the new entity IDs to be equal to the old IDs plus the
offset value.
A percent complete form shows the status of the renumber process. When renumbering is complete, a
report appears in the command line indicating the number of entities renumbered and their new IDs. The
renumber process may be halted at any time by pressing the Abort button and the old IDs will be restored.
Chapter 6: Renumber Action 179
Renumber Forms

Renumber Forms
When Renumber is the selected Action the following options are available.

Object Description
Node The node menu selection provides the capability to renumber or change the IDs
of nodes.
Element The element menu selection provides the capability to renumber or change the
IDs of elements.
MPCs The MPC menu selection provides the capability to renumber or change the IDs
of MPCs.
Connector The connector menu selection provides the capability to renumber or change the
IDs of connectors.
180 Reference Manual - Part III
Renumber Forms

Renumber Nodes

Figure 6-1
Chapter 6: Renumber Action 181
Renumber Forms

Renumber Elements

Figure 6-2
182 Reference Manual - Part III
Renumber Forms

Renumber MPCs

Figure 6-3
Chapter 6: Renumber Action 183
Renumber Forms

Renumber Connectors

Figure 6-4
184 Reference Manual - Part III
Renumber Forms
Chapter 7: Associate Action
Reference Manual - Part III

7 Associate Action

Introduction 186

Associate Forms 187
186 Reference Manual - Part III

The purpose of the Associate Action is to define a logical connection between geometry and finite
elements. The associate action allows users to associate finite element entities to geometries, if they are
unassociated, thereby enabling the user to apply loads, boundary conditions and properties directly to the
geometry instead of to the individual finite element entities. When associating finite elements to
geometric entities, two general rules apply:
Rule 1: The nodes are associated with the lowest order existing topological entity first which is a vertex,
then an edge, face, and body.
Rule 2: The finite elements are associated with the same order geometric entity, i.e., a beam element with
a curve, or a quad element with a surface.
A typical application would be the importing of an IGES file which has both a geometry and a finite
element model. However, there is no associativity between either of the models. The Associate Action
will provide the capability of logically connecting the two models together, thus defining an associativity
between them.
Association of elements and nodes are based on their geometric proximity to the selected geometry.
When associating elements to geometry (except points) users have the option of specifying whether or
not a “mesh definition” must be created on the curves or edges. This option creates an implicit mesh
record on the curve that allows the mesher to create congruent meshes across neighboring geometries.

Caution: When a mesh is associated, to say a surface, and “mesh definition” is requested to be
created, if a “mesh definition” already exists on an edge of the surface a warning is issued
about a possible non congruent mesh along that edge. This is because the associate code
simply duplicates the existing mesh definition as multiple mesh definitions cannot exist on
an edge to produce a congruent mesh.

Four methods for associating nodes and finite elements to geometry are provided: Point, Curve, Surface,
and Solid.
Chapter 7: Associate Action 187
Associate Forms

Associate Forms
The following options are available when Associate is the selected Action and Element is the selected

Method Description
Point The Point method allows the association of nodes and 0-dimensional finite
elements to geometric point entities.
Curve The Curve method allows the association of nodes and 1-dimensional finite
elements to topological vertices and edges and geometric curves respectively.
Surface The Surface method allows the association of nodes and 2-dimensional finite
elements to topological vertices, edges, and faces and geometric surfaces
Solid The Solid method allows the association of nodes and 3-dimensional finite
elements to topological vertices, edges, faces, and bodies and geometric solids

The Point Method

The Point method allows the association of nodes and 0-dimensional finite elements to geometric point
entities. The associate action allows users to associate finite element entities to geometries, if they are
unassociated, thereby enabling the user to apply loads, boundary conditions and properties directly to the
geometry instead of to the individual finite element entities.
188 Reference Manual - Part III
Associate Forms
Chapter 7: Associate Action 189
Associate Forms

The Curve Method

The Curve method allows the association of nodes and 1-dimensional finite elements to geometric curve
entities. The associate action allows users to associate finite element entities to geometries, if they are
unassociated, thereby enabling the user to apply loads, boundary conditions and properties directly to the
geometry instead of to the individual finite element entities.
190 Reference Manual - Part III
Associate Forms

The Surface Method

The Surface method allows the association of nodes and 2-dimensional finite elements to geometric
surface entities. The associate action allows users to associate finite element entities to geometries, if they
are unassociated, thereby enabling the user to apply loads, boundary conditions and properties directly
to the geometry instead of to the individual finite element entities.
Chapter 7: Associate Action 191
Associate Forms

The Solid Method

The Solid method allows the association of nodes and 3-dimensional finite elements to geometric solid
entities. The associate action allows users to associate finite element entities to geometries, if they are
unassociated, thereby enabling the user to apply loads, boundary conditions and properties directly to the
geometry instead of to the individual finite element entities.
192 Reference Manual - Part III
Associate Forms

The Node Forms

This form is used to associate nodes and curves.
Chapter 8: Disassociate Action
Reference Manual - Part III

8 Disassociate Action

Introduction 194

Disassociate Forms 195
194 Reference Manual - Part III

The Finite Element Disassociate action allows the user to disassociate a finite element entity (a node or
an element) either by its geometric association or by ID. When a geometry is selected for disassociation,
all finite element entities of the selected type associated to that geometry get disassociated. When an ID
is selected, only the selected item is disassociated.
Chapter 8: Disassociate Action 195
Disassociate Forms

Disassociate Forms
The following table shows the possible methods by which Finite Element entities could be disassociated.

Method Description
Elements Disassociate elements associated to the picked geometry.
Disassociate elements with specified IDs from their parent geometry.
Node Disassociate nodes associated to the picked geometry.
Disassociate nodes with specified IDs from their parent geometry.
196 Reference Manual - Part III
Disassociate Forms


The elements may be disassociated from their parent geometry either by picking the parent geometry, in
which case all the Finite elememt entities of the chosen type associated to the parent geometry will get
disassociated, or by picking individual IDs.
Chapter 8: Disassociate Action 197
Disassociate Forms

The nodes may be disassociated from the parent geometry either by picking the parent geometry, in
which case all the FEM entities of the chosen type associated to the picked geometry will be
disassociated, or by picking the individual IDs.
198 Reference Manual - Part III
Disassociate Forms
Chapter 9: Equivalence Action
Reference Manual - Part III

9 Equivalence Action

Introduction to Equivalencing 200

Equivalence Forms 202
200 Reference Manual - Part III
Introduction to Equivalencing

Introduction to Equivalencing
Equivalencing is the process of reducing all nodes that coexist at a point to a single node. This change is
propagated through any existing FEM definition (element connectivity definitions, MPC equations, loads
and boundary conditions), geometry definition and groups.
By default, a red highlight circle is drawn over each retained node causing the deletion of neighboring
nodes. For example, if nodes 2 and 3 are deleted because of their proximity to node 1, then a circle is
drawn over node 1. If node labels are active, a highlight label appears indicating the selected ID.
The removal of a node by equivalencing causes all occurrences of that node in the FEM definition to be
replaced with the surviving node, which is usually the coincident node with the lowest ID. The surviving
node remains associated with whatever geometric entity it was associated with prior to equivalencing.
However, the effect on groups are additive. For example, if equivalencing removes a node which belongs
to group1, in favor of a surviving node which belongs to group2, then the surviving node is associated
with both groups.
The selection of the retained node among a set of coincident nodes is guided by two principles:
1. The node with the lowest ID should be retained.
2. Equivalencing must never cause element edge collapse or the removal of an MPC equation or zero
length element, such as a spring or mass.
Therefore, Patran always retains the coincident node with the lowest ID, unless one of the coincident
nodes belongs to an MPC or a zero length element edge, and the MPC or element contains at least two
nodes in the set of nodes for which equivalencing has been requested. (In the Equivalence-All option, for
example, that set is the set of all nodes in the model.) Furthermore, if nodes 1, 2, and 3 are coincident and
nodes 2 and 3 are connected by an MPC equation, then if the Equivalence-All option is chosen, all
references to node 1 will be replaced with node 2. However, if the Equivalence-List option is used with
a node list of “Node 1:2”, then all references to node 2 will be replaced with node 1. The MPC is ignored
here because only one of its nodes is in the user-specified set.
The automated equivalencing method available in Patran is called Geometric Equivalencing. Geometric
Equivalencing is based upon the physical coordinates of the node points. The proximity is compared with
a user definable tolerance parameter called the Equivalencing Tolerance.
Equivalencing can be delayed until the completion of the model, but it is generally recommended that
equivalencing be performed before loads and boundary conditions are defined. In this way, diagnostics
which may be issued for loads and boundary conditions will have more significance since Patran will be
implementing the values of nodal attributes at common nodes at the time of loads and
boundary specification.
Equivalencing should always be performed prior to the optimization of element connectivity and the
generation of the neutral file output file.
The model, or any portion of the model, can be equivalenced more than once. When the new component
is completed and equivalenced, only those nodes which are newly equivalenced as a result of this second
equivalencing will be circled.
Chapter 9: Equivalence Action 201
Introduction to Equivalencing

It is necessary to perform local equivalencing whenever a modification is made to a region’s mesh. Only
the new nodes will be subject to equivalencing.
If the INTERRUPT button is selected during equivalencing, the search for equivalent nodes is
immediately terminated. If any changes have been made to the node numbering sequence, they will
be reversed.
The results of equivalencing can be verified by bringing up the “Verify ⁄Element ⁄ Boundaries” form.
202 Reference Manual - Part III
Equivalence Forms

Equivalence Forms
When Equivalence is the selected Action the following options are available.

Object Method Description

Tolerance Cube Equivalence the whole model using tolerance cube.
Tolerance Sphere Equivalence the whole model using tolerance sphere.
Tolerance Cube Equivalence only nodes in groups specified using tolerance cube.
Tolerance Sphere Equivalence only nodes in groups specified using tolerance sphere.
Tolerance Cube Equivalence nodes in user-defined lists by cube tolerance.
Tolerance Sphere Equivalence nodes in user-defined lists by sphere tolerance.

Equivalence - All
Note: You can now generate a Node Equivalence Report by setting the environment variable:

Chapter 9: Equivalence Action 203
Equivalence Forms

Form Options Descriptions

Action For information on the Equivalence action, see Introduction to
Equivalencing, 200.
Object Use this option to have all nodes in the model considered for equivalencing.
Tolerance Cube The equivalencing procedure which uses a cube and is the default method
used for equivalencing. If Tolerance Cube is selected, then two node points
are equivalenced if all of their coordinates in the global Cartesian frame lie
within the tolerance of each other. The node with the lower ID is always
Tolerance Sphere Uses a sphere for equivalencing. If Tolerance Sphere is chosen, two node
points are equivalenced if the distance between them is within the
Nodes to be excluded All selected nodes will be excluded from equivalencing.
Equivalencing A user-definable tolerance parameter used to determine whether two nodes
Tolerance are sufficiently close to be considered coincident, and therefore are subject
to nodal equivalencing. By default, this parameter is equal to the Global
Model Tolerance set in Global Preferences. The value in the Equivalencing
Tolerance databox is used for equivalencing, but the value set in Global
Preferences will continue to appear every time equivalencing is reselected.

The tolerance should never be set too low (less than 10.E-7) since
computational round-off can cause two otherwise identical points to be
slightly offset. As part of the equivalencing computations, Patran internally
calculates the minimum tolerance that will ensure that no element edges
will collapse. If this calculated tolerance is less than the user selected
tolerance, then the calculated tolerance is used and a message is issued.
Element Boundary You can display Free Edges or Free Faces
• Display type The Verify button does what we have in verify/element/boundaries, and
"Preview" button highlights the duplicate nodes Patran has found and
would be equivalencing if the apply button is pressed.

Equivalence - Group
Form Options Descriptions
Action For information on the Equivalence action, see Introduction to
Equivalencing, 200.
Object Use this option to have only those nodes belonging to a particular set of
groups considered for equivalencing.
204 Reference Manual - Part III
Equivalence Forms

Form Options Descriptions

Tolerance Cube Uses a cube and is the default method used for equivalencing. If Tolerance
Cube is selected, then two node points are equivalenced if all of their
coordinates in the global Cartesian frame lie within the tolerance of each
other. The node with the lower ID is always retained.
Tolerance Sphere Uses a sphere for equivalencing. If Tolerance Sphere is chosen, two node
points are equivalenced if the distance between them is within the
Nodes to be excluded All selected nodes will be excluded from equivalencing.
Equivalencing A user-definable tolerance parameter used to determine whether two nodes
Tolerance are sufficiently close to be considered coincident and therefore are subject
to nodal equivalencing. By default, this parameter is equal to the Global
Model Tolerance set in Global Preferences. The value in the Equivalencing
Tolerance databox is used for equivalencing, but the value set in Global
Preferences will continue to appear every time equivalencing is reselected.
The tolerance should never be set too low (less than 10.E-7) since
computational round-off can cause two otherwise identical points to be
slightly offset. As part of the equivalencing computations, Patran internally
calculates the minimum tolerance that will ensure that no element edges
will collapse. If this calculated tolerance is less than the user selected
tolerance, then the calculated tolerance is used and a message is issued.

Equivalence - List
Form Options Descriptions
Action For information on the Equivalence action, see Introduction to
Equivalencing, 200.
Object Use this option to have all nodes in the model considered for equivalencing.
Tolerance Cube Uses a cube and is the default method used for equivalencing. If Tolerance
Cube is selected, then two node points are equivalenced if all of their
coordinates in the global Cartesian frame lie within the tolerance of each
other. The node with the lower ID is always retained.
Tolerance Sphere Uses a sphere for equivalencing. If Tolerance Sphere is chosen, two node
points are equivalenced if the distance between them is within the
Nodes to be excluded All selected nodes will be excluded from equivalencing.
Chapter 9: Equivalence Action 205
Equivalence Forms

Form Options Descriptions

Equivalencing A user-definable tolerance parameter used to determine whether two nodes
Tolerance are sufficiently close to be considered coincident and therefore are subject
to nodal equivalencing. By default, this parameter is equal to the Global
Model Tolerance set in Global Preferences. The value in the Equivalencing
Tolerance databox is used for equivalencing, but the value set in Global
Preferences will continue to appear every time equivalencing is reselected.

The tolerance should never be set too low (less than 10.E-7) since
computational round-off can cause two otherwise identical points to be
slightly offset. As part of the equivalencing computations, Patran internally
calculates the minimum tolerance that will ensure that no element edges
will collapse. If this calculated tolerance is less than the user selected
tolerance, then the calculated tolerance is used and a message is issued.
Preview Nodes and Toggle to control entities to preview.
Plot Free Edge FEM All selected entities associated to a free edge in the posted groups will be
added to the display.
Plot Free Face FEM All selected entities associated to a free face in the posted groups will be
added to the display. Only 3D elements will be used.
Erase All Fem Erase all nodes and elements. This button is intended to be used first. It will
enable the other options and start out with no nodes and elements visible.
Plot All Fem Plot all nodes and elements.
Preview Preview nodes and/or associated elements which are going to be deleted by
the equivalence function. This button previews the action taking place by
using the apply button.
206 Reference Manual - Part III
Equivalence Forms
Chapter 10: Optimize Action
Reference Manual - Part III

10 Optimize Action

Introduction to Optimization 208

Optimizing Nodes and Elements 210

Selecting an Optimization Method 211
208 Reference Manual - Part III
Introduction to Optimization

Introduction to Optimization
The purpose of optimization is to renumber the nodes or elements of a model in such a way that the
stiffness matrix assembled in a finite element analysis can be solved (inverted) by using a minimum of
CPU time, memory, and disk space.
The solvers, used by finite element codes, take advantage of the fact that the stiffness matrix is
symmetric, banded, and sparse (see Figure 10-1). The cost (CPU time, memory, and disk space) of
solving the matrix is determined by the sparsity or zero-nonzero characteristics of the matrix. The
sparsity is affected by the numbering of the nodes, or elements, depending on the solver. In general, the
attributes of the matrix (see Table 10-1) are minimized when connected nodes or elements are numbered
as close as possible to each other.
Prior to optimizing a model, complete all meshing operations. In addition, all coincident nodes should be
merged (through Equivalencing) and the model boundaries verified. If the node or element definitions in
the model are changed or modified after optimization, the model should be re-optimized.

Figure 10-1 A Sparse, Symmetric Matrix

More Help:
• Optimizing Nodes and Elements
• Selecting an Optimization Method
Chapter 10: Optimize Action 209
Introduction to Optimization

Table 10-1 The Attributes of a Matrix

Row Bandwidth bi = bandwidth for row i. (See Figure 10-1 for bi.)
Matrix Bandwidth The matrix bandwidth, B, is given by: B = max b i .
Matrix Profile
The matrix profile, P, is given by: P =  bi
i =1

Active Column A column j is an active column in row i if there is an entry in that column in any
row with index k <=1.
Row Wavefront wi, the row wavefront for row i, is the number of active columns in row i.
Matrix Wavefront The matrix wavefront, W, is given by:

W = max wi
RMS Wavefront The root mean square wavefront, WRMS, is given by:
WRMS = (1 ⁄N)*  wi
i= 1
210 Reference Manual - Part III
Optimizing Nodes and Elements

Optimizing Nodes and Elements

Chapter 10: Optimize Action 211
Selecting an Optimization Method

Selecting an Optimization Method

This section suggests the optimization type, method, and criterion to be selected for commonly used
analysis codes. For analysis codes not listed below, please refer to the code vendor for a recommendation.
Note that the choice of method and criterion may depend on the structure of your model and type of
analysis (static vs. dynamic). As a result, the recommendations given below are suggested only as
Most of the commonly used analysis codes have their own built-in optimizers which internally renumber
the nodes or elements. These codes are marked with an asterisk(*) in the following table. The external
IDs do not change. There are a couple of advantages to using the code specific optimizers.
• They are tuned to the specific analysis code.
• They give control of the entity IDs back to the user.

However, there are cases where the Patran optimizer does a better job than the code specific optimizer.

Analysis Code Object Method Minimization Criterion


*Analysis code with built-in optimizers which internally renumber the nodes or elements.
212 Reference Manual - Part III
Selecting an Optimization Method
Chapter 11: Verify Action
Reference Manual - Part III

11 Verify Action

Introduction to Verification 214

Verify Forms 218

Theory 291
214 Reference Manual - Part III
Introduction to Verification

Introduction to Verification
Model verification consists of a number of different tests which can be performed to check the validity
of a finite element model. These tests include checks of element distortion, element duplication, model
boundaries, nodal connectivity, and node ⁄ element ID numbering.
In the case of distortion checking, Patran provides a series of automated tests to measure the “distortion”
of elements from an “ideal” shape through measurable geometric properties of the element. The results
of these tests are compared to user specified criteria and a determination is made whether the element is
acceptable or not. The pass⁄ fail criteria is analysis code dependant and is updated automatically when the
Analysis Preference is changed.
Verification tests are always performed on the current group of the active viewport except in the case of
duplicate elements in which case the entire model is checked.
To get an overview when checking a specific element type, there is a test choice of All. When this is
selected Patran will display a spreadsheet showing a summary of the total number of elements that exceed
a threshold value for each of the distortion checks, and the actual test value and element ID number for
the most extreme element.
Model Verification provides visual feedback of the selected test. Element distortion checks allow the
selection of a threshold value using a slidebar. During the check, any element, which exceeds the
threshold value, is highlighted and its value is listed in the Command Line. Upon completion of the check
Patran will color code the elements based on the computed test value. Elements with a value higher than
the threshold are colored with the highest spectrum color, all other values are assigned uniformly through
the other spectrum levels. The current group will be rendered using the Element Fill style. Verification
forms for Quad elements include an icon that allows a selection to split failed elements or simply
highlight them.
Other checks, such as element duplication and connectivity, give options only to highlight any offending
elements, or automatically correct the model.
Model boundaries may either be displayed as edge lines, showing unshared edges in the model, or as
shaded faces, showing unshared surfaces.
All verification tests that involve color-coding, shading, or some other method of re-rendering the model
have a Reset Graphics button on the form. Selecting this button will undo any rendering procedures
performed by the most recent verification activity. The render style and spectrum display will be returned
to the pre-test settings they had before the Apply button was selected. If you will be performing more
than one type of verification test, it is recommended to choose Reset Graphics after each test is
completed. Remember Reset Graphics resets to the settings prior to the current verification activity, not
to those at the start of all verification.
All element specific verification forms have a Normalize button. By default, the normalize option will
not be selected, and the slidebar will represent an actual value for the verification test threshold. If the
normalize option may be selected, the slidebar will now represent a range of values from zero to one. The
value of zero will represent the most reliable shape for this element type.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 215
Introduction to Verification

All element specific verification forms also have a Reset button. Selecting this button returns the slidebar
and all toggles to the settings they had when the form was opened.
The information obtained from verification procedures can assist the engineer in deciding if the finite
element model is satisfactory, or should be adjusted through remeshing or element modification.

Preference Specific Check

MSC Nastran and Patran use different approaches to verify the distortion of elements. Even though the
current Patran element distortion checks are correct and technically valid, there are still a few cases where
meshes will pass the Patran element distortion checks, but still fail on the MSC Nastran side. Hence, an
option on the Finite Element Preferences form to run certain selected MSC Nastran element distortion
checks has been implemented. When the Preference Specific Verify option is selected, Patran Verify
<type> <individual check or all> will yield the same values for distortion checks of any supported
element type of MSC Nastran. Additionally, the range is now consistent with the MSC Nastran test
To enable preference specific check:
1. Open the FEM Preferences form from Preferences|| Finite Elements.
2. Mark the Preference Specific Verify check box on.
3. Press Apply.
216 Reference Manual - Part III
Introduction to Verification

Tests affected by Nastran element check DLL:

• Verify | Element | Jacobian Zero
• Verify | Tet | Aspect
• Verify | Tet | ALL
• Verify | Hex | FaceWarp
• Verify | Hex | Aspect
• Verify | Hex | ALL
• Verify | Quad | Taper
Chapter 11: Verify Action 217
Introduction to Verification

• Verify | Quad | Warp

• Verify | Quad | Skew
• Verify | Quad | ALL
• Verify | Wedge | FaceWarp
• Verify | Wedge | Aspect
• Verify | Wedge | ALL
218 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify Forms
When Verify is the selected Action the following options are available.

Object Test Description

Element Boundaries Plots the free edges or faces of finite elements.
Duplicates Checks elements for identical corner (or end) nodes.
Normals Compare adjacent shell normals.
Connectivity Check solid elements for proper connectivity using a volume
Geometry Fit Checks fit error distances between elements and their parent
Jacobian Ratio Reports the maximum variation of the determinant of the Jacobian
over each element.
Jacobian Zero Reports the minimum determinant of the Jacobian for each element.
IDs Assigns color to the Finite Elements based on the Element ID
Tria All Tests tria elements for each of the tria verification tests. Reports the
worst case for each test and the element at which it occurs.
Aspect Measures length to width ratio of tria elements.
Skew Tests tria elements for angular deviation using an edge bisector
Quad All Tests quad elements for each of the quad verification tests. Reports
the worst case for each test and the element at which it occurs.
Aspect Measures length to width ratio of quad elements.
Warp Tests quad elements for deviation out of plane.
Skew Tests quad elements for angular deviation from a rectangular shape
using an edge bisector method.
Taper Tests quad elements for geometric deviation from a rectangular
Chapter 11: Verify Action 219
Verify Forms

Object Test Description

Tet All Tests tet elements for each of the tet verification tests. Reports the
worst case for each test and the element at which it occurs.
Aspect Compares ratio of height to square root of opposing face area of tet
Edge Angle Calculates the maximum deviation angle between adjacent faces of
tet elements.
Face Skew Tests each face of tet elements for angular deviation using an edge
bisector method.
Collapse Tests tet elements for near zero volume.
Wedge All Tests wedge elements for each of the wedge verification tests.
Reports the worst case for each test and the element at which it
Aspect Compares the maximum ratio of the height of the triangular sides to
the distance between them for each wedge element.
Edge Angle Calculates the angular deviation between adjacent faces of wedge
Face Skew Tests each face of wedge elements for angular deviation using an
edge bisector method.
Face Warp Tests each quad face of wedge elements for deviation out of plane.
Twist Computes a twist angle between the two triangular faces of wedge
Face Taper Tests each quad face of wedge elements for geometric deviation
from a rectangular shape.
Hex All Tests hex elements for each of the hex verification tests. Reports the
worst case for each test and the element at which it occurs.
Aspect Calculates the ratio of the maximum to minimum distance between
opposing faces for each Hex element.
Edge Angle Calculates the angular deviation between adjacent faces of hex
Face Skew Calculates the skew angle for each face of a hex element and reports
the maximum.
Face Warp Calculates the deviation out of plane for each element face.
Twist Computes twist between the opposing faces of hex elements.
Face Taper Tests each Hex element for geometric deviation from a rectangular
Node IDs Computes contour lines based on the ID numbers of the Nodes.
220 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Object Test Description

Midnode Normal Offset Calculates the ratio between the perpendicular offset of the midside
node and the element edge length.
Tangent Offset Measures the offset from the center of the element edge to the
midside node. Calculates the ratio of this offset to the element edge
Superelement Displays superelement’s boundaries with or without the boundary
Connector Verifies the connector elements.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 221
Verify Forms

Verify - Element (Boundaries)

Test: Boundaries Plots the boundary as free edges, or optionally free faces, of all posted
elements in all viewports. A boundary is defined as any edge or face of a finite
element which is not shared by at least one other element. Therefore, this test
will display, in addition to interior and exterior edges/faces of the group, any
interior “cracks”. Cracks will appear along geometric boundaries prior to
222 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Display Type Selecting Free Edges displays any unshared edges that define the boundary of
your current group in yellow.

Selecting Free Faces displays any unshared faces in your current group in a
yellow flat shaded render style.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will either change from flat shaded (for free faces) or boundary line (for free
edges) back to the original render style. If you were originally using entity type
display mode, this will again become the default. Existing this form will reset

Note: If you are in entity type display mode when you start boundary verification, Patran will
temporarily enter group display mode to display the group boundaries.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 223
Verify Forms

Verify - Element (Duplicates)

Elements in the entire model are checked for identical corner (or end) nodes.

Display Only Patran gives the option to highlight any duplicate elements found, or, if you
select the icon, you may choose to have Patran automatically eliminate any
duplicates found. When delete duplicates is selected you may choose which
element ID of the two to remove from the database.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
224 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify - Element (Normals)

Chapter 11: Verify Action 225
Verify Forms

Test: Normals Normal directions are processed for each shell element in the current group in
the active viewport
Display Control There are two options for displaying the element normal information:

1. The elements may be color-coded. Elements will initially be colored white,

any element whose normal is reversed will be highlighted in red.

Note: Be sure to equivalence your model before color-coding. This is

necessary because the color-coding algorithm only compares elements with
shared edges.

2. Or Patran may draw the normal vectors and plot arrows pointing from the
element centroids in the element normal direction.
Display Only There are two available options for controlling what Patran does with the
element normal information:

1. The default choice is Display Only which tells Patran the only action you
want it to take is to graphically display the normal information.

2. Or you may select the Display Only icon to change the test control to
Reverse Elements. This allows you to specify (or select) a Guiding Element to
which all other element normals in your current group will be matched.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
226 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify - Element (Connectivity)

All solid elements in the current group in the active viewport are checked for proper connectivity using
a volume calculation.

Highlight Only Elements found to have negative volume will be color coded for identification
purposes when the highlight only icon is selected. Otherwise, the offending
elements will be automatically reversed when the reverse icon is selected.

More Help:
• Patran’s Element Library
Chapter 11: Verify Action 227
Verify Forms

Verify - Element (Geometry Fit)

All elements in the current group in the active viewport are checked for maximum distance between the
element and the parent geometry.

Threshold h Value Enter the maximum acceptable distance between an element and its parent
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
228 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
Apply When the Apply button is selected, the color assignments are generated. The
model is plotted with elements on the visible surfaces filled in with their
corresponding color.

Note: Linear elements such as Bar/2, Quad/4, and Hex/8 are evaluated at one point per bar or
element face. Quadratic elements such as Bar/3, Quad/8, and Hex/20 are evaluated at two
points per bar or four points per element face. Cubic elements such as Bar/4, Quad/12, and
Hex/32 are evaluated at three points per bar or nine points per element face.

Verify - Element (Jacobian Ratio)

The ratio of the maximum determinant of the Jacobian to the minimum determinant of the Jacobian is
calculated for each element in the current group in the active viewport. This element shape test can be
Chapter 11: Verify Action 229
Verify Forms

used to identify elements with interior corner angles far from 90 degrees or high order elements with
misplaced midside nodes. A ratio close or equal to 1.0 is desired.

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
Apply When the Apply button is selected, the color assignments are generated. The
model is plotted with elements on the visible surfaces filled in with their
corresponding color.
230 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Note: The minimum and maximum ratios and the associated elements are echoed in the command
line. Elements in the current group are color-coded according to the value of the Jacobian
ratio and will be plotted in the Element Fill render style.

Verify - Element (Jacobian Zero)

The determinant of the Jacobian (J) is calculated at all integration points for each element in the current
group in the active viewport. The minimum value for each element is determined. This element shape
test can be used to identify incorrectly shaped elements. A well-formed element will have J positive at
each Gauss point and not greatly different from the value of J at other Gauss points. J approaches zero as
an element vertex angle approaches 180 degrees.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 231
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
Apply When the Apply button is selected, the color assignments are generated. The
model is plotted with elements on the visible surfaces filled in with their
corresponding color.

Note: The minimum and maximum value and the associated elements are echoed in the command
line. Elements in the current group are color-coded according to the value of the
determinant of the Jacobian and will be plotted in the Element Fill render style.
232 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify - Element (IDs)

Each element in the current group in the active viewport is assigned a color based on its ID number.

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
Apply When the Apply button is selected, the color assignments are generated. The
model is plotted with elements on the visible surfaces filled in with their
corresponding color.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 233
Verify Forms

Verify - Tria (All)

Each tria element in the current group is tested for each of the tria verification tests.

Apply When the Apply button is pressed, a spreadsheet will be displayed showing the
worst case value for each test and the element which it occurs.
234 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify - Tria (All) Spreadsheet

Test This column lists the verification tests. All tests listed on the application form
will be performed. Use the scroll bar to view additional tests.
Number Failed This column lists the number of elements in the current group that exceeded
the reliability threshold shown on the application form.
Worst Case These two column list the maximum (or minimum if applicable) value of the
At Element test and the element at which the worst case occurs.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 235
Verify Forms

Verify - Tria (Aspect)

All of the tria elements in the current group of the active viewport are tested for length to width ratio.

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed aspect ratio is inverted
and subtracted from 1. When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar
represents the computed aspect ratio. Move the slidebar to indicate the
maximum acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
236 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• Aspect Ratio

Verify - Tria (Skew)

Each tria element in the current group of the active viewport is tested for skew. The skew angle is
obtained as described in Theory.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 237
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed skew angle will be
divided by 90° . An equilateral triangle will have a skew angle (and skew
factor) of 0.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed skew angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptable
value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Skew Angle is computed page 291

Verify - Quad (All)

Each quad element in the current group of the active viewport is tested for each of the quad verification
238 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Apply When the Apply button is pressed, a spreadsheet will be displayed showing the
worst case value for each test and the element which it occurs.

More Help:
• Spreadsheet Information page 239
• Test Definitions page 291
Chapter 11: Verify Action 239
Verify Forms

Verify - Quad (All) Spreadsheet

Test This column lists the verification tests. All tests listed on the application form
will be performed. Use the scroll bar to view additional tests.
Total Failed This column lists the number of elements in the current group that exceeded
the reliability threshold shown on the application form.
Worst Case These two column list the maximum (or minimum if applicable) value of the
At Element test and the element at which the worst case occurs.

Verify - Quad (Aspect)

All of the quads in the current group, in the active viewport, are tested for length to width ratio. During
the check, if an element exceeds the threshold value set by the slidebar, it is highlighted and Patran echoes
the element’s ID number, and its aspect value in the command line. At completion, each element is color-
coded according to the value computed for its aspect value, and the current group is plotted in the Element
Fill Render style.
240 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms
Chapter 11: Verify Action 241
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed aspect ratio will be
subtracted from 1. A square element with equal edge length will have a

 – h----1- and therefore, will be most reliable.

normalized value equal to zero  1
h 2

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed aspect ratio. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptable
value for your analysis type and code.
Highlight Only Elements that exceed the aspect ratio specified by using the slidebar, will be
color coded for identification purposes when the highlight only icon is
selected. Otherwise, the offending elements will be highlighted in the
viewport one-by-one, and the user will be prompted for permission to split
each element into two quad elements.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
How Aspect Ratio is computed page 294

Verify - Quad (Warp)

Each quad element in the current group of the active viewport is tested for warp. The warp angle is
obtained as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the threshold
value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its warp value in the command line.
At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value computed for its warp value and the
current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
242 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms
Chapter 11: Verify Action 243
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed warp angle will be
divided by 15° . A ‘perfect’ element will have no out-of-plane component and
will therefore be most reliable.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed warp angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptable
value for your analysis type and code.
Highlight Only Elements that exceed the warp angle specified by using the slidebar, will be
color coded for identification purposes when the highlight only icon is
selected. Otherwise, the offending elements will be highlighted in the
viewport one-by-one, and the user will be prompted for permission to split
each element into two quad elements.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Warp Angle is computed page 298

Verify - Quad (Skew)

Each quad element in the current group in the active viewport is tested for skew. The skew angle is
obtained as described in Theory. Prior to testing for skew, each element is checked for convexity. If any
element fails the convexity, test a warning message will be issued. Processing will continue on to the next
244 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms
Chapter 11: Verify Action 245
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed skew angle will be
divided by 90° . A ‘perfect’ element with corner angles of 90° will have a
90° – α
normalized value equal to zero ------------------ and will therefore be most reliable.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed skew angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptable
value for your analysis type and code.
Highlight Only Elements that exceed the skew angle specified by using the slidebar, will be
color coded for identification purposes when the highlight only icon is
selected. Otherwise, the offending elements will be highlighted in the
viewport one-by-one, and the user will be prompted for permission to split
each element into two quad elements.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Skew Angle is computed page 291

Verify - Quad (Taper)

Each quad element in the current group in the active viewport is tested for taper. The taper ratio is
obtained as described in Theory.
246 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms
Chapter 11: Verify Action 247
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed Taper ratio will be
subtracted from 1. A ‘perfect’ face will have all 4 triangular subareas (a) equal,
therefore, 4*a total area will equal 1 and the normalized equation will yield a
taper Factor of 0.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed taper ratio. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptable
value for your analysis type and code.
Highlight Only Elements that exceed the taper ratio specified by using the slidebar, will be
color coded for identification purposes when the highlight only icon is
selected. Otherwise, the offending elements will be highlighted in the
viewport one-by-one, and the user will be prompted for permission to split
each element into two quad elements.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Taper is computed page 299
248 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify - Tet (All)

Each Tetrahedral element in the current group is tested for each of the Tet verification tests.

Apply When the Apply button is pressed, a spreadsheet will be displayed showing the
worst case value for each test and the element which it occurs.

More Help:
• Spreadsheet Information page 249
• Test Definition page 291
Chapter 11: Verify Action 249
Verify Forms

Verify - Tet (All) Spreadsheet

Test This column lists the verification tests. All tests listed on the application form
will be performed. Use the scroll bar to view additional tests.
Number Failed This column lists the number of elements in the current group that exceeded
the reliability threshold shown on the application form.
Worst Case These two column list the maximum (or minimum if applicable) value of the
At Element test and the element at which the worst case occurs.

Verify - Tet (Aspect)

All of the Tets in the current group are tested for the ratio of height to square root of opposing face area.
During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the threshold value set by the slidebar, and
echoes the element’s ID number and its aspect ratio in the command line. At completion, each element
is color-coded according to the value computed for its aspect ratio and the current group is plotted in the
Element Fill Render style.
250 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed aspect ratio will be
subtracted from 1.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed Aspect Ratio. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum
acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 251
Verify Forms

More Help:
• How Aspect Ratio is computed page 295
252 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify - Tet (Edge Angle)

Chapter 11: Verify Action 253
Verify Forms

Normalize All of the tetrahedral elements in the current group of the active viewport are
tested for the maximum angle between adjacent faces. An edge angle is the
absolute value of the angle between the two faces meeting at an edge
subtracted from 70.529° . During the check, Patran highlights any element
exceeding the threshold value set by the slidebar and echoes the element’s ID
number and its edge angle in the command line. At completion, each element
is color-coded according to the edge angle and the current group is plotted in
the Element Fill Render style.

When the Normalize button is selected, the computed edge will be divided by
110° .

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed edge angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptable
value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
How Edge Angle is computed page 300

Verify - Tet (Face Skew)

Each face of each tetrahedral element in the current group is tested for skew as if it were a Tria element.
The skew angle is obtained as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element
exceeding the threshold value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its maximum
skew angle in the command line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value
computed for its skew angle and the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
254 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed aspect ratio will be
divided by 90° . An equilateral triangle will have a skew angle of 0.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed skew angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptable
value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 255
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

Verify - Tet (Collapse)

All of the tetrahedral elements in the current group are tested for volume. The collapse value is obtained
as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the threshold value
set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its collapse value in the command line. At
completion, each element is color-coded according to the collapse value and the current group is plotted
in the Element Fill Render style.
256 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms
Chapter 11: Verify Action 257
Verify Forms

Normalize The Tet collapse ratio is Min ( h i ) ⁄ Max ( l i ) , This value can range from 0 to

When the Normalize button is selected, the computed aspect ratio will be
subtracted from 1. For an equilateral tet, the collapse value will equal 1,
therefore, 1 – Min ( h i ) ⁄ Max ( l i ) will equal zero, and will be the most reliable

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed collapse value. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum
acceptable value for your analysis type and code. The normalized value is: 1-
(collapse ratio), so the range will be from 0.183503419 to 1.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Collapse is computed page 303
258 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify - Wedge (All)

Each wedge element in the current group of the active viewport is tested for each of the wedge
verification tests.

Apply When the Apply button is pressed, a spreadsheet will be displayed showing the
worst case value for each test and the element which it occurs.

More Help:
• Spreadsheet Information page 259
• Test Definitions page 291
Chapter 11: Verify Action 259
Verify Forms

Verify - Wedge (All) Spreadsheet

Test This column lists the verification tests. All tests listed on the application form
will be performed. Use the scroll bar to view additional tests.
Number Failed This column lists the number of elements in the current group that exceeded
the reliability threshold shown on the application form.
Worst Case These two column list the maximum (or minimum if applicable) value of the
At Element test and the element at which the worst case occurs.

Verify - Wedge (Aspect)

All of the wedge elements in the current group are tested for length to width ratio. During the check, if
an element exceeds the threshold value set by the slidebar, it is highlighted and Patran echoes the
element’s ID number and its aspect value in the command line. At completion, each element is color-
coded according to the value computed for its aspect value and the current group is plotted in the Element
Fill Render style.
260 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed aspect ratio will be
subtracted from 1.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed Aspect Ratio. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum
acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 261
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Aspect Ratio is computed page 296

Verify - Wedge (Edge Angle)

The maximum edge angle is calculated for each wedge element in the current group of the active
viewport. Edge angle is obtained as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element
exceeding the threshold value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its maximum
edge angle in the command line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value
computed for its edge angle and the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
262 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed edge angle will be
divided by 110° . When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar
represents the computed Edge angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the
maximum acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 263
Verify Forms

More Help:
• How Edge Angle is computed page 301

Verify - Wedge (Face Skew)

Each face of each wedge element in the current group is tested for skew as if it were a quad or tria
element. The skew angle is obtained as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any
element exceeding the threshold value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its
maximum skew angle in the command line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the
value computed for its skew angle and the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
264 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed skew angle will be
divided by 15° .

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed Skew angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptable
value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 265
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

Verify - Wedge (Face Warp)

Each quad face of each wedge element in the current group is tested for warp as if it were a quad. The
warp angle is obtained as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding
the threshold value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its warp value in the
command line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value computed for its warp
value and the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
266 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed warp angle will be
divided by 15° . A ‘perfect’ element will have no out-of-plane component and
will therefore be most reliable.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed Face Warp angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum
acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 267
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Warp Angle is computed page 299

Verify - Wedge (Twist)

Each wedge element in the current group is tested for a twist angle computed between its two triangular
faces. Twist is obtained as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element
exceeding the threshold value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its maximum
twist in the command line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value computed
for its twist and the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
268 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed twist angle will be
divided by 60° . When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar
represents the computed Twist Angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the
maximum acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 269
Verify Forms

More Help:
• How Twist is computed page 303

Verify - Wedge (Face Taper)

Each quad face of each wedge element in the current group of the active viewport is tested for taper as if
it were a Quad element. Taper is obtained as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any
element exceeding the threshold value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its
maximum taper in the command line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value
computed for its taper and the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
270 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed Taper ratio will be
subtracted from 1. A ‘perfect’ face will have all 4 triangular subareas (a) equal,
therefore, 4*a total area will equal 1 and the normalized equation will yield a
taper Factor of 0.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed Face Taper. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptable
value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 271
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Face Taper is computed page 300

Verify - Hex (All)

Each hex element in the current group of the active viewport is tested for each of the hex verification
272 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Apply When the Apply button is pressed, a spreadsheet will be displayed showing the
worst case value for each test and the element which it occurs.

More Help:
• Spreadsheet Information page 272
• Test Definitions page 291

Verify - Hex (All) Spreadsheet

Test This column lists the verification tests. All tests listed on the application form
will be performed. Use the scroll bar to view additional tests.
Number Failed This column lists the number of elements in the current group that exceeded
the reliability threshold shown on the application form.
Worst Case These two column list the maximum (or minimum if applicable) value of the
At Element test and the element at which the worst case occurs.

Verify - Hex (Aspect)

All of the hex elements in the current group in the active viewport are tested for length to width ratio.
During the check, if an element exceeds the threshold value set by the slidebar, it is highlighted and
Patran echoes the element’s ID number and its aspect value in the command line. At completion, each
element is color-coded according to the value computed for its aspect value and the current group is
plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 273
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed aspect ratio will be
subtracted from 1.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed Aspect Ratio. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum
acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
274 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Aspect Ratio is computed page 297

Verify - Hex (Edge Angle)

The maximum edge angle is calculated for each hex element in the current group. Edge angle is obtained
as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the threshold value
set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its maximum edge angle in the command
line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value computed for its edge angle and
the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 275
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed taper ratio will be
divided by 90° . When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar
represents the computed Edge Angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the
maximum acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
276 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify - Hex (Face Skew)

Each face of each hex element in the current group is tested for skew as if it were a quad element. The
skew angle is obtained as described in Theory. Prior to testing for skew, each element face is checked for
convexity. If any face fails the convexity test, a warning message will be issued. Processing will continue
on to the next element face. During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the threshold
value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its maximum skew angle in the
command line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value computed for its skew
angle and the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 277
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed skew angle will be
divided by 90° . A ‘perfect’ element with corner angles of 90° will have a
90° – α
normalized value equal to zero ------------------ -of-plane component and will therefore
be most reliable.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed Face Warp angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum
acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
278 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Skew Angle is computed page 293

Verify - Hex (Face Warp)

Each face of each hex element in the current group is tested for warp as if it were a quad. The warp angle
is obtained as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the
threshold value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its warp value in the
command line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value computed for its warp
value and the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 279
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed warp angle will be
divided by 15° . A ‘perfect’ element will have no out-of-plane component and
will therefore be most reliable.

When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar represents the
computed Face Warp angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum
acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
280 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

More Help:
• How Warp Angle is computed page 299

Verify - Hex (Twist)

Each hex element in the current group is tested for maximum twist angle. Twist is obtained as described
in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the threshold value set by the
slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its maximum twist in the command line. At
completion, each element is color-coded according to the value computed for its twist and the current
group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 281
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed twist angle will be
divided by 90° .When the Normalize button is turned OFF, the slidebar
represents the computed Twist Angle. Move the slidebar to indicate the
maximum acceptable value for your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
282 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

More Help:
• How Twist is computed page 304

Verify - Hex (Face Taper)

Each face of each hex element in the current group is tested for taper as if it were a quad element. Taper
is obtained as described in Theory. During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the
threshold value set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its maximum taper in the
command line. At completion, each element is color-coded according to the value computed for its taper
and the current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 283
Verify Forms

Normalize When the Normalize button is selected, the computed taper ratio will be
subtracted from 1. A “perfect” element face will have all 4 triangular subareas
(a) equal, therefore 4*a total area will equal 1 and the normalized equation will
yield a taper factor of 0.

When the Normalize button is turned Off, the slidebar represents the computed
Taper ratio. Move the slidebar to indicate the maximum acceptance value for
your analysis type and code.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
284 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Verify - Node (IDs)

Fringe plot based on node ID of nodes in the current group is generated. This display is helpful to check
whether the node numbering has been optimized for bandwidth efficiency.

Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually turn Off the spectrum Display and change from Element Fill back
to your original Render Style.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 285
Verify Forms

Verify - Midnode (Normal Offset)

All quadratic order elements (those with mid-side nodes) in the current group are tested for deviation of
the mid-side node from the mid-node position for an element with no curvature. The offset distance is
measured perpendicular to a line that is the shortest distance between the corner nodes of that edge.
286 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Normal Offset During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the threshold value
set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its Normal Offset
value in the Command Line. At completion, each element is color-coded
according its Normal Offset value. All element exceeding the threshold will be
colored red. The current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
Normal Offset Set the slidebar to an acceptable offset value for your analysis code. a ‘perfect’
SlideBar element will have the mid-side node directly at the mid edge position, the
offset d=0. The equation ------ will yield a value of zero and indicate the most
reliable element for analysis.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 287
Verify Forms

Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.

Verify - Midnode (Tangent Offset)

All quadratic order elements (those with mid-side nodes) in the current group in the active viewport are
tested for deviation of the mid-side node from the mid-edge position of the element. The offset distance
is measured along a line that is the shortest distance between the corner nodes of that edge.
288 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

Tangent Offset During the check, Patran highlights any element exceeding the threshold value
set by the slidebar, and echoes the element’s ID number and its Tangent Offset
value in the Command Line. At completion, each element is color-coded
according its tangent Offset value. All element exceeding the threshold will be
colored red. The current group is plotted in the Element Fill Render style.
Tangent Offset Set the slidebar to an acceptable offset value for your analysis code. a ‘perfect’
SlideBar element will have the mid-side node directly at the mid edge position, the

offset d=0. The equation

---------- will yield a value of zero and indicate the most
reliable element for analysis.
Color Code Elements Toggle to control element plot options. You can either color code the elements
and/or plot only the elements in the current group, which are tested and failed.
Fringe Attributes... See Display Attributes (p. 112) in the Results Postprocessing manual.
Reset Graphics Return your graphic display to the way it was when you entered the form. This
will usually entail changing from Element Fill back to your original Render
Style and removing the spectrum display from your viewport.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 289
Verify Forms

This form verifies the selected superelements for any inconsistencies. Note that this is only available for
the MSC Nastran analysis preference.

Superelement List List of existing superelements. Only the outline of highlighted superelements
will be displayed.
Reset Graphics Return the graphic display back to the way it was before the verification.
Select All Selects all the superelements displayed in the listbox.
290 Reference Manual - Part III
Verify Forms

This form checks the connector elements for element duplication.

Reset Graphics Return the graphic display back to the way it was before the verification.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 291


Three potential skew angles are computed for each tria element. To calculate each skew angle, two
vectors are constructed: one from a vertex to the mid-point of the opposite edge, and the other between
the mid-points of the adjacent edges. The difference is taken of the angle between these two vectors and
90°. This procedure is repeated for the other two vertices. The largest of the three computed angles is
reported as the skew angle for that element.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, the skew angle is divided by 90° to yield the skew
factor. An equilateral triangle will have a skew factor of 0.
For Plots a simplified calculation method is used based on interior angles, where 60° is ideal.

Figure 11-1 Tria Skew Angle

Prior to testing for skew, each element is first checked for convexity. Elements which fail the convexity
check “double back” on themselves causing their element stiffness terms to have either a zero or
negative value.
292 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 11-2 Convexity Check

This skew test is based on a reference frame created by first bisecting the four element edges, creating an
origin at the vector average of the corners, where the x-axis extends from the origin to the bisector on
edge 2. The z-axis is in the direction of the cross product of the x-axis and the vector from the origin to
the bisector of edge 3. The y-axis is in the direction of the cross product of the x and z axis as shown in
Figure 11-3.

Figure 11-3 The Element Test Coordinate System

The Robinson and Haggenmacher1 skew test uses the angle alpha between the edge 2 and 4 bisector and
the test y-axis. This alpha angle is the skew angle.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, the skew angle is divided by 90° to yield the skew factor.
A square element will have a skew factor of 0.

1J.Robinson and G. W. Haggenmacher, “Element Warning Diagnostics,” Finite Element News, June
and August, 1982.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 293

Figure 11-4 Quad Skew Angle

Each face of the tet element is tested for skew as if it were a tria element. See explanation for computation
of skew angle - Tria. The highest resulting angle for each element is retained as the skew angle.

Each face of the wedge element is tested for skew as if it were either a quad or tria element. See
explanation for computation of skew angle - Tria or Quad. The highest resulting angle for each element
is retained as the skew angle.

Each face of the hex element is tested for skew as if it were a quad element. See explanation for
computation of skew angle - Quad. The highest resulting angle for each element is retained as the skew

Aspect Ratio
Let V1, V2 and V3 be three vertices of a triangle, and M1, M2 and M3 be the bisectors of three edges on
the triangle. Let edge1 be the edge from V1 to V2, and segm1 be the line segment from V3 to M1. First,
we calculate two intermediate aspect ratios on edge1:
The first intermediate aspect ratio is the ratio of length of edge1, l1, to the height, h1. The ratio is then
multiplied by 3 ⁄ 2 such that a “perfect” element in the shape of an equilateral triangle will equal one.
The ratio is inverted if it is less than one.
294 Reference Manual - Part III

The second intermediate aspect ratio is the ratio of the distance from M3 to the segm1, h2, to the length
of segm1, l2. The ratio is then multiplied by 4 * 3 ⁄ 2 . It is inverted if it is less than one.
The aspect ratio on edge1 is the maximal value of these two intermediate ratios.
This procedure is repeated for the remaining two edges of the triangle, and the largest value is retained
as the aspect ratio for the triangle.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, then the aspect ratio is inverted such that it becomes
less than or equal to one. This inverted aspect ratio is subtracted from one to yield the aspect factor. An
equilateral triangle will have an aspect factor of 0.

Figure 11-5 Tria Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio for a quad is derived from one test proposed by Robinson and Haggenmacher1. This test
is based on projection plane created by first bisecting the four element edges, creating a point on the plane
at the vector average of the corners. The x-axis extends from the point to the bisector on edge 2. The ratio
is determined as the ratio of the length from the origin to the bisector of edge 2 and the length from the
origin to the bisector of edge 3. If the ratio is less than 1.0, it is inverted.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, then the aspect ratio is inverted such that it becomes
less than or equal to one. This inverted aspect ratio is subtracted from one to yield the normalized aspect
ratio. A square element will have a normalized aspect ratio of 0.

1J.Robinson and G. W. Haggenmacher, “Element Warning Diagnostics,” Finite Element News, June
and August, 1982.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 295

Figure 11-6 Quad Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio for a tet element is computed by taking the ratio of the height of a vertex to the square
root of the area of the opposing face. This value is then manipulated in one of two ways, depending on
whether the Normalize parameter is selected on the verification form.

If Normalize is NOT selected, the maximum height to area value is multiplied by a factor C = 0.805927 ,
which is the ratio of height to edge length for an equilateral tetrahedron. This result is reported as the
Aspect Ratio. An equilateral tet will report a value of 1.
Aspect Ratio = Max ( Cf ⋅ h i ⁄ A i ), i = 1, 2, 3, 4 .

If Normalize IS selected, the maximum height to area value is inverted and subtracted from 1. Aspect
Factor = ( 1 – 1 ⁄ ( MaxCf ⋅ h i ⁄ A i ) ), i = 1, 2, 3, 4
296 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 11-7 Tet Aspect Ratio

Patran averages the two triangular faces of the wedge element to obtain a mid-surface. The aspect ratio
of this triangular mid-surface is computed ( 3h 2 ⁄ 2h 1 ) . Next the height (h1) of the wedge is compared
to the maximum edge length of the mid-surface (h4).

If the height of the wedge is greater than the maximum edge length then the aspect ratio for the wedge
element equals the mid-surface aspect ratio multiplied by the maximum edge length divided by the
distance between the triangular faces (h3).

If the height of the wedge is less than the maximum edge length then the aspect ratio for the wedge
element equals either the mid-surface aspect ratio or the maximum edge length divided by the distance
between the triangular faces, whichever is greater.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, then the aspect ratio is inverted such that it becomes
less than or equal to one. This inverted aspect ratio is subtracted from one to yield the aspect factor. An
equilateral wedge element will have an aspect factor of 0.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 297

Figure 11-8 Wedge Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio is calculated as the ratio of the distance between opposing faces. This distance is
determined by treating each HEX face as if it were a warped quadrilateral. Each face is processed to
produce a projected plane. The distances between the centerpoints of all three pairs of opposing faces are
compared.The aspect ratio is determined by taking the maximum distance between any two faces and
dividing it by the minimum distance between any two faces.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, then the aspect ratio is inverted such that it becomes
less than or equal to one. This inverted aspect ratio is subtracted from one to yield the aspect factor. A
cubic element will have an aspect factor of 0.
298 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 11-9 Hex Aspect Ratio

The warp test is a test proposed by Robinson and Haggenmacher1 which uses the following method of
calculating the Quad element Warp. This test is based on a projection plane created by first bisecting the
four element edges, creating a point on the plane at the vector average of the corners, where the x-axis
extends from the point to the bisector on edge 2. The plane normal is in the direction of the cross product
of the x-axis and the vector from the origin to the bisector of edge 3. Every corner of the quad will then
be a distance “h” from the plane. The length of each half edge is measured and the shortest length is
assigned “l.” The warp angle is the arcsine of the ratio of the projection height “h” to the half edge
length “l.”
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, the warp angle is divided by 15° to yield the warp factor.
A planar element has a warp factor of 0.

1J.Robinson and G. W. Haggenmacher, “Element Warning Diagnostics,” Finite Element News, June
and August, 1982.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 299

Figure 11-10 Quad Warp Angle

Each quad face of the wedge element is tested for warp as if it were a quad element. See explanation for
computation of warp angle - Quad. The highest resulting angle for each element is retained as the warp

Each face of the hex element is tested for warp as if it were a quad element. See explanation for
computation of warp angle - Quad. The highest resulting angle for each element is retained as the
warp angle.

The taper test is a test proposed by Robinson and Haggenmacher1 which uses the following method of
calculating the Quad element. Taper four triangles are created bounded by the element edge and the edges
created by connecting the element verification reference frame origin with the two nodes at the element
edge. The resulting four triangular areas are calculated and then summed. The ratio of the area with the
smallest triangle and the total area of the element is taken as the taper ratio.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, the taper ratio is subtracted from one to yield the taper
factor. A square element has a taper factor of 0.
300 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 11-11 Quad Taper

Each quad face of the wedge element is tested for taper as if it were a quad element. See explanation for
computation of taper - Quad. The lowest resulting value for each element is retained as the value of face

Each face of the hex element is tested for taper as if it were a quad element. See explanation for
computation of taper - Quad. The lowest resulting value for each element is retained as the value of
face taper.

Edge Angle
Edge angle measures the angle between adjacent faces of the tetrahedral element. In an equilateral
tetrahedral element, this angle will equal 70.529°. The largest angle found in the element is retained.
Patran then computes the absolute value of the difference between the measured angle and 70.529°. This
is the value reported as the Edge Angle.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, the edge angle is divided by 110° to yield the edge angle
factor. An equilateral tet will have an edge angle factor of 0.
Chapter 11: Verify Action 301

Figure 11-12 Tet Edge Angle

An edge angle is the absolute value of the angle between the two faces meeting at an edge subtracted
from the ideal angle for that edge. The ideal angle between two quad faces is 60 degrees, and the ideal
angle between a quad face and a tria face is 90 degrees. For warped quad faces, the projected plane of the
face is used to compute the face normal used in the angle calculation. The maximum edge angle is
calculated for each wedge element.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, the edge angle is divided by 110° to yield the edge angle
302 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 11-13 Wedge Edge Angle

An edge angle is the absolute value of the angle between the two faces meeting at an edge subtracted
from the ideal angle for that edge. The ideal angle between faces of a hex element is 90 °. For warped
faces, the projected planes for each face is used to compute the face normals used in the angle calculation.
The maximum edge angle is calculated for each hex element.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, the edge angle is divided by 90° to yield the edge angle

Figure 11-14 Hex Edge Angle

Chapter 11: Verify Action 303

Collapse is an indicator of near zero volume tetrahedral elements. The test takes the ratio of the height of
a vertex to the square root of the area of the opposing face. This value approaches zero as the volume of
the element approaches zero.
If Normalize is NOT selected on the verification form, the minimum height to area value is multiplied
by a factor Cf = 0.805927, which is the ratio of height to edge length for an equilateral tetrahedron. An
equilateral tet will report a value of 1. Collapse = Min ( h i ) ⁄ Max ( l i ) . The The tet collapse ratio is the
same as the icon on the form: Min(hi) / Max(li). This value can range from 0 to sqrt(2/3) = 0.816496581.
If Normalize IS selected, the minimum height to area value is subtracted from 1. An equilateral tet will
report a value of 0. Collapse Factor = 1 – Min ( h i ) ⁄ Max ( l i ) . The normalized value is: 1-(collapse
ratio). This value can range from 0.183503419 to 1.

Figure 11-15 Tet Collapse

Twist is the rotation of one face of a solid with respect to its opposite face. To compute twist angle,
normals are drawn from the center of each tria surface. These vectors are projected onto a plane. The
angular difference between the two vectors is the twist angle.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, the twist angle is divided by 60° to yield the twist factor.
304 Reference Manual - Part III

Figure 11-16 Wedge Twist Angle

Twist is the rotation of one face of a solid with respect to its opposite face. A twist angle is computed
about all three principal axes of hex elements. To compute the twist angle, each face is treated as if it were
a warped quad. Vectors from the center of the projected plane to the middle of two adjacent edges are
constructed. The vectors are summed to compute a reference vector. The same steps are performed for
the opposite face. A line through the center of each projected face and the plane normal to this line is
determined. The two reference vectors are projected onto this plane and the angular difference between
them is measured. The highest angle found is retained as the twist angle.
If Normalize is selected on the verification form, the twist angle is divided by 90° to yield the twist factor.

Figure 11-17 Hex Twist Angle

Chapter 12: Show Action
Reference Manual - Part III

12 Show Action

Show Forms 280
306 Reference Manual - Part III
Show Forms

Show Forms
When Show is the selected Action, the following options are available.

Object Info Description

Node Location Displays the location of the selected nodes in a selected
coordinate system or the reference coordinate system in which
the node was created, the reference coordinate system. The
reference coordinate system ID and the analysis coordinate
system ID are also displayed.
Distance Displays the straight-line distance between the nodes in the
first-node list and the second-node list.
Element Attributes Displays the element ID, topology (i.e., element type), parent
geometry, number of nodes in the element, load and boundary
conditions, material property ID number, element properties
and results associated with the selected elements.
Coordinate System Plots the element coordinate systems of the selected elements.
Mesh Seed Attributes
Mesh Control Attributes
MPC Displays Multi-Point Constraint (MPC) type and information
about the associated constraint equation terms for selected
Connector Attributes Displays the Connector attributes.

Show - Node Location

When Show is the selected Action and Node is the selected Object, the Show Node menu is displayed.
This is used to view either the location of or distance between selected nodes.
Chapter 12: Show Action 307
Show Forms

Show - Node Distance

When Show is the selected Action and Node is the selected Object, the Show Node menu is displayed.
This is used to view either the location of or distance between selected nodes.
308 Reference Manual - Part III
Show Forms
Chapter 12: Show Action 309
Show Forms

Show - Element Attributes

When Show is the selected Action, Element is the selected Object and Attributes is the selected Info, the
Show Element Attributes menu is displayed. This is used to display the element attributes of selected
310 Reference Manual - Part III
Show Forms

Write to Report
When toggled ON, the File>Report (p. 254) in the Patran Reference Manual will appear. If the user
proceeds to write attributes within the Report File form, the user will have information for all the entities
in the database. Note: This can be done without selecting entities in the Finite Elements form.
Set and keep a file in an open state for subsequent output from the Finite Element form. In order to output
information for selected entities (a subset of the database) to a file, perform the following:
1. On the Finite Element form, toggle ON the Write To Report toggle. The Report File form will
2. On the Report File form, set the Output Format, File Width and Open File.
3. On the Report file form, select an existing report file or create a new one.

Important: Do not click Apply (button located on the lower right of the Report file form).
This will immediately dump all the database entities to the file.

4. Click Cancel to hide the Report file form.

5. Proceed to select the desired entities and generate an information spreadsheet. This will also write
the same information to the output text file.
Chapter 12: Show Action 311
Show Forms

Show - Element Coordinate System

When Show is the selected Action, Element is the selected Object and Coord. Sys. is the selected Info,
the Show Element Coord. Sys. menu is displayed. This is used to plot the element coordinate systems for
the selected elements.

Show - Mesh Seed Attributes

When Show is the selected Action, Mesh Seed is the selected Object and Attributes is the selected Info,
the Show Mesh Seed Attributes menu is displayed. This is used to show the mesh seed attributes for the
selected curve.
312 Reference Manual - Part III
Show Forms

Show - Mesh Control Attributes

When Show is the selected Action, Mesh Control is the selected Object and Attributes is the selected Info,
the Show Mesh Control Attributes menu is displayed. This is used to show the mesh control attributes
for the selected surfaces.
Chapter 12: Show Action 313
Show Forms

Show - MPC
When Show is the selected Action and MPC is the selected Object, the Show MPC form is displayed. Use
this to view the attributes of existing MPCs.
314 Reference Manual - Part III
Show Forms

Show - MPC Terms

The Show Terms form appears when the Show Terms button is selected on the Show MPC menu. Use
this form to view information about the dependent and independent terms of an MPC.
Chapter 12: Show Action 315
Show Forms

Show Connectors
The form under the Show action shall simply present a Connector select databox (with an auto-exec
toggle, on by default), allowing the user to select as many connectors as he/she wishes. Upon selection,
a spreadsheet form shall be presented to show the values of each attribute of the selected connectors.
Wherever appropriate, if a cell for an attribute is selected, then whatever additional information that is
available for that attribute is presented in a text window below the spreadsheet, as is standard for most
spreadsheets in Patran. For example, if the connector property name is selected, then the attributes of
that connector property are shown.
316 Reference Manual - Part III
Show Forms

Displaying Connectors
The display of connectors shall be that of a 3D marker (sphere) centered at the Connector location
(midway between the two piece locations GA and GB), and a 2D marker (bar) connecting the GA and
GB points. Connectors are posted to groups, like any other FEM entity, and their display shall be
controlled using existing Patran tools.

This display shall be renderable in wireframe, hidden line, and solid shaded modes. The display
attributes for Connectors (sphere color, size, etc.) are described Display>Finite Elements (p. 403) in the
Patran Reference Manual.
Chapter 13: Modify Action
Reference Manual - Part III

13 Modify Action

Introduction to Modification 292

Modify Forms 293
318 Reference Manual - Part III
Introduction to Modification

Introduction to Modification
The purpose of modification is to change one or more attributes of nodes, elements, and or MPCs which
have been created, using one of the Create options in the Finite Element application.
Node modify options can affect the ID numbering, location, or the associated analysis and reference
coordinate frames of an individual node or a group of nodes.
Element modify options can affect ID numbering, element topology (linear or higher order), or nodal
connectivity (manual assignment or reversal of current connectivity).
Bar modify can split a bar element in two.
Tria modify can split a tria element into a pattern of two to four elements.
Quad modify can split a quad element into a pattern of two or four elements or NxM quad elements.
The MPC modify option can be used to add, modify, or delete terms of a currently existing MPC.
Attributes of a term that can be modified include the sequence, coefficients, nodes, and the degrees-of-
Mesh modify, mesh smoothing is an iterative algorithm that can be used to optimize the shape of
elements in an existing finite element mesh. Two principle uses for this feature are:
1. To more mesh nodes to the locations of “hard points” and then smooth the modified mesh. Hard
points might be the locations of attachments or boundaries of holes.
2. Alter the default setting of a mesh smoothing parameter and then re-smooth the mesh. (Any
transition mesh is smoothed automatically when originally created. In most cases, the default
parameters yield an acceptable mesh.)
Mesh Seed modify allows the user to modify mesh control from one type to another without having to
delete the old one and create a new one in place of the old one. This feature is particularly useful when
user needs a node at a certain location when the edge has already been seeded with a certain type.
Chapter 13: Modify Action 319
Modify Forms

Modify Forms
When Modify is the selected action, the following options are available.

Object Type Description

Mesh Surface Improve an existing surface mesh with optional hard nodes.
Solid Improve an existing solid mesh with optional hard nodes.
Sew Stitches gaps on a mesh.
Mesh Seed Mesh Seed Allows modification of mesh seed on curves/edges.
Element Edit Changes attributes such as ID numbering, element topology, or
nodal connectivity of selected elements.
Reverse Reverses the connectivity definition (and therefore the normal
direction) of selected elements.
Separate Adds nodes to specified elements an separates them from the rest
of the model.
Shell Orientation Orients elements in a model in the same direction.
Bar Split Splits a bar element in two.
Tria Split Splits a tria element into two to four elements.
Quad Split Splits a quad element into two to four elements.
Tet Split Splits a tet element.
Node Move Changes a nodal location.
Offset Moves nodes by an indicated vector distance.
Edit Changes attributes such as ID numbering, associated analysis and
reference coordinate frames, or physical location of selected
Project Project nodes onto Surfaces, Curves or a constant coordinate plane
(e.g X = 5).
MPC Changes the attributes of a selected MPC.
Connector Spot Weld Changes the attributes of a Spot Weld Connector.
320 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Modifying Mesh
The smoothing algorithm used is the iterative Laplacian-Isoparametric scheme developed by L. R.
Herrmann. The final mesh and the execution time for smoothing are controlled by the Smoothing
Chapter 13: Modify Action 321
Modify Forms

Smoothing Parameters

Figure 13-1
322 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Figure 13-2 Example Meshes with Different Values of Smoothing Factor

Chapter 13: Modify Action 323
Modify Forms

Mesh Improvement Form

The purpose of this form is to improve the quality of a solid mesh with respect to the criterion selected.
324 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

General Parameters
Chapter 13: Modify Action 325
Modify Forms

Process Control
326 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Collapse Ratio
Chapter 13: Modify Action 327
Modify Forms

Jacobian Minimum
328 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Modifying Mesh Seed

The modify mesh seed menu allows users to change mesh seed types.

Sew Form
Using Modify/Mesh/Sew form sews gaps on a mesh consisting of all tria3 elements. This program
removes interior free edges on a mesh by merging nodes and splitting triangles automatically (see
Figure 13-3 and Figure 13-4).
Chapter 13: Modify Action 329
Modify Forms

Figure 13-3 Mesh Before Sewing

Figure 13-4 Mesh After Sewing

The primary purpose of this program is to provide users a useful tool to obtain a congruent mesh which
will be used to create a tessellated surface. (See Created Tessellated Surface from Geometry Form
330 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

(p. 306) in the Geometry Modeling - Reference Manual Part 2.) For this reason, the elements modified
or created by this program may not have very good quality.
Chapter 13: Modify Action 331
Modify Forms

Modifying Elements
Edit Method
332 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Reverse Method
Chapter 13: Modify Action 333
Modify Forms

Separate Method
334 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Shell Orientation
A shell element's orientation and normal are based solely on its connectivity, shape and spatial
orientation. There is no element property that affects a shell element's orientation or normal. Therefore,
the only model changes made using this functionality will be shell element connectivity.
Since a shell element's connectivity is the only model change that can be made to modify its orientation
and normal, the degree of control is limited. Depending on its shape and spatial orientation, there may
not be a way to obtain the exact orientation. In these cases, the closest match will be made.

Type Type consists of five options for specifying how to reorient the
selected elements.
• Guide Element Uses the orientation of an element.
Chapter 13: Modify Action 335
Modify Forms

• Vector Uses any valid vector specification. This includes any axis of a
selected coordinate frame.
• First Node Changes the element's connectivity such that the first node is the one
specified. A list of first nodes is provided.

• Reverse The normals of the selected elements will be reversed.

• Rotate Rotates the element's connectivity by 1, 2 or 3 nodes.

Guide Element For Guide Element and Vector, the coordinate system or normal may
be matched.
• Match System For Match System a tolerance angle may be specified. If the
tolerance angle is exceeded, for any element, that element's
orientation is not modified.

Select Select consists of three options for selecting the elements to be

336 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

• Elements The Elements option allows individual shell elements to be selected.

Auto Execute may be used to have processing occur immediately
after each update of the element list.

• Groups The Groups option allows any number of groups to be selected. The
shell elements in the groups will be processed. The Highlight toggle
can be used to turn on/off highlighting of the selected elements.
• Current Group The Current Group option allows the current group to be selected.
The shell elements in the current group will be processed. The
Highlight toggle can be used to turn on/off highlighting of the
selected elements.
Display Control The Display control will control the way that elements are displayed.
See Display Control for more information.
Show Current Orientation Displays element orientation and normal as specified in the Display
Control form on the selected elements.
Reset Graphics Removes element orientation and normal graphics.
Apply Applies the specified changes and updates the element orientation
and normal display.
Chapter 13: Modify Action 337
Modify Forms

Display Control

Display Control Element system axes (Z = normal) can be drawn as vectors and
element normals can be color coded in a fringe plot. Either or both
displays can be selected.
Element System Axis Any combination of axes, labels and colors may be selected.
Coordinate System Either Patran or MSC Nastran conventions can be chosen for
Definition displaying the element system. No other analysis code conventions
are currently available. Beam axes can include or ignore offsets.
Origin Display Location The origin of the element system axes can be placed at the element
centroid, or the analysis code's (Patran/MSC Nastran) definition.
Color Code Normals Brings up the Fringe Attributes form for controlling the color coded
Option fringe plot attributes. See Fringe Attributes.
338 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Fringe Attributes
This form controls the attributes of the color coded element normal fringe plot.
Chapter 13: Modify Action 339
Modify Forms

Modifying Bars

Note: The new bars will have the same topology as the parent (i.e. a Bar3 will be split into
two Bar3s).
340 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Modifying Trias
Splitting a Tria into Two Trias

Note: The new trias will have the same topology as the parent (i.e., a Tria6 will be split into
two Tria6s).
Chapter 13: Modify Action 341
Modify Forms

Splitting a Tria into Three Trias, Four Trias, or Three Quads

Note: The new elements will have the same topology as the parent (i.e., a Tria6 will be split into
Tria6s or Quad8s).
342 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Splitting a Tria into a Tria and a Quad

Note: The new elements will have the same topology as the parent (i.e., a Tria6 will be split into
a Tria6 and a Quad8).
Chapter 13: Modify Action 343
Modify Forms

Splitting Tet Elements

344 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Modifying Quads
Splitting a Quad into Two Quads

Note: The new quads will have the same topology as the parent (i.e., a Quad8 will be split into
two Quad8s).
Chapter 13: Modify Action 345
Modify Forms

Splitting a Quad into Three Quads

Note: The new quads will have the same topology as the parent (i.e., a Quad8 will be split into
three Quad8s).
346 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Splitting a Quad into Four Quads or Four Trias or NxM Quads

Figure 13-5
Chapter 13: Modify Action 347
Modify Forms

Splitting a Quad into Two Trias

Figure 13-6

Note: The new trias will have the same topology as the parent (i.e., a Quad8 will be split into
two Tria6s).
348 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Splitting a Quad into Three Trias

Figure 13-7

Note: The new trias will have the same topology as the parent (i.e., a Quad8 will be split into
three Tria6s).
Chapter 13: Modify Action 349
Modify Forms

Modifying Nodes
Move Method

Figure 13-8
350 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Offset Method
Chapter 13: Modify Action 351
Modify Forms

Edit Method
352 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Project Method
Chapter 13: Modify Action 353
Modify Forms

Modifying MPCs
When Modify is the selected Action and MPC is the selected Object, the Modify MPC form is displayed.
Use this form to modify the attributes of existing MPCs.
354 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms

Modify Terms
This form appears when the Modify Terms button is selected on the Modify MPC form. Use this form to
modify the dependent and independent terms of a selected MPC.

Modifying Spot Weld Connectors

The form under the Modify action is almost identical to the Create form, except the “Connector ID List”
databox becomes a select databox. Connectors may then be selected from the screen, and the values
within the form are automatically populated with the values for the selected connector, as are the values
for the Connector Properties form. Please see Creating Connectors, 138 for descriptions of all inputs.
Chapter 13: Modify Action 355
Modify Forms

Connector A single connector may be selected from the screen, or entered from
the keyboard. For keyboard entry, the values are not populated until
focus leaves the Connector select databox.
356 Reference Manual - Part III
Modify Forms
Chapter 14: Delete Action
Reference Manual - Part III

14 Delete Action

Delete Action 332

Delete Forms 333
358 Reference Manual - Part III
Delete Action

Delete Action
The Delete action provides the capability to remove finite element entities from the model database.
Submenus are provided to selectively delete any combination of finite element entities or specifically
Node, Element, Mesh Seed definitions, Mesh on Curve ⁄Surface ⁄Solid, or MPC entities. By default,
Auto Execute is selected which means Patran will automatically delete after the entities are selected.
If there are many finite element entities to be deleted, a percent complete form will show the status of the
delete process for each entity type. When deletion is complete, a report appears in the command line
indicating the number and IDs of the entities deleted, and the number and IDs of the entities not found
and therefore not deleted.
The association of the deleted entity with other related entities is broken during deletion. Nodes, element
properties, loads and boundary conditions, results and groups may become unreferenced due to deletion.
Toggles are provided to delete unreferenced nodes and empty groups due to the delete function. The
current group will not be deleted even if it becomes empty.
The Abort key may be selected at any time to halt the delete process, and the Undo button may be used
to restore the deleted entities.
Chapter 14: Delete Action 359
Delete Forms

Delete Forms
When Delete is the selected action, the following options are available.

Object Type Description

Any Allows for deletion of multiple types of finite element entities at once.
Related nodes, element properties, load and boundary conditions,
results and groups may become unreferenced due to deletion.
Mesh Seed Deletes the mesh seed definitions from the specified edges.
Mesh Control Deletes the mesh control applied to a surface.
Mesh Surface Deletes the mesh from the specified surfaces.
Curve Deletes the mesh from the specified curves.
Solid Deletes the mesh from the specified solids.
Node Deletes the specified nodes. Element corner nodes will not be deleted.
Related load and boundary conditions, results are disassociated with
the deleted nodes but they are not deleted. Any nodes associated with
a DOF list will be removed from the nodes portion of the DOF list
term. A toggle is provided to delete empty groups due to the deletion.
Element Deletes the specified elements. Nodes, element properties, load and
boundary conditions, results and groups are disassociated with the
deleted elements but they are not deleted. A toggle is provided to
delete related nodes and empty groups due to the deletion.
MPC Deletes the multi-point constraints. Nodes and groups are
disassociated with the deleted MPCs but they are not deleted. A toggle
is provided to delete related nodes and empty groups due to the
Connector Deletes the connectors.
Superelement Deletes the superelements.
DOF List Deletes the specified degree-of-freedom (DOF) lists.

Delete - Any
Use this form to delete multiple types of finite element entities at one time. Any combination of elements,
nodes, and multi-point constraints may be selected for deletion. When deleting elements and nodes, the
mesh on curves, surfaces and solids may also be deleted. However, mesh seeds can only be deleted
through the Delete/Mesh Seed menu. Nodes, element properties, loads and boundary conditions, results
and groups may become unreferenced due to deletion. Toggles are provided to delete unreferenced nodes
and empty groups due to the delete operation.
360 Reference Manual - Part III
Delete Forms

Delete - Mesh Seed

Use this form to delete an existing mesh seed definition for a list of specified edges. The edges may be
curves, or edges of surfaces or solids. When deletion is complete, a report appears in the command line
indicating the number and IDs of the edges which were deleted.
Chapter 14: Delete Action 361
Delete Forms

Note: The abort key may be pressed at any time to halt the delete process, and the Undo button
may be used to restore the deleted mesh seed definitions to their respective edges.

Delete - Mesh (Surface)

Use this form to delete an existing mesh of nodes and elements applied to one or more surfaces, or solid
faces. When deletion is complete, a report appears in the command line indicating the number and IDs
of the entities from which meshes were deleted.
362 Reference Manual - Part III
Delete Forms

Note: The abort key may be pressed at any time to halt the delete process, and the Undo button
may be used to restore the deleted mesh of nodes and elements.
Chapter 14: Delete Action 363
Delete Forms

Delete - Mesh (Curve)

Use this form to delete an existing mesh of nodes and elements applied to one or more curves, or surface
or solid edges.
364 Reference Manual - Part III
Delete Forms

Delete - Mesh (Solid)

Use this form to delete an existing mesh of nodes and elements applied to one or more solids.
Chapter 14: Delete Action 365
Delete Forms

Delete - Mesh Control

Delete - Node
.Use this form to delete existing nodes from the model database. Element corner nodes will not be
deleted. Related loads and boundary conditions, results and groups are disassociated with the deleted
nodes but they are not deleted. Any nodes associated with a DOF list will be removed from the nodes
portion of the DOF list term. A toggle is provided to delete groups that become empty due to the deletion
of the nodes. When deletion is complete a report appears in the command line indicating the number and
IDs of the nodes deleted.
366 Reference Manual - Part III
Delete Forms

Note: The abort key may be pressed at any time to halt the delete process and the Undo button
may be used to restore the deleted nodes and groups.

Delete - Element
Use this form to delete existing elements from the model database. Related nodes, element properties,
loads and boundary conditions, results and groups are disassociated from the deleted elements, but they
are not deleted. A toggle is provided to delete all related nodes and empty groups due to the deletion of
Chapter 14: Delete Action 367
Delete Forms

Note: The abort key may be pressed at any time to halt the delete process, and the Undo button
may be used to restore the deleted elements and related nodes and groups.
368 Reference Manual - Part III
Delete Forms

Delete - MPC
Use this form to delete an existing multi-point constraint (MPC) from the database. Related nodes and
groups are disassociated from the deleted MPCs, but they are not deleted. A toggle is provided to delete
all related nodes and empty groups due to the deletion of the MPCs.

Note: The abort key may be selected at any time to halt the delete process, and the Undo button
may be used to restore the deleted MPCs and related nodes and groups.
Chapter 14: Delete Action 369
Delete Forms

Delete - Connector
Use this form to delete a connector from the database. Related nodes and groups are disassociated from
the deleted connector, but they are not deleted. A toggle is provided to delete all related nodes and empty
groups due to the deletion of the connector.
370 Reference Manual - Part III
Delete Forms

Delete - Superelement
Use this form to delete superelements from the database. Note that this is currently available only for the
MSC Nastran analysis preference.
Chapter 14: Delete Action 371
Delete Forms

Delete - DOF List

Use this form to delete degree-of-freedom (DOF) lists from the database. Note that this is currently
available only for the ANSYS and ANSYS 5 analysis preference.
372 Reference Manual - Part III
Delete Forms
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library
Reference Manual - Part III

15 Patran Element Library

Introduction 348

Beam Element Topology 350

Tria Element Topology 352

Quad Element Topology 360

Tetrahedral Element Topology 366

Wedge Element Topology 379

Hex Element Topology 396
 Patran’s Element Library 408
374 Reference Manual - Part III

The Patran template database file, template.db, contains a “generic” set of finite element topologies.
By default, when opening a new database, the element topology library is included. Topology, in the
context of a finite element, is the relative node, edge and face numbering scheme for each element of the
same topology. The Patran library is compatible with earlier versions of Patran (PATRAN Release 2.5).
Patran also provides additional information about each element topology which was not available in the
earlier Patran versions:
• Nodal parametric locations
• Edge numbering
• Face numbering
• Face sense
• Corresponding degenerate element topology ID

Where possible, the ISO 10303-104, Application Resources: Finite Element Analysis document, which
is part of International Standard ISO 10303-Product Data Representation and Exchange (STEP), was
used to define the element topologies. If the ISO standard was found to be in conflict with earlier versions
of Patran, the Patran convention took precedence. The ISO standard for numbering edges and faces of
elements is used.
Face and edge numbering are important for assigning element attributes, such as pressures applied to a
solid element face. In Patran, you may select an edge or a face of an element with the cursor. An example
of the syntax, used in the Select Databox to describe an edge of hex element 1, would be elem 1.2.3,
which refers to edge 3 of face 2 of element 1.
The element topology tables listed in sections 13.2 through 13.7 are used to construct and interpret the
syntax of the Select Databox string. Patran’s Element Library provides illustrations of each element type
and topology, and their node locations.

Important: The face sense is interpreted as positive if the normal is pointing away from (towards
the outside) the element, using the right hand rule. This only applies to volume
elements (element dimensionality = 3).

Parametric coordinate systems

[Xi/Eta/Zeta] is used for Tet/Wedge/Hex elements. Values can either have a range of -1 to 1 or 0 to 1
depending on the case where an area or volume coordinate systems can apply (Tet/Wedge elements).
[Xi/Eta] applies to a Tri or Quad element. Values range from 0 to 1 for the Tri, and -1 to 1 for the Quad.
[Xi] applies to a Bar element. Values range from -1 to 1.

[L1/L2/L3] is used for locating a point within a triangular area. Values range from 0 to 1, and the sum of
all cordinates is equal to 1. The values correspond to the weighting with respect to the 3 corners of a
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 375

triangle. For a Tri or Wedge element which will use [Xi/Eta] and [Xi/Eta/Zeta], the Xi/Eta value will
range from 0 to 1, and we can determine L1/L2/L3 as :
L1 = 1.0 - Xi - Eta
L2 = Xi
L3 = Eta

[L1/L2/L3/L4] is used for locating a point within a tetrahedral volume. Values range from 0 to 1, and the
sum of all cordinates is equal to 1. The values correspond to the weighting with respect to the 4 corners
of a tetrahedron. For a Tet element which will use [Xi/Eta/Zeta], the Xi/Eta/Zeta value will range from
0 to 1, and we can determine L1/L2/L3/L4 as :
L1 = 1.0 - Xi - Eta - Zeta
L2 = Xi
L3 = Eta
L4 = Zeta
376 Reference Manual - Part III
Beam Element Topology

Beam Element Topology

Patran contains three different beam element topologies: Bar2, Bar3 and Bar4.

General Data
Shape = Beam
Element dimensionality= 1
Number of corner nodes = 2
Number of edges = 1
Number of faces = 0
Number of face edges = 0

Specific Data - Bar2

Element name = Bar2
Number of nodes = 2
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = <none>

Table 15-1 Bar2 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2

Table 15-2 Bar2 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi
1 -1.0
2 1.0

For more information, see Bar2.

Specific Data - Bar3

Element name = Bar3
Number of nodes = 3
Order = Quadratic
Degenerate element name = <none>
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 377
Beam Element Topology

Table 15-3 Bar3 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 3 2

Table 15-4 Bar3 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi
1 -1.0
2 1.0
3 0.0

For more information, see Bar3.

Specific Data - Bar4

Element name = Bar4
Number of nodes = 4
Order = Cubic
Degenerate element name = <none>

Table 15-5 Bar4 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 3 4 2

Table 15-6 Bar4 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi
1 -1.0
2 1.0
3 -1/3
4 1/3

For more information, see Bar4.

378 Reference Manual - Part III
Tria Element Topology

Tria Element Topology

Patran contains six different triangular element topologies: Tria3, Tria4, Tria6, Tria7, Tria9, Tria13.

General Shape
For Tri elements, area coordinates [L1/L2/L3] are commonly used. See Area coordinate system for
more information.
Tri elements can be obtained by degenerating a Quad element.
1. Quad corner node 2 collapses onto 1.
2. Tri corner nodes 1/2/3 match 1/3/4 for the Quad.

General Data
Shape = Triangular
Element dimensionality= 2
Number of corner nodes = 3
Number of edges = 3
Number of faces = 1
Number of face edges = 3

Table 15-7 Tria Face Numbering

Face ID Sense Edge 1 Edge 2 Edge 3
1 1 1 2 3

Specific Data - Tria3

Element name = Tria3
Number of nodes = 3
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = <none>
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 379
Tria Element Topology

Table 15-8 Tria3 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 1

Table 15-9 Tria3 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta or L2/L3
1 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0,0.0
3 0.0, 1.0

To obtain a Tri3 by degenerating a Quad4, the following are corresponding nodes

Tri3 Quad4
1 1
2 3
3 4

For more information, see Tri3.

Specific Data - Tria4

Element name = Tria4
Number of nodes = 4
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = <none>
380 Reference Manual - Part III
Tria Element Topology

Table 15-10 Tria4 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 1

Table 15-11 Tria4 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta or L2/L3
1 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0
4 1/3, 1/3

To obtain a Tri4 by degenerating a Quad5, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tri4 Quad5
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5

For more information, see Tri4.

Specific Data - Tria6

Element name = Tria6
Number of nodes = 6
Order = Quadratic
Degenerate element name = <none>
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 381
Tria Element Topology

Table 15-12 Tria6 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 4 2
2 2 5 3
3 3 6 1

Table 15-13 Tria6 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta or L2/L3
1 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0
4 0.5, 0.0
5 0.5, 0.5
6 0.0, 0.5

To obtain a Tri6 by degenerating a Quad8, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tri6 Quad8
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 6
5 7
6 8

For more information, see Tri6.

Specific Data - Tria7

Element name = Tria7
Number of nodes = 7
Order = Quadratic
Degenerate element name = <none>
382 Reference Manual - Part III
Tria Element Topology

Table 15-14 Tria7 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 4 2
2 2 5 3
3 3 6 1

Table 15-15 Tria7 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta or L2/L3
1 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0
4 0.5, 0.0
5 0.5, 0.5
6 0.0, 0.5
7 1/3, 1/3

To obtain a Tri7 by degenerating a Quad9, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tri7 Quad9
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 6
5 7
6 8
7 9

For more information, see Tri7.

Specific Data - Tria9

Element name = Tria9
Number of nodes = 9
Order = Cubic
Degenerate element name = <none>
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 383
Tria Element Topology

Table 15-16 Tria9 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 4 5 2
2 2 6 7 3
3 3 8 9 1

Table 15-17 Tria9 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta or L2/L3
1 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0
4 1/3, 0.0
5 2/3, 0.0
6 1/3, 2/3
7 1/3, 2/3
8 0.0, 2/3
9 0.0, 1/3

To obtain a Tri9 by degenerating a Quad12, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tri9 Quad12
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 7
5 8
6 9
7 10
8 11
9 12

For more information, see Tri9.

384 Reference Manual - Part III
Tria Element Topology

Specific Data - Tria13

Element name = Tria13
Number of nodes = 13
Order = Cubic
Degenerate element name = <none>

Table 15-18 Tria13 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 4 5 2
2 2 6 7 3
3 3 8 9 1

Table 15-19 Tria13 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta or L2/L3
1 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0
4 1/3, 0.0
5 2/3, 0.0
6 2/3, 1/3
7 1/3, 2/3
8 0.0, 2/3
9 0.0, 1/3
10 2/9, 1/9
11 4/9, 2/9
12 2/9, 4/9
13 1/9, 2/9

To obtain a Tri13 by degenerating a Quad16, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tri13 Quad16
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 7
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 385
Tria Element Topology

Tri13 Quad16
5 8
6 9
7 10
8 11
9 12
10 14
11 15
12 16
13 13

For more information, see Tri13.

386 Reference Manual - Part III
Quad Element Topology

Quad Element Topology

Patran contains six different quadrilateral element topologies: Quad4, Quad5, Quad8, Quad9, Quad12,

General Data
Shape = Quadrilateral
Element dimensionality= 2
Number of corner nodes = 4
Number of edges = 4
Number of faces = 1
Number of face edges = 4

Table 15-20 Quad Face Numbering

Face ID Sense Edge 1 Edge 2 Edge 3 Edge 4
1 1 1 2 3 4

Specific Data - Quad4

Element name = Quad4
Number of nodes = 4
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = Tria3

Table 15-21 Quad4 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
4 4 1
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 387
Quad Element Topology

Table 15-22 Quad4 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta
1 -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0

For more information, see Quad4.

Specific Data - Quad5

Element name = Quad5
Number of nodes = 5
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = Tria4

Table 15-23 Quad5 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
4 4 1

Table 15-24 Quad5 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta
1 -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0
5 0.0, 0.0

For more information, see Quad5.

Specific Data - Quad8

Element name = Quad8
Number of nodes = 8
388 Reference Manual - Part III
Quad Element Topology

Order = Quadratic
Degenerate element name = Tria6

Table 15-25 Quad8 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 5 2
2 2 6 3
3 3 7 4
4 4 8 1

Table 15-26 Quad8 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta
1 -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0
5 0.0, -1.0
6 1.0, 0.0
7 0.0, 1.0
8 -1.0, 0.0

For more information, see Quad8.

Specific Data - Quad9

Element name = Quad9
Number of nodes = 9
Order = Quadratic
Degenerate element name = Tria7
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 389
Quad Element Topology

Table 15-27 Quad9 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 5 2
2 2 6 3
3 3 7 4
4 4 8 1

Table 15-28 Quad9 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta
1 -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0
5 0.0, -1.0
6 1.0, 0.0
7 0.0, 1.0
8 -1.0, 0.0
9 0.0, 0.0

For more information, see Quad9.

Specific Data - Quad12

Element name = Quad12
Number of nodes = 12
Order = Cubic
Degenerate element name = Tria9
390 Reference Manual - Part III
Quad Element Topology

Table 15-29 Quad12 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 5 6 2
2 2 7 8 3
3 3 9 10 4
4 4 11 12 1

Table 15-30 Quad12 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta
1 -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0
5 1/3, -1.0
6 1/3, -1.0
7 1.0,-1/3
8 1.0,1/3
9 1/3, 1.0
10 -1/3, 1.0
11 -1.0,1/3
12 -1.0,-1/3

For more information, see Quad12.

Specific Data - Quad16

Element name = Quad16
Number of nodes = 16
Order = Cubic
Degenerate element name = Tria13
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 391
Quad Element Topology

Table 15-31 Quad16 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 5 6 2
2 2 7 8 3
3 3 9 10 4
4 4 11 12 1

Table 15-32 Quad16 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta
1 -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0
5 -1/3, -1.0
6 1/3, -1.0
7 1.0,-1/3
8 1.0,1/3
9 1/3, 1.0
10 -1/3, 1.0
11 -1.0,1/3
12 -1.0,-1/3
13 -1/3,-1/3
14 1/3, -1/3
15 1/3, 1/3
16 -1/3, 1/3

For more information, see Quad16.

392 Reference Manual - Part III
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Tetrahedral Element Topology

Patran contains eight different tetrahedral element topologies: Tet4, Tet5, Tet10, Tet11, Tet14, Tet15,
Tet16, Tet40.

General Data
Shape = Tetrahedral
Element dimensionality= 3
Number of corner nodes = 4
Number of edges = 6
Number of faces = 4
Number of face edges = 3

General Shape
For Tet elements, volume coordinates [L1/L2/L3/L4] are commonly used. See Volume coordinate system
for more information.
Tet elements can be obtained by degenerating Hex elements.
1. Hex corner nodes 2/3/4 collapse onto 1, and 6 collapses onto 5.
2. Tet corner nodes 1/2/3/4 match 1/5/7/8 for the Hex.
Table 15-33 Tetrahedral Face Numbering
Face ID Sense Edge 1 Edge 2 Edge 3
1 -1 1 2 3
2 1 1 5 4
3 1 2 6 5
4 1 3 4 6

Specific Data - Tet4

Element name = Tet4
Number of nodes = 4
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = <none>
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 393
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Table 15-34 Tet4 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 1
4 1 4
5 2 4
6 3 4

Table 15-35 Tet4 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/L4
1 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0

To obtain a Tet4 by degenerating a Hex8, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tet4 Hex8
1 1
2 5
3 7
4 8

For more information, see Tet4.

Specific Data - Tet5

Element name = Tet5
Number of nodes = 5
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = <none>
394 Reference Manual - Part III
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Table 15-36 Tet5 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 1
4 1 4
5 2 4
6 3 4

Table 15-37 Tet5 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/L4
1 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 1/4, 1/4, 1/4

To obtain a Tet5 by degenerating a Hex9, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tet5 Hex9
1 1
2 5
3 7
4 8
5 9

For more information, see Tet5.

Specific Data - Tet10

Element name = Tet10
Number of nodes = 10
Order = Quadratic
Degenerate element name = <none>
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 395
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Table 15-38 Tet10 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 5 2
2 2 6 3
3 3 7 1
4 1 8 4
5 2 9 4
6 3 10 4

Table 15-39 Tet10 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/L4
1 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
6 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
7 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
8 0.0, 0.0, 0.5
9 0.5, 0.0, 0.5
10 0.0, 0.5, 0.5

To obtain a Tet10 by degenerating a Hex20, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tet10 Hex20
1 1
2 5
3 7
4 8
5 13
6 18
7 15
8 16
396 Reference Manual - Part III
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Tet10 Hex20
9 20
10 19

For more information, see Tet10.

Specific Data - Tet11

Element name = Tet11
Number of nodes = 11
Order = Quadratic
Degenerate element name = <none>

Table 15-40 Tet11 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 5 2
2 2 6 3
3 3 7 1
4 1 8 4
5 2 9 4
6 3 10 4

Table 15-41 Tet11 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/L4
1 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
6 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
7 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
8 0.0, 0.0, 0.5
9 0.5, 0.0, 0.5
10 0.0, 0.5, 0.5
11 1/4, 1/4, 1/4
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 397
Tetrahedral Element Topology

To obtain a Tet11 by degenerating a Hex21, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tet11 Hex21
1 1
2 5
3 7
4 8
5 13
6 18
7 15
8 16
9 20
10 19
11 21

For more information, see Tet11.

Specific Data - Tet14

Element name = Tet14
Number of nodes = 14
Order = Quadratic
Degenerate element name = <none>

Table 15-42 Tet14 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 5 2
2 2 6 3
3 3 7 1
4 1 8 4
5 2 9 4
6 3 10 4
398 Reference Manual - Part III
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Table 15-43 Tet14 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/L4
1 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
6 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
7 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
8 0.0, 0.0, 0.5
9 0.5, 0.0, 0.5
10 0.0, 0.5, 0.5
11 1/4, 1/4, 0.0
12 0.5, 1/4, 1/4
13 0.0, 1/4, 1/4
14 1/4, 0.0, 1/4

To obtain a Tet14 by degenerating a Hex27, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tet14 Hex27
1 1
2 5
3 7
4 8
5 13
6 18
7 15
8 16
9 20
10 19
11 25
12 23
13 27
14 24
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 399
Tetrahedral Element Topology

For more information, see Tet14.

Specific Data - Tet15

Element name = Tet15
Number of nodes = 15
Order = Quadratic
Degenerate element name = <none>

Table 15-44 Tet15 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 5 2
2 2 6 3
3 3 7 1
4 1 8 4
5 2 9 4
6 3 10 4

Table 15-45 Tet15 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/L4
1 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
6 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
7 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
8 0.0, 0.0, 0.5
9 0.5, 0.0, 0.5
10 0.0, 0.5, 0.5
11 1/4, 1/4, 1/4
12 1/4, 1/4, 0.0
13 0.5, 1/4, 1/4
14 0.0, 1/4, 1/4
15 1/4, 0.0, 1/4
400 Reference Manual - Part III
Tetrahedral Element Topology

To obtain a Tet15 by degenerating a Hex27, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tet15 Hex27
1 1
2 5
3 7
4 8
5 13
6 18
7 15
8 16
9 20
10 19
11 21
12 25
13 23
14 27
15 24

For more information, see Tet15.

Specific Data - Tet16

Element name = Tet16
Number of nodes = 16
Order = Cubic
Degenerate element name = <none>

Table 15-46 Tet16 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 5 6 2
2 2 7 8 3
3 3 9 10 1
4 1 11 14 4
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 401
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Table 15-46 Tet16 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
5 2 12 15 4
6 3 13 16 4

Table 15-47 Tet16 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/L4
1 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
2 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
3 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 1/3, 0.0, 0.0
6 2/3, 0.0, 0.0
7 2/3,1/3, 0.0
8 1/3, 2/3, 0.0
9 0.0, 2/3, 0.0
10 0.0, 1/3, 0.0
11 0.0, 0.0, 1/3
12 2/3, 0.0, 1/3
13 0.0, 1/3, 2/3
14 0.0, 0.0, 2/3
15 1/3, 0.0, 2/3
16 0.0, 1/3, 2/3

To obtain a Tet16 by degenerating a Hex32, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tet16 Hex32
1 1
2 5
3 7
4 8
5 17
6 21
7 27
402 Reference Manual - Part III
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Tet16 Hex32
8 28
9 23
10 19
11 20
12 32
13 29
14 24
15 31
16 30

For more information, see Tet16.

Specific Data - Tet40

Element name = Tet40
Number of nodes = 40
Order = Cubic
Degenerate element name = <none>

Table 15-48 Tet40 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 5 6 2
2 2 7 8 3
3 3 9 10 1
4 1 11 14 4
5 2 12 15 4
6 3 13 16 4
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 403
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Table 15-49 Tet40 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number C(3) Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/L4
1 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 21 2/9, 0.0, 1/9
2 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 22 4/9, 0.0, 2/9
3 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 23 2/3, 2/9, 1/9
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 24 1/3, 4/9, 2/9
5 1/3, 0.0, 0.0 25 0.0, 1/9, 2/9
6 2/3, 0.0, 0.0 26 0.0, 2/9, 1/9
7 2/3, 1/3, 0.0 27 2/9,.074074,.037037
8 1/3, 2/3, 0.0 28 4/9, 148148,.074074
9 0.0, 2/3, 0.0 29 2/9, .296297,.148148
10 0.0, 1/3,0.0 30 1/9,.148148, .074074
11 0.0, 0.0, 1/3 31 1/9, 0.0, 2/9
12 2/3, 0.0, 1/3 32 2/9, 0.0, 4/9
13 0.0, 2/3, 1/3 33 2/3, 1/9, 2/9
14 0.0, 0.0, 2/3 34 1/3, 2/9, 4/9
15 1/3, 0.0, 2/3 35 0.0, 2/9, 4/9
16 0.0, 1/3, 2/3 36 0.0, 4/9, 2/9
17 2/9, 1/9, 0.0 37 2/9,.037037,.074074
18 4/9, 2/9, 0.0 38 4/9,.074074,.148148
19 2/9, 4/9, 0.0 39 2/9,.148148,.296297
20 1/9, 2/9, 0.0 40 1/9,.074074,.148148

To obtain a Tet40 by degenerating a Hex64, the following are corresponding nodes:

Tet40 Hex64
1 1
2 5
3 7
4 8
5 17
6 21
7 27
8 28
9 23
404 Reference Manual - Part III
Tetrahedral Element Topology

Tet40 Hex64
10 19
11 20
12 32
13 29
14 24
15 31
16 30
17 39
18 51
19 52
20 40
21 44
22 56
23 62
24 63
25 42
26 41
27 46
28 58
29 59
30 47
31 43
32 55
33 61
34 64
35 54
36 53
37 45
38 57
39 60
40 48

For more information, see Tet40.

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 405
Wedge Element Topology

Wedge Element Topology

Patran contains eight different wedge element topologies: Wedge6, Wedge7, Wedge15, Wedge16,
Wedge20, Wedge21, Wedge24 and Wedge52.

General Data
Shape = Wedge
Element dimensionality= 3
Number of corner nodes = 6
Number of edges = 9
Number of faces = 5
Number of face edges = 4,3

General Shape
For Wedge elements, a combination of area and rectangular coordinates [L1/L2/L3/Zeta] are commonly
used. Zeta values vary from -1 to 1 as in a Hex element. The area coordinates L1/L2/L3 represent the
weighting with respect to the 3 edges along the Zeta direction:
edge number 8 (node 1-->4)
edge number 7 (node 2-->5)
edge number 9 (node 3-->6)
See Area coordinate system for more information.
Wedge elements can be obtained by degenerating Hex elements.
1. Hex corner node 2 collapses onto 1, and 6 collapses onto 5.
2. Wedge corner nodes 1:6 match 1/3/4/5/7/8 for the Hex.
Table 15-50 Wedge Face Numbering
Face ID Sense Edge 1 Edge 2 Edge 3 Edge 4
1 1 1 2 3 *
2 -1 4 5 6 *
3 -1 1 8 4 7
4 -1 2 9 5 8
5 -1 3 7 6 9
406 Reference Manual - Part III
Wedge Element Topology

Specific Data - Wedge6

Element name = Wedge6
Number of nodes = 6
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = Tet4

Table 15-51 Wedge6 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 2 1
2 1 3
3 3 2
4 5 4
5 4 6
6 6 5
7 2 5
8 1 4
9 3 6

Table 15-52 Wedge6 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
1 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
2 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
3 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
6 0.0, 1.0, 1.0

To obtain a Wedge6 by degenerating a Hex8, the following are corresponding nodes:

Wedge6 Hex8
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 407
Wedge Element Topology

Wedge6 Hex8
5 7
6 8

For more information, see Wedge 6.

Specific Data - Wedge7

Element name = Wedge7
Number of nodes = 7
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = Tet5

Table 15-53 Wedge7 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 2 1
2 1 3
3 3 2
4 5 4
5 4 6
6 6 5
7 2 5
8 1 4
9 3 6

Table 15-54 Wedge7 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
1 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
2 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
3 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
6 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
7 1/3, 1/3, 0.0

To obtain a Wedge7 by degenerating a Hex9, the following are corresponding nodes:

408 Reference Manual - Part III
Wedge Element Topology

Wedge7 Hex9
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 7
6 8
7 9

For more information, see Wedge7.

Specific Data - Wedge15

Element name = Wedge15
Number of nodes = 15
Order = quadratic
Degenerate element name = Tet10

Table 15-55 Wedge15 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 2 7 1
2 1 9 3
3 3 8 2
4 5 13 4
5 4 15 6
6 6 14 5
7 2 11 5
8 1 10 4
9 3 12 6
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 409
Wedge Element Topology

Table 15-56 Wedge15 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
1 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
2 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
3 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
6 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
7 0.5, 0.0, -1.0
8 0.5, 0.5, -1.0
9 0.0, 0.5, -1.0
10 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
11 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
12 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
13 0.5, 0.0, 1.0
14 0.5, 0.5, 1.0
15 0.0, 0.5, 1.0

To obtain a Wedge15 by degenerating a Hex20, the following are corresponding nodes:

Wedge15 Hex20
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 7
6 8
7 10
8 11
9 12
10 13
11 15
12 16
13 18
410 Reference Manual - Part III
Wedge Element Topology

Wedge15 Hex20
14 19
15 20

For more information, see Wedge15.

Specific Data - Wedge16

Element name = Wedge16
Number of nodes = 16
Order = quadratic
Degenerate element name = Tet11

Table 15-57 Wedge16 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 2 7 1
2 1 9 3
3 3 8 2
4 5 13 4
5 4 15 6
6 6 14 5
7 2 11 5
8 1 10 4
9 3 12 6

Table 15-58 Wedge16 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
1 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
2 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
3 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
6 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
7 0.5, 0.0, -1.0
8 0.5, 0.5, -1.0
9 0.0, 0.5, -1.0
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 411
Wedge Element Topology

Table 15-58 Wedge16 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
10 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
11 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
12 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
13 0.5, 0.0, 1.0
14 0.5, 0.5, 1.0
15 0.0, 0.5, 1.0
16 1/3, 1/3, 0.0

To obtain a Wedge16 by degenerating a Hex21, the following are corresponding nodes:

Wedge16 Hex21
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 7
6 8
7 10
8 11
9 12
10 13
11 15
12 16
13 18
14 19
15 20
16 21

For more information, see Wedge16.

Specific Data - Wedge20

Element name = Wedge20
Number of nodes = 20
412 Reference Manual - Part III
Wedge Element Topology

Order = quadratic
Degenerate element name = Tet14

Table 15-59 Wedge20 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 2 7 1
2 1 9 3
3 3 8 2
4 5 13 4
5 4 15 6
6 6 14 5
7 2 11 5
8 1 10 4
9 3 12 6

Table 15-60 Wedge20 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
1 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
2 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
3 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
6 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
7 0.5, 0.0, -1.0
8 0.5, 0.5, -1.0
9 0.0, 0.5, -1.0
10 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
11 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
12 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
13 0.5, 0.0, 1.0
14 0.5, 0.5, 1.0
15 0.0, 0.5, 1.0
16 1/3, 1/3, -1.0
17 1/3, 1/3, 1.0
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 413
Wedge Element Topology

Table 15-60 Wedge20 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
18 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
19 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
20 0.5, 0.0, 0.0

To obtain a Wedge20 by degenerating a Hex26, the following are corresponding nodes:

Wedge20 Hex26
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 7
6 8
7 10
8 11
9 12
10 13
11 15
12 16
13 18
14 19
15 20
16 21
17 22
18 26
19 23
20 24

For more information, see Wedge20.

Specific Data - Wedge21

Element name = Wedge21
Number of nodes = 21
414 Reference Manual - Part III
Wedge Element Topology

Order = quadratic
Degenerate element name = Tet15

Table 15-61 Wedge21 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 2 7 1
2 1 9 3
3 3 8 2
4 5 13 4
5 4 15 6
6 6 14 5
7 2 11 5
8 1 10 4
9 3 12 6

Table 15-62 Wedge21 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
1 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
2 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
3 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
6 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
7 0.5, 0.0, -1.0
8 0.5, 0.5, -1.0
9 0.0, 0.5, -1.0
10 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
11 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
12 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
13 0.5, 0.0, 1.0
14 0.5, 0.5, 1.0
15 0.0, 0.5, 1.0
16 1/3, 1/3, 0.0
17 1/3, 1/3, -1.0
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 415
Wedge Element Topology

Table 15-62 Wedge21 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
18 1/3, 1/3, 1.0
19 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
20 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
21 0.5, 0.0, 0.0

To obtain a Wedge21 by degenerating a Hex27, the following are corresponding nodes:

Wedge21 Hex27
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 7
6 8
7 10
8 11
9 12
10 13
11 15
12 16
13 18
14 19
15 20
16 21
17 22
18 23
19 27
20 24
21 25

For more information, see Wedge21.

Specific Data - Wedge24

416 Reference Manual - Part III
Wedge Element Topology

Element name = Wedge24

Number of nodes = 24
Order = Cubic
Degenerate element name = Tet16

Table 15-63 Wedge24 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 2 8 7 1
2 1 12 11 3
3 3 10 9 2
4 5 20 19 4
5 4 24 23 6
6 6 22 21 5
7 2 14 17 5
8 1 13 16 4
9 3 15 18 6

Table 15-64 Wedge24 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
1 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
2 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
3 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
5 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
6 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
7 1/3, 0.0, -1.0
8 2/3, 0.0, -1.0
9 2/3, 1/3, -1.0
10 1/3, 2/3, -1.0
11 0.0, 2/3, -1.0
12 0.0, 1/3, -1.0
13 0.0, 0.0, -1/3
14 1.0, 0.0, -1/3
15 0.0, 1.0, -1/3
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 417
Wedge Element Topology

Table 15-64 Wedge24 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta or L2/L3/Zeta
16 0.0, 0.0, 1/3
17 1.0, 0.0, 1/3
18 0.0, 1.0, 1/3
19 1/3, 0.0, 1.0
20 2/3, 0.0, 1.0
21 2/3, 1/3, 1.0
22 1/3, 2/3, 1.0
23 0.0, 2/3, 1.0
24 0.0, 1/3, 1.0

To obtain a Wedge24 by degenerating a Hex32, the following are corresponding nodes:

Wedge24 Hex32
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 7
6 8
7 11
8 12
9 13
10 14
11 15
12 16
13 17
14 19
15 20
16 21
17 23
18 24
19 27
20 28
418 Reference Manual - Part III
Wedge Element Topology

Wedge24 Hex32
21 29
22 30
23 31
24 32

For more information, see Wedge24.

Specific Data - Wedge52

Element name = Wedge52
Number of nodes = 52
Order = Cubic
Degenerate element name = Tet40
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 419
Wedge Element Topology

Table 15-65 Wedge52 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 2 8 7 1
2 1 12 11 3
3 3 10 9 2
4 5 20 19 4
5 4 24 23 6
6 6 22 21 5
7 2 14 17 5
8 1 13 16 4
9 3 15 18 6

Table 15-66 Wedge52 Node Parametric Coordinates

Xi/Eta/Zeta or Xi/Eta/Zeta or
Node Number L2/L3/Zeta Node Number L2/L3/Zeta
1 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 27 2/9, 4/9, -1.0
2 1.0, 0.0, -1.0 28 1/9, 2/9, -1.0
3 0.0, 1.0, -1.0 29 1/3, 0.0, -1/3
4 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 30 2/3, 0.0, -1/3
5 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 31 2/3, 1/3, -1/3
6 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 32 1/3, 2/3, -1/3
7 1/3, 0.0, 1.0 33 0.0, 2/3, -1/3
8 2/3, 0.0, -1.0 34 0.0, 1/3, -1/3
9 1/3, 1/3, -1.0 35 2/9, 1/9, -1/3
10 1/3, 2/3, -1.0 36 4/9, 2/9, -1/3
11 0.0, 2/3, -1.0 37 2/9, 4/9, -1/3
12 0.0, 1/3, -1.0 38 1/9, 2/9, -1/3
13 0.0, 0.0, -1/3 39 1/3, 0.0, 1/3
14 1.0, 0.0, -1/3 40 2/3, 0.0, 1/3
15 0.0, 1.0, -1/3 41 2/3, 1/3, 1/3
16 0.0, 0.0, 1/3 42 1/3, 2/3, 1/3
17 1.0, 0.0, 1/3 43 0.0, 2/3, 1/3
18 0.0, 1.0, 1/3 44 0.0, 1/3, 1/3
19 1/3, 0.0, 1.0 45 2/9, 1/9, 1/3
420 Reference Manual - Part III
Wedge Element Topology

Table 15-66 Wedge52 Node Parametric Coordinates

Xi/Eta/Zeta or Xi/Eta/Zeta or
Node Number L2/L3/Zeta Node Number L2/L3/Zeta
20 2/3, 0.0, 1.0 46 4/9, 2/9, 1/3
21 2/3, 1/3, 1.0 47 2/9, 4/9, 1/3
22 1/3, 2/3, 1.0 48 1/9, 2/9, 1/3
23 0.0, 2/3, 1.0 49 2/9, 1/9, 1.0
24 0.0, 1/3, 1.0 50 4/9, 2/9, 1.0
25 2/9, 1/9, -1.0 51 2/9, 4/9, 1.0
26 4/9, 2/9, -1.0 52 1/9, 2/9, 1.0

To obtain a Wedge52 by degenerating a Hex64, the following are corresponding nodes:

Wedge52 Hex64
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 7
6 8
7 11
8 12
9 13
10 14
11 15
12 16
13 17
14 19
15 20
16 21
17 23
18 24
19 27
20 28
21 29
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 421
Wedge Element Topology

Wedge52 Hex64
22 30
23 31
24 32
25 34
26 35
27 36
28 33
29 39
30 40
31 41
32 42
33 43
34 44
35 46
36 47
37 48
38 45
39 51
40 52
41 53
42 54
43 55
44 56
45 58
46 59
47 60
48 57
49 62
50 63
51 64
52 61

For more information, see Wedge 52.

422 Reference Manual - Part III
Hex Element Topology

Hex Element Topology

Patran contains eight different hex element topologies: Hex8, Hex9, Hex20, Hex21, Hex26, Hex27,
Hex32, Hex64.

General Data
Shape = Hex
Element dimensionality= 3
Number of corner nodes = 8
Number of edges = 12
Number of faces = 6
Number of face edges = 4

General Shape
TheHex parametric coordinates (Rectangular) are:
1. X axis for the Hex element is from node 1-->2.
2. Y axis for the Hex element is from node 1-->4.
3. Z axis for the Hex element is from node 1-->5.
Table 15-67 Hex Face Numbering
Face ID Sense Edge 1 Edge 2 Edge 3 Edge 4
1 1 1 2 3 4
2 -1 5 6 7 8
3 -1 1 10 5 9
4 -1 2 11 6 10
5 -1 3 12 7 11
6 -1 4 9 8 12

Specific Data - Hex8

Element name = Hex8
Number of nodes = 8
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = Wedge6
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 423
Hex Element Topology

Table 15-68 Hex8 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 6
3 6 5
4 5 1
5 4 3
6 3 7
7 7 8
8 8 4
9 1 4
10 2 3
11 6 7
12 5 8

Table 15-69 Hex8 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
1 -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0, -1.0
5 -1.0, -1.0, 1.0
6 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
7 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
8 -1.0, 1.0, 1.0

For more information, see Hex8.

Specific Data - Hex9

Element name = Hex9
Number of nodes = 9
Order = linear
Degenerate element name = Wedge7
424 Reference Manual - Part III
Hex Element Topology

Table 15-70 Hex9 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 6
3 6 5
4 5 1
5 4 3
6 3 7
7 7 8
8 8 4
9 1 4
10 2 3
11 6 7
12 5 8

Table 15-71 Hex9 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
1 -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0, -1.0
5 -1.0, -1.0, 1.0
6 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
7 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
8 -1.0, 1.0, 1.0
9 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

For more information, see Hex9.

Specific Data - Hex20

Element name = Hex20
Number of nodes = 20
Order = quadratic
Degenerate element name = Wedge15
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 425
Hex Element Topology

Table 15-72 Hex20 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 9 2
2 2 14 6
3 6 17 5
4 5 13 1
5 4 11 3
6 3 15 7
7 7 19 8
8 8 16 4
9 1 12 4
10 2 10 3
11 6 18 7
12 5 20 8

Table 15-73 Hex20 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
1 -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0, -1.0
5 -1.0, -1.0, 1.0
6 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
7 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
8 -1.0, 1.0, 1.0
9 0.0, -1.0, -1.0
10 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
11 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
12 -1.0, 0.0, -1.0
13 -1.0, -1.0, 0.0
14 1.0, -1.0, 0.0
15 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
16 -1.0, 1.0, 0.0
17 0.0, -1.0, 1.0
426 Reference Manual - Part III
Hex Element Topology

Table 15-73 Hex20 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
18 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
19 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
20 -1.0, 0.0, 1.0

For more information, see Hex20.

Specific Data - Hex21

Element name = Hex21
Number of nodes = 21
Order = quadratic
Degenerate element name = Wedge16

Table 15-74 Hex21 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 9 2
2 2 14 6
3 6 17 5
4 5 13 1
5 4 11 3
6 3 15 7
7 7 19 8
8 8 16 4
9 1 12 4
10 2 10 3
11 6 18 7
12 5 20 8

Table 15-75 Hex21 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
1 -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0, -1.0
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 427
Hex Element Topology

Table 15-75 Hex21 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
5 -1.0, -1.0, 1.0
6 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
7 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
8 -1.0, 1.0, 1.0
9 0.0, -1.0, -1.0
10 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
11 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
12 -1.0, 0.0, -1.0
13 -1.0, -1.0, 0.0
14 1.0, -1.0, 0.0
15 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
16 -1.0, 1.0, 0.0
17 0.0, -1.0, 1.0
18 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
19 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
20 -1.0, 0.0, 1.0
21 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

For more information, see Hex21.

Specific Data - Hex26

Element name = Hex26
Number of nodes = 26
Order = quadratic
428 Reference Manual - Part III
Hex Element Topology

Degenerate element name = Wedge20

Table 15-76 Hex26 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 9 2
2 2 14 6
3 6 17 5
4 5 13 1
5 4 11 3
6 3 15 7
7 7 19 8
8 8 16 4
9 1 12 4
10 2 10 3
11 6 18 7
12 5 20 8

Table 15-77 Hex26 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
1 -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0, -1.0
5 -1.0, 1.0, 1.0
6 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
7 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
8 -1.0, 1.0, 1.0
9 0.0, -1.0, -1.0
10 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
11 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
12 -1.0, 0.0, -1.0
13 -1.0, -1.0, 0.0
14 1.0, -1.0, 0.0
15 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
16 -1.0, 1.0, 0.0
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 429
Hex Element Topology

Table 15-77 Hex26 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
17 0.0, -1.0, 1.0
18 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
19 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
20 -1.0, 0.0, 1.0
21 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
22 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
23 -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
24 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
25 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
26 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

For more information, see Hex26.

Specific Data - Hex27

Element name = Hex27
Number of nodes = 27
Order = quadratic
Degenerate element name = Wedge21

Table 15-78 Hex27 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 9 2
2 2 14 6
3 6 17 5
4 5 13 1
5 4 11 3
6 3 15 7
7 7 19 8
8 8 16 4
9 1 12 4
10 2 10 3
11 6 18 7
12 5 20 8
430 Reference Manual - Part III
Hex Element Topology

Table 15-79 Hex27 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
1 -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
2 1.0, -1.0, -1.0
3 1.0, 1.0, -1.0
4 -1.0, 1.0, -1.0
5 -1.0, -1.0, 1.0
6 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
7 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
8 -1.0, 1.0, 1.0
9 0.0, -1.0, -1.0
10 1.0, 0.0, -1.0
11 0.0, 1.0, -1.0
12 -1.0, 0.0, -1.0
13 -1.0, -1.0, 0.0
14 1.0, -1.0, 0.0
15 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
16 -1.0, 1.0, 0.0
17 0.0, -1.0, 1.0
18 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
19 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
20 -1.0, 0.0, 1.0
21 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
22 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
23 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
24 -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
25 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
26 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
27 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

For more information, see Hex27.

Specific Data - Hex32

Element name = Hex32
Number of nodes = 32
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 431
Hex Element Topology

Order = cubic
Degenerate element name = Wedge24

Table 15-80 Hex32 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 9 10 2
2 2 18 22 6
3 6 26 25 5
4 5 21 17 1
5 4 14 13 3
6 3 19 23 7
7 7 29 30 8
8 8 24 20 4
9 1 16 15 4
10 2 11 12 3
11 6 27 28 7
12 5 32 31 8

Table 15-81 Hex32 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
1 -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 17 -1.0, -1.0, -1/3
2 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 18 1.0, -1.0, -1/3
3 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 19 1.0, 1.0, -1/3
4 -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 20 -1.0, 1.0, -1/3
5 -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 21 -1.0, -1.0, 1/3
6 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 22 1.0, -1.0, 1/3
7 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 23 1.0, 1.0, 1/3
8 -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 24 -1.0, 1.0, 1/3
9 -1/3, -1.0, -1.0 25 -1/3, -1.0, 1.0
10 1/3, -1.0, -1.0 26 1/3, -1.0, 1.0
11 1.0, -1/3, -1.0 27 1.0, -1/3, 1.0
12 1.0, 1/3, -1.0 28 1.0, 1/3, 1.0
13 1/3, 1.0, -1.0 29 1/3, 1.0, 1.0
14 -1/3, 1.0, -1.0 30 -1/3, 1.0, 1.0
432 Reference Manual - Part III
Hex Element Topology

Table 15-81 Hex32 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta Node Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
15 -1.0, 1/3, -1.0 31 -1.0, 1/3, 1.0
16 -1.0, -1/3, -1.0 32 -1.0, -1/3, 1.0

For more information, see Hex32.

Specific Data - Hex64

Element name = Hex64
Number of nodes = 64
Order = cubic
Degenerate element name = Wedge52

Table 15-82 Hex64 Edge Numbering

Edge Number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 9 10 2
2 2 18 22 6
3 6 26 25 5
4 5 21 17 1
5 4 14 13 3
6 3 19 23 7
7 7 29 30 8
8 8 24 20 4
9 1 16 15 4
10 2 11 12 3
11 6 27 28 7
12 5 32 31 8

Table 15-83 Hex64 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Node Node
Number Xi/Eta/Zeta Number Xi/Eta/Zeta Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
1 -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 23 1.0, 1.0, 1/3 45 -1/3, -1/3, -1/3
2 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 24 -1.0, 1.0, 1/3 46 1/3, -1/3, -1/3
3 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 25 -1/3, -1.0, 1.0 47 1/3, 1/3, -1/3
4 -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 26 1/3, -1.0, 1.0 48 -1/3, 1/3, -1/3
Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 433
Hex Element Topology

Table 15-83 Hex64 Node Parametric Coordinates

Node Node Node
Number Xi/Eta/Zeta Number Xi/Eta/Zeta Number Xi/Eta/Zeta
5 -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 27 1.0, -1/3, 1.0 49 -1/3, -1.0, 1/3
6 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 28 1.0, 1/3, 1.0 50 1/3, -1.0, 1/3
7 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 29 1/3, 1.0, 1.0 51 1.0, -1/3, 1/3
8 -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 30 -1/3, 1.0, 1.0 52 1.0, 1/3, 1/3
9 -1/3, -1.0, -1.0 31 -1.0, 1/3, 1.0 53 1/3, 1.0, 1/3
10 1/3, -1.0, -1.0 32 -1.0, -1/3, -1.0 54 -1/3, 1.0, 1/3
11 1.0, -1/3, -1.0 33 -1/3, -1/3, -1.0 55 -1.0, 1/3, 1/3
12 1.0, 1/3, -1.0 34 1/3, -1/3, -1.0 56 -1.0, -1/3, 1/3
13 1/3, 1.0, -1.0 35 1/3, 1/3, -1.0 57 -1/3, -1/3, 1/3
14 -1/3, 1.0, -1.0 36 -1/3, 1/3, -1.0 58 1/3, -1/3, 1/3
15 -1.0,1/3, -1.0 37 -1/3, -1.0, -1/3 59 1/3, 1/3, 1/3
16 -1.0, -1/3, -1.0 38 1/3, -1.0, -1/3 60 -1/3, 1/3, 1/3
17 -1.0, -1.0, -1/3 39 1.0, -1/3, -1/3 61 -1/3, -1/3, 1.0
18 1.0, -1.0, -1/3 40 1.0, 1/3, -1/3 62 1/3, -1/3, 1.0
19 1.0, 1.0, -1/3 41 1/3, 1.0, -1/3 63 1/3, 1/3, 1.0
20 -1.0, 1.0, -1/3 42 -1/3, 1.0, -1/3 64 -1/3, 1/3, 1.0
21 -1.0, -1.0, 1/3 43 -1.0, 1/3, -1/3
22 1.0, -1.0, 1/3 44 -1.0, -1/3, -1/3

For more information, see Hex64.

434 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-1 Bar2

Figure 15-2 Tri3

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 435
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-3 Quad4

Figure 15-4 Tet4

436 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-5 Wedge 6

Figure 15-6 Hex8

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 437
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-7 Quad5

Figure 15-8 Tri4

438 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-9 Tet5

Figure 15-10 Wedge7

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 439
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-11 Hex9

Figure 15-12 Bar3

440 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-13 Tri6

Figure 15-14 Quad8

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 441
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-15 Tet10

Figure 15-16 Wedge15

442 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-17 Hex20

Figure 15-18 Quad9

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 443
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-19 Tri7

Figure 15-20 Tet11

444 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-21 Wedge16

Figure 15-22 Hex21

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 445
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-23 Tet14

446 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-24 Wedge20

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 447
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-25 Hex26

448 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-26 Tet15

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 449
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-27 Wedge21

450 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-28 Hex27

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 451
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-29 Bar4

Figure 15-30 Tri9

452 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-31 Quad12

Figure 15-32 Tet16

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 453
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-33 Wedge24

Figure 15-34 Hex32

454 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-35 Quad16

Figure 15-36 Tri13

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 455
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-37 Tet40

456 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-38 Wedge 52

Chapter 15: Patran Element Library 457
Patran’s Element Library

Figure 15-39 Hex64

458 Reference Manual - Part III
Patran’s Element Library
MSC.Fatigue Quick Start Guide

Reference Manual - Part III (Finite Element Modeling)

Ind A curve method, 189

access finite element modeling, 5 cyclic symmetry, 2, 130
analysis coordinate frame, 2
any, 333 D
arc center degrees-of-freedom, 2, 126
node, 99 delete, 10
arc method, 158 any, 333
aspect ratio, 267 DOF List, 345
associate, 9 element, 340
curve, 189 mesh control, 339
node, 192 mesh curve, 337
point, 187 mesh seed, 334
solid, 191 mesh solid, 338
surface, 190 mesh surface, 335
associate action, 187 MPCs, 342
attributes, 2 node, 339
Auto TetMesh, 9 superelement, 344
delete action, 333
B dependent DOF, 2
bars, 313 disassociate, 195
building finite element model, 6 elements, 196
node, 197
disassociate action, 195
collapse, 277
connectivity, 2 E
Connector, 220 edge angle, 274
connector, 183 edit, 305
renumber, 183 Create Node, 97
constraint, 2 editing, 8
create element, 340
mesh seeding, 16 boundaries, 221
meshing curves, 13 connectivity, 223
meshing solids, 14 duplicates, 222
meshing surfaces, 13 IDs, 228
remeshing/reseeding, 17 Jacobian Ratio, 225
create action, 12 Jacobian Zero, 226
Create Node normals, 223
edit, 97 element attributes, 283
creating finite element model, 8 element coordinate system, 285
434 Reference Manual - Part III (Finite Element Modeling)

element topology, 12 H
element-element hex
geometry fit, 224 all, 252
elements, 152, 153, 154, 181, 210 aspect, 253
mirror, 154 edge angle, 254
renumber, 181 face skew, 255
rotate, 153 face taper, 258
translate, 152 face warp, 256
equivalence twist, 257
all, 202
group, 203
list, 204
implicit, 2
equivalence action, 200
independent DOF, 2
equivalencing, 2, 9
interpolate method
examples, 348
node, 108, 112
explicit, 2
intersect method
extract method
node, 114
multiple nodes, 106
IsoMesh, 2, 8, 13
node, 101
2 curve, 35
single node, 105
curve, 34
extrude method, 159
surface, 36

Feature Select, 51, 55
Jacobian Ratio, 3
FEM data, 173
Jacobian Zero, 3
finite element, 2
finite element model, 2
free edges, 2 L
free faces, 2 library, 3
list, 204
loft method, 172
glide control, 161
glide method, 160 M
glide-guide control, 164 mesh, 294
glide-guide method, 162 On Mesh, 47
graphics, 127 mesh control, 89, 339
group, 203 mesh control data, 174
mesh curve, 337
mesh paths, 14, 15
mesh seed, 25, 302, 334
curvature based, 28
one way bias, 26
tabular, 29
two way bias, 27
uniform, 25

mesh seed attributes, 285 node distance, 281

mesh seeding, 16 node location, 280
mesh solid, 338 nodes, 97, 147, 148, 150, 180, 210, 323
mesh surface, 335 mirror, 150
mesh transitions, 16 renumber, 180
meshing curves, 13 rotate, 148
meshing solids, 14 translate, 147
meshing surfaces, 13 non-uniform seed, 3
midnode normal method, 165
normal offset, 260 normals, 3
tangent offset, 261
modify, 10 O
bars, 313 offset method
edit, 305 node, 117
mesh, 294 optimization, 3
mesh seed, 302 optimization method, 211
MPCs, 327 optimize, 9
nodes, 323 nodes/elements, 210
quads, 318 optimize action, 208
trais, 314
modify action, 293
MPC, 3, 287 P
cyclic symmetry, 130 parameters, 3
degrees-of-freedom, 126 paths, 3
graphics, 127 paver, 3, 8, 14
sliding surface, 131 pierce method
mpc, 182 node, 119
renumber, 182 point method, 187
MPC create, 9 project method
MPC terms, 126 node, 120
MPC types, 125, 129
MPCs, 125, 327, 342 Q
multiple MPCs, 128 quad, 318
multiple nodes all, 231
extract method, 106 aspect, 233
skew, 235
N taper, 236
node, 339 warp, 234
extract method, 101
IDs, 260 R
interpolate method, 108, 112 radial cylindrical method, 166
intersect method, 114 radial spherical method, 167
offset method, 117 reference coordinate frame, 3
pierce method, 119 remeshing/reseeding, 17
project method, 120
436 Reference Manual - Part III (Finite Element Modeling)

renumber, 3, 9 Tet
action, 179 all, 238
aspect, 239
S collapse, 242
seeding, 3 edge angle, 241
seeding solid, 16 face skew, 241
seeding surface, 16 TetMesh, 4, 8
shape, 3 parameters, 45
Sheet Body, 52 theory, 265
show, 10 aspect ratio, 267
element attributes, 283 collapse, 277
element coordinate system, 285 edge angle, 274
mesh control attributes, 286 skew, 265
mesh seed attributes, 285 taper, 273
MPC, 287 twist, 277
node distance, 281 warp, 272
node location, 280 topology, 4
show action, 280 transform, 9
single node transform action, 146
extract method, 105 transitions, 4
skew, 265 tria
sliding surface, 3, 131 all, 229
solid aspect, 230
IsoMesh, 40 skew, 231
TetMesh, 42 triangular elements, 16
solid method, 191 trias, 314
spherical theta method, 168 twist, 277
sub MPC, 4 types, 4
surface method, 190
sweep, 9 U
arc, 158 uniform seed, 4
extrude, 159
glide, 160 V
glide-guide, 162 vector field method, 170
loft, 172 verification, 4, 9
normal, 165
radial cylindrical, 166
radial spherical, 167
spherical theta, 168
vector field, 170
sweep action, 157

taper, 273
term, 4

verify face taper, 250

element face warp, 248
boundaries, 221 twist, 249
connectivity, 223 verify action, 214
duplicates, 222
IDs, 228 W
Jacobian Ratio, 225 warp, 272
Jacobian Zero, 226 wedge
normals, 223 all, 244
element-element aspect, 245
geometry fit, 224 edge angle, 246
hex face skew, 247
all, 252 face taper, 250
aspect, 253 face warp, 248
edge angle, 254 twist, 249
face skew, 255
face taper, 258
face warp, 256
twist, 257
normal offset, 260
tangent offset, 261
IDs, 260
all, 231
aspect, 233
skew, 235
taper, 236
warp, 234
all, 238
aspect, 239
collapse, 242
edge angle, 241
face skew, 241
all, 229
aspect, 230
skew, 231
all, 244
aspect, 245
edge angle, 246
face skew, 247
438 Reference Manual - Part III (Finite Element Modeling)

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