GE - Robotic Fast UT
GE - Robotic Fast UT
GE - Robotic Fast UT
Automated Weld
Inspection &
Corrosion Mapping
With ever increasing requirements for into a robust and field service proven to access by operators. Obstacles and
inspection it becomes crucial to have robotic solution, providing unmatched scaffolding on tanks and pipes are not an
access to reliable, fast and safe inspection repeatability and keeping operators safe issue any more.
services. More than ever asset owners, site with a remote operating system. The weight of the full system is below
operators and equipment manufacturers Whether you are looking at NDT weld 14kg (<31 pounds), meaning it can be
are under huge pressure to reduce inspection using as Ultrasonics Phased easily deployed and hand-carried by one
downtime and further optimise health & Array and TOFD or you want to perform operator.
safety conditions. corrosion mapping - with the modular Automated driving combined with active
The FAST robotic platform was developed FAST UT platform you have an all-in-one slippage control (ASC) provides precise
in close collaboration with asset owners system. The change from one application position control all the time - every time.
and inspection service providers in to another is done in less than a minute. This is ideal for monitoring applications
oil&gas and power generation to meet With a height below 15cm (6”) the system where repeatability and accuracy counts.
your specific needs. Leading edge mobile can access areas that were impossible
robotic technology was translated
Weld inspection with autonomous weld following
This innovative technology is using an
industrial camera to recognize the weld
seam. Image processing algorithms
constantly extract the weld features from
the image stream and determine its center
position. The information is sent to the on-
board motor controllers which maneuver
the robot precisely along the weld.
For the operator this is a completely new
way of performing weld inspections. Now
he can fully concentrate on the inspection
data while the robot guides the NDT
probes along the weld seam.
GE Inspection Robotics
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zurich, Switzerland
+41 44 275 25 75
GE Inspection Robotics Ltd a joint venture of the General Electric Company and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The GE brand, logo and Lumination are trademarks of the General Electric Company. ©
2016 GE Inspection Robotics Ltd. Information provided is subject to change without notice. All values are design or typical values when measured under laboratory conditions.