Class Notes Unit 3

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Class Notes / Level 2, Unit 3 / Class Summary


Mis Vacaciones Fueron Fabulosas

 My vacation was great. The island was beautiful.  The journey wasn’t good. The seats weren’t
 The beaches were beautiful. The people were friendly.
 Contractions: was not = wasn’t, were not = weren’t
 Remember:
 The past tense forms of to be are was and were:
I/he/she was, you/we/they were
Las formas pasadas del verbo to be son was y were:
I/he/she was, you/we/they were

 Mis vacaciones fueron fabulosas. La isla era hermosa. /  El viaje no fue bueno. / Los asientos no eran cómodos.
Las playas eran hermosas. La gente era/fue amigable.
Class Notes / Level 2, Unit 3 / Class Summary


¿Cómo Estuvieron tus Vacaciones?

How was your vacation?

It was great! Peru is very interesting.

Were the children happy?

Yes, they were.

How was the food at the hotel?

It was good. It wasn’t spicy. And

the waiters in the restaurants
were friendly.

 ¿Cómo estuvieron tus vacaciones? / ¡Estuvieron geniales! Perú es muy interesante. / ¿Los niños estaban felices? / Sí,
estaban felices. / ¿Cómo estuvo la comida en el hotel? / Estuvo buena. No era tan aliñada. Y los meseros en los restaurantes
eran amigables.
Class Notes / Level 2, Unit 3 / Key Tables

Was and Were

Pasado del Verbo To Be
I / he / she / it + was you / we / they + were

 I was in Playa del Carmen. We were very happy.

My sister was with me. The beaches were beautiful.
The weather was great. You were at work.
Yo estaba/estuve en Playa del Carmen. Estábamos muy felices.
Mi hermana estaba conmigo. Las playas eran hermosas.
El clima estuvo fantástico. Tú estabas en el trabajo.

 My husband wasn’t with me. My children weren’t with me.

The food wasn’t spicy. The beaches weren’t dirty.
Mi marido no estaba conmigo. Mis niños no estaban conmigo.
La comida no estaba muy aliñada. Las playas no estaban sucias.

 Was the food good? Were the people friendly?

Yes, it was. Yes, they were.
No, it wasn’t. No, they weren’t.
¿Estuvo buena la comida? ¿La gente fue amigable?
Sí, estuvo buena. Sí, sí fueron (amigables)
No, no estuvo buena. No, no fueron (amigables)

 Remember
 The past of to be is was or were: Today I am happy.  was not = wasn’t; were not = weren’t
Yesterday I was happy.
El pasado de to be es was o were.

 a beautiful beach an interesting movie a friendly waiter a comfortable bed happy children
una playa hermosa una película interesante un mesero amigable una cama cómoda niños felices

 an ugly beach a boring movie an unfriendly waiter an uncomfortable bed sad, angry,
una playa fea una película aburrida un mesero antipático una cama incómoda frightened children
niños tristes, enojados,

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