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3(2), Apr-Jun, 2014 ISSN: 2277 - 4688


Review Article

An overview and future scope on traditionally used

herbal plants of Assam having Antidiabetic activity
Pallab Kalita*, Satyendra Deka, Bhargab Jyoti Saharia,
Arpita Chakraborty, Mrinmoy basak, Manoj kumar Deka.
Department of Pharmacy, Assam down town University,
Guwahati-26, Assam, India.

The use of Traditional plant in the treatment of diabetes has shown a good interest in the last few decades.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the plants having hypoglycemic effect. Different types of herbs
are found in North East region specially in Assam which are traditionally used to cure Diabetes. Some herbs are
proven to help in the regeneration of beta cells, which are main components of insulin synthesis. The eastern
region of India especially Assam, recognized as a high potential area of herbal industrialisation, because of easy
availability of different types of herbs.

Keywords- Assam, herbal plants, hypoglycemic, insuline, diabetes.

Diabetes is a common and very prevalent disease have been also proven to help in the regeneration of
affecting the citizens of both developed and beta cells. To date over 600 traditional plants,
developing countries1. It is characterised by treatments for diabetes have been reported but only a
hyperglycemia that is induced by decreased cellular small number of these have scientific and clinical
glucose uptake. Diabetes mellitus is also called a evaluation to assess their efficacy7,8.
metabolic disorder of multiple etiology characterized More than 80% of Asia’s population (WHO),
by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances of medicinal plants are easily accessible, affordable and
carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting culturally appropriate sources of primary health care.
from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or Poor and marginalized, who cannot afford formal
both. It is classified as insulin dependent Diabetes health care systems, are especially dependent on
melitus (Type-I) and insulin independent Diabetis these culturally familiar, technically simple,
melitus (Type-II).First one is due to destruction of financially affordable and generally effective
beta cell in pancreatic islet, which are responsible for traditional medicines. Now a time, there is
insuline synthesis. Due to some abnormalities in widespread interest to promote the traditional health
gluco receptor, appropiate amount of insuline is not care systems to meet primary health care needs. This
uptake by different tissue and caused Type-II is especially true in Asia, coast of modern synthetic
diabetes melitus. There are lots of complication seen medicines are very high and governments find it
in diabetes melitus patients including diabetes increasingly difficult to meet the cost of
retinopathy, sexual dysfunction, weakness etc2,3,4,5,6. pharmaceutical-based health care 9,10. As it is not
North east region specially Assam, is a land of possible to discuss all the plants which are used
different types of herbs. Traditionally, different types traditionally in Assam for Diabetic treatment. Only
of plants are used to cure different types of disease. ten plants are choosen in this paper.
Some herbal alternatives assist prevention of the
secondary complications of the disease. Some herbs

299 IJAPBC – Vol. 3(2), Apr-Jun, 2014 ISSN: 2277 - 4688

Antidiabetic effect of traditionally used medicinal value and easy digestion. Different parts of C.
plants: papaya are used in Indian folk medicine to treat
1. Momordica charantia (bitter melon): various diseases such as diarrhea, inflammation and
Momordica charantia is a flowering vine in the diabetes. There is evidence that C. Papaya leaves
family Cucurbitaceae. It is a topical plant that is reduce symptoms of asthma, worming and dysentery.
widely cultivated in Assam, India for its intensly papaya leaf extracts also used as a traditional
bitter fruits that are commonly used in cooking and as remedies for cancer and infectious diseases. Juárez-
a natural remedy for treating diabetes. It is a useful Rojop et al. studied the aqueous extract of Carica
medicinal and vegitable plant for human health and papaya (0.75 g and 1.5 g/100 mL). There are
one of the most promising plants for diabetes. These significantly decreased blood glucose levels (p<0.05)
different compounds may act either separately or in diabetic rats, according to their study. It also
together to exert their medicinal effects. In relation to decreased cholesterol, triacylglycerol and amino-
diabetes, only charantin, insulin-like peptide and transferases blood levels also14.
alkaloid-like extracts possess hypoglycaemic
properties similar to the plant itself or its crude 5. Cannabis sativa Linn:
extracts11. In Assam Cannabis plant is known as Bhang. This
plant produce a unique family of terpeno-phenolic
2. Aegle marmelos (Linn): compounds called cannabinoids, which produce the
Aegle marmelos (Linn) correa, commonly known as "high" one experiences from smoking marijuana. In
bael (or bel), belonging to the family Rutaceae, is a the United States there has been considerable interest
moderatesized, slender and aromatic tree. A number in its use for the treatment of a number of conditions,
of chemical constituents and various therapeutic including glaucoma, AIDS wasting, neuropathic pain,
effects of leaves of Aegle marmelos have been treatment of spasticity associated with multiple
reported by different workers. Broadly, Aegle sclerosis, and chemotherapy-induced nausea. Clinical
marmelos leaves contain alkaloids, trials have shown the efficacy of cannabis as a
Phenylpropanoids, terpenoids and other treatment for cancer and AIDS patient. Tehranipour
miscellaneous compounds whereas potential et al. observed that the ethanolic extract 25, 50mg/kg
pharmacological activity of the leaves are (ip) of Cannabis sativa shows the antidiabetic
hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, activity15.
anticancer, radioprotective, chemopreventive and
anti-oxidative activity.Hema et al. studied the effect 6. Cinnamomum tamala:
of the aqueous, alcoholic extracts of A. marmelos for The leaves of Cinnamomum tamala is used in
the hypoglycaemic and other pharmacological actions preparation of different traditional food item in
and observed that the aqueous and alcoholic extracts Assam as a flavouring material.The leaves are known
at 500 mg/kg dose produce hypoglycaemia in as Tezpat in Assam. Leaves and bark have aromatic,
diabetic fasted rabbits 12. astringent, stimulant and carminative qualities and
used in rheumatism, colic, diarrhoea, nausea and
3. Dillenia indica (Linn): vomiting. Ancient literature has revealed that in the
Dillenia indica plant belongs to family Dilleniaceae, first century A.D., dried leaves and bark of this plant
commonly called Dillenia. The fruit shows laxative were prescribed for fever, anemia. Its seeds were
properties and is used for relieving abdominal pain, crushed and mixed with honey or sugar and
bark and leaves have astringent effect, juice of administered to children for dysentry or cough.
leaves, bark and fruits are mixed and given orally for CTLEt was administered at doses of 125 and 250
the treatment of cancer and diarrhea. Fruits and mg/kg body weight respectively on streptozotocin
leaves extract of D. indica are reported to have induced diabetic rats for 3 weeks. Chakraborty et al.
antioxidant activity, CNS depressant activities ans found that these leaves extract showed the
anti-inflammatory in mice. Traditionally, the plant is hypoglycaemic activity16.
also used for treatment of diabetes. Sunil Kumar et al.
studied that 250 and 500 mg/kg p.o. is the effective 7. Moringa oleifera Linn:
dose which shows antidiabetic activity13. Moringa oleifera belongs to the family of
Moringacaea, a fast growing drought-resistant tree
4. Carrica papaya: native of Sub-Hamalayan tracts of Northern India but
It is an herbaceous plant, member of the small family now distributed worldwide in the tropics and sub
Caricaceae. This plant is widely cultivated for its tropics. The tree’s leaf and seed pod are widely
edible pleasant fruit, which provides good nutritional consumed as food. The bark, leaf and root have

300 IJAPBC – Vol. 3(2), Apr-Jun, 2014 ISSN: 2277 - 4688

ethno-medicinal properties . Moringa oleifera is a 10. Mimosa pudica Linn:

common vegetable in Assam. However, apart from It is traditionally used as medicine in different
ethno-medicinal and nutritional uses, the plants are tradition of Assam for the treatment of diabetes. The
having lots of biological activities. These include stem bark extract of Mimosa pudica Linn has been
hypotensive activities , hypocholesterolemic effects, reported for the treatment of hyperglycemic patients,
anti-inflammatory and anti-helmic, analgesic, but other parts of plants such as leaves or pods have
management of heart diseases, dyspepsia and ulcers. not been studied widely. Hence a wide scope is there
The leave extract of Moringa oleifera have shown worthwhile to screen different extracts of leaves of
anti diabetic activity at a dose of 200, 400 and 800 Mimosa pudica Linn for its anti-diabetic effects. N.G.
mg/kg body weight of rats respectively17. Sutar et al. reported the Antidiabetic activity of the
leaves of Mimosa pudica Linn in albino rats.
8. Musa paradisiaca: According to their study the ethanolic extract
Musa paradisiaca of family Musaceae is widely (600mg/kg) reduced serum glucose level to 50.35%
distributed throughout the tropical regions. It is a tall as compared to Metformin as standard drug
herb with aerial pseudostem dying after flowering, (500mg/kg) which was 62.44% on 7th day20.
leaves oblong, narrowed to the base. The fruits are
sweet and its having different pharmacological The feature scope of herbal medicine in Assam:
activities. This plant is used as antihelmintic, tonic, The use of traditional medicine (TM) has increased
astringent, emollient, depurative and aphrodiasic. The significantly over the past few years. Different herbal
roots are used as antihelmintic, depurative, scabies, companies are set up and manufactured different
leprosy, and skin disease and fresh root juice has types of cosmetics like shampoos, soaps, body lotion
antidiabetic activity. The leaves have been studied as cream etc, across the world. Those products having
treatment for bronchitis, cold and eye infections. the tremendous market now a days. The eastern
Plaintain juice was used as an antidote for snake bite region of the country of India especially Assam,
in Assam. The result of phytochemical screening on recognized as a high potential area. The region,
the stem juice of Musa paradisiaca reveals that the having rich natural resources but utilization of these
extract contained various pharmacologically active resources is not proper. Major pharmaceutical
compounds such as tannins and alkaloids. Plants companies are currently conducting extensive
contain a large number of free radical scavenging research on plant materials gathered from the rain
molecules which posses both hypoglycemic and forests and other places for their potential medicinal
antioxidant activities. Suneetha et al. evaluate the value. In all the countries of South Asia, medicinal
stem juice of Musa paradisiaca for its antidiabetic and aromatic plants (MAPs) play a significant role in
and antioxidant activities at two different doses (1 the subsistence economy of the people, especially
and 2 g/kg, b.wt, p.o)18. those living in the rural interiors. The collection,
simple processing and trading of medicinal plants
9. Centella asiatica : contribute significantly to the cash income of the
Centella asiatica (L.) (Family-Umbelliferare) Urban, poor and women in these regions. The healing
known as manimuni in assam, guta kola (Indian) and properties of many drugs have been recognised
bua-bok (Thai), is a small creeping herb that has long allready and their use is well established in different
been used in traditional medicine and various countries. Herbal industrialisation gives the
purposes. Centella asiatica is a common vegetable in oppurtunity to the nation for developing and
Assam It is a tropical medicinal plant with a long producing lots of employments. Selection of
history of therapeutic used for many conditions such medicinal plant species for cultivation is an initial
as vascular diseases ,dermal disorder, inflammatory important step for the development of the medicinal
and microangiopathy. In glucose tolerance test, the plants sector. Economic feasibility is the major
methanolic and ethanolic extract of centella asiatica rationale for a decision to bring medicinal plant
had shown protection and lowered the blood glucose species into cultivation. Now a days, Diabetes
levels . In alloxan induced diabetic rats the maximum mellitus is a common and very prevalent disease
reduction in blood glucose was observed after 3h at a affecting the citizens of both developed and
dose level of 250 mg/kg of body weight. The developing countries. Proper plantation, cultivation
percentage protections by ethanolic and methanolic and industrialisation of the anti diabetic plants which
extracts were 30 and 48% respectively19. are found in Assam, have tremendous possibility to
increase the economy of the country like India.

301 IJAPBC – Vol. 3(2), Apr-Jun, 2014 ISSN: 2277 - 4688

Discussion and Conclusion

In this review we discussed about folklore medicinal the present review an attempt has been made to
plants for the treatment of Diabetes mellitus. Folklore investigate the antidiabetic medicinal plants and may
medicinal plants are mostly used for rural areas; be useful to the health professionals, scientists and
because of its easy availability . Therefore, treating scholars working in the field of pharmacology and
diabetes mellitus with plant derived compounds therapeutics to develop antidiabetic drugs. This
which are accessible and do not require laborious review also covers the futures prospectives of herbal
pharmaceutical synthesis seems highly attractive. In medicine, which are found in Assam.

Table 1: Distribution of medicinal plants

Country or region Total number of native species in flora No of medicinal

plant species reported

World 297000 52885

India 17000 7500

Indian Himalayas 8000 1748

Assam - 350

1. Dillenia indica 2. Carica papaya 3. Cannabis sativa

4. Musa paradisiaca 5. Mimosa pudica 6. Moringa oleifera

302 IJAPBC – Vol. 3(2), Apr-Jun, 2014 ISSN: 2277 - 4688

7. Momordica charantia 8. Aegle marmelo 9. Centella asiatica

10. Cinnamomum tamala

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT attenuates testicular damage, germ cell death and

The authors would like to extend their heartful oxidative stress in streptozotocin induced diabetic
gratitude to Manoj Kumar Deka, Sunita rats: naringenin prevents diabetic rat testicular
Lahkar,Saikat Sen and Apurba Talukdar for their damage, Journal of Applied Biomedicine, 2013;
valuable advice and technical support. 11: 195–208.
6. Narendra Devanaboyina, NarasimhaNaik R,
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