Pre-Calculus (STEM) : (Drop Down)

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The instructional materials cover topics in pre-calculus including conic sections, trigonometry, and polar coordinates. It contains PowerPoint presentations with learning objectives, examples, and exercises to help teachers effectively deliver the lessons.

The topics covered include conic sections, systems of nonlinear equations, series, the binomial theorem, trigonometry, and polar coordinates.

Each presentation has specific learning objectives such as defining different conic sections, deriving trigonometric identities, and solving systems of nonlinear equations.


Introduction (Drop down)

This instructional materials CD is a perfect accompanying teaching material to the Senior High
School worktext published by Rex Book Store, Inc. It contains a set of PowerPoint presentations
aimed at equipping teachers with appropriate enhancement tools to help them effectively deliver
the lessons in the worktext.

Each presentation includes lesson objectives and discussion points, and may also have examples,
solutions to examples, and exercises.

Through effective use, this CD hopes to boost teachers’ creativity and resourcefulness―key
components in training 21st-century learners.

Table of Contents and Learning Competencies (Drop down)

Presentation No. Title Learning Objective

 To illustrate the different types of conic
sections: parabola, ellipse, circle,
Introduction to hyperbola, and degenerate cases
Conic Sections and
 To define a circle
1  To determine the equation of a circle in
(To be clicked to
standard form
open PPT)
 To sketch a circle in a rectangular
coordinate system
 To define a parabola
Parabolas  To determine the equation of a parabola
(To be clicked to in standard form
open PPT)  To sketch a parabola in a rectangular
coordinate system
 To define an ellipse
Ellipses  To determine the equation of an ellipse
(To be clicked to in standard form
open PPT)  To sketch an ellipse in a rectangular
coordinate system
 To define an ellipse
Hyperbolas  To determine the equation of an ellipse
(To be clicked to in standard form
open PPT)  To sketch an ellipse in a rectangular
coordinate system
 To recognize the equation and important
5 Conics at Large characteristics of the different types of
(To be clicked to conic sections
open PPT)  To solve situational problems involving
conic sections
 To illustrate systems of nonlinear
Systems of
 To determine the solutions of systems of
nonlinear equations using techniques
6 Equations
such as substitution, elimination, and
(To be clicked to
open PPT)
 To solve situational problems involving
systems of nonlinear equations
Series and Sigma  To illustrate a series
Notation  To differentiate a series from a sequence
(To be clicked to  To use sigma notation in representing
open PPT) series
 To illustrate the Principle of
Mathematical Mathematical Induction
Induction  To apply mathematical induction in
(To be clicked to proving identities
open PPT)  To solve problems using mathematical
Arithmetic and  To derive the formula for the sum of an
Geomertric Series arithmetic or a geometric series
(To be clicked to  To calculate sums of arithmetic and
open PPT) geometric series
 To illustrate Pascal’s Triangle in the
expansion of (x + y)n for small positive
The Binomial integral values of n
Theorem  To prove the Binomial Theorem
(To be clicked to  To determine any term of (x + y)n, where
open PPT) n is a positive integer, without expanding
 To solve problems using the Binomial
 To illustrate the unit circle and the
relationship between the linear and
Angles and Circles  To measures of a central angle in a unit
11 (To be clicked to circle
open PPT)  To convert degree measure to radian
measure, and vice versa
 To illustrate angles in standard position
and coterminal angles
Introduction to the  To illustrate the different circular
12 Circular Functions functions
(To be clicked to  To use reference angles to find exact
open PPT) values of circular functions
 To determine the domain and range of
the different circular functions
 To solve problems involving circular
Graphs of the
 To graph the six circular functions,
Circular Functions
13 indicating the graph’s amplitude, period,
(To be clicked to
and phase shift, whenever applicable
open PPT)
Introduction to  To determine whether a trigonometric
Trigonometric equation is an identity or a conditional
14 Identities equation
(To be clicked to  To derive the fundamental trigonometric
open PPT) identities
Sum, Difference,
and Cofunction  To derive trigonometric identities
15 Identities involving sum and difference of angles
(To be clicked to  To derive the cofunction identities
open PPT)
 To derive double- and half-angle
and Half-measure
trigonometric identities
16 Identiti
(To be clicked to  To apply double- and half-angle
trigonometric identities
open PPT)
and Product-to-
 To derive the sum-to-product and
17 Sum Identities
product-to-sum identities
(To be clicked to
open PPT)
Proving Identities
 To simplify trigonometric expressions
and Other
 To prove other trigonometric identities
18 Applications
(To be clicked to  To solve situational problems involving
open PPT) trigonometric identities
Inverse Circular  To illustrate the domain and range of the
Functions inverse circular functions
(To be clicked to  To evaluate an inverse trigonometric (or
open PPT) circular) expression
 To solve trigonometric equations
Equations and
 To solve situational problems involving
20 Applications
inverse trigonometric functions and
(To be clicked to
trigonometric equations
open PPT)
Polar Coordinates  To locate points in a polar coordinate
21 (To be clicked to system
open PPT)  To convert the coordinates of a point
from rectangular to polar form and vice
 To solve situational problems involving
polar coordinates

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