Nursing Jurisprudence 1

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1. Client Henry is to be discharged soon their behalf. What principle guides this
but is still not knowledgeable about how to situation?
use his cane. What underlying principle in
nursing ethics should guide the nurse in a. Autonomy
doing his duty? b. Veracity
c. Beneficence
a. Responsibility d. The principle of double effect
b. Competence
c. Accountability 6. The ethical principle stating that a
d. Advocacy registered nurse is the client’s advocate is
stated on what section of the code of
2. The following statements are stated in ethics for registered nurses?
the Dying Patient’s Bill of Rights, except
for one: a. Section 11
b. Section 10
a. I have the right to feel the pain of dying. c. Section 9
b. I have the right to participate in d. Section 8
decisions concerning my care.
c. I have the right to die in peace and 7. The Board of Nursing is composed of
dignity. how many governing bodies?
d. I have the right to have my questions
answered honestly.
a. 5
b. 6
3. This corresponds to the personal belief c. 4
of a client regarding a given idea, custom, d. 7
attitude, or anything that influences her
behavior and decisions.
8. Which is incorrect about the
qualifications of a Nursing Service
a. Ethics Administrator?
b. Morals
c. Values
d. Bioethics. a. A registered nurse in the Philippines
b. At least 5 years of experience in the
managerial position in nursing
4. This law focuses on the prevention and c. Possess a degree of Bachelor of
control of the Diabetes Mellitus Act, Science in Nursing with at least 9 units in
known as: management and administration courses
at the graduate level
a. R.A. No. 8172 d. A member of good standing of the
b. R.A. No. 8976 accredited professional organization of
c. R.A. No. 8187 nurses
d. R.A. No. 8191
9. Anna is a nurse and was asked to pose
5. Client Edwin was diagnosed with for a TV commercial wearing her uniform.
terminal cancer. His family asked his If she agrees to it, what will she violate?
physician to explain to him his illness on

a. R.A. No. 9173 a. Sisa is being given all the relevant

b. R.A. No. 7164 information of her chemotherapy.
c. The code of ethics for registered nurses b. Pepito, 18 years old, who refuses
d. All of the above treatment, is allowed to sign his waiver in
the absence of his guardians.
10. Who of them below is considered an c. Neneng, mother of Baby Timothy,
accessory to a crime? signed the consent form for his blood
d. All of the Above
a. Nurse Fred, who administered the
wrong medication
b. Nurse Milo, who was there on the act of 14. It is a kind of will that is entirely
the incident written, dated, and signed by the client
c. Nurse Manager Jeremy who arranged a himself. It is called:
discreet agreement with the client’s folks
to resolve the conflict a. Notarial will
d. All of them b. Nuncupative will
c. Holographic will
11. The following statements below are d. None of the above
acts of nursing negligence, except for one:
15. Board of Nursing Resolution No. 110
a. Use of defective equipment s. 1998 is also known as:
b. Disagreeing with the physician
c. Careless execution of doctor’s order a. Adoption of Nursing Specialty
d. Errors in administering medications Certification Program
b. Adoption to a guide to evaluate
12. Situation: Client Zee is not compliant compliance with Standards for Safe
to his treatment ECT (electroconvulsive Nursing Practice
therapy) and does not take his c. Specialty training on intravenous
medications due to his suspicious injections for registered nurses
personality. His nurse was so hopeless d. Promulgation of standards of safe
that she threatened Client Zee not to give nursing practice
him his regular meals if he will not submit
himself to his therapy and treatments. 16. The Unang Yakap
What kind of malpractice was committed Campaign advocates the interrupted
in this situation? mother and child bonding through
Rooming –in and early breastfeeding.
a. False imprisonment What law governs Rooming-in and
b. Battery Breastfeeding?
c. Assault
d. Fraud a. P.D. 148
b. R.A. 7600
13. Informed consent is an agreement that c. R.A. 7432
allows a certain procedure to happen. d. R.A. 7877
Which is true about it?
17. You are one of the vaccinators in the
Measles- Rubella Campaign. One mother

hesitated since she verbalized that it d. Subpoena ut des

would hurt her son. As a well-versed d. None of the above
nurse about ethical considerations,you
explained to the mother that it might 21. It refers to the act of adopting a
cause discomfort, but it will protect her foreigner and clothing him with the
son from acquiring the said diseases. privileges of a native citizen?
What principle did you utilize?
a. Alienation
a. Nonmaleficence b. Naturalization
b. Justice c. Expatriation
c. Beneficence d. Repatriation
d. Autonomy
22. According to the preamble of the code
18. Louie is an experienced registered of ethics for registered nurses, what are
nurse and wants to be a clinical instructor. the fundamental aspects of nursing?
What qualification does he need to be
a. Restoration of health
b. Alleviation of suffering
a. Have at least 2 years of experience in c. Only answer A
general nursing administration d. A & B
b. Have 9 units in management and
administration courses at the graduate
level 23. As a nurse manager, one of your staff
c. Have at least 5 years in teaching and asked you about incident report. What are
supervising you going to include in your explanation?
d. Have a good standing in an accredited
professional organization of nurses a. It is utilized to document any common
nursing duties.
19. Who among the individuals below b. It is written in the nurse’s notes.
cannot make a will? c. It is not a means of punishment.
d. It does not protect the person involved.
a. NN who is 19 years old and has
Leukemia. 24. In order to pass the licensure
b. RR, who is married and has prostate examination, what is the general weighted
cancer. average to be reached by the test taker?
c. GG who is 28 years old married, and is
suffering postpartum psychosis. a. 75%
d. JJ who is 18 years old and has acute b. 60%
renal failure. c. 65%
d. 70%
20. Alex is to appear and testify in the
court as a witness. What should she 25. You are a public health nurse and
receive prior to that? there are cases of dengue fever in your
town. You should report this according to
a. Subpoena duces tecum what law?
b. Subpoena testificandum

a. R.A. 7610 harm, and the principle of double effect

b. R.A. 1082 pertains to outweighing the harmful
c. R.A. 3573 secondary effects by the intended good
d. R.A. 1811 outcomes.

1. Answer: Accountability 6. Answer: Section 8

Rationale: Accountability can be referred Rationale: Section 11 involves the

to as a nurse’s ability to answer for his nursing ethics with his co-workers; section
own actions. If the nurse knows that his 10 ethical guidelines requiring
client is still not knowledgeable in using professional conformity with existing laws;
his cane, he might request for more section 9 reflects that nurses should be
hospitalization or arrange with his aware that their actions have
caregiver to continue providing health corresponding ethical, moral, and legal
teaching at home. aspects.

2. Answer: 7. Answer: 7

Rationale: The statement should be: I Rationale: According to the Philippine

have the right to be free from pain. Nursing Act of 2002 or R.A. No. 9173,
section 4. The Board created under
3. Answer: Values section 3 of Article III of the said nursing
act is composed of a chairperson and 6
Rationale: Ethics refers to the study of
what is good and just for clients, while
morals reflect the character of the social 8. Answer:
setting from where the client bases his
behavior. Bioethics, on the other hand, Rationale: Answer B refers to the
pertains to the study of what is right and qualification of a Chief Nurse/ Director of
wrong behavior in the healthcare setting. Nursing

4. Answer: R.A. No. 8191 9. Answer: the code of ethics for

registered nurses
Rationale: Option A refers to the
promotion of salt iodization; B pertains to Rationale: Under section 10 of the code
the Philippine Food Fortification Program; of ethics, a registered nurse must not
and C corresponds to the 7- day Paternity allow herself to be used in advertisements
leave. that should demean the image of the
5. Answer: Veracity
10. Answer: Nurse Manager Jeremy
Rationale: Veracity guides the practice of
truth. On the other hand, autonomy is the Rationale: Nurse Fred was the Principal
client’s right to decision making; who committed the direct harm to the
Beneficence refers to actions that prevent client, while nurse Milo was an

Accomplice. Nurse Manager Jeremy tried Rationale: Option A refers to BON Res.
to conceal the escape of his staff No. 14 s. 1999, C corresponds to BON
members by discreetly arranging the Res. No. 08 s. 1994, and option D
resolution with the client’s family pertains to PRC- BON Res. No. 82 s.
members. 1998.

11. Answer: Disagreeing with the 16. Answer: R.A. 7600

Rationale: P.D. 148 is called Woman and
Rationale: Disagreeing with the child labor law; R.A. 7432 is about Senior
physician; especially knowing what is Citizen’s Act, and R.A. 7877 corresponds
good and right for the client and to Anti sexual harassment act of 1995.
rationalizing it to his physician, does not
mean negligence since there is no 17. Answer: Beneficence
unreasonable risk for harming the client,
there is no failure to perform any task, and
no physical, emotional, or mental damage Rationale: Beneficence focuses on
to the client. promoting the best interest of the client
despite some risks like discomfort.
12. Answer: Assault
18. Answer:
Rationale: Threatening the client to
submit himself to therapy or treatment he Rationale: To be a faculty of the college
did not want is considered an assault as of nursing: one must be an R.N. in the
long as no physical harm was done since Philippines, have at least 1 year of clinical
it could then be referred to as battery. practice, a member of good standing in an
organization for nurses, and must have a
master’s degree in nursing, education, or
13. Answer: All of the Above any allied medical or health sciences.

Rationale: All the options above describe 19. Answer:

an informed consent. The client must be
informed of all the relevant information,
They must be of legal age reflected on Rationale: GG is of legal age, but she
option B, and parents sign the consent has postpartum psychosis, implying that
form for pediatric clients. she is not of sound mind. A person should
have a sound mind at the time of
execution of the will.
14. Answer: Holographic will
20. Answer: Subpoena testificandum
Rationale: A notarial will is only signed by
the testator or by another person in the
presence of the testator, while a Rationale: This subpoena is given to
nuncupative will is also called an oral will. witnesses and respondents to appear in
court while subpoena duces tecum is
issued in order for respondents to produce
15. Answer: necessary documents.

21. Answer: Naturalization

Rationale: Expatriation is the voluntary

act of abandoning one’s country and
become a citizen of another country;
repatriation refers to regaining one’s
nationality after expatriation; an alien is
also known as a foreigner or a person
born abroad.

22. Answer: A & B

Rationale: The 4 fundamentals of

nursing include promotion of health,
prevention of illness, alleviation of
suffering, and restoration of health.

23. Answer:

Rationale: An incident report is to

document an unusual occurrence or
incident. It is not advised to be written in
the nurse’s notes, is not a means of
punishment, and it is filed to protect the
individual involved.

24. Answer: 75%

Rationale: According to section 15 of

R.A. 9173, an examinee needs to reach at
least a 75% general average to pass the

25. Answer: R.A. 3573

Rationale: It corresponds to reporting

communicable diseases. R.A. 7610 refers
to the law against child abuse, R.A. 1082
pertains to the Rural health act, and R.A.
1811 pertains to strengthening health and
dental services to rural areas.

1. The best explanation of what Title VI of A. Language, timing

the Civil Rights Act mandates is the
freedom to: B. Touch, eye contact

A. Pick any physician and insurance C. Biocultural needs

company despite one’s income
D. Pain perception, management
B. Receive free medical benefits as expectations
needed within the county of
4. Transcultural nursing implies:
C. Have equal access to all health
care regardless of race and religion A. Using a comparative study of
cultures to understand similarities
and differences across human
D. Have basic care with a sliding groups to provide specific
scale payment plan from all health individualized care that is culturally
care facilities appropriate

2. Which statement would best explain the B. Working in another culture to

role of the nurse when planning care for a practice nursing within their
culturally diverse population? The nurse limitations
will plan care to:
C. Combining all cultural beliefs into a
A. Include care that is culturally practice that is a nonthreatening
congruent with the staff from approach to minimize cultural
predetermined criteria barriers for all clients’ equality of
B. Focus only on the needs of the
client, ignoring the nurse’s beliefs D. Ignoring all cultural differences to
and practices provide the best generalized care
to all clients.
C. Blend the values of the nurse that
are for the good of the client and 5. What should the nurse do when
minimize the client’s individual planning nursing care for a client with a
values and beliefs during care different cultural background? The nurse
D. Provide care while aware of one’s
own bias, focusing on the client’s A. Allow the family to provide care
individual needs rather than the during the hospital stay so no
staff’s practices rituals or customs are broken

3. Which factor is least significant during B. Identify how these cultural

assessment when gathering information variables affect the health problem
about cultural practices?

C. Speak slowly and show pictures to B. Nurse Practice Act (NPA) written
make sure the client always by state legislation
C. Standards of care from experts in
D. Explain how the client must adapt the practice field
to hospital routines to be effectively
cared for while in the hospital D. Good Samaritan laws for civil
6. Which activity would not be expected
by the nurse to meet the cultural needs of 8. A bioethical issue should be described
the client? as:

A. Promote and support attitudes, A. The physician’s making all

behaviors, knowledge, and skills to decisions of client management
respectfully meet client’s cultural without getting input from the client
needs despite the nurse’s own
beliefs and practices
B. A research project that included
treating all the white men and not
B. Ensure that the interpreter treating all the black men to
understands not only the language compare the outcomes of a
of the client but feelings and specific drug therapy.
attitudes behind cultural practices
to make sure an ethical balance
can be achieved C. The withholding of food and
treatment at the request of the
client in a written advance directive
C. Develop structure and process for given before a client acquired
meeting cultural needs on a regular permanent brain damage from an
basis and means to avoid accident.
overlooking these needs with
D. After the client gives permission,
the physician’s disclosing all
D. Expect the family to keep an information to the family for their
interpreter present at all times to support in the management of the
assist in meeting the client.
communication needs all day and
night while hospitalized
9. When the nurse described the client as
“that nasty old man in 354,” the nurse is
7. Ethical principles for professional exhibiting which ethical dilemma?
nursing practice in a clinical setting are
guided by the principles of conduct that
are written as the: A. Gender bias and ageism

A. American Nurses Association’s B. HIPPA violation

(ANA’s) Code of Ethics
C. Beneficence

D. Code of ethics violation A. Board of Nursing Examiners (BNE)

10. The distribution of nurses to areas of B. Nurse Practice Act (NPA)

“most need” in the time of a nursing
shortage is an example of: C. American Nurses Association
A. Utilitarianism theory
D. Americans With Disabilities Act
B. Deontological theory (ADA)

C. Justice 13. When a client is confused, left alone

with the side rails down, and the bed in a
D. Beneficence high position, the client falls and breaks a
hip. What law has been broken?
11. Nurses are bound by a variety of laws.
Which description of a type of law is A. Assault
B. Battery
A. Statutory law is created by elected
legislature, such as the state C. Negligence
legislature that defines the Nurse
Practice Act (NPA). D. Civil tort

B. Regulatory law includes prevention 14. When signing a form as a witness,

of harm for the public and your signature shows that the client:
punishment for those laws that are
A. Is fully informed and is aware of all
C. Common law protects the rights of
the individual within society for fair
and equal treatment. B. Was awake and fully alert and not
medicated with narcotics.
D. Criminal law creates boards that
pass rules and regulations to C. Was free to sign without pressure
control society.
D. Has signed that form and the
12. Besides the Joint Commission on witness saw it being done
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
(JACHO), which governing agency 15. Which criterion is needed for someone
regulates hospitals to allow continued safe to give consent to a procedure?
services to be provided, funding to be
received from the government and A. An appointed guardianship
penalties if guidelines are not followed?

B. Unemancipated minor

C. Minimum of 21 years or older A. Reflex vasoconstriction occurs.

D. An advocate for a child B. Reflex vasodilation occurs.

16. Which statement is correct? C. Systemic response occurs.

A. Consent for medical treatment can D. Local response occurs.

be given by a minor with a sexually
transmitted disease (STD). 19. A client has recently been told he has
terminal cancer. As the nurse enters the
B. A second trimester abortion can be room, he yells, “My eggs are cold, and I’m
given without state involvement. tired of having my sleep interrupted by
noisy nurses!” The nurse may interpret the
C. Student nurses cannot be sued for client’s behavior as:
malpractice while in a nursing
clinical class. A. An expression of the anger stage
of dying
D. Nurses who get sick and leave
during a shift are not abandoning B. An expression of disenfranchised
clients if they call their supervisor grief
and leave a message about their
emergency illness. C. The result of maturational loss

17. Most litigation in the hospital comes D. The result of previous losses
from the:
20. When helping a person through grief
A. Nurse abandoning the clients when work, the nurse knows:
going to lunch
A. Coping mechanisms that were
B. Nurse following an order that is effective in the past are often
incomplete or incorrect disregarded in response to the pain
of a loss
C. Nurse documenting blame on the
physician when a mistake is made B. A person’s perception of a loss has
little to do with the grieving
D. Supervisor watching a new process.
employee check his or her skills
level C. The sequencing of stages of grief
may occur in order, they may be
18. The nurse places an aquathermia pad skipped, or they may recur.
on a client with a muscle sprain. The
nurse informs the client the pad should be D. Most clients want to be left alone.
removed in 30 minutes. Why will the nurse
return in 30 minutes to remove the pad?

21. A client is hospitalized in the end B. Accepting the reality of loss,

stage of terminal cancer. His family working through the pain of grief,
members are sitting at his bedside. What adjusting to the environment
can the nurse do to best aid the family at without the deceased, and
this time? emotionally relocating the
deceased and moving on with life.
A. Limit the time visitors may stay so
they do not become overwhelmed C. Anticipatory grief, perceived loss,
by the situation. actual loss, and renewal.

B. Avoid telling family members about D. Denial, anger, bargaining,

the client’s actual condition so they depression, and acceptance.
will not lose hope.
24. Bereavement may be defined as:
C. Discourage spiritual practices
because this will have little A. The emotional response to loss.
connection to the client at this time.
B. The outward, social expression of
D. Find simple and appropriate care loss.
activities for the family to perform.
C. Postponing the awareness of the
22. When caring for a terminally ill client, it reality of the loss.
is important for the nurse maintain the
client’s dignity. This can be facilitated by:
D. The inner feeling and outward
reactions of the survivor.
A. Spending time to let clients share
their life experiences
25. A client who had a “Do Not
Resuscitate” order passed away. After
B. Decreasing emphasis on attending verifying there is no pulse or respirations,
to the clients’ appearance because the nurse should next:
it only increases their fatigue
A. Have family members say goodbye
C. Making decisions for clients so to the deceased.
they do not have to make them
B. Call the transplant team to retrieve
D. Placing the client in a private room vital organs.
to provide privacy at all times
C. Remove all tubes and equipment
23. What are the stages of dying (unless organ donation is to take
according to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross? place), clean the body, and
position appropriately.
A. Numbing; yearning and searching;
disorganization and despair; and D. Call the funeral director to come
reorganization. and get the body.

26. A client’s family member says to the B. Generalizations about the behavior
nurse, “The doctor said he will provide of a particular group may be
palliative care. What does that mean?” inaccurate.
The nurse’s best response is:
C. Current health standards should
A. “Palliative care is given to those determine the acceptability of
who have less than 6 months to cultural practices.
D. Similar reactions to stress will
B. “Palliative care aims to relieve or occur when individuals have the
reduce the symptoms of a same cultural background.
29. To respect a client’s personal space
C. “The goal of palliative care is to and territoriality, the nurse:
affect a cure of a serious illness or
disease.” A. Avoids the use of touch

D. “Palliative care means the client B. Explains nursing care and

and family take a more passive procedures
role and the doctor focuses on the
physiological needs of the client.
The location of death will most C. Keeps the curtains pulled around
likely occur in the hospital setting.” the clients bed

27. Which of the following is not included D. Stands 8 feet away from the bed, if
in evaluating the degree of heritage possible.
consistency in a client?
30. To be effective in meeting various
A. Gender ethnic needs, the nurse should:

B. Culture A. Treat all clients alike.

C. Ethnicity B. Be aware of clients’ cultural

D. Religion
C. Act as if he or she is comfortable
with the client’s behavior.
28. When providing care to clients with
varied cultural backgrounds, it is
imperative for the nurse to recognize that: D. Avoid asking questions about the
client’s cultural background.
A. Cultural considerations must be put
aside if basic needs are in 31. The most important factor in providing
jeopardy. nursing care to clients in a specific ethnic
group is:

A. Communication B. The ethics committee relieves

health care professionals from
B. Time orientation dealing with ethical issues.

C. Biological variation C. The ethics committee would be the

first option in addressing an ethical
D. Environmental control
D. The ethics committee replaces
32. A health care issue often becomes an decision making by the client and
ethical dilemma because: health care providers.

A. A clients legal rights coexist with a 35. The nurse is working with parents of a
health professionals obligation. seriously ill newborn. Surgery has been
proposed for the infant, but the chances of
B. Decisions must be made quickly, success are unclear. In helping the
often under stressful conditions. parents resolve this ethical conflict, the
nurse knows that the first step is:
C. Decisions must be made based on
value systems. A. Exploring reasonable courses of
D. The choices involved do not
appear to be clearly right or wrong. B. Collecting all available information
about the situation
33. A document that lists the medical
treatment a person chooses to refuse if C. Clarifying values related to the
unable to make decisions is the: cause of the dilemma.

A. Durable power of attorney D. Identifying people who can solve

the difficulty.
B. Informed consent
36. Miss Mary, an 88-year old woman,
believes that life should not be prolonged
C. Living will
when hope is gone. She has decided that
she does not want extraordinary
D. Advance directives measures taken when her life is at its end.
Because she feels this way, she has
34. Which statement about an institutional talked with her daughter about her
ethics committee is correct? desires, completing a living will and left
directions with her physician. This is an
example of:
A. The ethics committee is an
additional resource for clients and
health care professionals. A. Affirming a value

B. Choosing a value

C. Prizing a value 40. The nurse puts a restraint jacket on a

client without the client’s permission and
D. Reflecting a value without the physicians order. The nurse
may be guilty of:
37. The scope of Nursing practice is
legally defined by: A. Assault

A. State nurses practice acts B. Battery

B. Professional nursing organizations C. Invasion of privacy

C. Hospital policy and procedure D. Neglect

41. In a situation in which there is
D. Physicians in the employing insufficient staff to implement competent
institutions care, a nurse should:

38. A student nurse who is employed as a A. Organize a strike

nursing assistant may perform any
functions that: B. Inform the clients of the situation

A. Have been learned about in school C. Refuse the assignment

B. Are expected of a nurse at that D. Accept the assignment but make a

level protest in writing to the
C. Are identified in the positions job
description 42. Which statement about loss is
D. Require technical rather than
professional skill. A. Loss is only experienced when
there is an actual absence of
39. A confused client who fell out of bed something valued.
because side rails were not used is an
example of which type of liability? B. The more the individual has
invested in what is lost, the less the
A. Felony feeling of loss.

B. Assault C. Loss may be maturational,

situational, or both.
C. Battery
D. The degree of stress experienced
is unrelated to the type of loss.
D. Negligence

43. Trying questionable and experimental B. Acquiring specific knowledge,

forms of therapy is a behavior that is skills, and attitudes
characterized of which stage of dying?
C. Influencing treatment and care of
A. Anger clients

B. Depression D. Motivation and commitment to

C. Bargaining
47. Ethnocentrism is the root of:
D. Acceptance
A. Biases and prejudices
44. All of the following are crucial needs of
the dying client except: B. Meanings by which people make
sense of their experiences.
A. Control of pain
C. Cultural beliefs
B. Preservation of dignity and self-
worth D. Individualism and self-reliance in
achieving and maintaining health.
C. Love and belonging
48. When action is taken on one’s
D. Freedom from decision making prejudices:

45. Cultural awareness is an in-depth self- A. Discrimination occurs

examination of one’s:
B. Sufficient comparative knowledge
A. Background, recognizing biases of diverse groups is obtained.
and prejudices.
C. Delivery of culturally congruent
B. Social, cultural, and biophysical care is ensured.
D. People think/know you are a
C. Engagement in cross-cultural dumbass for being prejudiced.
49. The dominant value orientation in
D. Motivation and commitment to North American society is:
A. Use of rituals symbolizing the
46. Cultural competence is the process of: supernatural.

A. Learning about vast cultures B. Group reliance and


C. Healing emphasizing naturalistic A. Rarely have an effect on other

modalities cultures

D. Individualism and self-reliance in B. Do have an effect on health care

achieving and maintaining health.
C. May hinder ability to get into a
50. Disparities in health outcomes hospice program
between the rich and the poor illustrates:
a (an) D. May be in direct conflict with
diverse groups.
A. Illness attributed to natural,
impersonal, and biological forces. 53. In the United States, access to health
care usually depends on a client’s ability
B. Creation of own interpretation and to pay for health care, either through
descriptions of biological and insurance or by paying cash. The client
psychological malfunctions. the nurse is caring for needs a liver
transplant to survive. This client has been
C. Influence of socioeconomic factors out of work for several months and does
in morbidity and mortality. not have insurance or enough cash. A
discussion about the ethics of this
situation would involve predominantly the
D. Combination of naturalistic, principle of:
religious, ad supernatural
A. Accountability, because you as the
nurse are accountable for the well
51. Culture strongly influences pain being of this client.
expression and need for pain medication.
However, cultural pain:
B. Respect of autonomy, because this
client’s autonomy will be violated if
A. May be suffered by a client whose he does not receive the liver
valued way of life is disregarded by transplant.
C. Ethics of care, because the caring
B. Is more intense, thus necessitating thing that a nurse could provide
more medication. this patient is resources for a liver
C. Is not expressed verbally or
physically D. Justice, because the first and
greatest question in this situation is
D. Is expressed only to others of like how to determine the just
culture. distribution of resources.

52. The dominant values in American 54. The code of ethics for nurses is
society on individual autonomy and self- composed and published by:

A. The national league for Nursing C. The best way to determine the
solution to an ethical dilemma is to
B. The American Nurses Association refer the case to the attending
C. The Medical American Association
D. The value of something is
determined by its usefulness to
D. The National Institutes of Health, society.
Nursing division.
57. The philosophy sometimes called the
55. Nurses agree to be advocates for their code of ethics of care suggests that
patients. Practice of advocacy calls for the ethical dilemmas can best be solved by
nurse to: attention to:

A. Seek out the nursing supervisor in A. Relationships

conflicting situations
B. Ethical principles
B. Work to understand the law as it
applies to the client’s clinical
condition. C. Clients

C. Assess the client’s point of view D. Code of ethics for nurses.

and prepare to articulate this point
of view. 58. In most ethical dilemmas, the solution
to the dilemma requires negotiation
D. Document all clinical changes in among members of the health care team.
the medical record in a timely The nurse’s point of view is valuable
manner. because:

56. Successful ethical discussion depends A. Nurses have a legal license that
on people who have a clear sense of encourages their presence during
personal values. When many people ethical discussions.
share the same values it may be possible
to identify a philosophy of utilitarianism, B. The principle of autonomy guides
with proposes that: all participants to respect their own
A. The value of people is determined
solely by leaders in the Unitarian C. Nurses develop a relationship to
church. the client that is unique among all
professional health care providers.
B. The decision to perform a lover
transplant depends on a measure D. The nurse’s code of ethics
of the moral life that the client has recommends that a nurse be
led so far. present at any ethical discussion
about client care.

59. Ethical dilemmas often arise over a C. Civil law

conflict of opinion. Once the nurse has
determined that the dilemma is ethical, a D. Nurse practice acts
critical first step in negotiating the
difference of opinion would be to:
62. The client’s right to refuse treatment is
an example of:
A. Consult a professional ethicist to
ensure that the steps of the
process occur in full. A. Statutory law

B. Gather all relevant information B. Common law

regarding the clinical, social, and
spiritual aspects of the dilemma. C. Civil laws

C. List the ethical principles that D. Nurse practice acts

inform the dilemma so that
negotiations agree on the
63. Even though the nurse may obtain the
language of the discussion. clients signature on a form, obtaining
informed consent is the responsibility of
D. Ensure that the attending physician the:
has written an order for an ethics
consultation to support the ethics
A. Client

B. Physician
60. The nurse practice acts are an
example of:
C. Student nurse
A. Statutory law
D. Supervising nurse.
B. Common law
64. The nurse is obligated to follow a
physician’s order unless:
C. Civil law

A. The order is a verbal order

D. Criminal law

B. The physicians order is illegible

61. The scope of Nursing Practice, the
established educational requirements for
nurses, and the distinction between C. The order has not been transcribed
nursing and medical practice is defined
by: D. The order is an error, violates
hospital policy, or would be
A. Statutory law detrimental to the client.

B. Common law

65. The nursing theorist who developed

transcultural nursing theory is

A. Dorothea Orem

B. Madeleine Leininger

C. Betty Newman

D. Sr. Callista Roy

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