Andreussi - 1999 - Dispersed Bubble Flow in Horizontal Pipes

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Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1101—1107

Dispersed bubble flow in horizontal pipes

Paolo Andreussi , Alessandro Paglianti *, Florencio Sanchez Silva
Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale, Universita+ di Pisa, Via Risorgimento 35, 56126 Pisa, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Chimica Industriale e Scienza dei Materiali, Universita+ di Pisa, Via Diotisalvi 2, 56126 Pisa, Italy
Escuela Superior de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, Instituto Politecnico National, Col Lindavista, 07738 Mexico D.F., Mexico
Received 13 January 1997; accepted 13 August 1998


A set of experiments has been performed to analyse gas-phase distribution in horizontal bubble flow. The experimental data have
been obtained by means of conductance probes and include measurements of the local void fraction and the bubble diameter and
velocity. Present observations show large variations of the local void fraction and the bubble size moving from the top to the bottom
of the pipe, with local maxima located close to the upper pipe wall. Measurements also show that, at the boundary of the dispersed
bubble flow regime, the bubble size, and therefore the surface available for heat and mass transfer, changes abruptly for small
variations of the liquid or gas flowrate. This change allows the transition between the dispersed and the elongated bubble regimes to
be identified with good precision. Present data make it possible to develop a new correlation for the maximum bubble size in dispersed
bubble flow.  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Two-phase flow; Dispersed bubble flow; Bubble size

1. Introduction which certainly cover the DB and B regimes, and pos-

sibly other regimes, without any further classification of
Gas—liquid bubble flow is of great importance in the the observed flow patterns. The distinction between DB
chemical and process industry, where a number of con- and B flow made by Barnea (1987) appears useful, but not
tacting devices operate under bubble flow conditions in sufficiently clear. For instance, it seems necessary to
order to attain large interfacial areas for heat and mass consider slug (S) and plug (P) flow patterns in this classi-
transfer. With respect to the vertical configuration, fication along with DB and B flows, as all these regimes
horizontal bubble flow received less attention in the are characterised by a continuous liquid phase and a gas
literature, probably because this flow orientation is not phase which displays various degrees of segregation in
common in industrial applications. Experimental obser- the liquid.
vations are also difficult in this case, as the migration of In the present paper it is proposed that the flow pat-
dispersed bubbles towards the top of the pipe, due to terns so far considered be classified according to the
buoyancy, causes a highly non-symmetric void distribu- various shape regimes observed for the flow of a single
tion in the pipe cross-section. bubble in a liquid. In particular, the flow regime charac-
In the literature there is little agreement about the terised by the presence of only spherical or nearly spheri-
definition of bubble flow: Barnea (1987), for instance, cal bubbles is defined as dispersed bubble (DB) flow. It is
considers two distinct flow patterns, dispersed bubble assumed that in bubble (B) flow, the bubble shape is
(DB) flow, observed for the full range of pipe inclinations, ellipsoidal or pulsating. Plug (P) flow is characterised by
and bubble (B) flow, which is reported to occur in the the presence of elongated or Benjamin (Benjamin, 1957)
vertical or near-vertical configuration. Holmes and bubbles, whereas slug (S) flow is characterised by the
Russel (1975) and Van Der Welle (1985) present data presence of aerated liquid slugs. In this paper the atten-
tion is focused on the DB regime, and the slug, plug
and bubble regimes, where coalescence becomes the
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 0039 50 511225; fax: 0039 50 511266. dominant process, have been grouped and classified as
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.Paglianti). elongated bubble (EB) flow.

0009-2509/99/$ — see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 0 9 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 2 8 9 - 9
1102 P. Andreussi et al. /Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1101—1107

An objective identification of the transition between

DB and EB flow is useful in order to predict the rates of
heat and mass transfer between the two phases or be-
tween the wall and the two-phase mixture. In these cases,
it is necessary to know bubble size distribution. In the
literature many studies, based on the theories developed
by Kolmogoroff (1949), Hinze (1955) and Levich (1962)
have been conducted to predict bubble size. These the-
ories are based on the hypothesis that if a Weber number,
defined as

¼e" A , (1) Fig. 1. Local void fraction along the vertical diameter.

where q is a characteristic pressure or shear stress acting
A mounted on the bench by precision supports. Liquid and
on the bubble, p the interfacial tension and d the
 gas enter the pipe through a T-section. At the inlet,
maximum bubble size, exceeds a critical value, ¼e ,
  stratified flow conditions are created by a thin diaphragm
a bubble of diameter larger than d breaks up due to
 which separates the liquid from the gas inlet.
the effect of turbulent velocity fluctuations. The tube is equipped with differential pressure trans-
The present work proposes a new correlation of ducers to measure pressure drops, and with an absolute
bubble size based on the Kolmogoroff—Hinze theory. The transducer to determine the gas density. The cross-sec-
experimental observations make it possible both to pre- tion mean void fraction has been measured by the con-
dict the maximum size of bubbles flowing in dispersed ductance probe method (two-ring probe) described by
bubbles regime and to identify the range of existence of Andreussi et al. (1988). The test section used for the
this flow pattern. measurement of the local void fraction and bubble size is
The present investigation has been carried out using located 12 m far from the inlet section and about 5 m
conductance probes (Andreussi et al., 1991) for the from the outlet. These distances make it possible to
measurements of bubble size, diameter and concentra- obtain a fully developed dispersed bubble regime.
tion. This technique, also adopted by Kocamustafaogul- Measurements of the local bubble concentration have
lari and Wang (1991), offers many advantages over other been performed by means of the conductance probe,
methods, such as photography, light attenuation, ultra- schematically shown in Fig. 3a. The probe is made of
sonic attenuation or chemical absorption. To give an a thin copper wire, 0.3 mm in diameter, mounted inside
example, Fig. 1 illustrates the local void fraction profile a stainless steel tube, 1.0 mm OD. The copper wire is
along the vertical diameter determined with a local con- electrically insulated, except for the tip, and faces the flow
ductance probe. As shown in this figure bubbles tend to with a sharpened section 0.5 mm long. The presence of
migrate toward the upper wall because of the influence of gas bubbles at the tip can be detected by the drop of the
buoyancy and a well-defined peak of the local void frac- electrical conductance between the copper wire and the
tion can be observed at a distance of 2—3 mm from the stainless-steel tube. The distance between the tip and
upper pipe wall. the tube is less than 1 mm. Considering the size of the
probe, it can be assumed that measurements of bubble size
and local void become reliable when the typical bubble
2. Experimental set-up size is above 2 mm. In this range of bubble sizes, a com-
parison between the mean void fractions, measured with
The experiments have been performed in the atmo- the two-ring probe (Andreussi et al., 1988), and evaluated
spheric loop schematically shown in Fig. 2. Working from the measurements taken with the local probe, gave
fluids are water and air. The liquid is circulated by two satisfactory results, with a difference between the two
centrifugal pumps of different size, while air is supplied values of less than 20%. Considering that local probe
from a high-pressure line. Both streams are metered by measurements, on a pipe cross-section, were only taken
two sets of rotameters placed before the mixing section. along four diameters (see Fig. 4) and that in this example
The pipe is mounted on an inclinable bench 17 m long, a significant fraction of small bubbles was present, the
the slope of which can be varied continuously in a range agreement between these values appears to be acceptable.
of $3° by means of a motorised support. The test The analog signal from the local conductance
sections consist of transparent Plexiglas tubes with inner probe was converted into a digital signal and stored in
diameters of 18 and 50 mm, and the maximum length the transient recorder of a Lecroy 9400 Digital Oscil-
equal to the length of the bench. The tubes are made of loscope. Each sequence of data was transferred to a PC and
carefully flanged, 2 m long, interchangeable sections analysed. This procedure was followed in order to use
P. Andreussi et al. /Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1101—1107 1103

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up.

Fig. 3. Conductance probes for local void measurements (a), and for bubble velocity measurements (b).

large sampling frequencies. Considering that the transit be given by the 1/7 power law relative to single phase
time of a bubble 2 mm in diameter moving at 5 m/s is turbulent flow in a pipe. In order to check this assump-
0.4 ms, an acceptable sampling frequency in these experi- tion bubble velocity has also been measured with the
ments has been estimated to be of the order of 25 kHz. probe shown in Fig. 3b. The distance between the two
An even larger sampling frequency on two channels is tips is 4.1 mm, and as can be seen, the two-tip probe is
required in order to obtain a good measurement of the normal to the flow direction rather than parallel, as the
transit time of a bubble between the two-tip probe used single-tip probe. Considering the short distance be-
for velocity measurements. Bubble size has been derived tween the electrodes and the large sampling frequency,
from the transit time, as the product between transit time the measurements of the local velocity are fairly accu-
and bubble velocity. Bubble velocity has been assumed to rate. Andreussi et al. (1991) have shown that these
1104 P. Andreussi et al. /Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1101—1107

Fig. 4. Local void along on different pipe diameters. Inclination meas- Fig. 5. Experimental value of d plotted against the superficial mix-
ured with respect to the horizontal. (D"50 mm, v "0.2 m/s, 
 ture velocity.
v "4.4 m/s).

measurements are consistent with other experimental stable bubble size in the DB regime considering only data
observations made at the University of Pisa and that, as relative to d (6 mm.

a first approximation, the bubble velocity profile is close According to the Kolmogoroff—Hinze theory, d can

to the turbulent velocity profile relative to single phase be determined from Eq. (1), where the value of ¼e has
flow in a pipe. an order of magnitude
1. In the analysis of present
In the following, the maximum bubble size has been measurements it is necessary to assess the effect of coales-
defined, as suggested by Hesketh et al. (1987), as the cence on d , as the Kolmogoroff—Hinze theory was

diameter that is larger than 99% of all the diameters in developed for single bubble flow in a turbulent liquid
the distribution. This approach allows reliable data on stream. It is also necessary to define the characteristic
the maximum bubble size to be obtained. shear stress to be used in the definition of ¼e . A few
authors, Barnea (1986), Thomas (1981) and Hesketh et al.
(1987), following the Kolmogoroff—Hinze theory, as-
3. Analysis of measurements sumed that q scales as
q " o v , (2)
3.1. Maximum bubble size in the DB regime A  J A
where the characteristic velocity v is defined as
It is assumed that dispersed bubble (DB) flow is char-
acterised by the presence of spherical bubbles of small v "(2(ed ). (3)
size (a few millimeters) flowing in the pipe. When bubbles In this equation, d is the maximum bubble size that
lose their spherical shape, coalesce with other bubbles 
can exist when a single bubble flows in a full liquid pipe,
sharply increases and elongated bubble (EB) flow is ap- e is the energy dissipation due to turbulence
proached. This hypothesis is confirmed by present
measurements of bubble size. Fig. 5 represents the max- 2fv
e" AN , (4)
imum bubble size, d (evaluated as d ), as a function of D
the superficial mixture velocity. This figure shows that
and v is the velocity of the continuous phase, equal to
two regions exist and that the transition between them AN
the mixture velocity, v .
occurs at an approximately constant value, d ,
6 mm,
According to this hypothesis, d can be estimated as
of the maximum bubble size, independently of the super- 

ficial gas or liquid velocity and of the pipe diameter. At p 
the transition between DB and EB regimes, the max- d "¼e e\. (5)
imum bubble size and therefore, the area available for J
heat and mass transfer change abruptly, for instance, at Eq. (1) has been modified by Levich (1962), who included
v "0.2 m/s, D"50 mm, d is 6 mm for v "3.8 m/s in the definition of the critical Weber number the density
and is 30 mm for v "3.4 m/s. ratio o /o raised to 1/3 power. Recently, Hesketh et al.
Present observations have been interpreted assuming (1987) were able to interpret available data relative to the
that the maximum bubble size in dispersed bubble flow flow of gas—liquid, and also liquid—liquid dispersions on
depends on a critical Weber number and that, at the the basis of the theory developed by Levich.
transition to EB, bubble size increases without bond. Present experiments do not allow the effect of density
Present data show that this happens for d '6 mm. It ratio on bubble size to be detected, but according to the

is then possible to develop a correlation for the maximum theories developed by Kolmogoroff, Hinze and Levich, it
P. Andreussi et al. /Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1101—1107 1105

can be assumed to be equal to the non-slip void fraction

a , defined as a "v /(v #v ).
K K   
In conclusion, the maximum bubble size observed in
DB flow can be correlated by the equation

d q o 
 A· E "¼e "¼e (1#aaN L), (7)
p o    
where the parameters ¼e , a and n can be evaluated by
a best fit procedure, and q is defined as in Eq. (2). In
Eq. (7) the Weber number has been multiplied by the
density ratio raised to 1/3 power, as proposed by Levich
(1962) in order to make a comparison between present
data and the correlation proposed by Hesketh et al.
(1987). The results obtained are reported in Fig. 7a, which
shows the experimental values of ¼e plotted against
the mean void fraction. As can be noticed from this
figure, the scatter is appreciable. On the other hand, the
value found for the critical Weber number at zero void,
¼e "1.05, is very close to the value determined by
Hesketh et al. (1987), ¼e "1.1, on the basis of a wider
set of experimental conditions. The final correlation ob-
Fig. 6. Local void fraction (a) and local d (b) along the vertical
 tained for ¼e taking into account the effect of coales-
diameter (D"50 mm, v "0.15 m/s, v "4.53 m/s).
cence is
¼e "1.05(1#51.7aN  ). (8)
can be expected that the Weber number, as defined in  
Eq. (1) be a constant. This is approximately true for low An alternative correlation can be based on the assump-
void fractions, but is definitely incorrect at increasing tion that the characteristic shear or pressure force acting
values of the gas to liquid ratio. on a bubble, q simply scales as the wall shear stress, q .
The effect of void fraction on bubble size is apparent This approach can be justified considering that in hori-
from data relative to bubble size along the vertical dia- zontal flow the largest bubble is found very close to the
meter. These data are plotted in Fig. 6 along with the upper wall, at a position where the time averaged radial
measurements of the local void fraction as a function of velocity profile is far from being uniform. Under these
the vertical coordinate. From this figure, it can be noticed circumstances, the maximum stable bubble diameter may
that bubble size increases from a value of approximately depend on the mean shear stress rather than the dynamic
1.7 mm close to the bottom of the pipe, where the void is effect of turbulent velocity fluctuations.
about zero, to a maximum of about 3.7 mm at the top, The results are reported in Fig. 7b which represents the
where the void attains its maximum (a
0.13). experimental relation between ¼e and a in this case.
These data confirm that the critical Weber number or A comparison between Figs. 7a and b shows that a better
the maximum bubble size increases with the local void correlation of the experimental measurements is ob-
fraction. It is then necessary to modify the definition of tained when q is assumed to be the wall shear stress. The
¼e in order to take into account the effect of bubble correlation obtained for ¼e in this case is
coalescence. Calderbank (1958) and Barnea (1986) pro-
¼e "0.11(1#8.30aN  ). (9)
posed that the actual maximum bubble diameter, d ,  

can be related to the bubble diameter at zero void frac- The different value obtained for ¼e with respect to the
tion, d , by the equation previous correlation is due to the choice of the character-

istic shear stress q , as equal to the wall shear stress q .
d "d (1#aaL), (6) A 
  Using this equation the mean square error between mea-
where a and n are two adjustable parameters and a is the sured and predicted value of d

is 12%. Eq. (8) gives
local void fraction. a mean square error of 19%.
In the present work, the local void fraction has only
been determined for a limited set of flow conditions. It is Flow regime transitions
then necessary to develop a correction for bubble coales-
cence based on the mean void fraction, a, rather than the Bubble sizes reported in Fig. 5, allow the two flow
local value. As the slip between the gas and the liquid is patterns, DB and EB, to be clearly identified. In fact, for
negligible, in horizontal flow, the mean void fraction, a, each gas flow, a limiting value of the liquid velocity below
1106 P. Andreussi et al. /Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1101—1107

The definition of the Eötvös number given in Eq. (10)

can be used for a single bubble flowing in a pipe full of
liquid. To take into account the presence of a large
number of bubbles, the mean density of the gas—liquid
mixture should replace the density of the liquid phase in
the definition of the Eötvös number. This gives for the
critical Eötvös number, Eo( , the following relation:
g(o !o )(1!aN )d
Eo( " J E   , (12)

For the fluid pair investigated in the present work,

assuming d +6 mm, it is found that the Eötvös num-
ber at the DB—EB transition is approximately equal to 5.
This value is appreciably larger than the value proposed
by Clift et al. (1978), Eo( "0.4. However, it should be
considered that the Eötvös number varies with d and
that in present experiments we determined the size of the
largest bubble in the pipe cross section, rather than
a cross-section averaged value, which can be appreciably
smaller, see Fig. 6.
A discrepancy between the experimental value of the
Fig. 7. Experimental Weber number plotted against the experimental critical Eötvös and the results obtained by Clift et al.
void fraction (present experimental data D"50 mm circles, present (1978) was also noted by Barnea et al. (1982) for bubble
experimental data D"18 mm squares). (a) Weber number evaluated flow in vertical pipes. These authors showed that the
using Eq. (2), to evaluate the shear stress, (b) Weber number evaluated
results obtained with the approach of Clift et al. (1978)
using the wall shear stress.
tend to underestimate the limit at which bubbles behave
as rigid spheres.
which the bubble size increases without bond can easily
be detected. Fig. 5 indicates that at the transition between
the DB and EB flow regimes, the bubble size is about 4. Conclusions
independent of the gas and the liquid velocity and of the
pipe diameter, and is approximately equal to 6 mm. A set of measurements of the maximum stable bubble
In the present paper it is proposed that flow regime size in gas—liquid horizontal flow allowed the transition
transitions are related to bubble shape transitions. In between dispersed (DB) and slug/plug flow (EB) to be
particular, the bubble shape in DB flow is spherical, while clearly detected. For a given fluid pair, this transition
in EB flow the bubble shape is ellipsoidal or pulsating. In seems to occur at a constant value of the Eötvös number,
the pulsating regime, bubbles tend to oscillate and when as previously proposed by Barnea (1982) for vertical
rising in a stationary liquid to deviate from their vertical pipes.
trajectories. Under these circumstances, coalescence in Present measurements also allowed a correlation for
a bubble swarm becomes important and, due to coales- the maximum stable bubble size in DB flow to be derived.
cence, the transition between shape regimes determines, This diameter, being linked to the surface available for
as well, the transition between the different flow patterns heat and mass transfer, is considerably important in the
observed in gas—liquid flow. design of process equipment. The present correlation is
In order to determine bubble shape transitions, Clift based on the concept that above a critical Weber num-
et al. (1978) introduced the Eötvös number defined as ber, bubbles become unstable and break. Although this
approach to the problem is well established in the litera-
g(o !o )d ture, some questions arise on the effect of the void frac-
Eo( " J E   . (10) tion on bubble size and, as well, on the characteristic
shear or pressure force to be used in the definition of the
At the transition between spherical to elongated bubbles, Weber number.
the value of the Eötvös number depends on the property The experimental observations examined in the pres-
group, M, defined as ent paper, allowed the effect of the void fraction on
bubble size to be clearly detected. It also appears that
gk (o !o ) present measurements are better correlated assuming
M" J J E. (11)
po that the characteristic shear acting on a bubble scales as
P. Andreussi et al. /Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1101—1107 1107

the wall shear stress, rather than as proposed in previous Superscripts

o at zero void fraction
— mean value

a adjustable parameter [Eq. (7)]

d bubble diameter References
D pipe diameter
d critical diameter from spherical to ellipsoidal Andreussi, P., Di Donfrancesco, A., & Messia, M. (1988). An impedance
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d maximum bubble diameter at zero void frac-
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tion Measurement of the mean gas velocity in horizontal bubbly flow. In
Eo( Eötvös number G.F. Hewitt, F. Mayinger, & J.R. Riznic (Eds.), Phase-interface
f friction factor phenomena in multiphase flow. New York: Hemisphere, 1991.
g acceleration of gravity Barnea, D., Shoham, O., & Taitel, Y. (1982). Flow pattern transition for
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