Numerical Analytic Approach To A Calculation of A Thermal Stress State of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Numerical Analytic Approach To A Calculation of A Thermal Stress State of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Numerical Analytic Approach To A Calculation of A Thermal Stress State of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
July 14-18, 2013, Paris, France
ABSTRACT shell side and channel, tube sheet, transitional part “shell side
Nowadays, a stress calculation of shell and tube heat channel”, shell side nozzles and heat exchanger tubes.
exchangers’ elements is based either on analytic methods
described in ASME, TEMA, EN, GOST and other standards or
on numerical modeling using FEA. The main disadvantage of
the analytic methods is that they can be applied only to certain
apparatuses’ designs and it is very difficult or even impossible
to use them with non-typical constructions. Otherwise, such a
calculation is easy to perform with modeling by FEA. However,
a direct finite element simulation of several thousands of tubes,
which can be designed in one heat exchanger, makes the task
very time-consuming and the resulting model very big and
computation-intensive. This paper examines a typical model,
which includes 3.5 million nodes and more than 3 million
elements. We offer a numerical analytic solution of this task,
which consists in modeling of a tube bundle by an orthotropic Fig. 1 Considered model of the heat exchanger
continuum with equivalent properties. The comparison of the
results of a temperature distribution calculation and the stress- The proposed simplified calculation methodology is based
strain distribution calculation using direct numerical modeling on the substitution of a tube bundle with an equivalent solid
of the tubes in the tube bundle by shell elements from one hand, body with orthotropic properties (Fig. 2).
and of the suggested numerical analytic solution from another,
shows that these results do match closely enough to practice.
There are many cases, when finite element modeling
allows to simplify a design model significantly and to decrease
the dimension of a problem by using various approximations
based on analytical solutions or experimental outcomes. This
paper presents the results of a verification of a shortcut
methodology of the numerical analysis of stress-strain state on
the example of high-temperature tube-and-shell heat exchanger Fig. 2 Tube bundle as equivalent solid body
calculation. Figure 1 presents the considered model. It includes
During the first phase of work we performed technological ψ 0 = ηt7 / 3 = 0.49, (1)
thermal analysis using the HTRI software. The resulting
thermal fields were used in the strength calculation by finite where ηt – influence factor of pressure on a tube sheet from a
element method. Temperature distribution in the most heated tube side
Enp = E = 2.81*105 MPa (5)
ϕE p
1. Nationalnyi Standart Rossiiskoi Federatsii GOST R
52857.7-2007 “Sosudy i Apparaty. Normy i Metody
Rascheta na Prochnost. Teploobmennye Apparaty”,
Moscow, 2008, (National Standard of Russian
Federation GOST R 52857.7-2007 “Vessels and
Apparatus. Norms and Methods of Strength
Calculation. Heat Exchangers”, in Russian).
2. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII,
Division 2, 2010, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, New York.