Rheology, Stress in The Crust, and Shear Zones
Rheology, Stress in The Crust, and Shear Zones
Rheology, Stress in The Crust, and Shear Zones
Elastic deformation is, by definition, non-permanent and instantaneous. The
material suffers distortion only while stress is applied and quickly returns to normal
when he stress is removed. Many processes in geophysics and geology are mostly or
completely elastic: the propagation of seismic waves, the earthquake cycle, or flex-
ure of the lithosphere beneath a load such as a mountain belt or a sedimentary
basin. The GPS data that you analyzed in Chapter 7 is largely non-permanent de-
formation that occurs when the earth on one side of a fault “snaps back” during an
earthquake, something known as the elastic rebound theory. What distinguishes all
of these deformations is that they are very small even though the stresses are larger.
From your physics courses and experiments with springs, you probably re-
member Hooke’s Law, in which there is a linear relationship between force and
displacement. However, you also know that both stress and infinitesimal strain are
second order tensors and, therefore, the relationship between them should be a
fourth order tensor:
where, Cijkl is the stiffness tensor. Although Equation (9.1) looks nasty with 81 terms,
they re not all independent. In fact because of symmetry, there are at most 36 in-
dependent parameters and for all practical purposes, we only refer to a few elastic
moduli. They are:
• Young’s modulus, E, for axial strain (elongations or shortenings),
where σ = Eε. A material with a high Young’s modulus is very rigid.
• The shear modulus or modulus of rigidity, G, is appropriate
for simple shear deformations.
• The bulk modulus, or incompressibility, K, is likewise the one
to use for simple contractions or dilations (i.e., volume strains).
These moduli can be related to one another if we know and independent parame-
ter, known as Poissons Ratio, ν, which describes to what extent a shortening in one
direction is balanced out by a lengthening in an orthogonal direction. Poissons ratio
is the ratio of the transverse to the longitudinal extension:
⎛ w f − wi ⎞
e ⎜⎝ w ⎟⎠
"ν = − t = − i
eℓ ⎛ ℓ f − ℓi ⎞
⎜⎝ ℓ ⎟⎠
For volume constant deformation, ν = 0.5 but for most rocks, 0.25 ≤ ν ≤ 0.33. All
of these parameters are related by the following equation:
E 3K (1− 2ν )
"G = = (9.3)
2 (1+ ν ) 2 (1+ ν )
Rocks only experience a very small amount of elastic strain before perma-
nent deformation ensues. That permanent deformation can be in the form of a
fracture or fault, something we saw in Chapter 6. When a fracture cuts across the
material, there is a loss of cohesion and the sample falls apart. However, the mater-
ial can also deform permanently without losing cohesion, a type of deformation we
Plastic deformation results when a critical threshold stress, known as the
yield stress (σy), is exceeded and the ratio of the change in differential stress to the
change strain decreases drastically. Three different behaviors are possible (Fig. 9.2):
in g
h a rd e n
st r a in
Figure 9.2 — Idealized differential
σy stress(Δσ)-strain(ε) curves exhibiting dif-
strain sof plastic ferent types of plastic deformation once
the yield stress, σy, is surpassed. Strain
Δσ hardening occurs at lower temperatures
where as strain softening at higher temper-
atures. If the stress is removed (dashed
stress line), the initial elastic deformation is re-
removed couped but the deformation beyond the
yield stress is not.
(a) the slope of the stress strain curve decreases but remains positive, which is
known as strain hardening, (b) strain increases continually without any further in-
crease in stress (perfect plastic behavior), or (c) the strain increases with decreasing
differential stress, known as strain softening. Temperature largely controls which of
these behaviors will occur.
3 The rate of deformation tensor is commonly confused with the time derivative of the strain tensor. For infinitesimal
strain, the two are equivalent but in finite strain, the former is defined with respect to the spatial coordinates whereas
the latter is defined with respect to the material coordinates (Malvern, 1969).
(a) (b)
differential stress, Δσ
strain, ε
Δσa Δσa
Figure 9.3 — (a) A material that accrues strain over time at constant stress. Δσa ≤ Δσb ≤
Δσc and thus the strain rate varies differential stress. (b) Same data plotted with dif-
ferential stress against strain rate. The slope of the line is known as the viscosity and
the simple material shown, with constant viscosity, is known as a Newtonian fluid.
Viscous and elastic idealized models are combined in various ways. For ex-
ample, viscoelastic deformation is non-permanent but develops over time and is
recovered over time as well. Likewise, there are viscoplastic models that combine
elements of viscosity and plasticity. There are many additional hybrid mechanisms.
Environmental Factors
The type of deformation that a rock experiences is due primarily to its com-
position and the environmental conditions under which the deformation occurred.
You have undoubtedly reviewed the environmental factors in the lecture part of
your course. The most important are:
• Confining Pressure — This is the uniform pressure surrounding
the rock at the time of deformation. It commonly corresponds to
the vertical stress or lithostatic load, that is the weight of the
overlying rocks. An increase in confining pressure makes rocks
stronger (i.e., the yield stress increases), as reflected by the slope of
the Coulomb part of the failure envelop. Because confining pres-
sure increases with depth, rocks should get stronger deeper in the
earth. The formula for lithostatic load is:
Deformation Mechanisms
Although the crust is complex, there are a relatively small number of defor-
mation mechanisms which you have probably already reviewed in the lecture part
of your class. Here is a commented list:
• Elastic deformation — Very low temperature, small strains
• Fracture — Very low temperature, high differential stress, pore
fluid pressure important
• Frictional slip on preexisting fractures — Low temperature, high
differential stress but less than that required for fracture, pore fluid
pressure important
• Pressure Solution — Low temperature, fluids necessary
• Dislocation glide — Low temperature, high differential stress.
Produces strain hardening behavior
• Dislocation glide and climb — Higher temperature, high differen-
tial stress. Requires increased lattice diffusion to permit dislocations
to climb around obstacles.
• Grain boundary diffusion — Low temperature, low differential
stress, slow strain rates
• Crystal lattice diffusion — Very high temperature (T ≈ 0.85Tmelt),
low differential stress. Probably only effective as a primary mecha-
nism in the mantle of the earth.
where the asterisk indicates effective normal stress. We expand this equation by
substituting in the equations for Mohr’s Circle for stress:
and after some algebra, we get an equation for the ratio of principal stresses:
σ 1* (1+ µ cot θ )
"Γ = = (9.7)
σ 3* (1− µ tan θ )
To fine the minimum ratio of effective principal stresses that is necessary for reacti-
vation, we set the derivative of Γ with respect to θ equal to zero:
( (1+ µ ) + µ )
" =0 ∴ Γ min = 2
We now have the basis for calculating the minimum differential stress at
which reactivation will occur but first, however, what about μ? Recall from Chapter
6 that Byerlee’s Law shows that friction is relatively independent of rock type (Fig.
6.10). This result holds that at confining pressures of less than 200 MPa (a little
over 8 km depth for a density of 2500 kg/m3) μ = 0.85 and at greater confining
pressures, μ = 0.6. The only significant exceptions to this rule are the clays illite,
montmorillonite, and vermiculite. Thus, to a first order, we can ignore composition
in the upper crust, except for its obvious control on density.
Assuming that one of the principal stresses is vertical and equal to the litho-
static load minus the pore fluid pressure (here expressed as the pore fluid pressure
ratio, λ):
we can derive expressions for the minimum differential stress that will activate slip
on pre-existing weaknesses for the three basic conditions of Andersons Law (Table
"σ 1 − σ 3* ≥
( Γ min − 1) ρ gz (1− λ )
σ1 normal faulting *
Γ min
σ 1* − σ 3* ≥
( Γ min − 1) ρ gz (1− λ )
Φ ( Γ min + 1) + 1
σ2 strike-slip faulting "
σ2 −σ 3
where Φ =
σ1 −σ 3
been developed to describe this type of deformation for many different rock types.
The basic equation is:
" e! = Co (σ 1 − σ 3 ) exp ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟
⎝ RT ⎠
e! = strain rate [s–1]
small range of temperatures, rocks change from being very strong to very weak.
The exact temperature at which this occurs depends on the lithology. Also unlike
the equations for frictional strength, there is no depth term in Equation (9.10). In-
stead, we must use temperature as a proxy for depth by assuming a geothermal
gradient. Some of the experimentally determined parameters for different com-
mon rock types are shown in Table 9.2. There are many more that are available in
the literature.
Generally, one will want to calculate the differential stress as a function of
temperature. That requires rewriting Equation (9.10) as:
⎛ ⎞n
⎜ e! ⎟
"σ1 −σ 3 = ⎜ (9.11)
⎛ −Q ⎞ ⎟
⎜ Co exp ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ RT ⎟⎠ ⎠
the crust is < ~40 km thick and/or heat flow is not very high, there will be a jump
in strength of the uppermost mantle. In the case of oceanic lithosphere or conti-
nental rift provinces with low heat flow, the upper mantle may be strong enough to
support upper mantle earthquakes. This notion of a strong middle crust and strong
(-ish) upper mantle has given rise to the concept of the lithosphere as a so-called
“jelly sandwich”: two strong layers separated by a weak lower crust.
Shear Zones
As faults cut down through the earth, they change from simple fracture
planes, to zones of anastomosing fault planes to ductile shear zones that may be
tens to thousands of meters in thickness. One of the great accomplishments of the
last thirty years in structural geology is the understanding of genesis of shear zones,
especially the minor structures which are key to understanding the sense of shear.
and (b) the shear on the minor fractures is consistent with that associated with
Riedel shears (Fig. 9.6).
Where fluids flow and precipitate minerals — commonly quartz or calcite —
in crevices and fractures associated with faulting, the resulting geometries can be
very indicative of the sense of shear. Two types of structures are very useful. The
first are sigmoidal veins, which are sometimes referred to in older literature as
“tension gashes” (Fig. 9.7). The asymmetry of the veins and their shape reflects the
rotation of the older, central parts of the veins that occurs during large magnitude
finite strain. The tips of the veins propagate parallel to the shortest principal axis of
infinitesimal strain which, we know from Chapter 7 is at 45° to the shear zone
boundary. Eventually, the central part of the vein may rotate so much that it is no
longer favorably oriented for opening. When that happens, new veins at 45° may
form, crosscutting the older generation of veins (Fig. 9.7). Sigmoidal veins are high-
ly reliable indicators of sense of shear.
The second case of minerals precipitating from fluids in shear zones is the
situation where an undulatory fault surface opens up a void during fault motion
(Fig. 9.8). These voids are ideal places in which to precipitate minerals such as cal-
cite or quartz during fault movement. Under these conditions, the mineral fibers,
sometimes called slickenfibers, are oriented parallel to the direction of motion.
On an exposed surface (Fig. 9.8b), one can usually identify the step from which the
fibers grew, usually by the sharp contact between the step and the fibers which
marks the “upstream” (with respect to the movement of the upper plate) side of the
void. Like sigmoidal veins, slickenfibered steps are highly reliable indicators of fault
motion (Fig. 9.9).
tions. The basic shear zone foliations (Fig. 9.11) are known as S-C fabrics; with the
“C” standing for French word for shear, “cisaillement”, and the “S” the French
word for “schistosité” or foliation in English. As you can tell, French geologists were
amongst the first to correctly describe S-C fabrics (Berthé et al., 1979)! The geome-
try of S and C planes develops by extremely heterogeneous simple shear. From
your experiments with simple shear in the last chapter, you know that, the larger
the shear strain, the closer and closer the long axis of the finite strain ellipse rotates
towards the plane of shear, itself (though technically never being exactly parallel,
because there is no shear strain on planes parallel to a principal strain axis). The C,
or shear, planes are region of extremely high shear strain and thus the S or foliation
planes become asymptotic to the C planes as they approach them (Fig. 9.11).
Basement rocks in which one tends to find mylonites commonly lack easily identifi-
σ σ
able offset features, so the reliable sense of shear indicated by S-C fabrics is quite
Before moving on to other sense of shear indicators, a word of caution:
shear zone shapes commonly exhibit curving, sigmoidal geometries (re. Figs. 9.7,
9.10 and 9.11). However, if you compare Figures 9.7 and 9.11, the sense of curva-
ture is opposite to each other even though both diagrams have the same sense of
shear. To interpret these fabrics and shapes correctly, it is essential that you under-
stand the kinematics (i.e., the strain and how it was produced) rather than simply
trying to do pattern recognition. The curved feature in Figure 9.7 is a vein and
therefore the long principal axis of the strain ellipse is perpendicular to it. The
curving features in Figures 9.10 and 9.11 are foliations and therefore the long axis
should be approximately parallel to them.
There are a variety of other shear sense indicators in mylonitic rocks based
on the geometry of individual grains and grain aggregates. These include σ- and δ-
shaped asymmetric porphyroclasts (Fig. 9.12) and fractured an rotated mineral
grains (commonly feldspars as in Fig. 9.13). Although beyond the scope of this
manual, crystallographic c-axis fabrics and other microscopic preferred orienta-
Figure 9.13 — Fractured and rotated plagioclase crystal from a mylonite in the
Sierra Chango Real of NW Argentina. Note the domino-style deformation of the
feldspar: the overall rotation gives the sense of shear, even though the micro faults
have the reverse sense of displacement
tions are likewise commonly used to determine sense of shear in plastically de-
formed mineral grains.
" tan 2θ ′ = (9.12)
Figure 9.14 — Hypothetical
homogeneous simple shear
zone demonstrating how the
ψ area = d
y y area under the shear strain-y
curve is equal to the displace-
θ′ ment, d.
shear strain, γ
For a heterogeneous shear zone — the usual case in geology — the situation is
more complex, but you can still come up with a graphical solution as above. The
basic approach is to (1) measure the angle between the foliation and the shear zone
boundary, θʹ, at a number of places, (2) convert those measurements to the shear
strain, γ, (3) plot γ as a function of perpendicular distance across the shear zone,
and (4) calculate the displacement from the area under the resulting curve (Fig.
Neglecting the constant of integration, this is the same equation as (7.14). In a co-
ordinate system parallel to the stretches and the simple shear is parallel to the X1
axis, the tensor D that captures simultaneous pure and simple shear can be written
in two dimensions as:
⎡ γ ( S1 − S3 ) ⎤
⎡ S1 Γ ⎤ ⎢ S1 ⎥
" Dij = ⎢ ⎥=⎢ 2 ln ( S1 ) ⎥ (9.15)
⎢⎣ 0 S3 ⎥⎦ ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ 0 S3 ⎥⎦
Γ is known as the effective shear strain. This equation is appropriate for a constant
volume deformation where S1 = 1/S3. The deformation matrix for simultaneous
simple shear, pure shear, and volume change is:
⎡ γ ( S1 − S3 ) ⎤
⎢ S1 ⎥
" Dij = ⎢
( )
ln 1 S
⎢ 0 S3 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Dij, of course, is an asymmetric tensor. If you multiply D by its transpose, you get
the symmetric Green deformation tensor, C (referenced to the initial state):
Figure 9.16 — Any finite strain may arise from an infinite number of possi-
ble strain paths. The one shown here was produced by a general shear with
horizontal stretch of 1.75 and an effective shear strain for 2.29, but many
other paths will produce exactly the same final state from the given initial
Exercises—Chapter 9
1. Calculate the variation of differential stress with depth in the crust for Granite
(dry) 2 (Table 9.2) assuming a strain rate of 10–15s-1, geothermal gradient of
15°C/km, an average density of 2750 kg*m–3, in an extensional environment
with hydrostatic pore fluid pressure, and a coefficient of static friction of 0.70.
You can to the calculations either in a spreadsheet or in Matlab.
2. The diagram, below, shows the case of simple shear of a square where the an-
gular shear, ψ, is defined as the change in angle of two originally perpendicular
lines (i.e., the sides of the box). A dashed line in the initial state makes an angle
of θ with respect to the plane of shear. After the deformation, the same dashed
line makes an angle of θʹ. Derive an equation which shows θʹ as a function of θ
and ψ.
θ θʹ
3. Once Riedel shears form, they become material lines (really, cross-sections of
planes) that rotate in the shear zone. For the questions that follow, assume μint =
0.625, μs = 0.75, σ1 = 120 MPa, σ3 = 14.7 MPa, and the cohesion, So=20 MPa.
Also assume simple shear, not general shear.
(a) Calculate how much synthetic and antithetic Riedel shears will rotate before
they become inactive. Show your calculations and include any plots that you
used to come up with your answer.
(b) What is the effect of changing the magnitude of the differential stress?
(c) Use your result from the previous problem to calculate the angular shear
necessary to make the synthetic Riedel shears inactive.
(d) Given their different orientations within the shear zone, which shear, R or R′
do you anticipate would rotate faster and why?
4. The following questions relate to the sketch, below, of a ductile shear zone in in
granitoid rocks. A grid has been laid over the sketch to help you make your
(a) Use the Ramsay and Graham (1970) relationship, described above, between
orientation of foliation in a shear zone, θʹ, and shear strain, γ, to determine
the displacement across the shear zone.
(b) What is the sense of shear in the shear zone?
(c) What assumptions does this calculation involve?
d 3'4'
ns 3'3 an
See Questio
Figure 3'3'
" 0 2 4 6m
Fabric traie
ctories of
Figure 3.4'
5. The photographs on the next pages are rock samples showing fault related de-
formation. For each one, interpret the sense of shear (relative to its orientation
on the page) and make a quick sketch depicting the key features that helped you
come to the conclusion that you did. T :: H i: :: :f f; J " :" #il11fi:TJJ
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