E85001-0647 - Intelligent Heat Detector
E85001-0647 - Intelligent Heat Detector
E85001-0647 - Intelligent Heat Detector
Intelligent Heat
Signature Series detectors mount
to North American 1-gang boxes, Audible Base Standard Base Isolator Base Relay Base Remote LED
3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon
boxes, and to 4 inch square Self-locking tab Remote LED SIGA-LED - The remote LED connects to the
electrical boxes 1-1/2 inches SIGA-SB or SIGA-SB4 Standard Base only. It features a North
(38 mm) deep. They mount to American size 1-gang plastic faceplate with a white finish and
European BESA and 1-gang red alarm LED.
boxes with 60.3 mm fixing LED Indicator
SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt - Supplied with 4 inch bases, it can also be
centers. See mounting base ordered separately to use with the other bases to help hide surface
installation and wiring for more imperfections not covered by the smaller bases.
Sounder Bases - Signature Series sounder bases are designed
for use where localized or group alarm signaling is required.
Sensing and reporting technology
• SIGA-AB4G bases provide sounder capability to Signature
The microprocessor in each detector provides additional Series to heat and smoke detectors. They are not intended
benefits – Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic Device for use with combination carbon monoxide detectors in
Mapping, and Fast, Stable Communication. Fire-plus-CO mode.
Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series • SIGA-AB4GT bases provide sounder capability to Signature
detector constantly runs self-checks to provide important Series smoke and heat detectors, as well as carbon monoxide
maintenance information. The results of the self-check are detectors when used with a SIGA-TCDR
automatically updated and permanently stored in the detector’s Temporal Pattern Generator.
non-volatile memory.
• SIGA-AB4G-LF bases provide 520 Hz low frequency sounder
Automatic Device Mapping - The loop controller learns where capability to Signature Series smoke and heat detectors, as
each device’s serial number address is installed relative to other well as carbon monoxide detectors when used with a SIGA-
devices on the circuit. The mapping feature provides supervision TCDR Temporal Pattern Generator. The SIGA-AB4G-LF is
of each device’s installed location to prevent a detector from being suitable for applications requiring low frequency audible tones.
reinstalled (after cleaning etc.) in a different location from where it
was originally.
Warnings & Cautions
Fast Stable Communication - On-board intelligence means less • This detector does not operate without electrical power.
information needs to be sent between the detector and the loop As fires frequently cause power interruption, discuss
controller. Other than regular supervisory polling response, the further safeguards with the local fire protection specialist.
detector only needs to communicate with the loop controller
when it has something new to report. • This detector does not sense fires in areas where heat cannot
reach the detector. Heat from fires in walls, roofs, or on the
opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector.
• This heat detector by itself does not provide life safety
protection Use this detector with ionization and/or
photoelectric smoke detectors.
• This detector does not detect oxygen levels, smoke, toxic
gases, or flames. Use this device as part of a broad-based life
safety program which includes a variety of information sources
pertaining to heat and smoke levels, extinguishment systems,
visual and audible devices, and other safety measures.
• Independent studies indicate that heat detectors should only
be used when property protection alone is involved. Never
rely on heat detectors as the sole means of fire protection.
Contact us...
Email: [email protected]
Web: edwards-fire.com
Operating voltage 15.20 to 19.95 VDC
Normal operating current 51 µA
Alarm current 68 µA
Vibration level 10 to 35 Hz, with an amplitude of 0.01 in.
Rate-of-rise rating 15°F/min (8°C/min) NA
Fixed temperature rating 135°F (57.2°C). Actual alarm point 129 to 141°F (53.9 to 60.6°C).
Maximum spacing 50 ft. (15.2 m) centers
Factory Mutual rating Ultra-fast Special
Compatible bases See Ordering Information
Compatible detector testers Testifire 1000, Testifire 2000 Testifire 2000
Operating environment 32 to 100°F (0 to 38°C), 0 to 93% RH, noncondensing
Construction High Impact Engineering Polymer, White
Storage temperature -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C)
Agency Listings UL521, CAN/UL-S530, CSFM, FM approved
Ordering Information
Catalog Ship Wt.
Number lbs (kg)
SIGA-HRD Intelligent fixed temperature/Rate-of-rise heat detector
0.4 (0.16)
SIGA-HFD Intelligent fixed temperature heat detector
Compatible Bases
SIGA-SB Detector Mounting Base - Standard
SIGA-SB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base c/w Trim Skirt
SIGA-RB Detector Mounting Base w/Relay
0.2 (.09)
SIGA-RB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Relay, c/w Trim Skirt
SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator
SIGA-IB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/ Fault Isolator, c/w Trim Skirt
SIGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Base for Fire Detectors
SIGA-AB4G-LF Low Frequency Audible (Sounder) Base for CO and Fire Detectors 0.3 (0.15)
SIGA-AB4GT Audible (Sounder) Base for CO and Fire Detectors
SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED (not for EN54 applications)
SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt (supplied with 4-inch bases)
0.1 (0.04)
SIGA-TS Trim Skirt (optional for non 4-inch bases)
SIGA-RTA Detector Removal Tool