E85001-0646 - Intelligent Smoke Detector
E85001-0646 - Intelligent Smoke Detector
E85001-0646 - Intelligent Smoke Detector
Intelligent Smoke
This base includes a built-in line fault isolator for use on Class A
circuits. A detector must be installed for it to operate. The isolator
base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED.
Warnings & Cautions
The isolator operates as follows: • This detector does not operate without electrical power.
- a short on the line causes all As fires frequently cause power interruption, discuss
isolators to open within 23 msec further safeguards with the local fire protection specialist.
- at 10 msec intervals,beginning
• This detector does not sense fires in areas where smoke
on one side of the Class A
cannot reach the detector. Smoke from fires in walls,
circuit nearest the loop
roofs, or on the opposite side of closed doors may not
controller, the isolators
reach the detector.
close to provide the
next isolator down • Photoelectric detectors have a wide range of fire-sensing
the line with power capabilities and ares best suited for detecting slow,
- when the isolator next Term Description smoldering fires.
1 Not Used
to the short closes, it 2 DATA IN/OUT (+)
3 DATA IN (-) • In Canada, install according to CAN/ULC-S524 Standard for
reopens within 10 msec. 4 Not Used the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems, CSA C22.1 Canadian
5 Not Used
The process repeats beginning on 6 DATA OUT (-) Electrical Code, and the local authority having jurisdiction.
the other side of the loop controller. 7 Not Used
Contact us...
Email: [email protected]
Web: edwards-fire.com
Operating voltage 15.20 to 19.95 VDC
Normal operating current 51 µA
Alarm current 68 µA
Smoke Sensitivity Range UL/ULC: 0.53 to 3.94 %/ft. (1.7 to 12.35 %/m) obscuration
Vibration level 10 to 35 Hz, with an amplitude of 0.01 in.
Air velocity 0 to 4,000 ft./min (0 to 20 m/s)
Wall mounting 12 in. (305 mm) max. from ceiling
Compatible bases See Ordering Information
Compatible detector testers Testifire 1000, Testifire 2000
Operating environment 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C), 0 to 93% RH, noncondensing
Construction High Impact Engineering Polymer, White
Storage temperature -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C)
Environmental compensation Automatic
Agency Listings CAN/ULC-S529, UL 268, 268A, CSFM, FM approved
Ordering Information
Catalog Ship Wt.
Number lbs (kg)
SIGA-PD Intelligent Optical Smoke Detector 0.4 (0.16)
SIGA-SB Detector Mounting Base - Standard
SIGA-SB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base c/w Trim Skirt
SIGA-RB Detector Mounting Base w/Relay
SIGA-RB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Relay, c/w Trim Skirt 0.2 (.09)
SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator
SIGA-IB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/ Fault Isolator, c/w Trim Skirt
SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED (not for EN54 applications)
SIGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Base for Fire Detectors 0.3 (0.15)
SIGA-AB4G-LF Low Frequency Audible (Sounder) Base for CO and Fire Detectors 0.3 (0.15)
SIGA-AB4GT Audible (Sounder) Base for CO and Fire Detectors 0.3 (0.15)
SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt (supplied with 4-inch bases) 0.1 (0.04)
SIGA-TS Trim Skirt - (optional for non 4-inch bases) 0.1 (0.04)
SIGA-DMP Detector Mounting Plate 3.0 (1.4)
SIGA-RTA Detector Removal Tool
SIGA-VA Detector Cleaning Tool