Analysis of Low Voltage Bulk-Driven High Swing Cascode Current Mirrors For Low Voltage Applications

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887

Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

Analysis of Low Voltage Bulk-Driven High Swing

Cascode Current Mirrors for Low Voltage
P. Devendra Kumar1, D.Vijay Kumar2
(M.Tech in VLSI &EMBEDED SYSTEM DESIGN, Student), 2Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University -Kakinada, Kanuru,
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
Abstract: Now a days Low voltage along with low power topologies of analog and mixed signal designs have gained enormous
importance due to increased demand of portable devices. The bulk-driven technology is emerging as an important design
technique to achieve intensifies performance in low voltage analog circuits. Low voltage self-biased high swing cascode current
mirror employing bulk-driven nmos transistor is proposed and proposed circuit has to be simulated in cadence tool, and
different current mirrors like wilson current mirror and triple cascode current mirror are implemented under bulk-driven
technology and simulated in cadence tool, and the results are compared with the gate-driven technology .
Keywords: Bulk-Driven, High swing, cascode, current mirror, low voltage

From the last few decades the market for portable electronic systems such as a wireless Communication devices, and consumer
electronics, etc. is continuously expanding day by day, So there is a improvement need for the development of low-voltage (LV)
and low-power (LP) circuit techniques and system building blocks. Not only low-voltage but also low-power operation are of
tremendous importance for advisable applications. The Low-voltage operation is demanded because it is desirable to use as less
batteries as possible for size and weight considerations, It is necessary to ensure a reasonable battery lifetime so we use low power
consumption technique. An important factor regarding analog circuits is that; the threshold voltages of future standard CMOS
technologies are not expected to decrease much below what is availableon nowadays. The MOS transistor is a four terminal device;
it is mostly used as a three terminal device because the bulk terminal is connected to the source terminal or to the drain terminal, to
Vdd or to Vss. So, a large number of possible MOS circuits are overlooked; hence a good solution to overcome the threshold
voltage is usage of the Bulk-driven technology. The principle of the Bulk-driven technology is that; the gate-source voltage is set to
sufficientvalue to create an inversion layer for the MOSFET.
By applying an input signal to the bulk terminal of the MOSFET. By this way, the threshold voltage can be either reduced or
removed from the signal path. The operation of the Bulk-driven MOS transistor is like a JFET i.e. a depletion type device, it can
work under zero, negative, or even slightly positive biased conditions.That means the threshold voltage requirements are removed
from signal path.
This paper proposes a low voltage self-biased high swing cascode current mirror (SHCCM) using bulk-driven technique having
wider operating current range and higher bandwidth, and bulkdriven wilsen current mirror and bulk-driven triple cascode current
mirror and comparison of all results with gate driven current mirror results proving the bulkdriven technology works under low
voltages and high range applications with high output impedence.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

Fig. 1 current mirror circuit Fig. 2 Basic current mirror circuit


Current mirror is a two port device,it is designed to generate a scaled replica of an input current at a high-impedance output node
terminal. It keeps the output current constant regardless of loading. The major factors influencing the performance of a good current
mirror are, its operating range,and bandwidth, output resistance and the mini mum voltage drop required across input and output
terminals of the current mirrorcircuite. This voltage drop is required to keep the transistors of the current mirror in saturation mode.
in the above fig the source is connected to the ground so the two transisters M1 and M2 gate source voltages are same, because of
diode connection the transistor M1 is in saturation region and to make the M2 in saturation region we have to take VGS > VTH and
VDS > VGS-VTH. If both transisters are in saturation region the the same inutcurrent is assing trough the drain terminal of the
M2transister.Current equation in saturation region is:
ID= µncox ( ) (Vgs-Vth )2..........................( 1 )

With channel length modulation effect: ID= µncox ( ) (Vgs-Vth )2(1+λVds)…………..( 2 )


A cascode current mirror circuit is capable of producing an output current that is a direct function of an input current received by
that device. The cascoded current mirror includes at least two portions connected together in a cascodemanner.This feedback
connection can, for example, be a buffering connection. Voltage signals are generated by this device that can be used to drive and
control additional output stages. Each such additional output stage is capable of producing an additional output current. Regulated
cascode technique greatly increases the D.C. gain of cascode amplifier without sacrificing speed or output swing. Regulated
Cascode current mirror produces more constant results than other cascode current mirror structures, here the negative feedback
concept is used. The cascode can improve the output impedence of the circuit.

Fig. 3(a) Cascode current mirror Fig 3(b) self-biased cascode current mirror

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 692

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

Self biasedcascode current mirror is used to achieve better matching current carecteristics at input and output nodes of the
circuit.and it is also used to achive high output impedence. In this circuit the output resistence of the circuit is increased by a factor
ofgmr0where gmis the transconductence and r0is the output resistence of the circuit.


A. Simple Bulk-Driven Current Mirror

Bulk-driven techniques are applied to the mosfetonly that can be fabricated in its own separate well.The operation of the bulk-
driven mosfet is much like a jfet. The conceptual schematic of the gate driven current mirror shown in fig 4(a). It consists of
Q1,Q2cmostransisters and input current (Iin) and Iin flows through Q1 transister. Iout try to follow the Input current or reference
current (Iref) .Here the input signal is applied the bulk terminal instead of the gate terminal to lower the threshold voltage
requirement. And at the gate terminal sufficient VG applied to operate the mosfet in saturation region.

Fig 4(a) simple bulk-driven current mirror Fig 4(b) self-biased bulk-driven cascode current mirror

B. Bulk-Driven Self-Biased Cascode Current Mirror

The proposed bulk-driven self-biased cascode current mirror shown in figure4(b). In this circuit a constent voltage VDC>VTH is
applied at the gate terminal of the each mosfet, which enables the to be formed. And here the input signal is applied at the bulk
terminal instead of the gate terminal so it forms an bulk-drain connection instead of the gate-drain connection. Since the requirement
of the threshold voltage is removed from the signal path of the circuit.and voltage drop is lowered at the input and output terminals
of the device, hence it makes the proposed circuit operate at lower supply voltages.In this circuit the gate voltage is fixed ir ensures
the dependency of the mosfet current on bulk-drain voltage, based on the below equation 3(a).
ID(sat)= ( VGS-VTo-ϒ − +ϒ )2 ……………..3( a)

And Vds>Vgs-Vt
Where β=µncox , and w/l is the aspect ratio of the transistor and is the absolute fermi potensial , VTo is the zero bias threshold
voltage and ϒ is the body effect coefficient.The current across the mosfet can be determined by the equation (3) for variation in
potensialVbs and here the values of Vbs is less than the threshold voltages to ensure negligible bulk current in the circuit. The
current mirror operation in the proposed circuit is implemented by constent bulk source potensial M1 and M3 and same being
copied at M2 and M4 transisters.
In bulk-driven circuits, due to channel formation, MOSFETs behave like JFET and become operative as soon as the power supply
is switched ON. Due to the non-linear behavior of MOSFET at very low voltages themathematical equations become very difficult
and do not give an exact statistical analysis results of the circuit. These effects can be compensated by choosing the aspect ratios of
MOSFETs at the time of simulation using trial and error method. This mismatch of the aspect ratio of the transistor comared to
mathematical equation leads to Ioutshift compared to Iin . this can be over come by using the offset current in the output terminal it
is in few milli ohms. The proposed nmos current mirror is based on p-well technology.

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 693

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at


The Wilson current mirror that function well at all current levels from low range week inversion region to strong inversion region.
And these current mirrors can be operate at the low level power supply voltages and results a high output voltage swing with
cascode type incremental of the output impedence.

Fig 5(a) wilsen current mirror

A. Simple Wilsen Current Mirror

The Wilson current mirror gains a high incremental output resistance. Any increase in the output current due to an increase in the
output voltage through output transistor’s Early effect that is sensed by the simple current mirror circuit whose input is in series with
the output of the transistor. This simple mirror feeds back the output current to the input node of the circuit ,and reducing the gate
voltage of the ouput transistor, thereby reducing its channel current and compensating the original current increase.
does not normally need to move by very much to compensate such variations of output current , if the output transistor enters its
saturation region, the incremental output conductance increases to the point that it is comparable to the transistor’s incremental
transconductance gain. In this case, the input voltage will change by more than the output voltage in an attempt to compensate for
changes in the mirror’s output current. We shall take the output voltage at which the output transistor’s incremental output
conductance is on a par with it’stransconductance to be the Wilson mirror’s output compliance voltage. If the output voltage drops
below this level, the output current decreses precipitously to zero while the input voltage rises rapidly towards the positive power

Fig.5(b) wilson current mirror with nmos Fig 5 (c) bulk driven Wilson current mirror

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 694

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

B. Bulk-Driven Wilsen Current Mirror

The bulk driven wilsen current mirror shown in fig 5(c).here the input signal is applied at the bulk terminal instead of the gate
terminal to reduce the threshold voltage requirement.
Here M1 and M2 and M3, M4 are the four mostransisters, In the above diagram the input signal is Iin and it is connected to the bulk
terminal of the mosfet M2 and M4. The fixed gate voltage VG is connected to the gate of each transistor for channel formation
.Here we have apply the drain source voltage of the transistor M4 to make the transistor in the saturation region. Current equation in
saturation region of the bulk driven transiter is given as
ID(sat)= ( VGS-VTo-ϒ 2 f − Vbs +ϒ 2 )2 ( 4 )


A. Triple Cascode Gate- Driven Current Mirror

The output impedence can be further improved by adding one more cstaage to the double cascode configuration, the increase of
cascode connection increases the total output impedence of the cirtuit and the gain also increases. In the fig 6(a) Shown below the
reference current is connected to the drain of the mosfet M3 and the M1 is another transistor which is cascaded to the transisters M2
and M4 and M4 is cascaded to the transistor M5 and M6.
Here the source of the transisters M1 and M4 are connected to the ground so their gate-source voltages are same and Vdc for the
mosfet M6 is chosen such as to make the transisters in saturation region. The transistor M3 is diode connected so it is in saturation
region .bymakingall transistor in saturation region the same reference current is passing through the output terminal.

Fig. 6(a) triple cascode current mirror Fig. 6(b) Bulk-driven triple cascode current mirror

B. Triple Cascode Bulk- Driven Current Mirror

The fig 6(b) shown below is the triple cascode current mirror with bulk-driven technology. Here the input signal is applied at the
bulk terminal of the transistor instead of the gate terminal to reduce the tresold voltage requirement hence the circuite can be
simulated under minimum input voltages and the cascading connection also increases the output impedence of the circuit and the
outut swing also increases hence the band width also increases.
In the figure shown above 6(b) the input is connected to the bulk of the M6 and M3 transisters and sufficient voltage Vg > Vth is
taken at the each transistor for channel formation and here low input voltage is required. the output impedence and the band width of
the circuite is increases. As the cascode connection increases the relative output resistence of the circuit increases which leads the
outut current constent regardless of the load conditions.

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 695

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at


Fig 7.1 input vs output current variations of simple current mirror

Fig. 7.2 minimum input voltage required for the cascode current mirror

Fig. 7.3 Iin VS Iout of the self-biased bulkdriven cascode current mirror

Fig. 7.4 minimum input voltage required for the bulk-driven self-biased cascode current mirror

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 696

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

Fig. 7.5 Perametric analasis of proposed current mirror Iout VS different length of transister

Fig .7.6 Perametricanalasis of proosedcktIout VS differength width with same length

Fig. 7.7 Iout VS Vgs for different values of Vds of the proposed bulk-driven cascode current mirror

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 697

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

Fig. 7.8 minimum input voltage required for bulk -driven wilsen current mirror

Fig 7.9 Iin VS Iout of the bulk-driven triple cascode current mirror

Fig 7.10 magnitude and phase response of the triple cascode current mirror

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 698

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

Fig. 7.11 maximum cut off frequency of the triple cascode current mirror

Fig 7.12 magnitude and phase response of the bulk-driken Wilson current mirror

The approach of bulk-driven self-biased high swing cascode current mirror and bulk-driven Wilson, bulk-driven triple cascode
current mirror has been presented and compared with that of the gate-driven current mirrors. With this technique, the supply
voltage can be reduced to make this technique compatible with the lower power supply requirement so the modern VLSI
technology. The input voltage required in the proposed bulk-driven SHCCM and bulk driven Wilson current mirror and bulk-
driven triple cascode current mirror is lower as compared to the conventional gate-driven current mirrors. The working of
proposed SHCCM and bulk-driven Wilson current mirror and bulk-driven triple cascode current mirror has been shown at
supply voltages as low as compared to conventional gate-driven SHCCM operates at less than 1Vfor the same technology.
Moreover, the bandwidth and output resistance of the circuit were found to be higher than that of the conventional circuit.

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 699

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at


Current Mirror (C.M) Min. i/p o/p Voltage o/p Simulation Technology No. of. Upper cut-off
Type Voltage (V) (V) Resistance Used (nm) Transistors frequency (Hz)
(K Ω)

Simple C.M 0.6 0.6 140 180 2 5 MHz

Cascode C.M 1.37 1.39 267 180 4 7 MHz

Self-biased Cascode
0.77 0.65 139 180 5 7 MHz

Bulk-driven C.M 0.5 0.67 164 180 2 6 MHz

Bulk-driven self-
biased cascode C.M
0.3 0.38 135 180 5 10 MHz

Wilson C.M

0.8 0.9 225 180 4 5 GHz

Bulk-driven Wilson
0.47 0.85 203 180 4 7 GHz

Triple cascode C.M

2.45 2.3 255 180 6 6 GHz

Bulk-driven triple
cascade C.M
1 1.1 243 180 6 30 GHz

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