11 TechCorr SRUT-FAC

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Short Range Guided Wave UT-SRUT

Tech Corr offers “Short Range Guided Wave UT-SRUT” a unique ultrasonic
screening tool designed to inspect difficult to access locations such as:

 Underneath Saddle Supports

 Under clamps
 Under composite repairs
 The annular plate of above ground storage tanks (In Service)
 Pipe to soil interface areas
 Pipe to Cement interfaces

How It Works – Short-Range Guided Wave is a technique which uses low frequency
sound waves to flood the wall thickness of a pipe or a plate, and then reflect back at
interfaces such as cracking or corrosion/pitting. A standard ½” near field probe
allows for corrosion and defect inspection in limited space and close proximity
situations. This technique is to be used as a screening tool only as remaining wall
thickness measurements cannot be achieved. However, reflection distance can be
measured with precise accuracy. Using a focalized probe, the ultrasonic beam
coverage within a material is around 24” and all can be accomplished through 1/8”
or less of coating.

By using different probe designs it is possible to inspect material thickness up to 1”


Example of the Ultrasonic propagation of the SRUT in a plate.

TechCorr uses the latest and most advanced SRUT system in the industry which allows
to fully encode the inspection from a reference point. This allows to obtain digital
images that can be used to create a base line for future inspections.

The short range guided wave technique uses a modified B-Scan graph but displays
information in terms of “Plan View” using surface distance calculations. This
technology can detect, image, record amplitude, size, and record X-Y location of
corrosion and /or various defects.

50% Metal Loss Notch

SRUT Probe

30% Hole 100%

Hole Encoder System

SRUT - B Scan Display Calibration Block

Conditions to apply SRUT?

Condition 1: Surface condition under the probe shall be free on corrosion and heavy
coatings to allow a proper UT propagation.

Condition 2: The maximum surface temperature is 150F

Condition 3: SRUT can be applied from 1 1/2” (Special contour probe) up to flat

Examples of SRUT applications.

 Tank Chime Inspection (In Service). The tank chime shall be at least 1.5” to
allow a proper probe placement.

 Pipe to Concrete Interface (Puddle Pipes).


Scan direction

2" 2"
Concrete Interface
Internal Flange


 Pipe to Soil Interface Inspections. Any types of wraps or heavy coatings shall
be removed at the sensor location to allow a proper UT propagation.


 Underneath Saddle Supports.

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