Probability Distributions: Discrete and Continuous Univariate Probability Distributions. Let S Be A Sample Space With A Prob
Probability Distributions: Discrete and Continuous Univariate Probability Distributions. Let S Be A Sample Space With A Prob
Probability Distributions: Discrete and Continuous Univariate Probability Distributions. Let S Be A Sample Space With A Prob
1 1 1 1
f (xi ) = + + + + · · · = 1.
2 4 8 16
= {1 + θ + θ2 + θ3 + · · ·},
= {θ + θ2 + θ3 + +θ4 + · · ·}.
Setting θ = 1/2 in the expression above gives θ/(1 − θ) = 12 /(1 − 12 ) = 1, which is
the result that we are seeking.
If x is continuous, then a probability density function (p.d.f.) f (x) may be defined
such that the probability of the event a < x ≤ b is given by
P (a < x ≤ b) = f (x)dx.
That is to say, the integral of the continuous function f (x) at a point is zero. This
corresponds to the notion that the probability that the continuous random variable
x assumes a particular value amongst the non denumerable (i.e. uncountable) in-
finity of values within its domain must be zero. Nevertheless, the value of f (x) at
a point continues to be of interest; and we describe this as a probability measure
as opposed to a probability.
Notice also that it makes no difference whether we include of exclude the
endpoints of the interval [a, b] = {a ≤ x ≤ b}. The reason that we have chosen to
use the half-open half-closed interval (a, b] = {a < x ≤ b} is that this accords best
with the definition of a definite integral over [a, b], which is obtained by subtracting
the integral over (−∞, a] from the integral over (−∞, b].
Example. Consider the exponential function
1 −x/a
f (x) = e
defined over the interval [0, ∞) and with α > 0. There is f (x) > 0 and
∞ ∞
1 −x/a −x/a
e dx = −e = 1.
0 a 0
In the case where x is a discrete random variable with a probability mass function
f (x), also denoted by x ∼ f (x), there is
F (x∗ ) = f (x) = P (−∞ < x ≤ x∗ ).
(p + q)0 = 1,
(p + q)1 = p + q,
(p + q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q 2 ,
(p + q)3 = p3 + 3p2 q + 3pq 2 + q 3 ,
(p + q) = px q n−x .
(n − x)!x!
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
The numbers in each row but the first are obtained by adding two adjacent numbers
in the row above. The rule is true even for the units that border the triangle if we
suppose that there are some invisible zeros extending indefinitely on either side of
each row.
Instead of relying merely upon observation to establish the formula for the
binomial expansion, we should prefer to derive the formula by algebraic methods.
Before we do so, we must reaffirm some notions concerning permutations and com-
binations that are essential to a proper derivation.
Permutations. Let us consider a set of three letters {a, b, c} and let us find the
number of ways in which they can be can arranged in a distinct order. We may
pick any one of the three to put in the first position. Either of the two remaining
letters may be placed in the second position. The third position must be filled by
the unused letter. With three ways of filling the first place, two of filling the second
and only one way of filling the third, there are altogether 3 × 2 × 1 = 6 different
arrangements. These arrangements or permutations are
{xi ; i = 1, . . . , n},
and let us ascertain how many different permutations arise in this case. The answer
can be found through a litany of questions and answers which we may denote by
[(Qi , Ai ); i = 1, . . . , n]:
Q1 : In how may ways can the first place be filled? A1 : n
Q2 : In how may ways can the second place be filled? A2 : n − 1 ways,
Q3 : In how may ways can the third place be filled? A3 : n − 2 ways,
Qr : In how may ways can the rth place be filled? Ar : n − r + 1 ways,
Qn : In how may ways can the nth place be filled? An : 1 way.
If the concern is to distinguish all possible orderings, then we can recognise
We shall use the same question-and-answer approach in deriving several other im-
portant results concerning permutations. First we shall ask
Q: How many ordered sets can we recognise if r of the n objects are so alike as to
be indistinguishable?
A reasoned answer is as follows:
A: Within any permutation there are r objects that are indistinguishable. We can
permute the r objects amongst themselves without noticing any differences.
Thus the suggestion that there might be n! permutations would overestimate
the number of distinguishable permutations by a factor of r!; and, therefore,
there are only
recognizably distinct permutations.
Q: How many distinct permutations can we recognise if the n objects are divided
into two sets of r and n − r objects—eg. red billiard balls and white billiard
balls—where two objects in the same set are indistinguishable?
A: By extending the previous argument, we should find that the answer is
(n − r)!r!
n 1n n!
Cr = Pr =
r! (n − r)!r!
= n Cn−r .
Notice that we have already derived precisely this number in answer to a seemingly
different question concerning the number of recognizably distinct permutations of
a set of n objects of which r were in one category and n − r in another. In the
present case, there are also two such categories: the category of those objects which
are included in the selection and the category of those which are excluded from it.
Example. Given a set of n objects, we may define a so-called power set, which
is the set of all sets derived by making selections or combinations of these objects.
It is straightforward to deduce that there are exactly 2n objects in the power set.
This is demonstrated by setting p = q = 1 in the binomial expansion above to reach
the conclusion that
n n!
2 = = .
x x
x!(n − x)!
Each element of this sum is the number of ways of selcting x objects from amongst
n, and the sum is for all values of x = 0, 1, . . . , n.
where the RHS displays the n factors that are to be multiplied together. The
coefficients of the various elements of the expansion are as follows:
pn The coefficient is unity, since there is only one way of choosing n of the
p’s from amongst the n factors.
pn−1 q This term is the product of q selected from one of the factors and n − 1 p’s
provided by the remaining factors. There are n = n C1 ways of selecting
the single q.
pn−2 q 2 The coefficent associated with this term is the number of ways of selecting
two q’s from n factors, which is n C2 = n(n − 1)/2.
pn−r q r The coefficent associated with this terms is the number of ways of selecting
r q’s from n factors, which is n Cr = n!/{(n − r)!r!}.
From such reasoning, it follows that
We are now able to define a probabilty function for the outcome of the ith
trial. This is
f (xi ) = pxi (1 − p)1−xi with xi ∈ {0, 1}.
The experiment of tossing a coin once is called a Bernoulli trial, in common with
any other experiment with a random dichotomous outcome. The corresponding
probability function is called a point binomial.
If the coin is tossed n times, then the probability of any particular sequence of
heads and tails, denoted by (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) is given by
= px (1 − p)n−x ,
where we have defined x = xi . This result follows from the independence of
the Bernouilli trials, whereby P (xi , xj ) = P (xi )P (xj ) is the probability of the
occurrence of xi and xj together in the sequence.
Altogether, there are
n n!
= = nCx
x (n − x)!x!
b(x; n, p) = px q n−x .
(n − x)!x!