Invention, Innovation and Inspiration - Optimisation and Resolving Techonological Change in The Sri Lankan Archaeological Record - Gillian Juleff

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I n v e n t i o n , i n n o vat i o n a n d i n s p i r at i o n : O p t i m i s at i o n a n d r e s o lv i n g t e c h n o lo g i c a l c h a n g e

Invention, innovation and inspiration:

optimisation and resolving technological
change in the Sri Lankan archaeological
Gillian Juleff

Dirty, heavy, intractable, dependent on the muscle and tenacity technological waste (slag) to ‘centres of production’. This ‘dots
of people most often situated on the physical and cultural on maps’approach can have the effect of isolating the evidence
fringes of society, iron has nonetheless gravitated towards the from both its physical (topographical and environmental) and
centre of human development since its first known appearance human (cultural) landscapes. Technological characterisation,
over three millennia ago. through the analysis of site-level data and micro-structural and
The aim of this session of World of Iron was to examine compositional evidence from collected samples has become
evidence in the archaeological record that allows us to explore the core task of the archaeometallurgist, where standardisation
the interface between technology and culture dynamics and of projected production figures through the use of mass-
the circumstances of technological change. What emerged was balance calculations is the measure of technological success.
a disparate collection of perspectives, each insightful in their As data has accumulated in more recent years, however,
own right but which, when combined, are demonstrative of there has been a growing appreciation that – given the
the infancy in our collective study of the drivers of innovation ubiquitous use of iron within most past societies – a more
in this field, whether individual, societal, technological or continuous landscape of production, contoured by the physical
evolutionary. While other sessions of World of Iron showcased topography of raw material distribution and the cultural
the wealth and maturity of our understanding of the nature topography of human settlement and economy, would be a
of iron as a material, its production through the smelting of more realistic model for understanding the development of
ore minerals and its optimisation through alloying and heat iron in both spatial and temporal dimensions. With a broader
treatment, far less apparent was our understanding of the canvas to view and data drawn from the field as well as the
nature of the relationships between the people and societies laboratory, detecting where and when changes happen and
who contextualised its use. the pathways by which they are transmitted should become
Over some five decades or more of research the discipline more visible. Importantly, it also gives the opportunity to
of archaeometallurgy has progressed from a focus on the recognise the impetus behind change and to consider whether
material itself in the form of artefacts. Detailed, laboratory- that change is technologically or culturally determined, or
based metallographic studies of individual and assemblages of indeed driven by evolutionary processes. Conversely, looking
objects have brought to light the range of iron-carbon alloys at broad socio-cultural landscapes may also help explain why
and heat treatments utilised. The place of a metallurgical technological change may be slow to occur or, when it does
tradition within the development of iron was largely based happen, what impact it has on local or regional cultural
on a linear scale of increasing technological repertoire and dynamics.
competency. Thus, to address an expanded set of objectives that
The need to understand how and where the raw materials incorporates cultural archaeology as a vehicle for explaining
of artefacts were produced soon followed and, with this, field invention, innovation and inspiration in metallurgy, it seems
studies of smelting and refining sites and processes gained that, as a discipline, there is a need to share trajectories with
importance. By their nature such studies are location specific, archaeology, in all its forms, with material culture and with
leading to claims evidenced by major concentrations of the history of science and technology. In summarising the

Gillian Juleff

papers presented in this session of the conference I frivolously Tracing technological optimisation
commented how refreshing it was to hear so much about iron
and see so few phase diagrams. Instead of the expected quick
in-breath of opprobrium, there were mutterings of approval,
suggesting the possibility that we have all now arrived at this Setting
Invention, innovation and inspiration, in the context of Samanalawewa lies in the southern foothills of the Central
archaeology in general and the development of iron technology Highlands of Sri Lanka (Fig. 1) in an area traditionally regarded
in particular, are terms that have invited important debate in as of low archaeological interest. During the first millennium
recent years (Fitzhugh, 2001, Shennan, 2002, Killick, 2004, AD the broad lowland plains of the north and southeast
Rehren et al, 2007, Charlton et al, 2012) and their definition of Lanka were densely settled with affluent agricultural
offers considerable potential for understanding the nature of communities, based on irrigated rice cultivation and two
technology. However, rather than attempt to distinguish between strong, stable, regional kingdoms, each closely aligned with
them at a theoretical level or in the archaeological record, a the established Buddhist priesthood (De Silva 1981). The
more constructive approach with practical application may be Samanalawewa area occupied a physiographic and culturally
to simplify the task by examining evidence of technological marginal position, remote from the heartland of the polity.
change to determine what drives or motivates change and It saw only small scattered valley-bottom settlements in
from that define what processes are in action – innovation, otherwise wild, jungle-clad hilly terrain. The ethnic make-up
invention, adoption, adaptation, optimisation – if this indeed of the local population is uncertain but traditions and early
is a useful conclusion to draw. More useful may be what can be chronicles suggest that they were in part pulindas, a semi-
inferred from the rate or pace of change. Archaeology abounds vedda (aboriginal) tribal group (Perera 1959).
with examples of technological change. What constrains our
chances of determining with any precision the drivers of change
will be the resolution of available data. Here I will consider Climate
instances from the Samanalawewa Archaeological Project in
Sri Lanka, now perhaps better known as Monsoon Steel (Juleff Sri Lanka’s climate is dominated by the tropical monsoonal
1996, 1998). system and the seasonal weather pattern of Samanalawewa

Figure 1: Map of Sri Lanka marking the Samanalawewa project area.

I n v e n t i o n , i n n o vat i o n a n d i n s p i r at i o n : O p t i m i s at i o n a n d r e s o lv i n g t e c h n o lo g i c a l c h a n g e

is transitional between the south-western Wet Zone and the Furnace design
northern and eastern Dry Zone, with constant, desiccating
winds emerging from the Wet Zone to the west, where the The furnace design comprises a semi-permanent elongated
burden of rain is dropped during the monsoon months of June C-shaped clay structure, reaching no more than ~0.5m in
to September. Orographic uplift, caused by the highlands, height, terraced into the leading westerly edge of the ridge.
increases wind velocities in the area to an average of ~35km/h, Evidence shows that the wall was terminated at each end with
rising frequently to 50+km/h and occasionally above 100km/h a large stone set in the ground and that a straight clay wall
(Somasekaram et al, 1988, Juleff, 1998). extended across the open front of the furnace, between the
stones – although the evidence suggests that this was a single-
smelt construction, deliberately broken down as the final act
Survey of each smelt. Embedded in the front wall were a line of pre-
fired clay tuyérès, for the purpose of channelling air into the
In the 1980’s Samanalawewa became the focus of a major furnace (Figs. 4 and 5).
hydro-electric scheme that necessitated environmental and
cultural impact studies, including an archaeological survey.
Despite the lack of settlement during the first millennium Early Furnace function
and Middle Historic periods of the Island (for periodisation
see Deraniyagala 1992), the area was closely associated with The manner in which the furnaces functioned was deduced
iron smelting and blacksmithing traditions and, significantly, from careful study of the archaeological evidence and, most
crucible steel-making during the Late Historic Kandyan valuably, the experimental reconstruction of the process,
and colonial periods. Eye-witness accounts of smelting and combined with the application of CFD (computational fluid
steel-making by Ananda Coomaraswamy (1956) in the first dynamics), and has been described in a number of papers
decade of the twentieth century located these processes (Juleff, 1996, 1998, Tabor et al, 2005). Low-level incident
within specific named villages (Ondaatje, 1854, Wayman wind, travelling up the contour of the hill-slope in front of the
and Juleff, 1999, Juleff et al 2009). Hence, the initial priority furnace, reaches its maximum velocity at the leading edge of
for the Samanalawewa archaeological survey was to identify the summit where it encounters the front wall of the furnace.
field evidence relating to these processes. From the outset of It is forced upwards off the outer lip of the top of the wall,
fieldwork, however, a previously unknown group of smelting causing boundary layer separation and creating an area of
sites dominated the archaeological record. These sites quickly extreme low pressure along the top of the wall. The pressure
became known as west-facing sites because of the consistent difference between the top of the wall and the external mouth
location of slag waste deposits on the west-facing slopes at of the tuyérè then generates a powerful air flow through the
the summits of exposed hilltops with uninterrupted aspects tuyérès embedded in the front wall (Tabor et al, 2005).
in that same direction. Correlation between smelting and
strong directional, seasonal winds was clearly apparent from
the first recognition of these sites. Slag morphologies across Phasing and chronology
the seventy-seven sites of this type, recorded during the first
survey (a number that continues to rise with every return visit Analysis and interpretation of the excavation record resolved
to the area), demonstrated a similar high level of consistency, 32 stratigraphic groups, each comprising multiple contexts,
with forms that suggested a large furnace of unusual design which in turn formed a sequence of five major phases in the
and shape. development and use of the site (Juleff 1998). Of these, Phase
1 refers to circumstantial evidence for prehistoric occupation
unrelated to the smelting site. Phase 2 sees the initial use of

On the strength of the data from field survey, in 1991 the

Archaeological Survey of Sri Lanka initiated the excavation
of one west-facing smelting site on a ridge known as
Galewalahinna (site code SM88) (Fig. 2). The strategy was
to open a series of 10x10m excavation areas to reveal the
lateral extent of the site and to excavate two long, metre-wide
trenches through the full depth of the deposits, to quantify
output and examine the development of the site over time. In
addition, attention focussed on the detailed investigation of
individual furnace structures. Despite six months of digging,
quantitative sampling of 17 tonnes of technological debris
and exposure of 41 furnace structures it was estimated that
only 20% of the site had been excavated and that the potential
number of furnaces on this site alone was in the region of two
Figure 2: View of excavation area from north after removal of
hundred (Malim et al, 1995, Juleff, 1998). topsoil. The upper levels of structures at furnace locations L and J, in
foreground, and G, in background, are visible.

Gillian Juleff

Figure 3: Site plan showing excavation areas and trenches, furnace locations and wind
monitoring positions.

the site for smelting and a series of radiocarbon dates indicates to the build up of topsoil over time. Reinforcing the series of
activity from a start in the mid-7th century AD through to the radiocarbon dates, 350 rim sherds were recovered from the site,
early 9th century. Phase 3 represents a break in the smelting conforming to known Middle Historic types and dating broadly
sequence and site-wide colluvial deposition of soil, suggesting to the period 300 to 1100AD. Pottery finds from a number of
abandonment. The duration of this abandonment is uncertain west-facing sites, recorded during field survey, comprised the
but a single radiocarbon date places it in the 9th century. Phase same dominant Middle Historic storage jar forms, suggesting
4 sees a return to full scale smelting activity from the mid-9th that the dating of SM88 holds true across Samanalawewa. Using
to the early 11th century. Two radiocarbon dates from the first a combination of radiocarbon, pottery finds and consistency
evaluation excavation at the site record the termination of of morphologies, there is no evidence at present to extend the
smelting activity at the end of this phase. From then until the dating of what is clearly an industry earlier or later than the
present the site remained abandoned and Phase 5 is assigned mid-7th to early 11th century AD (Juleff 1998).

I n v e n t i o n , i n n o vat i o n a n d i n s p i r at i o n : O p t i m i s at i o n a n d r e s o lv i n g t e c h n o lo g i c a l c h a n g e

Figure 4: Reconstruction drawing of west-facing, wind-powered furnace with front wall in position.

The resumption of smelting in phase 4 saw at least six

smelting campaigns, with 28 furnaces at fifteen locations.
Again the smelting campaigns appear to alternate with
localised episodes of disuse. The data allows us to chart the
movement of activity across the site in terms of combinations
of furnace locations going in and out of use and re-use but no
distinct pattern of usage was discernible. For example, furnace
location B is used during four of the campaigns but not in
succession and in random combination with other locations.

Correlation of wind and furnace

The major changes from Phase 2 to Phase 4 are shown in

Figs. 6 and 7, with the most distinct change being in furnace
Figure 5: Experimental smelting in reconstructed furnace, position. During Phase 2 furnaces are constructed both on
Samanalawewa 2007. the leading edge of the ridge and on the marginally flatter
summit of the ridge, less than 10m from the leading edge.
Synchronic and diachronic variations Their positioning also places some furnaces directly behind
others, as in those at locations J and K and B and C. Our
Against this general background we are now able to examine understanding of fluid dynamics and CFD analysis enables us
in more detail the technological changes that took place to surmise that boundary layer separation off the front wall of
during the working life of the site and to begin to tease out the furnace, on the leading edge, would create a lee-eddy effect
the character of technological change. for some meters behind the furnace (Juleff, 1998, Tabor et al,
Evidence from the excavation identified three distinct 2005). With a gap of no more than 5m between J and K, B and
smelting campaigns during phase 2, alternating with brief C, the airflow over furnaces at K and C would be significantly
episodes of localised disuse. The number of furnaces in use reduced and turbulent. We know from stratigraphic evidence
during any one campaign varies from three to seven, and in that furnaces at B and C did operate during the same smelting
total fourteen furnaces at ten locations operated during the campaign and we can only imagine that smelting in C would
phase (within the area excavated). It is important here to have been sub-optimal at the least.
distinguish between furnaces and furnace locations. Furnace Whether shielded by another furnace or not, we also know
indicates a single structure in which a series of smelts took that the winds incident on the flatter area along the summit
place while a furnace location records a position on the site of the ridge are substantially lower than those at the leading
where a succession of furnaces were constructed, one on top edge. During the monsoon season of 1990, a week-long wind
of another. For example, furnace location B on the southern monitoring exercise was conducted on the site and ~450 half-
edge of the excavated area (Fig. 3) saw a succession of at least hourly velocity and direction readings were collected from
seven furnaces (labelled B1-B7). positions along the ridge (see Fig. 3, positions marked with

Gillian Juleff

Figure 6: Schematic view of site phasing in section with all furnace wall positions.

triangles). At the time the wind data was collected excavations

had not taken place and furnace positions were unknown.
Thus any correlation between wind records and furnace
position only became apparent later, when data sets were
compared. The records clearly show that winds recorded at
the two positions to the east of the smelting debris on the
flat of the ridge have average velocities of 10 and 12km/h,
while positions along the leading edge average between 26 and
35km/h (Juleff, 1998). In consequence the furnaces of Phase
2 would have varied in their performance, with those at the
leading edge probably being noticeably hotter and more stable.
The response to these observations in Phase 4 is
dramatic, with furnaces lining up along the leading edge
with no overlap or shielding of positions (Figs. 6 and 7). This
principle is adhered to regardless of which of the locations
are used during any one campaign. Only location A does not
strictly line up with other Phase 4 furnaces within the main
excavation area, although its position at the southernmost
tip of the ridge (Fig. 3) suggests it would have experienced
uninterrupted winds. Three other furnace locations are shown
in Fig. 3 outside of the main excavation area, at U, V and
W. Interestingly, the 1990 wind data shows that location U
recorded the highest average wind speeds at 35.3km/h while at
location W, the highest part of the ridge, wind speeds averaged
only 26.3km/h. Overall the wind data from SM88 and other
sites recorded in the course of the project, demonstrates a
high degree of localised velocity variation, undoubtedly
determined by local topographies. What is striking is that
these phenomena were empirically observed, learned and
exploited in the technological development of the site. The
micro-level correlation between wind conditions and furnace
location is seen at location B, which coincides with one of the
1990 wind monitoring positions. Winds at this position were
the second highest of the dataset, with an average of 34.4km/h.
Excavation data shows that the first furnace constructed at B
was at the outset of smelting on the site in the first campaign
of Phase 2. A succession of at least six more furnaces were built
at this position spanning both Phase 2 and 4, each furnace
Figure 7: Schematic view of site phasing in plan showing being constructed on top of the previous as the surrounding
main excavation area and furnace locations. slag and debris accumulated.

I n v e n t i o n , i n n o vat i o n a n d i n s p i r at i o n : O p t i m i s at i o n a n d r e s o lv i n g t e c h n o lo g i c a l c h a n g e

The fine-tuning of furnace with the wind can be WSW just 0.9% (Juleff 1998). It was also noticeable that
discerned in a further change from Phase 2 to 4, with a the most sustained periods of velocities above the averages
gradual and almost imperceptible shift in orientation from coincide with the wind veering to WNW. The subtlety of
west-facing to west-northwest (Fig. 8). Again, the close this observation, recorded through relatively sophisticated
correlation between wind and furnace was not recognised instrumentation, appeared unimportant until the footprint
until the data sets from two strands of research, wind plans of the most complete furnaces were seen together
monitoring and excavation, were finally compared later (Fig. 8) and the shift in orientation of the Phase 4 furnaces
on in the project analysis. It was mentioned above that the towards WNW became apparent. The act of re-aligning
1990 wind-monitoring exercise included recording wind the furnace structure towards WNW would ensure that the
direction. Of 215 readings, the major component (64.5%) straight front wall of the furnace was presented broadside to
records the wind direction as WNW, with W making up the strongest and most constant winds, thereby optimising
most of the remainder at 33%, N comprising only 1.3% and furnace performance.

Figure 8: Plans of most complete furnace walls for phase 2 and 4. Note west-northwest orientation and increase in
length in phase 4.

Gillian Juleff

Furnace size and construction human behaviour (Fitzhugh, 2002, and see also Rehren et al,
2007, Charlton et al, 2010). The subtle re-orientation of the
Changes are also seen in furnace size and construction furnace from west to west-northwest could only have resulted
between the two phases. Fig. 8 also shows the increase in from empirical and scientific observance of regional and
furnace length from Phase 2 to Phase 4 for the most complete local wind and weather patterns, combined with micro-level
examples. Furnace length is the internal N-S measurement observation of the furnace in action.
and seven examples were captured for phase 2, ranging When weighing the case for invention versus innovation,
between 1.35m and 1.76m, with the mean falling at 1.60m. For the rate or pace of change may provide useful insight. The
phase 4 the range starts at 1.60m and extends to the longest changes seen at SM88 took place over a period of 300 to 400
examples at 2.10m, with the mean falling at 1.85m. While years, perhaps the span of ten or twelve generations. Given the
furnace length increases over time, depth-in-plan, the distance nature of radiocarbon date ranges and the lack of additional
from the centre of the back wall to the line of the straight precisely datable material, this is the best chronological
front wall, although problematic to record accurately, shows resolution we can expect. Within this span, the archaeology
little variation between the two phases. It remains within suggests a steady rate of seasonal site use punctuated by fallow
a range from 0.3m to 0.5m with 0.4m being the mean, and episodes, perhaps when charcoal fuel trees were allowed to
with only one anomalous outlier at 0.8m (Malim et al, 1995, regenerate and smelting continued at other nearby west-facing
Juleff, 1998). Using both length and depth-in-plan to calculate sites. With the changes to furnace design, size, location and
furnace volume (on the basis that the two curved ends form orientation comes an increase in activity, with more furnaces
90º quadrants of radius 0.4m, leaving a rectangular central constructed and more debris generated (with corresponding
section), the overall increase in furnace length from 1.35m to increase in metal produced) (Juleff, 1998). Experimental
2.10m represents a 39% increase in furnace capacity. reconstructions of the smelting process have demonstrated
In the early stages of Phase 2 furnaces were constructed the possibility of achieving consistent furnace temperatures
with finesse and careful attention to detail. The clay used was of 1450ºC and above and of smelting directly to slag-free,
of uniform texture, with few visible inclusions. Back walls high-carbon steels. The rate of optimisation conjures a
were carefully modelled to angle backwards (to the east) and scenario of cumulative knowledge consciously transmitted
extended into a thin but equally carefully-modelled base to from one generation to the next, as well as a kinship between
take on a scoop-like form. The angled walls of B1, D1, F1, generations that requires custodial preservation of knowledge,
O1, I1, K1 and P1 are shown in Fig. 6. The wall of B1 is set as might be expected in craft/caste specialisation.
into a purpose-dug scoop, cut into the bedrock, as was the Interestingly, the dynamic picture of optimisation and
base of F1. By Phase 4 furnace building is stripped of any increasing focus on maximising efficiency argues strongly
unnecessary effort and reduced to uniform functionality, with for an underlying economic motivation. However, the
back walls being universally vertical and crudely constructed archaeology provides us with insights that suggest otherwise.
from coarse clay, loaded with massive inclusions of readily As mentioned, Samanalawewa lay at the fringe of mainstream
available garnetiferous granulite bedrock. The walls are poorly society during the Middle Historic period and there are strong
finished, displaying uneven plastering marks, and the idea hints that its inhabitants were ethnically distinct from the
of a clay furnace base is entirely dispensed with. Despite the core Sinhalese society of the lowland plains. There is no
apparent lack of attention to detail, the furnace walls of Phase evidence in the archaeological record of any material or social
4 are clearly functionally robust and survive as well as those gain, in the form of built structures, religious endowments,
of Phase 2. increased settlement size or material culture, from the
development of the highly productive and sophisticated
iron and steel industry. The likely interpretation, that the
Characterising change high-carbon steel produced in the wind-driven furnaces of
Samanalwewa was one and the same as the sarandibi steel
The technological developments between the two phases of described by the Early Islamic writer, al-Kindi, as highly
smelting at SM88 all point to processes of optimisation, with prized for the making of swords in the Islamic world, has been
changes made to maximise the interaction between smelting hypothesized elsewhere (Juleff, 1996, 1998). For the valuable
furnace and the most constant and powerful wind conditions. products of the west-facing furnaces to reach end-users in
These changes would thereby improve furnace performance the Near East, a trade network connecting the remote hills
and increase output, coupled with changes to eliminate the of Samanalawewa with coastal ports via the lowland plains
unnecessary expenditure of energy. The changes observed must be envisaged, with state officials or entrepreneurs to
are tightly proscribed by geographical, environmental, maintain the link. The lack of evidence for local economic or
chronological and archaeological means and allow a high- material gain from this trade suggests that smelting and the
resolution view of events. What is powerfully conveyed is production of steel was carried out as tribute to the state or
the conscious nature of the changes enacted between the as a contractual obligation. In which case, it becomes more
inception of smelting in the 7th century and the abandonment difficult to identify the driving force behind technological
of the site in the early 11th century. This is not a process of change and the process of optimisation. Perhaps what we
random copying-error or diffusion of innovation as described see here is ultimately innovation and invention inspired by
in recent studies of technological evolution, but conforms curiosity, natural learning combined with ownership of, and
more closely to conscious and directed invention as creative identification with, the technology.

I n v e n t i o n , i n n o vat i o n a n d i n s p i r at i o n : O p t i m i s at i o n a n d r e s o lv i n g t e c h n o lo g i c a l c h a n g e

Discussion Coomaraswamy, A.K. 1956. Medieval Sinhalese Art, (2nd edn), New
York, Pantheon Books.
The arguments for conscious processes of optimisation Deraniyagala, S.U. 1992. The prehistory of Sri Lanka: an ecological
perspective, Memoir 8, Archaeological Survey Department,
based on empirical learning embedded within a specialist
craft society developed here, appear to run counter to the De Silva, K.M. 1981. A history of Sri Lanka, London, Hurst and Co.
overview presented in a recent paper (Juleff, 2009) that Fitzhugh, B. 2001. Risk and invention in human technological
examined the development of the west-facing furnace type evolution. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 20, 125-167.
from its earliest appearance in the 4th century BC in the Juleff, G. 1996. An ancient wind-powered iron smelting technology
Samanalawewa area, through other manifestations of long, in Sri Lanka, Nature, 379(6560): 60-63.
low furnaces both within Sri Lanka and further afield, across Juleff, G. 1998. Early iron and steel in Sri Lanka: a study of the
Samanalawewa area, Mainz, Von Zabern.
Southeast and East Asia. In this broad sweep the linear
Juleff, G. 2009. Technology and evolution: a root and branch view of
configuration of the furnace was traced as a distinct, long- Asian iron from first millennium BC Sri Lanka to Japanese steel.
range evolutionary development independent of the means World Archaeology 41, 557-577.
of air supply used to drive the furnaces, e.g. monsoonal Juleff, G., Craddock, P.T. and Malim, T.J.P. 2009. In the footsteps of
wind or bellows, and processes of memetic inheritance were Ananda Coomaraswamy: Veralugasmankada and the archaeology
postulated for a divergence in technological evolution which and oral history of traditional iron smelting in Sri Lanka. Historical
distinguished circular plan furnaces from an Asian tradition Metallurgy, 43(2), 109-134.
Killick, D. 2004. Social constructionist approaches to the study of
of linear furnaces. The data discussed here, however, describes
technology. World Archaeology 36: debates in World Archaeology,
localised, meso- and micro-level processes of adaptation, 571-8.
innovation and optimisation. In conclusion, the potential Malim, T.J.P., Shotliff, A. and Juleff, G. 1995. Excavating iron smelting
for detecting and characterising processes of technological furnaces at Samanalawewa, Sri Lanka: a methodological approach,
change and development exist at a variety of levels. Evidence in F.R. and B. Allchin (eds) South Asian Archaeology (New Delhi),
from field survey and excavation can prove a valuable source 911-924.
of insight into the cultural dynamics of technology. Ondaatje, W.C. 1854. The Kandyan mode of manufacturing steel,
Ceylon Almanack, appendix, 40.
Perera, L.S., 1959. The early kings of Ceylon up to Mutasiva. In
Parananvitana, S. (ed.) University of Ceylon history of Ceylon, pt
Acknowledgements 1, 98-111, University of Ceylon Press, Colombo.
Rehren, Th., Charlton, M.F., Chirikure, S., Humphris, J., Ige, A.
The original fieldwork and excavations of the Samanalawewa Veldhuizen, H.A. 2007. Decision set in slag – the human factor
Archaeological Project were carried out in collaboration with the in African iron smelting. In La Niece, S., Hook, D., Craddock,
Archaeological Survey Department of Sri Lanka. The project was P. (eds), Metals and Mines: Studies in Archaeometallurgy,
supported by the British Government (Overseas Development Archetype Publications, London, 211-218.
Agency) and the Japanese (Kumagi-Hazima-Kagima) and British Shennan, S.J. 2002. Genes, memes and human history, Darwinian
(Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners, and Balfour Beatty) developers of archaeology and cultural evolution. London, Thames and
the Samanalawewa Hydro-Electric scheme. Logistical and financial Hudson.
support were also given by the British Council and the British High Somasekaram, T. et al (eds), 1988. National atlas for Sri Lanka,
Commission, Colombo. I wish to acknowledge the professional Survey Department, Colombo.
archaeological expertise of Tim Malim and Drew Shotliff who Tabor, G.R., Molinari, D. and Juleff, G. 2005. Computational
contributed to both the excavation and post-excavation stages of simulation of air flows through a Sri Lanka wind-driven furnace,
the project and Caroline Malim and Seán Goddard for preparation Journal of Archaeological Science, 32: 753-766.
of site drawings and illustrations. I would also like to thank the Wayman M.L. and Juleff G. 1999, Crucible steelmaking in Sri Lanka,
organisers of World of Iron, especially Jane Humphris for her Journal, Historical Metallurgy, 33(1), 26-42.
exceptional patience.

Author’s address
• University of Exeter
[email protected]
Charlton, M.F., Crew, P., Rehren, Th., Shennan, S.J. 2012. Explaining
the evolution of ironmaking recipes – An example from northwest
Wales. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 29, 352-367.


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