4.2 - Information To Loading Diagrams

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The document discusses guidelines for proper loading of vehicles to ensure safe transport while not exceeding load limits.

The load diagrams show the optimum position of the payload center of gravity, the maximum payload size, and required support distance of the payload.

The payload supports must be symmetrical and positioned at an equal distance from the payload center of gravity. Unequal spacing could damage the vehicle.

Information to the loading diagrams

1.1 General
To make optimum use of the payload capacity of a vehicle, the payload centre of gravity must be in the position indicated in the
load or payload displacement diagram. Any deviations from this will always mean a reduced payload.
If the vehicle is loaded to capacity in spite of a deviation from the position indicated in the load or payload displacement
- the axle loads indicated in the load or payload displacement diagram will be exceeded in at least one support group.
- the vehicle may be damaged (loading bridge, drive train).

The centre of gravity of the payload must be on the longitudinal symmetry axis of the vehicle, i.e. centred longitudinally on
the vehicle (> Fig.01).

The supports of the payload, unless otherwise specified, must be positioned as a transverse linear load, i.e. evenly distributed
over the entire width of the vehicle (> Fig.01).

Longitudinal symmetry axis

Payload centre of gravity


Payload loaded as a
transverse load


= =
Fig. 01
Front or rear view

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1.1.1 Load diagram - description
The load diagrams show information on

- the optimum position of the payload centre of gravity

- the size of the payload
- the required support distance of the payload on the loading tray

To use the load diagrams, the payload supports must always be symmetrical, meaning that they must be laid out at an
equal distance with respect to the payload centre of gravity (>Fig. 02). If this is not the case, the vehicle may be damaged. If the
supports are unequally spaced, contact the Scheuerle technical department for a precise definition of the loading case and/or
simulate the case with the ”SALSA” computer program.

If the vehicle is loaded in accordance with the loading diagram, the axles will not be loaded beyond their permissible load and
the steel structure will not be overloaded. Transport is statically possible in this case.

Payload centre of gravity



Equal distances of supports to the

payload centre of gravity

Fig. 02

Side view

1.1.2 Payload displacement diagram - description

The payload displacement diagrams show information on

- the optimum position of the payload centre of gravity
- the size of the payload, even if the payload centre of gravity is not in the optimum position

If he vehicle is loaded in accordance with the payload displacement diagram, only the permissible axle loads will be
maintained. However, the steel structure can still be overloaded and the vehicle may be damaged.

The payload displacement diagram is only intended for an initial assessment of the feasibility of a transport. For additional
information contact the Scheuerle technical department and/or simulate the loading case with the ”SALSA” computer program.

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1.2 Application examples
1.2.1 Load diagram
A) Find the smallest possible support distance for a given payload (Fig. 03)

Given: payload = 400t
To be found: support distance required so the approved load on the steel structure is not exceeded
With two supports the payload is distributed equally over the two supports, i.e. 200 t each.
1. Draw a horizontal straight line to the diagram curve at the perpendicular diagram axis (platform support loads) at half of
the payload, 200 t in the example. (> direction of arrow, Fig. 03)
2. Draw two perpendicular straight lines at the intersections of the straight line with the diagram curve to the horizontal
diagram axis.
3. Read off the distance from the payload centre of gravity to the supports at the horizontal axis, 2.4 m each in the example.

The support distance with equal payload must also be greater than the calculated support distance, while the symmetry to the
payload centre of gravity must be retained. However, the diagram curve must not be exceeded under any circumstances.

If straight lines do not intersect with the diagram curve below the diagram curve, the support distance can be selected as
desired; however, the symmetry to the payload centre of gravity must be retained.

Support loads


Diagram curve

Required position of the

payload centre of gravity


2.4m 2.4m Fig.03

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B) Find the permissible payload symmetrically to the payload centre of gravity with
a given support distance (Fig.04)

Given: the two distances of the supports to the payload centre of gravity are 2.8 m each
To be found: the permissible payload that will not exceed the permissible load on the steel structure or
the permissible axle loads
1. Draw a perpendicular line up to the diagram curve from one of the symmetrically arranged supports.
2. Draw a horizontal line left to the vertical axis through the intersection.
3. Read off half of the payload (=payload per support) at the vertical axis, in this example half
the payload = 236 t.
4. Therefore, the permissible payload is twice 236 t = 472 t.

Support loads

Diagram curve

Required position of the

payload centre of gravity


2.8m 2.8m Fig.04

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1.2.2 Payload displacement diagram - description

C) Find the maximum allowable Payload with a displaced payload centre of gravity. (Fig. 05)

Given: the payload centre of gravity must be 1.2 m in front of the optimum payload centre of
gravity for transport reasons
To be found: the permissible payload that will not overload the axles
1. Draw a perpendicular line 1.2 m in front of the optimum payload centre of gravity up to the diagram curve.
2. Draw a horizontal line left to the perpendicular diagram axis at the intersection.
3. Read off the maximum payload at the perpendicular diagram axis, 400 t in the example.

Diagram curve

Position of the optimum

payload centre of gravity

Payload centre of gravity


Please note:
If the vehicle is loaded in accordance with the payload displacement diagram, only the axles will be loaded to their
permissible capacity. However, the steel structure can still be overloaded and the vehicle may be damaged.

For more testing contact the Scheuerle technical department and/or simulate the loading case with the ”SALSA”
computer program.

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1.2.3 Loading diagrams
Loading Diagram
for 2 payload supports, on all main beams, symmetrically to the payload center of gravity (COG)
MPEK 320.10.3

Maximum payload = 2 x 162,9 t = 325,8 t at 7 km/h (Tyre pressure has to be observed!)

Value of each payload support (t)



50 COG

6 4 2 0 2 4 6 m


241 bar 241 bar

2900 2200 2200 4300 2200
76.0 t

76.0 t

76.0 t

76.0 t

76.0 t

Vehicle composed of: (dead weight approx. 54200 kg)



Identical marking of the axles represents hydr. mech. or pneum. connection of the axles in LONGITUDINAL direction
The speed limits are the theoretical allowed maximum speeds only depending on axle loads. For Salsa calculations it is assumed,
that the center of gravity of the loading is located on the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. The effects of dynamic
and exterior forces, acting on each transport, are not investigated. The operating manual of the vehicle units as well as the
currently valid 'information on transport investigations' mandatory have to be observed.
BN: 140827.094621 ee 9915 VARD 27.08.2014

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1.2.4 Payload displacement diagram
Payload Displacement Diagram
Admissible payload depending on the position of center of gravity (COG)
MPEK 320.10.3

Maximum payload = 325,8 t at 7 km/h (Tyre pressure has to be observed!)

Payload (t)




Optimum COG



8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 m


241 bar 241 bar

2900 2200 2200 4300 2200
76.0 t

76.0 t

76.0 t

76.0 t

76.0 t

Vehicle composed of: (dead weight approx. 54200 kg)



Identical marking of the axles represents hydr. mech. or pneum. connection of the axles in LONGITUDINAL direction
The speed limits are the theoretical allowed maximum speeds only depending on axle loads. For Salsa calculations it is assumed,
that the center of gravity of the loading is located on the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. The effects of dynamic
and exterior forces, acting on each transport, are not investigated. The operating manual of the vehicle units as well as the
currently valid 'information on transport investigations' mandatory have to be observed.
BN: 140827.094654 ee 9915 VARD 27.08.2014

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