Grade 3 Science Question

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Grade : 3

Grade 3, NSO Level 1 Demo Test Total Marks :

Time : 45 Mins


1. Rohit has grouped types of houses into two categories based on a criteria. He has placed one type of house in wrong group.
Identify the the type of house.

Category A: Tent, Houseboat, Mansion, Caravan. Tipi

Category B: Palace, Apartment, Bunglow, Villa, Penthouse

A. Tipi B. Mansion C. Villa D. Penthouse

2. Which of the following is false?

A) Airways is the fastest way to travel.

B) Railway is a public mean of travel.
C) Shipping of large amount of goods between continents using water transport is more costly then airways.
D) Car can be public or private mean of transport

A. A B. B C. C D. D

3. _________ is an audio and visual medium of communication which educate, inform and entertain us.

A. News paper B. Television C. Radio D. Television and radio

4. Gravitational pull of moon can cause ______

A. Earth quakes B. Tides C. Seasons D. Eclipse

5. ___________ is the hardest substance in human body. It covers tooth crown.

A. Dentine B. Gum C. Enamel D. Bone marrow

6. ________ are the smallest of blood vessels that form the connections between veins and arteries.

A. Veins B. Arteries C. Capillaries D. none of these

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7. Which of the following are correct regarding stem?
1) It gives support to plant.
2) It helps in transporting water and minerals from roots to branches and leaves and food from leaves to other parts of plants.
3) Stem can breathe.
4) Some stems store food and starch.

A. 1 and 2 B. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1 ,2 and 4 D. All of these.

8. Renu: Scavengers are important because they clear dead waste of animals and plants. Without them, the world would become
full of dead animals and plants.
Sheenu: Decomposers consume smaller pieces of organic matter to decompose them back into nutrients which are returned to the

Who is correct?

A. Renu is correct B. Sheenu is correct C. Both are correct D. Both are incorrect

9. Ram performed an experiment. He put hot boiling water in wooden flask and pieces of ice in a metal flask. He touched both
wooden flask and metal flask and found out that wooden flask is normal in temperature from outside where as metal flask has
turned cold. What does this experiment suggest?

A. Wood lets heat to pass B. Metal retains heat and C. Wood is bad conductor of heat where as D. Metals generally have
through it very quickly does not pass it. metals are good conductor of heat. low temperature

10. Consider following 2 statements :

A) Objects which produce light are called luminous objects.
B) Moon is not a luminous object.

A. A is correct and B is incorrect B. A is incorrect and B is correct C. Both are correct D. Both are incorrect

11. Which of the following is not a function of feathers in birds :

A) Feather helps in flying.
B) Feather helps in camouflage.
C) Feather helps in killing the prey.
D) Feather helps in maintaining body temperature.

A. B B. C C. D D. B and C

12. Which of the following is not true about Venus?

A) Venus takes more time to rotate on its axis than to complete a revolution around the Sun.

B) Venus is the hottest planet that's why it is also known as "the red planet".

C) Venus has a thick atmosphere made up of carbon dioxide which traps Sun's heat and makes it hottest among the planets.

A. A B. B C. C D. All of these

13. Sam performed an experiment. He weighed an empty balloon. He then blew the balloon and measured the weight of fully
blown balloon. What will he observe?

A. Empty balloon will be heavier B. Fully blown balloon will be heavier C. Both will have same weight D. don't know

14. Nutrients get absorbed in blood by tiny finger-like extensions present in the lining of the small intestine. These tiny fingers like
extensions are called _____

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A. alveoli B. villi C. pancreas D. nephrons

15. Vinay is having weak bones and teeth. His daily diet must be lacking which food item?

A. Carbohydrates B. Minerals C. Proteins D. Vitamins

16. Hari and Ravi were observing soil in a garden. They made following statements:
Ravi: There is brown or black colored organic matter present in the soil. It consists of dead and decaying plants and animals. It is
called humus. Humus makes soil fertile.
Hari: Humus can be found in all layers of soil.
Who has made the right observation?

A. Hari B. Ravi C. Both of them D. None of them

17. Orion is also known as ______

A. The great bear B. Big dipper C. The small bear D. The hunter

18. Sam has 2 packets of 1 litre of milk. He poured the first packet into a glass, then he poured the second packet into a big flat
tumbler. Milk will occupy less space in __________

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A. tumbler B. glass C. milk will not occupy any space D. milk will occupy same space in both vessels.

19. When shale is subjected to the heat and pressure for long time it gradually changes into _________

A. marble B. slate C. quartzite D. granite

20. Match the following :

A. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 B. A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2 C. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 D. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2

Achievers Section

21. Amit took a glass of water and put it in a freezer for 5 hours. Which of the set of graphs below will show changes in its volume
and mass?

A. A B. B C. C D. D

22. Identify A, B and C in the following figure :

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A. A-Petiole, B-Side veins, C-petiole B. A-Petiole, B-Midrib, C-Vein C. A-Lamina, B-Midrib, C-stipule D. A-Petiole, B-Lamina, C-Midrib

23. Ravi: Freezing point of water is more than the melting point of water.

Amit: The melting point of water is same as the freezing point of water.

Riya: The melting point of water is more than the freezing point of water.

Who is making the correct statement?

A. Ravi B. Amit C. Riya D. None of them

24. Match the following:

A. A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3 B. A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3 C. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 D. A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3

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25. Sheena , Reena and Tina saw a bat. They made following statements:

Sheena: Bat can fly. It is a bird. It cannot see. They have webbed hands.
Reena: Bat can fly but it is not a bird. It is a mammal. It does not have feathers.
Tina: Bats can fly because they have feathers.

Who among the following made an incorrect statement?

A. Sheena B. Reena C. Sheena and Tina D. Reena and Tina

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