Algorithm Correctness and Time Complexity

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Correctness &

Time Complexity

Ric Glassey
[email protected]

•  Correctness
–  Aim: Proving the correctness of algorithms
–  Loop Invariants
–  Mathematical Induction

•  Time Complexity
–  Aim: Determining the cost of recursive algorithms
–  Recursion reminder
–  Expressing recursive algorithms as recurrences
–  Applying the Master Theorem


What is Correctness?

•  Simply, an algorithm is correct if for any valid

input it produces the result required by the
algorithm’s specification

•  For example, a sorting function: sort(int[ ] in)

–  We specify that for a valid integer array as input
–  The sort function will sort the input integer array into
ascending numerical order
–  The result that is returned is a correctly sorted
integer array, for any valid array of integers

Why not just test?

•  Testing is a critical skill for a developer

•  Provides no guarantees of correctness
–  Depends on generation of good test-cases
–  Generally these follow sensible heuristics
•  Test correct values, e.g. sort({1,2,3})  
•  Test incorrect values, e.g. sort({‘a’,  ‘b’,  ‘c’})  
•  Test boundaries, e.g. sort({0,  1,  ...,  MAX_VALUE})  
–  However, this is by no means exhaustive, and there
will be numerous missing tests
•  Trade-off in effort vs completeness
•  Let’s face it, developers have deadlines

Adopt more formalism
•  We can express our algorithms as mathematical
entities and use various strategies to prove
correctness (rather than guess work)
•  However, this is an expensive process...
–  That is, the cost up front is expensive
–  The benefits come late (contradicts time to market)
–  Yet, software estimation is more art than science
•  Money, time, developers
•  As a rule...take your best guess and multiply it by 3 ;-)
–  But can be useful for algorithms in particular
•  Two approaches considered here:
–  Loop Invariants
–  Mathematical Induction

•  In English: adjective never changing

•  IN CS: An invariant is a statement about the

state of some variable(s) that can be relied to
hold true during execution

•  Two example types:

–  Loop Invariants: Invariants hold true before and
after each iteration of the loop (e.g. for or while)
–  Class invariants: Invariants hold true throughout
the life-span of an object instantiated from the class

Loop Invariants
•  Non-trivial algorithms involve forms of looping
–  Iteration
–  Recursion
•  Loop invariants allow logical assertions about
the behaviour of the loop to be declared
–  Can be implicitly documented as comments
–  Can be explicitly coded as a condition or assertion
•  By establishing the correctness of looping
behaviour, we can move towards correctness of
an algorithm
–  As well as understand better the effects of the loop

Loop Invariants: Sum

 /  **  
   *  Returns  the  sum  1  +  2  +  ...  +  n,  where  n>  =  1st  
   *  /  
 public  long  sum  (int  n)  {  
         long  sum  =  0;  
         int  i  =  1;  
         while  (i  <=  n)  {  
                 //  Invariant:  sum  =  1  +  2  +  ...  +  (i  -­‐  1)  
                 sum+  =  i;  
                 i  ++;  
         return  sum;  

Loop Invariants: Good Properties

•  Three characteristics ensure goodness:

–  Initialisation
•  The loop invariant must be true before we execute the loop
•  e.g. sum = 0 and i = 1
–  Update
•  If the loop invariant is true in one iteration, it must also be
true in the next iteration of the loop
–  Conclusion
•  Finally, the loop invariant will tell us something useful about
the conclusion of the loop, which should help us
understand the behaviour
•  sum = 1 + 2 + ... + n-1 + n

Loop Invariants: In design of max( )

 /  **  
   *  Returns  the  max  value  in  the  vector  v.  
   *  /  
 public  int  max  (int  []  v)  {  
         int  max  =  ...;  
         for  (int  i  =  0;  i  <v.length;  i  ++)  {  
                 //  Invariant:  max  =  max  (v[0],  v[1],  ...,  v[i-­‐1])  
         return  max;  

We  can  see  that  it  sa+sfies  the  ‘conclusion’  characteris+c,  but  there  is  an  issue:  
Loop  Invariant  must  be  true  at  the  start  of  the  loop  -­‐  what  is  the  problem?  
Loop Invariants: In design of max( )

       /  **  
         *  Returns  the  max  value  in  the  vector  v,  where  v.length  >  0  
         *throws  IllegalArgumentException  if  v.length  =  0  
         *  /  
       public  int  max  (int  []  v)  {  
               if  (v.length  ==  0)  
               throw  new  IllegalArgumentException  ("v.length  =  0");  
               int  max  =  ...;  
               for  (int  i  =  1;  i  <v.length;  i  ++)  {  
                       //  Invariant:  max  =  max  (v[0],  v[1],  ...,  v[i-­‐1])  
               return  max;  
Loop Invariants: In design of max( )
       /  **  
         *  Returns  the  max  value  in  the  vector  v,  where  v.length  >  0  
         *throws  IllegalArgumentException  if  v.length  =  0  
         *  /  
       public  int  max  (int  []  v)  {  
               if  (v.length  ==  0)  
               throw  new  IllegalArgumentException  ("v.length  =  0");  
               int  max  =  v  [0];  
               for  (int  i  =  1;  i  <v.length;  i  ++)  {  
                       //  Invariant:  max  =  max  (v  [0],  v  [1],  ...,  v  [i-­‐1])  
                       if  (v  [i]>  max)  {  
                               max  =  v  [i];  
               return  max;  
Afterthought...Class Invariants
•  In Java, it is typical to encode some invariants
into classes
–  e.g. a Date class only permits hours from >=0 to <24
•  The main idea is that class methods ensure that
there are no violations of the invariant
–  A form of defensive programming; or presuming
the worst will probably happen
–  Although there may be temporary changes
•  Java has no default syntax for invariant
–  Standard expressions and assertions can be used
–  3rd Party efforts like Java Modelling Language

Mathematical Induction

•  Method of mathematical proof

•  Attempts to show that a statement is true for all
natural numbers
•  Consider: 3n - 1 is a multiple of 2

n   statement   result  
1   31  -­‐  1  =  3  -­‐  1   2  
2   32  -­‐  1  =  9  -­‐  1   8  
3   33  -­‐  1  =  27  -­‐  1   26  
...   ...   ...  
n  -­‐  1   3n-­‐1  -­‐  1   ?  
n   3n  -­‐  1   ?  

Mathematical Induction: Domino Effect

Mathematical Induction

•  Process
–  Base Case: Prove that the statement holds for the
first natural number (usually 1 or 0)
•  e.g. for P(n) = 3n - 1
•  base case is P(1) = 31 - 1 = 2
•  which is clearly true as 2 is a multiple of 2
–  Induction Step: prove that, if the statement holds
for some natural number k, then the statement holds
for k + 1
P(k)  =  3k  -­‐  1  is  assumed  to  be  true  
P(k+1)  =  3k+1  -­‐  1  
             =  3  *  3k  -­‐  1  
             =  3k  +  3k  +  3k  -­‐1  
             =  (2  *  3k)  +  (3k  -­‐  1)  
Mathematical Induction: Sum

•  We have seen sum as an iterative function with

a loop invariant, but it can also be summarised
by the proposition for any natural number n:
P(n) = n (n + 1) / 2
Base  Case:  P(1)  =  1  (1  +  1)  /  2  =  1  
Induction  Step:    
       P(k)  =  k(k  +  1)  /  2  is  assumed  to  be  true  
       P(k+1)  =  1  +  2  +  3  +  ...  +  k  +  (k  +  1)    
                     =  k(k  +  1)/2  +  (k  +  1)                  #  substitute  P(k)  
                     =  (k(k  +  1)  +  2(k  +  1))  /  2        #  common  denominator  
                     =  (k  +  1).(k  +  2)  /  2                    #  factor  by  k+1  
                     =  (k  +  1).((k  +  1)  +  1)  /  2        #  observe  2  as  1+1  
       Proving:  1+2+3+...+k  +  (k+1)  =  (k+1).((k+1)  +  1)  /  2   19
Mathematical Induction: Sum

•  We have seen the iterative, mathematical forms

of sum. We also have a recursive form:
       /  **  
         *  Returns  the  sum  1  +  2  +  ...  +  n,  where  n  >=  1  
         *  /  
       public  int  sum  (int  n)  {  
               if  (n  ==  1)  {  
                       return  1;  #  base  case!  
               return  n  +  sum  (n-­‐1);  
       #  sum(0)  -­‐  not  permitted  by  the  specification!  
       #  sum(1)  -­‐  returns  1  
       #  sum(2)  -­‐  returns  2  +  sum(1)  =  3  
       #  sum(3)  -­‐  returns  3  +  sum(2)  =  6  
       #  ...  
       #  sum(n)  -­‐  returns  n  +  sum(n-­‐1)  =  n(n+1)/2   20
Mathematical Induction: Sum

Base  Case:    
       P(1)  =  1  (directly  written  in  conditional  statement)  
Induction  Step:  
       P(k)  =  k  +  P(k  -­‐  1)  is  assumed  to  be  true  
       We  choose  P(k-­‐1)  for  our  next  step  (why?)  
       We  know  that  P(k  -­‐  1)  =  1  +  2  +  ...  +  (k  -­‐  1)  
       So:  k  +  (1  +  2  +  ...  +  (k  -­‐  1))  =  1  +  2  +  ...  +  (k  -­‐  1)  +  k  

•  The above illustrates the intuitive connection

between induction and recursion

Mathematical Induction & Loop Invariants
•  You may have noticed a similarity...
–  Loop Invariants ideally have:
•  Initialisation
•  Update
•  Conclusion
–  Mathematical Induction involves:
•  Base Case
•  Induction Step
•  Proof
–  The loop invariant should tell us about the starting point P(1),
then the progress of the loop, such that we can create an
inductive proof for P(k) and all next steps P(k+1)
–  We might not always have a convenient mathematical form to
prove (e.g. more complex data structures involved), but we can
still use invariants and induction to reason and prove algorithm
behaviour (for good design and documentation)

Readings 1
•  Loop invariants ** required **
–  Example 3 in particular
•  Induction & recursion ** required **

•  Overview of mathematical induction and how it relates

to Computer Science
–  Gentle introduction that ties together induction and invariants
in a comprehensible manner
•  Loop invariants abbreviate inductive proofs


Progress and Running Time
•  Invariants not only tell us something about the
progress of an algorithm:
–  e.g. For a sorting algorithm
•  So far, all items are sorted up to some n [progress]
•  They can tell us about running time or cost
–  e.g. For a sorting algorithm
•  The worst case performance will be O(n2) [running time]

•  Complexity for iterative algorithms is mostly an

exercise in counting operations, then stating the
complexity (covered previously...i hope)
•  How can we estimate complexity of recursive
Recursive Review
•  Choose a number between 1-100

•  How can we guess?

–  Linear search
•  Worst case is O(n)
–  Random search
•  Again, worst case can be O(n)
–  Is there a smarter strategy or algorithm?

•  Think about how we can divide and conquer

–  Divide: break into 2 or more sub-problems, whose
solution is similar to the solution of the main problem
–  Conquer: call recursively until an end point is reached
–  Combine: bring all the results of sub-problems together

Visualising Binary Search

1 2 3 ... 98 99 100

x > 50?

1 2 3 ... 48 49 50

x > 25 && < 50?

1 2 3 ... 23 24 25

Expressing Recurrences: Binary Search
•  It is beneficial to express our recursive function as a
recurrence in order to reason about its behaviour
and work towards estimating its time complexity
•  Let T(n) be the number of questions in binary
search on a range of numbers between 1 and n,
assuming n is a power of 2, then we have:

•  That is, number of guesses is equal to 1 step (the

guess) plus the time to solve remaining n/2 items


•  Popular recursive algorithm for sorting a list of

items (A) within an expressed range (low--high)
–  Base case is when low=high we end, or
–  Make two recursive calls on problems of size n/2
–  Finally combines sorted lists via an iterative merge
•  Can be expressed in pseudo-code as follows:
       if  (low  ==  high)  
               mid  =  (low  +  high)  /2  
               Merge  the  sorted  lists  from  the  previous  two  steps  
Mergesort Visualised
mergesort(A,  0,  A.length)  

mergesort(A,  0,  A.length/2)  

merge  sorted  lists)  

Expressing Recurrences: Mergesort

•  As with BinarySearch, we can express

Mergesort as a mathematical recurrence
•  To reflect the two recursive calls we state 2T
–  Indicates the branching factor
•  We still split the problems using n/2
•  Finally, +n represents the merge effort
–  Given a list of size n, the worst case is n steps to sort

Recursion Tree for Mergesort

Total  work  done  will  be  n(log2  n  +  1)   32

Using the Master Theorem

•  If we can express our recursive function as a

recurrence in the following form, we can
approximate its time complexity using the
Master Theorem

a  =  number  of  sub-­‐problems,  or  branches  in  the  recursion  tree  

b  =  frac+onal  size  of  the  sub-­‐problem,  within  each  branch  
c  =  exponent  of  addi+onal  work  to  be  done  (e.g.  n0  for  1  work  unit,  or  n2  work  units)  
d  =  some  constant   33
Using the Master Theorem

•  Given a recurrence of the form:

•  We can produce an estimate of complexity

 T(n)  =  Θ(nc)                      if  a  <  bc  
               Θ(nc  log  n)          if  a  =  bc  
               Θ(nlogba)                if  a  >  bc  
Master Theorem: Examples
T(n)  =  2T(n/2)  +  n                          
a=2,  b=2,  c=1  
so,  bc  =  2  =  a,  time  complexity  is  Θ(n1  log2  n)  
T(n)  =  8T(n/2)  +  1000n^2                
(no  idea!)  
a=8,  b=2,  c=2  
so,  bc  =  4  <  a,  time  complexity  is  Θ(nlog28)  or  Θ(n3)  
And  try  yourselves  for  binary  search:  T(n)  =  T(n/2)  +  1  

Readings 2
•  Time complexity ** required
•  Introduction to recursion and recurrences
•  Master Theorem
–  Nice and easy video on Master Theorem + Mergesort :-)


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