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Force.com Cloud Platform Drives Huge Time to Market and

Cost Savings
Sponsored by: Salesforce.com

Randy Perry Eric Hatcher

Robert P. Mahowald Stephen D. Hendrick
September 2009


IDC believes that the rise of Cloud computing has the potential to be among the most
transformative developments in the world of information technology in the last 20
years. To date, Cloud computing is already having a significant impact on the way

technology vendors are service-enabling and delivering applications, how CIOs think
about infrastructure and datacenter optimization, how vendors are building platform-
based BPO and other high-level service offerings, and how CIOs approach building
and deploying custom applications and objects via Cloud-based platform as a service
(PaaS). PaaS services bundle all stack components (hardware, infrastructure,

storage) together with database, security, workflow, user interface, and other tools
that allow users to create and host powerful business applications, Web sites, and
mobile applications. The Force.com platform has emerged as an early leader among
providers in defining and delivering PaaS solutions.
Global Headquarters: 5 Speen Street Framingham, MA 01701 USA

To understand the business value of PaaS, IDC interviewed ten companies that used
Force.com to develop custom applications, and have been running the applications
for at least 12 months. These ranged from large to small enterprises located in the
U.S., Europe and Asia Pacific regions.

Study participants interviewed by IDC building enterprise custom applications on the

Force.com platform experienced five key benefits compared to traditional in-house

!"Faster to market. Custom applications were developed and deployed in 76% less
time and required 76% - 85% fewer developer hours;

!"Lower cost. Companies were able to reduce their three year TCO by 54%, saving
$560,000 per application;

!"Higher quality. Users of the custom applications built on the Force.com platform
reduced Annual Downtime by 97% and 60% less time dealing with the service

!"Better performance. The combination of the first three benefits contributed to

better business performance and generated an additional $3.9 million in annual
revenue ($390,000 operating income) for each firm.
!"Accelerated pace of innovation. Force.com changed the process of custom On average these
companies were able
application development so much that companies tripled their output of custom to recognize benefit of
applications and doubled annual enhancements from 1 to 2. $8.21 per every $1
invested in
Force.com, in
Overall, benefits accounted for $3.1 million annually for each company in the study. reduced costs for
On average these companies were able to recognize benefit of $8.21 for every $1 development and
invested in Force.com, in reduced costs for development and post-development management, and in
management, and in higher revenue recognition due to increased agility and faster higher revenue
recognition due to
time to market. increased agility and
faster time to market.


Three-Year ROI Analysis

Benefit $7,088,954

Investment $863,359

NPV $6,225,595

ROI 721%

Payback (mo) 2.82

Discount rate 12%

Source: IDC, 2009


The Significance of Cloud Computing

IDC believes that the rise of Cloud computing is one of the most transformative
developments in how information technology services are created, delivered, and
accessed, in the last 20 years. Cloud computing stands alongside milestones like the
commercialization of the Internet in the 1990's, the advent of Java in 1995, and the
growth and standardization of the world wide Web (URLs, browsers, HTTP), as a
transformative advance in how we understand and consume information technology.
Pervasive system availability and connectivity, a characteristic of the Internet and
Web, is largely responsible for establishing the foundation for Cloud computing.

Cloud computing provides numerous strategic and tactical benefits, including IT

decapitalization, accessibility, business agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
With Cloud computing platforms, the compute resources, storage resources,
application logic, and development and deployment environments can now reside on
the Web and be accessed 24x7 without having to rely on local replicas or resources
other than a browser. In a climate where IT organizations are being asked to do more

2 #219965 ©2009 IDC

with less, Cloud computing can provide a far more rapid "time to value" for IT
organizations which spend a disproportionate percentage of time and money on
buying software and hardware to perform several common IT tasks, including custom
application development, deployment, and maintenance.

The result is that some Cloud-savvy IT organizations are being transformed to focus
on innovation and creating true business value, instead of maintaining a regime of
license renewal and break-fix infrastructure problems. Given the increasing reliance
of companies on a strategic and lean IT organization, IDC believes that Cloud
computing will grow in importance for these firms, and will be a key channel for how
IT services are delivered and consumed.

A key validation of the importance of Cloud computing is IDC's worldwide forecast for
Cloud computing shown in Figure 1. This forecast is segmented by spending for types
of service, including business applications as a service; application development and
deployment (a superset of platform as a service or PaaS functionality); infrastructure
and system management as a service; and core storage and server functions
delivered as a Cloud-based service.


Worldwide Cloud IT Services Spending





Storage Server App dev & Infrastructure/system Business
deployment mgmt software applications


Source: IDC, October 2008

©2009 IDC #219965 3

The overall market for Cloud computing was already $16.2 billion in 2008 but is (Cloud spending) will
expected to grow to $42.3 billion by 2012, an impressive 24% compound annual comprise about 25%
of incremental, year-
growth rate (CAGR). But the true impact of cloud is more significant when measured over-year growth in
against the CAGR for all software during 2008-2012, which IDC forecasts will be 2011-2012. In short,
Cloud services are set
6.24%. When seen in this light, what stands out is that while spending on Cloud IT to take up a
services overall will comprise less than 10% of all revenue earned from software, it significant position in
the plans and budgets
will comprise about 25% of incremental, year-over-year growth in 2011-2012. In short, of IT organizations
Cloud services are set to take up a significant position in the plans and budgets of IT worldwide.
organizations worldwide.

For the purposes of this paper, our focus is on the PaaS segment of application
development and deployment which speaks to how CIOs are using platforms to
develop innovative applications, and the rate at which dollars in the traditional
application development and deployment arena will shift toward Cloud delivery.
Growth in PaaS spending is important because it delineates the pace at which
vendors are offering new ready-to-use SaaS-based tools for creating new custom
applications, and the pace at which IDC expects buyers to turn to these services in
lieu of traditional, on-premise-based software development tools, and the additional
human, hardware, and other resources required to create and sustain the application
environments. These new discrete services, which bundle all necessary stack
components (hardware, infrastructure, storage, process automation, and tools),
together comprise what is emerging as a PaaS offering. IDC believes that these
platforms already provide a compelling alternative to traditional on-premise
application development which will increase over time as PaaS matures.

The Evolution of Platform as a Service (PaaS)

The traditional application development and deployment (AD&D) market includes

tools and technologies used by professional developers to build custom applications.
Over the last 15 years, a transition has occurred among providers of AD&D products,
from a focus on development tools to a focus on deployment-related tools. The result
is that in 2009, deployment products (application servers, messaging, integration,
database, and process automation) now account for over 65% of AD&D revenue.

Platforms for application development and deployment include a variety of tools

designed to allow developers to build, deploy, and manage custom applications. From
IDC's perspective, a platform must meet or exceed the following 4 criteria:

!"A container for hosting and management of user interaction and business logic.

!"A data tier that enables persistent data storage and access.

!"A development environment for maintaining user interaction and business logic.

!"A management environment that provides security and access control.

This definition of a platform applies regardless of delivery model, and so this definition
applies equally to platforms that are traditionally licensed and platforms that are
provided as a service. Vendors including IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle are well known
for platform products delivered through a traditional on-premise licensing model.

4 #219965 ©2009 IDC

But these vendors have been slower to innovate in delivering easy-to-use cloud-
based platforms, and to lay out the value proposition for customers to use them, and
this has provided an opportunity for vendors more closely aligned with SaaS delivery
model, including Google and salesforce.com, to gain early traction and leadership in
defining and delivering PaaS services.

Types of PaaS Developers and Applications

In the emerging world of Web-based development and deployment platforms, the
notion of "who" is a developer is changing. While the majority of custom business
applications, objects, and enhancements will continue to be built, tested, and
deployed by application developers with significant Java or .Net skillsets; the
emergence of more scripting-based tools such as Force.com pages (formerly
Visualforce) and configuration-based development platforms such as Force.com,
mean that a larger pool of application creators can become engaged in the
development process. New Web applications can be created on Web 2.0 Social
services like Facebook and LinkedIn, by non-professionals. CIOs can create custom
applications and objects to enhance their users' experience and functionality of an
application, like salesforce.com CRM, or to build vertical or company-specific
integrations which add unique strategic value for these users. Web application
builders can use platforms to build front-ends which let mobile and desktop users
draw from Web-based data repositories. Interest in PaaS has given rise to 3 types of
platforms delivered as a service so far.

!"Raw Compute Platforms like Amazon Web services provide infrastructure as a

service (IaaS): storage, processor, OS + virtualization, and bandwidth.
Developers can upload their traditional software stack and run their applications
on the Amazon infrastructure. IDC believes this type of platform will evolve to
provide solutions to a variety of customer-managed environments and workloads,
and provide new opportunities for partners to provide management, governance,
monitoring, and other services.

!"Web Application PaaS like Google App Engine provide APIs and functionality
for developers to build Web applications that leverage its mapping, calendar, and
spreadsheets, or draw from YouTube and other services. Similarly, social
applications like LinkedIn and Facebook provide APIs so third-party professional
and non-professional developers can write new application functionality that can
draw from data mashups on the social site, and make these applications
available to a broad community of consumer and business users.

!"Business Application PaaS like Force.com provide application infrastructure

specifically geared toward developing and deploying transactional business
applications such as database, integration, workflow, and user interface services,
to provide a degree of customization to SaaS applications.

©2009 IDC #219965 5

Benefits of PaaS Platforms
The utility of a platform begins with the breadth of its functionally and the level of
integration between its components. Emerging Cloud-based platforms are building on
this baseline utility in novel ways which point directly to core value arguments for

!"Developer accessibility is enhanced due the elimination of local software

runtimes. This also largely eliminates shelfware.

!"Infrastructure management is eliminated because software enhancements and

provisioning are addressed by the service provider. This also addresses some
scalability and resource utilization concerns.

!"Developer productivity can be significantly enhanced especially when PaaS

functionality is highly abstracted or extended in the areas of development,
deployment, integration, or the software development lifecycle.

!"Easier integration with other Web-based resources is typically a PaaS design

point and eases the process of joining platforms or integrating content.

!"Better integration between process owners and application developers. The

traditional application development process provides numerous opportunities for
the desired application functionality to drift off target. This is largely due to
requirements that are not well formed, inconsistencies with existing data
modeling, process models, business rules, and complex development
environments that trade development efficiency for flexibility. Most PaaS
platforms provide a more integrated development and deployment experience
along with a more highly abstracted approach to application development which
simplifies the development process. Consequently, the development process can
be more streamlined and simplified, which helps improve desired application

While the exact composition, architecture, and ecosystem dependencies of the

various emerging PaaS offerings will differ, in general the intent of PaaS offerings is
to provide the infrastructure components needed to access and run applications over
the Internet. PaaS platforms are typically delivered in the same way as a utility, like
electricity or water: users simply "tap in" and take what they need without worrying
about the complexity behind the scenes. Further, users can access a PaaS
environment as often or as little as they need, and like a utility, PaaS usage is
metered on a subscription basis so users only pay for what they use.

These easy-to-understand cost and business value attributes, when paired with the These easy-to-
understand cost and
architectural benefits highlighted above, help build the story around the allure of business value
PaaS. This is especially true during a time of intense budgetary pressures, when IT attributes, when
paired with the
organizations are bent on decreasing costs, and focusing on transforming from cost architectural benefits
centers into service centers, aiming to be more tightly aligned with the strategic goals highlighted above,
of the business, rather than merely "keeping the lights on." With PaaS, corporate IT help build the story
around the allure of
departments are becoming more able to focus on innovation instead of complex PaaS.
infrastructure, and can redirect a greater proportion of their IT budgets to creating
applications that provide near-term strategic value to their organizations.

6 #219965 ©2009 IDC

Key Attributes of the Force.com PaaS

As noted earlier, the Force.com platform is a leading PaaS. Force.com not only
delivers all the conventional benefits attributed to a PaaS, but also extends these
benefits as a result of the following product attributes.

!"Multitenant architecture. This is one of the most important characteristics of

Force.com. In a multitenant architecture, many customers share one instance of
an executable. Key characteristics of multitenancy include partitioning, multitier
security, a polymorphic application that is metadata-driven, and significant gains
in scalability and manageability.

!"Programmable user interface. Force.com provides a standard library of user

interfaces, customizable with a drag-and-drop page layout editor to build a new
UI based on HTML, Flash, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets.

!"Unlimited database customizations for building custom objects, fields, and


!"Workflow and approvals. Point-and-click workflow approvals and an exception

management engine will email alerts, assign tasks, and send outbound
messages to other related systems.

!"Web site creation and management. Force.com sites lets users run Web sites
and Web applications that rely on forms or require integration with back-end
systems and analytics. Users can build in HTML, Flash, and JavaScript.

!"Eclipse-based IDE and programmable logic. Force.com includes a formula

language as well as a Java-like code and Eclipse-based IDE for developers to
write code that runs on Force.com. It also provides business logic components
for enforcing rules, calculating results, and monitoring/managing exceptions.

!"Single-environment coding for Web or mobile applications. Developers can write

once, and deliver apps across multiple supported platforms.

!"Integrated content library with search, user ratings, comments, and tagging.

!"Real-time analytics. Built-in reporting and dashboards that users can set up and
manage, with a library of standard reports and a report generation tool.

!"Granular security and sharing. Users can control which data each user can
access at the object, field, or record level and create custom rules across roles
and profiles that are enforced across the user interface, API, search results, and

©2009 IDC #219965 7


Study Demographics

IDC interviewed ten companies that had used Force.com to develop custom
applications and have been running the apps for at least 12 months. These are large,
medium, and small enterprises with a median 750 employees. They are located in the
U.S., Europe and Asia Pacific and come from the communications, manufacturing,
public sector, transportation, retail, healthcare and food industries. Custom
applications varied widely in both function and scale, from an ERP system enabling
20 users to manage the entire company to a customer-facing portal serving 250,000
users. In all companies these applications were deemed critical to their businesses
and in two cases these applications were the main revenue-generating activity.



Companies 10

Regions NA, EMEA, AP

Industries Communications, manufacturing, government, transportation,

retail, healthcare, food

Custom applications with Force.com 2.50

Internal users 323

External customers 867

Total users 1,190

Source: IDC, 2009

Business Challenges in Application


Three of the companies were migrating from traditional application development and
standardizing on Force.com. These companies had to make adjustments to the way
they were doing business and train their development staff.

!"At one behavioral healthcare provider, IT had historically been a utility. They
developed a system for a patient intake management system on Force.com.
Force.com enabled them to build five different discrete applications that addressed
200 different types of data and served different businesses. According to the
developer – "Because of these applications, the company is starting to utilize IT in a
more strategic capacity…not to just push information around…but to create value."

8 #219965 ©2009 IDC

!"A specialized personnel provider developed a customer-facing portal to enable
communications and supply between customers and distributed resources. At
first, they had to train their five-man development staff for three days to get them
going. Since then, they have developed such a fast delivery cycle they have
accelerated their application development from 3 to 20 annually.

!"A consumer products company designed and built a public, consumer based
website that supported millions of visits in only 21 days and integrated with
Facebook and Twitter to promote volunteer and philanthropic events based on a
user's zip code.

Benefits Analysis

Companies enjoyed nearly $3.1 million a year in total benefits from using Force.com.
The benefits came from the following sources:

#" Staff savings – application development/deployment - $1.6 million (53%).

Decrease in the developer hours spent in all phases of application
development from design to deploy.

#" Staff savings – post deployment management -$1.0 million (34%). Decrease
in IT staff hours spent in application management to include troubleshooting
and application enhancements.

#" Cost reduction - $28,490 (1%). Reduction of hardware, software and

supporting infrastructure for development environment.

#" Business benefits - $.4 million (13%). Additional operational income resulting
from improving the time to market, performance and quality of the

©2009 IDC #219965 9


Average Annual Benefits

Business benefits
Cost reduction

Staff savings —
Staff savings —

Annual benefits = $3.1 million

Source: IDC, 2009

Application Development TCO Benefits

The companies in the study were able to reduce the time to develop their custom
apps by an average of 26 weeks (75%). But the savings were not just in terms of time
saved, but reduced effort as well. As Table 3 shows, using Force.com made each
phase of the application development process faster, simpler and more automated.

The Force.com approach is most advantageous in the scope of four core

development activities: coding, configuration, assembly and integration and

!"Coding. The heavy lifting of application development is reduced by 78%, saving

1.36 FTEs. While Force.com does provide a procedural language (Apex) similar
to Java for the development of custom application logic, the polymorphic
characteristics of Force.com allow much of an application to be developed
through configuration setting rather than code. This accounts for the dramatic
reduction in coding time.

!"Configuration. 25% of the companies responded that configuration time was

essentially zero (reduced 60% overall).

!"Assembly and integration. As with coding the simpler development structure

supported with tools reduced requirements for assembly and integration by 81%.

!"Deployment. Deployment effort was essentially reduced to the push of a button.

10 #219965 ©2009 IDC


Application Development Staff Savings

Staff Savings — Traditional Force.com Difference Savings


FTEs per app

Design 0.10 0.05 53% 0.05

Model 0.02 0.01 33% 0.01

Coding 1.74 0.38 78% 1.36

Configure 0.10 0.04 60% 0.06

Assembly and 0.05 0.01 81% 0.04


Unit and system 0.03 0.01 55% 0.01


Deployment 0.01 0.00 76% 0.01

Total 2.05 0.50 76% 1.55

Source: IDC, 2009

Overall, companies were able to reduce the labor costs per application by 76%,
saving $262,000 per application. Staff savings from optimizing application
development accounted for $1.6 million annually or 53% of total benefits.

In addition to saving IT staffing resources, companies were able to reduce the servers
and software infrastructure supporting internal application development. Although
only $28,000 a year, this savings is all capital expense - precious in an environment
where finding funding for new technology is not just about cost but more and more,

Finding that developing custom applications is now quicker and less expensive
prompted several companies in the study to increase the number of future custom
development projects. At the time of the study, companies had on average developed
2.5 applications. With Force.com, they are increasing the pace to add another 16 new
custom applications over the next two years. At this rate, companies on average will
save $1.15 million annually in application development labor costs.

©2009 IDC #219965 11

Post-Deployment Benefits

Reducing the costs of application development may be the most significant benefit of
Force.com but it is certainly not the only benefit. At IDC, we focus on the full lifetime
of the application and look particularly at the costs to manage in the first several
months during the period when both the IT staff and the users are learning how to use
and manage the application; the effort and costs associated with upgrading the
application and the performance of the application as measured by downtime and
service desk operations for internal applications and in revenue impact for external
facing applications.

In the post-deployment period for any new application and especially custom
applications integrated into existing frameworks, IT managers must deal with a high
volume of service desk calls and application downtime issues related to "working the
bugs out". Force.com's highly optimized structure proved to yield more reliable quality
than traditionally developed applications. Service desk calls volume declined by 33%.
Call issues were more easily identified and resolved so time lost per call fell by 42%.
The net result was that IT time spent in service desk activities was reduced by 63%
compared to traditional applications. Downtime instances within the first 30 days of
deployment declined by 82%. Ongoing service performance has even fewer errors
and annual downtime is reduced to almost nothing (97% decline). Improved
application quality and reliability reduced IT management costs by $150,000 annually.

As with initial deployment, enhancements, regular maintenance and management

require less IT staff attention. Users in the study found they could upgrade the
applications in one-seventh the time and so they performed enhancements twice as
frequently. Even with double the pace of innovation, overall time spent on
enhancements fell by 75% and annual management time dropped by 72%. Overall,
post-deployment staff savings accounted for more than $1 million (35%) of overall

Three-Year Total Cost per Application

Combining the initial development costs with the annual costs over three years, we
can see that the companies in this study using Force.com PaaS were able to reduce
the total costs of their custom application development and management by 54%
compared to building the applications in-house using the traditional approach. Over a
three-year period, they were able to save a total of $560,000 per application.

12 #219965 ©2009 IDC


Three-Year TCO Analysis per Application



400,000 84,776
200,000 312,229
Traditional Force.com

Application development — staff

Application development — infrastructure
Application management — IT support
Application management — enhancements/changes
Force.com licenses

Source: IDC, 2009

Business Benefits

Time is money. The ability to generate custom applications in nine weeks had a
significant revenue impact resulting in an additional $3.9 million in annual revenue.
IDC converts this revenue to operating income by allocating 90% of the revenue to
the costs to generate the revenue. In this case $390,000 in additional operating
income is added to the costs savings from lowering the costs to develop deploy,
enhance and manage the applications generating the revenue. Companies saw the
time-is-money benefit in five ways:

1. Resource allocation. A communications company was able to move resources

from building applications to delivering the products to customers, increasing
their revenue by tens of millions.

2. Time to market. By delivering an application in time for peak season, a

manufacturer to the building industry was able to increase sales by hundreds of

3. High customer satisfaction. One company increased sales by 5% by delivering a

high level of responsiveness to its customers, reducing churn and maintaining
profit margins.

©2009 IDC #219965 13

4. Agility. The ability to move quickly on an opportunity increased one company's
yield by 6%.

5. New revenue. One company was able to create 24 new products and resultant
new sources of revenue.

Force.com customers we surveyed described delivering more business function, with

more operating income benefit at less overall cost in both development time and
deployment. Based on average development times, deployment costs and business
benefits experienced we constructed a view that compares the different business
value results that accrue with Force.com and traditional development methods.

One means of demonstrating the relative business benefits for each involves
comparing the results of investing approximately $1 million in application
development (effectively three developers working for two years) in each approach.

Figure 4 illustrates the results. As indicated, using the development investment ($1
million) with Force.com results in 12 delivered applications, an operating income
improvement of almost $23 million and costs of approximately $10 million. By
contrast, using the $1 million dollar investment for traditional development methods
results in only three applications (75% less) and consequently less operating income
impact (only $5.6 million) and more cost for those fewer applications. In this scenario
Force.com delivered four times as many applications and resultant business value at
less than half the cost.

14 #219965 ©2009 IDC


Relative Business Value of $1M Application Development Investment

(3 Developers for Two Years) -
Force.com versus Traditional Methods

Source: IDC Business Value, 2009

ROI Analysis

Overall, the companies invested an average of more than $1 million ($244,000 per
application) over three years in the Force.com platform. Unlike most IT investments,
where the initial investment accounts for 50-70% of the total investment, only 27% of
the investment is made initially before the customer starts to see the benefits.

For customers, cost savings and revenue benefits averaged more than $3.1 million
annually. IDC accounts for the opportunity costs realized by not having invested the
initial amount in some other instrument yielding a 12% return. This results in a net
present value for the three-year benefits of $6.2 million ($633,000 per application)
(see Figure 4).

©2009 IDC #219965 15

Based on the total benefits, the payback period from deploying Force.com averaged
2.8 months for the companies surveyed, yielding an average return on investment of


Cash Flow Analysis






Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cash flow
Cumulative cash flow

Source: IDC, 2009


This ROI study shows compelling evidence that the development, deployment, and
management of custom applications on Force.com is fast and cost-effective. These
benefits stem directly from Force.com's multitenant architecture, which simplifies and
streamlines application development for a wide variety of application development
tasks. There is no doubt that the polymorphic application development framework of
Force.com provides a more highly abstracted development environment, which in turn
allows more application development through configuration rather than coding. This
means far less code, which cuts development time and cost – as clearly shown in the
ROI analysis. More configuration of underlying Force.com components also means
less opportunity to introduce defects, which once again speeds application
development but more importantly drives higher application quality.

A multitenant architecture does increase the design complexity of the underlying

Force.com component model. While this design complexity is transparent to
customers and end users, it does have several implications for Force.com users.

16 #219965 ©2009 IDC

One of these implications is that salesforce.com will need to source additional
components rather than gaining step-function increases in functionality afforded to
other vendors through partnering or acquisitions. While Force.com does provide an
API that allows customers to integrate Force.com with other external applications,
products, and environments, the compelling benefits of Force.com are not
transferable to these external products. Consequently, customers who need the
Force.com platform to internally support capabilities in areas such as business rule
management, extensible object-oriented programming, many aspects of lifecycle
management, and transaction processing will need to wait for salesforce.com to
address these component development tasks.

Another implication of Force.com's multitenant architecture is that salesforce.com

must carefully manage application resource utilization to maintain high levels of
application availability and performance. Consequently, this means internal
Force.com safeguards such as Apex governor limits, Apex script execution limits, and
trigger batch size limits. While most of these limits are designed to identify runaway
applications, this suggests that Force.com may not be the ideal environment for high-
performance or resource-intensive applications.

This discussion points out the tradeoffs that must be made based on architecture.
Salesforce.com has to date focused the Force.com platform on support for a wide
variety of general-purpose business applications. This makes good sense as a
starting point for the Force.com component model so that it is relevant and attractive
to a significant portion of the developer community. We would expect salesforce.com
to continue enhancing Force.com in ways that extend the platform to address more
demanding application development needs. From discussions with salesforce.com,
we know this to be the case; however the phased nature of these enhancements
means that salesforce.com customers or prospects with specific needs should closely
evaluate the Force.com product roadmap.

How the IT industry develops applications, whether in corporate IT organizations or
the myriad of professional developer shops worldwide, is changing. The rise of Cloud
computing provides numerous strategic and tactical benefits, and for developers, the
low cost and instant browser-based access to very high-quality compute resources,
storage resources, application logic, and development and deployment environments
is driving a transformation in how IT shops will allocate resources, and how they will
approach common IT tasks, including custom application development, deployment,
and maintenance. The result is that Cloud-savvy IT organizations are seeing renewed
innovation and creating true business value, with a measurable cost-benefit.

Cloud-based PaaS platforms provide an early success story for how Cloud can Cloud-based PaaS
platforms provide an
transform a significant and common business process. For the firms interviewed by early success story
IDC, their ability to generate custom applications in 8-10 weeks – as opposed to a far for how Cloud can
transform a significant
lengthier several-month cycle -- had a significant positive impact in four key areas: and common
resource allocation, time to market, high customer satisfaction, and business agility. business process.
IDC believes that from the smallest 5-person firms to the largest IT organizations,

©2009 IDC #219965 17

PaaS can potentially transform and democratize how applications are conceived of
and created, because:

!"Even very small firms can have access to world-class infrastructure and tools.

!"These firms have a forecastable outlay for building a new business (or running
an established one), based on an "all-in" infrastructure and applications pricing

!"They can write code once for multiple platforms and form factors.

!"They can gain access to professional developer support tools and a Web-based
community of peers with similar goals.

!"The financial threshold for creating, distributing, selling, and updating

applications is far lower, which should drive innovation from single developers
writing the hottest new application, to IT organizations needing time-to-value
measured in weeks, not months or years.


This methodology is based on gathering data from current users of the technology as
the foundation for the model through interviews. Based on these interviews, IDC
performs a three-step process to calculate the ROI and payback period:

1. Measure the savings from reduced operations costs (consolidation of hardware

and software, avoided staff hired), increased operations efficiency, increased
revenue, and improved end-user productivity.

2. Ascertain the investment made in deploying the solution and the associated
training and support costs.

3. Project the costs and savings over a three-year period and calculate the ROI and
payback for the deployed solution.

IDC uses the net present value (NPV) of the savings over three years in calculating
the ROI and payback period for the deployment. The NPV of the savings is
determined by subtracting the discounted three-year investments from the discounted
three-year benefits. IDC uses a 12% discount factor to allow for the missed
opportunity cost that could have been realized using that capital.

IDC uses the following assumptions in its calculations:

!"To quantify savings from IT efficiency, IDC multiplies time values by burdened
salary (salary + 28% for benefits and overhead).

!"Because the full benefits of the solution are not available during the deployment
period, IDC prorates the benefits on a monthly basis and subtracts the
appropriate amount for the deployment time from the first-year savings.

18 #219965 ©2009 IDC

Defining Application

Comparing applications development times requires that we measure the level of an

application's business function. Industry measures for applications, such as the many
variations of traditional IFPUG "Function Points", delineate an application's: data
functions (internal and external), transaction functions (inquiries, inputs, outputs) and
more. "Web Object Points", designed to measure web application function, adds
items such as the number of graphic files, building blocks, and purchased
components, etc.. No standard measure dominates. We define for purposes of this
paper, an "Application" as the average business functional level for all applications
surveyed in the study. Based on limited profiling of the applications in the research we
have hypothesized, for purposes of comparison, that an "Application", in our
definition, roughly rates 300 standard IFPUG Function Points or 150 Web Object

Copyright Notice

External Publication of IDC Information and Data — Any IDC information that is to be
used in advertising, press releases, or promotional materials requires prior written
approval from the appropriate IDC Vice President or Country Manager. A draft of the
proposed document should accompany any such request. IDC reserves the right to
deny approval of external usage for any reason.

Copyright 2009 IDC. Reproduction without written permission is completely forbidden.

©2009 IDC #219965 19

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