Booklet Chapter 7

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Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 2

Goal. Welcome someone from his or her vacation................................................ 3
Grammar. The past tense of be: Review........................................................ 5
Vocabulary. Adjectives to describe trips. ................................................................ 7
Goal. Talk about a traveling experience......................................................................... 9
Grammar. The simple past tense: Review.................................................... 9
Vocabulary. Adjectives to describe vacations....................................................14
Goal. Describe different vacations...................................................................................14
Goal. Talk about a vacation memory..............................................................................16
Vocabulary. Bad and good travel experiences...................................................16
Chapter 7, Section A

Goal: Welcome someone

from his or her vacation.

Vacations. Do you like to go on vacation?

Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 4

Practice. Check the kind of vacation you like.

I like vacations that

have a lot of family activities.

have a lot of entertainment.

have physical activities.

have good food.

have a lot of history.

have a lot of culture.

are relaxing.

are long.

are inexpensive but good.

Which type of vacation do you like? Why?

When were you on vacation?

come home
get back / return
fantastic / incredible / awesome / cool
Language expressions
enormous / gigantic
What was it like?
How was it?
kind of
a little
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 5

Grammar. The past tense of be: Review.

Affirmative Negative

I was happy. I wasn't happy.

He was hungry. He wasn't thirsty. wasn’t = was not

She was a nurse. She wasn't a teacher.

It was big. It wasn't small.
We were early. We weren't late.
You were at school. You weren't at home. weren’t = were not
They were quiet. They weren't noisy.


+ Affirmative They were happy. She was rich.

? Questions Were they happy? Was she rich?

Short Answer Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.

WH-Word Verb Subject Complement

Where was I/he/she/ it yesterday…?

Why were tired…?

When were ready…?

Why was he angry? When was she nervous?

Where were you yesterday? Who were those people?

Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 6

Practice. Complete the sentences with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

1. My last trip was fantastic.

2. The food was delicious.

3. The beaches were beautiful.

4. There (not) weren't many people.

5. were the people friendly?

6. How long was your vacation?

7. How were the activities?

8. Who was with you at the party?

9. When were you on vacation?

10. was the weather good?

Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 7

Vocabulary. Adjectives to describe trips.

1. Our bus trip was so scary. 2. The flight was very bumpy.

- kind of
3. It was really short. 4. It was really long.

Flight time 1 hour Flight time 13 hours

5. Our train trip was 6. It was quite comfortable.

pretty scenic.

7. The drive was

kind of boring.
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 8

Practice. Answer the questions.

it was really fun
1. How was your last vacation?

2. Was it a bus trip, a cruise, a drive, or a flight? It was a bus trip.

It was really four hours

3. How long was the trip?

4. How was the trip? It was very tired

there were a lot of family activities

5. How were the activities?

they were so friendly

6. How were the people?

it was nice
7. How was the weather?

it was delicious
8. How was the food?

Conversation. Arriving from a trip. That’s good!

A: Welcome back! comfortable

B: Thanks.
A: So, how was your trip?
B: It was pretty short, actually.
A: That’s great! Hey, can I give you a hand?
B: It’s OK. I’m fine. That’s too bad!
A: Are you sure?
B: Yes. Thanks! scary
Chapter 7, Section B

Goal: Talk about a traveling experience.

Grammar. The simple past tense: Review.

+ - ?
You lived in Spain in 1990. You didn’t live in Guatemala in 1990. Did you live in another city in 1990?

He studied English last year. He didn’t study French last year. Did he study a language last year?

They went to Italy two years ago. They didn’t go to Spain two years ago. Did they go to Spain two years ago?

The verb only changes in In negative sentences We use the base form
affirmative sentences. and questions the verb of the verb.
doesn’t change.
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 10

Information questions

base form
Wh - word did subject complement

When did you arrive from your trip?

Where did she go on her last vacation?
What did they do on their last trip?
Who did he visit last weekend?

In questions the verb

doesn’t change.
We use the base form of
the verb.

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

Remember: Base form - Past tense Base form - Past tense
In the past tense we have
regular and irregular verbs dance - danced begin - began
fix - fixed buy - bought
help - helped cut - cut
kiss - kissed do – did
laugh - laughed drink - drank
like – liked drive – drove
move - moved eat - ate
need - needed find – found
play - played fly – flew
study - studied go - went
try - tried have - had
visit - visited read - read
walk - walked sit – sat
want - wanted sleep - slept
wash – washed swim – swam
watch – watched take - took
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 11

T wanted
D needed

Pronunciation of
regular verbs - ed.

The pronunciation P helped
of words ending K looked
in ED depends F sniffed
on the final GH laughed
consonant SH washed
sound. There are
CH watched
three ways to
SS kissed
pronounce ED at
C danced
the end of a word
X fixed
in English.

L called
N cleaned
R offered
G damaged
V loved
S used
Z amazed
B rubbed
M claimed
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 12

Practice. Complete the sentences, use simple past tense.

1. Peter bought a gift for Mary. (buy)

2. The children a prize. (win)

3. The doctor didn't give me medicine. (not give)

4. Jackie didn´t break her arm. (not break). She broke her leg. (break)

5. Did you drive to the beach last weekend? (drive)

6. What did they ? (read)

7. Where did he live ten years ago? (live)

8. Who did they visit last weekend? (visit)

9. did your mother cook last night? (cook)

10. I went to my parents’ house. (go). I stayed there for a week. (stay)
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 13

Conversation. Talk about a traveling experience.

A: Were you on vacation?
B: Yes, I was. I went to Canada.
A: No kidding! Did you have a good time?
B: Fantastic! I stayed in a really nice hotel and ate at some wonderful
A: That sounds great. Tell me more.
Chapter 7, Section C

Goal: Describe different vacations.

Vocabulary. Adjectives to describe vacations.

1. It was relaxing. 2. It was exciting.

3. It was interesting. 4. It was unusual. incredible
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 15

Practice. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of vacation do you prefer?

2. How was your last vacation?

3. What did you do on your last vacation?

Practice. Read the sentences and recommend a vacation to each person.

1. I love to meet new people and learn many things.

2. I love sports and physical activities.

3. I like to visit places where other people don’t go.

4. I need a vacation where I don’t need to do anything.

5. I like to go on vacation to places that have a beautiful view.

Chapter 7, Section D

Goal: Talk about a vacation memory.

Vocabulary. Bad and good travel experiences.

Bad experiences

1. The weather was 2. The people were so

horrible. unfriendly.
really awful. cold.
pretty bad.

3. They lost my luggage. 4. Someone stole my

Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 17

Good experiences

1. The weather was 2. The people were so

amazing. friendly.
fantastic. warm.

3. They found 4. Someone returned

my luggage. my wallet.
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 7 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 18

Practice. Make a list of your good and bad vacation experiences.

Good experiences Bad experiences

1. I went to Xela two weeks ago, and the 1. When I went to The U.S. someone stole my
people were very friendly. luggage.

I wen to Petén and the weather was fantastic. Wheen I was Petén I lost my money.
2. 2.

When I was Petén the people was so warm.

3. 3.

4. The 4.

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