Hatha Yoga

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The document discusses various topics across multiple pages without providing an overt summary.

The text covers a wide range of topics including descriptions, processes, and relationships without clearly defining the scope or subject matter.

While the earlier pages provide more descriptive information, the later pages contain more analytical content and draw connections between concepts.





? ? 

© Lie flat on your back.

© Jurl up your legs and lift yourself up onto your shoulders, with your
hands supporting your lower torso as shown.
©  tend your legs up straight into the air and point your toes.
© ½ork your self into as much of a vertical position as possible, keeping the torso and
legs aligned.
© Àn the final position, have your chin pressed into your chest as you reach up with
your body and legs.
© egin long deep breathing, to help o ygenate and enrich the blood.
© nce in position, close your eyes and let the asana do it¶s magic.


© 0 Seconds - minutes.
© Start slowly and build up your time steadily from there.


©  cellent yoga pose for nourishing the brain with o ygen rich blood to help it remain
healthy and fresh.
© ]he asana also reverses the affect which gravity has on the organs and helps the
inner systems realign themselves.
© celps drain and remove stagnant blood from the e tremities.
© ]he pressure in the neck region massages all the nerves and subtle channels, again
promoting improved brain fitness by ensuring better flow to this important region.
Àn addition the thyroid and parathyroid glands are massaged and toned, improving
the functioning of the endocrine system.
© celps counteract varicose veins.
© aacifies the mind and induces peacefulness.
© celps boost the immune system, as well as overall health and wellbeing.


© Jareful with your neck. Very important to not over strain this delicate region. So
only straighten as much as you are comfortable doing. Don¶t fall over.
© Àf you can¶t get all the way vertical, that is fine. Just straighten as far as you can
and slowly improve the posture over time.
© Strong abdominal muscles will help you master this pose.
© Don¶t do this asana e cessively. One time per day is more than enough and À don¶t
recommend it for more than minutes ma .




]he very first kundalini yoga pose from the Free Online Àllustrated Kundalini
Yoga aoses &  ercises -ook will be the powerful Stretch aose. ]his yoga
pose is a frequent entry in many Kundalini Yoga kriyas, especially those that
deal with opening, healing and balancing the important navel chakra, the
third chakra of the kundalini yoga seven chakra system responsible for your
abdominal region.

arly in your kundalini yoga practice, it is important to focus on the

abdominal area. ]his is because strengthening your navel center will, not
only give you important core energy to develop your yoga practice, but will
also help build your character and willpower, which are essential for a long
term consistent, fruitful practice.

elow, you will find 2 illustrations of kundalini yoga stretch pose, the first is
the normal pose, and it is followed by an illustration of the modified version
of stretch pose. You can also switch back and forth between the two poses,
as you develop your abdominal strength. elow that are practice details and
instructions for this most important kundalini yoga e ercise. Also, provided
are the online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas which use this posture.




a. À   

© Lie on your back.

© alace your hands under your buttocks palms facing down (to support your lower
© £aise your heels 6 inches, point your feet and toes away from you, raise your head
slightly and stare at your toes. You will feel the abdominal muscles go to work
© egin reath of Fire reathing  ercise.


    0 seconds -00 minutes.

© uilds abdominal strength.

© Àncreases core energy and power.
© celps develop the much coveted 6 pack abs.
© Opens, heals and balances the Manipura Jhakra (aka. Nabhi Jhakra, Navel Jhakra,
Solar ale us Jhakra) which is the seat of willpower. Àt is recommended to build this
center early in your Yoga practice as it will give you the strength and character to
see things through.
© Àmproves your digestive system.


© ]o modify this pose you can do this posture with your legs bent at the knees, or do
one leg at a time. ither way you will reduce the pressure on the abdominal
© e careful with your lower back when practicing this pose, roll more of your arms
underneath you to help give it more support.



A great thing about Kundalini Yoga e ercises, is that sometimes the same
e ercise has some nice variations which can help one accomplish a wide
range of goals. Some of these variations come in the form of simply a
different breathing pattern, which allows for different effects to be achieved.

Last week À added the si teenth e ercise to the Free Online Kundalini Yoga
 ercises -book, the simple yet wonderful Jat-Jow Kundalini Yoga  ercise
for motional cealth. ]his beneficial e ercise is in itself worth incorporating
into a daily yoga routine, and done with the variation below, it can also be a
valuable technique for fighting deep seated fears, including the ultimate fear
of death. Àt helps build in one no fear and fearlessness.




    !  "      

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© Jome onto the floor on all fours. Make sure your hands are directly under
your shoulders, about shoulder width apart and knees are directly under your
hips, about hip distance apart.
© Ne t bring your head down and your chin towards your chest as you arch
your back up like a cat (pressing your stomach up as in illustration #0).
© After coming into cat pose inhale fully then cAL and cOLD YOU£ £A]c
OU]. ½ith your breath held out, start to pump your stomach as many times
as you can at about 0 pump a second or a little faster. aumping your
stomach means to pull/suck in your stomach front wall towards your spine
and then releasing it. You can see this aspect of the e ercise in the following
video as well Ànfinite nergy & arosperity Meditation ]echnique.
© Do as many pumps as you can with your breath held out and then take a
deep inhalation, then e hale completely once more and repeat the cycle. Do
as many cycles as you like.



© 0 minute - 00 minutes.


© celps fight fears and clears the diaphragm and abdominal region of emotional
© Very good for the digestive system.
© Àt helps e pand and build the nervous system.
© ½hen the e hale/pump phase is done for longer periods of time, it can help one fight
the fear of death and build in one great courage and fearlessness.


© Ànitially do not overdo this e ercise. Only hold your breath out for as long as
© Once you feel stronger and confident, hold your breath and try to stay rela ed even
as panic comes to the system due to breath deprivation. alease be intelligent and
use common sense here and DO NO] push too much.
© Àncorporate this e ercise at the end of doing Jat-Jow. Àt is an easy way to build it
into your daily practice

   # $     

0 Spinal ½arm-up Kundalini Yoga Kriya (uses Jat-Jow).





]his second Kundalini Yoga pose in the Free Online Àllustrated Kundalini
Yoga aoses &  ercises -ook is perhaps the most depicted pose of
Kundalini Yoga, it is the agle aose. ]his pose is also part of many Kundalini
Yoga kriyas, and is part of the famous Kundalini Yoga Morning ½ake-up

]his pose does not work on any specific chakra of the Kundalini Yoga Seven
Jhakra System per se, but, in fact works on building your aura or magnetic
field instead. Your aura is the total strength of your nervous system and it
protects you from the unseen forces. ]his aura is also responsible for you
presence, charisma, magnetism and the impact you have on others.

elow, you will find an illustration of Kundalini Yoga agle pose, practice
details and instructions for this fantastic Kundalini Yoga e ercise. Also,
provided are the online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas which use this posture.



a. À   


© Sit up with your legs crossed. You can also sit on a chair if necessary.
© £aise your arms to 60 degrees keeping the elbows straight.
© Jurl your fingers in towards your upper palms. Note: Do not make a fist. aoint your
thumb up towards the sky.
© egin reath of Fire reathing  ercise.


      0 minute - 00 minutes.


© Strengths your Aura and Magnetic Field.

© [ives you charisma, charm, magnetism and presence.
© [ive you the ability to heal others.
© [ives you the ability to uplift and inspire others.
© [ives you the ability to influence others (please use wisely).
© arotects you from unseen forces (negative thoughts, viruses, bad vibrations etc.)


© As you become more proficient in agle aose, try not to give up on the first sign of
discomfort. Àf you see through these first points of resistance, the e ercise will get
easier as your energetic pathways open up.
© £ide reath of Fire to help you get through the shoulder pain. ]he reath of Fire will
also help with charging your magnetic field and building your aura. ]ake a break
though from reath of Fire if you start to feel uncomfortable.

   # $ '   

0 Kundalini Yoga Morning ½ake-up Series:  cellent quick Kundalini Yoga set
for an overall workout.
 ! ’


]oday À want to illustrate and detail for you one of the best yoga e ercise to
help you tone your stomach muscles and get great firm abs. Àn fact, this
particular e ercise might just be the single best e ercise from the world of
health and fitness to work on your abs. Àt is such a potent pose that in
Kundalini Yoga it is considered a Kriya in and of itself and called Maha Shakti
Kriya ([reat Strength/aower/nergy Set), and this is also a key catha Yoga
pose, and there it is called Nauk Asana or oat aose.

As À have mentioned in the past, varying your workout routine is a key

element in abdominal and other muscle training, and to help you do that
there are several e cellent ab e ercises and sets already on the website.
cere is a quick list of these resources for you, which will give you plenty of
ways to introduce variations in your workout. £est assured, À will continue
to add more e ercises and sets to help you target your abs and core muscles
in a variety of ways in the future.

 ( ) !


Stretch aose for Abdominal Strength

Jore Abdominal aower Yoga Set (]his set uses oat aose)

 cellent Yoga ½orkout to Shape and ]one Stomach

 '*   + !


oat aose along with Stretch aose À think are great e ercises to use to
benchmark the fitness level of your abs. So even if you switch to other
abdominal workouts, you can do either of these 2 poses from time to time to
measure the progress you are making with your core strength and power.
Stretch aose is a little more basic, while oat aose is more advanced. Àn
addition, if you are doing a yoga set where you are not getting enough
abdominal work, À suggest adding oat aose to your routine, generally at the
end, to ensure you get your work in for this key region.

Like almost all yoga postures, oat aose also has modifications for beginners
to do and À have e plained that in the practice section below. ]his pose will
be part of the following 3 free online e-books: Free catha Yoga aoses, Online
Kundalini Yoga  ercises & Free Kundalini Yoga Kriyas, where you will find a
huge collection of other yoga sets, poses and e ercises, fully illustrated and

elow you will find illustrations of this great ab e ercise and done regularly À
am sure it will help you tone your abs and give you a firm, flat stomach.
alease also follow the guidelines on how to practice yoga which À have
detailed in the following 2 articles, eginner¶s [uide to Yoga aractice and
[uidelines for Kundalini Yoga aractice.


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a. À        

© Lie flat on your back.

© cave your arms straight out to the sides with your palms facing in. Keep your legs
together and straight out as well with your toes pointing forward.
© Now bring your legs and torso up such that you are balancing on your sacrum. Keep
your eyes focused on your toes, this will help you keep your balance. You are
forming a V shape, with your legs and torso.
© egin the reath of Fire reathing  ercise and continue on for as long as you can.

b.       0 seconds - 00 minutes


© uilds your Navel Jenter and firms and tones your abdominal muscles.
© Activates and balances the Manipura Jhakra.
© uilds willpower and strength of character.
© Awakens all the systems in the body (digestive, nervous, endocrine, circulatory,
© Develops core energy and vitality.
© Develops focus and balance6


© ]o modify the e ercise hold on to your knees or thighs. ]his is a good way for
beginners to start.
© Keeping a steady gaze upon your toes will go a long way in helping you keep your
© Àf you need to, you can take a break and then come into the pose again once you are
ready. [enerally À will do this e ercise 3 times, with breaks in between.
© You can build up the time for Maha Shakti Kriya to 00 minutes. ]his will give you
rock solid abs like ruce Lee, who often practiced this very e ercise .

( À!   


]he first Yoga breathing e ercise we will e plore lies at the heart of
Kundalini Yoga practice, it is the legendary reath of Fire Yoga aranayama.

As mentioned above this breathing e ercise is absolutely essential to the

practice of Kundalini Yoga. ]he roots of this pranayama are impossible to
trace but À would like to thank my teacher £avi Singh under whose e pert
guidance À learned this technique.

! , "


Just your nose :-D.




© ·uickly o ygenates your blood, thus helping the body deto ify itself
and remove waste more effectively.
© uilds lung capacity and helps purify the respiratory system.
© [enerates heat and increases your level of energy by activating the
energy flows in your body.
© Syncronizes your entire system under one rhythm, thus promoting
greater internal harmony and health.


© alances and strengthens the Nervous System.

© Magnifies the benefits of e ercises done in conjunction with this
© ½hen done forcefully, the pulsating of the diaphragm massages the
internal organs, thus improving the digestive system.


© Àf you feel dizzy when practicing reath of Fire, you should stop and
substitute normal breathing. Àf you suffer from vertigo, you should
use caution in practicing this breathing e ercise.
© Àf you are menstruating you should not practice reath of Fire, use
Long Deep reathing instead.
© You should be careful practicing reath of Fire if you have high blood
pressure, heart disease or suffer from stroke or epilepsy. Also, if you
have acid or heat related gastric issues such as ulcers you should use



© ]o practice this breathing e ercise sit up in a comfortable position.

© longate your spine upwards, lengthen your neck and subtly bring
your chin back and in like a soldier at attention. ]his will align the
spine with the back of your head.
© Jlose your eyes.
© £est your hands in any comfortable position.
© £ela your stomach muscles.
© Now begin to breathe rapidly through the nose with equal emphasis on
the inhalation and e halation. Àt will be like very fast sniffing. Keep
the breath shallow, just at the tip of the nose. aroceed at a
comfortable pace and establish a steady rhythm. aay no special
attention to the chest or diaphragm other that staying rela ed. You
will find the stomach pulses on its own in rhythm to the breath. ]hat¶s
it, continue for 0 minute.


© aerform the breathing at a faster pace.

© Àncrease the duration of the e ercise to 3 minutes


© uild up the pace and power with which you do the breathing.
© uild up the time for this pranayama to 00 minutes.



So the trick question is, "cow many breaths are you taking when doing the
breath of fire yoga pranayama"? ]his will be of some special concern to
those who believe in the idea that each of us is born with a preset number of
breaths and once we finish our quota - the fat lady sings. So for those folks
it would be rather alarming to practice this e ercise regularly, as they would
be drastically reducing their life span - but, thankfully they need not worry.
]he beauty of this breathing e ercise, aside from its lengthy list of benefits,
is that it registers to the brain as only 0 breath. So put your worries aside
and enjoy the practice of this pranayama which À have found to be one of
the real gems of Kundalini Yoga.

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© Yes the pose is called aanting Dog reath of Fire!

© As illustrated above, sit up on your heels in £ock pose, e cept lean
forward slightly. £est your hands on your knees as shown.
© Now open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out as far as it will
go. Now begin to pant like a dog. £emember what À said above and
don¶t hold back. You are a Kundalini Yogi, just stick your tongue out
and pant like a dog. All the breathing should be taking place through
the mouth.
© mphasize the e halation, and with every e halation your stomach
should be contacting in towards your spine sharply (similar to
Kapalbhati Yoga aranayama in this way). ]he pace should be fast, just
like a tired dog panting.
© Àf you feel a metallic taste emerging on the back of your tongue, this is
to ic heavy metals being release and cleansed from deep within your
tissue, keep going!


© 0 - minutes. Àf 0 minute is too much you can start with 0 seconds and build up
from there as well.



© Deto ifies and cleanses your system of garbage, to ins and heavy metals.
© Strengthens and tones your abdominal muscles.
© uilds your respiratory capacity.
© aromotes good health and longevity.


© Like À mentioned above, you can add this e ercise to the end of any Kundalini Yoga
Kriya. Àt helps your system purge itself of any to ins that have been released into
the blood stream as a result of the Kriya.
© After doing this cleansing e ercise, À also recommend drinking plenty of water once
your yoga session is completed, to further help wash out any released to ins.
© [iven the amount of pollution in our air and water, we can¶t afford not to incorporate
aanting Dog reath of Fire into our routine from time to time. Àt really will help
cleanse and deto ify your entire system.

   # $  *'*  

0 Feel free to add this e ercise at the end of your yoga session to help
cleanse your body of released to ins

    / /

c       ! c  

ow pose or Dhanur Asana is perhaps the face of yoga. Àt is another one of
those yoga poses that is worth incorporating into your daily practice. Àt is
not as difficult as ½heel aose, which is detailed in the article, Advanced Yoga
]echnique - ½heel aose, but it provides many of the same benefits and a
few more when done the special Kundalini Yoga way.

ow pose is again common to both hatha yoga and kundalini yoga and thus,
is a part of both the e-books that are available on Mastery of Meditation.
]he Free Online catha Yoga aoses [alleries and the Free Àllustrated
Kundalini Yoga aoses -ook.

ow pose has a long list of benefits, specially for the entire digestive system,
but the technique employed by kundalini yoga when practicing this posture,
is the real secret for unleashing it¶s full potential. Àn kundalini yoga, we rock
back and forth in bow pose, thus giving our entire abdominal area a terrific

aracticing bow pose in this way is reputed to help you maintain eternal
youth. Although that might be a slight e aggeration, my yoga teacher £avi
Singh, pointed out that he knows of a particular yogi in Jalifornia who rocks
in bow pose for 20 minutes daily, and his age was impossible to tell. Of
course, don¶t jump ahead to this advanced method, until you have first
mastered the basics of this posture.

Àf you are looking for more information on Kundalini Yoga practice. À

recommend the following 3 articles as good starting points: Àntroduction to
Kundailni Yoga, 00 Àmportant [uidelines for Kundalini Yoga aractice and
Dangers of Kundalini Yoga.

elow you will find an illustration of ow aose (Dhanur Asana) and details
regarding this fundamental yoga posture.


   -   .


? ? 

© Start by lying on your stomach with your chin on the floor.

© Ne t, bend your knees and bring your heels towards your buttocks.
©    £each back and grasp your ankles, keeping the rest of your body
on the floor. aull your heels into your buttocks.
© À  
   £aise yourself up off the floor as shown in the illustration
above, by pressing your ankles away from you. Your chest and thighs should be
raised off the floor.
 £ock back and forth in bow pose, inhaling as you come forward,
e haling on the way back.


© 0 seconds - minutes.


© ]he ultimate yoga pose to improve and perfect your digestive system.
©  cellent for your respiratory system, to relieve breathing problems and
ailments such as asthma, etc.
© [ood for the entire spine and back.
© [reat pose for improving the overall fle ibility of the entire body.
© celps improve overall health and wellbeing.
© [ood for weight loss.


© arogress gently towards the advanced version. For some, even the beginner version
is difficult to get into, in which case just bring your heels as close to your buttocks as
you can, and reach as far back with your arms as possible.
© Do not eat for at least 2-3 hours before practicing this posture, or you will be quite
© Jareful of your knees and back when doing this pose.

 0 #%
  !  " 

£ecently À have received many requests to provide a meditation technique

for prosperity and wealth. ]he guided meditation technique in this article
not only meets that requirement, but in fact does a great deal more for you
as well. My views on money on the path to enlightenment and views on how
to choose and manifest your desires, can be read in the following 2 articles:
Money Money Money Mantra and the aath to nlightenment and ]he 4 Keys
Laws to Manifest Desire if You Absolutely Must. Àf you feel money and
wealth are indeed needed by you at this time of your life, then by all means
use this potent meditation technique to manifest them.

]his powerful meditation technique utilizes many different components of

Kundalini Yoga and Yoga ahilosophy to work its magic. Àt uses the power of
mantra (sound/thought vibration), yoga mudras (hand positions to facilitate
certain states of consciousness), pranayama (breath control techniques), in
conjunction with yogic body techniques to fulfill its purpose. ]hus, this
unique meditation can also be categorized as a Kundalini Yoga Kriya (set) or
a Yoga reathing  ercise (pranayama).

!  "
  0 #%
  !  " 

© An alarm clock, stop watch or other time device.

  0 #%

  !  " 

© Attracts and brings to you prosperity, wealth and money.

© Makes available to you the nergy of the Ànfinite. alease use wisely.
© Attracts and brings to you gifts and blessings.
©  pands and strengthens your aranic (energetic) body.
©  pands and strengthens your nervous system.
© celps you overcome deep seated fears (including fear of death) and makes you
© uilds the Naval Jenter and abdominal muscles.


© Opens, heals and rejuvenates the Manipura (Nabhi - Naval) Jhakra.

© Àmproves your digestive system.
© uilds your willpower and strength of character.
      0 #%
  !  " 

As mentioned above, this meditation technique utilizes breath control (pranayama) as part
of its process. Àt requires breath suspension after e halation, which is one of the more
difficult aspects of breath control. Anytime you are going to practice breath suspension,
especially after e halation, you need to move forward gently and intelligently. So è
  and build up the time for this meditation systematically. Àn doing so you will avoid
creating unnecessary problems for yourself and will gracefully gain mastery over this
profound meditation technique.


 0 #%
  !  " 

Follow the step by step meditation instructions below to practice this


© Sit in a comfortable cross legged position. You may also sit on a chair for
this meditation.
© Set your alarm or other time device for the appropriate time (start with 0
minute and build up to 00 minutes or more).
© longate your spine upwards, lengthen your neck and subtly bring your chin
back and in, like a soldier at attention. ]his will align the spine with the back
of your head.
© ]ake deep, slow breaths though the nose. ]his will o ygenate your blood
and rela you.
© alace your LF] hand in Yoga [yan Mudra (your ÀND finger and ]humb
tips are meeting, other 3 fingers are pointing straight)
©  tend your left arm up at 60 degrees. Your palm is facing in towards you
and the arm should be straight.
© alace your £À[c] hand in Yoga Surya Mudra (your £ÀN[ finger and ]humb
tips are meeting, other 3 finger are pointing straight)
© end your right arm such that your right elbow is near your lower ribs, on
the right side of your body, with your forearm making a small angle at your
right elbow joint. ]he right palm is also facing in (and will be about face
© Jlose your eyes.
© Ànhale deeply, then cAL completely and hold your breath out.
© ½ith your breath held out pump your stomach at a moderate pace about 0
pump / second. aump your stomach means to pull in your abdominal
muscles powerfully towards your spine.
© ½ith each pump silently ]cÀNK the sound cA£.
© Once your have done as many pumps as you are comfortable doing, inhale
deeply, then cAL and repeat the cycle again. Jontinue for the duration
of the meditation.

c  !0  0 #%

  !  " 

© À repeat, start this meditation slowly and build up your time systematically.
© ½hen you start to feel stronger and more capable of holding your breath out for
e tended periods of time, challenge the sense of panic that comes upon you as a
result of breath deprivation. Staying calm through this period of panic will make you
fearless. DO NO] ]£Y ]cÀS UN]ÀL YOU ]cÀNK YOU A£ £ADY FO£ À].
© ]ry to keep the arms as indicated and don¶t give up at the first sign of discomfort.
Again, don¶t overdo it early in your practice, but as you progress let the mind and
body know that you have the willpower and spirit to overcome their complaints.
© ]his meditation is designed to give you a great deal of power, energy and wealth. Àt
is provided here with the understanding that you agree not to misuse any of these
blessings and agree to use them to make progress on your spiritual journey and/or
use them to help others in theirs.

]his concludes the arosperity & nergy [uided Meditation ]echnique.

(Added 08/30/2007)

cere are some illustrations for the correct posture and yoga mudras (hand
positions) for this meditation as À realize this meditation can be quite
confusing. ½ay over due À know :-a.

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]here is a state a consciousness where there is absolutely no whisper of thought or
movement of any kind in the mind. ]he state is a stillness and silence upon which then, the
dance of e istence eventually takes place. Àn this state the timeless, the eternal, the
infinite, ]ruth is encountered. Àn this state burns the fire of intelligence. Àt does not allow
desire to form. Desire simply cannot take birth, it is as if there is a no entry sign and desire
is not allowed in. Desire, if it attempts to take birth, is immediately snuffed out. cighest
intelligence and swift awareness stand guard.

]here is also the state, where the mind moves and desire takes shape, but if you are
established in impersonal awareness, you are free of any compulsion of having to act upon
the desire. y impersonal awareness, À mean you are residing in the awareness of the non-
duality of £eality, as best you can. From this perch, you are the Master and can decide if in
fact you will indulge in the desire or not. ]his is all fine and dandy but, what are you to do
if you have many desires and are being driven by them? ]hat is the focus of this article.
½hat to do with your desires and how to manifest them if necessary. ]here are 4 key
universal principles ± rules, which govern the manifestation of desire and À will go into each
of them below.

, + ,
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]he second vow that you take when you become a Zen monk or uddhist practitioner
(odhisattva Vows) is "Desires are ine haustible, À vow to put an end to them." So we
acknowledge that desires are certainly an endless part of human e istence, but having less
desires is much better than having more desires. ]he objective of this vow is to move
towards having fewer desires and the first step to take in making this progress is to
thoroughly scrutinize the desires that you do have. y this power of scrutinization see
if frivolous, immature, borrowed desires can simply be discarded using the power of
intelligent reasoning. Àf the desire does not run strong and deep and is superficial in nature,
e tinguish it quickly and save your energy and time. Jontemplate the results which the
desire will bestow, reflect on your own e periences and study others who already have
accomplished what you seek and be sure that what you have decided to chase is really
worth it and is something you really, truly need. You don¶t want to be old and gray and
then realize you spent your whole life desiring and hoarding nothing but junk.

, &     (% )   À  0  '  

Àf possible, see if your desire(s) can be aligned with what you feel you need in order to
make progress on the spiritual path. ]hese are perhaps the only desires worth having and
indulging. Asses your life and see what, if anything, is missing that would be beneficial to
your spiritual evolution. Àf there is something your heart tells you you need, allow that
desire to take shape and ask the Universe for it. Àn this way, see if the desires you do feel
strongly about can be adjusted to help you in your spiritual growth. Such desires are
beneficial as they are helping you achieve the cighest aurpose of cuman Life ² discovering
the ]rue Nature of £eality. Such requests will certainly be heard by the Universe.

, 2       +  +


Àf you are keen on the Universe Manifesting your desires, see if you can align your desires
for the greater good of others. Such desires will be powered not only by your mind and
heart but also, by the others who it is benefiting. ]he Universe is more apt to acknowledge
such requests.

, 3    !   

]his is the most important rule of all if you want your desires to manifest. You have to ask
yourself, "Do À really deserve what À am asking for?" cave you done your part? ]his rule
will be validated repeatedly by your life. aour yourself into something you are passionate
about, devote yourself to it and give all you got, the results will follow on their own. You
will hardly even have to desire the results, they will simply start to flow. You must find out
the truth of this for yourself by application. Determine what you really want, chances are it
will be achievable by doing what you really love to do. ]hen give yourself to that work, the
desires will start to manifest themselves. Just sitting around desiring this and that is silly.
One additional thing that you will start to notice is that the doing part is almost as much
fun, if not more, than the getting part. Once you get to that point, life flows naturally and
becomes a great work of art.

 #3/ %    

So there you have it. ]he 4 Key Universal £ules for manifesting your desires. !
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Àf you must indulge desires, these are the ones that you should seek to manifest. À will
mention here briefly one more point. ]he Universe is very generous and she will give you
what it is that you are seeking in some form at least, its just that there is always a price to
pay to settle the transaction. So if you are going to get into the business of desires, follow
the rules above. ]his way you will be spending your life and energy wisely, instead of
getting stuck closing those transactions which were not of great benefit to you anyway in
the long run.

Àf possible, go after the state of desirelessness ² it is an actual state, not imagined or

hypothesized, else, see if you can maintain an impersonal view to the desires that spring up
in consciousness, finally, if you choose to indulge a want see if it can meet the rules outlined
above. À wish that you get all that your heart truly desires.

   %   % #

 # $? 

£ecently, perhaps due to the recent economic downturn, À have received

several requests from spiritual practitioners and businessmen on help on
how to make money and achieve success during these difficult times. For
those interested, my general views on money and it¶s role in spirituality can
be found in the following 2 articles, Money Money Money & the aath to
nlightenment and ]he £ole of Money, aleasure & Jareer in Spirituality. Àn
this article, À will teach you a fundamental technique designed to help you
manifest money, success, power or anything else that you deeply desire.

One final thought before jumping into the details of this beautiful technique,
is that if your desire to make money is spiritually aligned, your chances of
success increase greatly. ]he article, 4 Key Laws for Manifesting Desire, will
give you the framework for how this works and help you understand
material and spiritual manifestation in general.

Meditation for Money & Success will be the 0 th entry in our ongoing and
popular Free Online [uided Meditation ]echniques -book. As it is also
considered a Kundalini Yoga  ercise, À will include it in the Free Àllustrated
Kundalini Yoga aoses -ook as well. Another powerful technique for
manifesting money, wealth and more is the Ànfinite nergy & arosperity
Meditation ]echnique.

     % #  

Although this meditation is often used to help you manifest wealth, money,
power and success, it certainly is not limited to just these material aspects
of life. ]his is a fundamental technique for helping you create your life just
the way you would like it to be. Àt can be used for restoring health, healing
others, improving relationships, spiritual evolution or anything else you
really want in your life. Àn other words, this meditation is the key to
unlocking the power of manifestation and visualization, and can help you
create the £eality you want most.

   % ) % #1  % 

0 Manifest your deepest desires.

 celp create money, success & power.
 celp with spiritual growth & enlightenment.
 Develop mind power and concentration.
 aromote peace & tranquility.

     % ) % #

© Do not hold the eye position (Shambhavi Mudra) for longer than it is
comfortable. Àf the eyes tire, just release them and reapply the position
when ready.

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© Sit in any cross legged posture. You can also do this meditation sitting on a
chair if you prefer.
© ring your hands together in prayer pose as shown in the illustration above.
Now bring your hands up towards your forehead and let the middle thumb
joint press lightly into the center of your forehead right between the
© ]urn your eyes upwards such that you are looking through this point of
contact. Àn other words your eyes are closed, but you are looking up and
towards the center of your forehead (Shambhavi Mudra). ]his is the location
of the ]hird ye Jhakra (Ajna Jhakra) and is an important center which
helps you manifest that which you visualize. As indicated in the cautions
section, if your eye tires, release this eye position and then reapply it when
you feel ready. Jontinue with the visualization though throughout the
duration of the meditation.
© Ne t bring your attention to your breathing and allow it to slow naturally.
£emain with your breath for at least the first 0 or 2 minutes before moving
on the visualization portion of this technique.
© As you feel your breath rela and slow down, you will find that your mind has
become calmer and quieter as well. At this point being to visualize the desire
of your choice coming true. Àf it is to make money or have other material
success, visualize that happening. Visualize yourself wealthy and rich. Àf it
is health you desire, visualize yourself healthy and fit. Àf you are looking for
spiritual transformation, visualize that taking place. See yourself as a great
Yogi or Zen Master. ]he way À put it when À teach the class is, "Visualize
your life e actly how you want it to be."
© Jontinue this meditation from 3 to 00 minutes.

   % ) % #   #

From a spiritual perspective money is looked upon as nothing more than

another form of energy and the highest use of energy is for spiritual
transformation. Àf you feel that at this time in your life, you really need
more money, then feel free to use this technique to help you manifest it, but
eventually it is best to reach the point where your focus is aimed less at
money, wealth, power, success, etc, and more at [od instead. cere¶s to
your success .

%   % #  


Àn the article Money Money Money and the aath to nlightenment, À

discussed that money can play a role in your journey to enlightenment, as it
can help you buy leisure, and leisure or time, is needed for Self Study and
Self Knowledge. Àt for this reason primarily that wealth and abundance are
worth manifesting, for outside of that, all you really need is food, clothing
and shelter. Àn fact, if those basics were provided to all, À am sure there
would be many more people living their passions and many more people
awakening the the mind blowing ]ruth of non-duality.

As À have discussed in the past, money can be thought of as energy and if

you have a great deal of it, then like any other energy you possess,
hopefully you put it to good use. ]owards this end, there are many
techniques to help you manifest wealth and À have provided those on the
website already. ]echniques such as Ànfinite nergy and arosperity
Meditation, Visualization Meditation for Making Money and Visualization
]echnique to Manifest Dreams and Desires are a few of these techniques.
ut, through e perience À have noticed something very interesting when it
comes to the manifestation of abundance and À want to share that secret
with you all today.

3/  %    ’


As a prerequisite to this article À think it is worth reviewing the 4 Laws of

Àntention Manifestation that À discussed in the article 4 Key Laws of
Manifesting Desires if You Absolutely Must. Àn that article À not just
discussed the 4 keys to manifestation, but also discussed the state of
desirelessness and witnessing consciousness. cere is how À summarized the
4 laws for manifesting desires«

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So the requirements are to have desires that are meaningful and deep,
desires that help you on your journey to awakening, desires that benefit
others in the process and desires that you feel you deserve to have fulfilled.
]hese laws will give you the guidelines for manifesting abundance, but À
want to add a th law to these, which À have found through e perience to be
the real secret. And that is« drum roll please« Detachment.

  / %   ( 


À have noticed a very strange thing with regard to the Universe. Àt

essentially gives you a choice. ither you worry about your security or you
let life worry about your security. You cannot have it both ways. Àn this
subtle law lies the secret for manifesting abundance. You must truly not be
interested in getting it .

]hat is correct. Make the wish, send the message to Ànfinity that this is
what you require, this is what you need, and then LÀV the realization that
the only thing that matters is enlightenment and not anything associated
with the ego or materialism.

You can¶t fake it either or it wont work . You can¶t be obsessing about
making money and pretending like you really don¶t care. You have to be
free of making money and   not caring and then life provides. ½hy?
ecause if you are simply doing what you need to do, what you are made to
do, what you love to do and not worrying about the results, and not
worrying about security, then life takes care of your security and results for
you. Àt is the strangest thing, but time and again, À have found this to be

 #%   ( 


So now we have Laws really for manifesting abundance and wealth, and
we have techniques with which to send the message to the Universe so it
hums and aligns itself with our needs and wants. Although the th law of
detachment, is the focus of this article, À want to emphasize the fourth law
again and that is First Deserve ]hen Desire.

]hat is as much of a key to manifesting as detachment is. Àt is very unlikely

that great things are going to happen, without great passion and effort. Àt is
just how life is. So before you use the many manifestation techniques given
on the website, first ask yourself honestly if you deserve that which you are
asking for. ]hen go ahead and ask, after you send the message, forget
about it and just continue to apply yourself to the best of your ability. ]he
results will start to flow on their own.

Àf you find yourself having difficulty with detachment, find yourself

constantly obsessing on the results, constantly checking your accounts for
more sales and more money, then you need to immerse yourself in
teachings from the great masters to help you regain your perspective and
freedom. You will find many such teachings right here on the website in the
category Spiritual [iants and you will find many good books in the article,
est Spiritual ooks. ]his is a good way to ensure that you are always
aiming for the right target. As uzz Lightyear would say, ]o Ànfinity and
eyond. ]hat is where your radar should always point, letting life take care
of the rest.
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Your relationship is not there to make you happy. Àt is not there to satisfy
your needs. Àt is not there to help you escape your loneliness. Àts purpose is
not for you to procreate, although you might. Àt is not there to provide you
with a ta break, although you should take that. Àt is certainly not there for
you to e ploit, by e erting power and control over the other. Àt is not there
to hold together the so called moral fiber of society. Àt is not there because
[od mandates it. Àt is not there for divine male and divine female to merge
through you and your partner. Àt is not there to play with Kundalini,
although can be used for that. Àt is there as the mirror in which to see
yourself clearly. ]hat¶s it.

Let me tell you a story. Àn a land far away a beautiful princess was about to
get married to her dream man. She had been told he was the perfect man.
Full of love, compassion, strength and intelligence ± and of course handsome
as hell. She was so happy. ]he wedding day came and went, the whole
kingdom celebrated and all was well. ]he morning after an equally wonderful
wedding night, the princess brought her new husband tea and biscuits in
bed. ce smiled, ate, drank, told her how deeply he loved her and then
slapped her flush across the cheek. ]hey had not lied, he was strong and the
princess was knocked to the floor by the force of the blow. She was dazed,
in pain but mostly just in shock. ½hat was more surprising was the shock on
the husband¶s face. ce was even more bewildered.

]he husband convinced the princess that he was just as taken aback by
what happened and was genuinely sorry. cis kind eyes and sincere tone
clearly indicated to her that he was telling the truth so she forgave him and
they moved on. Some years passed and soon both forgot the ugly event,
until one day just as suddenly it happened again«. ½hack! ]hen, soon after
it reared its ugly head again«. ½hack! Now it was too much for both to take
and so they decided to seek counsel. eing royalty, all the best medics were
summoned and consulted. Various theories were postulated and several
cures were tried. Jalming oils, e otic herbs, e orcisms, but every so often«
½hack! Àt would happen again.

Desperate, they finally went to see a mysterious sage who lived high up in
the mountains and was reputed as the wisest medic in the land, but one who
would rarely accept an audience. After a long, hard journey they finally
arrived at the sage¶s cave. ce was sitting on a rock outside in deep
meditation so they waited patiently. Several hours later the sage opened his
eyes and noticed the couple and much to their relief agreed to speak to
them. ce led them inside and then heard about the problem. At the end of
the narration he asked to see the husband¶s hands and closely inspected his
palms. Once done with the husband he surprisingly asked to see the
princess¶s hand and carefully began to check her pulse. Finally he looked up
smiling and said, ³À will tell you what is happening here, but in e change you
must not refuse me what À ask.´ An ious to have this mystery finally solved
they both agreed.

³½ell, my dearies´, said the sage still smiling and looking at the husband
said, ³You sir are a great, healer. Your hands contain great power and you
my dear princess have a terrible disease that keeps re-occurring every so
often. y slapping you he has been curing you of this affliction time and
again. Àf it had not been for those slaps, you would have long perished by
now.´ ½hat relief they both felt. Overwhelmed by what they heard they fell
to the feet of the sage and tearfully thanked him. As for the payment, well
the husband wound up and laid one directly on the sage«. ½hack!

½hat is the point of this story? £elationship produces pain for you so that
you may awaken to what needs to be worked on within yourself. Àn the case
of the princess she was lucky as the pain was benefiting her without her
knowledge, but in most of our cases we need to utilize the suffering caused
by the relationship to inspect closely the disease of our attachments. ]he
pain, upset, discomfort caused in the relationship helps to reveal the
attachments we have and the inner working of our minds. Àt could be as
simple as feeling bad for not being complimented on a new dress or as
comple as getting upset with your partner for giving away too much to
charity. All the upsets, big and small, simple and comple have their roots in
our attachments. ]he attachments could be to security, money, se , power,
prestige, name, fame, religion, children, family, country, comfort, food, etc.
Àt does not matter, our relationships, specially the intimate ones, will
poignantly reveal them to us.

As long as we have these attachments, and they are strong within us, we
live in fear and misery. Afraid of not getting that which we want, afraid of
loosing it if we have it and fearful of those on whom we depend on for their
fulfillment. Any relationship upon which you depend for your personal
gratification and security will eventually lead you to the mess of anger,
control, possessiveness, jealousy, fear and hatred. ]his is relatively easy to
see if we watch relationships in action. So measuring the strength of one¶s
relationship by the level of attachment is quite silly. Àn fact, life will not allow
such relationships to endure and by producing a few storms she will
eventually tear it down and force a new one to be built. On the other hand,
when two self-sufficient people meet, adore each other and enjoy each
other¶s company we have the makings of something special.
Seeing the trouble that attachment brings and realizing that love and fear
cannot coe ist, what can be done? Jhange your attitude towards relationship
pain. See it for what it really is, an opportunity for insight. Ànsight into the
working of pleasure and its child - desire, or pain and its child - fear. ]he
way of insight is through delicate observation. ½hen any upset occurs watch
closely how you react to it. ½atch closely how the storm of thoughts start to
take control. ³À can¶t believe he did this again, he does it every time, À have
told him so many times before, he knows how important this is for me, he is
so selfish and inconsiderate, À bet he would not treat his mother like this,
why doesn¶t he change, À am never going to speak to him again, « À am so
right!´ On and on thought takes over and one is caught in the chaos. ]his is
childish and won¶t help at all, and the worst part is that a golden opportunity
is being wasted. An opportunity to observe the self in action and perceive
the root cause of the attachment. cave you ever tried to observe the actual
feeling, the physical reality of what is taking place without interfering and
without getting carried away into all the mental threads? y doing so, you
will allow the fact of what is happening, anger, jealousy, fear, etc. to reveal
itself to you in its complete detail. ]his is to understand by direct perception
and allow insight to blossom. ]his is the only approach that will root out and
weaken attachment. Any other reaction on your part to suppress the feeling,
or run away from it, or replace it with good feelings, or psychoanalyze it,
etc, will simply leave the underlying causes intact only to have the outburst
happen again when the time is ripe.

]he princess had cancer, which was cured by life through her husband; life
tries in the same way to cure the disease of attachment that we are afflicted
with using our relationships. Observing carefully our internal reality, that is
reflected in our relationships, is the beginning of meditation. And meditation
alone brings freedom and self-sufficiency. £elationship provides the most
useful opportunities for applying ourselves in this way, so be ready,
prepared and poised the ne t time you get ½hacked

0 %
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verywhere you look nowadays the new holy grail of success seems to be
self-discipline. From, diet plans, to sports, to the stock market, to the arts
and also, most unfortunately, even in the practice of meditation, yoga and
the related spiritual sciences. £aw material enters boot camp, is put through
the patented regiment, and out comes a finished product. Discipline yourself
to eat right, e ercise right so you can get healthy, discipline yourself to sleep
less so you have more productive time, discipline yourself to sit endlessly
hour after hour watching your breath so you can gain enlightenment. Às this
the way? Às self-discipline necessary? À don¶t think so. Let me tell you a

 #! ( ! ,   

Àn a small village far from the hustle and bustle of the city, there lived a rice
farmer, arbary £ao. ce was a simple man and had a small rice paddy,
which he would tend to diligently and which rewarded him with ample
harvest to support his family. Now arbary loved to farm. ce was born to
farm. ce loved to hoe the land, build irrigation canals, study the weather
patterns, research fertilizers, and most of all he loved his rice«. yes eating it
also. ce knew all about farming rice. From end to end he was an e pert
farmer. arbary had also developed new systems to improve the quality and
quantity of his dear crop and other farmers would often visit him and his
farm to learn from him new techniques in de-husking, storage, aging,
packaging etc etc. One such visitor was Joolun Das.

Joolun Das was from a neighboring village and he was a very strong man.
cis body was strong, his will was strong and most of all his ambition was
strong. Joolun was eager for success and worked very hard to make his
farm productive and profitable. ce knew that arbary was his main
competition in the region and so worked very hard to learn his systems. One
season, there was great e citement among the villages, that arbary had
developed a formula for new hybrid rice seeds that would double the yield of
the harvest. Upon hearing this news, Joolun was very disturbed. ½hat if
arbary refused to share the formula? ½hat if he decided that this was too
good to give away, as he had done with his other discoveries, and using it
made himself the richest and most powerful of the region? Joolun began to
have nightmares. So one night he snuck into arbary¶s farm and stole the
formula and seedlings. arbary was unable to reproduce the stolen formula
and eventually moved on to other work.

Joolun utilized the formula and had a bumper crop that year and in the
common market, where all the farmers would bring their crop and samples,
he sought out arbary to gloat. Much to his surprise and irritation arbary
was quite undisturbed by his success. arbary congratulated him on having
such a good year and began discussing with him new techniques in polishing
that he was working on. Joolun wondered how come he was not as
contented as arbary. ce decided it was probably due to the fame arbary
had in the region, so Joolun made up his mind to achieve greater fame than
arbary and thus greater gratification. Joolun knew arbary worked very
hard so he decided to discipline himself to work even harder. ce started
sleeping in the barn so that the dawn calls of the cocks would awaken him.
ce trained himself to eat only one time a day, so he would be even more
time efficient. ce learned to concentrate and work through pain, discomfort
and fatigue becoming a non-stop farming machine. All that hard work
brought him great success and in a few short years he became the richest
and most famous farmer in the region. ut alas, every year that he met
arbary in the market, he would be reminded that he was not the happier of
the two.

Joolun tried everything, he had a huge estate built, purchased large farm
lands, grew in political power, gave away rice to the hungry, all the time
using great self-discipline to achieve these successes, but even when old and
gray whenever he met arbary, he know there was something he had
missed. ventually, they both grew very old and as luck would have it they
passed away on the same day. Àn the line outside the pearly gates, Joolun
and arbary met again. As usual, arbary greeted him happily and began
discussing the latest research on creating vitamin enriched rice. Finally their
turn arrived to meet the ig oss.

Once inside the ig oss turned to arbary and said, ³½ell done my boy,
here come take a seat you need the rest.´ ce then turned to Joolun and
asked, ³Any questions?´ ³Yes,´ Joolun replied, ³cow come you have asked
him to rest and not me? À have worked just as hard, if not harder than him,
throughout my life. Also, how come arbary was always happier than me,
even though À achieved so much more success, so much more wealth, power
and fame?´ ³½ell that answer is really very simple,´ replied ig oss. ³You,
Dearest Joolun, were meant to be a wrestler not a rice farmer. So your work
is yet to be done. Off you go«´ and with that Joolun was sent back down for
another go.

  #  #   60 

One of the most important things in life is to figure out what you really love
to do. ]his is not always easy. ½hat makes it harder is that what you love to
do is not necessary what you want to do. You may want to spend all your
time sitting around watching ]V, or playing ½orld of ½arcraft, or golf. ]his
does not mean you have figured out what you love to do. À am not saying
you don¶t do the things you want to do either, its just if you have not figured
out what you love to do in life, you will do these things to escape from the
tedium that your life will eventually become. So how can we figure out what
we love to do in life? ]hat is your first and foremost challenge and À have
found the following questions to help with that process«

·  c 0  !    :

0 ½hat is it that you like to do for its own sake, without any concern for reward
or compliment? Do you like the joy of building things? Do you like to just
create music? Do you like to teach? Do you like the challenge of watching
your thoughts in action?
 Àf you won the lottery, À mean the really, really big one how would you like to
spend the rest of your life?
 Àf you were informed you are about to die shortly, what would you regret
most as not having spent your time doing?
 No matter where on arth you are. Àn a rich, first world country, in the bush
lands of Australia or high up in a cimalayan village what do you see yourself
doing regardless of location?
 ½hat activity do you always find yourself coming back to throughout your
 ½hat activity can you just not see yourself doing without?

One important thing to remember is that nowhere am À saying that what you
love to do is going to be easy. Àt may be very hard, very challenging, but
what À can assure you is that you will do the hard work, with a smile on your
face and not needing a shred of self-discipline.

]he passion for the work will carve its own discipline. Àt is like a river carving
its own banks, making its own path, no outside influence is required.
Similarly when you are doing what you love to do, you don¶t need to impose
any e ternal discipline. You just do what you love to do. aay attention to the
demands that the work makes on you and you will find your life being given
great order by that.

Self-discipline being imposed from outside is violence. Àt is not born out of

intelligence and the natural demand of the work at hand. You can look at it
this way, either you are devoted to yourself and, like Joolun, discipline
yourself through will to attain what you believe you need to succeed in life,
or like arbary, you are devoted to your passion and you do what it requires
from you. One leads to frustration and one to contentment. ]ime to stop the
ugliness of imposed self-discipline and embrace the path of wisdom and


/   À   %   

]here is a state a consciousness where there is absolutely no whisper of thought or
movement of any kind in the mind. ]he state is a stillness and silence upon which then, the
dance of e istence eventually takes place. Àn this state the timeless, the eternal, the
infinite, ]ruth is encountered. Àn this state burns the fire of intelligence. Àt does not allow
desire to form. Desire simply cannot take birth, it is as if there is a no entry sign and desire
is not allowed in. Desire, if it attempts to take birth, is immediately snuffed out. cighest
intelligence and swift awareness stand guard.

]here is also the state, where the mind moves and desire takes shape, but if you are
established in impersonal awareness, you are free of any compulsion of having to act upon
the desire. y impersonal awareness, À mean you are residing in the awareness of the non-
duality of £eality, as best you can. From this perch, you are the Master and can decide if in
fact you will indulge in the desire or not. ]his is all fine and dandy but, what are you to do
if you have many desires and are being driven by them? ]hat is the focus of this article.
½hat to do with your desires and how to manifest them if necessary. ]here are 4 key
universal principles ± rules, which govern the manifestation of desire and À will go into each
of them below.

, + ,
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]he second vow that you take when you become a Zen monk or uddhist practitioner
(odhisattva Vows) is "Desires are ine haustible, À vow to put an end to them." So we
acknowledge that desires are certainly an endless part of human e istence, but having less
desires is much better than having more desires. ]he objective of this vow is to move
towards having fewer desires and the first step to take in making this progress is to
thoroughly scrutinize the desires that you do have. y this power of scrutinization see
if frivolous, immature, borrowed desires can simply be discarded using the power of
intelligent reasoning. Àf the desire does not run strong and deep and is superficial in nature,
e tinguish it quickly and save your energy and time. Jontemplate the results which the
desire will bestow, reflect on your own e periences and study others who already have
accomplished what you seek and be sure that what you have decided to chase is really
worth it and is something you really, truly need. You don¶t want to be old and gray and
then realize you spent your whole life desiring and hoarding nothing but junk.

, &     (% )   À  0  '  

Àf possible, see if your desire(s) can be aligned with what you feel you need in order to
make progress on the spiritual path. ]hese are perhaps the only desires worth having and
indulging. Asses your life and see what, if anything, is missing that would be beneficial to
your spiritual evolution. Àf there is something your heart tells you you need, allow that
desire to take shape and ask the Universe for it. Àn this way, see if the desires you do feel
strongly about can be adjusted to help you in your spiritual growth. Such desires are
beneficial as they are helping you achieve the cighest aurpose of cuman Life ² discovering
the ]rue Nature of £eality. Such requests will certainly be heard by the Universe.

, 2       +  +


Àf you are keen on the Universe Manifesting your desires, see if you can align your desires
for the greater good of others. Such desires will be powered not only by your mind and
heart but also, by the others who it is benefiting. ]he Universe is more apt to acknowledge
such requests.

, 3    !   

]his is the most important rule of all if you want your desires to manifest. You have to ask
yourself, "Do À really deserve what À am asking for?" cave you done your part? ]his rule
will be validated repeatedly by your life. aour yourself into something you are passionate
about, devote yourself to it and give all you got, the results will follow on their own. You
will hardly even have to desire the results, they will simply start to flow. You must find out
the truth of this for yourself by application. Determine what you really want, chances are it
will be achievable by doing what you really love to do. ]hen give yourself to that work, the
desires will start to manifest themselves. Just sitting around desiring this and that is silly.
One additional thing that you will start to notice is that the doing part is almost as much
fun, if not more, than the getting part. Once you get to that point, life flows naturally and
becomes a great work of art.

 #3/ %    

So there you have it. ]he 4 Key Universal £ules for manifesting your desires. !
 4 1
     10  #  

#   )

 4    5  $   
) # 0

Àf you must indulge desires, these are the ones that you should seek to manifest. À will
mention here briefly one more point. ]he Universe is very generous and she will give you
what it is that you are seeking in some form at least, its just that there is always a price to
pay to settle the transaction. So if you are going to get into the business of desires, follow
the rules above. ]his way you will be spending your life and energy wisely, instead of
getting stuck closing those transactions which were not of great benefit to you anyway in
the long run.

Àf possible, go after the state of desirelessness ² it is an actual state, not imagined or

hypothesized, else, see if you can maintain an impersonal view to the desires that spring up
in consciousness, finally, if you choose to indulge a want see if it can meet the rules outlined
above. À wish that you get all that your heart truly desires.

!    c   ' #,



One of my grandfather¶s favorite quotes was, "]he heights of great men

reached and kept, ½ere not attained by sudden flight, ut they, while their
companions slept, ½ere toiling upwards in the night." ½ell at least toiling
upwards in the early morning would be a good start for some of us :-). So
how is this to be done? cow is one to wake up early and thus make full use
of that most beautiful time of the day? ]he answer does not lie in taping an
alarm clock to your head, or in using electric shocks, or in hiring a drill
sergeant as a personal trainer - the answer is simpler than that - the answer
is to figure out what you are most passionate about in life. ]hose great men
above, À am certain, had one thing in common. ]hey all had a burning
passion for something in life. ]hat is the key. ]he secret to not only
becoming an early riser, but also for living a fulfilling life. ]hat passion, that
love, will give you the energy to spring out of bed at the break of dawn so
you can give yourself to that which you love most.
cere is a simple e periment that you can do to validate the above
argument. ]hink about what you really enjoy doing and plan to do that
early in the morning. cere are a few simple e amples of such an
e periment. Àf you really love a particular ]V show and have a DV£ (or
VJ£), tape that show instead of watching it when you normally do. Now
wait for a day when you don¶t have to rush off to work and plan to watch
that show on that day early in the morning. See what happens. You may
be surprised at the energy available to you to get out of bed that morning.
½hen there is something that needs to be done, observe carefully within
yourself and you will notice that the energy is there at that time for you to
do it. ]ry to never delay or procrastinate the necessary response to a
requirement of life in a given moment (this is actually a very interesting
topic in and of itself but À will leave that for another article). cere are a few
more e amples. Àf you are an avid gamer, lets say playing ½orld of
½arcraft. ½ell, stop right before you level up or before you get your reward
for a completed quest and see how quickly you get out of bed the ne t day
and run to the computer. Or leave the book you are reading at an
interesting juncture and observe your ability to wake up the ne t day early
to continue. À think the point has been made. [etting up and out of bed
early has to do with your enthusiasm for starting the ne t day.

One problem that comes up of course is that many people do not know what
their true passion is and so are not living an inspired life. ]he article Stop
the Madness of Self-Discipline goes into this more but here À will paste one
portion of that post which presents the following questions to ask yourself to
help you figure out what you love to do. cere are those 6 questions«.

0 ½hat is it that you like to do for its own sake, without any concern for reward
or compliment? Do you like the joy of building things? Do you like to just
create music? Do you like to teach? Do you like the challenge of watching
your thoughts in action?
 Àf you won the lottery, À mean the really, really big one how would you like to
spend the rest of your life?
 Àf you were informed you are about to die shortly, what would you regret
most as not having spent your time doing?
 No matter where on arth you are. Àn a rich, first world country, in the bush
lands of Australia or high up in a cimalayan village what do you see yourself
doing regardless of location?
 ½hat activity do you always find yourself coming back to throughout your
 ½hat activity can you just not see yourself doing without?

copefully these questions will start to reveal to you your real interests in
life. Once that happens, and you start to live according to your passions,
trying to wake up early will be a non-issue.
]here is another problem that sometimes comes up with regard to becoming
an early riser and that has to do with health and energy. caving good
physical, emotional and mental health will go a long way in helping you, not
only sleep better, but also in providing the necessary energy to kick-start
the day bright and early. Àf you find yourself lacking energy and feeling
depleted there is no better cure for that than e ercise and Yoga. cere is a
nice beginner Kundalini Yoga Kriya (set) that covers many aspects of your
being and will help build your energy and health. ]he kriya is actually called
Morning ½akeup Series and ironically should be done in the morning when
you wake up. ]his Kundalini Kriya, in a short time with regular practice, will
help you overcome any energy issues that were hampering you from getting
up early.

One last item that À think is worth touching upon while À am on this topic is
the motivation for those who practice meditation, kundalini, chakra yoga,
pranayama or other spiritual work to wake up early. cere is a list of reasons
why it is advantageous to practice sadhana in the early morning if possible«

0 arly morning is called brahmamuhurta in Sanskrit. Àt literally means "]he

Divine ]ime." ]his is the time of the day when the spiritual energy on our
lovely planet is at its highest.
 ]he air at this time is fresh and contains the greatest amount of prana
(cosmic life force).
 ]he mind is also fresh and unburdened with the worries of everyday life.
]his will help in the practice of concentration and meditation.
 ]his is the time of day when you are least likely to be distracted by the
hustle and bustle of everyday life.
 ]he stomach is empty, which is necessary before practicing many of the Yoga
asanas and pranayamas.

Other articles that also touch upon this topic are Silent Mind Meditation
arogram: aractical cints and ]ips: Jhapter 08 and cow to Meditate by
Yourself (Zazen aractice).

Àt is said that one of the things that we human beings waste our lives doing
is sleeping (too much). So let that not be the case for you. Search inwards,
e periment, figure out what you love to do in life and then muster up the
courage to go after it. ]here is a story of a Yogi high up in the cimalayan
mountains and what he does early every morning is get up, stand and
applaud. ce is applauding creation for the wonder of a new dawn, for the
beauty of the sunrise and for the opportunity each new day provides. Let us
join him bright and early tomorrow morning.

À  ,   1,   

/ )
]his article is part of the Feature Selections of the Jarnival of aowerful living. cead on over
there to read other great stuff on personal development and self-improvement.

!  À

]he more À live the less impressed À am by just ideas. £egardless of how
good the idea might be, À have come to realize that good ideas in and of
themselves are pretty much worthless. À know many people who are full of
good ideas. Àdeas about what they should be doing in life and also, lots of
ideas for others too. £eally, it is pretty easy to come up with a good idea or
two, the hard part is putting the idea to work, to actually implement the

]his, À feel, applies to all dimensions of life. À am sure you have had good
ideas about how to manage your money better, manage your children
better, your diet better, your fitness better, your relationships better, your
spiritual growth better, etc, etc, but, really how many of those ideas did you
follow through on till the end and therefore, reap the final benefits of? Àf
you have followed through on your ideas, then that is certainly meaningful,
but, if you just have some good ideas, that is really nothing very impressive.

À have found this to be especially true in the arena of spiritual growth. Many
aspirants, initially inspired, formulate great plans for daily meditation and
yoga practice, but check with them a month later, and the idea has not been
carried out and the practice has fallen by the wayside. So how do you turn
your good ideas into action, so you can enjoy the benefits? À think the
following ten suggestions will go a long way in helping you accomplish just

c  À  

My teacher £avi Singh, used to tell us all the time, ³cone your intent.´ À
think this is very valuable advise. Àf you have a good intention and are not
able to implement it immediately, chisel it, sharpen it, hone it. Àt is valuable
to chew on it and give it strength, so that it does not simple fade away, but,
instead remains alive till such time as it has the necessary power to manifest
into action.

&$  +


À wrote about the golden rule in the article, cow to Stop Making  cuses and
Start Meditation Now. ]his rule essentially says that don¶t try to do things
perfectly. Ànstead just go for 70% of best and start. Often perfectionism is
the leading cause of procrastination, and a very effective method of
overcoming such procrastination is by applying this rule. Of course, this rule
can be e tended to other areas of your life and not just meditation.


Again this is a topic close to my heart and À have written about it in the
article, ]he Art of Spiritual ]ime Management. ssentially the idea here is to
immediately act on a good idea or problem that you have. You will find that
the more you just get down to doing things, implementing things, the more
a certain momentum starts to build, and inertia and laziness diminish. So if
you have good ideas, try to act on them now.

3$ ,   

]his is probably the one positive application of anger. Àf there are things
you have been meaning to do and are angry with yourself for not getting
them done, À say good. [et angry with yourself, it¶s ok. Àn this case the
energy of anger will serve as a positive force in getting you off your butt and
on the path of productivity. ]his type of anger À call £ighteous Anger.

G% )   

One of the best methods of getting things done is by writing down what it is
you want to accomplish in a particular day. ]his list will nag at you and
perhaps that is what you need in order to start implementing. Making a list
is definitely very helpful if you have too many things to do and don¶t know
where to start. ]he list will help prioritize those ideas which are most
important and thus, help insure that you act on them at the very least.

º$  ,   

Often constraints of time and energy are the limiting factors which prevent
you from actioning your ideas. ]o overcome these obstacles, see if you can
better utilize the resources around you to help free up the time and energy
you need in order to act. Àt could be leaning on a relative to help out with
some babysitting, or getting a laundry service to handle that chore. You will
see that once you start to look for solutions, life will start to make things
possible. As they say, where there is a will, there is a way.

A  4  / 

]his is along the lines of the suggestion above, but here what À am
suggesting is that you set up your life to make it as easy as possible to act
on your ideas. So, for e ample, if you want to start a blog, maybe get
yourself a cheap laptop, or if you want to meditate, set up a meditation
space, etc. You will find it much easier to start and sustain your program, if
you set-up your life to help facilitate it. For those looking for more tips on
setting up a consistent meditation practice, you can read the following 2
articles: ssential Meditation ]ips and ]ools & ]op Mistakes in stablishing
a Daily Meditation aractice.

* (     

Àf you are looking to turn your good ideas into reality, you must be willing to
sacrifice. You may very well have to watch 0 hour less of ]V, or wake up an
hour earlier, surf the web less, or play less video games. Àf you are really
interested in living a full life, and being true to your inner callings, a little
sacrifice may most certainly be required.

â (  ( )c

À know all that stuff about the Law of Attraction and Follow Your liss, etc,
but, there is no substitute for hard work. Àf you really want to reach your
potential, then you have to be willing to work for it. Most great
accomplishments demanded hard work, and it is likely to be no different for
you. So embrace hard work, don¶t shy away from it. Àn fact, you may
ultimately realize that doing is as much fun as achieving.

7  8 4  %


·uite simply visualization meditation works. Visualize your idea

manifesting. ½hether that be a Yoga Jenter you want to open, a shape you
want your body to be in, or a book you want to write. Visualize it happening
and allow life to you help you manifest it. ]he following popular article goes
into details for manifesting your desires: 4 Keys Laws for Manifesting


An e ample from my own life, where À have used and continue to use all the
above suggestion to turn my idea into reality, is this very blog. ½riting,
maintaining and growing Mastery of Meditation and Yoga is not easy À
confess, but, À can honestly say that putting this idea to work and creating
this website has been one of the most satisfying aspects of my life. So À
hope you too find the suggestions above useful and that by using them, will
begin to manifest and benefit from the good ideas that you are blessed with.
c’ 0  

Jompassion is the nectar of life. Àf you are saturated with it, you will be
sweet and this sweet fragrance will also be felt by all those around you.
Unfortunately, the true value and depth of this treasure is not fully
appreciated and today, many vessels, also sometimes called humans, are
empty of this enriching energy.

So what makes compassion flow? ]he answer is not at all comple . À

suggest you pose this question to yourself and see what reply comes from
deep within you, before À go into my thoughts on this matter.

]he answer to what makes for you to be filled with compassion, is simply the
realization that this world belongs entirely you to.

]his beautiful earth, blue skies, eternal mountains, lush forests, quiet
streams, starry nights and wondrous animals are all yours. ]his is your
world. Do you see that? Do you feel it? Àt is your world to create as you
see fit. All the people are your people. ½hen you awaken to this truth, you
will feel compassion like never before. After all, if you see the whole world
as yours, you will start to care deeply for every part of it. So why don¶t
many of us realize and live this fact?

]here are, À feel, two primary reasons for why we are unable to fully awaken
to the fact that the entire universe and all within it belongs to us, are an
inseparable part of us. ]hese two causes follow each other like night follows

First, you have been conditioned to believe that you are a separate being.
Separate from everything. ]his separation is enforced by every facet of
society and the embraced life. All of what society values, further
strengthens this sense of separate e istence, and the end result is you no
longer feel your connection to the world you live in. You feel totally

caving now created in you an impenetrable sense of separate e istence,

society ne t forces in you a sense of lacking or incompleteness. So now,
you are forever lost in the pursuit of filling this hole. ]he end product is a
tiny little separate person, all alone in a big world, trying like mad to build
their petty little empire.

£esult« no sign of compassion anywhere in sight.

You are so lost in trying to get somewhere and so consumed by your
ambition, that you no longer feel connected to the totality, let alone feel the
great responsibility of taking care of this great big world of yours.
Jompassion flows when there is a shift in emphasis, away from yourself and
towards the totality.

So how do we undo this conditioning? ½here do we go from here? ]he

place to start, is to question the sense of incompleteness that has been
forced on you. ·uestion the ambition you are burning with. ½ill that new
M½ convertible be enough? ½ill the bedroom house, with the walkout
basement and sun room be enough? ½ill a million dollar portfolio be

Àt won¶t. Àt never is.

No matter what you acquire you will get used to it and soon demand more.
Otherwise, you will find many who have achieved much be finished with
ambition, but it simply is not so. ]he hole cannot be filled by acquisitions.
]he hole, the sense of being less, must simply be rejected. You must simply
draw the line and say, À have enough, À am enough, À know enough, À am
good enough, À am spiritual enough, À am fine, everything is fine, À don¶t
need anything more, let me see what À can do for my world.

Àn other words, let me give, instead of take. À am the Shepard, À am the

savior, À am saved and À will save my world.

£esult« compassion will flow.

38  #   0 %  #  # 

½hat are the keys to developing Mastery? Àt could be mastery of meditation, yoga, zen or
it could be mastery of any other field of your choosing, it does not matter. ]here are
certain common factors in becoming a master and À want to share the top 4 factors, À have
found to be key in developing such e cellence.

+  /   

]his is another way of saying, don¶t be a jack of all trades and king of none. Àf you really
want to e cel in life, find your true passion and pour yourself into it. ]here are several
articles on Mastery of Meditation that will help you determine your true passion in life, such
as Stop the Madness of Self-Discipline and ]he Secret on cow to ecome an arly £iser,
and once you determine what it is you love to do, give your life to it.

]here may be many things you enjoy doing, and you will probably still be able to participate
in them in some capacity, but if you wish to master one thing, À assure you, you will have to
sacrifice some of these activities. So focus on the thing you really love to do and find out
e actly how well you can do it. You may surprise yourself :-).
]his is also the only way to not have any regrets in life. You may win recognition, you may
obtain material success as a result of your dedication, or you may not, but, when all is said
and done, you will know deep in your heart that you gave life all you had and nothing more
can really be asked of you.

& )%

Most of the necessary discipline for mastery will come naturally, born out of your passion for
the thing you are doing. ]he best analogy of this self emerging discipline, is that it is like a
river carving its own banks. ]he flow and power of the river generates the necessary
channel for it to then flow. Àn a similar way your passion will generate the necessary
discipline within which to e cel. ]hat being said, moods will still certainly pose a challenge
to you.

reaking mood based decisions, means being able to turn off the ]V at 9: 2 pm right before
the detectives of Law & Order SVU reveal who is responsible for the homicide. Àn fact, À like
to measure my attachments sometimes by doing precisely that. ]urn it off, if that is what
your path to mastery requires you to do.

Àn the same vein, sit in meditation or write your ne t chapter even when you don¶t feel like
it. À think this is why monasteries are so successful in helping aspirants in their spiritual
evolution. You have to do what you have to do, regardless of how you happen to feel about
it at that particular time. ]his is the key to consistency, which is a cornerstone of
developing mastery of anything.

Once you develop this strength, to not make your decisions solely on the pleasure principle,
your life will become available to you as a tapestry to paint your masterpiece on.

2 5     ,  

Once you know what you truly love to do - that¶s it, the hard part is done. Now just
concentrate on doing that particular thing as well as you can. Don¶t worry about the
results, just worry about e celling in it to the best of your ability.

So, if you love to write, just write, don¶t worry about selling a million copies. Àf you like to
dance, then dance. roadway will come knocking when it¶s time.

Joncentrating on the results, which are really not in your hands in the first place, can be a
demoralizing and distracting factor. Àf they don¶t come fast enough, you may hang up the
hat, and if you are driven by them, you may adjust your art to commercialization
pressures. So, instead forget about results and focus on just doing, just marching on.

3 5( #’  

]his, À know is easier said than done. ½hat À want to clarify before À delve into this key
factor, is that À am not encouraging you to drop out of school, quit your job, dump your
family or run away to the cimalayas. ]here is usually never a need to make such drastic
changes and these changes are usually just romantic ideas. caving said that, mastery may
certainly require you to take some risks, make some changes and show some courage.
copefully, you are lucky enough to figure out your true passions early in life. À#

#    # )     Once
you make commitments, it is difficult to get out of them, so make them carefully. For
e ample, a million dollar home sounds like a nice idea, but often it becomes a financial
liability that limits your decision making. On a side note, there is no problem with having a
million dollar home, the problem is if you are attached to it.

So you will have to show some courage, some guts, some valor in order to master the art of
your choosing. ]rust that life will be there to take care of you and go for it.


So there you have the 4 keys to mastering anything. + #  1’   
0  90  0  0 1
   Àt is
said that instein was working on his equations, even as he lay on his death bed in the
hospital. ]hat is passion, and that¶s what it takes to be a master.

G #  0  /  ' 

 0   1%   1c 00# +

À think it¶s time to update the famous Yamas (Dos) & Niyamas (Don¶ts) spelled out by the
great Yoga Sage aatanjali. ]hese observances are the ethical and moral requirements
generally accepted by Yogic teachings. Don¶t get me wrong, À am a big fan of aatanjali and
the Yoga Sutras, but frankly, À was never very impressed with the Yama Niyamas that he
laid out in the Sutras. Furthermore, recently À am seeing many attempts to broaden and
reinterpret the meanings of these observances to make them "fit" better and be more
comprehensive, and À think these wranglings are getting a bit out of hand. For e ample,
"celibacy" is being translated as healthy se with your partner if you are married
and between the ages of 2 and 0 with no adultery. À mean come on, let¶s just be brave
and come up with a new model. Àt could very well be that in aatanjali¶s time these Dos and
Don¶ts made sense, or it could be that they were meant for a different purpose than what is
currently thought (À suspect Ashram rules to assist in the study of Yoga), but, in any case À
think it¶s time to put forth a new set of principles for enlightened living and that is the focus
of this article.

]he Universal arinciples below for living an enlightened and good life is the result of
decades of spiritual e ploration, e perimentation and self-study. ]hese are the principles
that À live by. ]hey are my mantras, my vows and À have found them to be e tremely
helpful in navigating the waters of spiritual living and help forge a sweet life. First, À will
just briefly list the original Yamas & Niyamas of Sage aatanjali, which can also be found in
the article Àntroduction to the Universal arinciples of Yoga, and then À will go into my
principles for living an enlightened and good life.

    è#        : 

0    Yamas are self-restraints. ]hey are non-violence, truth, control of

se ual energy, non-stealing and non-covetousness (non-greed).
 è#   Niyamas are self-observances. ]here are niyamas. ]hese are
contentment, self-study, austerity, purity and devotion to the Lord.

  5è  À0 
G #  0 /  ' 

, * ]his principle is not to be brushed over. Àt is the key to developing the right
approach towards life and all the twists and turns that inevitably come your way. Àf you can
stay rela ed you will have a chance to break the reactive pattern of automatic response to
conditions, thus, meeting more of the moment with more of your being. Àt all begins will
having this ease of being. ]o rela means to not be easily swayed by the pull of dualities.
Neither buying e cessively into the promises of gain nor fearing e cessively the
consequences of loss.

cere are some articles that e plore the concept of rela ation in more detail: mbrace
£eality and Let the Universe Fulfill Your Desires, Shunryu Suzuki Speaks on nlightenment
& Zazen aractice and ]oday À Finally aassed the ]est & Officially ecame a Man.

&(  ]his is a big ask À know. No human being ever has or probably ever will be
able to bear witness constantly to all that is taking place within their mind and body. ]hat
being said, the more you can do it the more awareness will illuminate the inner walls of
your mind, thinking and emotions. At the end witnessing is really all that is needed for
enlightenment, so devote yourself to this practice of mindfulness. As Osho and
[urdjieff describe it, look with double arrowed awareness. One arrow observing that which
is being done, thought and felt, while one arrow observing the doer, thinker and feeler.
]his is the secret to self-knowledge and being a light onto yourself.

Àn addition, witnessing is the basis of all insight meditation and you will find more details,
hints and tips on this practice in the following articles: rain Development & nlightenment
- Ànsight Meditation - aart 3, Silent Mind Meditation arogram - ]he Silent Mind Meditation
Jhapter 02 and ]he ]rue Meaning of Laziness.

2   Forgive, be kind, be thoughtful, be nice, be good, be sensitive, be loving, be

compassionate. All in all, it¶s the practice of Loving-Kindness Meditation. Let me tell you
the hard part here. Àt is easy to do all of the above when things are going your way, but,
can you do all of the above when things are not? As they say a well fed dog is friendly, but
the real nature will be revealed when he is hungry. So it is with us. ½e can put up our best
when all is good, but, can you do the same when you don¶t get what you want? ½hen
someone insults you? ½hen your ego takes a hit? ½ill you be able to side with affection
under duress or will the subconscious, hidden, egotistical nature take control? ]hat is the
real test of adhering to this principle of affection and be warned it is not easy, but if you
wish to ascend this practice must be mastered.

3c # Absolute honesty À should say. Àn word, deed and behavior. You will have
fun with this one. Just give it a try and you will be amazed by how much you learn about
yourself. cow hard the mind works to manipulate perception and procure security, without
any consideration to what is true. À have gone into this concept in more detail in the
following article so head on over to read the nitty gritty: Silent Mind Meditation arogram:
conesty - Jhapter 6.

One additional helpful tip. Àn the article, 00 ]hings to do veryday for A cappy, Meaningful
& [ood Life, which À hope you are all following religiously :-), item #7 speaks of doing your
daily accounting at the end of the day. ]his is a great time to reflect on all the times during
the day you were dishonest, insincere, hypocritical and pretentious. alease don¶t start
judging yourself, simply maintain a healthy sense of humor and learn about the antics of
your ego and mind.
G   y courage here, À also mean self-confidence and self-belief. Jourage is
important on 2 fronts. First, the path to enlightenment is ultimately walked alone. ½ithout
courage you will not get very far, as at the first sign of danger you will balk. Second, to live
a good life means to live according to your passion and if you lack courage you are going to
play it safe always and never take the necessary chances to follow your heart.

]his is another topic on which you can find lots more information here on Mastery of
Meditation. À would suggest the following 4 articles to help e plore this concept more:
Silent Mind Meditation arogram: Jonfidence - Jhapter , Ànspiring Osho ·uote on cow to
Live Jourageously, New Kundalini Yoga Jlasses & the Jourage to Live Dangerously and cow
to scape Your Suffering - ]he lind Man vs. ]he Jripple.


So there are my golden rules for living an enlightened and good life. À try to review them
every morning and have them posted in handy places as reminders as well. Àf you have a
set of observances you follow or other techniques which have helped you in your life, please
share them with us below so others can benefit as well.

' #
#  c 00#1%    +
/ 6

 /     0 
0  + 

(For ease of reference, this is a combined post of parts 0 & 2 which were written and
published a few months ago).

Our good buddy Lazy Yogi aonchie had just read a great blog on Meditation ;-), where the
author had revealed the secrets of how to live a happy, meaningful and good life and the
highly inspired Yogi aonchie immediately went about implementing the recommendations ²
in his own special way of course. ]he article, he read, e plained that the secret to a happy
and fulfilling life was to live life one day at a time. Not only that, the author had provided
his thoughts on what 00 activities one should include in one¶s life on a
 #’ in order
to accomplish this. cere was how aonchie spent some of his day, which he felt met the
requirements laid out in the post.

:00 am: aonchie checked the time and smiled :00am ½oo coo! ]he recommendation
was to wake up early, but since waking up early was impossible for our lazy yoga friend, he
had decided instead to stay up all night. ]hus, he would be awake during the early morning
hours and be able to take advantage of this most spiritual time of day.

6:00 am: aonchie headed to the [ym to get his daily recommended sweat. ce spent the
ne t hour in the sauna.

7:00 am: aonchie listened to a meditation tape in his car on the way back home from the
gym, thus meeting the most important criteria for doing his daily meditation practice.

8:00 am: aonchie watched Sunrise arth on Discovery by sitting very close to the
television« spending time with nature« done.

9:00 am: aonchie called his dad and asked him to pay his credit card bills and help fi the
leaky faucet in the kitchen. ce told his dad that this had to be done today itself, since he
was eager to meet the requirement of "completing your daily affairs" as had been
suggested« that was easy.

So here we are, with aochie at the half way mark of meeting the daily activities that the
article laid out. Let¶s summarize this article that has so profoundly inspired Mr. aonchie.
ssentially, the secret to a cappy, Meaningful and [ood Life, the article said, was to live
one day a time. ]his did not mean not to plan, it meant not to obsess with the outcome.
aut money away in the retirement fund, enroll in an MA program, start a daily fitness
routine, launch a new blog, sure do all these things, but don¶t focus on the results. Ànstead,
just go about the business of life by living each day as well as you can. Àn addition, the
article continued, try to incorporate the following 00 activities into each day, as they would
go a long way in e panding your spiritual and personal growth and ensuring that you really
ma imize your human potential. Àn part 0, À will list of the 00 daily suggestions that were
made and here they are«

( ) 0' # ]his gets the day off to a great start. ]he early morning hours are full
of spiritual energy and prana (life force) and are an ideal time for your daily sadhana
(meditation, yoga or other spiritual practice).

& ' #
# Àf possible try to break a sweat everyday, and a sauna does not
count. ]his means to get some form of e ercise and keep the body in tip top shape. ]he
body is not you, but is the vehicle through which you live and worship, so treat it like a
temple and take care of it.

2  #%
   ]his is the most important criteria. Àf you have come to the Mastery
of Meditation website, something is stirring within. ]his invitation by the Divine should not
be taken lightly. Not all receive the invite, or at least not all are aware of the beckoning, so
if you are being roused from the dream by the gentle hand of your Divine Nature do
everything you can ½ake Up!

! è   ]he spiritual path can be described in 0 word ± JONNJ].
]hat one word describes all the Vedas, [ita, Upanishads, ible, Koran, ]antras, etc. One of
the best ways to connect is to be with Nature intimately. copefully the author will write an
article on this topic of Jonnection as well as is it a very interesting and powerful concept :-).

G0     #   Don¶t procrastinate, don¶t delay, don¶t put off what
needs to done. ]he old proverbs are very wise. "A stitch in time saves nine" and "Don¶t put
off till tomorrow what can be done today". Life, the moment, provides challenges to you
and when you meet them, life opens up. Àf they linger, they are like blockages, they
prevent your life from moving forward. Your inner voice will constantly remind you what
needs to be completed. ceed this suggestion and you will be surprised at the rewards.

Àn part 2 of this series À will go into the last suggestions for what should be done everyday
in order to live a happy, meaningful and good life, and we will also see how the rest of Lazy
aonchie¶s, À mean Yogi aonchie¶s, day went.


Àn part 0 of this series we followed lazy and crazy Yogi aonchie through the first half of his
day as he looked to complete the "00 must do everyday activities for a happy, meaningful
and good life" that he had just read about. Àn part 2 of this series we will e plore the final
daily recommendations and see how Yogi aonchie manages them in his own unique way. Àn
fact, À will just outline how aonchie spends the rest of his day and see if you, the reader,
can guess what requirement he is trying to meet by his activities.

½e left aonchie at 9:00 am when he was convincing his dad to pay off his bills and help with
with household chores. Once he managed to pull that off, here is how he spent the rest of
his time«

00:00 am - 00:00 pm: A very tiered aonchie, from having stayed up all night, locked his
puppy in the bathroom and hit the sack.

00:00 pm: aonchie spent 2 minutes reflecting on how well he had slept.

00:00 pm: ce called up his dad and asked his father to be grateful for being allowed to pay
his credit card bills and for being asked to fi his leaky faucet.

02:00am: ce chugged down 2 bottles of wine.

0:00 am: ce struggled hard to stay awake again, so he could once be awake for the early
magical part of the day.

]here you have it. ]he last activities Yogi aonchie indulged in, in order to complete the
last "must do everyday activities for a happy and successful life." Any guesses? cere are
the suggestions from the author and how aonchie thought he was meeting them.

 !    ach day we should try to make some space for spending
time alone. Not only that, we should spend this time not in entertainment. Àn other words
sitting alone watching ]V, or surfing the internet, or locking your puppy up in the bathroom
and going to sleep does not count. One should try to just be alone without e cessive
stimulation and of course be Awake. ½hen one is alone in this way, not escaping into some
entertainment, it will give one visibility into the self in action. ]his is essential if one is to
be a Light Onto Oneself.

A   #    '

  # ]his is a wonderful meditation to
adopt into one¶s lifestyle. Àt does not require much effort to do and the rewards gained
from this simple technique are enormous. At the end of the day spend some time and
reflect back on the day chronologically, from the time you woke up to the present time.
Look back and see how you acted, what you said, how you said it, what you felt, what you
thought etc. specially reflect on situations that posed a challenge or were emotional in
nature. ½ere you overly reactive, did you respond too quickly, did you really listen, were
you honest and forthright? So much self-knowledge can be gained by this simple
accounting method. À cannot over emphasize the value of this meditation, so do your daily
accounting. Àt will help balance your life, prevent incomplete emotions from spilling over
into the subconscious mind and give you tremendous insight. Yogi aonchie actually did this
correctly, but since he had slept all day, there was not much for him to reflect on.

* /  +

 veryday do something good for someone else. Do
something thoughtful, kind, generous. [reed, aggression, competitiveness, arrogance,
ambition are so widespread, take a moment and contribute to the energy of thoughtfulness,
generosity, compassion, humility and giving. Do it without focusing on the reward. My
grandfather would daily, randomly and secretly give some money away to the poor who he
would encounter on the street. Just because it was a nice thing to do. Our Yogi friend
thought giving his dad a chance to do a good deed counted as doing a good deed ² nope
that is no good.

â+  '      You need to rela and enjoy yourself daily as well. You will
find that when you don¶t endless pursue the pleasure principle all day, the time when you
do indulge, is so much more fun and enjoyable. You will really be able to laugh and be
happy. You will be full of joy and humor. ]ry to not go overboard during this time and
chug down bottles of wine like our buddy, but do spend some time just in healthy
entertainment everyday as well. Àt is important for your mind, body and spirit.

7    veryday you should take on the challenge of doing
something which is outside your comfort zone. Àt is easy to live in a cocoon, with a do not
disturb sign on the door, but then chances are you are not growing and are instead falling
into a pattern of reactive living. So have courage and take on the challenge of doing those
things which you know deep inside you need to do, but have been able to cleverly avoid. Àt
does not have to be running the New York Marathon, it could be as simple as making a
difficult phone call, to turning off the ]V, to volunteering to change the stinky diaper.
aonchie struggled to stay up all night as his difficult daily deed, but perhaps the challenge
he should have undertaken, was to go to sleep on time and wake up early instead.

So there you have it. ]he 00 activities you should do daily to have a happy, meaningful and
good life. So take one day at a time the best you can and include in it these 00 pearls of
wisdom. All another can do from the outside is guide and inspire you, the actual work you
have to do yourself. So its time to walk the walk«

' #
#  c 00#1%    +
/ 6

 /     0 
0  + 

(For ease of reference, this is a combined post of parts 0 & 2 which were written and
published a few months ago).

Our good buddy Lazy Yogi aonchie had just read a great blog on Meditation ;-), where the
author had revealed the secrets of how to live a happy, meaningful and good life and the
highly inspired Yogi aonchie immediately went about implementing the recommendations ²
in his own special way of course. ]he article, he read, e plained that the secret to a happy
and fulfilling life was to live life one day at a time. Not only that, the author had provided
his thoughts on what 00 activities one should include in one¶s life on a
 #’ in order
to accomplish this. cere was how aonchie spent some of his day, which he felt met the
requirements laid out in the post.

:00 am: aonchie checked the time and smiled :00am ½oo coo! ]he recommendation
was to wake up early, but since waking up early was impossible for our lazy yoga friend, he
had decided instead to stay up all night. ]hus, he would be awake during the early morning
hours and be able to take advantage of this most spiritual time of day.

6:00 am: aonchie headed to the [ym to get his daily recommended sweat. ce spent the
ne t hour in the sauna.
7:00 am: aonchie listened to a meditation tape in his car on the way back home from the
gym, thus meeting the most important criteria for doing his daily meditation practice.

8:00 am: aonchie watched Sunrise arth on Discovery by sitting very close to the
television« spending time with nature« done.

9:00 am: aonchie called his dad and asked him to pay his credit card bills and help fi the
leaky faucet in the kitchen. ce told his dad that this had to be done today itself, since he
was eager to meet the requirement of "completing your daily affairs" as had been
suggested« that was easy.

So here we are, with aochie at the half way mark of meeting the daily activities that the
article laid out. Let¶s summarize this article that has so profoundly inspired Mr. aonchie.
ssentially, the secret to a cappy, Meaningful and [ood Life, the article said, was to live
one day a time. ]his did not mean not to plan, it meant not to obsess with the outcome.
aut money away in the retirement fund, enroll in an MA program, start a daily fitness
routine, launch a new blog, sure do all these things, but don¶t focus on the results. Ànstead,
just go about the business of life by living each day as well as you can. Àn addition, the
article continued, try to incorporate the following 00 activities into each day, as they would
go a long way in e panding your spiritual and personal growth and ensuring that you really
ma imize your human potential. Àn part 0, À will list of the 00 daily suggestions that were
made and here they are«

( ) 0' # ]his gets the day off to a great start. ]he early morning hours are full
of spiritual energy and prana (life force) and are an ideal time for your daily sadhana
(meditation, yoga or other spiritual practice).

& ' #
# Àf possible try to break a sweat everyday, and a sauna does not
count. ]his means to get some form of e ercise and keep the body in tip top shape. ]he
body is not you, but is the vehicle through which you live and worship, so treat it like a
temple and take care of it.

2  #%
   ]his is the most important criteria. Àf you have come to the Mastery
of Meditation website, something is stirring within. ]his invitation by the Divine should not
be taken lightly. Not all receive the invite, or at least not all are aware of the beckoning, so
if you are being roused from the dream by the gentle hand of your Divine Nature do
everything you can ½ake Up!

! è   ]he spiritual path can be described in 0 word ± JONNJ].
]hat one word describes all the Vedas, [ita, Upanishads, ible, Koran, ]antras, etc. One of
the best ways to connect is to be with Nature intimately. copefully the author will write an
article on this topic of Jonnection as well as is it a very interesting and powerful concept :-).

G0     #   Don¶t procrastinate, don¶t delay, don¶t put off what
needs to done. ]he old proverbs are very wise. "A stitch in time saves nine" and "Don¶t put
off till tomorrow what can be done today". Life, the moment, provides challenges to you
and when you meet them, life opens up. Àf they linger, they are like blockages, they
prevent your life from moving forward. Your inner voice will constantly remind you what
needs to be completed. ceed this suggestion and you will be surprised at the rewards.
Àn part 2 of this series À will go into the last suggestions for what should be done everyday
in order to live a happy, meaningful and good life, and we will also see how the rest of Lazy
aonchie¶s, À mean Yogi aonchie¶s, day went.


Àn part 0 of this series we followed lazy and crazy Yogi aonchie through the first half of his
day as he looked to complete the "00 must do everyday activities for a happy, meaningful
and good life" that he had just read about. Àn part 2 of this series we will e plore the final
daily recommendations and see how Yogi aonchie manages them in his own unique way. Àn
fact, À will just outline how aonchie spends the rest of his day and see if you, the reader,
can guess what requirement he is trying to meet by his activities.

½e left aonchie at 9:00 am when he was convincing his dad to pay off his bills and help with
with household chores. Once he managed to pull that off, here is how he spent the rest of
his time«

00:00 am - 00:00 pm: A very tiered aonchie, from having stayed up all night, locked his
puppy in the bathroom and hit the sack.

00:00 pm: aonchie spent 2 minutes reflecting on how well he had slept.

00:00 pm: ce called up his dad and asked his father to be grateful for being allowed to pay
his credit card bills and for being asked to fi his leaky faucet.

02:00am: ce chugged down 2 bottles of wine.

0:00 am: ce struggled hard to stay awake again, so he could once be awake for the early
magical part of the day.

]here you have it. ]he last activities Yogi aonchie indulged in, in order to complete the
last "must do everyday activities for a happy and successful life." Any guesses? cere are
the suggestions from the author and how aonchie thought he was meeting them.

 !    ach day we should try to make some space for spending
time alone. Not only that, we should spend this time not in entertainment. Àn other words
sitting alone watching ]V, or surfing the internet, or locking your puppy up in the bathroom
and going to sleep does not count. One should try to just be alone without e cessive
stimulation and of course be Awake. ½hen one is alone in this way, not escaping into some
entertainment, it will give one visibility into the self in action. ]his is essential if one is to
be a Light Onto Oneself.

A   #    '

  # ]his is a wonderful meditation to
adopt into one¶s lifestyle. Àt does not require much effort to do and the rewards gained
from this simple technique are enormous. At the end of the day spend some time and
reflect back on the day chronologically, from the time you woke up to the present time.
Look back and see how you acted, what you said, how you said it, what you felt, what you
thought etc. specially reflect on situations that posed a challenge or were emotional in
nature. ½ere you overly reactive, did you respond too quickly, did you really listen, were
you honest and forthright? So much self-knowledge can be gained by this simple
accounting method. À cannot over emphasize the value of this meditation, so do your daily
accounting. Àt will help balance your life, prevent incomplete emotions from spilling over
into the subconscious mind and give you tremendous insight. Yogi aonchie actually did this
correctly, but since he had slept all day, there was not much for him to reflect on.

* /  +

 veryday do something good for someone else. Do
something thoughtful, kind, generous. [reed, aggression, competitiveness, arrogance,
ambition are so widespread, take a moment and contribute to the energy of thoughtfulness,
generosity, compassion, humility and giving. Do it without focusing on the reward. My
grandfather would daily, randomly and secretly give some money away to the poor who he
would encounter on the street. Just because it was a nice thing to do. Our Yogi friend
thought giving his dad a chance to do a good deed counted as doing a good deed ² nope
that is no good.

â+  '      You need to rela and enjoy yourself daily as well. You will
find that when you don¶t endless pursue the pleasure principle all day, the time when you
do indulge, is so much more fun and enjoyable. You will really be able to laugh and be
happy. You will be full of joy and humor. ]ry to not go overboard during this time and
chug down bottles of wine like our buddy, but do spend some time just in healthy
entertainment everyday as well. Àt is important for your mind, body and spirit.

7    veryday you should take on the challenge of doing
something which is outside your comfort zone. Àt is easy to live in a cocoon, with a do not
disturb sign on the door, but then chances are you are not growing and are instead falling
into a pattern of reactive living. So have courage and take on the challenge of doing those
things which you know deep inside you need to do, but have been able to cleverly avoid. Àt
does not have to be running the New York Marathon, it could be as simple as making a
difficult phone call, to turning off the ]V, to volunteering to change the stinky diaper.
aonchie struggled to stay up all night as his difficult daily deed, but perhaps the challenge
he should have undertaken, was to go to sleep on time and wake up early instead.

So there you have it. ]he 00 activities you should do daily to have a happy, meaningful and
good life. So take one day at a time the best you can and include in it these 00 pearls of
wisdom. All another can do from the outside is guide and inspire you, the actual work you
have to do yourself. So its time to walk the walk«

% #% #% #%  

!  %
0  + 

À work all night, À work all day, to pay the bills À have to pay
Ain¶t it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
]hat¶s too bad
Àn my dreams À have a plan
Àf À got me a wealthy man
À wouldn¶t have to work at all, À¶d fool around and have a ball«

Money, money, money

Must be funny
Àn the rich mans world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
Àn the rich mans world«

Ah yes, AA¶s super hit song about the ageless and most dear human
Mantra, Money Money Money. Of all the Mantras in e istence, this is
certainly the one that is most chanted. verybody seems to chant this
Mantra, the question here is should one seeking nlightenment also chant
Money Money Money? ½hat does the dollar buy in the marketplace of
spirituality? Does it have any value? ]he answer is« revealed by the story

King Shantanu, like was the tradition of his time, was in preparation for
renouncing the throne and retiring to the forest for the rest of his days to
spend in meditation and yoga. ]he prince was ready to be crowned King
and King Shantanu was ready, as ready could be, to enter the spiritual
phase of his life (sanyas). ]he same, though, could not be said of his ·ueen
² Maharani £ia. She was not keen on the hardships of hermetic living and
was desperate to know what kind of life was awaiting them at the forest
dwelling. Unfortunately for her, the only person to have seen this ashram,
was the timeless Sage £udravakta. Now, no one messed with Sage
£udravakta. ce was one fierce £ishi (Sage). ce was not only known for
having conquered time, but was also famous for being brutally blunt and
e tremely hot tempered. ]here was no way the Maharani was going to risk
incurring his wrath with her questions so, as any capable wife, she convinced
the Maharaja (King) to have a chat with £ishi £udravakta.

"Swamiji," asked the King very politely, "Jan you please tell me something
about the ashram we are retiring to?"

"½hy?" came the bullet like reply from the Swami (Sage).

"Um, we are trying to decide what to take with us," the King responded
trying to think fast.

"You will take nothing. verything you need will be provided for. À want to
make sure you are clear on my instructions here. ]he instructions are that
you are to take nothing! aeriod. Also, let the Maharani know that in the
ashram there are no maids, no cooks, no gardeners and no one to wash the
clothes either. nd of conversation." And that was that. ]here was no
more talk about the ashram and after a few days the King and a troubled
·ueen made their way to the forest.
Upon arriving at the ashram, the royal couple were completely bewildered.
]he ·ueen had imagined a humble abode, a simple set-up but what she
found was mostly just unbelievable and« quite puzzling. She was
surrounded by the most strange devices, things she and the King had never
seen before.

After enjoying their confusion sufficiently, £ishi £udravakta e plained,

"]hese devices are from the future. ]hey don¶t say À have conquered time
for no reason."

"ut, Swamiji," inquired the King, "½hat are all these strange devices and
why are they here in this place designated for Meditation and

]he £ishi smiled. "One of the most important things you need in the aath of
£ealization is leisure. £emember this. ½ithout leisure you will not be able
to make progress. ]hose that are ever busy and have no leisure, will have
no time to devote to the study of the Self. ]hese devices wash your clothes,
cook for you, keep your food fresh, wash your dishes, clean your house,
among other things. ]his is so you can have leisure. ½hat you do with this
gift of time is up to you. À though will be checking in from time to time and À
better find you making good use of this free time." So saying, the £ishi
instructed the delighted Maharani on how to use the devices and left the
couple to get down to living a life of depth and inquiry.

]his is the answer to if money is important in the spiritual path. Àt is

important to the e tent that it buys you leisure. uys you time. All you
really need is food, clothing and shelter. Àf you don¶t have those in
reasonable quantity for you and your family, it gets difficult to meditate.
]he poor and hungry don¶t think much about enlightenment, they are trying
to arrange the ne t meal for their crying baby. Àf you have been blessed
with the basics then you have a great responsibility. You should try to
leverage your financial blessings to ma imize leisure and spend that time
wisely. ndless entertainment is a criminal waste of that most valuable
commodity ² leisure. Leisure is time available to you to inquire and learn
the ways of the mind and ego. ]his then opens the doors to what lies

So use the devices that £ishi £udravakta has provided to make more
efficient use of your time, and remember he checks in from time to time to
see what you have been doing with the leisure he has so carefully tried to
create for you. [uard your leisure fiercely. e careful of the commitments
you make so that your whole life you don¶t just end up singing the Mantra
Money Money Money to try and meet them. Ànstead, make a commitment
to find out the ]rue Nature of £eality. ]his then leads to the discovery of all
the real treasures life has to offer.

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