Palmer Set 4

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Some of the key takeaways from the document include the different types of nurses defined, patient rights, and circumstances under which nurses can practice medicine.

The different types of nurses mentioned include professional nurse, practicing professional nurse, and community health nurse.

The rights of patients according to the document include the right to refuse treatment, the right to expect answers from the hospital pertaining to requests, and the right to obtain information about their care.

PALMER SET 4 be correct if she states that the right to succession are

RCE transmitted:
a. through cardiac arrest
b. through birth of another person
1. A person who is engaged in the practice of nursing c. through passage of time
profession or is performing acts or activities, whether regularly d. from the moment of death
or occasionally, including one who is employed in a government
office or in any firm, company or corporation whose duties 8. How are the witnesses sign the pages of the will?
require knowledge and application of the nursing profession is a: a. At the end of very page
b. At the bottom of every page except for the last page
a. Nursing c. At the end thereof except for the last on the right
b. Professional nurse margin
c. Foreign Professional nurse d. At the end thereof except for the last on the top
d. Practicing Professional Nurse margin
e. None of the above
2. A person whose name and registration/professional license
number is entered in the Commission’s registry book and 9. The Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 is:
computerized database as legally authorized to practice the
nursing profession is a: a. RA 7193
b RA 7164
a. Nursing c. RA 9713
b. Professional nurse d. None of the above
c. Foreign Professional nurse
d. Practicing Professional Nurse
10. A person who joined in the criminal resolution as
3. A training and development program intended to shown by his prior or simultaneous acts and carried out the plan
develop/enhance the skills, to which a registered nurse and personally took part in the commission of the felony is:
devotes himself/herself whether as a vocation or profession to fa. Principal by induction
enable him/her to provide nursing service in specific areas in b. Principal by indispensable cooperation
accordance with the ethics of the profession and applicable law c. Principal by direct participation
is a: d. Accomplice
11 Those who cooperate in the execution of the offense
a. seminar by previous or simultaneous acts are:
b. convention a. Accessories
c. Nursing service education b. Principal by induction
d. Nursing Specialty program c. Accomplice
d. Principal by indispensable cooperation
4. All of the following are patient’s bill of rights except one:
12. Those who cooperate in the commission of the offense by
a. right to refuse treatment another act without which it would not have been accomplished
b. right to expect answer from the hospital pertaining to are:
the requests of the patient a. Accessories
c. right to obtain information about his care b. Principal by induction
d. right to leave the hospital without condition c. Accomplice
d. Principal by indispensable cooperation
5. Nurse Jean entered into a contract but said contract
did not follow any form. Determine the validity of the contract? 13. Nurse Ombai is correct if he states that a classification of
a. Valid nurse whose work combines elements of both nursing and
b. Void public health practice and takes place outside the therapeutic
c. Voidable institutions is:
d. Unenforceable a. school nurse
6. Nurse Lyn would be correct if she states that a b. industrial nurse
general term applied to the person whose property is c. institutional nurse
transmitted through succession, whether or not he left a will is: d. community health nurse
14. All of the following are circumstances wherein nurses
a. jurisprudence may practice medicine, except:
b. decedent a. epidemics or national emergencies
c. will b. doctors who orders nurses to take their place for a
d. testator while
7. Nurse Nalor is caring for a patient who suffered from a c. services of the physicians are not available
major vehicular accident. When asked by a patient about the d. registered nurses given limited and special
time when his heirs shall succeed in his properties, she would authorization by the secretary of health.
b. Mitigating Circumstance
c. Alternative Circumstance
15. All but one are prohibitions in the practice of nursing, d. Exempting circumstance
which one is not:
a. presenting as his or her own the nurse registration of 24 The application of self-defense as justifying
another circumstance to escape criminal liability requires the following
b. using revoked license elements, which one is not:
c. assuming RN without having been conferred such title a. Unlawful aggression
or degree b. Reasonable necessity of the means employed
d. practicing PDN even if employed by the hospital c. Sufficient provocation on the part of the person
defending himself
16 It is defined as a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the d. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the
supreme power in a state, commanding what is right and person defending himself
prohibiting what is wrong.
a. Ethics 25 Nurse Jel inquired from you regarding the descriptions
b. Law of a professional person, your response would be:
c. Jurisprudence a. autonomy
d. Professional Adjustment b. competence
c. accountability
17 It is the process which the attendance of a witness is d. discipline
required; it is a writ or order directed to a person requiring his e. all of the above
attendance at a particular time and place to testify as a witness:
a. summons 26 If a crime is not produced despite the performance by
b. search warrant the offender of all the acts of execution necessary to produce it
c. warrant of arrest due to the will of the offender is:
d. subpoena a. Attempted
b. Consummated
18 Those who, having the knowledge of the commission c. Frustrated
of the crime, and having participated therein take part d. None of the above
subsequent to its commission are:
a. accomplices 27 Accident is:
b. accessory before the fact a. Justifying
c. principals b. Mitigating
d. accessories after the fact c. Exempting
d. Aggravating
19 All of the following are classification or persons as
principals in the commission of a crime, which one is not: 28. All of the following are characteristics of giving
a. principal by indispensable cooperation consent except:
b. principal by induction a. must be vitiated
c. principal by commission b. must be given by a competent person
d. principal by direct participation c. must be given voluntarily
d. must be lawlful
20 The termination of the product of conception before
the child is viable is termed as:
a. abruptio placenta 29. Magna Carta of Public Health Workers
b. suicide a. RA 7305
c. ad interim b. RA 4073
d. abortion c. RA 6111
21 This doctrine literally means “let the thing speaks for d. RA 7624
itself”. 30. Process of formal negotiations of working conditions
a. Res ipsa loquitor between a group of registered nurses and employer is
b. force majeure
c. respondeat superior A. grievance
d. none of the above B. strike
22 All of the following are standard parameters to test if C. collective bargaining
negligence is present in a case, which one is not: D. arbitration
a. there is the existence of a duty
b. there is a failure to perform the duty 31. You are attending a certification program on
c. such failure resulted to injury cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) offered and required by
d. such failure was committed with intent the hospital employing you. This is
23 Voluntary plea of guilty in a court proceeding is:
a. Justifying circumstance A. professional course towards credits
B. continuing education C. Nine units in management and Administration course
C. in service education at graduate level
D. advance training D. Master’s of Arts in Nursing

38. In apportioning candles and other nice goodies among

Situation: As the CPE is applicable for all professional nurses, children, what bioethical principle should a nurse observe?
the professional growth and development of Nurses with
specifications shall be addressed by a Specialty Certification A. Justice
Council. The following questions apply to these special groups B. Beneficence
of nurses. C. Non-maleficence
D. Autonomy
32. Which of the following serves as the legal basis and 39. Which of the following statements concerning
statute authority for the Board of Nursing to promulgate confidentially is most accurate?
measures to effect the creation of a Specialty Certification
Council and promulgate professional development programs for A. Nurses are the only one responsible for protecting
this group of nurse-professionals? their client’s records from unauthorized reader.
B. Nurses may only use a client’s record for activities
A. R.A. 7164 directly related o the client’s health care management
B. R.A. 9173 C. Nurses are legally and ethically obliged to keep
C. P.D. 223 information about a client’s confidentially
D. R.A. 7610 D. A legal suit, without the client’s consent

33 By force of law, therefore, the PRC-Board of Nursing Situation: The Nurse Practice Act of 2002 of R.A. 9173
released Resolution No. 14 Series of 1999 entitled: “Adoption of was passed and signed into ;aw in October 2002.
Nursing Specialty Certification Program and Creation of Nursing
Specialty Certification Council.” This rule-making power is 40. Among the important provisions was the composition
called: of the Board of Nursing. Which of the following is NOT provided
for in RA 9173?
A. Quasi-Judicial Power
B. Quasi-Legislative Power A. The board of nursing shall be composed of 7
C. Executive/Promulgating Power members
D. Regulatory Power B. Have at least 10 years of continuous practice of the
C. The qualifying age should not be more tan 70 years of
34. Which of the following is the required qualification of a D. The academic qualification of the members shall be a
Dean? holders of Master Degree in Nursing or related fields.
A. Nine units in Nursing Administration
B. Master’s Degree in related fields 41. Which of the following is an additional function of the
C. Master’s Degree in Nursing Board, which is a departure from RA 7164?
D. Doctoral Degree
35. The faculty of a College of Nursing mush have a A. Promulgate the decision for the improvement of
master’s Degree which is: nursing
A. Psychology B. Describe the subjects in the licensure examination
B. Nursing only C. Recommends the opening and closure of Colleges of
C. Public Health Nursing
D. Nursing or related field D. Issue, suspend, revoke certification of registration
36. Nurses in the Nursing Service must also be qualified.
The nursing service director must have: Situation: Since 1919 several nurse practice acts have
been enacted to regulate the practice of nursing. Similarly,
A. Master’s Degree in any field of nursing several codes of ethics have been promulgated by various
B. Master’s Degree in health sciences Board of Nursing to make nursing relevant and updated.
C. Master’s Degree in Nursing Major in
Administration/Management 42. Which of the following statements about these nurse
D. Master’s Degree in Public Administration practice acts are true?

37. To be qualified, the nurse supervisors in the hospital A. These acts are not effective in the supervision or
must at least have: revocation of licensure or erring nurses
B. These acts have been authorizes by the accredited
A. Master’s of Public Health national nurses organization
B. Nine units in Master’s Degree in Nursing C. These acts usually define the scope of nursing
D. These acts describe the differences between a 49. Which age group is required to be immunized as per
registered nurse and practice nurse. Presidential decree No 996?

43. Which of the following statements are provided in the A. Children with special needs
2002 Nurse practice Acts or RA 9173 B. Children below 8 years
C. Out of school youth
A. A professional nurse with a baccalaureate degree is D. School children
qualified to be licensed as a registered nurse
B. Midwives are allowed to render nursing care to 50. Which legislation aims to promote and improve the
patients social and economical well being of health workers in
C. A practical nurse who are already registered nursed government services?
are given 5 years to finish Bachelor of Science in Nursing in
order to practice the professions A. RA 7164
44. Which of the following is the primary purpose of a duly B. DOH policies and guidelines
promulgated Code of Ethics? C. Alma ata
D. Magna carta
A. Acts a guide to making moral decision related to
nursing practice
B. Assists the nurse in identifying legal responsibilities in 51. The family of the dead patient who filed an
the care of patients administrative case against the nurse is considered which of the
C. Provides sanctions to violators of nursing law following:
D. A source material for identifying the attitudes that
professional nurse should develop A. Complainant
B. Accessory
45. Which of the following provides that nurses must be C. Accomplice
member of the National Nurse Organization? D. Defendant

A. RA 877 as amended by RA 4704 52. The doctor assigned to the dead patient who was also
B. 1981 code of Ethics approved by the House of sued together with the nurses, was told to bring with him a copy
delegates, Philippines Nurses Association of the patient’s chart when he takes the stand on the next
C. Resolution No 633 promulgated by the Board of hearing. The hearing officer would have to issue what legal
Nursing order to compel the doctor to bring the patient’s chart?
D. RA 7164 or the Nurse Practice Act of 1991
A. Summon
46. Which of the following statements if made by the nurse B. Subpoena
would you consider him/her as a prudent nurse? C. Injunction
D. Subpoena tecum
A. Questions wrong order of the doctor
B. Follow the doctor’s order even she thinks it’s wrong
C. Very cautiously seeks supervision all the time
D. Careful in giving medication in a control line Situation: Safe nursing practice includes an understanding
f the law which governs one’s practice. The law provides the
Situation: the legal responsibilities of the nurse in any parameters within which the professional nurse protects self and
setting must be given importance to prevent litigation. clientele.

47. Which among the following is related to the local 53. In the Philippines,, this law is:
government of delivery of basic services including health?
A. the Philippine Nursing Act or RA 7164
A. Executive Order Number 119 Section 3 B. the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 or RA 9173
B. Ministry Circular Number 2 C. Republic Act 8981
C. RA 7160 D. IRR, Resolution 425 of 2003
D. RA 7164

48. The Dangerous Drug Act had known also as RA 6425 54. As a standard in ethics, this represents an understanding
states that nobody must do any of the following in relation to and agreement to respect anther person’s right to decide a
prohibited drugs? course his or her own destiny:

A. Report suspected user to authority A. Beneficence

B. Sell, administer and prescribe B. Nonmaleficence
C. Use yellow prescription for doctors C. Autonomy
D. Sell, administer, deliver D. Justice
55. The Code of Ethics refers to standards of behaviour or 61. In ethics, it discusses that the good act can only come from
ideals of conduct. The ability to answer for and stand by one’s what is also good
refers to: a. nonmaleficence
b. teleology
A. Advocacy c. formalism
B. Accountability d. utilitarianism
C. Veracity
D. Responsibility
62. The science that deals with principles of right and wrong is
Situation: Mr. Martin, 70 years old, was suddenly rushed to called:
the hospital because of severe chest pain. On admission, he a. ethics
was diagnosed to have acute myocardial infraction and was b. philosophy
placed in the ICU. c. psychology
d. morality
56. While in the ICU he executes a document that lists the
medical treatment he chooses to refuse in case his condition
becomes severe to a point that he will be unable to make Situation: You are a newly hired nurse in a tertiary hospital. You
decision from himself. This document is: have finished your orientation program recently and you are
beginning to assimilate the culture of the profession.
A. living will
B. power of attorney 63. Using Benner’s stages of nursing expertise, you are a
C. last will and testament beginning nurse practitioner. You will rank yourself as a/an:
D. informed consent A. competent nurse
B. novice nurse
57. After one day, the patient’s condition worsened and feeling C. proficient nurse
hopeless, he requested the nurse to remove the oxygen. The D. advanced beginner
nurse should:

A. Follow the patient because it is his right to die 64. Benner’s “Proficient” nurse level is different from the
gracefully other levels in nursing expertise in the context of having:
B. Refuse the patient since euthanasia is not A. the abilities to organize and plan activities
accepted in the Philippines B. having attained an advanced level of education
C. Follow the patient as it is his right to determine the C. a holistic understanding and perception of the client
medical regimen he needs. D. intuitive and analytic ability in new situations
D. Refuse the patient and encourage him to verbalize
his feelings 65. Which of the following example best defines the term
role reversal?
58. A group of employees walks in the room of the A. A lazy person becomes very productive in the family
Medical Director to complain about the treatment made by B. The good child takes on a bad role
doctors on the nurses and attendants. This is a form of: C. A person who has been a good provider quits his or
a. Upward communication her job
b. Downward communication D. The child assumes a caregiver role toward the
c. Lateral communication caregiver
d. Grapevine communication
59. Leah emphasized the importance of adhering to the
rules and regulations of the hospital and the possible sanctions
if violations occur. This reflects the principle of: 66. When a nurse breaches the duty of confidentiality, he
a. Authority and responsibility or she can be disciplined by both the employer and the Board of
b. Chain of command Nursing. In addition to this discipline, he or she can:
c. Order A. be held responsible for any damages that result
d. Discipline B. be fined by the federal government
C. be sentenced for up to 1 year in jail
D. immediately lose his or her nursing license

60. In this ethical theory, decisions are based on what will

provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
a. nonmaleficence 67. A strategy for a change that focuses on teaching
b. teleology workers new technology is:
c. formalism A. normative- reeducation
d. utilitarianism B. training
C. providing information
D. power coercive
the belongings of one of the patients. What should the nurse
a. Call the orderly’s attention in private
68. The major components of the communication process b. Report this behavior to the charge nurse
are: c. Ignore the situation because the orderly is just
A. verbal, written, and nonverbal preparing the client’s belongings
B. speaker, listener and reply d. Monitor the situation and assess if any other items are
C. facial expression, tone of voice, and gesture reported to be missing
D. message, sender, channel, receiver, and feedback

69. A measurement tool to articulate the nursing workload Situation: A nurse was interested to study the research question:
for a specific patient or groups of patients over a specific period ‘What are the differences and similarities between aggressive
of time is called: and non-aggressive cognitively impaired, elderly,
A. staffing pattern institutionalized people?”.
B. skill mix 75. Investigation of cognitively impaired individual
C. benchmarking presented some ethical dilemmas. Which of the following
D. patient classification protocol would be considered unethical?
A. Recording interaction with the elderly with their
70. In conflict management, the win-win approach occurs B. Verbal permission from the subject is unnecessary
when: C. Data coded and recorded solely by the investigation
A. there are two conflicts and the parties agree to each D. A written consent from the institution and a significant
win one other
B. each party gives in on 50% of the disagreements
making up the conflict
C. both parties involved are committed to solving he 76. The type of study conducted is:
conflict A. descriptive
D. the conflict is settled out of court so the legal system B. quasi-experimental
and the parties win C. experimental
D. case study
71. When one person allows the conflict to be resolved at
his or her own expense, this is referred to in conflict 77. The review of literature included reference to
management as: retrospective studies. Such studies have the following
A. losing advantages EXCEPT:
B. wining while losing A. data are inexpensive
C. the win-lose approach B. possibility of memory bias and distortion of fact
D. the lose-win approach C. there is much material available
D. it is easy to get data
72. Nurses working in the 35 bed Female Medical Unit
were noted to implement new and innovative client care
activities long before other units in the hospital. Which of the
following leadership characteristics exhibited by the nurse 78. The average age of the respondents was 86. This
manager best describes this strength? represents:
A. Communication skills A. the sum ages divided by the total number of
B. Knowledge and skills participants
C. Vision and passion B. he youngest participant in 86 years old
D. Interpersonal abilities C. the oldest participant in 86 years old
D. most of the number of participants is 86 years old

73. Tricia, a staff nurse working in a cancer unit, is 79. Authority is the official power to act. It is the power to
considered a role model not only by her colleagues, but also by direct the work of others. A nursing attendant speaks rudely and
her patients. She goes out her way to help other. She is very harshly to an elderly patient. Hearing this, the nurse’s
active in their professional organization and she practices what appropriate action is to:
she teaches. What ethical principles is she practicing? a. Assign the attendant to another patient
a. Beneficence b. Attempt to explore the situation with the nursing
b. Autonomy attendant concerned
c. Advocacy c. Start a group discussion with all other nursing
d. Justice attendants
74. The chain of command is the formal line of authority d. Talk with the patient’s family about the matter
and communication. On the PM shift, 6 patients are being
discharged. The nurse noticed that the orderly is looking through
80. You are attending a certification program on 86. Regardless of the method of nursing care delivery, the
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) offered and required by Head nurse is still accountable for the total nursing care of the
the hospital employing you. This is patients in the ward. This is an application of;
A. professional course towards credits a. the scalar principle
B. continuing education b. the unity of command principle
C. in service education c. proper channeling communication
D. advance training d. command responsibility

81. A research design is a blueprint for conducting a 87 The father of Scientific Management is:
study. The purpose of design is to maximize conrtol over factors a. Max Weber
that can interfere in the validity of the findings. There are several b. Henri Fayol
types of research design. Which type of research design c. Frederick Fiedler
facilitates the search of knowledge and examination of causality d. Frederick Taylor
in situations in which complete control is not possible? 88. The variable that may create uncertainty in the result of
a. Quasi-experimental design research refers to:
c. Randomized clinical trial a. Independent variable
b. Experimental design b. Dependent variable
d. Pretest-posttest design c. Extraneous variable
d. None of the above
82. A research topic is a concept or broad issue that is
important to nursing. From this topic, research problems arise 89 A corrective action taken by the supervisor when an
wherein there is a gap in the knowledge base needed for employee does not abide by organizational rules and
nursing practice. The following are functions of a research standards.
problem, except: a. Punishment b. control
a. identifies an area of concern for a population c. discipline d. dismissal
b. includes significance of the problem
c. provides background for the problem 90. Disciplinary treatment in most organizations is progressive.
d. indicates review of related studies Which of the following steps of progressive discipline is the last.
a. written warning
b. suspension
The Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 or RA 9173 has a provision c. Termination of employment
that the nurse must continue learning. d. coaching

83 Which of the following is formal continuing education? 91. The mildest form of discipline is
A. Tele conference a. written warning
B. Enrolment in gradate school b. verbal warning
C. Attendance in conference c. suspension
D. Refresher courses d. termination

84 Which of the following is true for charting done by 92. The hospital where you are working is celebrating its
nursing student and countersigned by the clinical instructor: Golden Jubilee Foundation. Three of the nurse supervisors were
a. the staff nurse is legally accountable to the hospital for assigned by the over-all chairman to head different committees.
the nursing care delivered by the nursing students The principle of management used here is:
b. the nursing student is legally accountable for all a. delegation of accountability
information she has written in the progress notes b. channel of communication
c. the clinical instructor attest that she has personal c. unity of command
knowledge of the information charted by the student. d. command responsibility
d. The instructor cannot be liable because the situation is
part of the learning experience of the student. 93. Extending the implications of the findings from the sample
studied to a larger population is called
Situation: Miss Pakyaw is a head nurse in the ward where fourth a. Generalization
year students are affiliating for their RLE in management. b. Conclusion
85. The clinical instructor of the students usually assigns two c. Limitation
patients for each. The students are responsible for the 24 – hour d. Delimitation
nursing care plan of each of the patient assigned to them. This
method of nursing care delivery is called: 94. Regarding idiosyncrasies of a handicapped child, how
a. team approach should a nurse deal with the tantrums?
b. case management A. Respect
c. functional nursing B. Beneficence
d. primary nursing C. Justice
D. Non-maleficence
95. In apportioning candies and other nice goodies among
children, what bioethical principle should a nurse observe?
A. Justice
B. Beneficence
C. Non-maleficence
D. Autonomy

96. Which of the following is not true about sample size

determination in research?
a. The larger the sample, the more representative it is
likely to be.
b. The more representative a sample is, the less
generalizable the result would be.
c. Large samples can lead to erroneous results when not
well selected
d. The more generalizable the sample is, the more

97. What does this statement refer to? The level of educational
attainment of the mothers is not correlated with their degree of
compliance to the treatment regimen.
a. Limitation of the study
b. hypothesis
c. assumptions
d. none of the above

98. If a researcher studied the effect of a scheduling assignment

on nurses morale, the scheduling assignment would be
referred to as the:
a. Independent variable
b. Dependent variable
c. Population
d. None of the above

99. What ethical principle is violated when a researcher

do not consider freedom to participate or not participate in
a. Principle of respect for persons
b. Beneficence
c. Justice
d. Veracity

100. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion are

examples of:
a. Descriptive statistics
b. Inferential statistics
c. Vital statistics
d. Chi square

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