Acid Value 1
Acid Value 1
Acid Value 1
2. Terms / Definitions
The acid value (A.V.) indicates the necessary amount of KOH (in mg) to neutralize the content
of free acids in 1g product.
3. Scope
Dissolve the sample in an appropriate solvent and titrate the present acid with potassium
hydroxide solution.
This absolutely non-specific method is not able to distinguish between mineral acids,
free and bonded fatty acids, or other organic acids.
Therefore this method includes other attendant mineral acids, which can be determined
separately by DGF C-III 14.
4. Interferences
not verified
Solvents: The usually used solvent is a mixture ethanol / toluene (1:1). Other possible solvents
are e.g. ethanol or isopropanol.
Other used solvents has to be documented in an internal working instruction.
Analytical balance
6. Procedure
Regarding sample weight see GM_0001_01
The sample to investigate is to weigh with 0.1 % accuracy in the Erlenmeyer flask.
Add ca. 50 –100 ml of neutralized solvent and dissolve the sample, if necessary, with slight heating.
Avoid boiling.
After adding solution of phenolphtalein, titrate with adjusted potassium hydroxide solution while
constant swirling until the color changes consistently.
7. Calculation
V x 56.1 x N
Acid value [mg KOH/g] = ---------------------
V x MG x N
Free fatty acid [%]= ----------------
10 x E
8. Remarks
Detection of point of change is difficult with dark products, in this cases you can use
thymolphthalein instead of phenolphtalein. Add 0.3 ml to the solution.
For very low acid values it is advantageous to flash the flask with nitrogen.
9. Changes
considered other solvents and alkali hydroxide solutions
10. Enforcement
B-CS P (QKL) / Essen Käseborn 1.11.05 X X X X X
CS P; QKL / Steinau Hr. Kirschner 3.11.05 X X X X X
B-OS P (QKL) / Essen Dr. Weibels 3.11.05 X X X X X
B-CS P (QKL) / Essen Käseborn 7.12.05
2. Terms / Definitions
Not identified.
3. Scope
This method determines the melting point of a product in an open capillary in a water bath.
4. Interferences
Not identified.
6. Procedure
Preparation of glass capillaries:
One end of the capillary is filled in a range of 0.5 - 1 cm with the fatty compound (in liquid state) and
stored for 2 hours at +5°C.
The capillary is fixed with the rubber ring at the thermometer in that way, that the compound column
(lower capillary end) is on the same level as the mercury ball of the thermometer.
Thermometer and capillary should dip so far into the determination bath, that the lower capillary end is
4 cm under the liquid surface.
The determination bath is a heated magnetic stirrer with beaker.
The magnetic stirrer creates an equal temperature distribution.
The bath is tempered in that way, that 10°C under the expected soar melting point the temperature
increases by 1°C per minute.
7. Calculation
The temperature is red off, when the sample becomes liquid and soars in the capillary.
8. Remarks
Not identified.
9. Changes
Replacing analytical method EA.09.01
10. Enforcement
B-CS P (QKL) / Essen Käseborn 02.12.2002 X X X X X
B-CS P (QKL) / Essen Käseborn 02.12.2002 X X X X X
B-CS P (QKL) / Essen Käseborn 02.12.2002
2. Terms / Definitions
The saponification value (S.V.) is a metric for the amount of free and bonded (fatty) acids in a fat (ester),
which can be transferred with lye by saponification in the corresponding soap.
3. Scope
The sample to investigate is saponified with an excess of ethanolic potassium hydroxide solution. After
finished saponification is the remaining excess of potassium hydroxide determined by titration with
hydrochloric acid.
4. Interferences
Hard to saponify products can deliver too low results. As the case may be use method GM_0030_02.
Flat bottom flask (250 ml) / round bottom flask (100ml) / Erlenmeyer flask (300ml) with alkali-resistant ground-
Reflux condenser
Heating device
Analytical balance
Pipettes, 25 ml
Burette, 50 ml, scale 0.1 ml
Boiling stones
6. Procedure
Considering the supposed saponification value (see GM_0001_01) weigh a certain amount of ca. 2 g of
the sample to investigate in an appropriate flask with +/- 0.005 g accuracy. Add 25 ml 0.5 n ethanolic
potassium hydroxide solution. Put some boiling stones in the flask, connect with the reflux condenser
and heat with light boiling for 60 minutes. Swirl from time to time.
After that flash condenser with a small amount of ethanol.
Some drops of phenolphthalein solution are added to the saponified hot solution. Then titrate with 0.5 n
hydrochloric acid until color changing.
Conduct a blind test under same conditions without sample.
7. Calculation
The saponification value is calculated considering the consummated 0.5 n hydrochloric acid in main and
blind test and the sample weight.
(b-a) * 28.05
S.A. ( mg KOH / g ) =
8. Remarks
The titration can be processed in a titration apparatus with potentiometric dead stop determination as
9. Changes
10. Enforcement
B-CS P (QKL) / Essen Käseborn 10.01.05 X X X X X
B-OS P (QKL) / Essen Dr. Weibels 10.01.05 X X X X X
B-CS P (QKL) / Essen Käseborn 10.01.05