Name: - Class: - Answer All Questions. Every Questions Is Followed by Four Options A, B, C and D. Choose The Correct Answer

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Name:______________________________________ Class:_____________________

Answer all questions.

Every questions is followed by four options A,B,C and D. Choose the correct answer.

1. Diagram 1 shows a plate of rice.

Food is needed
A. to breathe. C. to prevent from being thirsty
B. to provide energy D. to protect from rain, sun and danger

2. Diagram 2 shows the parts of animal P, labelled as A, B, C and D. Which is the part that is the
breathing structure for animal P?

3. Why do humans need to excrete and defecate?

A. to make sure the breathing process works smoothly
B. to maintain body health
C. to clean the human blood
D. to clean the human organs

4. Which of the following are the characteristics of animals that live in very cold weather?
I Huge body III Thick layer of fat
II Thick furs
A. I and II only C. II and III only
B. I and III only D. I, II and III

5. Which is the correct formula to calculate the area?

A. Area = Length × Width C. Area = Length × Height
B. Area = Width × Height D. Area = Length × Height × Width

6. Calculate the area of the diagram shown

12 cm
3 cm
A. 9 cm² C. 34 cm²
B. 12 cm² D. 36 cm²

7. Which of the following statement is true about the mass of an object?

A. Smaller objects have more mass
B. The mass of an object is not related to the size.
C. The mass of an object is not affected by the gravity.
D. The mass of an object is measured in gram or metre.

8. The following figure shows the mass of four books

What is the mass of each book?

A. 4600 g C. 920 g
B. 3450 g D. 1150 g

9. The diagram shows the tools used to measure

A. mass C. length
B. area D. volume

10. Which of the following objects floats in water?



11. Which statement is true?

A. Wood floats on water and is used to make furniture only
B. Glass is easily breakable and does not absorb water
C. Silk is waterproof and used to make umbrella
D. Plastic is strong and dense.

12. Which answer below shows the correct arrangement from the smallest to the biggest length ?
A. metre, millimetre, centimetre, kilometre
B. kilometre, metre, centimetre, millimetre
C. centimetre, metre, kilometre, millimetre
D. millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometer
13. What is the length of the pencil shown in the diagram?

A. 10 cm C. 4 cm
B. 5 cm D. 2 cm

14. Arrange the shapes P, Q, R and S as shown in Figure 6 according to their surface area starting from
the smallest

A. P, R, Q, S C. P, Q, R, S
B. Q, P, R, S D. Q, R, P, S

15. Which characteristic belongs to elastic objects?

A. Being able to withstand heat
B. Float on the surface of the water
C. Conduct heat and electricity easily
D. Return to its original shape after being stretched

16. Among the following, which has the biggest surface area ?
A. Tennis court C. Football field
B. Netball field D. Badminton court

17. What will happen if humans do not reproduce?

A. Humans will eventually become extinct.
B. The number of humans will increase.
C. Social problems will increase.
D. The quality of life of humans will improve.

18. Which of the following comparisons between a steel spoon and a cork are true?
Steel spoon Cork
Sudu logam Gabus

I Made of metal Made of rubber

Diperbuat daripada logam Diperbuat daripada getah
II Sinks in water Floats on water
Tenggelam di dalam air Timbul di atas air
III Good conductor of heat Good insulator of heat
Konduktor haba yang baik Penebat haba yang baik
IV Absorbs water Does not absorb water
Menyerap air Tidak menyerap air

A. I and IV only C. II, III and IV only

B. I,II and III on D. I,II,III,and IV
19. Table 1 shows the reading of the masses of four objects, W, X, Y and Z from a spring balance.
W 40
X 80
Y 60
Z 20

20. The following information shows the characteristics of a plant

Divided leaves
Very long roots
Thick stem

A Lake C Beach
B Desert D Swamp

21. Diagram shows a cube and a cuboid.

How many cubes that can be put into the cuboid?

A. 48 C. 60
B. 72 D. 84
22. Which of the following plants reproduce in the same way?

A. I and II only C. I and IV only

B. I and III only D. III and IV only

23. Rubber trees can reduce water loss during the drought season…
A. by having its leaves folded. C. by having latex produced in the stem.
B. by shedding its leaves. D. by shedding bark from the stem

24. Which of the following animals excretes its waste products through gills?
A. Frog C. Prawn
B. Mouse D. Earthworm

25. Which of the following plants have hairs that can cause itchiness?
I Jackfruit III Sugar cane
II Bamboo IV Pumpkin
A. II and III only C. II, III and IV only
B. I, II and III only D. I, II, III and IV

26. Which of the following plants reproduce in the same way?

I Tapioca III Sugar cane
II Rose IV Croton
A. I and II only C. II and IV only
B. I and III only D. I, II, III, and IV

27. Which of the following helps the excretion of waste products from the body?
A. Exercising C. Reading
B. Sleeping D. Talking

28. Which one of the following animals gives birth?

A. Lizard C. Cockroach
B. Bat D. Grasshopper

29. The polar bear can survive in a cold and icy habitat because…
I it has very thick fur.
II its fur is white.
III it has a thick layer of fat under its skin.
A. I and II only C. II and III only
B. I and III only D. I, II, and III

30. Which part of a plant will respond to gravity?

A. Shoot B. Roots
C. Leaves
D. Stem

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