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2 Issue I, January 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653


AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)

Experimental Investigation of Shell and Tube

Heat Exchanger Using Bell Delaware Method

K Anand1, V K Pravin2, P H Veena3,

Thermal Power Engg., Dept. of Mechanical Engg. PDACE Gulbarga
Thermal Power Engg, VTU Regional Centre Gulbarga.
Dept of mathematics,Smt V G womens college, Gulbarga

Abstract: A heat exchanger is a device that is used to transfer thermal energy between two or more fluids, between a solid
surface and a fluid, or between solid particulates and a fluid, at different temperatures and in thermal contact. Shell and
tube heat exchangers in their various construction modifications are the most widespread and commonly used basic heat
exchanger configuration in the process industries. In the present study, a water to water STHE wherein, hot water flows
inside the tubes and cold water inside the shell is used to study and analyze the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drops
for different mass flow rates and inlet and outlet temperatures, using Bell Delaware method. This method takes in to account
heat transfer by bypass and leakage streams, hence minimizing losses and providing more realistic estimates of heat transfer
and pressure drops.

Keywords: STHE, Heat transfer coefficient, shell &Tube heat exchanger, Pressure Drop, TEMA, Bell Delaware method.

The major components of this exchanger are tubes (tube

bundles), shell, front end head, rear end head, baffles and tube
INTRODUCTION sheets. The standard of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers
Association (TEMA) describe various components in detail of
Heat exchanger is a device of finite volume in which heat is shell and tube heat exchanger (STHE) [3].
exchanged between two media, one being cold and the other
being hot.There are different types of heat exchangers; but the In designing shell and tube heat exchangers, to calculate the
type widely used in industrial application is the shell and tube heat exchange area, different methods were proposed[4][5].
[1]. As its name implies, Shell-and-tube heat exchangers Methods proposed for shell side design are as follows:
consist of a bundle of parallel tubes inside the shell that
provides the heat-transfer surface separating the two fluid 1) Kern Method
streams. The tube side fluid passes axially through the inside
of the tubes; the shell-side fluid passes over the outside of the 2) Donohue Method
tubes. Baffles external and perpendicular to the tubes direct
the flow across the tubes and provide tube support. Tube 3) Tinker Method
sheets seal the ends of the tubes, ensuring separation of the
4) Devore’s Method
two streams. The process fluid is usually placed inside the
tubes for ease of cleaning or to take advantage of the higher 5) Mueller Method
pressure capability inside the tubes [2].
6) Bell’s Method

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ISSN: 2321-9653


AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)
7) Bell Delaware Method

8) Wills and Johnson Method

9) Taborek Method

And the methods proposed for tube side design are as follows:

1) Petukhov and Popov’s Correlation

2) Mc Adam’s Correlation

3) Petukhov and Kirrillov Correlation

4) Gnielinski Correlation FIG 2

Among the above mentioned shell side design methods, Bell- There are five different shell side flow streams in a baffled
Delaware is the most complete shell and tube heat exchanger heat exchanger:
design method. It is based on mechanical shell side details and
presents more realistic and accurate results for the shell side  Stream A as shown in FIG 1 and 2 is the leakage
heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. stream in the orifice formed by the clearance
between the baffle tube hole and the tube wall. The
Bell developed a semi analytical method based on work done tube hole leakage stream represents the flow from
in the co-operative research program on shell and tube heat one baffle compartment to the next that passes
exchangers at the University of Delaware. His method through the annular openings between the oversized
accounts for major bypass and leakage streams. Bell Delaware holes for the tubes in the baffles and the outside of
method provides a manual check of shell side heat transfer the tubes. The flow is driven by the pressure drop
coefficient and pressure drop values of a shell and tube heat from one baffle compartment to the next. The
exchanger. It gives more realistic estimates compared to Kern leakage occurs through the diametral clearance
method, because leaks and bypass flows are considered [6][7]. between the diameter of baffle hole minus the
outside diameter of the tube. If the tubes are expande
in to the baffles, then the diametral clearance is zero.
If the diametral clearance becomes zero, then this
BELL DELAWARE METHOD bypass stream is completely eliminated.

 Stream B in FIG 1 is the main effective crossflow

stream, which can be related to flow across ideal tube
In the Bell Delaware method, the fluid flow in the shell is
banks.This is the preferred flow in the baffled shell
divided into a number of individual streams A through F as
and tube heat exchanger.
shown in Fig 1 and 2. [8][9]
 Stream C as shown in FIG 1 and 2 is the tube bundle
bypass stream in the gap between the outside of the
tube bundle and inner shell wall. The diametral
clearance for this flow to pass through is equal to the
shell internal diameter minus the outer tube limit
diameter of the tube bundle. The bundle bypass
stream is reduced by minimizing the diametral
clearance and by installing pairs of sealing strips
around the perimeter of tube bundle to block this
flow path and thereby force the fluid back in to the
FIG 1 tube bundle.

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AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)
 Stream E in FIG 1 is the leakage stream between the Jl – Baffle Leakage Correction Factor
outer edge of the baffle and inner shell wall. The
diametral clearance is equal to the shell internal
diameter minus the diameter of the baffle and is
minimized by decreasing the construction clearance Jl is the correction factor for baffle leakage effects including
between the shell and the baffle to its feasible tube -to- baffle and shell-to-baffle leakage (A- and E-streams
minimum. in FIG 1). If the baffles are put too close together, then the
fraction of the flow in the leakage streams increases compared
 Stream F shown in FIG 2 is the bypass stream with the cross flow.
in flow channel partitions due to omissions of
tubes in tube pass partitions. This stream only refers
to those openings oriented in the direction of the fluid JI is a function of the:
flow. Pass partition openings oriented normal
to the flow path do not cause a bypass. This  ratio of total leakage area per baffle to the cross flow
bypass stream thus only occurs in some multipass tube area between adjacent baffles
layouts and they can be eliminated by
placement of several dummy tubes in each bypass lane  ratio of the shell-to-baffle leakage area to the tube-to-
to drive the fluid back in to the tube bundle. baffle leakage area.

A typical value of Jl is in the range of 0.7 and 0.8.

Each of the above streams introduces a correction factor to the

heat transfer correlation for ideal cross-flow across a bank of
tubes.[10] Jb – Bundle Bypass Correction Factor

ho = hi *Jc*JL*Jb*Js *Jr Jb is the correction factor for bundle bypassing effects due to
the clearance between the outermost tubes and the shell and
Jc- Baffle Cut Correction Factor: pass dividers (C- and F-streams in FIG 1).

Jc is the correction factor for baffle cut and spacing. This  For relatively small clearance between the outermost
factor takes into account the heat transfer in the window and tubes and the shell for fixed tube sheet construction,
calculates the overall average heat transfer coefficient for the Jb = 0.90.
entire heat exchanger.
 For a pull-through floating head, larger clearance is
required, Jb = 0.7.
It depends on the shell diameter and the baffle cut distance  The sealing strips (see figure8.14) can increase the
from the baffle tip to the shell inside diameter. value of Jb
 For a large baffle cut, this value may decrease to a
value of 0.53

 It is equal to 1.0 for a heat exchanger with no tubes

in the window

 It may increase to a value as high as 1.15 for small

windows with a high window velocity.

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AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)
FIG 3 takes in to account, heat transfer even by bypass and leakage
Js – Unequal baffle Spacing Correction Factor:
The unequal baffle spacing correction factor accounts for the
adverse effect of an inlet and outlet baffle spacing Because of
the nozzle spacing at the inlet and outlet and the changes in
local velocities, the average heat transfer coefficient on the Shell side fluid properties:
shell side will change.
ρs = 1000 kg/m3
The Js value will usually be between 0.85 and 1.00.
μs = 0.00088 N-s/ m2
Jr – Laminar Flow Correction Factor:
Cps = 4.187kJ/kg’K
In laminar flows, heat transfer is reduced by the adverse
temperature gradient formed in the boundary layer as the flow Ks = 0.00098 kJ/s-m’K.
thermally develops along the flow channel. Jr accounts for
this effect. Jr applies if the shell-side Reynolds number, Res, Tube side fluid properties:
is less than 100.
ρt = 1000 kg/m3
 If Res < 20, it is fully effective.
μt= 0.00086 N-s/ m2
 This factor is equal to 1.00 if Res> 100.
Cpt = 4.187kJ/kg’K
Colburn j-factor
Kt = 0.00098 kJ/s-m’K.
Colburn-j factor is used in heat transfer in general and free
and forced convection calculations in particular. HEAT EXCHANGER SPECIFICATIONS

It is equivalent to (St.Pr2/3) where St is Stanton number . In the present study, a stainless steel shell and tube heat
exchanger is used to study the various parameters of the heat
Colburn j-factor is a function of: exchanger such as heat transfer coefficient, Reynolds’s
number, pressure drop, Overall heat transfer coefficient etc
 Shell side Reynolds number based on the outside using water as a heat transfer medium. The design method
tube diameter and on the minimum cross section used in calculating the parameters is Bell Delaware
flow area at the shell diameter Method.[11][12][13]
 Tube layout Specifications of the heat exchanger are as follows:
 Pitch size Shell diameter (Ds) 0.2m
In the present study, efforts have been made to study in detail Tube inside diameter (Di) 0.016m
Bell Delaware method and apply this method in calculating Tube outside diameter (Do) 0.01924m
heat transfer coeffient, Reynold’s number, pressure drops, Pitch (Pt) 0.03m
overall heat transfer coefficient etc for a heat exchanger Length of shell (Ls) 0.8m
which has been designed and fabricated for our experimental Length of tube (Lt) 0.825m
investigations. The heat transfer fluid used is water. Hot Length of baffle (Lb) 0.2m
water flows inside the tubes and cold water flows inside Number of baffles (Nb) 4
shell. At the end of the calculations, it is found that heat Number of tubes (Nt) 18
transfer coefficient (both shell side and overall) calculated Number of shell passes (ns) 1
using Bell Delaware method is much more than the one Number of tube passes (nt) 2
calculated using other methods, since Bell Delaware method Clearance (C) 0.01076m

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AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)
Bundle to shell diametrical clearance (Δb) 0.028m μs = Shell side fluid Viscosity (N-s/ m2).
Shell to baffle diametrical clearance (Δsb) 0.0254m
Tube to baffle diametrical clearance (Δtb) 0.0005m μt = Tube side fluid viscosity (N-s/ m2).
μw = Viscosity a wall temperature (N-s/ m2).
Sm = Area of the shell side cross flow section (m2).
Cps = Shell side fluid heat capacity (kJ/kg’K).
Pt = Tube pitch (m).
Cpt = Tube side fluid heat capacity (kJ/kg’K).
Do = Tube outside diameter (m).
Ks = Shell side fluid thermal conductivity (kJ/s-m’K).
Di = Tube inside diameter (m).
Kt = Tube side fluid thermal conductivity (kJ/s-m’K).
Ds = Shell inside diameter (m).
ho= Shell side heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2’K).
Lb = Baffle spacing (m)
hi = Shell side ideal heat transfer coefficient (W/ m2’K).
Ls= Length of shell (m).
Nb= Number of baffles.
Lt = Length of tube (m).
Nt = Number of tubes.
tb = Tube thickness (m).
f = Friction factor.
Gs= Shell side mass velocity (kg/ m2-s).
ΔPs= Shell side pressure drop (Pa).
Gt = Tube side mass velocity (kg/ m2-s).
np = Number of tube passes.
Us= Shell side linear velocity (m/s).

C = Clearance between tubes.

Ut = Tube side linear velocity (m/s).

Δb = Bundle to shell diametrical clearance.

ms= Mass flow rate of the fluid on shell side (kg/s).

Δsb=Shell to baffle diametrical clearance.

mt= Mass flow rate of the fluid on tube side (kg/s).

Δtb=Tube to bundle diametrical clearance.

ρs = Shell side fluid density (kg/m3).

Nss/Nc=Sealing strips per cross flow row.

ρt = Tube side fluid density (kg/m3).

Dotl=Ds - Δb
Res= Shell side Reynolds number.

Ө = {Ds-(2*Lc)}/ Dotl
Ret = Tube side Reynolds number.

Fc=Fraction of total number of tubes in a crossflow section.

Prs= Shell side Prandtl number.

Jc=Correction factor for baffle cut and spacing.

Prt = Tube side Prandtl number

Ssb=Shell to baffle leakage area (m2).

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AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)

Stb=Tube to baffle leakage area (m2). Us = Gs / ρs

Us = 1.1764 / 1000
Fbp = Fraction of the crossflow area available for bypass flow.
Us = .0011764 m/s
Sw= Window flow area (m2).
STEP 3: Calculate shell side Reynolds number Res.
Nc = Number of tube rows crossed in one crossflow section.
Res = (Gs* Do) / μs
Ncw=Effective number crossflow rows in window zone.
Res = (1.1764* .01924) / .00088
ΔPc=Ideal cross flow pressure drop through one baffle space Res = 25.72

ΔPw= Window zone pressure drop (Pa).

STEP 4: Calculate shell side Prandtl number Prs.
RL= correction factor for baffle leakage effect on pressure Prs = (Cps*μs) / Ks
Prs = (4.187*.00088) / .00098
Rb= correction factor on pressure drop for bypass flow.
Prs = 3.7597
Calculation Of Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient Using
STEP 5: Calculate the colburn j factor ji.
Bell Delaware Method:
ji = a1*[{1.33 / (Pt / Do)} ^ a]* (Res^a2)
Experimental study is done on the shell and tube water / water
heat exchanger and various parameters are calculated for
different mass flow rates and at varying inlet and outlet
temperatures. Calculations shown below are made for mass ji = 1.36*[{1.33 / (.03 / .01924)} ^ .826]* (25.72^-.657)
flow rate of .0267kg/s.
ji = 0.1412
STEP 1: Calculate the shell side area at or near the centre line
for one cross flow section Sm, STEP 6: Calculate the value of the coefficient a.

Sm = Lb*[(Ds – Dotl) + {(Dotl – Do)*(Pt -Do)}/Pt ] a = a3 / [1+ {0.14* (Res^a4)}]

a = 1.450 / [1+ {0.14* (25.72^.519)}]

a = 0.826
Sm=.2*[(.2 – .172) + {(.172 – .01924)*(.03 -.01924)}/.03 ]
Where, a1=1.360, a2 = -.657, a3 = 1.450 and a4 = .519 for Res
< 100, are the coefficients to be taken from the table given in
Kakac book for the obtained value of Reynolds number and
Sm =0.017 m2 pitch and layout.
STEP 2: Calculate shell side mass velocity Gs and linear STEP 7: Calculate the ideal heat transfer coefficient hi.
velocity Us.

Gs = ms / Sm
hi = ji *Cps*( ms / Sm)*{( 1/Prs)^(2/3)}*{ (μs / μw)^0.14}
Gs = .020 / .017

Gs= 1.1764 kg/ m2-s

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AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)
hi = .1412 *4.187*( .020/ .017)*{( 1/3.7597)^(2/3)}*{ STEP 11: Calculate tube to baffle leakage area for one baffle
(.00088 / .00088)^0.14} Stb.

hi = 0.287 W/ m2’K Stb = (π*Do)*(Δtb / 2)*Nt*[(1 +Fc)/ 2]

STEP 8: Calculate the fraction of total tubes in crossflow Fc. Stb = (π*.01924)*(.0005 / 2)*18*[(1 +.695)/ 2]

Consider, Ө = {Ds-(2*Lc)}/ Dotl Stb = 0.0002305 m2

Ө = {.2 - (2*.05}/ .172 STEP 12: Calculate

Ө = 0.581 rad (Ssb + Stb) / Sm

(.00556 + 0.0002305) / .017

Fc =(1 /π)*[π +(2*Ө) *sin{cos -1(Ө)}-{2* cos-1(Ө)}] (Ssb + Stb) / Sm = 0.349

Ssb / (Ssb + Stb)

Fc=(1 /π)*[π +(2*.581) *sin{cos-1(.581)}-{2*cos-1(.581)}] 0.00556 / (0.00556+0.0002305)

Fc =0.695 Ssb / (Ssb + Stb) = 0.9601

STEP 13: Calculate the correction factor for baffle leakage

effects JL:The value of JL can be obtained from the fig 2.34 of
Here Lc = 0.25* .2 = 0.05 for 25% baffle cut. wolverine tube heat transfer data book Page No. 108 for the
corresponding value obtained in step 12 above.
STEP 9: Calculate the correction factor for baffle cut and
spacing Jc. JL = 0.89

STEP 14: Calculate the fraction of the crossflow area

available for bypass flow Fbp.
The value of Jc can be obtained from the fig 2.33 of wolverine
tube heat transfer data book Page No. 107 for the Fbp = (Lb / Sm)*(Ds - Dotl)
corresponding value of Fc.

Fbp = (.2 / .017)*(.2- .172)

Jc = 1.05
Fbp = 0.3383
STEP 10: Calculate shell to baffle leakage area for one baffle
Ssb. STEP 15: Calculate the correction factor for bundle bypassing
effects due to the clearance between the outermost tubes and
the shell and pass dividers Jb.

Ssb = Ds*(Δsb / 2)*[π - cos-1(Ө)] The value of Jb can be obtained from the fig 2.35 of wolverine
tube heat transfer data book Page No. 109 for the
corresponding value of Fbp.
Ssb = .2*(.0254 / 2)*[π - cos-1(.581)] Jb = 0.96

STEP 16: The correction factors Js and Jr are equal to 1 for

2 Res>=100. But for Res<100, Jr can be obtained from Fig. 2.37
Ssb = 0.00556 m
of wolverine tube heat transfer data book Page No. 111.

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AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)
Jr = 0.88

STEP 17: Calculate the shell side heat transfer coefficient for STEP 4: Calculate the number of effective cross flow rows in
the exchanger ho. window zone Ncw.

ho = hi *Jc*JL*Jb*Js *Jr

ho = 0.287 *1.05*0.89*0.96*0.88 Ncw = (0.8*Lc) / Ptp

ho = 0.258 W/ m2’K

Calculation Of Shell Side Pressure Drop Using Bell Delaware Ncw = (0.8*.05) / .02598

STEP 1: Calculate the number of tube rows crossed in one

crossflow section Nc. Ncw = 1.54

Nc = (Ds /Ptp)*[1 – {(2*Lc)/Ds}]

Nc = (.2 /.02598)*[1 – {(2*.05)/.2}] STEP 5: Calculate the window zone pressure drop ΔPw.

Nc = 3.85 = 4 ΔPw = [{(26 μs ms) /( ρs√( Sm Sw)}*{(Ncw /( Pt - Do)) + (

Where, Ptp = 0.866*Pt Lb/Dw )}]+[ ms2 / (2 ρs Sm Sw)]

Ptp = 0.866*.03

Ptp = 0.02598 ΔPw = [{(26* .00088* .020) /( 1000*√( .017* .004)}*{(1.54 /(

STEP 2: Calculate the ideal cross flow pressure drop through .03- .01924)) + ( .2/.0222)}]+[ .0202 / (2*1000*.017* .004)]
one baffle space ΔPb.
ΔPw = 0.037 Pa

ΔPb = [(2*fs*ms2*Nc) / (ρs*sm2)]* [(μs / μw)^0.14] STEP 6: Estimate the correction factor on pressure drop for
bypass flow Rb.
ΔPb = [(2*.000125*.0202*4) / (1000*.0172)]* [(.00088/
.00088) ^0.14]

ΔPb = 1.38*10-6 Pa The value of Rb can be obtained from the fig 2.39 of
wolverine tube heat transfer data book for the corresponding
value of Fbp.

STEP 3: Calculate the window flow area Sw.

Rb = 0.78

Sw=(Ds2/4)*[cos-1Ө-{Ө*√(1-Ө2)}]-[(Nt/8)*(1-Fc)*π* Do2]

Sw=(.22/4)*[cos-1.581-{.581*√(1-.5812)}]-[(18/8)*(1-.695)*π* STEP 7: Estimate the correction factor for baffle leakage

.019242] effect on pressure drop RL

Sw=0.004 m2

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AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)
The value of RL can be obtained from the fig 2.38 of Ut = Gt / ρt
wolverine tube heat transfer data book for the corresponding
value obtained in step 12 above.

Ut = 8.78/ 1000

RL = 0.78 Ut = .00878 m/s

STEP 3: Calculate the tube side Reynolds number Ret.

STEP 8: Calculate the total pressure drop across shell ΔPs Ret = (Gt* Di) / μt

Ret = (8.78* .016) / .00086

ΔPS= [{(Nb- 1)*ΔPb*Rb} + (Nb*ΔPw)]*RL +

[2*ΔPb*Rb*{1+ (Ncw/Nc)}] Shell side
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
(Cold Water)
ΔPS= [{(4- 1)* 1.38*10 *.78} + (4*0.037)]*.78 +
[2*1.38*10-6 *.78*{1+ (1.54/4}]
Mass flow rate 0.025 0.029 0.039
ΔPS= 0.115 Pa 1 0.02 0.035
(Kg/sec) 7 9 7
Calculation Of Tube Side Heat Transfer Coefficient:

Temperature at
2 29.5 29.7 30.1 30.6 31.2
inlet (oc)
STEP 1:Calculate the tube side cross flow section area
At. Temperature at
3 29.4 32.2 33 33.5 33.9
outlet (oc)

Reynolds 38.34 44.88 50.91

At = {(π* Di2) / 4}*(Nt / 2) 4 25.65 32.96
number 6 7 5

5 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76
2 number
At = {(π* .016 ) / 4}*(18/ 2)
Heat transfer
At = .0018 m2
6 coefficient (W/ 0.26 0.286 0.302 0.32 0.336
STEP 2: Calculate the tube side mass velocity Gt and m2’K).

linear velocity Ut. Pressure drop

7 0.115 0.169 0.215 0.278 0.343
Gt = mt / At
Over all heat
8 transfer 0.215 0.236 0.262 0.285 0.328
Gt = .0158/ .0018
Ret = 163.35

Gt = 8.78 kg/ m2-s

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AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)
STEP 4: Calculate the tube side Prandtl number Prt. hi.

hi = (Nut * Kt) / Di

Prt = (Cpt*μt) / Kt hi = (-18.75 * .00098) / .016

hi = -1.15 W/ m2’K

Prt = (4.187*.00086) / .00098 Calculation Of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient:

1/Uc = (1/ ho) + {(Do/Di)*(1/hi)}+ {Do*Ln( Do/Di)}/(2k)

Prt = 3.674

1/Uc = (1/ .258) + {(.01924/.016)*(1/-1.15)}+ {.01924*Ln

( .01924/.016)}/(2*.00098)
STEP 5: Calculate the friction factor f.

f = {(1.58*Ln Ret) – 3.28} ^ (-2)

Uc = 0.215 W/ m2’K

f = {(1.58*Ln 163.35) – 3.28} ^ (-2)

Calculation Of Tube Side Pressure Drop:

f = 0.0439

STEP 6: Calculate the tube side Nusselt number Nut.

ΔPt = [{(4* f* Lt* np) / Di} + (4* np)]*[(ρt* Ut2) / 2]

Nusselt number is calculated using Gnielinski Correlation

ΔPt = [{(4*.0439*.825*2)/.016} + (4*2)]*[(1000*.008782) /

Nut = {(f /2)*(Ret -1000)* Prt}/{1+ (12.7*√ (f /2)*(Prt 2]
^ (2/3))-1)}

ΔPt = 1.006 Pa
Nut = {(.0439 /2)*(163.35 -1000)* 3.674}/{1+ (12.7*√
(.0439/2)*(3.674 ^ (2/3))-1)}

Nut = -18.75

STEP 7: Calculate the tube side heat transfer coefficient

Page 82 Results & Discussion Vol. 2 Issue I, January 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
Tube side results for five sample readings are as below:


AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T ETube
C Hside
N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)
Shell side results for five sample readings are shown in (Hot R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
the table below: Water)

Mass flow
0.015 0.026
1 rate 0.0198 0.0293 0.0365

2 e at inlet 55.3 55.7 53.4 55.6 55.6

3 e at outlet 37.1 42.4 44.2 45.2 46.8

163.3 270.8
204.65 302.84 377.26
Reynolds 07 0

5 3.674 3.674 3.674 3.674 3.674

Fig a. Variation of Reynold’s number w.r.t Flow rate transfer -
on the Shell side 6 -1.114 -0.914 -0.838 -0.691
coefficient 1.288
(W/ m2’K).

Pressure 1.006 1.433 2.256 2.715 3.928

drop (Pa)

Fig c. Variation of Pressuer drop w.r.t Flow rate on the Shell

Fig b. Variation of Heat Transfer Coefficient w.r.t Flow rate side
on the Shell side

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AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T)

Fig d. Variation of Reynold’s number w.r.t Flow rate on the

Tube side

Fig g. Variation of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient w.r.t

Flow rate of the Exchanger.


The shell and tube heat exchanger is analyzed using Bell

Delaware method and heat transfer coeffient, Reynold’s
number, pressure drops, overall heat transfer coefficient etc
are calculated for various mass flow rates and the results are
shown in the graphs above. It is emphasized that, shell side
Fig e. Variation of Heat Transfer Coefficient w.r.t Flow rate heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing mass flow
on the Tube side rate. Also the shell side pressure increase rapidly with
increasing flow rate.

Also it was found that the overall heat transfer coefficient

of the shell and tube heat exchanger increases with increasing
flow rate. This heat transfer coefficient is much more when
calculated using Bell Delaware method than the one
calculated using other methods, since Bell Delaware method
takes in to account, heat transfer even by bypass and leakage


[1]Ebieto, CE and Eke G B, “Performance Analysis of Shell

Fig f. Variation of Pressure drop w.r.t Flow rate on the Tube and Tube Heat Exchangers: A case study ”Department of
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