RIB Hull Design

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68 Hull Design

to produce the consummate form that
could cope with everything from a single
100hp outboard weighing just 140kgs,
to a pair of Yanmar’s 300hp inboard diesels
weighing in at a stern-sinking 1,052kgs
with their Mercruiser outdrive legs. On a boat
weighing no more than 1,000kgs without its

Sting in the tale

engines, that was going to be a real challenge.
So where did we start? We began by taking
a look at everything else on the market. In some
ways this was very useful and encouraging.
David Marsh is known to many as a well respected and highly What struck me was that despite being so small
compared to the boats I was used to designing,
thought of journalist for MBY. But did you know, he played so many RIBs exhibited no real attention to design
and engineering detail. Decks were frequently
a key part in the design of one of the most successful RIBs no more than crude plywood structures, and
currently on the market? the tubes often had little support, so there
seemed to be lots of scope for improvement.
The disturbing thing for me was finding that
there was absolutely no consensus on what
Theillusion Thereality constituted a good hull shape. Gazing down the
‘So, just how hard can it be to design a RIB’ I Just like any design, the starting point for the graceful, very shallow forefoot of a Revenger
mused. There’s no accommodation to worry Scorpion RIBs was a detailed design brief. How hull, and then switching my attention to the
about, no champagne and oyster bar to squeeze fast? What size? How heavy? What engines? It deep, ultra-sharp bow sections of an Osprey
onto the flybridge and no Lawrence Llewelyn- was at this early stage that the difficult realities hull, it quickly became clear that there was no
Bowen type worries about what colour of of RIB design began to sink in. Normally, a real generic optimum we could use as a starting
combination microwave the builder will fit. naval architect would not consider extending point. We would have to start from scratch and
All you’ve got is just lots of inflated rubber, or shortening any hull more than about +/- develop a new shape unlike any other.
something I’d always wanted to, err, get into - 5%; much more and you need to start again if
speaking naval architecturally of course! you want a shape which is not compromised.
Chatting with Graham Jelley at the 1994 However, Graham’s brief was for a single hull Thedesign process
Workboat show in Port Solent, it seemed as mould that could turn out everything from a You cannot design a hull in isolation. The
though I’d already achieved the most difficult 7.5 metre day boat to a 9.5 metre cabin boat structure, its weight and even the quality
part of the process - persuading one of Britain’s almost 27% longer and, of course, still handle objectives need to be considered at the outset.
leading RIB builders to let a complete RIB novice and perform better than anything else. But Long before the hull took on its final form, we
design a new range of RIBs from the ground up. this dilemma paled compared with the other started debating the pros and cons of plywood
But I knew it wouldn’t be difficult; whiz off a interlinked problem - loading variation. On a big decks against a moulded glass fibre structure. The
new hull on the computer, stick on the tubes, flybridge boat say, although there’s a lot more design process was very much a team effort with
don’t forget the deck, and most important of all, to consider; generators, galley equipment, bow four members; Graham Jelly, Chris Peterson, and
bang the invoice in quickly. A few days work at thrusters and the like, the overall variation in Jonathan from Scorpion, and myself. Fortunately,
most, even for a designer with a complete lack weight due to different engines is minimal. Not the voting went in favour of the moulded deck
of RIB experience. Or so I thought. on Scorpion’s RIBs though, where I was expected option. I drew a large dish on the outboard
edge of the upstand at the edges of the deck, these virgin-like circumstances? That’s right,
exactly matching the 23cm radius of the hypalon gut feeling. I drew a basic deep-Vee shape that
tubes, and it ran the length of the boat, so the ‘felt’ right. Then we all stared at it, pondering
whole run of the tube was supported. It was and discussing. I tweaked a little here and a little
an expensive process fabricating an accurate there, modified the chines in places, refined the
deck moulding with complex curves, but in my spray rails, lifted the tubes a few millimetres,
opinion, it was a no-brainer; Scorpion’s moulded and then tweaked a little more. Then I looked
decks not only provided a high class finish which at the hydrostatics again. But, ultimately, we
plywood decks cannot hope to compete with, put aside the prismatic coefficient, ignored the
but also give unmatched support for the tubes. transverse metacentric height, and shunned the
Computer Aided Design (CAD) provided the longitudinal moment of inertia – because it was
solution to the two main problems - changing when we all ‘felt happy’ that we lit the blue
length and hugely varying loads. The advantages touch paper and started building.
of CAD are well documented; accuracy beyond One of the joys of working with Graham
your wildest dreams, scorching speed, and and his Scorpion team was that they were all
the near-instant calculation of hydrostatic and pedants. They were prepared to pay heavily,
stability data. For us, however, the principal with time and money, to achieve the long term
advantage was the ‘What If’ abilities of CAD. benefits of the tiniest design refinements. For
What happens if we change that single 200hp instance, the area above the chine rolls gently
outboard for a pair of 300hp diesels? What round until it meets the tubes, so that when
if we lengthen the hull from the boat lands heavily, water peels smoothly off
7.5 to 9.5 metres? How the hull rather than slamming into the tubes.
deep will the boat sink? And as this water streams across the bottom
How will it trim? And of the tubes, it doesn’t try and rip off the strip
so on and so on, ad connecting the tubes to the hull because the
infinitum, often at the bonding strip has been recessed flush into the
cost of no more than shallowest of rebates in the hull mould.
a few key-strokes. This The constant tweaking and refinement
‘what if’ potential was continued throughout the design and building
indispensable because the process. And even though the basic 7.5 to
Scorpion team were obsessed 9.5 metre models remain, the development
with getting the height of the tubes spot on, continues today with new moulds, improved
irrespective of loading. Too low and they would engineering and better detailing in evidence.
drag in the water at speed, too high and the Scorpion used the existing models as the basis
boat would feel unstable when you stepped for the development of their new 10m RIB,
aboard. CAD was instrumental in ensuring widening the original by 12% and extending it
that the Scorpion performed well in so many to 10 metres.
different disguises. Compared with lots of big cruising boats,
RIBs appear to be simple things, but the
challenge they present to their designers is no
Thehull shape less demanding - just different. Ask a flybridge
However useful CAD is though, it does not boat designer to cope with a 100% change of
generate even the most basic shape for you, load, and they become hysterical. Although the
let alone one as successful as the Scorpion. hull shape may have a disproportionate effect
When I started, my CAD screen was just as on the success of a RIB, just as it does with big
empty as a blank sheet of paper. Under normal boats, it is the quality, attention to detail, and
circumstances this would not be the case. My sound engineering that make the difference
hard disc is full of generic shapes - the typical between success and failure.
45 foot 30 knot flybridge boat, the generic 30
foot long keeled sailing boat, and many more
besides. But no RIBs. So what did we use in DavidMarsh

Photo:David Marsh’s Scorpion Hull design in action

70 Hull Design

‘Deep Vee or Round Bilge’?
That is the Question...
Paul Lemmer has had more experience than most when it
comes to understanding what determines a sound hull design.
For some thirty years, he’s raced them, broken them, built
them, established records with them, flown them out of the
water, driven them under the water, repaired them, stuffed
them and as many of you will know, continues to this very day,
to sell them. For good reason then, we ask him to elaborate on
the question, ‘Deep Vee or Round Bilge?’

Hull design on RIBs - due to the round bilge hull, the efficiency tails
off very quickly at anything over 20knots and it
well there’s an emotive requires a significant amount of power to drive
subject if ever there was one! this design any faster. So there are not very
many, if any, semi displacement RIBs because,
I cannot keep track of the number of times I have although comfortable in a seaway, they are slow
been asked which is the best RIB hull design but by comparison with planing hulls, and very wet
on every occasion, the answer is the same; ‘it under way.
depends on what your requirements are, how   Wave piercing hulls are a relatively new
fast you want to travel, whether load carrying concept and there are currently some new RIB
or high speed is more important to your needs versions being tested. The advantage of this
and most importantly, on the size of RIB you are new concept is that, like the semi-displacement
contemplating’. design, the hull is designed to cut through the
  Back in 1998 I was asked to produce waves rather than ride over them, however,
a paper for RINA (Royal Institute of Naval that is where the similarity ends. Whereas the
Architects) regarding the development of RIBs. semi-displacement hull is usually heavy and
It was presented at a forum in conjunction with relatively slow, the wave piercer is very light
the inaugural RIBEX boat show in Weymouth. and capable of very high speeds. A number of
Part of this paper touched on the subject of RIB modern fast ferries use a form of wave piercing,
hull design, and it is interesting to look back at mostly catamaran designs, but a small number
my comments and see what progress has been use monohulls and it works very well. However
made. it would appear that it is difficult to get the
  Basically, size generally determines comfort, dynamics right on smaller craft, and it will be
but not necessarily seaworthiness; the bigger the interesting to see if the enterprising builders
vessel, invariably the more comfortable and drier currently working with a new type of wave
it rides, although it never ceases to amaze me piercing RIB can succeed.
just how wet some of even the larger RIBs ride!   So onto the ‘V’ hull configuration that is
  One of the most comfortable and seaworthy used by 95% of the RIB industry. The term ‘V’
hull designs of any type of conventional non-RIB is used to describe the angle of the hull sections
craft in the last decade must be the semi- at the transom, from the keel to the chine that
displacement Thornycroft designed ‘Nelson’ borders the beginning of the topsides, just
range of cruisers, pilot boats and harbour below the buoyancy tubes. There are a number
launches. These round bilge hulls are known of different terms used when describing this
as semi-displacement because they fall between angle, but generally they are known as, shallow
displacing the water, like slower conventional ‘V’, medium ‘V’ and deep ‘V’. Usually a deep ‘V’
vessels, and planing, which is the term used should be an angle of no less than 20 degrees
for a craft that lifts itself out of the water and and may be as steep as 26 or even 28 degrees
‘skims’ (planes) across the surface. Because the in certain radical designs - but all too often the
semi displacement hull is cutting the waves and term ‘deep V’ is used to describe hulls that are
shouldering them out of the way rather than only moderate ‘V’ and in some instances almost
bouncing from the top of one to the other, it flat at the transom. On small dinghies it is not
seldom bangs although it does roll around a fair uncommon to see a flattish hull at the transom,
amount and usually throws up a considerable which increases to a shallow ‘V’ in the bow and
amount of spray. In all probability, this design this system works quite well. However, once
is the most comfortable in bad seas at speeds the RIB gets above 4 metres in length, the ‘V’
up to around 25knots, but here is a down side; at the stern should increase so that the shape

Photo:Paul Lemmer’s Round Britian record breaking hull design shown above

of the hull cuts through the waves as the speed on it goes! There are a great number of RIB owners for their views and if still in doubt as
increases. There is no set angle that is considered manufacturers trying to tell you that their hull whether a hull design is suitable for your needs,
to be the optimum as there are far too many designs are the best and assuming you have why not give the RIB International editorial desk
other imponderables that cloud the issue of hull already decided that you like the look and layout a call to see if they can advise you or supply you
design. As a rule of thumb however, the flatter of a particular RIB, then take it on a test drive with a review from the Magazine’s archive?
the hull, the harder the ride, the deeper the ‘V’ in the environment and conditions you expect PaulLemmer
the smoother the RIB rides at speed but a very to use it. You will soon learn which hulls work Next Issue Part 2 - Expert Info on Hull Design
deep ‘V’ can have certain drawbacks - and so and which do not. Also try speaking to existing from Lorne Campbell and Tony Lee-Elliott.

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