Cefr 2018
Cefr 2018
Cefr 2018
Set Induction Presentation
1. Individually, pupils
Sing a Song A Short Story Text
will get a piece of
1. Teacher displays a lyric on 1. Teacher distributes each
paper with four
the board. pupil a worksheet with a
weather pictures on
2. Teacher plays a song from short story on it.
Youtube entitled “How’s the 2. Pupils need to read the
2. Pupils need to make
Weather?”. story.
a mind map by
3. Pupils sing along by looking 3. Teacher facilitates pupils pasting the pictures
at the lyrics. to read the short story and name each one
4. Teacher shows four with the help of of it with the correct
different pictures of weather PowerPoint slide. weather.
by using PowerPoint 4. Pupils answer the 3. Teacher discusses
(sunny, rainy, cloudy, questions by referring to the answers with
snowy). the text. pupils.
5. Each of the picture, teacher
elicits questions about: Practice Closure
“What’s the weather?” Name the Weather 1. Teacher asks pupils
“What can you feel during 1. Teacher displays simple to say out the
this weather?”, “Is our sentences related to weather that they
country has this type of weather in front of the have learned.
weather?”. class. 2. Pupils say out the
6. Pupils respond to teacher’s 2. Pupils read the weather that they
questions orally. sentences and draw the have learned.
7. Teacher relates the song weather according to the 3. Teacher distributes
with topic of the day. sentences. each pupil a sticky
note and asks pupils
to draw an emoji to
show their feelings
on today’s lesson.
4. Teacher wraps up
the lesson.