Contribution of Long and Mid-Range Trans

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Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013) 299e307

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Contribution of long and mid-range transport on the sodium and

potassium concentrations in rainwater samples, São Paulo megacity,
Marcelo S. Vieira-Filho a, Jairo J. Pedrotti b, Adalgiza Fornaro a, *
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Atmospheric Sciences, University of São Paulo (IUSP),
Rua do Matão 1226, São Paulo 05508-090, Brazil
Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Rua Consolação 896, São Paulo 01302-907, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s

 The wet-only deposition was continuously measured for four consecutive years.
 The long-range transport potassium compounds contribution was evaluated by backward trajectories.
 The bias in the estimate of non-sea salt fraction for rainwater samples is discussed regarding the Cl depletion and pH.
 The potassium and sodium ions in rainwater had a significant contribution from the local anthropogenic sources.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The surface winds and backward trajectories were analyzed to investigate sources of sodium and po-
Received 2 January 2013 tassium ions measured in rainwater in the metropolitan area of São Paulo (MASP), Brazil, from July-2002
Received in revised form to December-2005. In this study, we evaluated the chemical composition of 315 rainwater samples with
17 May 2013
focus on precipitation events with high concentrations of sodium and potassium, with cations concen-
Accepted 19 May 2013
trations, at least 1.5 times higher than the sulfate and nitrate concentrations. In the results from the total
samples, the Naþ and Kþ volume weighted mean (VWM) concentrations were 10.4 and 3.2 mmol L1,
respectively, while for the excess events, the concentrations were 32.4 and 11.1 mmol L1. From the 31
sodium excess events, 45% showed an influence from ocean air masses by the wind direction evaluation
Biomass burning while 57% of backward trajectories for 7 potassium excess events indicated a contribution of biomass
Backward trajectories burning air masses from the northwestern region of the São Paulo State. Although some excess events
HYSPLIT pointed the pattern of long-range transport, they represented less than 15% of total samples. The results
Long-range transport suggest that the megacity itself is predominantly involved in the process of emission and removal of the
compounds and the influence of external components are limited to circumstantial events.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction deposition, studies have linked the rainwater chemical composition

with weather conditions by monitoring air masses trajectories
The physical and chemical processes of the atmospheric wet (Samara et al., 1992; Beverland et al., 1998; Avila and Alarcon, 1999;
removal cycle include not only the synoptic systems but also cloud Dayan and Lamb, 2003; Hong et al., 2011).
microphysics and “below-cloud” processes (Seinfeld and Pandis, Significant variations in the rainwater composition were
1998; Gonçalves et al., 2010). Other factors such as topography, observed in southwest England due to different transport patterns
mesoscale circulations and local sources differ significantly from of air masses. Among the results, the authors highlighted the in-
region to region and, therefore, also on the precipitation chemical verse effect on the nitrate and sulfate ratio as a function of air
composition. In order to identify possible ions origins in wet masses originated from highly urbanized regions (Beverland et al.,
1998). Rainfall data collected daily during nine consecutive sum-
mers (1993e2001) showed the synoptic circulation influence in the
rainwater chemical composition in Pennsylvania, United States. The
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ55 11 3091 2819; fax: þ55 11 3091 4714.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.S. Vieira-Filho), jpedrotti@ seven types of events were classified, being higher average con- (J.J. Pedrotti), [email protected] (A. Fornaro). centrations associated with warm front conditions (Dayan and

1352-2310/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
300 M.S. Vieira-Filho et al. / Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013) 299e307

Lamb, 2003). In another study, the ionic composition of precipita- natural processes. The assessments for potassium and sodium
tion was evaluated through analysis and identification of synoptic compounds sources are mixed and little is known about the
air masses trajectories in a rural area of Spain. Alkaline rainwater anthropogenic emissions of these species in urban areas. Therefore,
(mean pH 7.2) was associated with air masses from Africa. Neutral this study aims to improve the discussion of possible relations from
rainwater (average pH 5.5) was associated with local events, and local or external sources in atmospheric samples.
acid rain events originated from the Atlantic Ocean (average pH 4.8)
and Europe (pH 4.4) with high ionic concentrations. However, the 2. Methodology
acid rain represented less than 10% of total rainfall (Avila and
Alarcon, 1999). In southern Korea, the higher formate and acetate 2.1. Site sampling
ions concentration were associated with air masses trajectories
from the continental area, and lower concentrations with oceanic The State of São Paulo occupies 2.9% of the Brazilian territory and
air masses (Hong et al., 2011). is responsible for over 31% of Brazilian Gross Domestic Product
The wind sector analysis and trajectory models have been used (GDP). The state has over 41 million inhabitants and the largest
to assess the impact of air masses in the chemical composition of vehicle fleet in the country with over 19 million units. Besides
dry and wet deposition (Fleming et al., 2012). In the last years there hosting the largest number of different sectors industries, the state
have been an increasing number of studies about the air pollution of São Paulo centralizes over 50% (3.6 million hectares of cultivated
evaluation through HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian In- area) of the Brazilian production of sugar cane. Many regions (cen-
tegrated Trajectory) model, specifically connecting the backward tral, north and northwest) in the state suffer serious problems of air
trajectories with analyzed wet deposition concentrations. For pollution during the harvest period due to the practice of burning
instance, Morselli et al. (2008) showed the presence of Sahara dust sugar cane manual harvesting (CETESB, 2011). The MASP is located
in particulate matter samples from Bologna, Italy. Báez et al. (2007) in the eastern region of the state of São Paulo (23.5  S and 46.7  W),
evaluated the transport of trace metals to the Central Mexico City with an average altitude of 800 m and w50 km from the shore.
region. The effect of air masses transport in rainwater ionic From 2002 to 2005, MASP had an inhabitant/vehicle ratio around
composition has also been discussed in urban centers with heavy 2.8, with a total of 6 million vehicles. According to CETESB, around
vehicular fleet and industries (Garcia et al., 2006; Strayer et al., 90% of air pollutants emissions were due the transport sector, which
2007). burns a complex mixture of different fuel types: gasohol (78%
The relations between ionic species in rainwater samples are gasoline þ 22% anhydrous ethanol), hydrous ethanol (95% v/v) and
usually applied to identify potential sources for atmospheric diesel. In the period of study the use of ethanol ranged from 34 to
pollution. Traditionally, the sodium ion has been used to identify 44%, gasoline 50e60% and diesel decreases from 6.5 to 5.6% of the
marine influence by the presence of sea-salts in rainwater or in the total fuel burned. This change could be attributed to the beginning of
particulate matter soluble phase. Keene et al. (1986) applied con- the flex fuel vehicles popularization process; this engine repre-
centration ratios to estimate the sea-salt fractions in atmospheric sented 3% of 2005’s vehicular fleet (CETESB, 2005). Samples were
samples, and also emphasized that the sodium ion may not always collected at Mackenzie University campus, in the central area of the
be appropriate. Thus, the evaluation criteria must be carefully MASP, which is a densely urbanized region, surrounded by large
analyzed for the region under study. Recently, Dos Santos et al. avenues with intense traffic of buses and light vehicles.
(2012) discussed the influence of the South Atlantic Ocean on sea
salt mass concentrations in aerosol from urban atmosphere of 2.2. Rainwater sampling
Buenos Aires and highlighted the episodes of high Naþ concen-
trations when onshore winds speed were higher than 4.3 m s1. On The wet-only samples were collected with an automatic rain-
the other hand, the potassium ion was identified as indicator of water collector G. K. Walter Eigenbrodt model (Königsmoor, Ger-
biomass burning processes and biogenic sources (such as leaf many) inside the campus of Mackenzie University (23 320 S,
fragments, pollen, log, etc.), in both wet and dry deposition (Forti 46 390 W), in the central area of MASP, from July 2002 to December
et al., 2000; Pauliquevis et al., 2007). 2005. The high density polyethylene flasks were maintained with
In Brazil, the agriculture activities involving sugar cane har- deionized water until the time of use, in addition to receiving pe-
vesting period, deforestation process and pasture maintenance riodical maintenance for cleaning. After the end of the rainfall
fires in the Amazon are important sources of air pollution (Allen event, or in the early morning (for evening events), the sampling
et al., 2004; Pauliquevis et al., 2007; Honório et al., 2010). High flask was transferred to the laboratory where the sample volume
potassium concentrations in rainwater and particulate matter were was determined. Afterward, fractions of w50 mL were separated
associated with events in some regions with these characteristics. for different analytical determinations (pH, conductivity and major
Also it is important to highlight that the period of fires always co- ions). For ionic chromatography analysis, the sample fraction was
incides with drought or low rainfall seasons, mostly in June through filtered with Millex membrane (pore 0.22 mm) and frozen (18  C)
November (Cavicchioli et al., 2010). until analysis.
In a site such as the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP), the
local anthropogenic sources of sodium and potassium are signifi- 2.3. Reagents and solutions
cant and could mask these ions origins. In this study, the influence
of mesoscale phenomena, such as the entry of sea breeze (wind All reagents were of analytical grade (>99% purity, Merck) and
speed and direction analysis) and transport of air masses (HYSPLIT were used without further purification. Ultra-pure water used to
model) of the Naþ and/or Kþ in rainwater was evaluated. To identify prepare the solution was obtained from a Barnstead Nanopure
events with excess of sodium and potassium species in rainwater system (resistivity >18 MU cm). The stock standard solutions
samples, ratios between Kþ and/or Naþ ions and anthropogenic (100 mmol L1) were prepared by dissolution of their salts in
ions (NO 2
3 and SO4 ) were calculated. For the MASP, the environ- deionized water and stored at 4  C in the dark. The multi-element
mental agency of São Paulo State (CETESB) attributes more than standard solutions at 5.0, 10, 25 or 50 mmol L1 concentrations
80% of NOx to vehicular emissions and around 60% of SOx to fixed which were used for ion-chromatography measurements were
sources. Moreover, the precursors of Naþ and Kþ in the atmosphere prepared daily by dilution in deionized water of stock standard
are related with land-use activities, marine air masses and other solutions just before use (Leal et al., 2004).
M.S. Vieira-Filho et al. / Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013) 299e307 301

2.4. Instrumentation average value, and only 9 samples out of those had pH values 4.5.
The results of the ionic balance (Allan, 2004) indicate a good dis-
The pH direct measurements were carried out by a potentiom- tribution around the ideal model (y ¼ x), with linear coefficient of
eter Digimed model DM-20. The glass electrode and potentiometer 0.98 (R2 ¼ 0.95) (Fig. 1a). In order to avoid misleading conclusions,
were calibrated with pH 7.00 and 4.00 buffers solutions. Conduc- the ionic balance for rainwater samples with ratios Kþ/NO þ
3 and K /
2 þ  þ 2
tivity measurements were made with a conductivimeter Digimed SO4 or Na /NO3 and Na /SO4 above 1.5 was calculated separately
Model DM-31. The measurements of conductivity and pH were to ensure that these samples are representative of the total data set
done with samples at 25  0.2  C. The analyses of major ionic (Fig. 1b).
species were carried out by a chromatographic system Metrohm The potassium and sodium monthly average concentration
761 model with conductivity detection. The detection limits for and monthly rainfall are presented in Fig. 2. The annual climato-
Mg2þ and Ca2þ ions were 2.4 and 1.3 mmol L1, respectively, while logical rainfall from 1939 to 2007 was 1400 mm, with correspon-
for all other evaluated species (CH3COO, HCOO, Cl, NO 
2 , NO3 , dent rainy period from December to March with rainfall
þ þ þ
SO2 2
4 , C2O4 , Na , K and NH4 ), the detection limits were lower >150 mm month1 and drought period from May to August with
than 1.0 mmol L1. The details for these determinations were dis- rainfall <50 mm month1. Winter (dry) and summer (rainy) tem-
cussed previously (Leal et al., 2004). peratures range from moderate (average 16  C in July) to high
(average 28  C in February). The total rainwater volume studied
2.5. Meteorological data (3960 mm) represented 70% of the rainfall for the period in the
MASP, and was also well distributed in all months. The potassium
The hourly wind data at ground level were obtained from the maximum monthly concentration was usually observed in the dry
Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (CPTEC/INPE), period (shaded regions) while sodium did not show a clear pattern
and meteorological data station from Institute of Astronomy, with some relative maximums in both seasons.
Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, University of São Paulo (IAG/ Fig. 3 shows potassium, sodium, chloride, sulfate and nitrate
USP) were evaluated for the events of sodium and potassium excess. concentrations variability, with extreme, mean and median values.
Backward trajectories were generated with 72 h from HYSPLIT Nitrate and sulfate were the dominant species, exceeding all other
model (Draxler and Hess, 1997; Draxler and Rolph, 2012; HYSPLIT e ions due to the expressive anthropogenic emission processes in a obtained through the metropolitan area like São Paulo. The potassium arithmetic mean
READY (Real-time Environmental Applications and Display System) concentration (4.89  10.5 mmol L1) was 5.8 times lower than the
platform from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- nitrate (28.5  27.5 mmol L1) and 3.4 times lower than the sulfate
istration). Meteorological data (Reanalysis) - products of NOAA/ (16.7  17.7 mmol L1). Regarding the sodium ion, the average
OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA e from the global atmo- concentration (17.6  30.3 mmol L1) to the set of samples was
spheric model for the years 2002e2005 were used as input data substantially equal to sulfate (Fig. 3). However, the median value for
(, accessed in November, 2012). sodium was 1.4 times lower than sulfate (10.9 mmol L1).
Backward trajectories of each excess event end at 23.55 S and Within the total set of samples evaluated, samples with sodium
46.64 W, the last 24 h of integration represent the sample collec- and potassium concentrations higher than nitrate and sulfate
tion date. The vertical velocities from the Reanalysis were used for concentrations were identified. In order to characterize these
all potassium events. The height levels trajectories used were 500, events, the adopted criteria based on ratios [Kþ]/[NO þ
3 ] and [K ]/
2 þ  þ 2
1500 and 3000 m above ground level (AGL) to avoid complicated [SO4 ] or [Na ]/[NO3 ] and [Na ]/[SO4 ] > 1.5 were used to evaluate
local topography. the possible long-range transport influence to the rainwater ionic
composition in MASP. From this restriction, only 7 samples fol-
3. Results and discussion lowed this condition for potassium, <3%, and 31 for sodium, w10%.
The volume weight mean (VWM) concentrations of some rain-
3.1. Ionic composition water ions from MASP are compared with other sites sampling on
Table 1. While the cations concentrations presented little differ-
Regarding the acidity evaluation, the total of 315 rainwater ences between the dry and rainy seasons, sodium (32.4 mmol L1)
samples can be considered neutral, characterized by a 5.3 pH and potassium (10.9 mmol L1) excess events were significantly

Fig. 1. a) Ionic balance in rainwater samples collected from July 2002 to December 2005 (n ¼ 315) in downtown MASP. b) Ionic balance in rainwater samples with ratios of sodium
(n ¼ 31) and potassium (n ¼ 7) exceeding 1.5 in relation with sulfate and nitrate concentrations.
302 M.S. Vieira-Filho et al. / Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013) 299e307

differences among dry and rainy seasons. The nitrate and sulfate
concentrations in São Paulo from the dry period were at least two
times lower than those evaluated in Mexico City (Báez et al., 2007).

3.2. Potassium excess events

From the total samples, only 7 e in six different days e could be

characterized as potassium excess events. The data of burning areas
through satellite images (Fig. 4), and the air masses backward tra-
jectories calculated by the HYSPLIT model (Fig. 5) were analyzed to
identify possible long range transport contribution for potassium
concentrations. This assumption is based on the incorporation of
potassium compounds originated from areas with high fire spots
(sugar cane plantations or/and forests) to the air mass across the
72 h transport.
One factor that contributes to the biomass burning is the sugar
cane management, being that the sugar cane fields cover about 5.3
million hectares in São Paulo State. The central-north region of the
state accounts for a substantial part of this total. In the sugar cane
management cycle, the burning occurs before the manual harvest,
from May to November (Cuadra et al., 2012). It is important to
highlight that all the excess potassium events occurred in this
period, except for January 28, 2003. January 2003 presented the
highest precipitation rate in comparison with all the events. Besides
the high rainfall for this month, few fire spots were observed over
Fig. 2. Variation of monthly concentrations of potassium, sodium in rainwater samples Brazilian region due to the rainy season.
in MASP. Shaded regions show the dry season. The monthly mean climatological Concerning the fires, it is important to quote that in the litera-
pluviometry from 1933 to 2002 (bars), and pluviometry from July 2002 to December ture, Setzer (1993) was one of the pioneers to use the term “arc of
2005 (dots).
fire” for the Midwest and North of Brazil. These regions comprise of
the States of Acre, Rondonia, Mato Grosso, Pará, Tocantins and
higher than their values for dry and rainy seasons, as well as for Maranhão, where fires are related to the forests burning, besides
region of sugar cane plantation (Coelho et al., 2011) and Central the intense agricultural and pastoral activities. The drier months,
Amazonia region (Pauliquevis et al., 2007). The sodium excess from June to October offer favorable conditions for these fires to
events concentrations exceeded all other sites, except Taiwan and spread.
Hong Kong (Wai et al., 2007), which represent coastal areas. On the The backward trajectories, calculated for 72 h (Fig. 5), indicate
other hand, the potassium excess events showed VWM concen- transport of air masses from the countryside of Brazil toward São
trations higher than any other sites. Comparing the ions variations Paulo in at least one altitude level. It is observed that the maximum
it is noteworthy that the Central Amazonia (Pauliquevis et al., 2007) for concentration and fire spots (28  28 km) occurred on
and Northern India (Khare et al., 2004) showed the higher September 20, 2002. For this event, the lowest number of fire spots
reached 1076 for the 500 m altitude backward trajectory. Also, the
State of São Paulo presented 209 fire spots, the maximum for the
period studied. There is a common pattern among the backward
trajectories for the events presented in Fig. 5 a, b, e and f, showing a
long range transport to the MASP in different levels. For these four
specific events, potassium ion concentrations were directly pro-
portional to the fire spot numbers, suggesting contributions by
long-range transport from the “arc of fire” region, coupled with
mid-range transport from sugar cane harvest burning in the
central-north of São Paulo State.
In the July 11, 2003 event (Fig. 5c), the backward trajectories
starting in southern South America showed air parcels moving with
high speed towards São Paulo, which was related with the frontal
system arrival in São Paulo State. The same pattern was observed in
October 11, 2003 event (Fig. 5d).
For some potassium excess events, air masses from regions with
high fire spots numbers move towards MASP, characterizing an
external source and is reflected in the collected rainwater chemical
composition. Nonetheless, not all the excess events presented this
characteristic. Therefore, it would be inaccurate to link potassium
in atmospheric samples only with external sources. The local
component is always present in megacities like São Paulo, due to
Fig. 3. Box chart distribution of the potassium, sodium, chloride, nitrate and sulfate the various activities related to the manufacturing, construction
ions concentrations in rainwater samples in MASP from July 2002 to December 2005
(n ¼ 315). The symbol (*) represents the volume weighted mean (VWM). Horizontal
and other anthropogenic processes that can release potassium
box lines: 25th, 50th and 75th percentile values; error bars, 5th and 95th percentile compounds to the atmosphere. For instance, the Energy Secretariat
values; () minimum and maximum values (in the box) arithmetic mean. of the São Paulo State reports the use of 5.5  107 kg yr1 firewood
M.S. Vieira-Filho et al. / Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013) 299e307 303

Table 1
Comparison of the volume weight mean (VWM) ions concentrations in MASP and other sites in Brazil and worldwide.

Locations Period N Naþ Kþ Cl NO

3 SO2
4 Ref.

VWM (mmol L1)

São Paulo (rainy)a 07/2002e12/2005 231 10.9 3.0 8.5 19.9 11.1 a
São Paulo (dry)b 84 8.8 3.8 9.2 20.3 12.2
São Paulo (Kþ excess) 7 15.9 10.9** 5.2 6.1 5.6
São Paulo (Naþ excess) 31 32.4* 6.4 20.9 13.0 8.8
Sugar cane non-harvestc 01/2003e07/2007 264 0.9 1 1.1 8.1 1.8 b
Sugar cane harvestc 2.5 5.7 4.5 17.5 5.3
Central Amazonia (rainy) 04/1998e12/2001 87 2.4 1.1 3.3 3.7 2.0 c
Central Amazonia (dry) 5.6 1.9 7.4 7.5 5.1
Northern India (rainy) 06/1999e09/2001 57 8.4 2.4 9.9 7.7 4.6 d
Northern India (dry) 11 17.3 4.2 15.9 13.4 7.1
Mexico City (rainy season) 2001e2002 71 7.0 2.2 9.6 42.6 30.9 e
Taiwan 01/1999e12/2000 79 75 6 90 22 29 f
Hong Kong 152 37 4 43 27 37

The p-values from t-test for both set of samples are indicated in bold. For sodium (*p-value < 105) and potassium (**p-value < 0.06). References: a) this study; b) Coelho et al.,
2011; c) Pauliquevis et al., 2007; d) Khare et al., 2004; e) Báez et al., 2007; f) Wai et al., 2007.
VWM for the months with rainfall >100 mm: OctobereMarch.
VWM for the months with rainfall <100 mm.
Central region of São Paulo State: AprileSeptember.

Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of the number of monthly fire spots (28 km  28 km) in Brazil based on data from satellite NASA GSFC, calculated by INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas
Espaciais). The statistics for maximum, minimum and mean fire spots per square area are presented as well. Accessed in August 07, 2012:
304 M.S. Vieira-Filho et al. / Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013) 299e307

Fig. 5. Backward trajectories plots (72 h) from HYSPLIT model for the days when excess potassium concentrations were registered in the rainwater samples in MASP. The above
ground levels are 500 m (red), 1500 m (blue) and 3000 m (green).

for pizzerias and steakhouses in 2003 (BESP, 2004). This total Regarding to the surface winds, the sea breeze in São Paulo can
firewood can be expressed as 7.5 ha of eucalyptus forest per month be characterized by the intensification or change to quadrant Easte
(considering the wood density of 390 kg m3). These sources are South, and these changes may be preceded by quadrant NortheEast
usually not considered in atmosphere chemical balances and winds (Oliveira and Dias, 1982; Oliveira et al., 2003). From the total
contribute to potassium concentrations. of our rainwater samples, only 31, were identified as sodium excess
events by calculating the ratios ([Naþ]/[NO 3 ] and [Na ]/
3.3. Sodium excess events [SO4 ] > 1.5). The surface wind speed and direction (Fig. 6) were
analyzed for all these days. The maximum scale for velocity is
The land use changes and urbanization could cause alteration on indicated in the upper right corner, and the vector absence corre-
atmospheric circulations, changing surface fluxes and dispersion of sponds to calm winds condition (<1 m s1). The wind intensity
pollutants (Morris et al., 2001; Freitas et al., 2007). The MASP is distribution indicates a predominance of calm conditions (47%),
located at a distance of w50 km from the coastline, and there is a while only 10% reaches values higher than 6 m s1. Based on these
mountain range (Serra do Mar) with ridges up to 1000 m, between observations it is possible to confirm the light wind speed char-
this region and the sea coast, which imposes a natural barrier to the acteristic of MASP as previously discussed by Rodriguez et al.
air masses from the Atlantic Ocean. The sea breeze circulation is (2010). For the 31 days with sodium excess, 45% of them exhibit
considered important mesoscale circulation to MASP, which is the sea breeze wind direction pattern for MASP. In these 14 days,
characterized by an intensification of southeast winds at the sur- the wind maximum intensity occurred during the mid-afternoon,
face at 13e14 h (local time) in 50% of year days (Oliveira and Dias, where the shaded areas (Fig. 6) indicate the largest period of the
1982; Oliveira et al., 2003). In order to observe the phenomenon of sea breeze occurrence (Pereira Filho et al., 2005; Vemado, 2012).
the incoming sea breeze, data from IAG/USP weather station, Regarding the classification by surface winds, the sea breeze was
located in the path of the incoming breeze toward the MASP were absent in 55% of the days analyzed. Therefore, the influence of the
analyzed. ocean is not mandatory for high relative sodium concentrations in
M.S. Vieira-Filho et al. / Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013) 299e307 305

Fig. 6. Hourly wind variation for the events with higher sodium concentrations in rainwater samples in MASP. The events are separated by year: a) 2002. b) 2003. c) 2004 and d)
2005. Data were from Weather Station of IAG/USP. The shaded hours represent the sea-breeze occurrence period.

MASP. In the earth’s crust the sodium has a mixing ratio of implies that one of these ions, usually the sodium, is not consumed
22,700 ppm (2.27%), ranking it as the seventh most abundant or produced by other processes. In other words, no local sources are
element and the fifth most abundant metal. There are unlimited considered in this evaluation. The reported ratios between chloride
supplies of sodium chloride in ocean waters and natural brines, and sodium in seawater from the literature vary 20% around the
besides the incorporation in basic industries for inorganic matter value found by Wilson (1975). This variability is due to difference in
manufacturing (Greenwood and Earnshaw, 1984). Thus, these re- local sampling sites, since particles from the soil dust are also added
sults highlight the importance of local sources for sodium ion in to the rainwater, changing this ratio.
MASP. Another aspect of sodium chloride in atmospheric samples,
Several studies showed that the ions ratios in seawater indicated particularly aerosol and fogs (i.e., low liquid water content), it is the
the influence of sea spray in the atmospheric samples; this possibility of Cl loss due to the incorporation of nitric acid (HNO3),
connection was deeply evaluated by Keene et al. (1986). Analyses of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfuric acid (H2SO4) or sulfur dioxide (SO2)
aerosols composition in remote coastal regions indicated Naþ and in the droplets, which volatilizes hydrochloric acid (HCl) to atmo-
Mg2þ concentrations similar to seawater samples. Therefore, these sphere due to the increase in acidity (Martens et al., 1973). The loss
species retain oceanic properties and could be considered tracers of Cl is dependent on the acidity, and statistically significant
(Talbot et al., 1986). It is important to note that these assumptions (w89%) under high acidity conditions, pH < 3 (Keene et al., 1998). It
have been systematically used for rainwater samples (Lara et al., is important to note that the chloride depletion phenomenon was
2001; Mello, 2001; Teixeira et al., 2004; Khare et al., 2004; reported in dry deposition of coastal regions, and part of this HCl
Zhuang et al., 2008; Huneau et al., 2009). However, using this can reincorporate in wet deposition regardless of the mechanism.
relation to quantify the sea salt fraction on aerosol or rainwater So the loss of Cl is lower or even not observed in rainwater

Table 2
Pearson correlation among sodium, chloride and potassium ions identified in the São Paulo rainwater samples, also the chloride and sodium ratios are presented. The values
were classified by dry and rainy seasons.

N [Cl]/[Naþ] [Naþ]  [Cl] [Kþ]  [Cl] [Naþ]  [Kþ]

Rainy (OcteMar) 231 0.78 0.88** 0.27** 0.38**

Dry (ApreSet) 84 1.05 0.74* 0.42* 0.39*

*p values lower than 0.0003; **p values lower than 0.00003.

306 M.S. Vieira-Filho et al. / Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013) 299e307

Fig. 7. Ratio Cl/Naþ concentrations in function of: (a) Naþ concentration and (b) pH values in rainwater samples in MASP from July 2002 to December 2005. The shaded ratio
represents the values reported in Keene et al. (1986) for seawater samples plus a deviation of 20%. The bold dots represent the samples with ratios that exceeded 1.5 in relation with
sulfate and nitrate concentrations.

samples (Andreae et al., 1990; Wai et al., 2007). Other potential ocean influence did not play an important role in the occurrence of
sources of sodium or magnesium, such as soil dust, represent the excess concentrations, considering that less than half of these
important aspect to be evaluated in coastal regions (Ayears et al., events were preceded by the sea breeze. This high concentration
1999). implies a considerable bias in the estimate of non-sea salt fraction
To evaluate the presence of the sodium chloride in rainwater for atmospheric deposition, if it is considered that the sodium only
samples, the ratios between these ions were calculated and dis- originated from oceanic processes. From 2002 to 2005, the sodium
cussed as follows. The Pearson correlation for rainy and dry seasons and potassium excess events were circumstantial and indicate that
was evaluated for potassium, sodium and chloride (Table 2). The binding these ions concentrations with only external sources could
corresponding p-values indicated a high significant level for so- lead to underestimation and/or equivocal findings in MASP.
dium and chloride correlations, and the association was also
stronger in the rainy season (0.88). This value implies that these Acknowledgments
species could have originated from similar sources, for instance, the
sea-spray. However, the ratio between these species was closer to This research has been supported by FAPESP (03/01194). The
the seawater value (1.17) in the dry season, which mixes the hy- authors are grateful to the NOAA for the provision of the HYSPLIT
pothesis about the similarity of the sources and suggests a Cl trajectories model used in this publication, and also thanks to the
depleted state during the rainy season. To evaluate the Cl loss Meteorological Station (IAG/USP), CPTEC/INPE and INMET for the
effect, Cl/Naþ ratios as a function of sodium concentration and pH other atmospheric data. We also thank to CAPES and CNPq for the
were evaluated (Fig. 7); the shaded region represents the seawater student grants provided. We thank Dr. E. Abrantes for the English
ratios (20% standard deviations) reported in the literature. The revision.
samples with sodium excess (n ¼ 31), predominantly presented
chloride deficiency. As no significant pH effect on Cl/Naþ ratios
(Fig. 7b) was observed, it is not reasonable to evaluate the sodium
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